DESIGN CALCULATION REPORT OF SHADE STRUCTURE SS5 DESIGN CALCULATION FOR SHADE STRUCTURE 1.1 INTRODUCTION This document provides design calculation for Shade structure. The hollow section beams are welded as frame and supported by steel column. 1.2 CODES & SPECIFICATION AISC 360 - LRFD Specification for structural steel buildings ASCE 07 -05 Minimum Design loads for buildings and other structures 1.3 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Grade of Steel :S275JR. Grade of Erection Bolts : Gr 8.8 Grade of Anchor bolts : Gr 8.8 Grade of Concrete : C40 1.4 SOFTWARE USED Staad Pro V8i - Series 5 Mathcad 1.5 LOAD CALCULATION Dead Load The dead load includes self weight of the members. Self weight is directly applied by staad command. Weight of the alminium sheet (3mm) ⎛ kg ⎞ ⋅ g⎟ WDL ≔ 8.2 ⎜―― 2 ⎝m ⎠ kN WDL = 0.08 ―― 2 m Live Load The dead load includes self weight of the members. Self weight is directly applied by staad command. Live load kN WLL ≔ 0.58 ―― 2 m Wind Load Basic Wind speed m Vb ≔ 45 ― s Factors KZ ≔ 0.85 Importance factor I≔1 Dynamic pressure qh ≔ k KZ ⋅ KZt ⋅ Kd ⋅ Vb ⋅ I Gust factor G ≔ 0.85 Shielding factor μ ≔ 0.75 Net Pressure Coefficient for 0 deg Cn1 ≔ -1.1 (From Fig 27.4-4 for mono slope roofs) Net Pressure Coefficient for 90 deg Cn2 ≔ -1.1 (From Fig 27.4-4 for mono slope roofs) KZt ≔ 1 Kd ≔ 0.85 2 k ≔ 0.613 kN qh = 0.9 ―― 2 m Wind load on the beam from 0 deg wind Wwl ≔ G ⋅ Cn1 ⋅ qh ⋅ μ Wind load on the beam from 90 deg wind Wwl ≔ G ⋅ Cn2 ⋅ qh ⋅ μ Pressure Coefficient for individual member Cf ≔ 2 Wind load on the columns from 0 deg wind Wwc ≔ G ⋅ Cf ⋅ qh ⋅ 219 mm Wind load on the columns from 90 deg wind Wwc ≔ G ⋅ Cf ⋅ qh ⋅ 219 mm kN Wwl = -0.63 ―― 2 m kN Wwl = -0.63 ―― 2 m kN Wwc = 0.33 ―― m kN Wwc = 0.33 ―― m 1.7 Load Combinations ULS 1.4DL 1.2DL + 1.6LL 1.2DL + 1.6LL+0.8WL 1.2DL + 1.6WL + 0.5LL 0.9DL + 1.6WL SLS 1.0DL 1.0DL + 1.0LL 1.0DL+0.75LL+0.75WL 0.6DL + 1.0WL 1.8 Conclusion The shade structure is modelled in staad pro and above mentioned loads and load combinations are applied. The analysis and design is done complying to the codal requirements and found to be safe. Staad input and output reports are attached herewith. of 300 lb (1.33 kN), and shall be applied at any point to produce the maximum load effect on the element being considered. The number and position of additional concentrated live load units shall be a minimum of 1 unit of 300 lb (1.33 kN) for every 10 ft (3,048 mm) of ladder height. Where rails of fixed ladders extend above a floor or platform at the top of the ladder, each side rail extension shall be designed to resist a concentrated live load of 100 lb (0.445 kN) in any direction at any height up to the top of the side rail extension. Ship ladders with treads instead of rungs shall have minimum design loads as stairs, defined in Table 4-1. where L = reduced design live load per ft2 (m2) of area supported by the member L , = unreduced design live load per ft2 (m2) of area supported by the member (see Table 4-1) KLL= live load element factor (see Table 4-2) AT = tributary area in ft2 (m2) L shall not be less than 0.50L,, for members supporting one floor and L shall not be less than 0.40L,, for members supporting two or more floors. 4.8.2 Heavy Live Loads. Live loads that exceed 100 lb/ft2 (4.79 kN/m2) shall not be reduced. 4.5 LOADS NOT SPECIFIED For occupancies or uses not designated in Sections 4.2 or 4.3, the live load shall be determined in accordance with a method approved by the authority having jurisdiction. 4.6 PARTIAL LOADING The full intensity of the appropriately reduced live load applied only to a portion of a structure or member shall be accounted for if it produces a more unfavorable effect than the same intensity applied over the full structure or member. Roof live loads are to be distributed as specified in Table 4-1. 4.7 IMPACT LOADS The live loads specified in Sections 4.2.1 and 4.4.2 shall be assumed to include adequate allowance for ordinary impact conditions. Provision shall be made in the structural design for uses and loads that involve unusual vibration and impact forces. 4.7.1 Elevators. All elevator loads shall be increased by 100 percent for impact and the structural supports shall be designed within the limits of deflection prescribed by ANSI A17.2 and ANSIIASME A17.1. 4.7.2 Machinery. For the purpose of design, the weight of machinery and moving loads shall be increased as follows to allow for impact: (I) elevator machinery, 100 percent; (2) light machinery, shaft- or motor-driven, 20 percent; (3) reciprocating machinery or power-driven units, 50 percent; and (4) hangers for floors or balconies, 33 percent. All percentages shall be increased where specified by the manufacturer. 4.8 REDUCTION IN LlVE LOADS I Except for roof uniform live loads, all other minimum uniformly distributed live loads, L , in Table 4-1, may be reduced according to the following provisions. EXCEPTION: Live loads for members supporting two or more floors may be reduced by 20 percent. 4.8.3 Passenger Car Garages. The live loads shall not be reduced in passenger car garages. EXCEPTION: Live loads for members supporting two or more floors may be reduced by 20 percent. 4.8.4 Special Occupancies. Live loads of 100 lb/ft2 (4.79 kN/ m2) or less shall not be reduced in public assembly occupancies. 4.8.5 Limitations on One-Way Slabs. The tributary area, AT, for one-way slabs shall not exceed an area defined by the slab span times a width normal to the span of 1.5 times the slab span. 4.9 REDUCTION IN ROOF LlVE LOADS The minimum uniformly distributed roof live loads, L , in Table 4-1, are permitted to be reduced according to the following provisions. 4.9.1 Flat, Pitched, and Curved Roofs. Ordinary flat, pitched, and curved roofs are permitted to be designed for a reduced roof live load, as specified in Eq. 4-2 or other controlling combinations of loads, as discussed in Chapter 2, whichever produces the greater load. In structures such as greenhouses, where special scaffolding is used as a work surface for workmen and materials during maintenance and repair operations, a lower roof load than specified in Eq. 4-2 shall not be used unless approved by the authority having jurisdiction. On such structures, the minimum roof live load shall be 12 psf (0.58 kNlm2). In SI: L, = L , R l Rz where 0.58 5 L, 5 0.96 where L, = reduced roof live load per ft2 (m2) of horizontal projection in pounds per ft2 (kNlm2) The reduction factors R 1 and R2 shall be determined as follows: 4.8.1 General. Subject to the limitations of Sections 4.8.2 through 4.8.5, members for which a value of KLLATis 400 ft2 (37.16 m2) or more are permitted to be designed for a reduced live load in accordance with the following formula: 1 for A, 5 200 ft2 0.6 for A, 1 600 ft2 1 for A, 5 18.58 m2 In SI: In SI: R1 = 1.2 0.6 - O.O1lAt for 18.58m2 < A, < 55.74m2 for A, 2 55.74m2 ASCE 7-05 I Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients, Kh and K, Table 6-3 I I Notes: 1. Case 1: a. All components and cladding. b. Main wind force resisting system in low-rise buildings designed using Figure 6- 10. Case 2: a. All main wind force resisting systems in buildings except those in low-rise buildings designed using Figure 6-10. b. All main wind force resisting systems in other structures. 2. The velocity pressure exposure coefficient K, may be determined from the following formula: For 15 ft. 5 z 5 z, F o r z < 15 ft. K, = 2.0 1 ( Z / Z , ) ~ / ~ K, = 2.01 ( 1 . 5 1 ~ ~ ) ~ ~ " Note: z shall not be talcen less than 30 feet for Case 1 in exposure B. 3. a and z, are tabulated in Table 6-2. 4. Linear interpolation for intermediate values of height z is acceptable. 5. Exposure categories are defined in 6.5.6. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 79 EXCEPTION: For buildings whose mean roof height is less than or equal to 30 ft, the upwind distance may be reduced to 1,500 ft (457 m). Exposure C: Exposure C shall apply for all cases where Exposures B or D do not apply. Exposure D: Exposure D shall apply where the ground surface roughness, as defined by Surface Roughness D, prevails in the upwind direction for a distance greater than 5,000 ft (1,524 m) or 20 times the building height, whichever is greater. Exposure Dshall extend into downwind areas of Surface Roughness B or C for a distance of 600 ft (200 m) or 20 times the height of the building, whichever is greater. For a site located in the transition zone between exposure categories, the category resulting in the largest wind forces shall be used. EXCEPTION: An intermediate exposure between the preceding categories is pennitted in a transition zone provided that it is detennined by a rational analysis method defined in the recognized literature. 4. HILj, 2 0.2. 5. H is greater than or equal to 15 ft (4.5 m) for Exposures C and D and 60 ft (18 m) for Exposure B. Topographic Factor. The wind speed-up effect shall be included in the calculation of design wind loads by using the factor K,,: where K I , K2, and K3 are given in Fig. 6-4. If site conditions and locations of structures do not meet all the conditions specified in Section then K, = 1.0. 6.5.8 Gust Effect Factor. Rigid Structures. For rigid structures as defined in Section 6.2, the gust-effect factor shall be taken as 0.85 or calculated by the formula: Exposure Category for Main Wind-Force Resisting System. Buildings and Other Structures. For each wind direction considered, wind loads for the design of the MWFRS determined from Fig. 6-6 shall be based on the exposure categories defined in Section Low-Rise Buildings. Wind loads for the design of the MWFRSs for low-rise buildings shall be determined using a velocity pressure qj, based on the exposure resulting in the highest wind loads for any wind direction at the site where external pressure coefficients GCPj given in Fig. 6-10 are used. I Exposure Category for Components and Cladding. Components and cladding design pressures for all buildings and other structures shall be based on the exposure resulting in the highest wind loads for any direction at the site. Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient. Based on the exposure category determined in Section, a velocity pressure exposure coefficient K, or Kj,, as applicable, shall be determined from Table 6-3. For a site located in a transition zone between exposure categories, that is, near to a change in ground surface roughness, intermediate values of K, or Kj,, between those shown in Table 6-3, are permitted, provided that they are determined by a rational analysis method defined in the recognized literature. 6.5.7 Topographic Effects. Wind Speed-Up over Hills, Ridges, and Escarpments. Wind speed-up effects at isolated hills, ridges, and escarpments constituting abrupt changes in the general topography, located in any exposure category, shall be included in the design when buildings and other site conditions and locations of structures meet all of the following conditions: where I: = the intensity of turbulence at height 7 where 7 = the equivalent height of the structure defined as 0.6h, but not less than z,,, for all building heights h. z,,, and c are listed for each exposure in Table 6-2; g g and g , shall be taken as 3.4. The background response Q is given by where B, h are defined in Section 6.3; and L: = the integral length scale of turbulence at the equivalent height given by InSI: L: = l (fo)? in which ! and C are constants listed in Table 6-2. Flexible or Dynamically Sensitive Structures. Forflexible or dynamically sensitive structures as defined in Section 6.2, the gust-effect factor shall be calculated by G j = 0.925 (6-8) / 1. The hill, ridge, or escarpment is isolated and unobstructed upwind by other similar topographic features of comparable height for 100 times the height of the topographic feature (100H) or 2 mi (3.22 km), whichever is less. This distance shall be measured horizontally from the point at which the height H of the hill, ridge, or escarpment is determined. 