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AWS CLF-C01 & CLF-C02 Certification Quiz

Quizzes for CLF-C01 & CLF-C02
Sec�on 1
Ques�on 1
Which of the six advantages of cloud computing enables a corporate organization to adopt a
utility-based approach to spending on IT?
A. Trade capital expense for variable expense
B. Stop guessing about capacity.
C. Increase speed and agility.
D. Ability to rent physical space at Amazon Datacentre to rack your server hardware.
Correct Answer – A
Corpora�ons can stop inves�ng in extensive IT infrastructure, which �es up capital and
switch to an OPEX IT investment model. This enables companies to trade capital expenses
for variable expenses.
Ques�on 2
Which component of the AWS Global Infrastructure is used to enable clients to distribute
images and videos over a content delivery network?
A. Regions
B. Edge Loca�ons
C. Availability Zones
D. AWS CacheBox
Correct Answer – B
Edge Loca�ons are also known as Point of Presence, and they host infrastructure designed to
cache content locally for a specified Time to Live (TTL). Edge Loca�ons are used by Amazon
CloudFront, which offers Content Delivery Solu�ons.
Ques�on 3
Which Cloud Computing model refers to the basic building blocks for cloud IT and typically
provides access to networking, storage, compute and databases in the cloud?
A. IaaS
B. PaaS
C. SaaS
D. TaaS
Correct Answer – A
IaaS refers to the basic building blocks for cloud IT and typically provides access to
networking, storage, compute and databases in the cloud. It enables you to build your
infrastructure in the cloud much the same way you would build on-premise.
Ques�on 4
Which Cloud Deployment Model refers to a way to connect infrastructure and applications
between cloud-based resources and existing resources that are not located in the cloud, such
as an on-premises datacentre?
A. Hybrid Cloud
B. Private Cloud
C. Public Cloud
D. Virtual Private Cloud
Correct Answer – A
The most common method of hybrid deployment is between the cloud and exis�ng onpremises infrastructure to extend and grow, an organiza�on's infrastructure into the cloud
while connec�ng cloud resources to the internal system.
Ques�on 5
Which AWS Service enables you to create Billing Alarms?
A. CloudWatch
B. CloudTrail
C. AWS Alarms
D. Cost Explorer
Correct Answer – A
You can monitor your es�mated AWS charges using Amazon CloudWatch and configure
email alerts and alarms when your bill exceeds a threshold in US dollars.
Sec�on 2
Ques�on 1
You wish to configure your IAM User accounts with an additional layer of security so that
you can prevent brute force attacks where malicious attackers try to guess your IAM users'
password while attempting to log in using the AWS management console? Which
AWS IAM feature will enable you to achieve this requirement?
A. Configure your IAM Users with Multi-Factor Authentication
B. Configure password complexity for your IAM Users
C. Configure Access Key IDs and Secret Access Keys
D. Have two passwords for every AWS IAM User account.
Correct Answer – A
AWS Mul�-Factor Authen�ca�on (MFA) is a simple best prac�ce that adds a layer of
protec�on on top of your username and password. With MFA enabled, when a user signs in
to an AWS website, they will be prompted for their user name and password (the first
factor—what they know), as well as for an authen�ca�on response from their AWS MFA
device (the second factor—what they have). These mul�ple factors provide increased
security for your AWS account se�ngs and resources.
Ques�on 2
What format are IAM Policy documents written in?
C. Java
D. Bash Script
Correct Answer – A
Policies are stored in AWS as JSON documents and are atached to principals as iden�tybased policies in IAM.
Ques�on 3
What types of IAM policies are created and managed by AWS?
A. AWS Managed Policies
B. Customer Managed Policies
C. Single Policies
D. Regional Policies
Correct Answer – A
Managed policies that are created and managed by AWS.
Ques�on 4
Which IAM feature can you use to assign permissions to IAM users who share a similar job
function which will ensure better management of those policies?
