Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VI- Western Visayas Division of Antique District of Bugasong NORTHERN BUGASONG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL – ANNEX Pangalcagan, Bugasong, Antique LESSON PLAN IN TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION COMPUTER GRADE 7 (FIRST QUARTER) Date: ____________________ I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to: A. Identify the different components of the computer B. Observe strictly in a class discussion; C. Take and pass the given test with a mastery level of 75%. II. SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Components of the computer B. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, chalk, chalkboard and pictures C. References: Learning ICT for Everyday Life by Freddie V. Avendaño (Author) and Juvyleen V. Obispo (Contributor) Group (page: 2 - 12) D. Value Integration: Understanding E. Subject Integration: Mathematics, Values III. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity A. ACTIVITY 1. Prayer 2. Checking of Attendance Students will stand for a prayer Class monitor will check the attendance Good afternoon class! Good afternoon Mrs. Bandoja! Are you ready for your new lesson? Yes, Ma’am! 3. Motivation A. Are you familiar to a computer? Answers may vary B. The Teacher will show to the students the different components of a computer. Keyboard Mouse Joystick Scanner Web Camera Monitor Printer Speaker Hard disk Floppy disk Compact disk USB Flash drive Headphone In the different pictures that I’ve shown to you, what should be our topic for today? Very Good! Our topic for today Ma’am is about the different component of the computer. B. ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION Using PowerPoint Presentation (ICT) Introduction: The role of computer in the modern days is becoming more extensive and important. With that, even young individuals are encouraging to learn about the computer and its system. This lesson will help you learn the characteristics, components, basic parts and the common peripheral devices used in a A computer is an electronic device that can computer system. store, accept, process and work with large Do you have any idea what is computer? amounts of information or data Very Good! Any idea what is data? DATA – computer information which enters Answers may vary Correct! Where do you think we can use our computer? We can use our computer in our schooling especially in searching our projects and assignments. In business like online business and etc. But computer have three fundamental components that are responsible for its entire operation. First is the Software, second, Hardware and the third one is peopleware. Again, how many fundamental components that are responsible for the entire operation of a computer? (Mathematics) And what are those? Correct! Do you know what is a software? Software refers to the programs and instructions stored in the computer system. It also refers as an intangible parts of a computer. There are three fundamentals ma’am. Software, Hardware and peopleware. Answers may vary Answers may vary the Do you know what is intangible? Intangible means you can see but you An example of a software are word cannot touch. (Literacy) processing, spreadsheet, and presentation What do you think is an example of your program. software? Correct! Do you understand now what is software? Now, how about hardware? This is the reciprocal of your software. Anyone? Hardware refers to the tangible materials or devices. Like what? Like the monitor, keyboard, CPU casing. And the last component is what? Very good. Peopleware refers to a person who uses and manipulates the computer program and devices. Any question? If there’s none, we will proceed to the Basic parts of a Computer. Every parts of a computer are important because every parts have an important role in a computer in its operation. Input devices tells the computer what to do. Just like your keyboard, Mouse, Joystick scanner and web camera. (Teacher will show picture of a Keyboard) What do you think keyboard is resemble? Correct! Keyboard has keys printed with letters and symbols which enable the user to transfer information or data into the computer. (Teacher will show picture of a mouse) How about a device used to pointing and selecting commands? It has a tail similar to the mouse. Buttons, or sometimes a scroll, is found on its surface. Using this means to communicate or tell the computer what it needs to do. Very good! Another part is a joystick, where do you think it is used? (Teacher will show picture of a Joystick) Joystick is a controller commonly used when playing computer games. Its function is similar with mouse and is sometimes use as replacement. (Teacher will show picture of a scanner) How about scanner? (Let the students read the text in the screen) (Teacher will show picture of a web camera) Yes, Ma’am! Answers may vary Answers may vary Peopleware No, Ma’am! Keyboard is resembling in a typical typewriter. Ma’am it’s a Mouse Answers may vary Scanner is capable of transferring hard copy of material into a soft copy, which is readily accepted by the computer. One future of this device is that it can produce an exact copy of any scanned material. Web camera used when communicating with other people who are connected to a network. And the last input device is your scanner. It transfers hard copy of material into a soft copy. It can produce an exact copy of any scanned material. Do you understand the function of the different input devices? Any question? Again, what are the example of your input devices? Ok, now, let’s proceed to output devices. Output devices shows what the computer is doing. Like what? (Teacher will show picture of a monitor) Like your monitor that displays a working window that all your messages, information, and application are flashed and seen on the monitor screen. Where do you think your monitor feature similar? Yes, it is correct! (Teacher will show picture of a speaker) This speaker is use for what? Very good. Another output device is your printer; it is an exact opposite of scanner in terms of function. It transforms hard copies into soft copies. (Teacher will show picture of a printer) The last output device is your headphone. (Teacher will show picture of a headphone) Your headphone/s is similar in what output device? Why? Yes, Ma’am! No, Ma’am! Keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner and web camera. Answers may vary. Ma’am I think it is similar to a television. It is like the stereo speaker that produce sound from the computer. It is similar to the speaker Ma’am. Because it also creates sounds from the computer. Brilliant! They both produce sound but headphone What’s the difference between the Ma’am is worn on ears which limit only in one speaker and a headphone? person to hear the sound. Very well said! No Ma’am! Any question class? No Ma’am! Clarification? If you don’t have question let’s proceed to the storage devices of a computer. Storage devices where you can save data and programs in the computer. Answers may vary Can you give an example of a storage devices? One of the storage device is the hard disk. (Teacher will show picture of a hard disk) Wherein operating system is located. Files inside the computer are permanently stored in this device. Another is a floppy disk (Teacher will show picture of a floppy disk). It carries limited It is a CD Ma’am amount of space for a transferred files or data. (Teacher will show picture of a compact disk). What do you think is this device? Anyone? Yes, this is a Compact disk, it permanently stores data and can usually hold 700 mb. The last storage device is USB Flash drive. (Teacher will show picture of a USB flash drive). It can store gigabytes capacity like hard disk but it is the most portable and durable among the storage devices. C. ABSTRACTION 1. What is computer? 2. What are the components of computer? 3. Why peopleware important? 4. What are parts of computer? 5. Why computer is important? 6. Do you think using computers are advantageous? Why or Why not? (Values) 7. Do you think it is necessary for computers to have storage device? Why? D. APPLICATION In no less than 100 words, describe how computer technology affects people’s life. Write your output in a ½ sheet of paper. E. ASESSMENT/ EVALUATION Direction: Classify the following computer parts. Write I for input, O for output, and S for storage device. (Students’ will write their output in their test notebook) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Scanner Headphones Hard disk Keyboard Floppy disk 6. Printer 7. Mouse 8. Speakers 9. Flash drive 10. Joystick F. ASSIGNMENT What are the advantages disadvantages of using computer? Write in a ½ crosswise. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I O S I S 6. O 7. I 8. O 9. S 10. I and Prepared by: MRS. ROCHE N. BANDOJA Teacher I Observed by: MR. ARNULFO V. AYAO Head Teacher III/TIC