Word: Definition of the word: Example: Meaning: Surf noun My brother plays Surfing drive Verb My sister drives a Mercedes he mass or line of foam formed by waves breaking on a seashore or reef. operate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle. salesperson noun The paper company has the best sales representative a person whose job is to sell a product or service in a given territory, in a store, or by telephone Write Verb I Write my homework mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement. Beach noun The Pacific ocean is largest ocean strip of land covered with sand, shingle, or small stones at the edge of a body of water, especially by the sea between high- a island noun In Indonesia there is the island of Bali a piece of land surrounded by water. draw noun I draw in my free time an act of selecting names randomly to decide winners in a lottery, opponents in a sporting contest, etc. sea noun The Red Sea is located in Saudi Arabia the expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its land masses. bad room noun My bedroom overlooks the sea a room used primarily for sleeping. Noun My teacher teaches me history a person who teaches, especially in a school Teacher