A. IAM Groups
B. IAM Policy
C. IAM Roles
D. IAM Team
Correct Answer – A
Instead of defining permissions for individual IAM users, crea�ng groups that relate to job
func�ons (administrators, developers, accoun�ng, etc.) is usually more convenient. Next,
define the relevant permissions for each group. Finally, assign IAM users to those groups.
Ques�on 5
When considering best practices, what strategy should you adopt when assigning permissions
to your IAM Users?
A. Adopt the principle of least privileges.
B. Adopt the strategy of granting full admin access
C. Share the root account credential with only a handful of IAM users.
D. Configure IAM User account with MFA protection.
Correct Answer – A
When you create IAM policies, follow the standard security advice of gran�ng the least
privilege, or gran�ng only the permissions required to perform a task.
Sec�on 3
Ques�on 1
Which AWS Service offers unlimited object-based storage that can be used to store backups
of Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents?
A. Amazon S3
B. Amazon EFS
C. Amazon EBS
D. Amazon Blob Storage
Correct Answer – A
Amazon S3 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that
can be used to store and protect any amount of data for a range of use cases, such as websites,
mobile applications, backup and restore, Amazon Web Services – Overview of Amazon
Web Services Page 84 archive, enterprise applications, IoT devices, and big data analytics.
Ques�on 2
Which AWS Service can transfer 500TB of data in the shortest time?
A. Amazon Snowball
B. Amazon Direct Connect
C. Amazon DMS
D. Amazon Transfer Acceleration
Correct Answer – A
Snowball is a petabyte-scale data transport solution that uses devices designed to be secure to
transfer large amounts of data into and out of the AWS Cloud. Using Snowball, you can
transfer large amounts faster than any Internet or Direct Connect service.
Ques�on 3
Which AWS Services offers highly low-cost storage service for data archiving and long-term
A. Amazon Glacier
B. Amazon Storage Gateway
C. Amazon FSx for Lustre
D. Amazon EBS
Correct Answer – A
Amazon S3 Glacier is a secure, durable, and extremely low-cost storage service for data
archiving and long-term backup.
Ques�on 4
Which AWS service offers the ability to deploy a standard HTML website that does not
require server-side scripting but can scale automatically to cope with any traffic?
A. Amazon S3
B. Amazon EC2
C. Amazon Site Service
D. Amazon Snowball
Correct Answer – A
You can host a sta�c website on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). On a sta�c
website, individual webpages include sta�c content. They might also contain client-side
scripts but no server-side scripts. The website can scale automa�cally, and AWS manages
Ques�on 5
Which Amazon S3 Storage Class automatically moves objects that have not been accessed
for 30 days to the infrequently access tier, and if an object in the infrequent access tier is
accessed, it is automatically moved back to the frequent access tier, thus ensuring that data
resides in the most cost-effective tier based on the use case.
A. Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering
B. Amazon S3 Standard (Infrequent Access)
C. Amazon S3 One-Zone Infrequent Access
D. Amazon S3 Glacier
Correct Answer – A
The S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class is designed to op�mize costs by automa�cally moving
data to the most cost-effec�ve access �er, without performance impact or opera�onal
Sec�on 4
Ques�on 1
Which AWS VPC feature enables you to ensure that only HTTP traffic is allowed inbound
into a given Public Subnet?
A. Network Access Control Lists (NACLs
B. Security Grouops
C. NAT Gateways
D. Internet Gateway
Correct Answer – A
A network access control list (ACL) is an op�onal layer of security for your VPC that acts as a
firewall for controlling traffic in and out of one or more subnets.
Ques�on 2
Which component of the AWS Global Infrastructure is used by Amazon CloudFront to
distribute content across its CDN network?
A. Regions
B. Availability Zones
C. Edge Loca�ons
Correct Answer – C
To deliver content to end users with lower latency, Amazon CloudFront uses a global
network of various Points of Presence (comprising of Edge Loca�ons and Regional Edge
Ques�on 3
Which AWS Service can be used as a hub that you can use to interconnect your Virtual
Private Clouds (VPCs) and On-Premises Networks?