2. The hill, ridge, or escarpment protrudes above the height of upwind terrain features within a 2-mi (3.22 km) radius in any quadrant by a factor of two or more. 3. The structure is located as shown in Fig. 6-4 in the upper one-half of a hill or ridge or near the crest of an escarpment. g g and g , shall be taken as 3.4 and g ~ is given by R , the resonant response factor, is given by R = / $ i i E z l (6- 10) (6- 11) ASCE 7-05 Wind Directionality Factor, Kd Table 6-4 I Structure Type I Directionality Factor Kd* Buildings Main Wind Force Resisting System Components and Cladding 0.85 0.85 Arched Roofs 0.85 Chimneys, Tanks, and Similar Structures Square Hexagonal Round 0.90 0.95 0.95 Solid Signs 0.85 Open Signs and Lattice Framework 0.85 Trussed Towers Triangular, square, rectangular All other cross sections 0.85 0.95 "Directionality Factor Kd has been calibrated with combinations of loads specified in Section 2. This factor shall only be applied when used in conjunction with load combinations specified in 2.3 and 2.4. ASCE 7-05 6.5.10 Velocity Pressure. Velocity pressure, q,, evaluated at height z shall be calculated by the following equation: q, = o . o o ~ ~ ~ K , K , ~ K (lb/ft2) ~v~I (6-15) [In SI: q, = o . ~ ~ ~ K , K , , K (~~v/ m ~ 'I) ;V in m/s] where the subscript L in Eq. 6-13 shall be taken as h, B, and L, respectively, where h, B, and L are defined in Section 6.3. n 1 = building natural frequency Rt = Rj, setting q = 4.6nlh/& Rr = Rs setting q = 4 . 6 n l ~ ~ / & Re = RL setting 11 = 1 5 . 4 n l ~ / K = damping ratio, percent of critical V: = mean hourly wind speed (ft/s) at height i determined from Eq. 6- 14. where Kd is the wind directionality factor defined in Section, K, is the velocity pressure exposure coefficient defined in Section, K,, is the topographic factor defined in Section, and qj, is the velocity pressure calculated using Eq. 6-15 at mean roof height h. The numerical coefficient 0.00256 (0.613 in SI) shall be used except where sufficient climatic data are available to justify the selection of a different value of this factor for a design application. 6.5.11 Pressure and Force Coefficients. Internal Pressure Coefficient. Internal pressure coefficients, GCp;, shall be determined from Fig. 6-5 based on building enclosure classifications determined from Section 6.5.9. Reduction Factor for Large Volume Buildings, Ri.For a partially enclosed building containing a single, unpartitioned large volume, the internal pressure coefficient, GCp,, shall be multiplied by the following reduction factor, R, : where h and 6 are constants listed in Table 6-2 and V is the basic wind speed in mi/h. Rational Analysis. In lieu of the procedure defined in Sections and, determination of the gust-effect factor by any rational analysis defined in the recognized literature is permitted. Limitations. Where combined gust-effect factors and pressure coefficients (GCp, GCpi, and GCpj) are given in figures and tables, the gust-effect factor shall not be determined separately. 6.5.9 Enclosure Classifications. General. For the purpose of determining internal pressure coefficients, all buildings shall be classified as enclosed, partially enclosed, or open as defined in Section 6.2. Openings. A determination shall be made of the amount of openings in the building envelope to determine the enclosure classification as defined in Section Wind-Borne Debris. Glazing in buildings located in wind-borne debris regions shall be protected with an impactresistant covering or be impact-resistant glazing according to the requirements specified in ASTM El886 and ASTM El996 or other approved test methods and performance criteria. The levels of impact resistance shall be a function of Missile Levels and Wind Zones specified in ASTM El886 and ASTM E1996. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Glazing in Category 11,111,or IV buildings located over 60 ft (18.3 m) above the ground and over 30 ft (9.2 m) above aggregate surface roofs located within 1,500 ft (458 m) of the building shall be pennitted to be unprotected. 2. Glazing in Category I buildings shall be pennitted to be unprotected. Multiple Classifications. If a building by definition complies with both the "open" and "partially enclosed" definitions, it shall be classified as an "open" building. A building that does not comply with either the "open" or "partially enclosed" definitions shall be classified as an "enclosed" building. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures where AOx = total area of openings in the building envelope (walls and roof, in ft2) V; = unpartitioned internal volume, in ft3 External Pressure Coefficients. Main Wind-Force Resisting Systems. External pressure coefficients for MWFRSs Cp are given in Figs. 6-6, 6-7, and 6-8. Combined gust effect factor and external pressure coefficients, GCpj, are given in Fig. 6-10 for low-rise buildings. The pressure coefficient values and gust effect factor in Fig. 6- 10 shall not be separated. Components and Cladding. Combined gusteffect factor and external pressure coefficients for components and cladding GCp are given in Figs. 6- 11 through 6- 17. The pressure coefficient values and gust-effect factor shall not be separated. Force Coefficients. Force coefficients C are given in Figs. 6-20 through 6-23. Roof Overhangs. Main Wind-Force Resisting System. Roof overhangs shall be designed for a positive pressure on the bottom surface of windward roof overhangs corresponding to Cq = 0.8 in combination with the pressures determined from using Figs. 6-6 and 6-10. Components and Cladding. For all buildings, roof overhangs shall be designed for pressures determined from pressure coefficients given in Figs. 6-1 lB,C,D. Parapets. Main Wind-Force Resisting System. The pressure coefficients for the effect of parapets on the MWFRS loads are given in Section I Importance Factor, 1 (Wind Loads) I Table 6-1 Category Non-Hurricane Prone Regions and Hurricane Prone Regions with V = 85-100 mph and Alaska Hurricane Prone Regions with V > 100 mph 1 0.87 0.77 11 1.oo 1.oo 111 1.15 1.15 1V 1.15 1.15 Note: 1. The building and structure classification categories are listed in Table 1-1. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures ASCE 7-05 Other Structures - Method 2 Figure 6-22 Force Coefficients, Cf All Heights I Open Signs & Lattice Frameworks Rounded Members E F"t-Sided Members r."--- U%/q,5 2.5 (D &L 5 5.3) D& > 2.5 (D &L > 5.3) < 0.1 2.0 I .2 0.8 0.1 to 0.29 1.8 1.3 0.9 0.3 to 0.7 1.4 1.5 1.1 Notcs: 1 . Signs with openings comprising 30% or more of the gross area are classified as open signs. 2. The calculation of the design wind forces shall be based on the area of all exposed members and elements projected on a plane normal to the wind direction. Forces shall be assumed to act parallel to the wind direction. 3. The area Afconsistent with these force coefficients is Ihe solid area projected normal to the wind direction. 4. Notation: E : ratio of solid area to gross area; D: diameter of a typical round member, in feet (meters); q,: velocity pressure evaluated at height z above ground in pounds per square foot (N/m2). Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures Chapter 2 COMBINATIONS OF LOADS 2.1 GENERAL Buildings and other structures shall be designed using the provisions of either Section 2.3 or 2.4. Either Section 2.3 or 2.4 shall be used exclusively for proportioning elements of a particular construction material throughout the structure. 2.2 SYMBOLS AND NOTATION D = dead load D, = weight of ice E = earthquake load F = load due to fluids with well-defined pressures and maximum heights Fa = flood load H = load due to lateral earth pressure, ground water pressure, or pressure of bulk materials L = live load L, = roof live load R = rain load S = snow load T = self-straining force W = wind load W, = wind-on-ice determined in accordance with Chapter 10 2.3 COMBINING FACTORED LOADS USING STRENGTH DESIGN 2.3.1 Applicability. The load combinations and load factors given in Section 2.3.2 shall be used only in those cases in which they are specifically authorized by the applicable material design standard. 2.3.2 Basic Combinations. Structures, components, and foundations shall be designed so that their design strength equals or exceeds the effects of the factored loads in the following combinations: 6. 0.9D 7 . 0.9D Where lateral earth pressure provides resistance to structural actions from other forces, it shall not be included in H but shall be included in the design resistance. 3. In combinations (2), (4), and (5), the companion load S shall be taken as either the flat roof snow load (11j ) or the sloped roof snow load (11,). Each relevant strength - limit state shall be investigated. - Effects of one or more loads not acting shall be investigated. The most unfavorable effects from both wind and earthquake loads shall be investigated, where appropriate, but they need not be considered to act simultaneously. Refer to Section 12.4 for specific definition of the earthquake load effect E.' 2.3.3 Load Combinations Including Flood Load. When a structure is located in a flood zone (Section 5.3.1), the following load combinations shall be considered: I. In V-Zones or Coastal A-Zones, 1.6 W in combinations ( 4 ) and ( 6 ) shall be replaced by 1.6W 2.0Fa. + 2. In noncoastal A-Zones, 1.6W in combinations ( 4 ) and ( 6 ) shall be replaced by 0.8 W 1.OFa. + 2.3.4 Load Combinations Including Atmospheric Ice Loads. When a structure is subjected to atmospheric ice and wind-on-ice loads, the following load combinations shall be considered: 1. 0.5(Lr or S or R ) in combination ( 2 ) shall be replaced by 0.20, 0.5s. + 2. 1.6W + 0.5(Lr or S or R ) in combination ( 4 ) shall be replaced by D; + W; + 0.5s. 3. 1.6 W in combination ( 6 ) shall be replaced by D; + W;. 2.4 COMBINING NOMINAL LOADS USING ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN 2.4.1 Basic Combinations. Loads listed herein shall be considered to act in the following combinations; whichever produces the most unfavorable effect in the building, foundation, or structural member being considered. Effects of one or more loads not acting shall be considered. + 1.6W + 1.6H + 1.OE + 1.6H EXCEPTIONS: 1. The load factor on L in combinations (3), (4), and (5) is permitted to equal 0.5 for all occupancies in which Lo in Table 4-1 is less than or equal to 100 psf, with the exception of garages or areas occupied as places of public assembly. 2. The load factor on H shall be set equal to zero in combinations (6) and (7) if the structural action due to H counteracts that due to W or E. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures ' The same E from Section 12.4 is used for both Sections 2.3.2 and 2.4.1. Refer to the Chapter 11 Commentary for the Seismic Provisions. I Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM PAGE NO. 1 **************************************************** * * * STAAD.Pro V8i SELECTseries5 * * Version * * Proprietary Program of * * Bentley Systems, Inc. * * Date= MAR 6, 2025 * * Time= 19:22:23 * * * * USER ID: Administrator * **************************************************** 1. STAAD SPACE INPUT FILE: SS05-Shade Structure.STD 2. START JOB INFORMATION 3. ENGINEER DATE 29-JUN-20 4. END JOB INFORMATION 5. INPUT WIDTH 79 6. UNIT METER KN 7. JOINT COORDINATES 8. 1 0 -0.65 0; 2 7.725 -0.65 0; 3 0 -1.3 -10.01; 7 1 -0.65 -1; 10 6.725 -0.65 -1. 9. 12 1 -1.3 -6.6; 13 2.5 -1.3 -6.6; 14 1.75 -1.3 -6.6; 15 0 -0.65 -1.9 10. 16 7.725 -0.65 -1.9; 17 6.725 -0.65 -1.9; 18 1 -0.65 -1.9; 21 0 -0.65 -3.6 11. 22 1 -0.65 -3.6; 27 0 -1.3 -5.19; 28 1 -1.3 -5.19; 31 0 -1.3 -5.64 12. 32 1 -1.3 -5.64; 35 5.42777 -1.3 -5.19; 36 4.92103 -1.3 -5.64 13. 37 3.67565 -1.3 -5.64; 38 4.22674 -1.3 -5.19; 43 0 -1.3 -7.34 14. 45 3.23091 -1.3 -7.14087; 46 2.5 -1.3 -5.64; 47 2.5 -0.65 -1.9 15. 48 2.5 -0.65 -1; 52 4.22674 -0.65 -1.9; 53 4.22674 -0.65 -1. 16. 55 4.22674 -0.65 -3.6; 56 6.17391 -0.65 -1.9; 57 6.17391 -0.65 -1. 17. 59 0.50224 -1.3 -9.03135; 60 0.292893 -0.65 -0.292893 18. 61 7.43211 -0.65 -0.292893; 62 6.17391 -0.65 -3.6; 63 7.21826 -0.65 -3.6 19. 64 0 -0.65 -3.15; 65 6.725 -0.65 -3.15; 66 1 -0.65 -3.15; 68 2.5 -0.65 -3.6 20. 69 2.5 -1.3 -5.19; 70 4.22674 -0.65 -3.15; 71 2.5 -0.65 -3.15 21. 72 6.17391 -0.65 -3.15; 73 0 -0.975 -4.395; 74 1 -0.975 -4.395 22. 75 5.20033 -0.975 -4.395; 76 6.32302 -0.975 -4.395; 80 1.75 -0.65 -1. 23. 81 3.36337 -0.65 -1; 82 5.20033 -0.65 -1; 83 1.75 -0.65 0; 84 3.36337 -0.65 0 24. 85 5.20033 -0.65 0; 86 7.3524 -0.65 -3.15; 87 1.08459 -1.3 -7.89661 25. 88 1.65568 -1.3 -8.53971; 89 0 -4.45 -10.01; 90 0 -3.3 0; 91 7.725 -3.3 0 26. MEMBER INCIDENCES 27. 1 1 83; 2 3 43; 4 3 88; 9 7 80; 11 65 17; 13 12 32; 14 65 62; 15 12 14 28. 16 14 13; 17 3 59; 18 7 60; 19 10 61; 20 15 1; 21 16 2; 22 15 18; 23 17 10 29. 24 18 7; 25 17 16; 26 18 47; 27 64 15; 28 66 18; 29 64 66; 31 66 71; 32 21 64 30. 33 22 66; 34 21 22; 35 63 62; 36 22 68; 41 27 28; 43 28 69; 44 31 27; 45 32 28 31. 46 31 32; 48 32 46; 50 36 35; 51 37 13; 52 38 37; 54 38 35; 56 37 36; 63 43 31 32. 64 12 43; 65 13 45; 66 45 36; 67 46 37; 68 13 46; 69 47 52; 70 48 81; 71 47 48 33. 72 71 70; 73 71 47; 74 68 55; 75 68 71; 76 69 38; 77 69 68; 78 46 69; 79 52 56 34. 80 53 82; 81 52 53; 82 70 72; 83 70 52; 84 55 62; 85 55 70; 86 38 55; 87 56 17 35. 88 57 10; 89 56 57; 90 72 65; 91 72 56; 92 62 72; 93 59 87; 94 60 1; 95 61 2 36. 96 16 86; 97 21 73; 98 22 74; 99 62 75; 100 63 76; 101 73 27; 102 74 28 37. 103 75 38; 104 76 35; 105 73 74; 106 75 76; 110 80 48; 111 81 53; 112 82 57 38. 113 83 84; 114 80 83; 115 84 85; 116 81 84; 117 85 2; 118 82 85; 134 86 63 D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 1 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 2 39. 135 65 86; 165 87 14; 166 43 87; 167 88 45; 168 87 88; 169 3 89; 170 1 90 40. 171 2 91 41. ELEMENT INCIDENCES SHELL 42. 123 15 18 7 1; 124 18 47 48 7; 125 47 52 53 48; 126 52 56 57 53 43. 127 56 17 10 57; 128 17 16 2 10; 129 15 64 66 18; 130 18 66 71 47 44. 131 47 71 70 52; 132 52 70 72 56; 133 56 72 65 17; 136 65 86 16 17 45. 137 65 62 63 86; 138 70 55 62 72; 139 71 68 55 70; 141 64 21 22 66 46. 142 21 73 74 22; 143 73 27 28 74; 144 27 31 32 28; 145 31 43 12 32 47. 146 43 3 14 12; 147 14 3 45 13; 148 32 12 13 46; 149 28 32 46 69 48. 150 22 28 69 68; 151 68 69 38 55; 152 75 38 35 76; 153 62 75 76 63 49. 154 69 46 37 38; 155 37 13 45 36; 156 38 37 36 35; 157 55 38 62; 158 72 62 65 50. 159 46 13 37; 160 66 22 68 71; 161 1 7 80 83; 162 83 80 81 84; 163 84 81 82 85 51. 164 85 82 10 2 52. ELEMENT PROPERTY 53. 123 TO 133 136 TO 139 141 TO 164 THICKNESS 0.0003 54. DEFINE MATERIAL START 55. ISOTROPIC STEEL 56. E 2.05E+08 57. POISSON 0.3 58. DENSITY 76.8195 59. ALPHA 1.2E-05 60. DAMP 0.03 61. TYPE STEEL 62. STRENGTH FY 253200 FU 407800 RY 1.5 RT 1.2 63. G 7.88462E+07 64. ISOTROPIC STAINLESSSTEEL 65. E 1.9793E+08 66. POISSON 0.3 67. DENSITY 76.8195 68. ALPHA 1.8E-05 69. DAMP 0.03 70. ISOTROPIC ALUMINUM 71. E 6.89476E+07 72. POISSON 0.33 73. DENSITY 26.6018 74. ALPHA 2.3E-05 75. DAMP 0.03 76. END DEFINE MATERIAL 77. MEMBER PROPERTY EUROPEAN 78. 9 11 13 TO 19 22 TO 26 28 29 31 33 TO 36 41 43 45 46 48 51 52 54 56 64 65 79. 67 TO 95 98 99 102 103 105 106 110 TO 112 114 116 118 135 165 166 80. 168 TABLE ST 100X4SHS 81. 1 2 4 20 21 27 32 44 50 63 66 96 97 100 101 104 113 115 117 134 82. 167 TABLE ST 150X100X6.3RHS 83. 169 TO 171 TABLE ST 219.1X6.3CHS 84. CONSTANTS 85. MATERIAL STEEL MEMB 1 2 4 9 11 13 TO 29 31 TO 36 41 43 TO 46 48 50 TO 52 54 86. 56 63 TO 106 110 TO 118 134 135 165 TO 171 87. MATERIAL ALUMINUM MEMB 123 TO 133 136 TO 139 141 TO 164 88. SUPPORTS 89. 89 TO 91 FIXED 90. MEMBER RELEASE 91. 68 71 73 75 77 78 81 83 85 86 89 91 92 114 116 118 START MX MY MZ 92. 68 71 73 75 77 78 81 83 85 86 89 91 92 114 116 118 END MX MY MZ 93. LOAD 1 LOADTYPE DEAD TITLE DL (SELF-WEIGHT) 94. SELFWEIGHT Y -1.1 D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 2 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 3 95. LOAD 2 LOADTYPE LIVE TITLE LL 96. ELEMENT LOAD 97. 123 TO 133 136 TO 139 141 TO 164 PR GY -0.58 98. LOAD 3 LOADTYPE WIND TITLE WL1 99. ELEMENT LOAD 100. 123 TO 133 136 TO 139 141 TO 164 PR GY 0.76 101. MEMBER LOAD 102. 169 TO 171 UNI GX 0.31 103. LOAD 4 LOADTYPE WIND TITLE WL2 104. ELEMENT LOAD 105. 123 TO 133 136 TO 139 141 TO 164 PR GY 0.76 106. MEMBER LOAD 107. 169 TO 171 UNI GZ 0.31 108. **ULS** 109. LOAD COMB 101 1.4DL 110. 1 1.4 111. LOAD COMB 102 1.2DL+1.6LL 112. 1 1.2 2 1.6 113. LOAD COMB 103 1.2DL+1.0LL+1.6WL1 114. 1 1.2 2 1.0 3 1.6 115. LOAD COMB 104 1.2DL+1.0LL+1.6WL2 116. 1 1.2 2 1.0 4 1.6 117. LOAD COMB 105 1.2DL+0.8WL1 118. 1 1.2 3 0.8 119. LOAD COMB 106 1.2DL+0.8WL2 120. 1 1.2 4 0.8 121. LOAD COMB 107 0.9DL+1.6WL1 122. 1 0.9 3 1.6 123. LOAD COMB 108 0.9DL+1.6WL2 124. 1 0.9 4 1.6 125. **SLS** 126. LOAD COMB 201 1.0DL 127. 1 1.0 128. LOAD COMB 202 1.0DL+1.0LL 129. 1 1.0 2 1.0 130. LOAD COMB 203 1.0DL+0.75LL+0.75WL1 131. 1 1.0 2 0.75 3 0.75 132. LOAD COMB 204 1.0DL+0.75LL+0.75WL2 133. 1 1.0 2 0.75 4 0.75 134. LOAD COMB 205 0.6DL+1.0WL1 135. 1 0.6 3 1.0 136. LOAD COMB 206 0.6DL+1.0WL2 137. 1 0.6 4 1.0 138. LOAD COMB 207 1.0DL+1.0WL1 139. 1 1.0 3 1.0 140. LOAD COMB 208 1.0DL+1.0WL2 141. 1 1.0 4 1.0 142. PERFORM ANALYSIS D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 3 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 4 P R O B L E M S T A T I S T I C S ----------------------------------NUMBER OF JOINTS NUMBER OF PLATES NUMBER OF SURFACES 61 39 0 NUMBER OF MEMBERS NUMBER OF SOLIDS NUMBER OF SUPPORTS 101 0 3 SOLVER USED IS THE IN-CORE ADVANCED SOLVER TOTAL PRIMARY LOAD CASES = TOTAL LOAD COMBINATION CASES = 4, TOTAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 SO FAR. 348 143. DEFINE ENVELOPE 144. 201 TO 208 ENVELOPE 1 TYPE SERVICEABILITY 145. 101 TO 108 ENVELOPE 2 TYPE STRENGTH 146. END DEFINE ENVELOPE 147. PARAMETER 1 148. CODE AISC UNIFIED 2005 149. FYLD 275000 ALL 150. CHECK CODE ALL D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 4 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-05-LRFD) ******************************************** ALL UNITS ARE - KIP MEMBER 5 v3.2a INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ FX MY MZ LOCATION ======================================================================= 1 ST 2 ST 4 ST 9 ST 11 ST 13 ST 14 ST 15 ST 16 ST 17 ST 18 ST TABLE 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 2.91 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.090 -1.88 -23.59 102 68.90 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 3.19 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.607 2.22 191.82 102 0.00 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 2.44 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.708 2.34 224.81 102 0.00 100X4SHS PASS 1.99 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.118 0.21 -12.62 102 29.53 PASS 1.75 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H3-1 0.150 8.41 -6.97 102 0.00 PASS 1.09 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.382 1.29 -44.29 102 37.80 PASS 3.56 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.318 0.05 -35.38 102 0.00 PASS 0.43 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H3-1 0.081 3.76 -3.82 102 0.00 PASS 0.18 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H3-1 0.113 3.74 -7.17 102 0.00 PASS 0.42 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.517 1.12 60.51 102 0.00 PASS 4.34 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.515 0.23 58.20 102 39.37 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 5 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-05-LRFD) ******************************************** ALL UNITS ARE - KIP MEMBER 6 v3.2a INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ FX MY MZ LOCATION ======================================================================= 19 ST 20 ST 21 ST 22 ST 23 ST 24 ST 25 ST 26 ST 27 ST 28 ST 29 ST TABLE 100X4SHS PASS 4.92 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.624 0.89 70.80 102 39.37 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 1.08 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.604 3.61 188.50 102 74.80 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 1.09 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.914 -0.48 292.74 102 74.80 100X4SHS PASS 0.03 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.257 6.01 24.59 102 0.00 PASS 2.37 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.238 -8.53 18.10 102 35.43 PASS 2.57 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.131 3.79 9.97 108 0.00 PASS 0.55 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.264 5.50 25.94 102 39.37 PASS 0.14 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.227 -1.87 -25.13 102 59.06 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 2.34 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.322 -7.31 -91.58 102 0.00 100X4SHS PASS 2.90 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.153 -2.05 14.18 108 49.21 PASS 0.26 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.086 -2.72 7.41 102 39.37 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 6 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-05-LRFD) ******************************************** ALL UNITS ARE - KIP MEMBER 7 v3.2a INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ FX MY MZ LOCATION ======================================================================= 31 ST 32 ST 33 ST 34 ST 35 ST 36 ST 41 ST 43 ST 44 ST 45 ST 46 ST TABLE 100X4SHS PASS 0.25 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.146 -0.79 -16.61 102 59.06 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 2.91 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.461 -18.31 -120.99 102 0.00 100X4SHS PASS 3.77 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.215 -1.50 -23.00 102 17.72 PASS 2.70 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.127 6.46 -6.65 102 39.37 PASS 3.35 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H3-1 0.107 1.50 -5.00 102 0.00 PASS 4.37 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.142 4.10 9.68 108 0.00 PASS 1.59 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.176 -9.28 10.55 