Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Project: Trion FPU EPC Trion Document No. TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Trion Contract / PO No. 4513590877 Total No of Pages 117 (incl. Doc Header Sheet) REVIEWED BY COMPANY RA – Reviewed and Accepted Final and Certified - Work May Proceed. RN – Reviewed and Accepted as Noted Revise and Re-submit - Work May Proceed. RR – Revise and Resubmit Incorporate Comments Update Revision and Resubmit - Work May NOT Proceed. INF – Review not Required. For Information Only Review does not constitute acceptance of design details, calculations, test methods or material developed or selected by supplier/contractor, nor does it relieve supplier/contractor from full compliance with contractual or other obligations. Responsible Person’s Signature Review Date / kibeom / kim kibeom kim (Feb 13, 2024 09:24 GMT+9) R. Passmore Rev Date Terry Osborn DSmith DSmith (Feb 8, 2024 11:40 CST) R. Passmore (Feb 8, 2024 09:44 CST) Terry Osborn (Feb 8, 2024 08:52 CST) Description Prepared by Checked by Approved by 00 07-FEB-24 Issued for Use R. Passmore T. Osborn D. Smith/KB Kim B 04-DEC-23 Issued for Review T. Osborn R. Passmore D. Smith/KB Kim A 07-NOV-23 Issued for Interdisciplinary Check TO RGP DS DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 CHANGE RECORD Revision 00 00 00 00 Section Description Appendix A.2.3 4.11.1 4.16 Appendix A.2.3 Updated Tag Class Code ‘BYD’ to ‘BDY’ for Class Name ‘VALVE, SOLENOID’. First sequence number value ‘4’ to be used for on skid line numbering. Automation tag number section and subsection 4.16.1 added. Added the following Tag descriptions, see table for class and tag codes: bently nevada panel, cable tray - coaxial, cable tray - low voltage, fire/gas remote I/O panel, instrument junction box, network panel, safety remote I/O panel, operations ICSS console, process control panel, process control system remote I/O panel, fire control panel. Page 2 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Table of Contents 1. 2. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Tagged Items ............................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Scope ........................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Notation Conventions ................................................................................................... 6 TAGGING KEY CONCEPTS ................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Tagging Key Concepts Overview.................................................................................. 6 2.2 Definition of a Tag ........................................................................................................ 6 2.2.1 2.3 3. 4. Distinguishing Tags from Serial Numbers ......................................................... 6 When Engineering Items must be Tagged .................................................................... 7 TAG MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 8 3.1 General Requirements.................................................................................................. 8 3.2 Packaged Equipment ................................................................................................... 9 3.3 Master Tag Register ................................................................................................... 10 3.4 Tag Status .................................................................................................................. 10 3.5 Tag to Document ........................................................................................................ 10 TAG NUMBERING CONVENTIONS...................................................................................... 10 4.1 Tag Numbering Conventions Overview ...................................................................... 10 4.2 General Engineering Items ......................................................................................... 11 4.3 Mechanical Equipment ............................................................................................... 12 4.4 Loops and Instrumentation ......................................................................................... 18 4.4.1 Loops .............................................................................................................. 18 4.4.2 Tagging of Instrumentation ............................................................................. 19 4.4.3 Tagging of Instrument Tubing ......................................................................... 23 4.5 Fire & Gas Devices..................................................................................................... 24 4.6 Electrical ..................................................................................................................... 26 4.6.1 Tagging Electrical Equipment.......................................................................... 26 4.6.2 Tagging Light Fixtures..................................................................................... 27 4.6.3 Tagging Circuits .............................................................................................. 28 4.7 Telecoms Equipment .................................................................................................. 30 4.8 Cables ........................................................................................................................ 31 Page 3 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 4.8.1 Electrical ......................................................................................................... 31 4.8.2 Instrumentation ............................................................................................... 33 4.8.3 Telecoms ........................................................................................................ 34 4.9 Cable and Tubing Transits.......................................................................................... 35 4.10 Cable and Tubing Tray ............................................................................................... 37 4.11 Piping ......................................................................................................................... 39 4.11.1 Tagging of Pipe Lines ..................................................................................... 39 4.11.2 Pipe Run ......................................................................................................... 41 4.11.3 E3D PIPE / Isometric Name ............................................................................ 42 4.11.4 Tagging of In-line Piping Components ............................................................ 42 Tagging of Bolted Joints ............................................................................. 43 4.12 Tie-in Points ............................................................................................................... 44 4.13 Penetrations ............................................................................................................... 45 4.14 Supports ..................................................................................................................... 46 4.15 Other Structural Items ................................................................................................ 49 4.16 Automation ................................................................................................................. 55 4.16.1 Tagging of ICSS Cabinet/Panels ..................................................................... 55 5. TAGGING NEEDS OF ESP & UNIQUE IDENTIFIERS .......................................................... 59 5.1 Purpose of this section ............................................................................................... 59 5.2 Contractor Tagging of items not contained in the Class Library .................................. 59 5.3 3D Model Tagging ...................................................................................................... 59 6. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 59 7. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................. 60 Appendices Appendix A Tag Class Codes ........................................................................................................ 62 Appendix B Loop Tag Class Codes ............................................................................................. 111 Appendix C Cable Type Codes .................................................................................................... 113 Appendix D Fluid Codes .............................................................................................................. 114 Page 4 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure 1. CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this standard is two-fold: · To define the procedures and practices that will be used by the EPC Contractor, its subcontractors, and suppliers to manage Tag Numbering for the project. · To define the numbering convention for all tagged items on the COMPANY Trion project. This document is necessary because COMPANY’s document PET-PR00-PM-STD-00719 “COMPANY Tag Numbering Requirements” is a corporate-level document that will not be updated to reflect projectspecific Tag Numbering requirements and conventions. The initial basis for the Tag Numbering Conventions defined in this document is PET-PR00-PM-STD00719, Rev. 1. This document will be updated as project-specific tag numbering conventions are developed for the project. A tagged item is any engineering item (pumps, cable, pipes, etc.) that requires attributes to be stored against it (as defined by Appendix A). All tagged items require a COMPANY Tag Number. The following parties (collectively referred to throughout this standard as users) are required to comply with this standard to satisfy the Trion Project scope of work for delivery to Company (Woodside): · EPC Contractor - Hyundai Heavy Industries (HD) (including its parent, AFFILIATES, and subsidiaries). · Topsides Contractor - (Wood, including its parent, AFFILIATES, and subsidiaries, subcontracted to EPC Contractor). · Hull Contractor - (Exmar Offshore Company, including its parent, AFFILIATES, and subsidiaries, subcontracted to EPC Contractor). · Buildings Contractor – (WS Nelson including its parent, AFFILIATES, and subsidiaries, subcontracted to EPC Contractor). Page 5 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 The following notation used throughout this standard is as follows: 2. Code Definition A Alphabetic characters only (A to Z) N Numeric digits only (0 to 9) B Alphanumeric (A to Z or 0 to 9) () Characters shown in brackets are optional - Represents where a hyphen is to be included as part of the tag TAGGING KEY CONCEPTS The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of the tagging key concepts. A tag is a decomposition of a “high-level” Process Unit, identification of the equipment, its functions, and position. A tag will always belong to a tag class; reference W0000RK1401355648, Engineering Class Library Matrix, for tag classes and associated data attributes. Each tag class has its own set of data attribute and document requirements. Therefore, a Tag has a required set of values associated with the Tag Class properties. For example, “Pump” is a Tag Class and has designated properties such as “Maximum Design Pressure” and “Operating Pressure”. If a Tag “123456-PBE-00001” belongs to the “Pump” (Tag Class), then this Tag shall have property values for “Maximum Design Pressure” and “Operating Pressure”. Engineering tags are concerned with defining the facility functionally, whereas serial numbers uniquely identify equipment selected to physically achieve the function of a tag. This information is collected as equipment/physical attributes against a tag. For example: · A pump tagged 123456-PBE-00001 represents the need for a pump at that location. · A physical pump will have to be installed at 123456-PBE-00001 to fulfil that requirement. The physical pump is identified by the OEM Make, Model, and serial number. Page 6 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Accordingly, if the physical pump needs to be replaced, either the same or from a different manufacturer, it shall retain the same tag number. The COMPANY Class Library, Appendix A, contains all permissible tag classes. All Engineering Items that are listed in the COMPANY Class Library must be tagged, unless documented and approved otherwise by COMPANY project team. An engineering item can be any physical or non-physical object that performs a function within the plant. In other words, the term ‘engineering item’ refers to more than just traditional engineering equipment, for example: · A ‘control system’ isn’t a physical object, however it does define alarm trip settings for associated equipment. It is functionally defined on a P&ID and communicates that an operating alarm limit exists for the equipment. As previously stated, every tag must belong to a tag class. The tag class sets out what properties must be captured against a tag of that class to support Operations and Maintenance. For example, in the below screenshot from the COMPANY Engineering Class Library Matrix, W0000RK1401355648, an ‘AC motor’ must be tagged as it requires the following attribute and document associations: ‘Rated Power’, ‘Parent Tag Number’, ‘Ex Certificate Number’, ‘Manufacturer’, etc. Page 7 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Note: 3. · The Class Library includes maintainable and non-maintainable (cable, pipes, etc.) engineering items as both categories of items that require attributes to be captured. · Where the Class Library does not contain an appropriate class for the engineering item (e.g. many typical Bill of Material items) it means that attributes are not required to be captured and the item does not need a tag captured in the Master Tag Register. TAG MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS With regards to tag numbering, users must tag all engineering items where the Class Library requires attributes to be captured for that item. Page 8 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Where a class is omitted from the Class Library and a reasonable person would expect that attributes need to be captured against the item so that it can be safely operated and / or maintained, or requiring inspection by a governing body, a change request to add the class must be raised. When needed, these requests will be raised via the Request for Information process. Tags must be created or decommissioned by following this Procedure. A Tag may be removed from database(s) prior to the point at which it appears in a revision of the Master Tag Register delivered to COMPANY during EPC phase. Subsequent to a Tag appearing in a revision of the Master Tag Register delivered to COMPANY during EPC phase, a Tag shall not be removed from any database(s); it must instead be demolished. Tag Numbers are demolished when they are no longer needed. Demolished Tag Numbers will not be removed from the engineering databases but will be flagged/identified in the database(s) as being demolished. Refer to Section 3.4 for acceptable values for “Tag Status”. A Tag Number shall not be reused or changed following its appearance in a revision of the Master Tag Register issued to COMPANY during detailed design phase. · “Change” – to change the service of a Tag. Example – Changing the service of Tag 101210PBA-10410 from “Displacement Oil Pump 1” to “Crude Booster Pump 2” constitutes “change” for a Tag. Changing a Tag is not permitted. · “Reuse” – to repurpose a Tag that is no longer being used. Example – Tag 101210-PBA10410 was decommissioned because it was no longer needed. Assigning that same Tag Number to another service constitutes “reuse” of a Tag. Reuse of Tags is not permitted. Unless otherwise agreed, sub-contractors and suppliers of packaged equipment to the Project shall use Tag Numbers consistent with the formats in this document for all items that need to be identified for operational or maintenance purposes (e.g. ancillary pumps, lubrication systems). EPC Contractor, Topsides Contractor, and Hull Contractor will provide Tag Numbers to Suppliers / Subcontractors. As stated previously in Section 2.3, all items that require attributes to be stored against them (as defined by the COMPANY Class Library) are required to be Tagged. Page 9 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 A package Tag Number may be used to refer to the complete packaged unit for the purpose of scope definition. In some cases, it may be beneficial or necessary to maintain the supplier/OEM tag as an alias to the COMPANY tag within the engineering tag database and displayed on tag labels (e.g. Electrical Motor Control Centers (MCCs)). The Master Tag Register is the complete list of items in a plant/facility which COMPANY would like to trace, i.e. have documentation and data available, during the lifetime of the facility. Note that this list is normally restricted to those items that are required to perform the business operations and facility maintenance of the Production Unit. The