A. AWS Transit Gateway
B. AWS Global Accelerator
C. AWS Direct Connect
D. Elas�c Load Balancer
Correct Answer – A
A transit gateway is a network transit hub that you can use to interconnect your virtual
private clouds (VPC) and on-premises networks.
Ques�on 4
Which AWS service enables you to establish a dedicated network connection between your
on-premises network and your Amazon VPC using industry-standard 802.1Q virtual LANS
A. AWS Direct Connect
C. AWS VPC Peering
D. AWS App Mesh
Correct Answer – A
AWS Direct Connect lets you establish a dedicated connec�on between your network and
one of the AWS Direct Connect loca�ons. Using industry-standard 802.1Q virtual LANS
(VLANs), this dedicated connec�on can be par��oned into mul�ple virtual interfaces.
Ques�on 5
Which AWS service enables you to build serverless architectures and makes it easy for
developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs in the cloud?
A. API Gateway
B. AWS Transit Gateway
C. AWS Cloud Map
D. AWS Private Link
Correct Answer – A
Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create,
publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.
Sec�on 5
Ques�on 1
Which of the following techniques can help you automate the provision and configuration of
EC2 instances with specific operating system configuration and installation of applications
and thus avoid human error in configuring your virtual servers?
A. Bootstrapping
B. Crea�on of snapshots
C. Using provisioned IOPS volumes
D. Load balancing
Correct Answer – A
Bootstrapping ac�ons can be run as scripts to further customize the deployment at launch
�me and, together with Golden AMIs, will ensure that deployments are completed without
human error.
Ques�on 2
Which EC2 pricing model would you recommend for hosting an application that runs daily
batch jobs between 10 AM and 2 PM, Monday to Friday and must not be interrupted?
A. On-Demand
B. Reserved
C. Spot
D. Fixed
Correct Answer – A
The On-Demand pricing model is ideal for this use case because you only pay for the hours
that the server is up and running.
Ques�on 3
Which service enables you to deploy a virtual server preconfigured with standard applications
such as WordPress etc., with little to no AWS experience?
A. EC2
B. LightSail
D. Lambda
Correct Answer – B
Amazon Lambda enables you to run func�ons responding to triggers without provisioning or
managing servers.
Ques�on 4
Which AWS service can automatically scale and increase the number of EC2 instances
available to support increasing demand for your application?
A. Elastic Load Balancer
B. Auto Scaling
Correct Answer – B
Amazon Auto Scaling is a web service that can horizontally scale your EC2 instance in
response to increasing the load on existing server farms by monitoring key metrics from
Ques�on 5
Which AWS storage technology can be attached as a virtual disk to your EC2 Instances?
C. S3
D. Storage Gateway
Correct Answer – A
EBS is Elastic Block Store, block-level storage that can be attached to any EC2 Instance as a
virtual disk in the cloud. EBS Volumes can be formatted, and you can install applications
and databases. They also host the operating system of the EC2 instance.
Sec�on 6
Ques�on 1
Which of the following database engine is supported by Amazon RDS?
B. Cassandra
C. Cobol
D. MongoDB
Correct Answer – A
MySQL is a Support RDS Database Engine
Ques�on 2
Which of the below is Amazon's proprietary RDS database?
A. Aurora
B. DynamoDB
C. Microsoft SQL
D. Visual Basic
Correct Answer – A
Aurora is Amazon's proprietary RDS database. Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and
PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud that combines the performance
and availability of traditional enterprise databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness
of open-source databases.
Ques�on 3
Which feature of Amazon RDS enables you to copy a database replica to another region that
can be used for DR in the event of a major disaster?
A. Multi-AZ
B. Read Replica
C. DR Replica
D. Copy Blob
Correct Answer – B
Read Replicas are asynchronous copies of the master Database and can be manually
promoted to a standalone database instance in the event of a major disaster or when you have
a company split and if both companies need a copy of the database each.
Ques�on 4
Which AWS database service provides a fully managed ledger database that provides a
transparent, immutable, and cryptographically verifiable transaction?
