CHALLENGES EXPERIENCED AMONG SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS A Thesis Proposal Presented to the Graduate School of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology, Butuan City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts on Education Lovely T. Paraiso February 2025 Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Introduction Senior High School (SHS) is a critical phase that helps students prepare for their next steps in life, whether they plan to pursue higher education or enter the workforce. According to the Department of Education (2021), this stage equips learners with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen paths. However, the journey is not without challenges. SHS students often face difficulties that can affect their academic performance, emotional well-being, and overall readiness for the future (World Health Organization, 2022). This study focuses on the unique challenges experienced by SHS students at Vinapor National High School, aiming to explore insights that can guide educators, administrators, and relevant stakeholders in creating meaningful interventions and support systems. By addressing these challenges, the study aspires to contribute to the overall success and well-being of SHS learners in this specific context. `This study is grounded in Republic Act No. 10533, also known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (Republic of the Philippines, 2013). This law restructured the Philippine basic education system by adding two years of Senior High School to ensure students receive quality and relevant education. The law emphasizes the importance of preparing learners for lifelong learning, employability, and adaptability in a rapidly changing world. By examining the challenges faced by SHS students at Vinapor National High School, this research aligns with the objectives of the law and seeks to enhance educational programs to better address the specific needs of these learners. In doing so, it supports the vision of RA 10533 to provide every Filipino student with an education that sets them up for a successful future. All over the world, studies show that senior high school students face many challenges. In the United States, for example, students often deal with stress from schoolwork, emotional struggles, and mental health issues (Twenge, 2021; American Psychological Association, 2022). Most of the research looks at large groups of students from across the country, giving us a general idea of what challenges many students face. However, these studies don’t always focus on the experiences of students in smaller or less-equipped schools. In places like Singapore and China, research has also shown that pressure from exams and academic competition adds to students' stress (Cheung & Lau, 2020; Lee & Lim, 2022). However, we still need more studies that explore how these challenges mix with things like culture and emotional growth in these countries. This study aims to take a closer look at the challenges faced by senior high school students in a specific place—Vinapor National High School. While international studies help us understand common trends, they don’t always show the full picture of what it’s like for students in one particular school. This research will focus on the experiences of students at Vinapor National High School, looking at how different factors—like their personal life, the school environment, and the community—affect their challenges. In the Philippines, research on senior high school students often looks at academic performance, access to education, and how the new K-12 system is working (Department of Education, 2021). While this gives us useful information, it doesn’t always look at the specific struggles that students in different schools’ face. Studies in cities, for example, might not capture the challenges that students in rural areas or smaller schools like Vinapor National High School experience. Also, there’s not enough research about how things like family background, culture, and the community affect students’ well-being and success in school. This study aims to fill these gaps by focusing on the challenges faced by senior high school students at Vinapor National High School. By looking closely at this school, we can learn how things like family background, community support, and access to resources impact students’ experiences. We will also explore how the school itself influences these challenges. The goal of this research is to provide teachers, school leaders, and decision-makers with the information they need to create better solutions and support systems for the students at Vinapor National High School. By understanding their needs, we can help these students succeed in a way that works best for them. This study is important for a number of reasons. First, understanding the challenges faced by senior high school students at Vinapor National High School is key to supporting their overall growth and helping them move successfully to the next stage in their lives. By identifying these challenges, the school can put in place helpful programs, such as extra academic support, mental health counseling, and career guidance, to improve student success and well-being. Second, the results of this study will give educators, school leaders, and decision-makers a better understanding of what students experience in the specific setting of Vinapor National High School. These insights can help create better and more responsive education programs that meet the needs and goals of the students. Ultimately, this research aims to help students at Vinapor National High School face their challenges, achieve their goals, and grow into responsible and productive members of society in the Philippines. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework This study is based on Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory (1979), which explains how a person’s growth is influenced by different layers of their environment. The theory suggests that people live within a network of interconnected environments. These range from the closest ones, like family and school (microsystem), to broader influences, like cultural beliefs and government policies (macrosystem). This theory is useful for understanding how different factors—such as family relationships, the school environment, community support, and societal expectations—affect senior high school students at Vinapor National High School. It helps explain how these factors work together to shape students’ academic success, emotional health, and overall growth. Other studies have also used this theory to understand the challenges young people face. For example, Vélez-Agosto et al. (2017) studied how family, school, and community influence the academic performance of Latino teenagers. Bornstein et al. (2021) used this framework to look at how a family’s income and environment affect child development in different cultures. Wang et al. (2020) applied the theory to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted different parts of young people’s lives, including their mental health and well-being. This study builds on these examples by using the same theory to explore the unique experiences of students at Vinapor National High School. Challenges Experienced Coping Mechanisms Academic Challenges Socio-emotional Problem-focused Challenges Emotional-focused Family and Socioeconomic Challenges Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the challenges experienced by Senior High School students at Vinapor National High School, School Year 2024-2025. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What are the challenges experienced by Senior High School students at Vinapor National High School in terms of: 1.1. Academic Challenges 1.2. Socio-emotional Challenges 1.3. Family and Socio-economic Challenges 2. What are the coping mechanisms utilized by Senior High School students at Vinapor National High School to address these challenges? 2.1. Problem-focused coping mechanisms 2.2. Emotional-focused coping mechanisms 3. Which among the coping mechanisms is most or least adopted by the students at Vinapor National High School? 4. What recommendations can be proposed to address the challenges experienced by Senior High School students at Vinapor National High School? Significance of the Study The result of the study will be beneficial to the following: Teachers. This study will give teachers a clearer picture of what students at Vinapor National High School are going through. This will help them create programs like tutoring, counseling, and career guidance to better support students, improve how lessons are taught and how classrooms are managed, and build a school environment where students feel safe, supported, and included. Parents and Guardians. The study will help parents and guardians understand the challenges their children face at school and the resources available to help them. With this knowledge, parents can offer emotional support, better understand their children’s experiences, and work with the school to meet their needs. Students. This study will help students understand the challenges they face and the support systems available to them. With this information, they can learn how to deal with these challenges better and know where to turn for help when needed. Future Researchers. This study can serve as a starting point for others who want to study the challenges and well-being of senior high school students. It can inspire similar studies in other schools or deeper research into specific problems students face. Definition of Terms To have a better understanding of the words and phrases used in this study, the following are defined operationally. Challenges. Refer to the difficulties or obstacles encountered by students in their academic, social, emotional, or personal experiences within the school setting. In this study, challenges are identified as factors that may hinder students’ academic performance, well-being, or overall development. Experienced. Refers to the students’ direct encounter with or perception of challenges in their school life. In this research, it is measured through tools such as surveys, interviews, and observations to gain insights into the nature and impact of these challenges. Senior High School Students. Defined as learners enrolled in Grades 11 and 12 at Vinapor National High School. These students are part of the K-12 program and are transitioning toward higher education, employment, or other postsecondary pathways.