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Adolescents' Social Media Engagement: A Lived Experience

An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
La Salle University
Ozamiz City, Philippines
In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
December 2019
This thesis is dedicated first and foremost to God, in His hands we lift up
everything. This paper is dedicated to ourselves as a reward for not giving up and
enduring the long and tiring fight. This is also for our family, friends and schoolmates
who cheered us on even if they themselves are waging their own battle. Finally this is for
everyone. May these findings resonate with every person to kick start a willingness to
reflect on our actions both online and offline as our lives are not only connected through
the internet but are linked through an invisible string called fate.
We convey our heartfelt gratitude to our family for being our rock that kept us
grounded and motivated to pursue our dreams. You are the reason why we started all of
this and will always be our safe haven whom we could always run to. Of course to our
friends, schoolmates and psychmates, thank you for all the support that you have given us
throughout this journey. To our instructors and panelists Mr. Marvel Deromol, Mrs.
Noeme C. Perez, Ms. Jean Caryl Barquilla, our research adviser Ms. Kateri Junine
Tabernero and to our ever supportive dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Mr. Noel
Alamin, thank you so much for unselfishly imparting us your knowledge and for guiding
us in making sure that we are doing it right. Your selfless dedication towards the
psychology department and towards us your students, has touched our lives and will
forever be inculcated in our minds. With everything that we are, and everything that we
will become we wholeheartedly thank God for being our strength, for showing us the way
when we get too tired to comprehend things and for giving us the ability, will and passion
to continue. Lastly, we would like to give honor to this whole experience of making this
paper, which gifted us with friendship, built upon sleepless nights, countless coffee cups
and bundles of pancit canton. We have finally reached the end of the road and is about to
set sail on a new adventure.
Adolescence is an age group whom scholars are actively investing their attention to
because of their population’s profound social media engagement (Harris, 2017). Because
of this it has spark interest of the researchers especially on the context of the lived
experiences of adolescents’ social media engagement. This study aimed to gain insight on
the different aspects that constitutes an adolescents’ engagement with social media; a
semi-structured interview was answered by 6 people who participated in the study two
(2) of which are males and four (4) are females all of which belong to two different
colleges of the university. This study is based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory and
the Social Cognitive Theory; and follows the descriptive phenomenological qualitative
research design. Results suggest that the over-all social media engagement of adolescents
are grouped into five namely; personal gratifications that houses eight themes
(information seeking, pass time, means of entertainment, frequent surveillance behaviour,
Fear of Missing Out, passive consumption, self-identification and self-expression). Social
gratifications with four themes (means of communication, informational social influence,
syntopia and online friendship); tension release having six themes (social support, SNS
habit, objective social isolation, technological distraction, audience segregation and
pagpapahiwatig). Next, are the negative social emotional effects of social media with six
themes (social comparison, low self-esteem, emotional suppression, sensationalization of
mental health issues, emotional contagion, and core affect). Obtained data proposes that
adolescent users are subject to different contents on social media. Hence, a strong
regulation on its usage and management on the emotions and behaviors that come along
with it is highly recommended.
Keyword: Lived experiences, Social media engagement, Adolescent, Uses Gratification
Theory, Social Cognitive Theory
Title Page
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
Review of Related Literature
Theoretical Background
The Research Problem
Objectives of the Study
Scope and Limitation
Significance of the Study
Research Design
Research Locale
Research Participant
Research Instruments
Research Procedures
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations
A. Request Letter for Panellist Approval of Guide Questions
B. Informed Consent
C. Guide Questions
D. Request Letter for Approval of Themes
E. Interview Transcripts
Chapter 1
The world today is in a circumstance where humanity became the honorary slaves
of technology. Just like how people are 24/7 on the internet or even by the mere fact that
humans can’t live without technology. Attached by an invisible network of algorithm
known as the internet, the human population has been under the internet rule for quite
some time. One of the most widely patronized internet service are the social media
platforms. Various terms have been used to describe what social media really is (Bush,
Bowen, Wooldridge, Ludwig, Robbins and Meischke., 2004). For example, in an article
published on the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, social media is defined
as mediums that allow account establishment that aims to exhibit connection between
(Danah Boyd, 2007). It is also defined as the integration of social interaction and
technology through the use of various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram. Such platforms have metamorphosed traditional communication by permitting
the exchange of information made and controlled by the user, an online community or
even the government (Luxton, June, & Fairall, 2012).