102 0.00 PASS 4.25 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.109 0.50 -9.45 102 59.06 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 2.33 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.515 4.26 -160.12 102 17.72 100X4SHS PASS 1.78 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.439 2.57 -49.70 102 17.72 PASS 0.27 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.125 -3.49 11.21 102 0.00 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 7 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-05-LRFD) ******************************************** ALL UNITS ARE - KIP MEMBER 8 v3.2a INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ FX MY MZ LOCATION ======================================================================= 48 ST 50 ST 51 ST 52 ST 54 ST 56 ST 63 ST 64 ST 65 ST 66 ST 67 ST TABLE 100X4SHS PASS 0.55 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.091 -1.41 -9.00 102 59.06 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 3.51 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.532 -13.35 -149.89 102 26.68 100X4SHS PASS 0.22 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.338 1.39 -38.71 102 0.00 PASS 0.89 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.351 1.65 -39.49 102 0.00 PASS 5.16 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.153 4.73 -9.83 102 0.00 PASS 0.09 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.096 -0.45 -10.99 102 0.00 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 2.72 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.468 2.38 -147.67 102 66.93 100X4SHS PASS 0.50 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.161 2.04 17.14 102 48.98 PASS 0.39 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.176 2.91 18.02 102 35.80 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 3.46 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.460 -2.74 -144.28 102 88.99 100X4SHS (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.079 0.04 -9.00 102 0.00 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS PASS 0.59 T D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 8 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-05-LRFD) ******************************************** ALL UNITS ARE - KIP MEMBER 9 v3.2a INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ FX MY MZ LOCATION ======================================================================= 68 ST 69 ST 70 ST 71 ST 72 ST 73 ST 74 ST 75 ST 76 ST 77 ST 78 ST TABLE 100X4SHS PASS 0.45 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. Sec. D2 0.005 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 PASS 0.36 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.286 -0.99 -33.03 102 67.98 PASS 1.93 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.281 2.20 -31.31 102 33.99 PASS 0.44 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Sec. E1 0.005 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 PASS 0.67 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.198 -0.98 -22.62 102 67.98 PASS 0.90 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Sec. E1 0.011 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 PASS 5.95 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.093 -0.26 -6.40 102 0.00 PASS 0.66 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Sec. E1 0.008 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 PASS 5.69 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.110 -0.81 -8.30 102 11.33 PASS 0.24 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.005 0.00 -0.47 102 33.81 PASS 0.19 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Sec. E1 0.002 0.00 0.00 107 0.00 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 9 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-05-LRFD) ******************************************** ALL UNITS ARE - KIP MEMBER 10 v3.2a INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ FX MY MZ LOCATION ======================================================================= 79 ST 80 ST 81 ST 82 ST 83 ST 84 ST 85 ST 86 ST 87 ST 88 ST 89 ST TABLE 100X4SHS PASS 0.40 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.284 -0.87 -33.03 102 0.00 PASS 2.41 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.286 -3.69 -30.41 102 0.00 PASS 0.54 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Sec. E1 0.007 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 PASS 0.10 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.196 -0.79 -22.62 102 0.00 PASS 1.09 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Sec. E1 0.014 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 PASS 5.89 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.127 -1.82 -10.39 102 76.66 PASS 1.09 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Sec. E1 0.013 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 PASS 1.40 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Sec. E1 0.018 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 PASS 0.44 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.197 8.85 14.33 102 21.70 PASS 2.67 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.194 8.93 12.25 102 21.70 PASS 0.75 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Sec. E1 0.009 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 10 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-05-LRFD) ******************************************** ALL UNITS ARE - KIP MEMBER 11 v3.2a INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ FX MY MZ LOCATION ======================================================================= 90 ST 91 ST 92 ST 93 ST 94 ST 95 ST 96 ST 97 ST 98 ST 99 ST 100 ST TABLE 100X4SHS PASS 0.53 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.159 2.02 16.56 102 21.70 PASS 1.59 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Sec. E1 0.020 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 PASS 1.67 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Sec. E1 0.020 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 PASS 0.42 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.272 0.36 32.01 102 0.00 PASS 4.34 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.684 0.00 78.45 102 16.31 PASS 4.92 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.822 1.34 94.46 102 16.31 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 2.26 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.292 -11.39 -76.47 102 51.35 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 2.03 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.490 25.24 -122.07 102 0.00 100X4SHS PASS 4.40 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.421 -10.47 -36.55 102 33.81 PASS 2.03 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.410 13.92 -33.41 102 51.11 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 6.29 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.500 23.79 -123.09 102 48.84 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 11 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-05-LRFD) ******************************************** ALL UNITS ARE - KIP MEMBER 12 v3.2a INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ FX MY MZ LOCATION ======================================================================= 101 ST 102 ST 103 ST 104 ST 105 ST 106 ST 110 ST 111 ST 112 ST 113 ST 114 ST TABLE 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 0.91 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.566 -19.80 -154.95 102 33.81 100X4SHS PASS 1.69 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.559 -16.42 -48.92 102 33.81 PASS 2.38 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.423 12.04 -36.73 102 51.11 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 1.73 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.615 30.19 -155.86 102 48.84 100X4SHS PASS 0.12 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.235 -21.18 6.72 102 0.00 PASS 4.42 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.192 -10.41 -9.41 102 44.20 PASS 2.03 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.238 -3.96 -24.42 102 29.53 PASS 1.47 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.289 -4.05 -30.41 102 33.99 PASS 1.49 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.184 0.91 -20.90 102 0.00 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 2.95 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.103 -1.54 -28.32 102 63.52 100X4SHS (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.002 0.00 -0.20 101 19.69 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS 100X4SHS PASS 0.01 C D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 12 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-05-LRFD) ******************************************** ALL UNITS ARE - KIP MEMBER 13 v3.2a INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ FX MY MZ LOCATION ======================================================================= 115 ST 116 ST 117 ST 118 ST 134 ST 135 ST 165 ST 166 ST 167 ST 168 ST TABLE 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 2.51 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.102 -1.48 -28.32 102 0.00 100X4SHS PASS 0.13 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.002 0.00 -0.17 102 19.69 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 1.28 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.179 4.38 50.45 102 99.40 100X4SHS PASS 0.11 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.002 0.00 -0.17 102 19.69 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 3.81 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.351 -4.34 -103.48 102 18.49 100X4SHS PASS 1.39 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H3-1 0.178 -6.31 2.42 102 0.00 PASS 0.33 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.178 -0.03 -21.00 102 57.38 PASS 0.03 T (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.083 -0.72 9.13 102 48.00 150X100X6.3RHS PASS 2.51 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.321 -0.31 -100.79 102 82.94 100X4SHS (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.133 1.06 14.74 102 33.86 (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.996 397.20 -216.17 102 0.00 100X4SHS 100X4SHS PASS 0.03 T 169 ST 219.1X6.3CHS PASS 5.59 C D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 13 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-05-LRFD) ******************************************** ALL UNITS ARE - KIP MEMBER 14 v3.2a INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ FX MY MZ LOCATION ======================================================================= 170 ST TABLE 219.1X6.3CHS PASS 4.48 C 171 ST 219.1X6.3CHS PASS 5.70 C (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.542 -249.30 -82.55 102 0.00 (EUROPEAN SECTIONS) Eq. H1-1b 0.800 -358.94 132.20 102 0.00 151. FINISH D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 14 of 15 Thursday, March 06, 2025, 07:22 PM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 15 *********** END OF THE STAAD.Pro RUN *********** **** DATE= MAR 6,2025 TIME= 19:22:27 **** ************************************************************ * For technical assistance on STAAD.Pro, please visit * * * * * * Details about additional assistance from * * Bentley and Partners can be found at program menu * * Help->Technical Support * * * * Copyright (c) 1997-2014 Bentley Systems, Inc. * * ************************************************************ D:\SAIFULLAH\SHADE STRUCTURE-01\SS5\Staad\SS05-Shade Structure.anl Page 15 of 15 Job No Sheet No Rev 1 Part Software licensed to Job Title Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 3D Rendered View 3 88 59 63 45 87 13 37 14 43 12 38 31 73 74 75 65 72 16 55 56 17 68 71 57 52 22 10 61 2 82 66 21 86 62 70 69 28 27 35 46 32 53 47 64 85 81 18 79 76 36 48 80 15 84 7 83 60 1 78 Y 77 X Z Load 201 Node Numbers Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:56 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 1 of 11 Job No Sheet No Rev 2 Part Software licensed to Job Title Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 4 17 167 168 93 2 66 65 165 166 107 51 16 68 15 64 13 63 44 41 101 102 105 97 32 98 34 31 33 26 22 24 83 25 89 79 81 69 71 114 80 111 70 116 110 9 96 11 91 87 29 28 134 135 21 23 19 88 112 73 27 100 35 14 90 82 72 75 36 92 85 74 77 43 45 76 78 48 46 52 67 104 106 99 84 50 54103 86 56 118 95 117 115 109 113 18 20 94 1 108 Y X Z Load 201 Beam Numbers Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:56 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 2 of 11 Job No Software licensed to Job Title Sheet No Rev 3 Part Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 Entity Color Legend 150x100x5RHS 150x5SHS 219.1X6.3CHS 150X5SHS 150X100X5RHS Default Plate Color Default Solid Color Y X Z Load 201 Member Profile Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:56 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 3 of 11 Job No Software licensed to Job Title Sheet No Rev 4 Part Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 Y X Z Load 1 Dead Load Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:56 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 4 of 11 Job No Software licensed to Job Title Sheet No Rev 5 Part Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 Y X Z Load 2 Live Load Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:56 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 5 of 11 Job No Software licensed to Job Title Sheet No Rev 6 Part Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 Y X Z Load 3 Wind Load X Dir Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:56 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 6 of 11 Job No Sheet No Rev 7 Part Software licensed to Job Title Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 Y X Z Load 4 Wind Load Z Dir 0.247 0.164 0.0951 0.253 0.119 0.144 0.312 0.161 0.241 0.79 0.269 0.37 0.9 0.192 0.263 0.0802 0.0651 0.0859 0.28 0.179 0.34 0.0678 0.0908 0.265 0.0587 0.287 0.181 0.121 0.0863 0.107 0.121 0.134 0.33 0.3 0.0658 0.0971 0.144 0.0545 0.0941 0.142 0.126 0.638 0.104 0.0527 0.122 0.111 0.0454 0.183 0.0841 0.33 0.155 0.13 0.193 0.108 0.0457 0.213 0.161 0.154 0.147 0.0483 0.142 0.676 0.0928 0.0533 0.169 0.199 0.0696 0.0653 0.289 0.0627 0.315 0.0598 0.15 0.0788 0.07 0.114 0.285 0.06 0.315 0.281 0.0636 0.257 0.0821 0.207 0.0392 0.286 0.305 0.0243 0.286 0.363 0.0823 0.236 0.0873 0.288 0.074 0.263 0.121 0.435 0.0611 0.197 0.428 Y X Z Load 201 Utility Ratio Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:56 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 7 of 11 Job No Sheet No Rev 8 Part Software licensed to Job Title Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 Primary Load Cases Number 1 2 3 4 Name Type DL (SELF-WEIGHT) LL WL1 WL2 Dead Live Wind Wind Combination Load Cases Comb. Combination L/C Name 101 102 1.4DL 1.2DL+1.6LL 103 1.2DL+1.6LL+0.8WL1 104 1.2DL+1.6LL+0.8WL2 105 1.2DL+1.6WL1+0.5LL 106 1.2DL+1.6WL2+0.5LL 107 0.9DL+1.6WL1 108 0.9DL+1.6WL2 201 202 1.0DL 1.0DL+1.0LL 203 1.0DL+0.75LL+0.75WL1 204 1.2DL+0.75LL+0.75WL2 205 0.6DL+1.0WL1 206 0.6DL+1.0WL2 Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:56 Primary 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 3 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 3 1 4 Primary L/C Name DL (SELF-WEIGHT) DL (SELF-WEIGHT) LL DL (SELF-WEIGHT) LL WL1 DL (SELF-WEIGHT) LL WL2 DL (SELF-WEIGHT) LL WL1 DL (SELF-WEIGHT) LL WL2 DL (SELF-WEIGHT) WL1 DL (SELF-WEIGHT) WL2 DL (SELF-WEIGHT) DL (SELF-WEIGHT) LL DL (SELF-WEIGHT) LL WL1 DL (SELF-WEIGHT) LL WL2 DL (SELF-WEIGHT) WL1 DL (SELF-WEIGHT) WL2 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Factor 1.40 1.20 1.60 1.20 1.60 0.80 1.20 1.60 0.80 1.20 0.50 1.60 1.20 0.50 1.60 0.90 1.60 0.90 1.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.60 1.00 0.60 1.00 Print Run 8 of 11 Job No Sheet No Rev 9 Part Software licensed to Job Title Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 Utilization Ratio Beam 1 2 4 9 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 43 44 45 46 48 50 51 52 54 56 63 64 65 66 67 68 Analysis Property Design Property Actual Allowable Ratio Ratio Ratio (Act./Allow.) 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.061 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.095 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.247 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.093 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.121 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.265 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.150 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.080 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.192 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.164 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.435 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.638 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.169 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.330 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.063 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.300 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.161 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.121 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.108 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.213 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.193 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.024 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.053 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.286 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.207 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.039 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.060 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.055 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.064 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.060 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.257 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.287 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.065 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.059 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.288 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.263 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.340 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.086 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.074 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.241 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.161 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.119 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.253 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.068 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.263 Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:56 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.061 0.095 0.247 0.093 0.121 0.265 0.150 0.080 0.192 0.164 0.435 0.638 0.169 0.330 0.063 0.300 0.161 0.121 0.108 0.213 0.193 0.024 0.053 0.286 0.207 0.039 0.060 0.055 0.064 0.060 0.257 0.287 0.065 0.059 0.288 0.263 0.340 0.086 0.074 0.241 0.161 0.119 0.253 0.068 0.263 Clause L/C Ax (cm2) Iz (cm4) Iy (cm4) Ix (cm4) Eq. 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H1-1b 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 28.700 28.700 28.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 28.700 28.700 28.700 28.700 28.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 28.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 28.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 28.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 28.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 28.700 23.700 23.700 28.700 23.700 23.700 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 1E+3 739.000 739.000 739.000 1E+3 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 1E+3 739.000 739.000 739.000 1E+3 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 1E+3 739.000 739.000 1E+3 739.000 739.000 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 1E+3 392.000 392.000 392.000 1E+3 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 1E+3 392.000 392.000 392.000 1E+3 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 1E+3 392.000 392.000 1E+3 392.000 392.000 1.55E+3 1.55E+3 1.55E+3 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 1.55E+3 1.55E+3 1.55E+3 1.55E+3 1.55E+3 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 807.000 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 807.000 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 807.000 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 9 of 11 Job No Sheet No Rev 10 Part Software licensed to Job Title Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 Utilization Ratio Cont... Beam 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Analysis Property Design Property Actual Allowable Ratio Ratio Ratio (Act./Allow.) 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.111 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.154 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.046 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.066 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.122 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.065 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.144 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.091 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.289 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.285 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.142 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.183 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.045 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.086 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.097 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.087 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.114 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.179 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.134 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.126 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.094 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.070 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.107 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.079 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.900 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.197 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.330 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.181 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.305 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.281 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.236 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.315 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.286 