Master Tag Register is not the repository for DCS and Historian software tags. AVEVA AIM will be populated with the project Tags via data harvesting from design tools and import from Supplier Data Templates. The Master Tag Register will be reported from AIM and formally issued via the project EDMS periodically. Tracking the status of Tags will be performed using the COMPANY Class Library milestones: Id 1 2 3 Name As Designed As Built Decommissioned EPC Contractor, Topsides Contractor, Hull Contractor, and supplier deliverable documents shall denote applicable tags on the drawing or within the document. Tag to document associations will enable COMPANY to callup any drawings, certificates, reports, etc. for any given tag found on the master tag register. A list of all Tag to document associations for the project will be maintained in AVEVA AIM. 4. TAG NUMBERING CONVENTIONS To drive consistency in tagging, this section defines the following tagging conventions: Page 10 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 a. General Engineering Items b. Mechanical Equipment c. Loops and Instrumentation d. Fire & Gas Devices e. Electrical f. Telecoms Equipment g. Cables h. Cable and Tubing Transits i. Cable and Tubing Tray j. Piping k. Tie-in Points l. Penetrations m. Supports n. Other Structural Items When tagging an engineering item (except for the specific items identified in the remainder of Section 4) all users must tag the engineering item in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - A(A)(A)(A)(A) - Sequential Number Suffix NNNNN (A) Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00-PM- STD00718. ii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant Tag Class Code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequential Number shall start from 00001 for each item and will increase by 1 for items that perform the same function (e.g., have the same tag class code) within a Plant (e.g. Trion FPU). Example: 101760-SBA-00001 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (760) Breathing Apparatus (SBA), 00001 Page 11 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure 101760-SBA-00002 CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (760), Breathing Apparatus (SBA), 00002 a. Sequential numbers do not restart for a change in PBS System Code (this is for human factor reasons in case the PBS code is not carried during conversation). They do restart for change in Tag Class Code. b. Sequential numbers will not be created or used in any type of series or imbedded logic except where explicitly expressed (this causes complexities for future modifications where the logic used during design often falls apart and becomes meaningless anyways). General engineering item tags for the LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building and Hull will have sequence numbers within the following ranges below. Sequence number schema rules for specific engineered items identified in the remainder of Section 4, take precedence. i. LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building - The Sequential Number for LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building General Tags will be organized as follows: 71000 to 74999. ii. Hull - The Sequential Number for Hull General Tags will be organized as follows: 90000 to 99999. c. For items appearing in the Major Equipment List it is recommended to increment the sequence number by a minimum of 10 to allow for the association of related instruments. Sequence numbers for large, packaged equipment skids may consider larger steps in sequence numbers. This practice will create a larger gap in equipment tag sequences which improves human factors in operability. iv. Suffix – (A): The suffix is an optional single alpha character used to identify items that perform the same function, in the same system, at the same location and having the same sequential number. An item will only have the same sequential number if: a. The item is part of a redundant or back-up system. b. The item is part of a load sharing agreement. c. Parallel equipment used for sparing. In combination the tag class code, sequential number and suffix will be unique across the facility. When tagging mechanical equipment all users must Tag the item in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - A(A)(A)(A)(A) - Page 12 of 117 Sequential Number Suffix NNNNN (A) DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Petroleum Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00PM-STD-00718. ii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequential Number shall conform with the following: a. COMMON (Hull, LQ, Electrical Buildings, Lab Building, and Topsides) - The first character of the Sequential Number will be used as follows: System First Character of Tagging Sequential Number Production (oil and gas) 1 Water Injection and Treatment 2 Chemical Injection 3 Process Utility 4 Non-process Utility 5 Electrical/Instrumentation/Automation 6 - Misc./LQ/Electrical Building/Lab/Telecoms 7 Specialty Equipment 8 Hull (including Hull E&I) 9 Mechanical Tag Numbers will be assigned using Sequential Numbers that are multiples of ten. Example: · 101200-PBA-20110 · 101200-PBA-20120 · 101200-PBA-20130 b. Topsides - Sequential Numbers for Topsides mechanical equipment will not be re-used due to a change in Process Unit Code or due to a change in Tag Class Code, per Section 3.1 above. As a result, Sequential Numbers will be unique for all Mechanical equipment. Page 13 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Example: - - 101200-HAP-10140 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (200), Plate Heat Exchanger (SBA), 10140 101210-HAP-10150 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (210), Plate Heat Exchanger (SBA), 10150 Specialty Equipment the 2nd through 5th characters of the five-digit Sequential Number: Specialty Equipment Items Tag Class Code 2nd through 5th Characters of Sequence Number Basket Strainers TZAL 0000 to 0999 Tee Strainers TZAL 1000 to 1999 Cone Strainers TZAL 2000 to 2999 Y-Strainers TZAL 3000 to 3999 Misc. Strainers TZAL 4000 to 4999 Flex Hoses TZO 5000 to 5999 Hose Connections TZP 6000 to 6999 Fire Hose Reels TQZ 7000 to 7999 Foam Hose Reels TZQ 7000 to 7999 Hose Reels TZQ 7000 to 7999 Firewater or Foam Monitor SFM 8000 to 8999 Fire Hose Cabinet SHC 9000 to 9499 Safety Showers SSW 9500 to 9999 Misc./LQ/Electrical Buildings/Lab Building Mechanical Equipment the 2nd through 5th characters of the five-digit Sequential Number: Page 14 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure - CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Misc./LQ Mechanical Equipment 2nd through 5th Characters of Sequence Number Miscellaneous Topsides 0000 to 0999 LQ Mechanical/Electrical Buildings/Lab Building Equipment 1000 to 4999 Specialty Equipment Packages the 2nd & 3rd characters of the five-digit Sequential Number: Specialty Equipment Packages Tag Class Code 2nd and 3rd Characters of Sequence Number Main Gas Compressor CBA 23-24 Gas Injection Compressor CBA 25 Gas Turbine Generator 01 to 03 ZZZ c. Hull - Sequential Numbers for Hull items will not be re-used due to a change in Process Unit Code, per Section 3.1 above. - First digit of the Sequential Number – “9” for all hull Tags. - Second digit of the Sequential Number will be used as follows: Sequential First Character of Tagging Sequential Number Number 90nnn For Closed drain package 91nnn For Ballast tanks, Diesel Tanks, Compartments, Voids, Rotating Equipment, Material Handling Equipment, Packages, Process tanks (ex: Oily Water Holding tank, Deck Drain tanks, etc.) and HVAC Equipment in NE Column. Page 15 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 92nnn For Ballast Tanks, Compartments, Voids, Rotating Equipment, Material Handling Equipment, Packages, Process Tanks and HVAC Equipment in NW Column 93nnn For Ballast Tanks, Fresh Water Tanks, Compartments, Voids, Rotating Equipment, Material Handling Equipment, Packages, Process Tanks and HVAC Equipment in SW Column. 94nnn For Ballast Tanks, Fresh Water Tanks, Compartments, Voids, Rotating Equipment, Material Handling Equipment, Packages, Process tanks and HVAC equipment’s in SE Column 95nnn Not used 98nnn Not used 99nnn Mooring Equipment Where: “nnn” are 3 numeric characters - - Ballast Tanks, Pump room and Access Shaft at Keel Level · The Ballast tanks at the keel level are tagged based on the column tagging, to simplify the operational/ maintenance requirement last three digits of each ballast tanks are mirrored between the opposite sides. · In addition, following sequence numbers are maintained for Access shaft and Pump room considering operational aspects. o Access Shaft last three digits is maintained as ‘9X060’ for all the columns. o Pump Room last three digits is maintained as ‘9X070’ for all the columns. Void Compartments, Ballast Tank, Fresh Water Tank and Diesel Tank above Keel Level Page 16 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure · CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 The structural tanks are tagged based on column tagging for the First and Second digits, but the last three digits are mirrored between the opposite sides to simplify the operational/ maintenance activities. Example: Page 17 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure iv. CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Suffix – (A): The suffix is an optional single alpha character used to identify items that perform the same function, in the same system, at the same location and having the same sequential number. An item will only have the same sequential number if: a. The item is part of a redundant or back-up system. b. The item is part of a load sharing agreement. c. Parallel equipment used for sparing. In combination the tag class code and sequential number (including suffix) will be unique across the facility. When numbering instrument loops, all users must number the instrument loop in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - A - Sequential Number Sequential Number Extension Suffix NNNNN (N) (A) Page 18 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00-PM- STD00718. ii. Tag Class Code – A: Appendix B: Loop Tag Class Codes defines a series of Tag Class Codes under the functional class ‘Loops’. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequential Number will be assigned wherein the first four characters of the Sequential Number will correspond to the sequential number of the parent equipment tag. The fifth character of the sequential number will be used for uniqueness. iv. Sequential Number Extension – (N): A single-digit number used to extend the number of devices in the Instrument Loop. This Sequential number extension is to only be used where required and not in standard numbering. v. Suffix – (A): The suffix is an optional character used to identify segmented loop. Example: 101200-F-20111 A Flow Loop in System 200 (i.e. separation and stabilization) of Plant 1 (i.e. Trion FPU) within Site 10 (the Trion Development) for pump 101200-PBA-20110 101800-T-609510 A Temperature Loop in System 800 (i.e. main power – high voltage) of Plant 1 (i.e. Trion FPU) within Site 10 (the Trion Development) for pump 101800-PBE-60950 that accommodates more than 9 instrument devices 101230-H-123251 A Flow Loop in System 230 (i.e. gas compression and re-injection) of Plant 1 (i.e. Trion FPU) within Site 10 (the Trion Development) for pump 101230-PBA-12320 When tagging Instrumentation, all users must tag the Instrument in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - A(A)(A)(A)(A) - Sequential Number Sequential Number Extension Suffix NNNNN (N) (A)(A) Page 19 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: Regardless of the instrument’s physical location, the PBS code must always match the instrument’s respective loop. ii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: A five-digit number identical to the Instrument Loop to which the device belongs. a. COMMON (Hull, LQ, Electrical Buildings, Lab Building, and Topsides) - Instrument Tag Numbers will be assigned wherein the first four characters of the Sequential Number will correspond to the parent Mechanical tag. The fifth character of the sequential number will be used for uniqueness. Example: Mechanical Tag – 101200-PBA-20110 Instrument Tags – 101200-PT-20111 (pressure transmitter pertaining to Mechanical Tag 101200PBA-20110; belongs to Loop 101200-P-20111) 101200-PT-20112 (pressure transmitter pertaining to Mechanical Tag 101200PBA-20110; belongs to Loop 101200-P-20112) 101200-FT-20111A (flow transmitter pertaining to Mechanical Tag 101200-PBA20110; belongs to Loop 101200-F-20111) 101200-FT-20111B (flow transmitter pertaining to Mechanical Tag 101200-PBA20110; belongs to Loop 101200-F-20111) 101200-FT-20112 (flow transmitter pertaining to Mechanical Tag 101200-PBA20110; belongs to Loop 101200-F-20112) b. TOPSIDES - The Sequential Number for Instrumentation/Automation Tags will be organized as follows: · 64000 to 65999 – Instrumentation (Ex. panel numbers, RIO panels, junction boxes, fusible loop panels). · 66000 to 69999 – Automation (Ex. server cabinets, network switches, etc.). Page 20 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 c. HULL - Second digit of the Sequential Number will be used as follows: Sequential Number First Character of Tagging Sequential Number 97nnn Instrument & Control Where: “nnn” are 3 numeric characters d. LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building - The Sequential Number for Instrumentation Tags will be organized as follows: · iv. 71000 to 74999 – Instrumentation (Ex. panel numbers, proximity switch, junction boxes, wind sensor). Sequential Number Extension – (N): A single-digit number used to extend the number of devises in the Instrument Loop. This Sequential number extension is to only be used where required and not in standard numbering. Example: Mechanical Tag – 101800-PBE-60950 Instrument Tags – 101800-TE-609511 (eleventh temperature element pertaining to Mechanical Tag 101800-PBE-60950; belongs to Loop 101800-T-609510) v. Suffix – (A)(A): The suffix are optional characters used to identify segmented loops and devices in a loop which have the same Tag Class Code. Note: Tag numbers are limited to two suffixes. Loop/Instrument tagging of complex control or safety loops will need to take into consideration devices with multiple sub-components the same Tag Class Code (solenoids, I/Ps, position switches, etc.). See example of loop/device tag structure above. Note, first letter of the Tag Class Code will not always necessarily match the Loop Tag Class Code. See below: Page 21 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Example: Loop: 101200-F-20111 A Flow Loop in System 200 of Plant 1 of Site 10 for pump 101200-PBA-20110 Instrument Tags of Loop 101200-F-20111: 101200-FV-20111 A flow control valve 101200-FY-20111A A transducer (I/P) 101200-FY-20111B A solenoid valve-instrument 101200-ZSC-20111 A proximity switch-close 101200-ZSO-20111 A proximity switch-open 101200-FT-20111 A flow transmitter Loop: 101800-T-609530A A Flow Loop Segment ‘A’ in System 800 of Plant 1 of Site 10 for pump 101800-PBE-60953 Instrument Tags of Loop 101800-T-609530A: 101800-TE-609530AA First Temperature Element 101800-TE-609530AB Second Temperature Element 101800-TE-609530AC Third Temperature Element 101800-TI-609530A A Temperature Indicator 101800-TX-609530A A Temperature Instrument Page 22 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 When tagging instrumentation tubing, all users must follow format: PBS Code NNNNNN Where: - Tube Code Tag Class Code A - A(A)(A)(A)(A) - Sequential Number Suffix NNNNN (A) Subsequence - NN Fluid Code - AA i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The system process unit code within the PBS code shall reference the system process unit code of the instrument or device from which the tubing originates. ii. Tube Code – A: Tubing designator – “T” for all tubing. iii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes and matches the instrument or device the tubing is connected. iv. Sequential Number – NNNNN: Five-digit number is the unique sequence number of the instrument or device the tubing is connected. v. Suffix – (A) - Optional Alpha character for connected instrumentation or device. vi. Subsequence Number – NN – Optional two-digit number to allow for different distribution network tubing segments such as fusible plug loops or hydraulic supply. vii. Fluid Code Identifier – AA: Fluid code as identified in Appendix D. Example: Fusible Loop Tagging 101700-T-PST-65452D01-AI Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (700), Tube Code (T), Device Tag Class Code (PST), Device Sequential number (65452), Device Suffix (D), Sub-sequence (01)-Fluid Code (AI) 101700-T-PST-65452D06-AI Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (700), Tube Code (T), Device Tag Class Code (PST), Device Sequential number (65452), Device Suffix (D), Sub-sequence (06)-Fluid Code (AI) Chemical Injection Tubing 101460-T-CI-10051-03CM Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (460), Tube Code (T), Device Tag Class Code (CI), Device Sequential number (10051), Sub-sequence (03), Fluid