The amount of time and level of exposure to the internet has dramatically
increased over the past decade. The fact that almost if not everyone owns or has an access
to a smartphone has helped escalate the internet and social media exposure of people. In
an interview of CEO and founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg (2018) stated that it
enables the development of empathy among people since they build connections through
their commonalities, feeding on these commonalities may form a quiet unique form of
bond among members. Despite of its’ positive impact socil media users, compete in an
invisible category of being the best; this has caused constant comparison where
individuals design their own profile; and most often than not formulate an idea of an
ultimately desirable self. As a result, instead of being motivated to post and share pieces
of themselves social media users would tend to feel pressured to keep up with the current
trend. Regardless of whichever social media site this notion of posting the reel highlights
of one’s life has now become a trend and will soon be embedded in the culture of
Studies have shown that social media exposure is related to an increased
possibility of developing mental health disorders (Yiu, 2018). A professor of psychology
at San Diego State University discovered that adolescents who consume 5 or more hours
online are at risk of suicide by a staggering 71% compared to those who only spend a
maximum of 1 hour online and this risk increases with every 2 hour addition of time
spent (Mir & Novas, 2019). Another study has linked social media with social isolation,
using 1,787 individuals aging 19-32 years old as participants, the researchers assessed
their usage of 11 different social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube,
Twitter, Tumblr, Vine, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat and Reddit). Results
suggests that those respondents who visit any of these social media platforms at least 58
times a week are more likely to become socially isolated compared to those who visit 9
times per week. Furthermore, social media has also been linked to self-image, on one
study it was found out that the more a person uses the platform Instagram, the more the
individual develops a greater sense of self-objection and body image concerns (Mir &
Novas, 2019). This can be caused by a sudden shift in the usage and essence of social
media as it has become a medium where each sentiment is posted and shared creating an
idea that one has to either be flawless or flawed.
The youth has been identified as one of the major users of the internet in which a
special utilization of social media is observed and a poor regulation of social media
content is evident. With this pressing matter in hand, the researchers aim is to explore the
lived experiences of adolescents and their social media engagement.
This section is the review of related literature and studies that have significant
bearing on the current inquiry, providing insights to the researchers as it will also serve as
background to support the study. The following reviews are carefully arranged and
discussed through a thematic approach; social media, social media engagement and
Social Media
Over the past decade, internet technology has evolved in a staggering pace,
expanding the potential for different web based communities. The internet stems in the
1960s and 1970s when different private and public group were running to test and look
for means to get computers to connect with one another. In this way, the social media era
has come. However, it was in 1980s and 1990s that the personal computers became closer
to what it is now thus set the stage for the rise of social media. Social media is define in
various ways but these definitions would emphasize that social media is considered as the
different forms of online interaction and communication used by people to produce
networks, online communities. It is also a place where people can share their information,
feelings, personal message, thoughts and other content such as pictures and videos. Social
media is operationally defined as the sum of blogs, social networking sites (i.e.
Facebook), micro blogs (i.e. Twitter), content sharing sites (i.e. Instagram, Snapchat)
Wikis and interactive video-gaming sites (i.e. Massive Multiplayer Online Games) that
allow users to co-create and share content (Griffiths & Kuss, 2017). Moreover, other
features allow people to read, extract, and generate universal text, image audio and video
content. Social media are the tools that facilitate the socialization of user generated
content. It encourages collaboration, interaction, and communication by having online
discussion and feedback through comments and posting. Social Media includes a wide
range of tools and technologies such as blogs, websites and forums, Internet discussions
boards and forums, online posting and commenting etc. (Ngai, Moon, Lam, Chin, & Tao,
2015). Finally, it is easy to use and does not require advanced internet knowledge or
experience. Social media is deemed to be very accessible that anyone can connect
through it. (Sudha and Kavitha, 2016).
