IAN CHIRTOACA NO BULLSHIT DIETING GUIDE The Barseagle Way CONTENT 1 INTRODUCTION How fitness influencers promote shit diet plans 7 THE DIET MINDSET 80% of dieting is having the right mindset 11 THE ECTOMORPH OVERLOAD DIET Dieting for skinny boy genetics 17 THE ENDOMORPH SHRED DIET Dieting for fat people 23 HOW TO STAY CONSISTENT WITH DIET The proper way to add cheat meals INTRODUCTION HOW FITNESS INFLUENCERS PROMOTE SHIT DIET PLANS Yoo bro, if you’ve been following me for a while, then you know that diet has always been the hardest part of my calisthenics career to achieving the body, the strength and the skills that you see in my videos… … and not only for me… This is the case for even the top, top athletes in the sport. They ALL struggle with diet. It doesn’t matter if it’s to eat less until they almost starve, or eat more until they have to throw up, both are hard (you don’t have to go this extreme to get good results btw). 1 That’s why it is one of the MOST IMPORTANT Soviet Strength Principles and why I even made this extra guide, so you have all the information super clear stepby-step, so it’s easier for you to implement the knowledge… … because bro… There is a lot of bs out there in the fitness industry when it comes to training and how to ACTUALLY progress… but when it comes to diet, maybe it is even worse 😂 Everybody tries to make it sooooo complicated when it’s actually just as simple as: Eat X amount of meals per day Eat smaller/bigger meals Weigh yourself every week Change meal portion/amount accordingly 2 That’s it bro Still, you have people who tell you if you don’t get XYZ supplements, if you don’t buy their cookbook, if you don’t weigh every single piece of your food, or track every single calorie … that you will always stay fat (or skinny). If you keep reading, and you implement the steps I will tell you… You will quickly realize that most advice people give is stupid. Of course, the amount of calories you consume is important and you should have an estimate of how much you need (you can calculate that here by the way). 3 But it is not sustainable or realistic to be tracking every single calorie you eat without going insane. And this is not even taking into account the TYPE of foods all these fitness influencers try to get you to eat bro… They created all this bullshit supplements with151 chemical ingredients in them you think that is good for you bro? Or they show you basically how to eat processed sugary foods every single day but “within your macros”. Yes, maybe you will lose weight (or gain weight)... ... but in a couple years your health will be shit and you will be getting all kinds of diseases. 4 I said this also in the Soviet Strength Principle video but 9/10 of the diseases of people come from the FOODS they eat. Crazy yea? (click here if you want to see the research that shows this). Still, you have these influencers promoting all types of bullshit … that’s why I thought making this no BS dieting guide was so important. My bad…. intro went a bit long 😂 Let’s get started bro… I’ll keep it so simple you’ll be like “What, it’s that simple?” 5 Yes, it’s so simple that if you implement it properly, you’ll be losing weight every single week (or gaining weight if you have the same skinny boy genetics like me). Plus, if you can combine this with the other Soviet Strength Principles or even the Soviet Strength System inside the plan... Then you will progress so fast in muscle and strength that people will start saying you’re taking something extra... If you know what I mean 😁. 6 THE DIET MINDSET 80% OF DIETING IS HAVING THE RIGHT MINDSET Now, before we dive deeper into the actual 5-step diet plan we need to talk about the diet mindset, because yes – the Barseagle way of dieting is so simple that even a baby can follow it, but... That does not mean that it is gonna be EASY. I would say 80% of it is just having the right mindset and discipline, and 20% is actually doing it. You see, myself for example I have a fast metabolism, so I naturally burn more calories than I eat. If I eat how my body wants then I would eat like 2, or maybe 3 meals per day – small portions. 7 But if I would do that I would have stayed skinny and weak all my life. That was obviously not what I wanted. I wanted to become SUPERHUMAN strong which not only helped me learn elite-level skills, like full planche in 3 months, but also gave me the body that makes people say I look like a bodybuilder (even though I never focused on hypertrophy or volume). What I needed to do to achieve these goals was to eat 4–5 meals per day – BIG portions. If you are more fat and you have a slow metabolism, and you wanna eat ALL the time, then it’s the same thing but the opposite. You need to eat LESS meals and probably also smaller portions. 