CS3591 COMPUTER NETWORKS UNIT I INTRODUCTION AND APPLICATION LAYER Data Communication - Networks – Network Types – Protocol Layering – TCP/IP Protocol suite – OSI Model – Introduction to Sockets - Application Layer protocols: HTTP – FTP – Email protocols (SMTP - POP3 - IMAP MIME) – DNS – SNMP DATA COMMUNICATIONS Data refers to information. Telecommunication means communication at a distance. Data communications are the exchange of data (0’s and 1’s) between two devices via some form of transmission medium such as a wire cable. Characteristics of a data communications system Delivery Accuracy Timeliness Components of a data communications system • Message • Sender • Receiver • Medium • Protocol NETWORKS • A network is a set of devices or nodes connected by communication links • A node can be a computer, printer, or any other device capable of sending or receiving data generated by other nodes on the network. • A link can be a cable, air, optical fiber, or any medium which can transport a signal carrying information. • Computer network is a group of interconnected nodes or computing devices that exchange data and resources with each other. A network connection between these devices can be established using cable or wireless media. NETWORKS Network Criteria Performance: Performance can be measured by Transit time and Response time • Transit time is amount required for a message to travel from one device to another • Response time is the elapsed time between an Enquiry and a Response Performance can be measured by Number of Users Type of Transmission media Hardware and Software Network Criteria Reliability: Failure rate of network components. Measured by • Frequency of a Failure • Availability/robustness • Recovery time of a Network after a failure • Catastrope-Natural Disorders like fire, Earthquake, Theft Security Data protection against corruption/loss of data due to: • Unauthorised Access • Viruses or Malicious users Physical Structures Line Configuration or Type of Connection It refers to attachment of communication devices to a link. Types of Line Configuration Point to Point configuration dedicated link between two devices and single transmitter and receiver Multipoint configuration multiple recipients of single transmission More than two specific devices share a single link Types of connections: point-to-point and multipoint Transmission Mode It defines the direction of information flow between two devices. Types of Transmission Mode: linked Simplex: Keyboard gets the input and Monitor displays the output Communication is Unidirectional Only one device can transmit and other can only receive Half-duplex: Walkie-Talkie Communication is Bi-directional Each device can both transmit and receive but not at the same time Full-duplex: Telephone network Communication is Bi-directional Each device can both transmit and receive data simultaneously at same time Data flow (simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex) TOPOLOGY Topology is defined as the Physical or Logical arrangement of links in a network. Categories of Topology • Mesh • Star • Bus • Tree • Ring Type of transmission - unicast, mulitcast, broadcast Mesh Topology: Every device has a dedicated point to point link to every other devices A fully connected mesh topology (five devices) Star Topology Each Device has dedicated point to point link only to a central controller called hub A star topology connecting four stations Bus Topology It is a multi point configuration. One long cable acts as a backbone to link all the devices. A bus topology connecting three stations Ring Topology Each device has dedicted point to point line configuration only with the two devices on either side of it. Signal is passed along the ring in one direction. Each device has repeater which strengthens the data signals A ring topology connecting six stations Tree Topology Tree topology is a network topology in which all the nodes are directly or indirectly connected to the main bus cable. Tree topology is a combination of Bus and Star topology. Figure A hybrid topology: a star backbone with three bus networks Categories of Networks Local Area Networks (LANs) Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) Wide Area Networks (WANs) Personal Area Networks (PANs) Local Area Networks (LANs) •Short distances within Building, Office, College, Hospital etc Designed to provide local interconnectivity Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) Provide connectivity over an entire city Example: • Cable Television network and Local Telephone Company Personal Area Networks (PANs) Network range within a person's range within a range of 10 meters Example: • Bluetooth, Wifi (Wireless PAN) • USB (Wired PAN) Wide Area Networks (WANs) WANs provides long distance transmission of data, voice, image and video over large geographical area Long distances with country or continent or over the entire World Figure WANs: a switched WAN and a point-to-point WAN PROTOCOLS A protocol is a set of rules that govern data communications. It determines what is communicated, how it is communicated and when it is communicated. The key elements of a protocol are: Syntax Semantics Timing Elements of a Protocol Syntax Structure or format of data, meaning the order in which they are presented Semantics Interprets the meaning of the bits what action is to be taken Timing When data should be sent and How fast data should be sent or speed at which it is being received. PROTOCOL LAYERING Figure Tasks involved in sending a letter THE OSI MODEL • OSI is Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. • OSI Model is an ISO standard that covers all aspects of network communications • Established by ISO (International Standards Organization) in 1947, ISO is a multinational body dedicated to worldwide agreement on international standards. ISO is the standard organization. OSI is the model. LAYERS IN THE OSI