The first social media sites created was six degrees derived from the Six Degrees
of Kevin Bacon theory which was formally initiated in 1997 and lasted until about 2001.
This social media site is considered as the first social media because it allowed formation
of larger community by letting societies to create individual profiles and add others to
their personal network where its number of users reached at around 3.5 million. In 2002,
another social media site called Friendster competed with Six Degrees as it also allowed
user to create contacts and keep them as part of a personal network. Individuals could
share photos, videos, comments and messages with other people who uses the same site.
After a few months of launching Friendster, it had over 3 million users and eventually
reached over 100 million users all over the world (Keith, 2018)
As the forming of different social media sites are continuous up until the present
day, social media use by minors has also risen significantly. The remarkable fast progress
of social media has affected the interactions of people through different social media
platforms. The increase of social media and internet use is evident in the different parts of
the world. Social media has become a significant part of many people’s daily lives. It is
widely used worldwide that it surpassed 208 million, accounting for 29% of the global
population (Keith, 2018).
As to the Philippines, a research suggest that Filipinos must be motivated to use
social media because it has become a very reinforcing stimulus. It provides users with an
immediate and easy access to attain satisfaction and empowerment to manage the way
they present themselves, regardless of their true identity or physical characteristics
(Wong, Yuen , & Li, 2015).
According to the collected statistical data of We are Social (2018), the Philippines
has reached the status of being the country which has the highest social media usage in
the world, as the number of Internet users reached 67 million nationwide with an average
daily time usage of nine hours and twenty minutes via any device. The data from this
study reflect the 12% annual growth of Filipino social media applications, in which
Facebook has the highest number of users and followed by Youtube(We are social,
Facebook started on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg as well as Eduardo
Saverin, Andrew McCollom, Dustin Moskovits and Chris Hughes, Facebook started as
social media site exclusive to Harvard students, however it rapidly spread to the rest of
Ivy League and Stanford then MIT. Nevertheless facebook was accessible to anyone
stating to be above the age of 13, regardless of whether or not they had a formal
relationship with the university. After its launch and subsequent expansion, Facebook
flourished quickly and eventually considered as one of the most visited sites in the world.
It currently generates $40 billion a year in revenue and it is considered as one of the most
important tech companies in the world. It has over 2.3 billion active users which still
grows consistently since its launch. This amounts to just under 30 percent of the entire
global population. Overall there are 2.62 billion social media users around the world and
this number is expected to grow over 3 billion by 2021(Keith, 2018).
A study on 1,060 filipinos regarding the connection between FoMo and PIU
found out that Filipino respondents are expansively engage in social media, particularly
Facebook, among other social media applications. At the same time they are likely to
have difficult time in controlling their internet usage thus engaging themselves in a
certain degree of Problem Internet usage (PIU) which was defined as incapacity to
control an individual’s use of the Internet, which leads to adverse consequences in one’s
daily life (Reyes, et al., 2018). A study on loneliness and shyness in adolescent
problematic internet users have revealed that extreme use of internet is more likely
related to restricted interpersonal relationships. There are also said to be poor at
socializing in real life, which leads to overuse of social media and many problems (Huan,
Ang, & Chye, 2014). In addition, there is proneness to use Internet-communication
applications among those who have poor perceived qualities of social interactions and
low social competence (Bhagat, 2015). A research regarding the connection between
FoMo and PIU on a Filipino population suggested that Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), a
kind of social anxiety caused by the concern of not being in touch with the events in the
cyber world, has a significant relationship with social media usage thus explains why
people who are experiencing FoMO are more likely to engage in social media use to
avoid feeling of being left out (Reyes, Gonzales, Hernandez, Medios, Cayubit., 2018).
Moreover, one plausible reason for the relationship between FoMO and social
media usage is the propensity of other people’s social media post to give false intentions
to the individual with FoMO; people with FoMO may misjudge the posts of other people
about delightful events as having better living situations than them which further
reinforces the use of social media use to be constantly updated. These individuals fail to
notice that what they see on social media is a refined version of soneone’s life, highly
focused only in the positive side (Reagle, 2015). Another possible reason can be found in
the ―excessive reassurance pathway‖ wherein socially insecure people use social media
for social reassurance (Billieux, Maurage, Lopez-Fernandez, Kuss, & Griffiths, 2015).
