PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION - FINAL EXAMINATIONS 1. They are attached to the person as soon as he or she is born. It is a birthright and no laws are necessary in order for us to possess or enjoy them a) universal b) inherent c) interdependent d) expendable 2. Three-fold obligations corresponding to human rights are a) right to travel and leisure b) decent work and full employment c) to respect, protect and fulfill d) all of the above 3) Examples of economic, social and cultural rights a) right to fair trial b) right to privacy c) right to work d) freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment 4. Examples of civil and political rights a) right to social security b) right to an adequate stand of living including right to food, clothing and shelter c) freedom of expression, association and assembly d) right to fair conditions of employment 5). Discriminations (PWD) indigenous and Muslim women, rural women, and people with diverse and sexual orientation and gender identity a) economic, social and cultural rights as anchor of human progress b) empowering Filipino women c) enabling indigenous peoples 6. It cannot be taken away from us without due process of the law a) indivisible b) inalienable c) universal d) inherent 7. One of the three-fold obligations, wherein the state must take positive action to facilitate the realization or enjoyment of these rights ex. social, economic and cultural rights are mostly positive rights as they require the state to perform acts , like enact laws, formulate policies and implement programs in order for the people to realize or enjoy them a) obligation to fulfill b) obligation to respect c) obligation to protect 8. It requires the State to enact laws as well as to create mechanisms to prevent human rights violations either by State authorities and/or agents as well as by non-state actors a) obligation to fulfill b) obligationt o respect c) obligation to protect 9. It constitutes a negative obligation or to refrain from doing acts that would interfere with these rights. Most civil and political rights are negative rights because the State is enjoined not to perform any acts that would interfere with them. For example, no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law, no law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, no torture shall be used, etc. a) obligation to fulfill b) obligationt o respect c) obligation to protect 10. An independent body created by the Constitution “to investigate, on its own or on a complaint by any party, all forms of human rights violations involving civil and political rights a) Commission of Elections b) Commission on Audit c) Commission of Human Rights d) Commission in Higher Education 11. It means the promotion of the welfare of all the people, the adoption by the Government of measures calculated to insure economic stability of all the competent elements of society, through the maintenance of a proper economic and social equilibrium in the interrelations of the members of the community. a) Economic Growth b) Economic Development c) Social Justice d) Social Reform 12. The state recognizes the importance of the youth in nation building and promotes their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well being. The state also encourages the youth to participate in public and civic affairs . a) Non-governmental Organizations b) Labor c) Women d) Youth 13. Article 13 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution is about social justice and human rights, including: It means the state is obligated to protects workers and their rights at work. a) Health b) Women c) People's Organization d) Labor 14. Enhance more effective measures to protect and promote the right to freedom of expression and opinion a) Civil and Political rights b)Economic, social and cultural rights c) Enabling indigenous peoples 15. Non derogable rights are those that are so fundamental that they cannot be interfered under any circumstances. Examples of non-derogable rights a) right to due process of law b) freedom from torture c) freedom from slavery d) all of the above 16. Accessibility law a) mainstreaming persons with disabilities b) caring for todays children c) women empower 17. Ensure the institutionalization and enhancement of mechanisms for the promotion and protection of IPS right to minimize IP vulnerabilities, decrease risks in accessing their territories / ancestral domains, sources of livelihood, the practices of IP CULTURE in the contexts of armed conflicts, natural disasters, violence community disturbances a) safeguarding Filipino migrant workers and their families - effective re-integration b) empowering Filipino women c) enabling indigenous peoples 18. Improve technology for online and mobile applications platforms for legal aide, guidance and counseling for migrants, as well as 24/7 action line service for nationals in distress, and monitoring of victims of illegal recruitment and trafficking. a) enabling indigenous peoples b) Labor c) urban development reform and housing d) safeguarding Filipino migrant workers 19. Principal Methods for resolving labor disputes. a) Collective bargaining b) Arbitration c) All of the above 20. The State commanded to attend two principal activities in order to achieve the goals of social justice. a) creation of more economic opportunities and more wealth b) closer regulation of the acquisition, ownership, use, and disposition of property in order to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth and political