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.315 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.280 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.363 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.082 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.082 219.1X6.3CHS219.1X6.3CHS 0.790 219.1X6.3CHS219.1X6.3CHS 0.428 219.1X6.3CHS219.1X6.3CHS 0.676 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.147 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.130 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.104 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.121 Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:56 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.111 0.154 0.046 0.066 0.122 0.065 0.144 0.091 0.289 0.285 0.142 0.183 0.045 0.086 0.097 0.087 0.114 0.179 0.134 0.126 0.094 0.070 0.107 0.079 0.900 0.197 0.330 0.181 0.305 0.281 0.236 0.315 0.286 0.315 0.280 0.363 0.082 0.082 0.790 0.428 0.676 0.147 0.130 0.104 0.121 Clause L/C Ax (cm2) Iz (cm4) Iy (cm4) Ix (cm4) Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H3-1 Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H3-1 Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H3-1 Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H3-1 Eq. H1-1b Eq. H3-1 Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 23.700 28.700 28.700 28.700 28.700 28.700 23.700 23.700 28.700 28.700 23.700 23.700 28.700 23.700 23.700 42.100 42.100 42.100 23.700 23.700 23.700 28.700 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 739.000 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 739.000 739.000 1E+3 1E+3 739.000 739.000 1E+3 739.000 739.000 2.39E+3 2.39E+3 2.39E+3 739.000 739.000 739.000 1E+3 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 392.000 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 1E+3 392.000 392.000 1E+3 1E+3 392.000 392.000 1E+3 392.000 392.000 2.39E+3 2.39E+3 2.39E+3 392.000 392.000 392.000 1E+3 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 807.000 1.55E+3 1.55E+3 1.55E+3 1.55E+3 1.55E+3 807.000 807.000 1.55E+3 1.55E+3 807.000 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 807.000 4.77E+3 4.77E+3 4.77E+3 807.000 807.000 807.000 1.55E+3 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 10 of 11 Job No Sheet No Rev 11 Part Software licensed to Job Title Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 Utilization Ratio Cont... Beam 114 115 116 117 118 134 135 165 166 167 168 Analysis Property Design Property Actual Allowable Ratio Ratio Ratio (Act./Allow.) 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.053 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.142 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.048 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.155 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.084 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.199 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.070 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.144 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.312 150x5SHS 150X5SHS 0.269 150x100x5RHS150X100X5RHS0.370 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.053 0.142 0.048 0.155 0.084 0.199 0.070 0.144 0.312 0.269 0.370 Clause L/C Ax (cm2) Iz (cm4) Iy (cm4) Ix (cm4) Eq. H3-1 Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H3-1 Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b Eq. H1-1b 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 23.700 28.700 23.700 28.700 23.700 28.700 23.700 28.700 23.700 28.700 23.700 739.000 1E+3 739.000 1E+3 739.000 1E+3 739.000 1E+3 739.000 1E+3 739.000 392.000 1E+3 392.000 1E+3 392.000 1E+3 392.000 1E+3 392.000 1E+3 392.000 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 1.55E+3 807.000 Reaction Summary Node Max FX Min FX Max FY Min FY Max FZ Min FZ Max MX Min MX Max MY Min MY Max MZ Min MZ 79 78 79 79 79 78 79 79 79 78 78 79 Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:56 Horizontal FX (kN) Vertical FY (kN) Horizontal FZ (kN) 102:1.2DL+1.6LL 8.506 102:1.2DL+1.6LL -11.582 102:1.2DL+1.6LL 8.506 4:WL2 -3.528 102:1.2DL+1.6LL 8.506 102:1.2DL+1.6LL -11.582 102:1.2DL+1.6LL 8.506 108:0.9DL+1.6WL2 -3.154 102:1.2DL+1.6LL 8.506 102:1.2DL+1.6LL -11.582 102:1.2DL+1.6LL -11.582 102:1.2DL+1.6LL 8.506 30.849 28.492 17.949 -10.922 17.949 -8.558 L/C 30.849 -12.103 30.849 28.492 30.849 -9.521 30.849 28.492 28.492 30.849 17.949 -10.922 17.949 -8.635 17.949 -10.922 -10.922 17.949 MX (kNm) Moment MY (kNm) 22.344 1.647 22.344 -10.617 22.344 1.647 22.344 -10.754 22.344 1.647 1.647 22.344 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) 0.984 -0.543 0.984 -0.415 0.984 -0.543 0.984 -0.370 0.984 -0.543 -0.543 0.984 MZ (kNm) -6.339 14.572 -6.339 2.569 -6.339 14.572 -6.339 2.254 -6.339 14.572 14.572 -6.339 Print Run 11 of 11 Job No Sheet No Rev 1 Part Software licensed to Job Title Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 Node Displacement Summary Node Max X Min X Max Y Min Y Max Z Min Z Max rX Min rX Max rY Min rY Max rZ Min rZ Max Rst 2 3 35 35 16 16 87 16 62 27 88 88 35 L/C X (mm) 202:1.0DL+1.0LL 2.409 206:0.6DL+1.0WL2 -0.806 206:0.6DL+1.0WL2 0.146 202:1.0DL+1.0LL -0.667 206:0.6DL+1.0WL2 -0.622 202:1.0DL+1.0LL 1.951 202:1.0DL+1.0LL 1.033 202:1.0DL+1.0LL 1.951 202:1.0DL+1.0LL 1.535 202:1.0DL+1.0LL -0.721 206:0.6DL+1.0WL2 -0.508 202:1.0DL+1.0LL 1.428 202:1.0DL+1.0LL -0.667 Y (mm) Z (mm) 2.097 -1.560 -5.653 1.503 0.453 0.310 16.313 -49.854 6.351 -19.293 -11.231 -19.293 -39.373 -20.094 3.605 -11.653 -49.854 Resultant (mm) 2.293 -5.656 -2.359 -5.656 -5.113 -3.082 1.176 -2.009 0.310 6.493 2.311 16.320 49.860 6.781 20.200 11.523 20.200 39.734 20.342 3.826 11.911 49.860 rX (rad) rY (rad) rZ (rad) -0.008 -0.001 0.001 -0.005 0.004 -0.013 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 -0.005 -0.000 -0.000 -0.007 -0.000 -0.002 -0.006 0.008 -0.013 -0.011 0.002 -0.002 0.006 -0.005 0.000 -0.001 0.000 -0.001 -0.000 0.003 -0.008 -0.005 Allowable Deflection = L/240 = 13635/240 = 56.8mm Actual Deflection = 49.85mm Hence Safe Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 15:59 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 1 of 1 DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS Job No Sheet No Rev 1 Part Software licensed to Job Title Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 14-Dec-2024 12:49 DETAIL 02 DETAIL 03 DETAIL 01 Y X Z DETAIL 04 Load 0 Connection Markup Print Time/Date: 14/12/2024 16:40 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 1 of 1 Project: Shade Structure Project no: Author: Project data Project name Shade Structure Project number Author Description Beam to column connection Date 22-09-2024 Design code AISC 360-16 Material Steel S275 Concrete 4000 psi, 6000 psi 1/9 Project: Shade Structure Project no: Author: Project item DETAIL 01 Design Name DETAIL 01 Description Beam to column Connection Analysis Stress, strain/ simplified loading Design code AISC - LRFD 2016 Beams and columns Cross-section β– Direction [°] γPitch [°] αRotation [°] Offset ex [mm] Offset ey [mm] Offset ez [mm] C - CHS 219x6 32 - CHS219.1/6.3 0.0 90.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Node B - SHS 150x150x5 33 SHS150/150/5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 95.00 Node Name Forces in Cross-sections Name Material 32 - CHS219.1/6.3 S275 33 - SHS150/150/5.0 S275 Bolts Name M20 Bolt assembly M20 Diameter [mm] fu [MPa] 20.00 800.0 Gross area [mm2] 314.00 2/9 Project: Shade Structure Project no: Author: Load effects (equilibrium not required) Name N [kN] Member LE1 Vy [kN] Vz [kN] Mx [kNm] My [kNm] Mz [kNm] B - SHS 150x150x5 10.0 0.0 -25.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 B - SHS 150x150x5 10.0 0.0 -25.0 0.0 -4.0 0.0 Check Summary Name Value Check status Analysis 100.0% OK Plates 0.0 < 5.0% OK Bolts 6.7 < 100% OK Welds 77.4 < 100% OK Buckling 45.47 GMNA Calculated Plates Name fy [MPa] Thickness [mm] Loads σEd [MPa] εPl [%] σcEd [MPa] Check status C - CHS 219x6 275.0 6.3 LE1 52.3 0.0 0.0 OK B - SHS 150x150x5 275.0 5.0 LE1 230.9 0.0 0.0 OK SP1 275.0 10.0 LE1 36.7 0.0 11.9 OK SP2 275.0 10.0 LE1 68.8 0.0 11.9 OK Design data fy [MPa] Material S275 εlim [%] 275.0 5.0 Symbol explanation εPl Plastic strain σcEd Contact stress σEd Eq. stress fy Yield strength εlim Limit of plastic strain 3/9 Project: Shade Structure Project no: Author: Overall check, LE1 Strain check, LE1 4/9 Project: Shade Structure Project no: Author: Bolts Shape Item Grade Loads Ft [kN] V [kN] ϕRn,bearing [kN] Utt [%] Uts [%] Utts [%] Status B1 M20 - 1 LE1 0.1 5.7 112.2 0.1 6.7 - OK B2 M20 - 1 LE1 1.5 4.3 112.3 1.1 5.1 - OK B3 M20 - 1 LE1 0.1 5.7 112.2 0.1 6.7 - OK B4 M20 - 1 LE1 1.5 4.3 112.3 1.1 5.1 - OK Design data ϕRn,tension [kN] Grade M20 - 1 ϕRn,shear [kN] 141.3 84.8 Symbol explanation Ft Tension force V Resultant of shear forces Vy, Vz in bolt ϕRn,bearing Bolt bearing resistance Utt Utilization in tension Uts Utilization in shear Utts Utilization in tension and shear ϕRn,tension Bolt tension resistance AISC 360-16 J3.6 ϕRn,shear Bolt shear resistance AISC 360-16 – J3.8 Detailed result for B3 Tension resistance check (AISC 360-16: J3-1) ϕRn = ϕ ⋅ Fnt ⋅ Ab = 141.3 kN ≥ Ft = 0.1 kN Where: Fnt = 600.0 MPa – nominal tensile stress from AISC 360-16 Table J3.2 Ab = 314.00 mm2 – gross bolt cross-sectional area ϕ = 0.75 – resistance factor Shear resistance check (AISC 360-16: J3-1) ϕRn = ϕ ⋅ Fnv ⋅ Ab = 84.8 kN ≥ V = 5.7 kN Where: Fnv = 360.0 MPa Ab = 314.00 mm2 ϕ = 0.75 – nominal shear stress from AISC 360-16 Table J3.2 – gross bolt cross-sectional area – resistance factor 5/9 Project: Shade Structure Project no: Author: Bearing resistance check (AISC 360-16: J3-6) Rn = 1.20 ⋅ lc ⋅ t ⋅ Fu ϕRn = 112.2 kN 2.40 ⋅ d ⋅ t ⋅ Fu ≤ V = ≥ 5.7 kN Where: lc = 29.00 mm – clear distance, in the direction of the force, between the edge of the hole and the edge of the adjacent hole or edge of the material t = 10.00 mm – thickness of the plate d = 20.00 mm – diameter of a bolt Fu = 430.0 MPa – tensile strength of the connected material ϕ = 0.75 – resistance factor for bearing at bolt holes Interaction of tension and shear check (AISC 360-16: J3-2) The required stress, in either shear or tension, is less than or equal to 30% of the corresponding available stress and the effects of combined stresses need not to be investigated. Weld sections Item Edge Xu Th [mm] Ls [mm] L [mm] Lc [mm] Loads Fn [kN] ϕRn [kN] Ut [%] Status SP2 B - SHS 150x150x5-w 1 E70xx ◢3.5 ◢5.0 298.90 13.59 LE1 9.7 12.6 77.4 OK SP2 B - SHS 150x150x5-w 1 E70xx ◢3.5 ◢5.0 298.90 13.59 LE1 9.7 12.6 77.4 OK SP1 C - CHS 219x6 E70xx ◢4.2 ◢6.0 668.26 10.44 LE1 3.9 14.4 27.1 OK Symbol explanation Th Throat thickness of weld Ls Leg size of weld L Length of weld Lc Length of weld critical element Fn Force in weld critical element ϕRn Weld resistance AISC 360-16 J2.4 Ut Utilization Detailed result for SP2 / B - SHS 150x150x5-w 1 Weld resistance check (AISC 360-16: J2-4) ϕRn = ϕ ⋅ Fnw ⋅ Awe = 12.6 kN ≥ Fn = 9.7 kN Where: Fnw = 348.6 MPa – nominal stress of weld material: Fnw = 0.6 ⋅ FEXX ⋅ (1 + 0.5 ⋅ sin1.5 θ) , where: FEXX = 482.6 MPa – electrode classification number, i.e. minimum specified tensile strength θ = 33.4° – angle of loading measured from the weld longitudinal axis Awe = 48.04 mm2 – effective area of weld critical element ϕ = 0.75 – resistance factor for welded connections 6/9 Project: Shade Structure