Other than FoMO, there are other forms that researches have studied and proposed to be
highly related to social media use such as mental health problems. Research has shown
that media content plays a role in building up problematic issues such as low self-esteem,
body image, anorexia, bulimia and depression as related to the ―thin-ideal‖, an assumed
standard that women may set for themselves concerning their personal values about size
and weight, appearance and the accompanying identity in which they strive to live up to.
During the progress of this endeavor, data infers that social networking sites such as
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were common medium wherein a concept of ―thinideal‖ assumption occurs (Grover, Foreman, & Miller, 2016).
Moreover the increase use of social media has led to increase chance of cyber
bullying which was found to be connected with suicide. In the study of MwenyaKwangu,
David Mulenga, Mazyanga L. Mazaba., (2017) bullying or victimization can be one of
the influences in the development of negative thoughts in adolescents. Many begin to feel
unwanted and hence harness thoughts of ending it all through committing suicide. During
this study, respondents that are charted having an experience with bullying has a higher
tendency to develop thoughts of self slaughter than those without experience. Another
finding in their study is that an attack on an adolescent increases the chance of thinking
about committing suicide. Some websites are reported to contain information about selfharm and suicide. On another study about a systematic review of the relationship between
internet use, self-harm and suicidal behaviour in young people; a medium quality content
analysis was done in those websites. It is reported that those websites can cause negative
influences to those people who view it. The website with dedicated self-harm content
may normalise self-harm and support self-harm among the viewers (Marchant 2017).
Social Media Engagements
As the world continue to be more advance than what it was yesterday, the boom
of online communities has become a by-product of such evolution. Different social
networking sites that operates on various purpose became a haven for adults and the
youth alike. A place where one is allowed to express themselves and connect with each
other even if they are in the comfort of their homes. Its’ prime members are adolescents
as they have been consuming social media at a faster frequency compared to others.
Evidenced by having a staggering 92% who are online on an everyday basis, 24%
confessing to being constantly online, having almost three-fourth of adolescents with
smart phone access (Nesi, 2017). However, social media consumers have been asking
questions as to why they have kept on engaging into social media activities. Uses
Gratification Theory (UG&T) explains the reason behind the somewhat alluring
mechanism of social media.
On the other hand, the relationship between the received gratifications and the
usage of social media can be explained through Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive
Theory (SCT). U&G theory suggests that people continue to use social media as they
acquire satisfaction on their informational, social and leisure needs. It also highlights how
users tend to consume different or same social media platforms based on its varying
purpose and the cognitive and affective responses that they receive (Zolkepli,
Kamarulzaman, & Kitchen, 2018); simply put together Uses and Gratifications Theory
(U&GT) elaborates the utilization of social media to fulfil the different needs of an online
active user (Pribeanu & Balog, 2017). A study on the impact of social media use on
relationships suggest that, more often than not social media users venture into different
online mediums to manage their respective offline connections (Christensen, 2018).
It has been mentioned that the one who motivates a user to continuously engage in
social media is the fulfilment of gratifications however, not all needs are met some go
ungratified and lead to consequent social media use and can become a contributor of
social media addiction or if not would result to the excessive use of social media until the
ungratified needs are met offline (Christensen, 2018).
U&G theory have identified three (3) psychological gratifications; in line with it
this section would discuss each gratification and the different topics that are possibly
acquainted with social media engagement. First are personal gratifications, an umbrella
term that is collectively defined as an individuals’ inclination to present himself as
confident, acceptable and with high self-esteem. It has been said that one of the prime
reasons why people engage into social media is to acquire information; based on a study
conducted on American adults last 2017 about 68% of adults acquire news from social
media from time to time (Shearer & Matsa, 2018). This includes information seeking
behaviour which encompasses the wilful information dissemination that is powered by
the desire to attain knowledge and perception of thy self and the environment. Studies
suggest that users whose main reason for using social media is to only seek information
are more likely to ―like or dislike‖ and comment on posts. Because a typical information
seeking user would not engage into the act of sharing or uploading videos (Khan, 2016).