Code (CM) Page 23 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 101420-T-CI-13222-01CB Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (420), Tube Code (T), Device Tag Class Code (CI), Device Sequential number (13222), Sub-sequence (01), Fluid Code (CB) 101420-T-CI-10341-SP Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (420), Tube Code (T), Device Tag Class Code (CI), Device Sequential number (10341), Fluid Code (SP) 101420-T-CI-20131-01CX Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (420), Tube Code (T), Device Tag Class Code (CI), Device Sequential number (20131), Sub-sequence (01), Fluid Code (CX) Umbilical Tubing Tagging 101460-T-PBE-36031A01-CM Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (460), Tube Code (T), Device Tag Class Code (PBE), Device Sequential number (36031), Device Suffix (A), Sub-sequence (01)-Fluid Code (CM) 101460-T-PBE-36131C01-CM Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (460), Tube Code (T), Device Tag Class Code (PBE), Device Sequential number (36131), Device Suffix (C), Sub-sequence (01)-Fluid Code (CM) When numbering Fire & Gas devices, all users must number the device in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - AA - Sequential Number Suffix NNNNN (A) Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00-PM- STD00718. ii. Tag Class Code – AA: The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequential Number will be assigned per the following: Page 24 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure · CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 The 1st character of the five-digit Sequential Number denotes the module: 1st Character of Sequential Number · North Module 1 Central Module 2 South Module 3 Living Quarters 4 Main MCC Building 5 Essential MCC Building 6 Sample Room Building 7 Temp Living Quarters 8 Hull / Marine 9 The 2nd character of the five-digit Sequential Number denotes the deck or column: 2nd Character of Sequential Number · Main Deck 1 Production Deck 2 Mezzanine Deck 3 NW Column 4 NE Column 5 SE Column 6 SW Column 7 The 3rd character of the five-digit Sequential Number denotes the Fire Zone: 3rd Character of Sequential Number Fire Zone Number 1 Fire Zone Number 2 Fire Zone Number 3 Page 25 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 3rd Character of Sequential Number · iv. Fire Zone Number 4 Fire Zone Number 5 Fire Zone Number 6 Fire Zone Number 7 Fire Zone Number 8 Fire Zone Number 9 The 4th and 5th characters of the Sequential Number are sequence numbers, starting with “01” and continuing through “99”. Suffix (A): A – Transmitter, B - Receiver Example: Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (700), Fire Detector (FD), Hull (9), Southeast Column (6), Fire Zone 3, the 5th sequence 101700-FD-96305 When tagging electrical equipment all users must tag the item in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - A(A)(A)(A)(A) - Sequential Number Suffix NNNNN (A) Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Petroleum Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00PM-STD-00718. For electrical motors connected to process/utility equipment, use the PBS code of the process/utility equipment. ii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. Page 26 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure iii. CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequential Number shall conform with the following: a. COMMON (Hull, LQ, Electrical Buildings, Lab Building, and Topsides) - For electrical motors connected to process/utility equipment, the sequence number of the motor will match the sequence of the driven equipment. e.g. ‘101530-PBE-00350’ pump tag will have ‘101530-RME-00350’ motor tag. - For electrical distribution board, we will use the PBS of electrical equipment. e.g. ‘101820-EDB-62410’ for a low voltage electrical distribution board fed from small power transformer 101820-EXFMR-62410. b. Topsides - The Sequential Number for Topsides Electrical Tags will be organized as follows: 60000 to 63999 - Electrical c. Hull - The Sequential Number for Hull Electrical Tags will be organized as follows: 961nn – items in Northeast 962nn – items in Northwest 963nn – items in Southwest 964nn – items in Southeast d. LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building - The Sequential Number for LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building Electrical Tags will be organized as follows: 71000 to 74999 - Electrical iv. Suffix – (A): The suffix is an optional single alpha character used to identify items that perform the same function, in the same system, at the same location and having the same sequential number. An item will only have the same sequential number if: a. The item is part of a redundant or back-up system. b. The item is part of a load sharing agreement. c. Parallel equipment used for sparing. When tagging light fixtures powered by electrical distribution board all users must tag the item in accordance with the following convention: Page 27 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure PBS Code Tag Class Code NNNNNN - EL EDB Sequential Number - NNNNN CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Circuit Breaker Number - NNN Sub-sequence - NNN Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Petroleum Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00PM-STD-00718. ii. Tag Class Code – EL: Light Fixture. iii. Electrical Distribution Board (EDB) Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequential Number shall conform with the following: a. COMMON (Hull, LQ, Electrical Buildings, Lab Building, and Topsides) - Light fixture Tag Numbers will be assigned wherein the Sequential Number will correspond to the powered by electrical distribution board. iv. Circuit Breaker Number – NNN: Three-digit sequence number corresponding to the circuit breaker number. v. Sub-sequence Number – NNN: Three-digit sequence number. Example: Electrical Distribution Board Tag – 101820-EDB-62410 Circuit Breaker Number – 23 Light Fixture Tag - 101820-EL-62410-023-001 (light fixture powered by101820-EDB-62410, attached to circuit breaker 23, first light fixture) When tagging circuits connecting switch boards and electrical bus all users must tag the item in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code Tag Class Code NNNNNN - ESB ESB Sequential Number - NNNNN Bus Number - Where: Page 28 of 117 ANN Location Number - AN DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 vi. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Petroleum Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00PM-STD-00718. vii. Tag Class Code – ESB: Switchboard. viii. Electrical Switch Board (ESB) Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequential Number shall conform with the following: a. COMMON (Hull, LQ, Electrical Buildings, Lab Building, and Topsides) - Circuit Tag Numbers will be assigned wherein the Sequential Number will correspond to the switch board connected to the bus. ix. Bus Number – ANN: Three-digit alphanumeric number corresponding to the bus and incomer cubical number. (A) designates the bus and (N)(N) is a two-digit numeric bus designation. x. Location Number – AN: Two-digit alphanumeric number corresponding to the row and position in the cubicle in the bus. (A) designated the cubicle row in the bus an (N) designates the position left to right in the cubicle. Example: Electrical Switch Board Tag – 101800-ESB-60000 Bus Number – A08 Circuit Tag – 101800-ESB-60000A08 (circuit from switch 101800-ESB-60000 to bus A08) Electrical Switch Board Tag – 101820-ESB-62000 Bus Number – A05 Cubicle Row - F Circuit Tag - 101820-ESB-62000A05F (circuit switch 101820-ESB-62000 to bus A05, cubicle row F) This is example is for a device that does not allow other devices to be installed in same cubicle location. Electrical Switch Board Tag – 101820-ESB-62000 Bus Number – B06 Cubicle Row – D Cubical Position - 1 Page 29 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Circuit Tag - 101820-ESB-62000B06D1 (circuit switch 101820-ESB-62000 to bus D06, cubicle row D, position 1) This is example is for when multiple devices can be installed in same cubicle location. When tagging telecoms equipment all users must tag the item in accordance with the following convention. Tag Class Code PBS Code NNNNNN - A(A)(A)(A)(A) - Sequential Number Suffix NNNNNN (A) Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Petroleum Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00PM-STD-00718. ii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes; relevant Telecoms Tag Class Codes are listed under Information Technology, Instrumentation, Electrical, and Mechanical disciplines in Appendix A. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNNN: The Sequential Number shall conform with the following: a. COMMON (Hull, LQ, Electrical Building, Lab Building, and Topsides) - Telecom tags will be assigned to all Telecom system device, cabinets, junction box, or station that are connected via cables (in the cable schedule) or wireless signals. - Telecom equipment tags shall be grouped into Parent-Child pattern. A Parent tag will be assigned to Telecom system cabinet, field junction box, field station, or stand-alone device. Telecom devices located within (or associated with) the Parent cabinet, junction box, or station will be assigned a Child tag. - Telecom Parent and Children Tags will have the same unique 6-digits Sequential Number. Child Tags will be differentiated by Tag Class Code and Suffix. - The Sequential Number for Telecoms Tags will be organized as follows: Reference TRION-200-WDS92-TE-SPC-00008, Telecommunications Systems Tagging, Cabinets, Cables, and General Infrastructure Specification, for use of specific sequence number ranges for telecoms equipment locations. iv. Suffix – (A): Designation for multiple telecoms Child tags with the same Tag Class Code associated with (or located within) a Parent tag. Page 30 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Example 1: CCTV Station with the Junction Box (Parent) with 2 Children (fiber patch panel and camera) 101860-VJB-750001 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Telecommunications (860), Camera junction box (VJB), 750001 (In LQ) 101860-JTCC-750001 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Telecommunications (860), CCTV camera (JTCC), 750001 (In LQ), Camera connected to junction box 101860-JTTP-750001 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Telecommunications (860), Fiber Patch Panel (JTTP), 750001 (In LQ), Fiber patch panel inside camera junction box Example 2: Network Cabinet (Parent) with 3 Children (Network Switch and 2 Servers) 101860-VCBNT-751230 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Telecommunications (860), Cabinet (VCBNT), 751230 (In LQ), Parent 101860-JTNSW-751230 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Telecommunications (860), Network Switch (JTNSW), 751230 (In LQ) 101860-JTNS-751230A Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Telecommunications (860), Server (JTNS), 751230 (In LQ), A (First Server) 101860-JTNS-751230B Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Telecommunications (860), Server (JTNS), 751230 (In LQ), B (Second Server) For electrical cables originating from the Motor Control Center, tag the cable in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - A(A)(A)(A)(A) Sequential Number - NNNNN Where: Page 31 of 117 - Subsequence Suffix (NNN) (A) DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The system process unit code within the PBS code shall reference the system process unit code of the connected equipment on the to/load end of cable. ii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: Five-digit number is the unique sequence number of the equipment which the cable is connected to. iv. Sub-sequence Number – (NNN) – Three-digit sequence number. v. Suffix – (A): The suffix is an optional alpha character used to identify cables in parallel runs. Example: 101530-CLV-00001-001 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Fresh water system (530), Power cable (CLV), Equipment number 00001, first sequence 101840-CLV-60510-001A Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Fresh water system (530), Power cable (CLV), Equipment number 00001, first sequence, first parallel cable For lighting and power cables originating from a power distribution board, tag the cable in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code Tag Class Code NNNNNN - A(A)(A)(A)(A) - Breaker Number Sequential Number NNNNN - NNN Subsequence Suffix Number - NNN (A) Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The system process unit code within the PBS code shall match the system process unit code of the connected equipment on the to/load end of cable. ii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: Five-digit number is the unique sequence number of the distribution panel which the cable originated from. iv. Breaker Number – NNN: Three-digit number corresponding to the breaker number at the panel. Page 32 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure v. vi. CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Sub-sequence Number – NNN: Three-digit sub-sequence number. The sub-sequence number will be incremented by 1 for each subsequent cable in the circuit. The last three digits of electrical cable shall conform with the following: o Cable run out to deck will start at ‘000’. o Integration cable will start at ‘700’. o Cable run inside building will start at ‘900’. Suffix – (A): The suffix is an optional alpha character used to identify cables in parallel runs. Example: 101820-CLV-62410-023-001 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Main Power Low voltage (820), Power cable (CLV), distribution panel 62410, circuit breaker number 23, first sequence For instrument single and multi-pair cables, tag the cable in accordance with the following convention: Tag Class Code PBS Code NNNNNN - A(A)(A)(A)(A) Subsequence Device Sequence - B(B)(B)(B)(B)NNNNN(N)(B)(B) - (NNN) Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The system process unit code within the PBS code shall match the system process unit code of the connected equipment on the to/load end of the cable. ii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. iii. Device Sequence – B(B)(B)(B)(B)NNNNN(N)(B)(B): Up to thirteen-digit alpha numeric sequence consisting of the connected device tag class code and the five-digit sequence number of the device the cable originated from, and the suffix of the connected device. iv. Sub-sequence Number – (NNN) - Three-digit sequence number. The sub-sequence number will be incremented by 1 for each subsequent cable needed at the originating device. Example: Page 33 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 101270-CNT-PT12345 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Gas Export and Metering (270), Signal cable (CNT), Device pressure transmitter (PT12345) 101780-CNT-CJB10000-002 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Process Control and Instrument (780), Signal cable (CNT), Device control junction box (CJB10000), second cable going to junction box. 101800-CNT-TE609530AA Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Main Power High Voltage (800), Signal cable (CNT), Temperature Element (TE609530AA) For telecoms cables, tag the cable in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN - Tag Class Code Device Sequence A(A)(A)(A)(A) - B(B)(B)(B)(B)NNNNNN(B) - Sub-sequence (NNN) Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The system process unit code within the PBS code shall match the system process unit code of the connected equipment on the to/load end of the cable. ii. (Cable) Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. iii. Device (Tag Class Code) Sequence – B(B)(B)(B)(B)NNNNNN(B): Up to twelve-digit alpha numeric sequence consisting of the connected device tag class code and the six-digit sequence number of the device the cable originated from, and the suffix of the connected device. iv. Sub-sequence Number – (NNN) – Three-digit sequence number. The sub-sequence number will be incremented by 1 for each subsequent cable needed at the originating device. Example: Two CAT6 cables and one low voltage cable going to a Data Outlet 101860-CTC-JTDOT751230-001 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Telecommunications (860), Communications cable (CTC), data outlet – CAT6 (JTCC751230), Comm Cable to Port 01 101860-CTC-JTDOT751230-002 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Telecommunications (860), Communications Page 34 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 cable (CTC), data outlet – CAT6 (JTCC751230), Comm Cable to Port 02 101820-CLV- JTDOT751230-001 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), (Low Voltage) (820), Low Voltage Power Cable (CLV), data outlet – CAT6 (JTCC751230), power cable going to data outlet. Example: CAT6 cable going to the first of multiple Servers 101860-CTC-JTNS751230A-001 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Telecommunications (860), Communications cable (CTC), Sever 1 (JTNS751230A), Cable #001 For multi-cable transits and tubing transits, tag the transit in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code Tag Class Code NNNNNN - EMCT Sequential Number - NNNNN Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The system process unit code within the PBS code shall reference the system process unit code of the cable or tubing. ii. Tag Class Code – EMCT is the tag class code for cable and tubing transits. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Five-digit number per the following: a. Topsides - The 1st character of the five-digit Sequential Number: 1st Character of Sequential Number - North Module 1 Central Module 2 South Module 3 Flare Boom 4 The 2nd through 5th characters of the five-digit Sequential Number: Page 35 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 2nd through 5th Characters of Sequence Number Structural 1000 to 1999 Electrical 2000 to 2999 Instrumentation 3000 to 3999 Piping 4000 to 4999 b. Hull - The 1st character of the five-digit Sequential Number: 1st Character of Sequential Number - - Hull 9 The 2nd character of the five-digit Sequential Number: Column Location 2nd Character of Sequence Number NE 1 NW 2 SW 3 SE 4 The 3rd through 5th characters of the five-digit Sequential Number are sequential. c. LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building - The 1st character of the five-digit Sequential Number: 1st Character of Sequential Number - LQ, Electrical Buildings, 8 and Lab Building The 2nd through 5th characters of the five-digit Sequential Number: 2nd through 5th Characters of Sequence Number Structural 1000 to 1999 Page 36 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 2nd through 5th Characters of Sequence Number Electrical 2000 to 2999 Instrumentation 3000 to 3999 Piping 4000 to 4999 Example: 101930-EMCT-32000 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), Topsides – Electrical Buildings, South Module, Electrical Cable Transit When tagging cable tray all users must tag the item in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - A(A)(A)(A)(A) Sequential Number - NNNNN Module Code - NN(N) Area Designator - NNN Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Petroleum Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00PM-STD-00718. For electrical motors connected to process/utility equipment, use the PBS code of the process/utility equipment. ii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequential Number shall conform with the following: · First digit of the Sequential Number will indicate the FPU location per the following: 0 On skid Support Number 1 North Module 2 Central Module 3 South Module 4 Flare Boom 5 Integration Areas 6 Main Electrical Building 7 Emergency Electrical Building Page 37 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure · CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 8 LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building 9 Hull Second through fifth digits of the Sequential Number will indicate the deck level, hull, or flare boom as follows: 1000 to 1499 Above Main Deck 1500 - 1999 Above Main Deck (Barrier) 2000 - 2499 Below Main Deck 2500 - 2999 Below Main Deck (Barrier) 3000 - 3499 Above Mezzanine Deck 3500 - 3999 Above Mezzanine Deck (Barrier) 4000 - 4499 Below Mezzanine Deck 4500 - 4999 Below Mezzanine Deck (Barrier) 5000 - 5499 Above Production Deck 5500 - 5999 Above Production Deck (Barrier) 6000 – 6499 Below Production Deck 6500 – 6999 Below Production Deck (Barrier) 7000 – 7499 Flare Boom 7500 – 8999 Open 9000 – 9999 Hull iv. Module Code – NN(N): The Module Code identifies the FPU module. Module codes are identified in the E3D Model Execution Plan, TRION-200-WDS92-JA-PLN-00008. v. Area Designator – NNN: The Area Designator identifies the deck level, hull area, or flare boom. Area Designators are identified in the E3D Model Execution Plan, TRION-200-WDS92JA-PLN-00008. Example: 101890-HVT-11000- NM-MDA High Voltage Cable Tray, North Module, Above Main Deck, first number being 1000 Page 38 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 This section describes how all pipe lines and pipe runs shall be tagged. There is a parent - child relationship between a pipe line and a pipe run where a pipe line is comprised of many pipe runs. Specifically, in regard to tagging: · The pipe line tag number (parent) is a unique identifier for all the pipe runs (children) contained within the piping system. · The pipe run number (children) can be duplicated as there can be multiple segments of the same size pipe run within the same pipe line. Note, all pipe runs must be associated to a parent pipe line. When tagging a pipe line, all users must tag the pipe line in accordance with the following convention: Tag Class Code PBS Code NNNNNN - PIPE Sequential Number - NNNNN Where: i. The PBS codes have the same meaning as in section 4.2 Tagging of General Engineering Items. Additionally note: a. The PBS codes are always the originating (or source), and b. The PBS codes do not change when the pipe line crosses Area or Unit boundaries. ii. The Tag Class Code is always ‘PIPE’ (e.g. 111121-WS-PIPE-00001-001). iii. The sequential number is: a. Unique across the plant (sequence resets for a new plant but not for a new system within the plant). b. The first character of the sequential number conforms to the following: o 0 – On skid line number o 1 – Originates on North Module o 2 – Originates on Central Module o 3 – Originates on South Module Page 39 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure o 4 – On skid line number o 5 – Unused o 6 – Unused o 7 – LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building o 8 - Open o 9 – Hull CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 c. The last four characters of the sequential number conform to the following: Line Type Line Number Extra High Pressure Process (ASME 600# and Above) 1000 to 2999 Low Pressure Process (ASME 300# and lower) 3000 to 3999 High Pressure Relief 4000 to 4999 Low Pressure Relief and Vents 5000 to 5999 Closed Drains 6000 to 6399 Open Drains and Oily Water. 6400 to 6999 Firewater, Deluge 7000 to 7399 Service Water, Potable Water, Sewage & Waste Water, Seawater, Ballast water and Cooling Water 7400 to 7999 Fuel Gas, Instrument Air, Utility Air, Nitrogen, Pad Gas 8000 to 8999 Diesel fuel, glycol, heat medium, Lube Oil, Hydraulic Fluid 9000 to 9499 Chemical Injection and Hypochlorite 9500 to 9999 d. The sequence numbers for pipe lines increases by 1 where the pipe line connects ‘to / from’: o Mechanical pieces of equipment (e.g. pumps, tanks, vessels, etc.). o A branch that contains more than just fittings (e.g. a drain that is connected to a sump or a PSV that needs to release a certain distance away from the main run). o A piping class break. Page 40 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 e. The sequence numbers for pipe lines does not change based on: o Inline components (i.e. valves, reducers, instruments, etc.). o Changes in diameter or insulation requirement (except for extent of personnel protection insulation). o Very short branch runs (i.e. drains, vents, instrument connections, etc.). Example: 101500-PIPE-97401 A pipe line originating Site 10 (Trion Development), Plant 1 (Trion Floating Production Unit), System 500 (Seawater), Tag Class Code ‘PIPE’, 9 – Hull, 74xx Seawater When tagging a pipe run, all Users must tag the pipe run in accordance with the following convention: Nominal Diameter PBS Code - Fluid - Sequential Piping - Insulation Code Number Material Spec Class - N(NNN)(“) - NNNNNN - AA - NNNNN - A(A)BB - (AA) Where: i. Nominal Diameter – N(NNN)(“): The nominal diameter of the pipe, may be one to four digits and may contain the “ symbol. Common dimensions across project as defined in the Project Piping Specification Coding System provided by EPC for the project. Typically, if Coding system is designated in inches shall be presented as: 0.25”, 1.5”, 10”, etc. ii. PBS Code - NNNNNN: Regardless of the pipe run’s location, the PBS code must always match the pipe run’s respective pipe line. iii. Fluid Codes - AA: The relevant Fluid Code as defined by Appendix D: Fluid Codes. iv. Sequential Number - NNNNN: The sequential number of the pipe run’s pipe line. In other words, the pipe line and all of its associated pipe runs, will share a common sequential number. v. Piping Material Specification – A(A)BB (alphanumeric): This will be the Pipe Material Specification as identified on the P&ID and on the P&ID Legend Sheet where ‘A’ is a single alpha character (optional two alpha characters) and ‘BB’ is a two character numeric value. vi. Insulation Class - AA: The relevant insulation class as defined on the P&ID Legend Sheet. Page 41 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Example: 1.5”-101500-WS-97401-A02-HC A pipe run that is a child of pipe line 101500-WS-PIPE-97401-001. The pipe run: Has a nominal diameter of 1.5”, Contains Sea Water (fluid code WS), Is built to piping material specification A12, and Has an insulation class of HC. Fluid Code PBS Code NNNNNN - AA Sequential Number - NNNNN Module Code - AA(A) Area Designator - AAA Sub-sequence Number - NN Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code must always match the pipe iso’s respective pipe run. ii. Fluid Code – AA: The Fluid Code must always match the pipe iso’s respective pipe run. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequence Number must always match the pipe iso’s respective pipe run. iv. Module Code – AA(A): The Module Code identifies the FPU module. Module codes are identified in the E3D Model Execution Plan, TRION-200-WDS92-JA-PLN-00008. v. Area Designator – AAA: The Area Designator identifies the deck level, hull area or flare boom. Area Designators are identified in the E3D Model Execution Plan, TRION-200-WDS92JA-PLN-00008. vi. Sub-sequential Number – NN: Two-digit sequence to allow for isometric sheet number. All inline components contained on a Pipe Line will have the same PBS code as their applicable Pipe Line. Other than this requirement In-line Piping Components will be tagged as per section 4.2 General Engineering Items. Note, examples of in-line piping components includes (but are not limited to): manual valves, specialty piping items, in-line instruments, etc. PBS Code Tag Class Code Sequential Number NNNNNN - AA(A) - NNNNN Page 42 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code must always match the respective pipe run. ii. Tag Class Code – AA(A): “MV” (manual valves) or “FNV” (check valves) as listed in Appendix A. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequential Number will increase by 00001 and be unique for all items. Example: The Tag Class for all Specialty Piping Items shall be ‘SP’. Specialty Item Types shall be maintained as an enumeration list for the tag class of ‘SP’ in the COMPANY Class Library. If unique attribution is required, then a subclass to ‘SP’ is allowed. Maintaining a sub class per specialty item type allows for unique attribute types to be associated per type of specialty item. The Specialty Item Type should be included as a text descriptor on P&IDs and other engineering documents. Management of bolted joints is critical for mechanical completion and the ongoing integrity of the piping systems. Since bolted joints can occur between piping components, two valves back-to-back, without having a flange component on the piping, it is more accurate to identify the gasket location as the bolted joint. Therefore, bolted joints shall be tagged in accordance with the following convention: Page 43 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 PBS Code - Fluid - Tag Class - Sequential - Sub-sequence Code Code Number Number NNNNNN - AA - TGKT - NNNNN - NNN Where: i. PBS Code - NNNNNN: Regardless of the pipe run’s location, the PBS code must always match the pipe lines respective pipe line. ii. Fluid Codes - AA: The relevant Fluid Code as defined by Appendix D: Fluid Codes. iii. Tag Class Code – TGKT – The tag class code is always ‘TGKT’. iv. Sequential Number - NNNNN: The sequential number of the pipe run’s pipe line. In other words, the pipe line and all of its associated pipe runs, will share a common sequential number. v. Sub-sequence Number – NNN: Three-digit sequence incrementing by 1 for each successive bolted joint in the pipe line. Tie-in points are used to identify interfaces between new / existing facilities or battery limits of scope. When numbering tie-in points, all users must number the tie-in point in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - TP - Sequential Number Suffix NNNNN (A) Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Petroleum Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00PM-STD-00718. The system process unit code within the PBS code shall reference the system process unit code on the “To Side” of the connection. ii. Tag Class Code – TP: The Tag Class Code is always ‘TP’. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: The sequential number shall match the Sequential Number of the corresponding Pipe Run. iv. Suffix – (A): Each Tie-in Point will have a Suffix beginning with “A” and incrementing as needed. Note, the PBS code does not include a system identifier for tie-in points. Example: 101560-TP-00070 Tie-in Point Page 44 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Penetrations through primary steel plate girder webs and sealed penetrations in fire walls, blast walls, building walls, watertight bulkheads or deck plates require periodic inspection and or verification over the life of the facility. Therefore, the identified penetrations need to be tagged to facilitate the inspection and maintenance. When tagging penetrations, all users must number the penetration in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN Where: i. Sequential Number Tag Class Code - PEN - NNNNN PBS Code – NNNNNN: a. Site Code – NN: Two-digit site code (reference PBS Standard). b. Plant Code – N: One-digit plant code (reference PBS Standard). c. Process Unit Code NNN: Three different structural process unit codes will be used for all penetrations: 900 for all blast wall, fire wall, deck plate, or primary steel plate girder webs on topsides; 910 for all hull related penetrations; 930 for all building penetrations. ii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: The sequential number shall be per the following: a. COMMON (Hull, LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building, and Topsides) - (None) b. TOPSIDES 4-Digit Sequence Number Range Structural (Unsealed) 1000 to 1499 Structural (Sealed) 1500 – 1999 Electrical 2000 to 2999 Page 45 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 4-Digit Sequence Number Range Instrumentation 3000 to 3999 Piping 4000 to 4999 c. HULL d. LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building Example: 101900-PEN-20001 Penetration on the topsides blast wall, Central module, first sequence Supports for piping, tray and HVAC ducting need to be inspected and maintained throughout the life of the facility and therefore must be uniquely identified. When tagging a support, tag it in accordance with the following convention: Page 46 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - AAAAA CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Sequential Number Suffix - NNNNN (A) Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Petroleum Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00PM-STD-00718. ii. Tag Class Code – AAAAA: The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. iii. · XSUPP – Pipe Support · XSUPS – Spring Support · XSUPT – Tray Support (Note: for Cable or Tubing) · XSUPH – HVAC Support Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequential Number shall start from 00001 for each item and will increase by 1 for items that perform the same function (e.g. have the same tag class code) within a Plant. Note: a. First character of Sequential Number shall denote the FPU location as follows: o 0 – On skid support number o 1 – North Module o 2 – Central Module o 3 – South Module o 4 – Flare Boom o 5 – Integration Areas o 6 – Open o 7 – LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building o 8 - Open o 9 – Hull b. Last four character of the Sequential Number shall be used as follows: Page 47 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Deck Levels for Support Numbering CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Off Skid Support Number On skid supports On Skid Support Number 0001 to 0999 Above Main Deck 1000 to 1999 Below Main Deck 2000 to 2999 Above Mezzanine Deck 3000 to 3499 Below Mezzanine Deck 3500 to 3999 Above Production Deck 4000 to 4999 Below Production Deck 5000 to 5999 Major Pipe Racks 6000 to 6999 Integration Areas 7000 to 7499 Open 7500 to 8999 Hull Above Top of Column 9000 – 9099 Hull Access Shaft 9100 – 9199 Hull Column 9200 – 9299 Hull Node 9300 – 9399 Hull Pontoon 9400 – 9499 Hull Upper Column Frame 9500 - 9599 Example: 101900 - XSUPP - 11100 which would be Pipe Support, Topsides Structure, North Module, Above Main Deck, first number being 1000 Example: 101290 - XSUPS - 12000 which would be Spring Support for pipe with a 101290 PBS code in North Module, Below Main Deck, first number being 2000 Page 48 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Example: 