A. Amazon DynamoDB
B. Amazon RDS
C. Amazon Redshift
D. Amazon QLDB
Correct Answer – D
Amazon QLDB is a fully managed ledger database that provides a transparent, immutable,
and cryptographically verifiable transaction log owned by a central trusted authority. Amazon
QLDB tracks every application data change and maintains a complete and verifiable history.
Ques�on 5
Which Amazon Database service can be used to create interactive graph applications?
A. Amazon DynamoDB
B. Amazon Neptune
C. Amazon Mars
D. Amazon QLDB
Correct Answer – B
Amazon Neptune is a fast, reliable, fully managed graph database service that makes it easy
to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets. The core of Amazon
Neptune is a purpose-built, high-performance graph database engine optimized for storing
billions of relationships and querying the graph with milliseconds latency.
Sec�on 7
Ques�on 1
Which AWS service enables you to purchase and register new domain names?
A. Amazon RDS
B. Amazon Route53
C. Amazon DNS
D. Amazon EC2
Correct Answer – B
Amazon Route53 allows you to register and host your domain names within AWS.
Ques�on 2
Which type of Amazon Route53 record can be used to map a zone apex record to an Amazon
S3 Static Website Bucket?
A. CNAME Record
B. A Record
C. Alias Record
D. MX Record
Correct Answer – C
Alias records enable you to map the zone apex record of a domain name to any of the
published AWS Services, such as the URL of an Elas�c Load Balancer, S3 Sta�c Website
Bucket or Elas�c Beanstalk Applica�on URL
Ques�on 3
Which type of Amazon Route 53 routing policy enables you to perform A/B testing between
an older version of your website and a newer version of your website, such that you can send
only a tiny percentage of your total traffic to the newer version of the site and gain insights
into how your users are finding the new UI?
A. Latency-based rou�ng policy
B. Weighted rou�ng policy
C. Failover rou�ng policy
D. Geoloca�on rou�ng policy
Correct Answer – B
Use to route traffic to mul�ple resources in propor�ons that you specify. The total weight
will be 100. O�en used for tasks such as A/B tes�ng for website updates.
Ques�on 4
Which service enables you to resolve public domain names to an IP Address?
A. Amazon Route53
B. Amazon Route66
C. Amazon Route21
D. Elas�c Load Balancers
Correct Answer – A
Route53 offers DNS services and enables you to resolve public DNS names to IP Addresses
and AWS Resources such as Elas�c Load Balancers and Elas�c Beanstalk URLS
Ques�on 5
Which AWS service enables you to build cross-region High Availability solutions when
deploying multiple EC2 webservers across different geographical regions?
A. Amazon Route53
B. Amazon ECS
C. Amazon Lambda
D. AWS Auto Scaling
Correct Answer – A
Amazon Route53 is a DNS service which offers mul�-region rou�ng policies to enable you to
build high-availability solu�ons across geographical regions.
Sec�on 8
Ques�on 1
Which AWS service can help you design applications with loose coupling in mind, enabling
to build a distributed application model and develop microservices architecture?
A. Amazon SQS
B. Amazon EFS
C. Amazon RDS
D. Amazon Macros
Correct Answer
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that
enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless
Ques�on 2
You wish to be notified whenever someone uploads a new object to your Amazon S3 Bucket.
Which AWS service can be used with Amazon S3 to send such email notifications?
A. Amazon Data Sync
B. Amazon SNS
C. Amazon Workspaces
D. Amazon EBS
Correct Answer – B
Amazon Simple No�fica�on Service (SNS) is a highly available, durable, secure, fully
managed pub/sub messaging service enabling you to fan out no�fica�ons to end users using
mobile push, SMS, and email protocols and can be used to send out alerts and no�fica�ons
of events as they take place.
Ques�on 3
Which AWS service enables you to design a sequence of conditional-based tasks allowing
your application logic to complete a series of workflows to arrive at a desired outcome?
A. Amazon SQS
B. Amazon SWF
C. Amazon SNS
D. Amazon Polly
Correct Answer – B
The Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) makes building applica�ons that
coordinate work across distributed components easy. In Amazon SWF, a task represents a
logical unit of work performed by a component of your applica�on. Coordina�ng tasks
across the applica�on involves managing task dependencies, scheduling, and concurrency
following the logical flow of the applica�on.