Followed by concepts such as social media as a pass time and the perceived
network responsiveness that user’s experience. The former is the manner where users
make use of social media services as a means to leisurely spend time (Christensen, 2018).
A study on the influence of social media on the future intentions of charity sports
participants suggest that users who see social media as means of spending time leisurely
are less likely to support online-community based activities. This is because users only
plan to hang and idle on social media without any further engagement whatsoever
(Maoney, 2013).
While the latter perceived network responsiveness is the perceived
amount of responsiveness that an individual gets from a single entity collectively known
as social network. A 2019 study has discovered that active and responsive online
audience would encourage a user to self-disclose in the setting where the expected
consequences are low and the perceived response is high (Walsh, Forest, & Orehek,
Another common behaviour on the internet sphere is the somewhat manifestation
of stress caused by unnecessary worry of failing to keep up with the latest updates of a
social network thus resulting to the user being uninformed on the changes happening on
the social media realm and sometimes this feeling would lead to a fear of social
exclusion. A pressing concern that leads to the user spending more time on Social
Networking Sites (SNS) than the original duration that they intended to. Another concept
is the problem internet usage that goes hand in hand with Fear of Missing Out (FoMo).
Problem Internet Usage (PIU) is the development of a somewhat inability to regulate
smartphone use that ultimately leads to adverse life consequences. Boiling down to an
assumption that PIU is a contributor as to why a user develops FoMo (Coskun & Muslu,
2019). A group of researchers observed that extensive phone use has led to an over
consumption of social media and resulted to a need that makes a user constantly check
and arrange ones’ social media account thus, considering it as a social capital. Where an
individual could find satisfaction and fulfilment in both their social and psychological
takes through the continuous update and curating of the profiles that would fit their
personal demands on social media (Coskun & Muslu, 2019).
A quite disturbing practice in social media is the passive surfing through a profile
of an individual (i.e., photos, videos, posts) without any plans of acting on it through likes
or comments. This is called frequent surveillance behaviour, a common practice among
adolescent social media users. Such way could sometimes result to higher levels of
depressive symptoms because as the user continue to cruise through a specific profile
he/she might project the things that h/she encountered unto himself and the failure in
acquiring or meeting the specifications posted on that profile would result to the user to
feel sad and demotivated (Nesi J. , 2017).
Self-identification or the tendency of an individual to share and understand the
problems or experiences of others or identifies with a person or a topic (Valencia, 2017).
Scholars argue that self-identification stems from the amalgamation of inputs from
oneself and from others. If the feedbacks are good the individual would continue to
morph into this identification but if the feedbacks are negative it is very likely for an
individual to retreat and change a behaviour in order to come in amends with the identity
standard (Solomon, 2016). Furthermore, studies propose that the reason why people often
self-identify on social media is because of the mitigating presence of concepts such as
racism, gender norms and social exclusion that shuns an individuals’ chance of selfexpression hence, the person would retreat to an outlet where he is permitted to fully
express himself and nowadays that is social media. Moreover, it has been on the center of
a heated discussion as to how the online world contributes to the creation of another type
of self of which only exists online thus, ultimately leading to a fuzzier self-identification
(Hongladarom, 2011). After a thorough self-identification, the user would now start to
express himself. The act of self-expression is the manner of an individual to express
feelings, identity and thoughts in a public social setting. Different methods are used to
express oneself, and todays’ hot pick is social media. Online self-expression could take in
any form from photos, to videos, to stickers, to gifs. Or even in traditional narrative text.
However, the modern day self-expression can be an avenue of bad blood and envy (Delk,
2016). This is because of the differing perspectives of the members of the online
community the once stress-free self-expression has now become a pit full of ranging
emotions and feelings of the user.
Social gratification is used to elaborate why concepts such as social media being a
means of communication, informational social influence, syntopia, online friendship and
Pahiwatig are experienced by some social media users. Research has defined social
gratification as the users desire to be part of a community and be acknowledged as a part
of that community and feel a sense of belongingness. There are two different motivators
why people tend to always feel the need for belongingness especially in the online media
platform; these are social influence and social interaction (Zolkepli, Kamarulzaman, &
Kitchen, 2018).