101900 - XSUPT - 33500 which would be Tray Support, Topsides Structure, South Module, Below Mezzanine Deck, first number being 3500 iv. Suffix – (A): The suffix is an optional single alpha character used to identify items that perform the same function, in the same system, at the same location and having the same sequential number. Numbering of structural items assists with managing the Structural Critical Inspection Points (SCIP). Topsides structural steel tagging should include primary steel nodes and structural support members for safety critical equipment. Hull structural tagging should include foundations for safety critical equipment, castings, nodes, SCIPs, and voids. When tagging a structural item all users must tag the item in accordance with the following convention: PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - A(A)(A)(A)(A) Sequential Number - NNNNN Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00-PM- STD00718. ii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. iii. Sequential Number – NNNNN: Sequential numbers shall conform with the following: a. COMMON (Topsides, LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building, and Hull) - (None) b. TOPSIDES Page 49 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Page 50 of 117 CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Page 51 of 117 CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure c. HULL Page 52 of 117 CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Page 53 of 117 CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure d. LQ, Electrical Buildings, and Lab Building Page 54 of 117 CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 When tagging ICSS Cabinets or Panels, all users must tag the in accordance with the following convention: Page 55 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure PBS Code NNNNNN Tag Class Code - A(A)(A)(A) CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Sequential Number Suffix NNNNN (A) - Where: i. PBS Code – NNNNNN: The PBS Code identifies the location of the item. PBS codes are defined as part of the COMPANY Petroleum Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00PM-STD-00718. ii. Tag Class Code – A(A)(A)(A): The relevant tag class code as defined by Appendix A: Tag Class Codes. · CPNL – PCS Panel · CRIO – PCS Remote I/O Panel · SPNL – SIS Panel · SRIO – SIS Remote I/O Panel · FPNL – FGS Panel · FRIO – FGS Remote I/O Panel · NPNL – Network Panel · OCON – Operations ICSS Console · BPNL – Bently Nevada Panel Sequential Number – NNNNN: The Sequential Number will be assigned per the following: iii. · The 1st and 2nd characters of the five-digit Sequential Number denotes the deck or building location: 1st and 2nd Characters of Sequential Number · Main Deck 66 Production Deck & Below 67 Electrical Building 68 LQ, CER, & ROC Buildings 69 The final three characters of the five-digit Sequential Number denotes specific sequence number ranges according to cabinet/panel type and location: Page 56 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 SM = South Module, CM = Central Modul, and NM = North Module PCS Field Mounts SIS Field Mounts FGS Field Mounts SM XX000- XX024 SM XX100- XX124 SM XX200- XX224 CM XX025- XX049 CM XX125- XX149 CM XX225- XX249 NM XX050- XX074 NM XX150- XX174 NM XX250- XX274 PCS Mtd. Elect. Bldg. SIS Mtd. Elect. Bldg. FGS Mtd. Elect. Bldg. SM XX300- XX324 SM XX400- XX424 SM XX500- XX524 CM XX325- XX349 CM XX425- XX449 CM XX525- XX549 NM XX350- XX374 NM XX450- XX474 NM XX550- XX574 PCS Mtd. LQ Bldg. SIS Mtd. LQ Bldg. FGS Mtd. LQ Bldg. SM XX600- XX624 SM XX700- XX724 SM XX800- XX824 CM XX625- XX649 CM XX725- XX749 CM XX825- XX849 NM XX650- XX674 NM XX750- XX774 NM XX850- XX874 SW = Southwest Column Hull, SE = Southeast Column Hull, NW = Northwest Column Hull, & NE = Northeast Column Hull PCS Hull Mtd. SIS Hull Mtd. FGS Hull Mtd. SW XX930- XX934 SW XX935- XX938 SW XX939- XX939 SE XX940- XX944 SE XX945- XX948 SE XX949- XX949 NW XX920- XX924 NW XX925- XX928 NW XX929- XX929 NE XX910- XX914 NE XX915- XX918 NE XX919- XX919 Page 57 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 ICSS = Instrument Control Safety Systems & OT = Operational Technology Common Network Cab. ICSS XX970- XX979 OT i. XX980- XX999 Suffix – (A): The suffix is an optional alpha character used to identify either location of label on cabinet/panel or reference network assignment. ‘F’ – Front, ‘R’ – Rear, ‘A’ – Network A, and ‘B’ – Network B. Example: Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (870), Network Panel (NPNL), LQ CER & ROC Bldgs (69), ICSS 101870-NPNL-69979A Common Network Cabinet (979), Network (A) Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (870), Network Panel (NPNL), LQ CER & ROC Bldgs (69), ICSS 101870-NPNL-69979B Common Network Cabinet (979), Network (B) 101790-SPNL-68451F Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (790), SIS Panel (SPNL), Electrical Bldg (68), SIS Mtd. Elect Bldg North Module (451), Label Location Front Side (F) 101790-SPNL-68451R Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (790), SIS Panel (SPNL), Electrical Bldg (68), SIS Mtd. Elect Bldg North Module (451), Label Location Rear Side (R) 101780-CPNL-67933 Trion (site 10), FPU (plant 1), System (780), PCS Panel (CPNL), Production Deck & Below (67), PCS Hull Mtd SW Hull (933) Page 58 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure 5. CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 TAGGING NEEDS OF ESP & UNIQUE IDENTIFIERS The purpose of this section is to set out the requirements for when equipment or items are required to be uniquely identified but are not required to be tagged by COMPANY. Where ESP needs to uniquely identify an item that is not required to be tagged by COMPANY (as per the Class Library), the ESP must: i. Define a logical and unique tagging convention. Note, the ESP must ensure that the proposed tagging convention: a. Includes a sequential number so that each item is uniquely identified, and b. Has no possibility of becoming a duplicated tag. ii. Notify COMPANY of types of engineering items that are not contained within the Class Library, but the ESP needs to uniquely identify. Note, this is required to ensure: a. COMPANY can decide whether this item should be included in the Class Library; or whether b. The ESP has failed to identify an applicable class. iii. For each Uniquely Identified Item, populate the minimum following attributes: a. Service Description. iv. Where a uniquely identified item is a sub-component of a larger tagged item, the ESP may associate the unique identifier with its parent tagged engineering item. Items tagged solely for the benefit of ESP and not needed by COMPANY will not be maintained in the Master Tag Register. The use of an appropriate tagging convention and built-in system functionality will preclude possibility of duplicate tags. The functional tag is the common link within the digital record. As such, the 3D model and all other references to the tag within documents shall carry the complete tag number as defined by the master tag register, unless specifically stated otherwise. The 3D Model Execution Plan shall incorporate level of detail for modelling functional tags. 6. REFERENCES Reference Title PET-PR00-PM-STD-00713 Topsides Coatings and Insulation Requirements Page 59 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Reference Title PET-PR00-PM-STD-00718 COMPANY Petroleum Plant Break Down Structure Standard PET-PR00-PM-STD-00719 COMPANY Tag Numbering Standard W0000RK1401355648 Engineering Class Library Matrix TRION-00-BHP16-PS-PLN-00004 FEED Interface Management Plan TRION-200-WDS92-TE-SPC-00008 Telecommunication Systems Tagging, Cabinets, Cables, and General Infrastructure Specification 7. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Term Abbreviation Tag Class Code Description A code assigned to each physical class. Note: Tag Class Code is not always unique. Class Library A class library defines a common way to classify tagged items and specifies the Attributes that need to be collected and maintained for each Engineering Item (class). Engineering Item An engineering item can be any physical or nonphysical (soft) object that performs a function within the plant. Engineering Services Provider ESP Living Quarters LQ Plant Breakdown Structure Plant PBS Companies that provide an engineering service to COMPANY. This includes EPCs, EPCMs, third party contractors and suppliers engaged directly by COMPANY. A PBS is a hierarchical structure that starts with the plant and is then broken down into areas and subsequently into units. The PBS’ units can represent either functional or physical locations. Plant as referenced within this document is the Plant Code as defined in the COMPANY Petroleum Plant Breakdown Structure Standard, PET-PR00-PM-STD-00718. Page 60 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Tag CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 A tag is a unique code that identifies an engineering item within a plant. Page 61 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Appendix A Tag Class Codes Appendix A.1 Tag Class Codes Overview CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Tag Class Codes are mastered in the COMPANY Class Library. They may be referenced in the COMPANY Class Library ISM Excel Format, PET-PR00-PM-STD-00726. The tables below are reproduced from these sources for convenience. COMPANY Process equipment tag coding shall comply with API RP 14C component ID codes. Where a discrepancy exists between the tag class available in the COMPANY Class Library and API RP 14C, Contractor shall raise it to the attention to COMPANY Project team for resolution. COMPANY Instrument tagging shall comply with ISA 5.1. Where a discrepancy exists between the tag class available in the COMPANY Class Library and ISA 5.1, Contractor shall raise it to the attention to COMPANY Project team for resolution. Additional tag class codes are required by COMPANY than those allotted by API RP 14C and ISA 5.1. No meaning shall be inferred from the chosen tag class codes other than as a way to uniquely identify a tag class. Note: SURF discipline tag class codes duplicate some tag class codes available within the Topsides disciplines. This exception has been allowed because the SURF ‘Plant’ will always be different from the facility ‘Plant’ ensuring that the full tag string will always be unique between the two. Appendix A.2 Tag Class Code Picklists In most cases, and as a general philosophy, a tag class has a one-to-one relationship with a tag class code. However, due to API RP 14C and ISA 5.1 coding requirements, there are instances where a tag class could be tagged in multiple ways depending on other attributes associated with the class. For example: · API RP 14C requires pumps that are installed in different services be tagged differently; and · ISA 5.1 requires control valves to be tagged differently, depending on the measured variable. There are several ways this could be handled in the tag class library to accommodate tagging requirements. COMPANY utilizes an enumerated pick-list attribute against the class to modify the tag function code as required. Page 62 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Appendix A.2.1 CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Tag Classes with multiple possible tag class codes The following tag classes have a one-to-many relationship to tag class codes. The tag number shall be generated with consideration of the available attribute pick list options shown in the tables below. Tag Class Chamber Tag Class Compressor Tag Class Heat Exchanger Tag Class Code Description Tag Class Code for API 14C Chamber Service Compressor Enclosure AE Generator Enclosure AN Meter Enclosure AU Pump Enclosure BB Tag Class Code Description for API 14C Compressor Service Tag Class Code gas injection AR pipeline AX process BA service BE Tag Class Code Description for API 14C Heat Exchanger Types Tag Class Code forced draft exchanger air-cooled AL natural draft exchanger air-cooled AW condenser BG heater AP plate heat exchanger AP printed circuit heat exchanger AP Page 63 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 spiral heat exchanger AP cooler BG cooling tower AL shell and tube heat exchanger BG Tag Class Manifold Tag Class Pipeline Tag Class Pump Tag Class Code Description Tag Class Code for API 14C Manifold Service gas injection header AR water injection header AT hydrocarbon production header AY water production header AZ Tag Class Code Description for API 14C Pipeline Service Tag Class Code bidirectional pipeline AA export pipeline AH import pipeline AQ Tag Class Code Description for API 14C Pump Service Tag Class Code water injection AT pipeline AX process BA service BE sump BH Page 64 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Tag Class REVISION 4513590877 00 Tag Class Code Description Tag Class Code for API 14C Wellhead Service Wellhead Appendix A.2.2 CONTRACT NO. gas injection well AR water injection well AT hydrocarbon production well AY water production well AZ Instrument Tagging for ISA 5.1 ISA Instrument code first letter modifier allowable combinations are in the table below. Changes or modifications to this table shall be reflected here and as a revision to the COMPANY Class Library. ISA function code first letters Based on the ANSI ISA 5.1 2009 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification standard A Analysis AC Analysis colour AD Analysis density AE Analysis composition AI Analysis Indicating AM Analysis moisture AN Analysis noise AR Analysis Recording B Burner or Combustion BD Blowdown BI Burner or Combustion Indicating BR Burner or Combustion Recording BSD Boarding shutdown C User choice CI User choice indicating CR User choice recording D User choice DI User choice indicating DR User choice recording E Voltage Page 65 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 ISA function code first letters Based on the ANSI ISA 5.1 2009 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification standard EI Voltage Indicating ER Voltage Recording F Flow rate FF Flow ratio FFI Flow ratio indicating FI Flow rate Indicating FN Flow check FQ Flow quantity FQI Flow quantity indicating FQR Flow quantity recording FR Flow Rate Recording FS Flow safety check G User choice GI User choice indicating GR User choice recording H Hand HI Hand indicating HM Hand momentary HMI Hand momentary indicating I Current II Current indicating IR Current recording J Power JI Power indicating JR Power recording K Time KI Time indicating KQ Running time KQI Running time indicating KQR Running time recording KR Time recording L Level Page 66 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 ISA function code first letters Based on the ANSI ISA 5.1 2009 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification standard LI Level indicating LR Level recording M User choice MI User choice indicating MR User choice recording N User choice NI User choice indicating NR User choice recording O User choice OI User choice indicating OR User choice recording P Pressure or vacuum PD Pressure differential PDI Pressure differential indicating PDR Pressure differential recording PI Pressure or vacuum indicating PR Pressure relief PS Pressure safety PVR Pressure vacuum relief PVS Pressure vacuum safety Q Quantity QI Quantity indicating QQ Counter QQI Counter indicating QQR Counter recording QR Quantity recording R Radiation RI Radiation indicating RR Radiation recording S Speed or frequency SD Emergency shutdown SI Speed or frequency indicating Page 67 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 ISA function code first letters Based on the ANSI ISA 5.1 2009 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification standard SR Speed or frequency recording SS Surface safety T Temperature TD Temperature differential TDI Temperature differential indicating TDR Temperature differential recording TI Temperature indicating TR Temperature recording TS Temperature safety U Multivariable UI Multivariable indicating UR Multivariable recording V Vibration or machinery analysis VI Vibration or machinery analysis indicating VR Vibration or machinery analysis recording W Weight or force WD Weight or force differential WDI Weight or force differential indicating WDR Weight or force differential recording WI Weight or force indicating WR Weight or force recording X Unclassified XI Unclassified indicating XR Unclassified recording Y Event state or presence YI Event state or presence indicating YR Event state or presence recording Z Position or dimension ZD Gauging or deviation ZD Gauging or deviation indicating ZDR Gauging or deviation recording ZI Position or dimension indicating Page 68 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 ISA function code first letters Based on the ANSI ISA 5.1 2009 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification standard ZR Position or dimension recording The following tag classes shall have a preceding tag modifier to the defined function code as defined in the COMPANY class library enumeration list titled “ISA function code first letters”. Tag Class Tag Function Code Examples Sample Point P AP, FP, PP, TP