G7 FP Physical Science 3.5 Activity ❏ With your partner, make a list of: 1. something that you need energy to do 2. some of the types of fuel(燃料) that you know. Quick experiment - stand and move a book up and down ❏ What do you need in order to move the book? ❏ Where does your energy come from? ENERGY …... • Energy is the ability to make things move. • It is also something that must be changed or transferred in order to do something. • Any living thing or object that moves does so because of some type of energy. The unit for measuring energy is called the joule (J). Different types of energy ❏ What do you think will happen if you let go of your book? Why did your book drop to the floor? REASON ….. Books have energy stored in them. This is called gravitational potential energy. When you released the books, gravitational energy forced the books to move toward the floor. WHAT DOES THE FORCE OF GRAVITY DO TO OBJECTS? Energy stores and transfer There are many different ways in which energy is being stored (储存) or transferred (转换) around you all the time. Different types of energy - kinetic energy ❏ Does this car have energy? ❏ How does the car move? ❏ What form of energy is used to make the car move? Kinetic energy - energy stored due to movement of an object. Different types of energy - chemical energy Chemical energy - energy stored in food, batteries (电池), chemical fuels such as wood, oil and coal. Different types of energy - chemical energy Thermal energy - heat energy stored in hot objects and transferred to colder objects. Different types of energy - thermal energy Elastic potential energy - energy stored when things are stretched(拉伸) or squeezed(挤压) to change their shape. Different types of energy - gravitational potential energy Electrical energy the flow of current(电流) in a circuit(电路) transfers electrical energy. Sound energy Energy transferred from vibrating(震动) objects. light energy visible energy from luminous objects that you can see. textbook p. 107 how many different forms of energy you can detect? What Type of Energy is This? What Type of Energy is This? What Type of Energy is This? What Type of Energy is This? What Type of Energy is This? What Type of Energy is This? What Type of Energy is This? Energy is not created or destroyed it can only be TRANSFERRED. Storing energy - read textbook. p.108, answer the following questions 1. What are the examples of storing chemical energy? 2. How to store gravitational potential energy? 3. What are the other two more examples of energies that can store? Please explain.