MODEL 1. Physical Layer 2. Data Link Layer 3. Network Layer 4. Transport Layer 5. Session Layer 6. Presentation Layer 7. Application Layer Figure Seven layers of the OSI model Please Do Not Tell Secret Password To All Interaction between layers in the OSI model Interaction between layers in the OSI model Figure An exchange using the OSI model Functions of Physical layer • Physical Characteristics of interfaces and Media – Type of Transmission Media • Bit Representation – 0’s and 1’s • Data rate - Number of bits transmitted per second • Synchronization of Bits – Sender and receiver clocks must be Synchronized • Line Configuration – Point to point and Multi point • Physical Topology - Bus, Ring, Star, Tree, Mesh • Transmission Mode – Simplex, Full Duplex or Half-Duplex Figure Physical layer The physical layer is responsible for movements of individual bits from one hop (node) to the next. Functions of Datalink layer The Datalink layer is responsible for • Framing • Process of converting stream of bits into manageable data units called Frames • Physical Addressing – 48 bit Physical address • Flow Control - node to node delivery • Error Control – node to node delivery of the message • Access Control – Controlling which device has control over the link at a given time Figure Data link layer The data link layer is responsible for moving frames from one hop (node) to the next. Figure Hop-to-hop delivery Functions of Network layer and Transport Layer The Network layer is responsible for • Logical Addressing – IP addressing • Routing – Internetwork connecting devices such as routers or gateways route the packets to Final Destination The Transport layer is responsible for • Service Point Addressing – Port address • Segmentation and Reassembly – Message is divided into segments, each segments contain segment number • Connection Control – Connection Oriented or Connectionless • Flow Control – End to End rather than across a single link • Error Control – End to End rather than across a single link Figure Network layer Network layer is responsible for the delivery of individual packets from the source host to the destination host. Figure Transport layer The transport layer is responsible for the delivery of a message from one process to another. Figure Source-to-destination delivery Figure Reliable process-to-process delivery of a message Functions of Session layer and Presentation Layer The Session layer is responsible for •Dialog control – Half Duplex ( One way at a time) or Full Duplex (Two ways at a time) •Synchronization – Adding Check points (Synchronization Points) into the Stream of Data The Presentation layer is responsible for •Translation – Messages into Bitstreams •Encryption–Converting Original Message(Plaintext) to Ciphertext •Compression – Reducing the number of bits to be transmitted Figure Session layer The session layer is responsible for dialog control and synchronization. Figure Presentation layer The presentation layer is responsible for translation, compression, and encryption. Functions of Application Layer The Application layer is responsible for •Network Virtual Terminal – allows user to log on to a remote host •FTAM – File Transfer Access and Management •Mail Services – Email Forwarding and Storage •Directory Services - Distributed Data Sources and access for global information Figure Application layer The application layer is responsible for providing services to the user. Functions of OSI layers TCP/IP PROTOCOL SUITE TCP/IP protocol suite is made of five layers: 1.Physical Layer + 2.Data Link Layer 3.Network or Internet Layer 4.Transport Layer 5.Application Layer Network interface Layer Layers in TCP/IP Peer-to-peer processes An exchange using the Internet model Physical layer Physical layer is responsible for transmitting individual bits from one node to the next Data link layer Data link layer is responsible for transmitting frames from one node to next Node-to-node delivery Network Layer Network layer is responsible for the delivery of packets from the original source to the final destination Source-to-destination delivery Transport layer Transport layer is responsible for delivery of a message from one process to another Reliable process-to-process delivery of a message Summary of TCP/IP MODEL TCP/IP PROTOCOL SUITE TCP/IP and OSI model ADDRESSING IN TCP/IP Four levels of addresses are used in an internet employing TCP/IP protocols: Physical Addresses Logical Addresses Port Addresses Specific Addresses Physical addresses will change from hop to hop, but the logical addresses usually remain the same. Figure Relationship of layers and addresses in TCP/IP Physical address Physical addresses is a 48-bit (6-byte) address written as 12 hexadecimal digits; every byte (2 hexadecimal digits) is separated by a colon, shown below: 07:01:02:01:2C:4B IPv4 Address An IPv4 address is a 32-bit address that uniquely defines the connection of a device (computer or router) to the Internet. The IPv4 addresses are unique and universal. An IPv4 address is 32 bits long Address space is divided into five classes: A, B, C, D, and E. Port address A port address is a 16-bit address represented by one decimal number 753, 8080, 80, 21, 25, 53 etc., A 16-bit port address represented as one single number. Physical addresses change from hop to hop, Logical and Port addresses remain the same from the source to destination. Figure Port addresses SOCKET ADDRESS • Sockets facilitate communication between two computers. • Socket consists of IP address and port number that machines use to transmit the data Socket types •Datagram Sockets: • It allow processes to use the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) • Stream Sockets: • It allows processes to use Transfer Control Protocol (TCP) for communication • Raw Sockets: • It provide user access to Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Multiplexing and demultiplexing