Informational Social influence, is basically the act of taking information from
another person whom the user has no relationship or whatsoever. This happens online
when for example a movie is being critiqued by the cyber community the user’s opinion
regarding the movie will then be somehow influenced by the critiques of the others
(Snijders & Helms, 2017). In a research conducted by (Lee, Shi, Cheung, Lim, & Cia,
2011) they have discovered that the current trend online shopping is viewed positively by
the masses and is easy to access due to positive feedback that created an informational
social influence targeted to the consumers, ISI has also improved the consumers attitude
towards the concept online shopping and shopping online itself.
Syntopia explains why some users unconsciously carry with them to the offline
world the things that they learned online. It states that the physical/social events and the
antiquity of an individual has affected their online behaviour and those behaviours have
leaked offline (Christensen, 2018). In addition, syntopia on the internet can often be a
source of misleading information as it is a part of a larger array of communication and
social interaction (Katz & Rice, 2002). A study suggests that misappropriation of
Facebook leads to social isolation, distrust in relationships infidelity, lack of social
cohesion and divorce (Abbasi & Alghamdi, 2017). More often than not online
communities have somewhat gone astray, different situations and events have arisen due
to varying contents seen on social media. Each user is subject to an experience specially
curated for them based on their friends list and pages that they follow (Dollarhide, 2019).
These curated profiles would trigger the user to feel something, to be affected. A study on
adolescent social media use and psychosocial adjustment suggest that user generated
contents or the usual posts that people encounter on social media have diverse effects on
the user, like having a measurable feedback mechanism in the form of likes, follows or
re-tweets could lead to a better more confident self; making the individual present
himself in a manner that is appealing and charming or problems on self-esteem making
the user feel as if he/she lacks something in order to get the ―favour‖ of the online
community but in the real case doesn’t (Nesi, 2017).
In a world of online network, connections are unlimited and hassle free. Here
comes the dawn of online friendships or the mere extension of offline relationships.
Research proposes that the formed friendships online are short-lived compared to those
formed offline due to the fact that the online world carries a little deception that remains
undetectable because of the lack of social cues. Furthermore, the physical distance
between two friends connected online plays a role, it somewhat moderates the
development of mistrust thus leading to lower-levels of commitment (Chan & Lo, 2014).
Another study purports that sometimes in the online realm the way the word is expressed
and the meaning it carries would get lost in translation. Compared to offline
communication where one can detect both verbal and non-verbal cues, communicating
online could sometimes lead to miscommunication and incoherent translations of a
message. Also, offline relationships provide better support than the ones online (Uink,
2016). Lastly, recent studies have found out that one of the prime reasons why people in
general use social media is because it is an easy and efficient medium for communication
with people from different parts of the world (Shu, 2005).
Social media has also played a role in the reduction of perceived outcomes during
crisis such as attack of terrorism, typhoons, tsunamis and earthquakes as it provides a
much faster dissemination of information to a large network compared to traditional
media (Derani & Naidu, 2015). In another study, it has been seen that most activists are
recruited through social media and they have also embraced it as a medium for them to
communicate, exchange information, share news and statements of solidarity (Hemsley,
Jacobson, & Grudz, 2018).
Pahiwatig or the indirect way of communicating is especially evident among
Filipinos. Pahiwatig a term in Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino Psychology) meaning
sending indirect messages to another individual, masking the true meaning of the text in
fear of inflicting emotional pain to the other party (Enriquez, 1970). Also, as a user
engages into pahiwatig they would expect someone from their online network to decode
what they are trying to say through the use of pakikiramdam (Aguila, 2014). In addition,
pahiwatig serves as a medium of communication inherently observed in Filipinos when
they want to convey something that is difficult for them to say directly. This is because
Filipinos are taught to deeply care for the feeling of another person and with that they
have seem to use a manner of indirect communication (Aguila, 2014).