Control Station K FIK, HIK Control Switch S FS, PS Controller C PIC, FIC, LC Detecting Element E PE, FE, TE Gauge G BG, FG, LG Indicating Instrument I PI, FI, TI Relay or Output Device Y PY, FY, FQY Transmitter T PT, PRT, PIT Control Valve V AV, FV, FQV, FFV, KV, LV, PV, PDV, TV, TDV, UV, ZV, ZDV Pressure Relief Device V PRV, PSV, PRSV Safety Shutdown Valve V BDV, BSDV, SDV, SSV Self Operating Valve CV FCV, PCV, TCV Appendix A.2.3 Tag Class Codes by Discipline This section contains a complete listing of COMPANY class names with tag class codes and class IDs. This list is extracted from the COMPANY Class Library PET-PR00-PM-STD-00727. Page 69 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Architecture and Buildings blast rated door ----- WDR Architecture and Buildings ceiling system ----- WCS Architecture and Buildings door ----- WDR Architecture and Buildings door--non-rated (nr) or 'c' class ----- WDR Architecture and Buildings fire rated door DOOR, FIRE WRD Architecture and Buildings fitness equipment Architecture and Buildings furniture Architecture and Buildings galley equipment Architecture and Buildings interior rated partition Architecture and Buildings laundry equipment Architecture and Buildings medical equipment SAFETY EQUIPMENT, MISC. Architecture and Buildings plumbing equipment ----- Architecture and Buildings prefabricated cabin unit ----- Architecture and Buildings raised access floor system ----- Architecture and Buildings room Architecture and Buildings sample testing / lab equipment Architecture and Buildings window Architecture and Buildings workshop equipment ----- Construction tie-in point ----- ----WEF ----WFUR ----WEG ----WIRP ----WEL WEM WEP WPU WRF ----WRM LABORATORY EQUIPMENT WELB ----WDW WEW Page 70 of 117 TP DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name air conditioner system AIR CONDITIONER, SYSTEM Electrical Electrical adaptor connector CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL ECN Electrical air circuit-breaker ----- ECB Electrical alternating current generator GENERATOR, AC alternating current motor MOTOR, AC Electrical amplifier AMPLIFIER Electrical battery back-up power supply unit BATTERY SYSTEM Electrical battery charger CHARGER, BATTERY Electrical battery monitoring system BATTERY SYSTEM bently nevada panel PANEL, CONTROL Electrical cable transit ----- EMCT Electrical cable tray - barrier ----- BAR Electrical cable tray - coaxial ----- COX Electrical cable tray - high voltage ----- cable tray - low voltage ----- cable tray - low voltage ----- Electrical capacitor bank ----- Electrical cathodic protection system PROTECTION, CATHODIC cell phone charger station CHARGER, BATTERY Electrical circuit-breaker BREAKER, CIRCUIT - HV Electrical communication cable CABLE, TELECOMS communication junction box BOX, JUNCTION Electrical contactor CONTACTOR ECON Electrical control box ----- ECBX Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Tag Class Code HAL EGEN RME JTAMP EUPS EBC EBM BPNL HVT LV1 LV2 ECBK ECPS ECPC ECB CTC CJB Page 71 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Electrical control module ----- EMDL Electrical dehumidifier ----- THDH Electrical direct current generator GENERATOR, DC EGEN Electrical direct current motor MOTOR, DC RME Electrical distribution board BOARD, DISTRIBUTION EDB Electrical dry transformer TRANSFORMER EXFMR Electrical earth busbar ----- VEB Electrical earthing cable EARTHING CEG Electrical Earthing/inrush resistor RESISTOR Electrical electric battery BATTERY EBAT Electrical electric generator GENERATOR, AC EGEN Electrical electric heater HEATER, ELECTRICAL EAH/EAP/HAP Electrical electric motor MOTOR, AC RME Electrical electrical connector CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL ECN Electrical electrical control cable CABLE, ELECTRICAL Electrical electrical control panel EER CCL PANEL, ELECTRICAL EPNL Electrical electrical isolator SWITCH, ISOLATOR Electrical electrical junction box BOX, JUNCTION electrical motor starter STARTER, HV Electrical electrical reactor REACTOR ELR Electrical electrical socket ----- EES Electrical electrical switch SWITCH, HAND ESW Electrical electronic power inverter ----- encapsulated transformer TRANSFORMER Electrical fire control panel PANEL, FIRE & GAS Electrical fire/gas control panel PANEL, FIRE & GAS Electrical Electrical EIS EJB EST EPI EXFMR FACP FPNL Page 72 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Electrical fire/gas junction box ----- fire/gas remote I/O panel PANEL, FIRE & GAS Electrical floodlight LIGHTING ELF Electrical fuse N/A EFU Electrical galvanic isolator SWITCH, ISOLATOR EIS Electrical gas-blast circuitbreaker ----- harmonic filter FILTER, ELECTRONIC EHF heat tracing cable DETECTOR, HEAT - LINEAR CABLE CHT Electrical high voltage cable CABLE, ELECTRICAL CHV Electrical humidifier HUMIDIFIER THAC Electrical instrument junction box BOX, JUNCTION Electrical life buoy light LIGHTING SLI Electrical light fixture LIGHTING EL Electrical light fixture with battery back up LIGHTING Lighting junction box BOX, JUNCTION Electrical local control panel PANEL, CONTROL Electrical low voltage power cable ----- Electrical manual call point ----- Electrical medium voltage power cable CABLE, ELECTRICAL miscellaneous control panel PANEL, CONTROL miscellaneous junction box BOX, JUNCTION motor control centre BOARD, DISTRIBUTION navigation aid lighting AID, NAVIGATION network panel PANEL, CONTROL Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Tag Class Code FJB SRIO Page 73 of 117 ECB IJB ELBB LJB LPNL CLB EMCP CMV MPNL MJB EMCC ENAV NPNL DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Electrical neutral earthing resister RESISTOR Electrical oil circuit-breaker PANEL, CONTROL Electrical power distribution unit ----- Electrical power supply unit POWER SUPPLY Electrical process control panel PANEL, CONTROL process junction box BOX, JUNCTION Electrical protection relay RELAY, PROTECTION EPR Electrical rectifier ----- ERET Electrical relay RELAY, CONTROL ECR Electrical remote terminal unit UNIT, REMOTE CONTROL Electrical safety barrier ----- ESFB Electrical safety control panel PANEL, CONTROL SPNL Electrical safety junction box BOX, JUNCTION SJB Electrical safety remote I/O panel PANEL, CONTROL Electrical signal cable CABLE, INSTRUMENT CNT Electrical slip ring ----- ESR Electrical solar panel ----- ESPNL Electrical space heater cable CABLE, ELECTRICAL VCBL Electrical submersible connector ----- Electrical submersible motor MOTOR, AC RME Electrical surge protection ----- ESP Electrical switchboard SWITCHBOARD, HV ESB Electrical switchboard SWITCHBOARD, LV ESB Electrical switchgear and controlgear SWITCHBOARD, HV Electrical thyristor ----- ETHY Electrical transformer TRANSFORMER EXFMR Electrical ups unit UPS, AC EUPS Electrical uv sterilizer STERILISER Page 74 of 117 THUV Electrical Tag Class Code ENER ECB PDU EPS PPNL PJB XUK SRIO ECN ESG DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Electrical vacuum circuitbreaker ----- variable speed drive unit VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE Electrical wet transformer TRANSFORMER EXFMR HSE break glass unit ----- SBG HSE breathing apparatus BREATHING APPARATUS, BA SET SBA HSE climbing net ----- SCN HSE defibrillator SAFETY EQUIPMENT, MISC. SDF HSE descent device DEVICE, DESCENT SDD HSE eye bath ----- SEB HSE fall arrestor block DEVICE, DESCENT SFP HSE fire blanket BLANKET, FIRE SFB HSE fire extinguisher EXTINGUISHER, FIRE SFE HSE fire hose cabinet ----- SHC HSE fire hydrant HYDRANT SFH HSE firewater monitor MONITOR, FIRE SFM HSE first aid kit KIT, FIRST AID SFAK HSE foam monitor MONITOR, FIRE SFM HSE knotted rope ----- SKR HSE life buoy BUOY, LIFE SLBY life buoy accessories ----- HSE HSE life buoy smoke BUOY, LIFE SLI HSE lifejacket LIFEJACKET SLI line throwing appliance ----- HSE manual release point ----- HSE rocket parachute flare SAFETY EQUIPMENT, MISC. HSE CABINET HSE safety and rescue cabinet HSE safety display plan ----- SDP HSE safety shower SHOWER, SAFETY Page 75 of 117 SSW Electrical Tag Class Code ECB EVSD SLI SLT FGRP SFL SCB DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code HSE safety sign SIGN, SAFETY SWA HSE sink ----- SSI HSE spill kit SPILLKIT, ENVIRONMENT SSK HSE stretcher STRETCHER SST Information Technology and Management accelerometer Information Technology and Management acoustic doppler current profiler Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management ----- ----- alarm access panel annunciator panel antenna automatic identification system Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management JTAP ANTENNA, GENERIC Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management JTAAP ----- attenuator Information Technology and Management JTMS ----- Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management JTMS JTAN ----JTNU ----JTAI BEACON, RADIO beacon - alarm JTBAL CABINET Cabinet JTCAB CAMERA, CCTV cctv camera JTCC CAMERA, CCTV cctv system JCCTV CLOCK, SHIPS clock JTCLK Page 76 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Discipline Description Class Name Information Technology and Management collision and avoidance radar systems / cars ----- Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management 4513590877 00 Tag Class Code ICARS compass JTCOM ----- computer JTPC ----- computer firewall JTFW OUTLET, DATA data outlet - catxx JTDOT ----- dgps receiver document scanner Information Technology and Management emergency position indicating radio beacon JTPS ----- Information Technology and Management encoder Information Technology and Management entertainment receiver Information Technology and Management fiber optic transceiver Information Technology and Management REVISION ----- Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management CONTRACT NO. JTSC ----JTBL ----JTEN SYSTEM, ENTERTAINMENT JTRE ----JTFOT ----- fog horn JTFH ----- hand held radio JTRA Page 77 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Discipline Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Description handset station input/output module JTIOM intercom JTPA ----- keyboard JTKB ----- lock - electric marine and meteorological sensor Information Technology and Management JTMS ----- Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management JTDK ----- loudspeaker Information Technology and Management Tag Class Code ----- Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management 00 JTHAN hard disk Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management 4513590877 ----- inclinometer Information Technology and Management REVISION ----- Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Class Name CONTRACT NO. JTEV SPEAKER JTSP ----JTMS ----- microphone JTMIC ----- modem JTMO ----- multiplexer JTMUL ----- multiswitch - etv JTSWM Page 78 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Discipline Description Information Technology and Management network attached storage Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Class Name CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Tag Class Code ----JTNAS ----network switch JTNSW ----- optical beacon JTOB ----- overhead projector JTOP ----- pager JTPG ----- paging system JTPGS ----- patch panel - catxx Information Technology and Management patch panel fiberoptic Information Technology and Management physical access control equipment JTTPC ----JTTPO ----- Information Technology and Management positioning system Information Technology and Management power transfer hinge JTAR ----JTPS ----- Information Technology and Management printing machine Information Technology and Management process data acquisition and control JTAPT ----JTPR ----JTCP Page 79 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Discipline Description Information Technology and Management processor telecom device Information Technology and Management public address and alarm system Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management REVISION 4513590877 00 Class Name Tag Class Code ----JTPTD ----JTAU SYSTEM, RADAR radar JTRDR BEACON, RADIO radio beacon JTRB RADIO, HF/VHF/UHF radio transceiver JTRT READER, SECURITY ACCESS reader JTCR ----- rf - indoor unit JTRFI ----- rf - outdoor unit Information Technology and Management rf - rx multicoupler Information Technology and Management rf - tx combiner/filter JTRFO ----JTRXM ----- Information Technology and Management rf component Information Technology and Management rf directional coupler Information Technology and Management CONTRACT NO. JTRCM ----JTRFC ----JTRDC ----- rf duplexer JTRDX Page 80 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Discipline Description Information Technology and Management router Information Technology and Management satellite communications terminal Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Tag Class Code SYSTEM, SATELLITE JTSA JTPDR ----- server JTNS ----- signal splitter splice panel fiberoptic Information Technology and Management 00 JTRO search and rescue transponder / sart Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management 4513590877 ----- speed meter Information Technology and Management REVISION ----- Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Class Name CONTRACT NO. JTSS ----JTSM ----JTTPS ----- telecom gateway JTTG TELEPHONE, EX telephone JTPH ----- television JTLCK ----- termination panel JTTP ----- transponder JTPDR ----- video converter JTCV Page 81 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Discipline Information Technology and Management Information Technology and Management Description REVISION 4513590877 00 Class Name Tag Class Code UNIT, VIDEO DISPLAY video monitor JTVM ----- video recorder Information Technology and Management wireless access point Instrument and Automation actuator JTVR ----JTWAP ACTUATOR, ELECTRICAL Instrument and Automation alarm unit Instrument and Automation analyser Instrument and Automation CONTRACT NO. *Z ALARM, ACOUSTIC XAK ANALYZER, CARBON DIOXIDE AT ----- analyser element AE Instrument and Automation ANALYZER, OIL IN WATER Instrument and Automation ANALYZER, GAS CHROMATOGRAPH AE/AT Instrument and Automation ANALYZER, PH AE/AT/QKE Instrument and Automation ANALYZER, OXYGEN AE/AT Instrument and Automation ANALYZER, MOISTURE AE/AT AE/AT/AX Instrument and Automation analysing instrument ----- Instrument and Automation anemometer Instrument and Automation axial displacement element ----- Instrument and Automation axial displacement transmitter ----- Instrument and Automation burner / combustion alarm PANEL, ALARM Instrument and Automation cable tray instrumentation ----- AT ----MX ZDE DT BA INT Page 82 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Instrument and Automation calorimeter Instrument and Automation capacitance level transmitter Instrument and Automation capacitance probe Instrument and Automation chlorine analyser Instrument and Automation chromatograph Instrument and Automation cloud point analyser Instrument and Automation colour analyser Instrument and Automation concentration transmitter Instrument and Automation conductivity alarm Instrument and Automation conductivity cell Instrument and Automation conductivity level transmitter TRANSMITTER, LEVEL CAPACITIVE Instrument and Automation conductivity transmitter ANALYZER, CONDUCTIVITY Instrument and Automation control station Instrument and Automation control switch ----JX TRANSMITTER, LEVEL CAPACITIVE LT ----EKE ----AT ANALYZER, GAS CHROMATOGRAPH AT ----AT ----AT ----QT PANEL, ALARM CA ANALYZER, CONDUCTIVITY CE LT CT ----*K SWITCH, DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE Instrument and Automation RELAY, CONTROL Instrument and Automation SWITCH, LIMIT Instrument and Automation CONTROLLER, DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM *S YS ZS/ZSC/ZSO controller Instrument and Automation Instrument and Automation Tag Class Code *C CONTROLLER, TEMPERATURE TI coriolis mass flow element FLOWMETER, CORIOLIS FE Page 83 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Instrument and Automation coriolis mass flow meter FLOWMETER, CORIOLIS Instrument and Automation corrosion element Instrument and Automation corrosion meter Instrument and Automation corrosion transmitter Instrument and Automation counter FX TRANSDUCER, CORROSION QKE TRANSDUCER, CORROSION AX TRANSDUCER, CORROSION QKT ----QX Instrument and Automation current alarm Instrument and Automation current to current converter ----- Instrument and Automation current to pressure converter TRANSMITTER, PRESSURE Instrument and Automation current to voltage converter ----- Instrument and Automation current transformer Instrument and Automation current transmitter Instrument and Automation density analyser Instrument and Automation density transmitter Instrument and Automation detecting element Instrument and Automation Tag Class Code PANEL, ALARM IA XY XY XY TRANSFORMER IY TRANSDUCER, ELECTRICAL IT ANALYZER, DENSITY AT ----DT ----*E DETECTOR, HEAT - LINEAR CABLE VX Instrument and Automation DETECTOR, HEAT - RATE OF RISE TSH Instrument and Automation ----dew point analyser Instrument and Automation dew point transmitter ----- Instrument and Automation differential pressure flow transmitter TRANSMITTER, FLOW detector AT AT FT Page 84 