8 This is very, very important to understand… You need to eat not according to how you FEEL, but according to what you want to achieve – to your GOALS. If I ate how I felt like, I would have always stayed skinny and you would never know me as “Ian Barseagle” and be reading this guide. I had to DISCIPLINE myself to eat those 4– 5 meals, and when I did this for a long enough time, 1–2 weeks consistently, I already started to see a MASSIVE difference, and I was already at a very high-level in calisthenics. Be hard on yourself with this... Because if you follow this plan properly... 9 ... then you will progress so good that you will have more than enough motivation to keep going. It’s funny though… How people with fast metabolism always want a slow metabolism, and people with slow metabolism want a fast metabolism 😂 I guess the “pain” of staying fat or super skinny is basically the same. But thankfully, after today you won’t have to deal with that pain anymore. 10 THE ENDOMORPH OVERLOAD DIET DIETING FOR SKINNY PEOPLE Alright bro let’s talk about HOW TO GAIN WEIGHT, STRENGTH and MUSCLE - FAST if you have the same skinny boy metabolism like me. If you are an endomorph, feel free to skip this chapter and go to the next. Okay... back to my skinny boy genetics brothers . 😂 Dieting like a champ ’is very simple and I’ve already explained the most important things... So here I will keep it short: 11 STEP 1: WEIGH YOURSELF EVERY DAY Some people are like, “No! Weighing yourself every day is bad because you have water weight etc. and you will feel depressed”, But again... that’s what happens when you get attached to feelings. I would say that you can weigh yourself every day just as a habit. The best is if you do it in the morning as short as possible after waking up, before eating or drinking anything – same time, every single day. STEP 2: CHOOSE YOUR STARTING POINT Then, what you need to do is basically choose how many meals and how big meals you wanna start. 12 So, if right now you are just maintaining, weighing the same amount every single week, and you are currently eating 2 antsized meals per day… Then what you can do, is you can make those portions bigger: so 2 BIG potions, or you can do 3x smaller portions – whatever you prefer … but it needs to be MORE. STEP 3: EAT GOOD NUTRITIOUS FOODS I say this because I know there are people online who just eat pizza every day, drink protein shakes and chocolate milk, etc. But if you do that long enough you will end up in the hospital. Like I said, 9/10 of the diseases come from diet. 13 Ignore that garbage advice, and just choose good nutritious foods that you like. This could be chicken and rice, fish with vegetables, pasta with tuna and tomato sauce, a big omelet, cottage cheese with honey, sushi, etc. And then you can eat roughly the same type of meals every day. That is the easiest way to gain weight AND stay healthy at the same time. Of course, it is impossible to eat 100% clean 100% of the time, so yes you can have some cheat meals, but you have to do it properly or you will ruin your entire progress and discipline. I will talk more about that at the end. 14 STEP 4: CHECK YOUR PROGRESS WEEKLY This could be Monday, or Sunday – it doesn’t really matter, but have one day when you check if you made progress or not. If the weight is going up, good – keep going. If the weight is going up too fast and you are gaining too much fat, then do one meal less, or do smaller portions. If you are not gaining weight at all? Then you need to eat more. Eat bigger meals or add an extra meal to your day. STEP 5: STAY CONSISTENT After you are gaining weight at a good speed (not too fast but still a healthy amount), then just stay consistent and keep going. 15 There’s a reason why CONSISTENCY is the first Soviet Strength Principle I talk about, because without consistency... You will not achieve anything ever in your life, and you will forever stay skinny. Of course, you don’t want that. So, if you really want to become a Barseagle BEAST, then take this seriously. 16 THE ENDOMORPH SHREDDING DIET DIETING FOR FAT PEOPLE Now, I’ll talk to my endomorph brothers. in general, being a little bit heavier is not bad for calisthenics at all. It probably means that you are already stronger than the average person... But of course… if the bodyfat % is too high and you don’t feel and look good when you look in the mirror… Or it’s too much that it makes even compound movements like dips and pullups a LOT harder... Then yea you need to shred some fat, but no worries bro… 17 If you take the steps that I tell you here seriously, and you have the discipline, then even after 1–2 weeks you will start to notice a big difference. Now, for endomorphs – the diet plan is basically the same as for ectomorphs but just the opposite. Let me guide you through the steps. STEP 1: WEIGH YOURSELF EVERY DAY Same thing as for ectomorph, weigh yourself every day, don’t worry too much about it. The weight will go down soon enough, but you need the habit. STEP 2: CHOOSE YOUR STARTING POINT Here too, you need to choose how many meals and how big meals you wanna start. 