STAAD-Pro X Interoperability Project: Engineer.: Date: STAAD Interoperability Muhammad Qasim 10-05-2023 1). STAAD-Pro Local Axis This document is prepared to help fellow engineers to grasp the concept of STAAD local axis and avoid confusion during results/end forces interpretations. Beam end forces from STAAD are as follows: Axial (FX): Positive = Along local X-axis, Negative = Opposite to local X-axis. Shear-Y (FY): Positive = Along local Y-axis, Negative = Opposite to local Y-axis. Shear-Z (FZ): Positive = Along local Z-axis, Negative = Opposite to local Z-axis. Figure 1: STAAD AXIS ( Green = Z, Blue = X, Red = Y) Torsion (MX): Positive = Vector along local X-axis, Negative = Vector opposite to local X-axis. Moment-Y (MY): Positive = Vector along local Y-axis, Negative = Vector opposite to local Y-axis. Moment-Z (MZ): Positive = Vector along local Z-axis, Negative = Vector opposite to local Z-axis. For AXIAL Forces: Positive at the start node indicates compression at the start node. Positive at the end node indicates tension at the end node. Negative at the end node indicates compression at the end node. Negative at the start node indicates tension at the start node. STAAD-Pro X Interoperability Project: Engineer.: Date: Figure 2: Member end forces when GLOBAL- Y is vertical Figure 3: Member end forces when GLOBAL-Y is vertical STAAD Interoperability Muhammad Qasim 10-05-2023 STAAD-Pro X Interoperability Project: Engineer.: Date: STAAD Interoperability Muhammad Qasim 10-05-2023 2). IDeaStatica Local Axis: Figure 4: IDeaStatica local axis Table Below show which forces from STAAD are to be input into IDeaStatica for connection design purposes: IDeaStatica N kN Vz kN Vy kN Mx kNm Mz kNm My kNm STAAD-Pro Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN Mx kNm My kNm Mz kNm