Ques�on 4
Which of the following protocols are NOT supported by Amazon SNS
A. Email
C. Amazon SQS
Correct Answer – D
FTP is not a support transport protocol for Amazon SNS
Ques�on 5
Which AWS Service enables you to set up and operate message brokers in the cloud for
Apache ActiveMQ?
A. Amazon MQ
B. Amazon Route53
C. Amazon S3
D. Amazon Route66
Correct Answer – A
Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache Ac�veMQ that makes it easy
to set up and operate message brokers in the cloud. Message brokers allow different
so�ware systems–o�en using different programming languages, and on different pla�orms–
to communicate and exchange informa�on.
Sec�on 9
Ques�on 1
Which AWS service offers a managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) process making it
easy to prepare and load your data for analytics?
A. Amazon ETL
B. Amazon Glue
C. Amazon Gum
D. Amazon S3
Correct Answer – B
AWS Glue is a fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that makes it easy
for customers to prepare and load their data for analytics
Ques�on 2
Which AWS service enables you to run SQL queries against raw data held in CSV files
stored in an Amazon S3 bucket that can be easily imported and analyzed?
A. Amazon Athena
B. Amazon Neptune
C. Amazon CloudFormation
D. Amazon Elastic Transcode
Correct Answer – A
Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that easily analyses data in Amazon S3 using
standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage, and you pay only
for the queries that you run.
Ques�on 3
Which AWS service lets you reliably load streaming data into data lakes, data stores and
analytics tools such as Amazon S3, Redshift and Elasticsearch?
A. Amazon Kinesis Firehose
B. Amazon Kinesis Analy�cs
C. Amazon Aurora
D. Amazon EFS
Correct Answer – A
Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is the easiest way to reliably load streaming data into data
lakes, data stores and analy�cs tools. It can capture, transform, and load streaming data into
Amazon S3, Amazon Redshi�, Amazon Elas�csearch Service, and Splunk, enabling near real�me analy�cs with exis�ng business intelligence tools and dashboards you already use
Ques�on 4
Which AWS service features build visualizations, perform ad hoc analysis, and get business
insights from your data.
A. Amazon Glue
B. Amazon QuickSight
C. Amazon Athena
D. Amazon Kinesis
Correct Answer – B
Amazon QuickSight is a business analy�cs service that builds visualisa�ons, performs ad hoc
analysis, and gets business insights from your data. It can automa�cally discover AWS data
sources and works with your data sources.
Ques�on 5
Which AWS service offers search engine capabilities and is commonly used for log analytics,
full-text search, security intelligence, business analytics, and operational intelligence use
A. Amazon Elas�csearch
B. Amazon Glue
C. Google Search
D. Amazon QuickSight
Correct Answer – A
You can send data in JSON documents to Elas�csearch using the API or inges�on tools such
as Logstash and Amazon Kinesis Firehose. Elas�csearch automa�cally stores the original
document and adds a searchable reference to the document in the cluster’s index. You can
then search and retrieve the document using the Elas�csearch API. You can also use Kibana,
an open-source visualiza�on tool, with Elas�csearch to visualize your data and build
interac�ve dashboards.
Sec�on 10
Ques�on 1
You are building a data loss prevention (DLP) application that needs to read text content in
images and can detect and prevent the leak of Social Security Numbers as part of your
compliance requirements? Which AWS Service can help you with this?
A. Amazon Config
B. Amazon CloudWatch
C. Amazon Rekognition
D. Amazon Securicor
Correct Answer – C
With Amazon Rekognition, you can detect, analyze, and compare text, scenes and faces for
various user verification and identify content that should be removed.
Ques�on 2
Which service enables you to convert recorded voice files into text?
A. Amazon Polly
B. Amazon Transcribe
C. Amazon Translate
D. Amazon Rekogni�on
Correct Answer – B
Amazon Transcribe is a transcrip�on service that can covert audio files into text.