Under tension release are three sub-groups namely; belongingness the ability to
avoid loneliness and alienation, companionship is the sentiment of being together and
socializing, playfulness is the belief that a certain platform brings about feelings of
pleasure to the user and lastly is escapism, the state where a user becomes too drawn to
the online realm and decides to ―leave‖ reality in a cognitive and emotional custom
(Zolkepli, Kamarulzaman, & Kitchen, 2018). Aspects such as SNS habit, technological
distraction, objective social isolation, audience segregation and social support are
categorized here.
As mentioned above tension release caters the human need for an escape or
diversion from daily life challenges hence the concept of SNS habit falls here. SNS habit
is the automatic reaction of the body whenever the user is holding a smartphone or even
at the slightest hint of vacant hours. It is also known as the out of context routine-like
social media engagement (Turel & Osatuyi, 2018). In a study, researchers concluded that
SNS habits could trigger psycho-physiological states in users that posits high positive
valence and arousal that motivates the user to engage more through repetitive and
instinctive use (Mauri, Cipresso, Balgera, Villamira, & Riva, 2011). Furthermore, it is
said that habits formed through the creation of cognitive structures and are interconnected
with associative routes when a behaviour of similar bearing is encountered in the future
recalling is easy as it does not have to go to long term memory (Lieberman, 2007). As a
result of SNS habit; the occurrence of technological distraction arises. Technological
distraction is the term given to any electronic device that causes the owner to be swayed
from doing his original task. This also causes the user to do inefficient time management
by improper prioritizing of tasks. A research has stated that the unlimited access of
students to technology being it within arms’ reach causes diminish on their learning and
achievement outcomes. Furthermore, technological distraction can reduce the amount of
information that a student acquires from studying and makes an individual to require
more time in order to complete a task (Flanigan & Babchuk, 2015).
Objective Social isolation is another concern that has stemmed from the excessive
use of social media, it is characterized by physical isolation accompanied with health
disturbances. A group of researchers concluded on their study regarding social media use
and perceived social isolation among young adults in the US that objective social
isolation in social media is the kind of isolation where the user does not necessary feel
loneliness. This is because the user is engaged into something that piques his interest and
it would not become a big issue if he/she is left out from the offline community for a
period of time (Primack, et al., 2017). In order for a user to keep up with the demands of
the online community the individual is compelled to create versions of themselves
through different profiles for them to cater the different needs of an online audience this
activity is known as audience segregation (Ahmed, Governatori, Der Torre, & Villata,
2011). A study conducted on the social interaction based audience segregation for online
social networks showed that a typical SNS user engages with minor subsets of the
entirety of their network yet still maintains relationship with a larger community
projecting different concepts based on different requests of a certain network (Ahmed,
Governatori, Der Torre, & Villata, 2011).
Amidst the different seemingly negative aspects U&GT suggests that social media
engagement fosters social support. Social support is the tangible or intangible aid given
or received from an individuals’ interpersonal networks and more often than not people
seek social support not just offline but online as well (Liu & Wei, 2018). The most
common platforms used are Facebook and Twitter where users seek advice and help with
issues ranging from the medical field to mundane stress as evidenced by having a 37%
Facebook profiles containing content implicating stress and 25% alluded depressive
outcomes. People engage in public disclosure of their personal struggles in the hopes of
having people from the online community to offer support (Liu & Wei, 2018).
Furthermore, the presence of social support especially online could help lessen cases of
people being inflicted with mental health struggles. Research on the language of social
support in social media and its’ effects on suicidal ideation risks discovered that social
support is essential in attaining better mental well-being as it transmits a buffering effect
being them a protective coat against negative costs of mental health (De Choudhury &
Kiciman, 2017).
SCT explains the outcomes produced from received gratifications in social media
engagement. There are a total of four (4) products of social media engagement and it is
unfortunate to realize that all four fall upon a relatively negative categorization. These
are, social comparison, low self-esteem, sensationalization of mental health issues,
emotional suppression, and emotional contagion.
Social comparison an increased
sensitivity to the behaviour of others and a degree of uncertainty about the self, along
with a great need to reduce this uncertainty and improve her/his self-worth. Social media
imposes on the users a non-stop 24-hour loop of social comparison through the
amalgamation of reel highlights seen in social media to reality. A study on social media
and self-evaluation suggest that the constant exposure of young women to curated photos
of other people especially those who belong to their age group have damaging effects on
a woman’s self-concept and body image (Solomon, 2016).