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Instrument and Automation differential pressure gauge GAUGE, PRESSURE Instrument and Automation differential pressure level transmitter TRANSMITTER, LEVEL - DP Instrument and Automation differential pressure switch SWITCH, DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE Instrument and Automation differential pressure transmitter TRANSMITTER, PRESSURE Instrument and Automation displacer level transmitter TRANSMITTER, LEVEL DISPLACER Instrument and Automation distillation analyser Instrument and Automation dust detector Instrument and Automation earth leakage detector Instrument and Automation electric actuator Instrument and Automation electromagnetic flow element FLOWMETER, MAGNETIC Instrument and Automation electromagnetic flow transmitter TRANSMITTER, FLOW Instrument and Automation electronic circuit board ----- Instrument and Automation flame detector Tag Class Code PDI LT DPS PDT LT ----AT ----AT ----IY ACTUATOR, ELECTRICAL ZV FE FT EX DETECTOR, FLAME - INFRARED Instrument and Automation flash point analyser Instrument and Automation flow computer Instrument and Automation flow element Instrument and Automation flow gauge Instrument and Automation flow indicating transmitter FD ----AT GAUGE, FLOW FX FLOWMETER, CORIOLIS FE GAUGE, FLOW FI TRANSMITTER, FLOW FIT Page 85 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Discipline Description Instrument and Automation flow indicator Instrument and Automation flow meter CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Class Name ----- FI FLOWMETER, DIFF PRES FX Instrument and Automation FLOWMETER, CORIOLIS Instrument and Automation FLOWMETER, DIFF PRES Instrument and Automation FLOWMETER, MAGNETIC Instrument and Automation FLOWMETER, POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT Instrument and Automation FLOWMETER, TURBINE Instrument and Automation FLOWMETER, ULTRASONIC Instrument and Automation FLOWMETER, VARIABLE AREA Instrument and Automation FLOWMETER, VORTEX FE/FT FE FE/FST/FT FE/FT FE/FT FE/FT FE/FI/FST/FT FE/FT Instrument and Automation flow orifice plate Instrument and Automation flow switch Instrument and Automation flow totalizer Instrument and Automation flow transmitter PLATE, ORIFICE FO SWITCH, FLOW FS ----FQY TRANSMITTER, FLOW FT Instrument and Automation fog detector Instrument and Automation freezing point analyser ----- Instrument and Automation frequency generator ----- Instrument and Automation frequency to current converter ----- Instrument and Automation Tag Class Code ----MX AT SZ XY GAUGE, FLOW FG/SG Page 86 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Instrument and Automation gas chromatograph ANALYZER, GAS CHROMATOGRAPH AX Instrument and Automation gas composition analyser ANALYZER, GAS CHROMATOGRAPH AT Instrument and Automation DETECTOR, GAS - IR LOS GD Instrument and Automation gas detector DETECTOR, GAS - CATALYTIC Instrument and Automation gas liquid chromatograph Instrument and Automation gauge Instrument and Automation heat and smoke detector Instrument and Automation horn Instrument and Automation humidity analyser Instrument and Automation hydraulic actuator Instrument and Automation indicating instrument Instrument and Automation instrument loop Instrument and Automation lamp Instrument and Automation level element GD ANALYZER, GAS CHROMATOGRAPH AT ----*G ----HD ALARM, ACOUSTIC XA ANALYZER, MOISTURE AT ACTUATOR, HYDRAULIC ZV ----*I LOOP LOOP LAMP, INDICATOR XA GAUGE, LEVEL Instrument and Automation level gauge Instrument and Automation level indicator LE GAUGE, LEVEL LI/LG ----- Instrument and Automation LI GAUGE, PRESSURE PDG/PDI Instrument and Automation level instrument GAUGE, LEVEL Instrument and Automation level switch LX SWITCH, LEVEL LS Page 87 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Discipline Description Instrument and Automation level transmitter Instrument and Automation linear polarization resistance element ----- Instrument and Automation liquid composition analyser ----- Instrument and Automation liquid detector Instrument and Automation load cell Instrument and Automation magnetic level transmitter Instrument and Automation manual actuator Instrument and Automation manual control switch CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Class Name Tag Class Code TRANSMITTER, LEVEL - DP LT QKE AT ----LX ----WE TRANSMITTER, LEVEL - MAG LEVEL LT ACTUATOR, ELECTRICAL ZV SWITCH, HAND HC SWITCH, HAND Instrument and Automation manual switch Instrument and Automation mechanical positioner POSITIONER, VALVE Instrument and Automation multi property analyser ----- Instrument and Automation multiphase meter Instrument and Automation nucleonic level transmitter Instrument and Automation O2 detector HS ZY AT ----FX TRANSMITTER, LEVEL NUCLEONIC LT ANALYZER, OXYGEN Instrument and Automation oil mist detector Instrument and Automation operations ICSS console GDO DETECTOR, OIL MIST Instrument and Automation orifice plate Instrument and Automation oxidation reduction potential element Instrument and Automation oxygen analyser AX PANEL, CONTROL OCON PLATE, ORIFICE FO ANALYZER, PH QKE ANALYZER, OXYGEN AT Page 88 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Discipline Description Instrument and Automation ph analyser Instrument and Automation ph element Instrument and Automation pig detector Instrument and Automation pitot tube flow meter Instrument and Automation pneumatic actuator 4513590877 00 Class Name Tag Class Code AT ANALYZER, PH QKE ----ZX TRANSMITTER, FLOW FE ACTUATOR, PNEUMATIC position switch Instrument and Automation position transmitter ZV SWITCH, PROXIMITY Instrument and Automation Instrument and Automation REVISION ANALYZER, PH Instrument and Automation Instrument and Automation CONTRACT NO. ZS TRANSMITTER, MULTIVARIABLE POSITIONER, VALVE positive displacement flow element FLOWMETER, POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT positive displacement flow transmitter TRANSMITTER, FLOW Instrument and Automation pour point analyser Instrument and Automation pressure element ZT/ZY FY/HY/LY/PDY/PY/ SY/TY FE FT ----AT GAUGE, PRESSURE PE GAUGE, PRESSURE Instrument and Automation pressure gauge Instrument and Automation pressure indicator Instrument and Automation pressure switch Instrument and Automation pressure to current converter TRANSDUCER, PNEUMATIC TO CURRENT Instrument and Automation pressure transmitter TRANSMITTER, PRESSURE Instrument and Automation process control panel PANEL, CONTROL PI/ PG ----PI SWITCH, PRESSURE PS XY PT/ PDT/PIT/PST CPNL Page 89 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Discipline Description Class Name Instrument and Automation process control system remote I/O panel PANEL, CONTROL CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 CRIO Instrument and Automation proximity element Instrument and Automation proximity switch Instrument and Automation push button Instrument and Automation radar level element Instrument and Automation radar level transmitter TRANSMITTER, LEVEL - RADAR Instrument and Automation radioactive level transmitter TRANSMITTER, LEVEL NUCLEONIC Instrument and Automation recording instrument RECORDER, DATA Instrument and Automation redox analyser Instrument and Automation relay or output device RELAY, CONTROL Instrument and Automation resistance temperature element TRANSDUCER, TEMPERATURE Instrument and Automation restriction orifice plate PLATE, ORIFICE Instrument and Automation rotameter flow meter GAUGE, FLOW Instrument and Automation rotational speed element TRANSDUCER, SPEED Instrument and Automation sample loop component PROBE, SAMPLE Instrument and Automation sample point TRANSDUCER, PROXIMITY ZE SWITCH, PROXIMITY ZSP ----PB TRANSMITTER, LEVEL - RADAR LE LT LT RX ----AT *Y TE RO FX XSE SC PROBE, SAMPLE Instrument and Automation Instrument and Automation Tag Class Code *P TRANSDUCER, SAND AE/AT/QKE SWITCH, HAND selector switch HS Page 90 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Instrument and Automation servo tank gauge TRANSMITTER, LEVEL DISPLACER LI Instrument and Automation sight glass Instrument and Automation signal converter Instrument and Automation siren Instrument and Automation smoke detector ----XG ----*Y ALARM, ACOUSTIC NA DETECTOR, SMOKE IONISATION Instrument and Automation software function Instrument and Automation solid composition analyser ----- Instrument and Automation sound pressure level analyser GAUGE, PRESSURE Instrument and Automation specific gravity analyser ----- Instrument and Automation speed gauge Instrument and Automation speed switch Instrument and Automation speed transmitter SD ----UY AT AT AT TRANSDUCER, SPEED SI CONTROLLER, SPEED SS TRANSDUCER, SPEED Instrument and Automation ST SWITCH, FLOW FSH Instrument and Automation temperature detector GAUGE, TEMPERATURE Instrument and Automation temperature element TRANSDUCER, TEMPERATURE Instrument and Automation temperature gauge Instrument and Automation temperature indicator GAUGE, TEMPERATURE Instrument and Automation temperature instrument GAUGE, TEMPERATURE Instrument and Automation temperature safety element GAUGE, TEMPERATURE TD TE GAUGE, TEMPERATURE TG TI TX TSE Page 91 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Instrument and Automation temperature switch Instrument and Automation temperature transmitter TRANSMITTER, TEMPERATURE Instrument and Automation thermal conductivity analyser ANALYZER, CONDUCTIVITY Instrument and Automation thermal flow element GAUGE, FLOW Instrument and Automation thermal flow transmitter TRANSMITTER, FLOW Instrument and Automation thermocouple Instrument and Automation thermowell Instrument and Automation Class Name SWITCH, TEMPERATURE TS TT/TST AT FE FT TRANSDUCER, TEMPERATURE TE THERMOWELL TW ----- timer KS Instrument and Automation TRANSDUCER, ELECTRICAL Instrument and Automation TRANSDUCER, TEMPERATURE Instrument and Automation Tag Class Code ET TE ----transmitter *T Instrument and Automation TRANSMITTER, FLOW Instrument and Automation TRANSMITTER, LEVEL - DP Instrument and Automation TRANSMITTER, LEVEL - RADAR Instrument and Automation TRANSMITTER, LEVEL ULTRASONIC FST LT LST/LT Instrument and Automation Tubing Instrument and Automation tubing tray Instrument and Automation turbine flow meter Instrument and Automation turbine flow transmitter LIT/LT ----T ----MTT FLOWMETER, TURBINE FX TRANSMITTER, FLOW FT Page 92 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Instrument and Automation ultrasonic flow meter FLOWMETER, ULTRASONIC Instrument and Automation ultrasonic flow transmitter TRANSMITTER, FLOW Instrument and Automation ultrasonic level element TRANSMITTER, LEVEL ULTRASONIC LE Instrument and Automation ultrasonic level transmitter TRANSMITTER, LEVEL ULTRASONIC LT FX FT Instrument and Automation VALVE, CONTROL FV/HV/LV/PDV/PV/ TV/XCV Instrument and Automation VALVE, SOLENOID BDYBYD/DY/FY/HY/ LY/PDY/PY/SDY/TY/ XY/ ZY Instrument and Automation vapour pressure analyser Instrument and Automation v-cone flow meter Instrument and Automation venturi tube Instrument and Automation vibration element Instrument and Automation vibration switch Instrument and Automation vibration transmitter Instrument and Automation viscosity analyser Instrument and Automation voltage to current converter Instrument and Automation voltage transformer Instrument and Automation voltage transmitter Instrument and Automation vortex flow meter Instrument and Automation vortex flow transmitter ANALYZER, VAPOUR PRESSURE AT GAUGE, FLOW FX VENTURI FE TRANSDUCER, VIBRATION VE/VST/VT TRANSDUCER, VIBRATION VS TRANSDUCER, VIBRATION VT ----AT TRANSDUCER, ELECTRICAL XY TRANSFORMER EY TRANSDUCER, ELECTRICAL ET FLOWMETER, VORTEX FX TRANSMITTER, FLOW FT Page 93 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Instrument and Automation weight gauge Instrument and Automation weight transmitter Instrument and Automation wind sensor Instrument and Automation wobbe index meter Marine anchor ----- YA Marine anchor chain MOORING, STATION KEEPING YHCHN Marine anchor connector ----- YAC Marine anchor pile ----- YAPIL Marine anchor rope MOORING, STATION KEEPING YAROP Marine azimuthing thruster ----- YTH Marine buoy ----- YB Marine chain jack ----- YCJ Marine chain stopper ----- YCS Marine electrical swivel ----- YSSE Marine fast rescue craft RESCUE BOAT YWC/SLB Marine fender ----- YF ----- Marine fiber optic rotary joint fixed tunnel thruster ----- Marine Marine fluid swivel ----- YSSF Marine ground chain MOORING, STATION KEEPING YGCHN Marine h-link ----- YHL Marine hull chain MOORING, STATION KEEPING YHCHN Marine hull void ----- YV Marine life boat LIFEBOAT SLB Marine life raft RAFT, LIFE SLR marine control system ----- Marine Marine marine fairleads ----- YFAIR Marine mooring buoy ----- YB ----WI ----WT ----SE ----AT YSSO YTH YCS Page 94 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Marine mooring chain ----- YMC Marine mooring connector ----- YCT Marine mooring fairlead ----- YFL mooring in line tensioner ----- Marine Marine mooring line MOORING, STATION KEEPING rescue and fire tender vessel RESCUE BOAT Marine Marine retrieval line ----MOORING, STATION KEEPING Marine rope to chain connector rope to rope connector MOORING, STATION KEEPING Marine Marine shackle ----- YSH Marine spring buoy ----- YB structural connector ----- Marine MOORING, STATION KEEPING Marine subsea mooring connector Marine survival craft LIFEBOAT YWC/SLB Marine swivel system ----- YSS ----- Marine tank vent self closing device Marine tanks ----- tendon bottom assembly ----- Marine Marine tendon coupling ----- tendon handling equipment ----- Marine Marine tendon joint ----- YTNJ Marine tendon pipe ----- YTNP Marine tendon system ----- Marine tendon tensioner ----- tendon top assembly ----- Marine Marine thruster ----- YILT YML YWC YTSL YRCC YRRC YTSC YMCON SPAV YTNK YTNAB YTNC YTNH YTNT YTNAT Page 95 of 117 YTH DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Marine turret system ----- YTS Marine uni joint ----- YUNI Marine utility swivel ----- YSSU Marine voids ----- YVOID Marine watercraft ----- YWC Marine watertight door DOOR, MARINE LDW Marine weather appliances ----- LAW Mechanical aerator ----- TAER Mechanical agitator MIXER, STATIC TAM Mechanical air balancing unit ----- THAB Mechanical air conditioner AIR CONDITIONER, SYSTEM THAC Mechanical air handling unit AIR HANDLING UNIT THAH Mechanical anode ANODE VAN Mechanical arrestor ARRESTOR, FLAME TARR Mechanical atmospheric tank TANK, CHEMICAL STORAGE ABJ Mechanical axial compressor COMPRESSOR, AXIAL CAR/CAX/CBA/CBE Mechanical balancing damper ----- THD Mechanical basket BASKET, LIFTING TLBT Mechanical beam MONORAIL AND FIXED BEAMS XBM Mechanical beam clamp ----- XBMC Mechanical bearing ----- TBRG Mechanical bell ----- TBELL Mechanical blower BLOWER THAL Mechanical brake BRAKE RBR Mechanical cable reel ----- TLCR Mechanical caisson TANK, MARINE TCAS Mechanical cap ----- TCAP Mechanical centrifugal compressor COMPRESSOR, CENTRIFUGAL Mechanical CAR/CAX/CBA/CBE PUMP, CENTRIFUGAL PAT/PAX/PBA/PBE/ PBH centrifugal pump Mechanical centrifuge ----- TCF Mechanical chain ----- TLCN Mechanical chain hoist HOIST TLHC Page 96 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Mechanical chamber ----- DAE/DAN/DAU/DBB Mechanical clamp ----- TCLP Mechanical clutch ----- RCL Mechanical compensator ----- TCOMP COMPRESSOR, AXIAL CAR/CAX/CBA/CBE/ CAE Mechanical compressor Mechanical coupling ----- RCO Mechanical crane CRANE, OFFSHORE TLC Mechanical crane hook block ----- TLCHB Mechanical cutter ----- TTLA Mechanical damper DAMPER, HVAC THD Mechanical davit CRANE, DAVIT LDY Mechanical degasser ----- TZA Mechanical demister ----- TZB Mechanical diaphragm seal ----- TZC Mechanical diesel engine ENGINE, DIESEL RENG Mechanical diffuser ----- TZD Mechanical drier ----- MDR Mechanical drilling machine ----- TTLB EDUCTOR PAT/PAX/PBA/PBE/ PBH Mechanical eductor Mechanical eductor compressor ----- electrostatic precipitator ----- Mechanical elevator ----- TLE Mechanical engine ENGINE, DIESEL RENG Mechanical exhaust STACK TZF Mechanical expansion joint ----- TZG Mechanical extruder ----- TZH Mechanical fan FAN TFAN Mechanical filter FILTER, PROCESS MAJ Mechanical filter cartridge ----- TFC Mechanical fire damper DAMPER, HVAC THD Mechanical CAR/CAX/CBA/CBE TZE Page 97 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Mechanical fire hose reel REEL, HOSE TQZ Mechanical flare STACK, FLARE EFL Mechanical flare tip STACK, FLARE TTF Mechanical foam hose reel REEL, HOSE TZQ Mechanical forklift truck FORKLIFT MVH Mechanical frame ----- XFRA Mechanical gas distributor ----- TZK Mechanical gas engine ----- RENG Mechanical gas turbine TURBINE, GAS RT Mechanical gasket PIPING, SPECIALTY TGKT ----- PAT/PAX/PBA/PBE/ PBH RGB Mechanical gear Mechanical gear box GEARBOX Mechanical grease injection unit ----- Mechanical grinding machine ----- TTLC Mechanical gutter ----- WGTR Mechanical hatch way door DOOR, MARINE WHW Mechanical heated sump VESSEL, PRESSURE BBH Mechanical hood ----- TZN Mechanical hose HOSE, CARGO OFFTAKE TZO Mechanical hose connector ----- TZP Mechanical hose reel REEL, HOSE TZQ Mechanical housing ----- TZR Mechanical hvac duct ----- THDU Mechanical hydraulic connector ----- TZS Mechanical