Sec�on 11
Ques�on 1
Which AWS service records API activity which can be used for auditing purposes to
determine who accessed which resource, when and from which location?
A. Amazon CloudTrail
B. Amazon CloudWatch
C. Amazon CloudFront
D. Amazon Cloud Monitor
Correct Answer - A
Correct Answer - CloudTrail provides the event history of your AWS account ac�vity,
including ac�ons taken through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command line
tools, and other AWS services.
Ques�on 2
Which of the following services are offered by Amazon CloudWatch?
A. Monitor CPU usage of EC2 Instances
B. Enable recoding of API activity against AWS resources
C. Mitigate DDoS attacks.
D. Distribute content globally.
Correct Answer - A
With CloudWatch, you can collect and access all your performance and operational data
through logs and metrics for Amazon EC2, including CPU Utilization and network traffic
Ques�on 3
Which AWS service enables you to build your infrastructure as code using JSON templates?
A. Amazon CloudFormation
B. Amazon CloudWatch
C. Amazon IAM
D. Amazon OpsWorks
Correct Answer – A
AWS CloudFormation gives developers and systems administrators an easy way to create and
manage a collection of related AWS resources, provisioning and updating them orderly and
predictable. You can use AWS CloudFormation’s sample templates or create your templates
to describe the AWS resources, and any associated dependencies or runtime parameters,
required to run your application. CloudFormation templates can be written in JSON or
YAML format.
Ques�on 4
Which category of the AWS Trusted Advisor enables you to determine if you have
configured your RDS databases with multi-AZ?
A. Fault Tolerance
B. Performance
C. Cost Optimization
D. Security
Correct Answer – A
Explains how to increase the availability and redundancy of your AWS application by taking
advantage of auto-scaling, health checks, multi-AZ, and backup capabilities.
Ques�on 5
Which of the following is a feature of the AWS Organizations service?
A. Deploy virtual servers in the cloud.
B. Consolidated Billing
C. Create mul�ple IAM users, groups, and roles.
D. Enable you to connect your on-premises network to the AWS cloud.
Correct Answer – B
You can use the consolidated billing feature in AWS Organiza�ons to consolidate billing and
payment for mul�ple AWS accounts or Amazon Internet Services Pt. Ltd (AISPL) accounts.
Sec�on 12
Ques�on 1
Which services protect against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks?
A. AWS Shield
C. AWS inspector
D. Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)
Correct Answer – A
AWS Shield is a managed Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protec�on service that
safeguards applica�ons running on AWS
Ques�on 2
Which security feature of your Amazon VPC can be configured to deny network access from
a specific IP address?
A. Security Groups
B. Amazon WAF
C. Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)
Correct Answer – C
A network access control list (ACL) is an optional layer of security for your VPC that acts as
a firewall for controlling traffic in and out of one or more subnets. NACLs can be configured
to deny traffic from specific sources, such as from specific IP Addresses or IP Ranges
Ques�on 3
Under the Shared Security Model, which of the following is the customer's responsibility?
A. Allow all traffic over RDP to Windows Servers from only the customer’s corporate
B. Upgrade the Hypervisors that support your RDS database.
C. After data has been copied to your Amazon S3 buckets, perform media sanitising
tasks on all Snowball Devices.
D. Upgrade the EC2 Hypervisors with the latest bug fixes.
Correct Answer – A
Enabling inbound and out traffic over RDS to your ECS instances is the customer's
responsibility as part of security in the cloud.
Ques�on 4
Which AWS service uses a highly secure hardware storage device to store tamper-proof
encryption keys?
A. CloudHSM
B. Snowball
C. DeepLense
D. AWS Shield
Correct Answer – A
AWS CloudHSM is a cloud-based hardware security module (HSM) that enables you to
quickly generate and use your encryption keys on the AWS Cloud.
Ques�on 5
As part of your move to GDPR compliance, you must analyse all data held in your Amazon
S3 buckets for Personally identifiable information (PII). Which AWS service offers the
capability of identifying such sensitive information and can be used to create dashboards and
alerts that give visibility into how this data is being accessed or moved?