Project no: Author: Buckling Loads Factor [-] Shape LE1 1 45.47 2 51.69 3 58.41 4 64.77 5 66.14 6 68.06 Bill of material Manufacturing operations Plates [mm] Name Shape Nr. Welds [mm] Length [mm] Bolts Nr. SP1 P10.0x300.0-300.0 (S275) 1 M20 4 SP2 P10.0x300.0-300.0 (S275) 1 M20 4 CUT1 Fillet: a = 4.2 668.3 Welds Type Throat thickness [mm] Material Leg size [mm] Length [mm] Fillet E70xx 4.2 6.0 668.3 Fillet E70xx 3.5 5.0 600.0 Bolts Name M20 Grip length [mm] Count 20.00 4 Drawing SP1 7/9 Project: Shade Structure Project no: Author: P10.0x300.00-300.00 (S275) SP2 P10.0x300.00-300.00 (S275) Code settings Item Value Unit Reference Friction coefficient - concrete 0.40 - ACI 349 – B.6.1.4 Friction coefficient in slip-resistance 0.30 - AISC 360-16 J3.8 8/9 Project: Shade Structure Project no: Author: Item Value Unit Reference Limit plastic strain 0.05 - Weld stress evaluation Plastic redistribution Detailing No Distance between bolts [d] 2.66 - AISC 360-16 – J3.3 Distance between bolts and edge [d] 1.25 - AISC 360-16 – J.3.4 Concrete breakout resistance check Both Base metal capacity check at weld fusion face No AISC 360-16: J2-2 Cracked concrete Yes ACI 318-14 – Chapter 17 Local deformation check No Local deformation limit 0.03 Geometrical nonlinearity (GMNA) Yes - CIDECT DG 1, 3 - 1.1 Analysis with large deformations for hollow section joints 9/9 Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.1.8 Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: | Concrete - Dec 14, 2024 1 14/12/2024 Specifier's comments: 1 Anchor Design 1.1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: HIT-RE 500 V4 + HAS-U 5.8 M20 Return period (service life in years): 50 Item number: 2223876 HAS-U 5.8 M20x260 (element) / 2287553 HIT-RE 500 V4 (adhesive) Specification text: Hilti HAS-U 5.8 threaded rod with HIT-RE 500 V4 injection mortar with 200 mm embedment hef, M20, Steel galvanized, Hammer drilled installation per ETA 20/0541 Effective embedment depth: hef,act = 200.0 mm (hef,limit = - mm) Material: 5.8 Evaluation Service Report: ETA 20/0541 Issued I Valid: 09/06/2023 | - Proof: Design Method ETAG BOND (EOTA TR 029) Stand-off installation: Anchor plate CBFEM : eb = 0.0 mm (no stand-off); t = 12.0 mm lx x ly x t = 400.0 mm x 400.0 mm x 12.0 mm; Profile: Pipe, 219,1 x 6; (L x W x T) = 219.1 mm x 219.1 mm x 6.0 mm Base material: cracked concrete, M 40, fc,cube = 40.00 N/mm ; h =400.0 mm, Temp. short/long: 40/24 °C Installation: Hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry Reinforcement: no reinforcement or reinforcement spacing >= 150 mm (any Ø) or >= 100 mm (Ø <= 10 mm) 2 no longitudinal edge reinforcement Reinforcement to control splitting according to EOTA TR 029, present. CBFEM - The anchor calculation is based on a component-based Finite Element Method (CBFEM) Geometry [mm] & Loading [kN, kNm] Input data and results must be checked for conformity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c ) 2003-2024 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 1 Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.1.8 Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: | Concrete - Dec 14, 2024 2 14/12/2024 1.1.1 Load combination Case 1 Description Combination 1 Forces [kN] / Moments [kNm] Seismic Fire Max. Util. Anchor [%] N = 30.000; Vx = 12.000; Vy = 12.000; Mx = 7.000; My = 1.000; Mz = 23.000; no no 89 1.2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces y 3 Anchor reactions [kN] Tension force: (+Tension, -Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force Shear force x Shear force y 1 6.793 31.460 25.017 -19.075 2 0.506 35.576 25.207 25.106 3 32.358 26.965 -18.971 -19.163 4 28.623 31.659 -19.253 25.132 Resulting tension force in (x/y)=(-19.1/102.2): 68.280 [kN] Resulting compression force in (x/y)=(-13.4/22.3): 42.430 [kN] 4 Tension Compression 1 x 2 Anchor forces are calculated based on a component-based Finite Element Method (CBFEM) Input data and results must be checked for conformity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c ) 2003-2024 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 2 Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.1.8 Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: | Concrete - Dec 14, 2024 3 14/12/2024 1.3 Tension load (EOTA TR 029, Section 5.2.2) Load [kN] Capacity [kN] Utilization bN [%] Status Steel Strength* 32.358 81.667 40 OK Combined pullout-concrete cone failure** 68.280 127.499 54 OK Concrete Breakout Failure** 68.280 123.710 56 OK Splitting failure** N/A N/A N/A N/A * highest loaded anchor **anchor group (anchors in tension) 1.3.1 Steel Strength NSd £ NRd,s = NRk,s gMs EOTA TR 029, Table NRk,s [kN] gMs NRd,s [kN] NSd [kN] 122.500 1.500 81.667 32.358 Input data and results must be checked for conformity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c ) 2003-2024 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 3 Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.1.8 Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: | Concrete - Dec 14, 2024 4 14/12/2024 1.3.2 Combined pullout-concrete cone failure NRk,p gMp NSd £ NRd,p = 0 NRk,p = NRk,p · 0 EOTA TR 029, Table Ap,N 0 Ap,N · y s,Np · y g,Np · y ec1,Np · y ec2,Np · y re,Np NRk,p = p · d · hef · t Rk 0 Ap,N = scr, Np · scr,Np EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.2) EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.2a) EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.2b) 0.5 t Rk,ucr = 20 · d · £ 3 · hef 7.5 s = cr,Np 2 c = 0.7 + 0.3 · 1.00 ccr,Np £ ( scr,Np ccr,Np y s,Np 0 y g,Np = y g,Np - 0 ) 0,5 ( s s ) · (y cr,Np 0 g,Np - 1 (k · √dh · t· f y g,Np = √n - (√n - 1) · y ec1,Np 1 1.00 2 · ec1,N £ 1+ scr,Np 1 = 1.00 2 · ec2,N £ 1+ scr,Np h = 0.5 + ef £ 1.00 200 EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.2c) EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.2d) EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.2e) ) ³ 1.00 Rk ef EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.2f) 1,5 ck,cube ) ³ 1.00 EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.2g) = y ec2,Np y re,Np 2 0 EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.2h) EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.2h) EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.2i) 2 2 Ap,N [mm ] Ap,N [mm ] t Rk,ucr,25 [N/mm ] scr,Np [mm] ccr,Np [mm] cmin [mm] 712,737 341,333 16.00 584.2 292.1 ∞ y g,Np 1.000 yc t Rk,cr [N/mm ] k 0 y g,Np 1.048 10.48 2.300 1.000 ec1,N [mm] y ec1,Np ec2,N [mm] y ec2,Np y s,Np y re,Np 19.1 0.939 102.2 0.741 1.000 1.000 0 2 NRk,p [kN] NRk,p [kN] gMp NRd,p [kN] NSd [kN] 131.711 191.248 1.500 127.499 68.280 Group anchor ID 1-4 Input data and results must be checked for conformity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c ) 2003-2024 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 4 Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.1.8 Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: | Concrete - Dec 14, 2024 5 14/12/2024 1.3.3 Concrete Breakout Failure NRk,c gMc NSd £ NRd,c = 0 NRk,c = NRk,c · 0 EOTA TR 029, Table Ac,N 0 Ac,N · y s,N · y re,N · y ec1,N · y ec2,N 1,5 EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3) NRk,c = k1 · √fck,cube · hef EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3a) 0 Ac,N = scr,N · scr,N EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3b) y s,N = 0.7 + 0.3 · y re,N = 0.5 + c 1.00 ccr,N £ EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3c) hef 1.00 200 £ 1 = 1.00 2 · ec1,N £ 1+ scr,N 1 = 1.00 2 · ec2,N £ 1+ scr,N y ec1,N y ec2,N 2 0 EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3d) EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3e) EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3e) 2 Ac,N [mm ] Ac,N [mm ] ccr,N [mm] scr,N [mm] 739,600 360,000 300.0 600.0 ec1,N [mm] y ec1,N ec2,N [mm] y ec2,N y s,N y re,N 19.1 0.940 102.2 0.746 1.000 1.000 k1 0 NRk,c [kN] gMc NRd,c [kN] NSd [kN] 7.200 128.798 1.500 123.710 68.280 Group anchor ID 1-4 Input data and results must be checked for conformity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c ) 2003-2024 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 5 Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.1.8 Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: | Concrete - Dec 14, 2024 6 14/12/2024 1.4 Shear load (EOTA TR 029, Section 5.2.3) Load [kN] Capacity [kN] Utilization bV [%] Status 35.576 58.848 61 OK Steel Strength (without lever arm)* Steel failure (with lever arm)* N/A N/A N/A N/A Pryout Strength* 35.576 88.202 41 OK Concrete edge failure in direction ** N/A N/A N/A N/A * highest loaded anchor **anchor group (relevant anchors) When the input edge distance is set to "infinity", edge breakout verification is not performed in that direction 1.4.1 Steel Strength (without lever arm) VRk,s gMs VSd £ VRd,s = EOTA TR 029, Table VRk,s [kN] gMs VRd,s [kN] VSd [kN] 73.560 1.250 58.848 35.576 1.4.2 Pryout Strength (Concrete Breakout Strength controls) VRk,cp gMc,p = k · min (NRk,p; NRk,c) A 0 = NRk,c · 0c,N · y s,N · y re,N · y ec1,N · y ec2,N Ac,N VSd £ VRd,cp = EOTA TR 029, Table VRk,cp EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.7), (5.7a) NRk,c EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3) 0 = k1 · √fck,cube · hef EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3a) Ac,N 0 = scr,N · scr,N EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3b) y s,N = 0.7 + 0.3 · y re,N = 0.5 + 1,5 NRk,c c 1.00 ccr,N £ EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3c) hef 1.00 200 £ 1 1.00 = 2 · ec1,V £ 1+ scr,N 1 = 1.00 2 · ec2,V £ 1+ scr,N y ec1,N y ec2,N 2 0 EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3d) EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3e) EOTA TR 029, Eq. (5.3e) 2 Ac,N [mm ] Ac,N [mm ] ccr,N [mm] scr,N [mm] k-factor k1 184,900 360,000 300.0 600.0 2.000 7.200 ec1,V [mm] y ec1,N ec2,V [mm] y ec2,N y s,N y re,N 0.0 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.0 1.000 0 NRk,c [kN] gMc,p VRd,cp [kN] VSd [kN] 128.798 1.500 88.202 35.576 Group anchor ID 2 Input data and results must be checked for conformity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c ) 2003-2024 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 6 Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.1.8 Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: | Concrete - Dec 14, 2024 7 14/12/2024 1.5 Combined tension and shear loads (EOTA TR 029, Section 5.2.4) a bN bV a Utilization bN,V [%] Status 0.552 0.605 1.500 89 OK a bN + bV £ 1.0 1.6 Warnings • The anchor design methods in PROFIS Engineering require rigid anchor plates as per current regulations (ETAG 001/Annex C, EOTA TR029, etc.). This means load re-distribution on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered - the anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the design loading. PROFIS Engineering calculates the minimum required anchor plate thickness with CBFEM to limit the stress of the anchor plate based on the assumptions explained above. The proof if the rigid base plate assumption is valid is not carried out by PROFIS Engineering. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! • The equations presented in this report are based on metric units. When inputs are displayed in imperial units, the user should be aware that the equations remain in their metric format. • Checking the transfer of loads into the base material is required in accordance with EOTA TR 029, Section 7! • The design is only valid if the clearance hole in the fixture is not larger than the value given in Table 4.1 of EOTA TR029! For larger diameters of the clearance hole see Chapter 1.1. of EOTA TR029! • The accessory list in this report is for the information of the user only. In any case, the instructions for use provided with the product have to be followed to ensure a proper installation. • Characteristic bond resistances depend on short- and long-term temperatures. • Edge reinforcement is not required to avoid splitting failure • The anchor design methods in PROFIS Engineering require rigid anchor plates, as per current regulations (AS 5216:2021, ETAG 001/Annex C, EOTA TR029 etc.). This means that the anchor plate should be sufficiently rigid to prevent load re-distribution to the anchors due to elastic/plastic displacements. The user accepts that the anchor plate is considered close to rigid by engineering judgment." • The characteristic bond resistances depend on the return period (service life in years): 50 Input data and results must be checked for conformity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c ) 2003-2024 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 7 Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.1.8 Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: | Concrete - Dec 14, 2024 8 14/12/2024 1.7 Installation data 2 Anchor plate, steel: S 275; E = 210,000.00 N/mm ; fyk = 275.00 N/mm Anchor type and diameter: HIT-RE 500 V4 + HAS-U 5.8 2 M20 Item number: 2223876 HAS-U 5.8 M20x260 (element) / Profile: Pipe, 219,1 x 6; (L x W x T) = 219.1 mm x 219.1 mm x 6.0 mm 2287553 HIT-RE 500 V4 (adhesive) Hole diameter in the fixture: df = 22.0 mm Maximum installation torque: 150 Nm Plate thickness (input): 12.0 mm Hole diameter in the base material: 22.0 mm Hole depth in the base material: 200.0 mm Drilling method: Hammer drilled Cleaning: Compressed air cleaning of the drilled hole according to instructions Minimum thickness of the base material: 244.0 mm for use is required Hilti HAS-U 5.8 threaded rod with HIT-RE 500 V4 injection mortar with 200 mm embedment hef, M20, Steel galvanized, Hammer drilled installation per ETA 20/0541 1.7.1 Recommended accessories Drilling Cleaning Setting • Suitable Rotary Hammer • Properly sized drill bit • Compressed air with required accessories to blow from the bottom of the hole • Proper diameter wire brush • Dispenser including cassette and mixer • Torque wrench y 200.0 70.0 200.0 4 260.0 200.0 3 200.0 2 70.0 1 x 70.0 260.0 70.0 Coordinates Anchor [mm] Anchor x y c-x c+x c-y c+y 1 2 3 4 -130.0 130.0 -130.0 130.0 -130.0 -130.0 130.0 130.0 - - - - Input data and results must be checked for conformity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c ) 2003-2024 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 8 Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.1.8 Company: Address: Phone I Fax: Design: Fastening point: Page: Specifier: E-Mail: Date: | Concrete - Dec 14, 2024 9 14/12/2024 2 Anchor plate rigidity check 2.1 Input data Anchor plate: Shape: Rectangular lx x ly x t = 400.0 mm x 400.0 mm x 12.0 mm Calculation: Anchor Plate Rigidity Check Material: S 275; Fy = 275.00 N/mm²; εlim = 5.00% Anchor type and size: HIT-RE 500 V4 + HAS-U 5.8 M20, hef = 200.0 mm Anchor stiffness: The anchor is modeled considering stiffness values determined from load displacement curves tested in an independent laboratory. Please note that no simple replacement of the anchor is possible as the anchor stiffness has a major impact on the load distribution results. IS800-based design using component-based FEM eb = 0.0 mm (No stand-off); t = 12.0 mm Design method: Stand-off installation: Profile: Base material: Welds (profile to anchor plate): Mesh size: 219,1 x 6; (L x W x T x FT) = 219.1 mm x 219.1 mm x 6.0 mm x Material: E 165 (Fe 290); Fy = 165.00 N/mm²; εlim = 5.00% Eccentricity x: 0.0 mm Eccentricity y: 0.0 mm Cracked concrete; M 40; fc,cube = 40.00 N/mm²; h = 400.0 mm; E = 31,622.78 N/mm²; G = 15,000.00 N/mm²; v = 0.20 Type of redistribution: Plastic Number of elements on edge: 8 Min. size of element: 10.0 mm Max. size of element: 50.0 mm 2.2 Anchor plate classification Results below are displayed for the decisive load combinations: Combination 1 Anchor tension forces Equivalent rigid anchor plate (CBFEM) Anchor 1 Anchor 2 Anchor 3 Anchor 4 6.872 kN 0.196 kN 19.606 kN 19.402 kN Component-based Finite Element Method (CBFEM) anchor plate design 6.793 kN 0.506 kN 32.358 kN 28.623 kN User accepted to consider the selected anchor plate as rigid by his/her engineering judgement. This means the anchor design guidelines can be applied. Input data and results must be checked for conformity with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Engineering ( c ) 2003-2024 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 9 DESIGN OF PEDESTAL 500mm (W) X 500mm (L) X 500mm (D) Job No Sheet No Rev 1 Part Software licensed to Administrator Job Title Ref By Client Date29-Jun-20 Chd File SS05-Shade Structure.std Date/Time 06-Mar-2025 19:11 Reaction Summary Node Max FX Min FX Max FY Min FY Max FZ Min FZ Max MX Min MX Max MY Min MY Max MZ Min MZ 89 91 91 91 89 89 89 89 89 91 91 91 Print Time/Date: 06/03/2025 19:24 Horizontal FX (kN) Vertical FY (kN) Horizontal FZ (kN) 102:1.2DL+1.6LL 9.829 102:1.2DL+1.6LL -11.749 102:1.2DL+1.6LL -11.749 108:0.9DL+1.6WL2 7.790 102:1.2DL+1.6LL 9.829 108:0.9DL+1.6WL2 -6.264 102:1.2DL+1.6LL 9.829 108:0.9DL+1.6WL2 -6.264 102:1.2DL+1.6LL 9.829 102:1.2DL+1.6LL -11.749 102:1.2DL+1.6LL -11.749 108:0.9DL+1.6WL2 7.790 26.189 26.503 22.978 -12.732 -12.732 6.809 L/C 26.503 -15.801 26.189 -14.336 26.189 -14.336 26.189 26.503 26.503 -15.801 22.978 -16.807 22.978 -16.807 22.978 -12.732 -12.732 6.809 MX (kNm) 27.504 6.814 6.814 -7.129 27.504 -20.649 27.504 -20.649 27.504 6.814 6.814 -7.129 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 5) Moment MY (kNm) 1.459 -0.944 -0.944 0.655 1.459 -0.899 1.459 -0.899 1.459 -0.944 -0.944 0.655 MZ (kNm) -6.537 16.198 16.198 -10.649 -6.537 4.343 -6.537 4.343 -6.537 16.198 16.198 -10.649 Print Run 1 of 1 Job Number Sheet Job Title Your details here Client Calcs by Checked by Date General column design 500mm(W) X 500mm(L) X 500mm(D) General column design by PROKON. (GenCol Ver W5.0.01 - 10 Jun 2022) Design code : ACI 318 - 2019 Input tables General design parameters: COLUMN SECTION Code X/Radius or Bar Y (mm) Diameter (mm) Angle ° + 500 500 -500 + 58 b 20 + 452 b 20 + 452 b 20 + 58 b 20 + 58 b 20 + 452 b 20 + 250 b 20 + 250 b 20 58 58 452 452 250 250 58 452 Design loads: LOADS (ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE) Mx Bottom (kNm) My Bottom (kNm) 27 28 16.5 -16 28 16.5 Load case Designation P (kN) 1 LC1 2 LC2 Code specific parameters: ßd - see Clause 0 % Moments as a result of sway X direction 0 % Moments as a result of sway Y direction 0 ds - see Clause 1 Mx Top (kNm) My Top (kNm) Job Number Sheet Job Title Client Checked by Date ACI 318 - 2019 Y General design parameters: Assumptions: (2) The specified design axial loads include the self-weight of the column. (3) The design axial loads are taken constant over the height of the column. 500 X 250 X 0 Y 500 Given: Lo = 0.500 m fc' = 32 MPa fy = 460 MPa Ac = 250000 mm² 250 Calcs by 0 Your details here Design approach: The column is designed using the following procedure: (1) The column design charts are constructed. (2) The design axis and design ultimate moment are determined. (3) The design axial force and moment capacity is checked on the relevant design chart. (4) The procedure is repeated for each load case. (5) The critical load case is identified as the case yielding the lowest safety factor about the design axis. Through inspection: Load case 2 (LC2) is critical. Check column slenderness: End fixity and bracing for bending about the Design axis: At the Top end : Condition 4 (free). At the Bottom end : Condition 2 (partially fixed). The column is unbraced. Effective length factor ß = 0.00 Effective column height: kLu = ß . Lo = 0 ×.5 = 0.0000×100 m Column slenderness about weakest axis: kLu/r = = kLu r 0 .14434 = 0.0000×100 Table 3.21 Job Number Sheet Job Title Your details here Client Calcs by Checked by Date Minimum Moments for Design: Check for mininum eccentricity: Check that the eccentricity exceeds the minimum in the plane of bending: eminx = 0.015 + 0.03 . h = 0.015 + 0.03 ×.5 = 0.0300 m eminy = 0.015 + 0.03 . b = 0.015 + 0.03 ×.5 = 0.0300 m Mminy = eminy . N = .03 ×-16 = -0.4800 kNm eminx = 0.015 + 0.03 . h = 0.015 + 0.03 ×.5 = 0.0300 m eminy = 0.015 + 0.03 . b = 0.015 + 0.03 ×.5 = 0.0300 m Job Number Sheet Job Title Client Your details here Calcs by Checked by Date Mminy = eminy . N = .03 ×-16 = -0.4800 kNm Check if the column is slender: kLux/r = 0.0 < 22 = 22 Thus:The column is short. 6.2.5 6.2.5 Initial moments:: The initial end moments about the X-X axis: M1 = Smaller initial end moment = 0.0 kNm M2 = Larger initial end moment = 28.0 kNm The initial end moments about the Y-Y axis: M1 = Smaller initial end moment = 0.0 kNm M2 = Larger initial end moment = 16.5 kNm Design ultimate load and moment: Design axial load: Pu = -16.0 kN Moments about X-X axis( kNm) + Mx=28.0 kNm Mxmin=-0.5 kNm = Mxbot=28.0 kNm Initial Additional Design Job Number Sheet Job Title Client Your details here Calcs by Checked by Moments about Y-Y axis( kNm) + Date My=16.5 kNm Mymin=-0.5 kNm = Mybot=16.5 kNm Initial Additional Design Design of column section for ULS: The column is checked for applied moment about the design axis. Through inspection: the critical section lies at the bottom end of the column. The design axis for the critical load case 2 lies at an angle of 210.51° to the X-axis The safety factor for the critical load case 2 is 6.74 Moment distribution along the height of the column for bending about the design axis: The final design moments were calculated as the vector sum of the X- and Y- moments of the critical load case. This also determined the design axis direction At the top, Mx = 0.0 kNm Near mid-height, Mx = 19.5 kNm At the bottom, Mx = 32.5 kNm Stresses at the bottom end of the column for the critical load case 2 Job Number Sheet Job Title Your details here Client Calcs by Checked by Date ACI 318 - 2019 Y 500 210.5° M D 210.5° M D 0 500 250 X 250 X 0 Y Summary of design calculations: Design table for critical load case: Moments and Reinforcement for LC 2:LC2 Middle Bottom Madd-x (kNm) 0.0 Top 0.0 0.0 Madd-y (kNm) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mx (kNm) 0.0 -16.8 28.0 My (kNm) 0.0 -9.9 16.5 Mmin (kNm) 0.0 0.0 -0.5 M-design (kNm) 0.0 19.5 32.5 180.00 210.51 210.51 316.40 10.70 6.74 2513 2513 Design axis (°) Safety factor As (mm²) 2513 Percentage 1.00 % 1.00 % 1.00 % Nominal mm^2 2500 2500 2500 Critical load case: LC 2 Design results for all load cases: PROVIDED VERTICAL REBAR= 2513mm2 = 8T20(VERTICAL) TIES = T10@150mm C/C Job Number Sheet Job Title Client Your details here Calcs by Checked by Load case axis N (kN) M1 (kNm) M2 (kNm) Mi (kNm) Load case 1 LC1 X-X Y-Y 27.0 0.0 0.0 -28.0 -16.5 -16.8 -9.9 0.0 0.0 Load case 2 LC2 X-X Y-Y -16.0 0.0 0.0 -28.0 -16.5 -16.8 -9.9 0.0 0.0 Load case 2 (LC2) is critical. Date M (kNm) M' (kNm) Safety factor Bottom 28.0 16.5 32.5 8.482 Bottom 28.0 16.5 32.5 6.738 Madd (kNm) Design