Uploaded by Nyabenda Fidele

Final Report Specifications for Students

Specifications for students to prepare the final report
Writing a bibliographie
A bibliography is an alphabetical list of all the resources that you have used in a piece of writing
Resources should include:
1. Book -Record the authors title, edition, series, bibliography address (city, editor, and date of
2. An interview- record the name the address and the function of the poem
3. An experiment- record the apparatus and circumstances
4. A work art- record the name of the artist other references such as the location of a gallery or
5. Internet site- record the address the name of the author and the date of publication
Preparing a report
Formats to consider
Written report (PDF)
Video recording (MP4)
Video recording (MP4) with supporting written report (PDF)
Make sure:
The formats will best allow you to express your idea clearly
The formats will best allow you to show the evidence and supporting example clearly
The maximum length of students submissions
Recording (video or audio)
15 pages
No recording
14 pages
13 pages
1 min
2 min
12 pages
3 min
11 pages
4 min
10 pages
5 min
9 pages
6 min
8 pages
7 min
7 pages
8 min
6 pages
9 min
5 pages
10 min
Further specification to consider when preparing the document and recording
1. To ensure that the written part of the report is clearly legible, each page must have a
- 11 point font size
- 2 cm margins
2. Where a spoken report is submitted the only evidence that will be considered for
assessment is the audio it self plus any supporting pages of documents visual aids (such as
power point slide) may be used to support a spoken presentation, but the will not be
considered as a constituent part of the submissions for assessment purposes.
3. Evidence presented in image must be clearly visible at the size submitted.
4. The bibliography is uploaded separately and is not included in the page limit.
5. Please do not include a title page if include, it count toward the pages limit.