18 So if right now you eat like 4 meals with pretty big portions, then you just need to make it LESS. So either less meals or smaller portions (or both). Maybe start with one meal less, so 3 meals or same amount of meals but smaller portions. Again, the most important thing is that you eat LESS. STEP 3: EAT GOOD NUTRITIOUS FOODS Same thing here as for ectomorph, although for you there are less excuses to eat bad foods, because they will make it 10X harder for you to lose weight. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can NEVER EVER eat something bad... 19 That would be unrealistic. We’ll talk about cheat meals after this... But the biggest part of your diet should be good healthy nutritious foods. Foods like chicken and rice, fish with vegetables, pasta with tuna and tomato sauce, a big omelet, cottage cheese with honey, sushi, etc. whatever good foods you like most. STEP 4: CHECK PROGRESS EVERY WEEK This could be Monday or Sunday, doesn’t really matter, but have one day when you check if you made progress. If the weight is going down, good – keep going. If the weight is going down too fast? 20 And you are starving yourself, then eat a little more... Because it’s going to be hard to keep that up. In the first 1–2 weeks it’s okay, but not for longer. If you are not losing weight at all? Then you need to eat less. Eat smaller portions, or eat one meal less per day. STEP 5: STAY CONSISTENT Just like I said to my ectomorph bro’s, when you are losing weight at a good speed (so not too fast)... Then the most important thing is to just stay consistent. 21 You may think “well no shit”... ...but nobody does it 😂 That’s why I repeat it constantly. If you cannot stay consistent with this then 6 months from now... 1 year from now, you will still be fat... And all the other Barseagle Bro’s who took this seriously are in the best shape of their life, smashing their PRs. Make sure that you stay AHEAD, not behind. 22 HOW TO STAY CONSISTENT WITH DIET THE PROPER WAY TO ADD CHEAT MEALS Now, you are almost at the end of the guide. Congratulations bro! Because now we can talk about the good stuff… Cheat meals 😂. Of course, most of your diet should be only good healthy foods but it is unrealistic to eat 100% clean foods ALL the time yea... 23 … especially for younger people. Maybe your mother makes french fries or pancakes sometimes... ... or maybe you and your wife go out to have dinner every week (for the boys that have a wife), so it would not be smart to not incorporate that into the diet plan. Myself, I eat a cheat meal like 1x every 3–4 days. I don’t really plan this, I just feel it. Maybe sometimes I will go to a restaurant and think, “Okay, I ate clean for like the last couple days, I can eat something bad now if I want.” The best thing about this approach is that you don’t have to force it. 24 I know a lot of fitness influencers do like a cheat meal every week, which is a bit unrealistic in my opinion... I know only very few people who were actually able to keep that up for longer than a couple weeks... But yea… this way people feel FORCED to cheat on their diet. I think this is not the best, and most sustainable way to do it. The proper way, the Barseagle way ;) is just to feel it and allow yourself to eat what you want once every couple days. Maybe you feel like eating something bad, but you already cheated yesterday? Then just discipline yourself, and forget about it. 25 Sometimes you go like one week without wanting anything bad... That’s okay too. Just keep 3–4 days in between so you don’t get super addicted to the bad foods and go overboard and get fat again or get health problems. Of course, you can also eat something very small every single day, if you can do that and you don’t need more than “one chocolate” every day, or one “ice cream”, then you can do that too. But it’s important that you don’t eat more than that, that’s the danger of that. So be careful. And that’s it bro. 26 That’s the “No Bullshit Dieting Guide” in the Barseagle way. I know it sounds super simple, but that is all you need. This is why I never really make crazy diet plans, because it’s not that complicated. The most important thing is that you have something that WORKS and that you can STICK to forever. For myself and a lot of people inside the SSS plan, THIS is that diet plan. So take the knowledge, implement it and definitely let me know in the Academy if this guide helped you, that would be good to know. Thank you bro, and I will see you inside 💪🏼 Ian 27