power. c) all of the above 21. Enrolment of PWDS in the tertiary education a) urban development reform and housing b) Women Empowerment c) mainstreaming persons with disabilities 22. Improve / enhance IP capability through the recognition of IP Customary laws, indigenous knowledge systems, and practices, governance / leadership concepts, structures and promote IP mandatory and effective participation in decision making processes at all levels an strengthen institutional capacity towards good governance indicative of improved ways of life of ips with a continuing IP rights education and advocacy to deter or prevent conflict a) empowering Filipino women b) mainstreaming persons with disabilities c) safeguarding Filipino migrant workers and their families - effective re-integration d) enabling indigenous peoples 23. Enhance career advocacy, coaching, and counseling for those seeking employment either locally or overseas a) women empowerment b) urban development reform and housing c) safeguarding Filipino migrant workers 24. Heighten community awareness and intensify citizens participation and involvement with respect to human rights; enact appropriate legislation and improve conditions of jails and inmates a) addressing torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment b) Labor c) women empowerment 25. It includes quality education, especially of the disadvantage, vulnerable and marginalized groups and improve access to quality health services and adequate food and decrease the incidence of malnutrition a) economic, social and cultural rights as anchor of human progress b ) civil and Political rights and the protection of innocent human lives 26. Lack of employment is one cause of social tension, individual level, unemployment lead to distortion of personality and a life without color and texture. It is a waste of manpower. Social services in the field of employment are, therefore, imperative. They may partly take the form of vocational guidance, personnel management, placement services, and labor organization. Full employment will enable the citizens to lift their level of life and thus, contribute their share in the task of nation-building a) State has duty to eliminate discriminatory practices b) Women Empowerment and Issues in Child Labor c) Promotion of full employment and equal work opportunities. 27.Right of workers includes A )Right to self-organization b) Right to collective bargaining c) Right to collective negotiation d) all of the above 28. Urban or rural poor dwellers shall not be evicted nor their dwelling demolished, except in accordance with law and in a just and humane manner. No resettlement of urban or rural dwellers shall be undertaken without adequate consultation with them and the communities where they are to be relocated. a) urban land reform and housing b) agrarian land reform program c) labor d) health 29. The Commission on Human Rights shall have the following powers and functions: a) Investigate, on its own, or on complaint by any party, all forms of human rights violations involving civil and political rights; b) Adopt its operational guidelines and rules of procedure, and cite for contempt for violations thereof in accordance with the Rules of Court; c) Provide appropriate legal measures for the protection of human rights of all persons within the Philippines, as well as Filipinos residing abroad, and provide for preventive measures and legal aid services to the under-privileged whose human rights have d) all of the above 30. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except a) during public holidays and days of religious obligation b) during Philippine Independence Day c) during invasion or rebellion, when public safety requires it. d) all of the above 31. Vulnerable sectors includes a) women b) children c) persons with disabilities d) all of the above 32. Effective reintegration in Philippine society a) increase access of OFW to economic opportunities in industry and services b) review regulations related to facilitating the eventual reintegration of OFW in the domestic economy c) promote community based training especially to returning and repatriated of OFW d) all of the above TRUE OR FALSE ______1. Person shall be imprisoned for non-payment of debt ______2. For security and safety, people are compelled to be a witness against himself. ______3. The law prohibits the formations of unions, associations, or organizations because it will negatively impact productivity of the labor force. ______4. A person’s right to liberty may be curtailed if he or she has committed a crime ______5. The State assumes the duties and obligations to respect, protect and fulfill human rights. It is the primary duty-bearer and, consequently, has to comply with the legal norms and standards enshrined in the different international human rights instruments to which it is a party. ______6. For civil and political rights, remedies may be availed of through national or domestic institutions, e.g., the courts, quasi-judicial or administrative bodies. _____7. The State establishes mechanics through which overseas based experts will be able to share their knowledge and specializations to the academe and industry through information and communication technology such as video conferencing _____8. The State prohibits arbitrary deprivation of life; torture, cruel or degrading treatment or punishment; slavery and forced labor; arbitrary arrest or detention; arbitrary interference with privacy; war propaganda; discrimination; and advocacy of racial or religious hatred.