hydraulic motor MOTOR, HYDRAULIC RMH Mechanical hydraulic power supply ----- Mechanical hydraulic press ----- TTLD Mechanical hydraulic turbine TURBINE, HYDRAULIC RT Mechanical isolator ----- TZU Mechanical ladder ----- TZV Mechanical lathe ----- TTLE TZL THPS Page 98 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Mechanical lifting beam MONORAIL AND FIXED BEAMS TLLB Mechanical lifting cap LIFTING EQUIPMENT TLLC Mechanical lifting jack LIFTING EQUIPMENT TLLJ Mechanical lifting lug LIFTING EQUIPMENT TLLL ----- PAT/PAX/PBA/PBE/ PBH ARM, LOADING TLLA PUMP, VANE PAT/PAX/PBA/PBE/ PBH Mechanical liquid ring pump Mechanical loading arm Mechanical lobe pump Mechanical logic cap ----- TZW Mechanical louvre ----- THLV Mechanical lubrication system LUBRICATOR TZX Mechanical manhole ----- TZY Mechanical mast ----- TZZ Mechanical mechanical connector ----- Mechanical mechanical seal ----- TSL Mechanical meter prover ----- TTLF Mechanical mooring winch WINCH TLW Mechanical motor ----- RM Mechanical mounting bracket ----- TZAB Mechanical non-return damper ----- THD Mechanical overhead runway beam CRANE, OVERHEAD Mechanical PACKAGE PACKAGED EQUIPMENT ZZZ Mechanical padeye PADEYE XPEYE personnel basket TRANSFER DEVICE, PERSONNEL TLPB Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical TZAA TLBO pipe bending machine ----- piping expansion bellows BELLOWS pneumatic motor MOTOR, PNEUMATIC RMP ----- PAT/PAX/PBA/PBE/ PBH Mechanical TTLG TZAB pneumatic pump Page 99 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Mechanical pressure relief damper DAMPER, HVAC Mechanical pressurized tank VESSEL, PRESSURE MBJ Mechanical pulsation damper ----- THD PUMP, RECIPROCATING PAT/PAX/PBA/PBE/ PBH Mechanical Tag Class Code THD pump Mechanical rack RACK, PIPE TZAC Mechanical reciprocating compressor COMPRESSOR, RECIPROCATING CAR/CAX/CBA/CBE Mechanical PUMP, RECIPROCATING PAT/PAX/PBA/PBE/ PBH WIRE ROPE, CRANE TLR COMPRESSOR, ROTARY CAR/CAX/CBA/CBE/ CAE ----- RRE PUMP, SCREW PAT/PAX/PBA/PBE/ PBH TTLH reciprocating pump Mechanical rope Mechanical rotary compressor Mechanical rotary expander Mechanical rotary pump Mechanical running tool ----- Mechanical safety watercraft davit CRANE, DAVIT Mechanical sheave ----- TZAE Mechanical shell ----- TZAF Mechanical shut off damper ----- THD Mechanical silencer SILENCER TZAG Mechanical skimmer ----- TZAH Mechanical snatch block ----- TLSB Mechanical sound attenuator ----- THD Mechanical special tool TOOL, SPECIALITY TTLI Mechanical spreader bar BEAM, SPREADER TLSP Mechanical spring support SUPPORT, PIPE XSUPS Mechanical stack STACK TZAJ Mechanical static mixer MIXER, STATIC TAM Mechanical steam trap ----- TZAK Mechanical steam turbine TURBINE, STEAM RT Mechanical strainer STRAINER TZAL LDY Page 100 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Mechanical stripper ----- TZAM Mechanical stroke length adjuster ----- Mechanical sump VESSEL, PRESSURE Mechanical swivel joint ----- TZAO Mechanical tank TANK, CHEMICAL STORAGE ABJ Mechanical tank TANK, FIRE SYSTEM ABJ Mechanical tank TANK, LUBE OIL ABJ Mechanical tank TANK, PORTABLE ABJ Mechanical tank TANK, WATER ABJ Mechanical tool TOOL Mechanical torque converter TRANSDUCER, TORQUE RTOR Mechanical trolley ----- TLT Mechanical turbine ----- RT Mechanical turbo expander TURBOCHARGER RTE Mechanical turret bearing ----- TBRT Mechanical turret pull-in winch VESSEL, PRESSURE TLW Mechanical unheated sump VEHICLE ABH Mechanical vehicle ----- MVH Mechanical waste compactor ----- TZAP Mechanical water desalination system ----- Mechanical water maker ----- TZAR Mechanical welding set WINCH TTLJ Mechanical winch HOIST TLW Mechanical wire hoist ----- TLHW Mechanical wire line unit ----- TZAS Mechanical wire sling ----- TLWS Mechanical yoke ----- TTLK Piping buckle initiator ----- SP Piping detonation arrestor ----- SP Piping diverter ----- SP Piping flame arrestor ARRESTOR, FLAME SP Piping flange ----- KFLNG TZAN TZAQ Page 101 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Piping flow conditioner ----- SP Piping funnel ----- SP Piping ignitor IGNITOR SP Piping injection pipeline ----- J Piping injection point ----- SP Piping insulation kit ----- SP Piping line ----- SP Piping line blind FLANGE, BLIND SP Piping manifold ----- GAR/GAT/GAY/GAZ Piping nozzle NOZZLE, FLOW SP Piping pig launcher VESSEL, PRESSURE KPLA Piping pig loop ----- KPLO Piping pig receiver ----- KPRE Piping pig transmitter ----- KPXT Piping pig trap ----- KPTR Piping pipe bend ----- SP Piping pipe flange spade ----- SP Piping pipe rack RACK, PIPE XSUPR Piping pipe run PIPE PIPE Piping pipe support SUPPORT, PIPE XSUPP Piping pipe tee ----- SP Piping pipeline PIPELINE, RIGID KAA/KAH/KAQ Piping piping spool ----- SP Piping process nozzle NOZZLE, FLOW SP Piping seal BULKHEAD SHAFT SEAL SP Piping spacer ----- SP Piping spark arrestor ----- SP Piping specialty piping item PIPING, SPECIALTY Piping spectacle blind FLANGE, BLIND SP Piping spool piece ----- SP Piping spray nozzle NOZZLE, FLOW SP Process accumulator ACCUMULATOR, HYDRAULIC MBL Process actuated ball valve VALVE, CONTROL XV SP Page 102 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Process actuated butterfly valve VALVE, CONTROL actuated globe valve ----- Process adsorber column ----- Process air cooled heat exchanger EXCHANGER, AIR atmospheric reboiler ----- atmospheric vessel boiler ----- Process ball control valve VALVE, BALL CV Process ball valve VALVE, BALL MV Process block and bleed valve VALVE, BLOCK AND BLEED Process blow down valve VALVE, BLOWDOWN BDV Process boarding shutdown valve VALVE, SHUTDOWN BSDV/GISDV/SSIV/ XV Process butterfly control valve VALVE, BUTTERFLY Process butterfly valve VALVE, BUTTERFLY MV Process check valve VALVE, CHECK FNV Process choke control valve VALVE, SELF REGULATING CV Process choke valve ----- MV Process coalescer SEPARATOR, GRAVITY MAD Process condenser EXCHANGER, AIR HBG Process contactor column VESSEL, PRESSURE MAF Process control valve VALVE, CONTROL V Process conventional relief valve VALVE, RELIEF Process cooler EXCHANGER, AIR HBG Process cooling tower EXCHANGER, AIR HAL Process deluge valve VALVE, DELUGE XV Process diaphragm control valve VALVE, DIAPHRAGM diaphragm valve VALVE, DIAPHRAGM Process Process Process Process Tag Class Code XV XV MBA HAL BBC BAC MV CV PSV CV Page 103 of 117 MV DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Process distillation column ----- MBA Process double block and bleed valve VALVE, BLOCK AND BLEED eccentric rotating disc control valve ----- eccentric rotating disc valve VALVE, BUTTERFLY Process electrostatic treater VESSEL, PRESSURE Process emergency shut down valve VALVE, SHUTDOWN Process flash drum VESSEL, PRESSURE Process floatation cell separator VESSEL, PRESSURE Process flow regulator VALVE, SELF REGULATING Process forced draft air cooled exchanger EXCHANGER, AIR forced draft fired heater HEATER, FIRED gas cyclone separator VESSEL, PRESSURE Process gate control valve VALVE, GATE CV Process gate valve VALVE, GATE MV Process gauging valve ----- ZDV Process globe control valve VALVE, GLOBE CV Process globe valve VALVE, GLOBE MV Process gravity separator SEPARATOR, GRAVITY MBD Process heat exchanger EXCHANGER, PC HBG heat recovery unit HEATER, WASTE HEAT RECOVERY EBN Process Process Process Process Process Process MV CV MV NBK SDV MBJ MBM FCV HAL EAL MAK heated gravity separator SEPARATOR, GRAVITY Process heater HEATER, ELECTRICAL HAP Process hopper ----- AZZ Process hydraulic cylinder CYLINDER, HYDRAULIC MZZ Process hydro cyclone VESSEL, PRESSURE MBM Process incinerator ----- EICN NBD Page 104 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Process knock out drum VESSEL, PRESSURE MAM Process manual valve ----- MV Process multiple orifice onoff valve ----- multiport on-off valve ----- Process multiport valve ----- Process natural draft air cooled exchanger EXCHANGER, AIR natural draft fired heater HEATER, FIRED needle control valve VALVE, NEEDLE Process needle valve VALVE, NEEDLE MV Process on-off valve ----- V Process pilot operated relief valve VALVE, CHECK Process piston check valve VALVE, CHECK Process piston safety check valve VALVE, CHECK plate heat exchanger EXCHANGER, PLATE Process plug control valve VALVE, PLUG CV Process plug valve VALVE, PLUG MV Process pneumatic cylinder CYLINDER, PNEUMATIC MZZ Process pressure regulator VALVE, SELF REGULATING PCV Process pressure relief device ----- pressure-vacuum relief valve VALVE, RELIEF (VAC BREAK) pressurized reboiler VESSEL, PRESSURE pressurized vessel boiler VESSEL, PRESSURE printed circuit heat exchanger EXCHANGER, PC relief valve VALVE, RELIEF Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process CV CV MV HAW EAW CV PSV FNV FSV HAP V PVSV NBC NAC HAP Page 105 of 117 PSV DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Tag Class Code Process rupture disc DISC, RUPTURE PSE Process safety check valve VALVE, CHECK FSV Process safety shutdown valve VALVE, SHUTDOWN screw down nonreturn valve VALVE, SELF REGULATING self operating valve VALVE, SELF REGULATING CV VALVE, SELF REGULATING TCV Process Process Process Process V FNV shell and tube heat exchanger EXCHANGER, TUBE Process slide valve ----- MV Process slug catcher ----- MAX Process spiral heat exchanger EXCHANGER, PC surface safety valve ----- Process swing check valve VALVE, CHECK Process swing safety check valve VALVE, CHECK temperature regulator VALVE, SELF REGULATING Process vacuum relief valve VALVE, RELIEF (VAC BREAK) PVRV Process vball control valve ----- CV Process vessel VESSEL, PRESSURE MBF Process wafer check valve VALVE, CHECK FNV Process wafer safety check valve VALVE, CHECK Structural blast rated wall ----- XWB Structural castings ----- XCAST Structural drain trough hazardous ----- drain trough – nonhazardous ----- Structural fire rated wall ----- XWF Structural flare boom ----- XFB Process Process Structural HBG HAP SSV FNV FSV TCV FSV DTHZ DTNZ Page 106 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Structural general wall / bulkhead (steel) ----- Structural helideck ----- XHELI Structural hvac support ----- XSUPH Structural module STRUCTURES, MODULE XMOD Structural node ----- NODE Structural penetration BULKHEAD PENETRATION PEN Structural radiation / heat shield ----- Structural riser support ----- Structural safety critical equipment steel ----- safety critical inspection point ----- spot drain hazardous ----- spot drain – nonhazardous ----- Structural support ----- Structural tray support ----- Structural wall‐prefabricated system ----- chemical injection unit ----- Subsea Subsea christmas tree XMAS TREE, SUBSEA UXT Subsea flexible riser RISER, FLEXIBLE, SUBSEA YRF Subsea flowline ----- KAA Subsea flying chemical lead ----- flying electrical lead FLYING LEAD, ELECTRICAL flying hydraulic lead FLYING LEAD, HYDRAULIC Subsea flying lead ----- UFL Subsea flying optical lead ----- UFL Subsea gas export pipeline ----- UGE Structural Structural Structural Subsea Subsea Tag Class Code XW XWH XRSUP SCES SCIP DSHZ DSNZ XSUPT XW UCIU UFL UFL UFL Page 107 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Subsea gas injection flowline ----- Subsea in line structure ----- Subsea in line termination assembly ----- Subsea infield umbilical ----- Subsea master control station ----- Subsea oil export pipeline ----- Subsea pipeline end manifold ----- pipeline end termination ----- pressure/temperatu re transmitter ----- Subsea production flow line ----- UPFL Subsea protection cap ----- UCAP Subsea retrievable downhole interface unit ----- Subsea rigid riser RISER, RIGID YRR Subsea riser basket ----- YRB Subsea riser flex joint RISER, GUIDE/CLAMP YRJF Subsea riser porch ----- YRP Subsea riser spool piece ----- YRS Subsea riser stress joint ----- YRJS Subsea subsea communication distribution unit ----- subsea control module CONTROL MODULE, SUBSEA subsea control module mounting base ----- subsea distribution unit ----- Subsea Subsea Subsea Subsea Subsea Tag Class Code UGFL/JAR UILS UILT UUM UMCS UOE UPLEM UPLET UPTT UDIU UDUC UCM UCMM UDU Page 108 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Subsea subsea distribution unit mounting base ----- subsea dynamic umbilical ----- subsea electric distribution unit ----- subsea flexible flowline ----- subsea flow module ----- subsea foundation pile ----- Subsea subsea gooseneck ----- Subsea subsea hang-off and pull assembly ----- subsea hydraulic distribution unit ----- Subsea subsea jumper JUMPER/SPOOL, RIGID UJP Subsea subsea logic cap CONNECTOR, SUBSEA ULOG Subsea subsea manifold ----- UMD Subsea subsea metering skid ----- Subsea subsea mudmat ----- Subsea subsea pipeline crossing support ----- subsea protection structure ----- subsea pump station ----- subsea static umbilical ----- Subsea subsea umbilical UMBILICAL, SUBSEA Subsea topside umbilical termination assembly ----- tree isolation valve ----- Subsea Subsea Subsea Subsea Subsea Subsea Subsea Subsea Subsea Subsea Tag Class Code UDUM UUM UDUE UFF UFM UXP UGON UHO UDUH USM UMM UXP UXS USP UUM UUM UUTA Page 109 of 117 USV DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Discipline Description Class Name Subsea umbilical termination assembly ----- water injection flowline ----- Subsea well ----- QZZ Subsea wellhead ----- QAR/QAT/QAY/QAZ Subsea Tag Class Code UUTA UWFL Page 110 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Appendix B CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Loop Tag Class Codes Note: Loop codes shall be based on the latest revision ISA 5.1. New loop codes or function descriptions required for use shall be reflected in this table and the COMPANY Class Library enumeration list titled “ISA function code first letters”. Loop Tag Class Code Loop Function A Analysis B Burner or Combustion or Blow Down Valve C Project choice or Choke Valve D Project choice E Voltage F Flow rate or Flame G Gauge or User’s Choice or Gas H Hand I Current J Power K Time L Level M Project choice N Project choice O Project choice P Pressure or vacuum Q Quantity Page 111 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Loop Tag Class Code Loop Function R Radiation S Speed or Frequency or Shut Down Valve T Temperature U Multivariable V Vibration or Mechanical analysis W Weight or Force X Sand or unclassified or On/Off Valve Y Event state or presence Z Position Page 112 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Appendix C CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Cable Type Codes Allowable Cable Classes: Physical Class Cable Description CABLE, ELECTRICAL Electrical control cable CABLE, TELECOMS CABLE, ELECTRICAL CABLE, ELECTRICAL CABLE, ELECTRICAL CABLE, INSTRUMENT Communication cable Earthing cable Space Heater cable Low voltage Power cable Signal cable CABLE, ELECTRICAL CCL CTC CEG CLH CLV CNT Temporary cable CABLE, ELECTRICAL Tag Class Code Medium voltage cable CET CMV Heat tracing cable CHT High voltage power cable CHV Page 113 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure Appendix D CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Fluid Codes Note: Reference CPDF PET-PR00-PM-STD-00713, Topsides Coatings and Insulation Requirements, for pipe labelling and color-coding requirements. Fluid Code Description AI Air Instrument AP Air Plant BC Bulk Cement BL Cement, Liquid Additive CA Chemical, Asphaltene Inhibitor CB Chemical, Biocide CC Chemical, Catalyst CD Chemical, Scale Inhibitor CE Chemical, De-Mulsifier or De-Foamet CF Chemical, Surface Active Fluid CG Chemical, Glycol CH Chemical, AFFF CI Chemical, Corrosion Inhibitor CJ PH Controller CL Chemical, Low Dose Hydrate Inhibitor (LDHI) CM Cement, Methanol CN Chemical, Mud Additive CO Chemical, Oxygen Scavenger Page 114 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Fluid Code Description CP Chemical, Polyelectrolyte / Flocculant CS Chemical, Sodium Hypochlorite Solution CT Cement, High/Low Pressure CV Wax Inhibitor CW Chemical, Glycol/Water (Rich Glycol to Regen) CX Chemical, Spare DC Drain, Closed DM Drain, Mud DO Drain, Open DS Drain, Sewer/Sanitary DW Drain, Water/Storm FC Completion Fluid High/Low Pressure FJ Fuel, Jet GA Gas, Fire Fighting/CO2 GF Gas, Fuel GI Gas, Inert GN Gas, Nitrogen GW Gas, Waste/Flue MB Mud, Bulk/Solid MH Mud, High Pressure MK Mud, Kill Page 115 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Fluid Code Description ML Mud, Low Pressure OF Oil, Fuel (Diesel Oil) OH Oil, Hydraulic OL Oil, Lubricating OS Oil, Seal OW Water, Oily PB Process Blow Down PL Process Hydrocarbons Liquid PV Process Hydrocarbons Vapor PT Process Two Phase PW Produced Water SP Steam, Process SU Steam, Utility/Plant VA Vent, Atmospheric VH Vent, HP Flare VF Vent, Flare VL Vent, LP Flare VT Vessel Trim WA Water, Sea Antiliquification WB Water, Sea, Ballast/Grout WC Water, Fresh/Glycol – Cooling Medium Page 116 of 117 DOCUMENT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: TRION-200-WDS92-IT-PRD-00005 Tag Management and Tagging Requirements Procedure CONTRACT NO. REVISION 4513590877 00 Fluid Code Description WD Water, Fresh, Potable WF Water, Sea, Fire Fighting WG Water, Grouting Systems WH Water, Fresh/Glycol – Heating Medium WI Water, Sea, Injection WJ Water, Jet WP Water, Fresh, Raw WQ Water, Fresh, Hot (Closed Circuit) WS Water, Sea WT Base Oil Page 117 of 117