A. Amazon Snowball
B. Amazon Macie
C. Amazon Cake
D. Amazon Trusted Advisor
Correct Answer – B
Amazon Macie first creates a baseline and then ac�vely monitors for anomalies that indicate
risks and/or suspicious behaviour, such as large quan��es of source code being downloaded,
creden�als being stored in an unsecured manner, or sensi�ve data such as Personally
Iden�fiable Informa�on (PII) that is configured to be externally accessible. Amazon Macie
uses machine learning to automa�cally discover, classify, and protect sensi�ve data in AWS.
Macie recognizes sensi�ve data such as personally iden�fiable informa�on (PII) or
intellectual property.
Sec�on 13
Ques�on 1
One of the seven design principles of the Security Pillar in the Well-Architected Framework
refers to applying security at all layers. Which firewall options can you configure to protect
your EC2 Instances deployed in a VPC at the network layer?
A. Security Groups
B. Amazon Macie
C. Amazon GuardDuty
D. Amazon Detec�ve
Correct Answer – A
Security Groups are firewalls that protect the individual EC2 Instance and restrict traffic to
the instance.
Ques�on 2
In applying the principles of the Reliability Pillar for Failure Management, what strategy
should you adopt for production workloads when you encounter a failure?
A. Send out communications to end-users and work on fixing the failed component.
B. Replace the failed component with a new one first to get your application up and
running, and analyse the failed resource as a separate exercise.
C. Engage with a third party to provide replica services while you work on the failed
D. Continue with business as usual and schedule the fix after business hours.
Correct Answer - 2
Rather than trying to diagnose and fix a failed resource that is part of your production
environment, you can replace it with a new one and analyse the failed resource out of the
band. Since the cloud enables you to stand up temporary versions of a whole system at a low
cost, you can use automated testing to verify complete recovery processes.
Sec�on 14
Ques�on 1
Which items should be included in a TCO analysis comparing on-premise to AWS Cloud?
A. Opera�ng System Licensing
B. IAM User Crea�ons
C. Opera�ng System Patching
D. Number of CloudForma�on Templates
Correct Answer – A
Opera�ng System Licensing is a cost that needs to be included in the TCO analysis. Amazon’s
managed EC2 instance AMIs include the opera�ng system license cost.
Ques�on 2
An architect must produce a proposal summarising the expected cost of deploying web
servers on the AWS cloud. Which tool can be used to assist the architect?
A. AWS TCO Calculator (now replaced by Migration Evaluator)
B. AWS Simply Month Calculator (also known as AWS Pricing Calculator)
C. AWS EC2 Cost Report
D. AWS Budgets
Correct Answer – B
The AWS Simply Monthly Calculator (now renamed AWS Pricing Calculator) can be used to
es�mate the total cost of deploying various resources on AWS.
Ques�on 3
A company would like to maximize their volume discounts on S3 Storage buckets and
reserved EC2 instances across multiple accounts. What tool can be configured to help achieve
A. AWS Organizations
B. AWS Budgets
C. Amazon S3
D. AWS Support Plans
Correct Answer – A
With AWS Organizations and Consolidated Billing, you can combine the usage across all
accounts to share the volume pricing and Reserved Instance discounts. This can result in a
lower charge for your project, department, or company than with an individual standalone
Ques�on 4
Which AWS tool enables you to forecast how much you will spend for the next three months
and get recommendations for what Reserved Instances to purchase?
A. AWS Budgets
B. AWS Cost Explorer
C. AWS Simple Monthly Calculator (AWS Pricing Calculator)
D. Amazon CloudWatch
Correct Answer – B
Cost Explorer is a tool that enables you to view and analyze your costs and usage. You can
explore your usage and costs using the main graph, the Cost Explorer cost and usage reports,
or the Cost Explorer RI reports. You can view data for the last 13 months, forecast how much
you'll likely spend for the next three months, and get recommendations for what Reserved
Instances to purchase. You can use Cost Explorer to identify areas that need further inquiry
and see trends that you can use to understand your costs.