Pakistan International School Jeddah (English Section) Session 2021-2022 Subject: Islamiyat (0493) Year 8 CH: 3 - THE LIFE OF PROPHET (SAW)- Notes/2 Topic: The Life of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) Before Prophethood Q: Write about the prophet’s life up until the first revelation. [10] Q: Give an account of the prophet’s life up to the time the revelation begins. [10] Q: Describe the main events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from his childhood until he received revelation. May/June 2019 [10] Outline lineage Infancy – Age 0-5 o Birth and Name o Arab’s custom - Wet Nurses o Good fortune for Halima Sadia o Opening of chest (Shaq ul Sadar) Childhood – Age 5 - 8 o Caretakers (Mother, Grand Father, Uncle) Journey to Syria- Age 12 Battle of Fujar- Age 15 Truce of Fudul – Age 15 Youth - truthful & trustworthy Marriage with Khadijah RA – Age 25 Arbitration – Fixing of Black stone in Kaa’bah – Age 35 Meditation in cave Hira Prophet’s life up until the first revelation. Page 1 of 4 THE LIFE OF PROPHET MOHAMMED (SAW) BEFORE PROPHETHOOD lineage o Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abdul Manaf bin Qusay bin Killab bin Muraa’………..Ismail bin Ibrahim o Belong to the Quraish – a famous branch of Ismailite Arabs. o His family had custody of Ka’bah and responsibility of taking care of pilgrims. o His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, was known for: iRestoring the well of Zam’Zam iiDialog with Abraha Infancy – Age 0-5 o Birth and Naming o Born on 12th Rabi-ul-Awal, 570 A.D. Aam ul Feel (Year of Elephant) o Father Abdullah died – before birth o Name - Muhammad (the praised one) by Grandfather Abdul-Muttalib Ahmed (the one who praises) by Mother Amna bint Wahab o Arab’s custom - Wet Nurses o o o o Early days’ nursing by Thaubiyah She was slave girl of uncle Abu Lahab -- fostered Hamza (RA) also Halimah Saadiah of Banu Sa’ad – entrusted for upbringing She experienced good fortune, blessings….. o Opening of chest (Shaq ul Sadar) o o o o Prophet (SAW) was 5 years old Angel Jibreel (AS) came- opened his chest took out his heart - removed clot of blood washed his heart with Zam’zam - then put it back together Childhood – Age 5 – 8 - Caretakers (Mother, Grand Father, Uncle) o He returned to his mother at the of age of 5 o His mother (Amna) took him Madinah to visit the grave of father at the age of 6 o On return journey, she passed away at Abwa and buried there. o Umm Ayman (slave girl) brought him to his grandfather(Abdul Muttalib) o Abdul Muttalib brought him up with affection for two years. o Prophet (SAW) was 8 years old, Grandfather died. o But before his death, he entrusted Prophet to his Uncle Abu Talib. o Uncle Abu Talib loved him deeply, a lifelong friend and helper. o ‘’Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter (and care).’’ (Ad-Dhuha 93:6) Journey to Syria- Age 12 o Prophet (SAW) accompanied Abu Talib on a trade journey to Syria o met a Christian monk Bahirah, who saw the signs of Prophethood o asked Abu Talib to take special care of his nephew. Prophet’s life up until the first revelation. Page 2 of 4 Battle of Fujar- Age 15 o o o o o A sacrilegious war broke out at the fair of Ukaaz between Quraysh & Huwazin during sacred months - Lasted many years Muhammad (SAW) was present in this battle. He did not participate in actual fighting helped his uncle by picking up arrows thrown by the enemy. Truce of Fudul – Age 15 o o o o o o Leaders of Makkan formed an alliance due to effects of war Object was to maintain peace in region Meeting held at house of Abdullah ibn Jad’an Alliance was called Truce of Fudul Prophet (SAW) participated actively and took the oath - REF Page no: 52 Prophet (SAW)’s presence was proof of his concern & interest in the well fare activity. Profession & Youth - truthful & trustworthy o o o o o Excellent characteristics never indulged in evil activities never worshipped idols known as ‘Sadiq’ & ‘Amin’ worked as – shepherd, trader, merchant Marriage with Khadijah bint khuwalid(RA) – Age 25 o o o o o o o She was a widow trader requested Prophet(SAW) to take her merchandise to Syria with her slave Maisara impressed by his honesty and goodness her marriage proposal was accepted by prophet(SAW) Khadija was 40 — Prophet (SAW) was 25, had 6 children 2 sons – 4 daughters she was the 1st person to accept Islam - supported Prophet (SAW) in his struggles Rebuilding Ka’abah & Arbitration Issue - Age 35 o o o o o o Quraish decided to rebuild Kabah, damaged due to floods divided tasks among chiefs of tribes – decided to spend halal income only dispute arose between chieftains to take the honour of fixing the black stone. Abu Umayyah suggested to accept the decision of the first person to enter the Ka’abah the following morning Prophet (SAW) happened to be the first person entered and he accepted to arbitrate. An explosive situation was resolved peacefully by the wisdom of prophet (SAW). Meditation in cave of Hira. o The marriage to Khadijah (RA) freed Prophet (SAW) from financial worries o He spend his time in cave Hira in the mount of Nur till call to Prophethood o Signs of prophet hood – True Dreams Prophet’s life up until the first revelation. Page 3 of 4 Q: Give an account of the prophet’s life up to the time the revelation begins. [10] Q: Describe the main events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from his childhood until he received revelation. May/June 2019 [10] Marking Scheme A comprehensive answer will provide an account of some key events from the Prophet’s childhood until the age of 40, as well as the main figures in his life and the role they played. Candidates may include some of the following points. All other relevant points must be credited. The Prophet (SAW) was born in the year of the elephant. His parents were Amina and Abdullah. As with the custom of the time, he was sent to the desert with a wet nurse. Halima Sa’adia narrates that they had good fortune with the arrival of the Prophet (pbuh) in their household, and asked he stay with them another two years. During this time the incident of the angels coming to clean his heart happened. Halima returned him to his mother. His mother died when he was six on the way back from Yathrib. His grandfather looked after him and then after he passed away Abu Talib looked after the Prophet (pbuh) when he was eight. He went on trade journeys with Abu Talib and this is where Bahira the monk saw him. He picked up arrows in the sacrilegious wars and was present at the subsequent Fudul confederacy. He was employed by Khadija to go on a trade journey to Syria and on account of his honesty she sent a marriage proposal to him. They had six children together. He helped resolve the issue of the fixing of the black stone. After this the Prophet (pbuh) spent longer periods in the cave of Hira and at age of 40 the angel Jibril came with the first revelation. (a) Write about the life of the Prophet up until the first revelation. [10] (M/J/10) Candidates can provide details of any events related to the Prophet Muhammad’s life up until he received the first revelation. However, good answers will write a narrative naming key figure, important events and sequence them in the order in which they hap pened. Candidates could talk about the Prophet’s parents, his guardianship under his uncle Abu Talib, and his relationship with the Quraysh. They could mention special events that occurred in his childhood, e.g. the angels washing his heart. They should also mention his trade journeys, and related to this, his subsequent marriage to Khadija, as well as the meeting with Bahira. Better answers may also give elaborations about his character and mention his increasing seclusions just before revelation – with any relevant supporting quotations. Prophet’s life up until the first revelation. Page 4 of 4