A result of an unending social comparison is a decline is self-esteem.
Characterized by users whose self-concepts are inconstant and uncertain, studies show
that females exhibit more self-esteem decline than males because they constantly
examined how others would view them (Pack, 2015). Furthermore, teens who often
encounter curated feeds of people from their age group on social media might have a
tendency to develop a decline in their self-esteem, because they are more likely to
interpret those posts as a confirmation that they are doing badly compared to their peers
(Jacobson, 2016).
Next is the sensationalization of mental health issues or the presence of posts that
contain explicit descriptions of means of suicide, or portray suicide as a legitimate
solution to one’s problems are believed to increase the risk of contagion. Scholars have
argued that media in general have played a great part in stigmatizing mental health issues
by showcasing exaggerated, comedic and inaccurate representations of people suffering
from mental illness and providing misleading information regarding such a sensitive
matter (Srivastava, Chaudhury, Bhat, & Mujawar, 2018). The proliferation of black and
white photos of scars from lacerations on the wrist, or an image of a rope similar to the
one’s used in hanging are disturbing and is sensationalizing mental illness. It is like
campaigning that mental illness is tragically beautiful when in reality it is far from that. It
is alarming as it would possibly impact the young minds of impressionable youths and
might encourage them to conform to such act (Yu, 2019).
Another negative outcome of social media engagement is suppressing of one’s
emotions that often leads to a build- up of pressure and stress which results to an inability
to regulate emotions properly. Furthermore, emotional suppression dismantles the normal
processing of emotion which in turn leads to developing depressive symptoms. Over
engagement with the internet could become a triggering factor for emotional suppression.
(Christensen, 2018).
Lastly, emotional contagion is when social media users’ emotions are influenced
by the variety of posts that they encounter. Studies found out that emotions play a role in
the dissemination of information and not only that they also act as a signal to affect the
emotions of other people. Furthermore, it is interesting to know that emotions who carry
great intensity diffuse rapidly online; such kinds are anger and happiness. Also,
emotional contagion is manipulated by social factors and is not transferred blindly (Zeng
& Zhou, 2018).
Digital natives is the collective name given to adolescents who are constantly
connected with each other through the internet (Rosen, 2011). With a staggering 90% that
engages with social media and 75% have profiles on social networking sites based on a
2012 survey (Common Sense Media, 2012). Having a wide array of choices on the
internet digital natives have named their top 5 most used social media platform namely
Youtube with 85%, Instagram 72%, Snapchat 69%, Facebook 51% and Twitter 32%
(Roth, Zielenski, & Daly, 2019). Furthermore, the adolescent generation today has been
named as the first cohort to be affiliated with online-based communication as a basic part
of their upbringing (Harris, 2017).
Based on a survey adolescents have differing views on the impact of social media
engagement on their lives 31% indicated that social media engagement had mostly
positive impact, 24% said that it has a negative effect on them and 45% stated that social
media has neutral effect (Roth, Zielenski, & Daly, 2019). This numbers are quiet
flattering yet at the same time scary. Since the prime users are adolescents who are prone
to physical, emotional and psychological changes that might break or make their
character. The exposure to the online world at an early age has caused a twist on the
cultural foundations and made the world view the youth differently. A generation where
teenagers should be out in the community socializing but instead they remained in the
comfort of their homes devoured by technology. The boom of social media and the
variety of things that it offers is a double edge blade. It makes the youth courageous and
passionate yet for all the wrong reasons. It seems like the internet has established
concepts that are way too ideal and is currently forsaking reality. Over usage of the
internet has led to the development of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety,
eating disorders and insomnia for starters (Flanigan & Babchuk, 2015).
Theoretical Background
This part discusses the framework that was used in the progress of this study.
This study was based on two theories: the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) and the
Uses and Gratification Theory. Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory suggests that
learning takes place in social context with a complex and mutual individual
environmental and behavioral interaction. The SCT stresses social influence and explores
how individual acquire and sustain actions in a unique way. This theory takes into
account previous experiences of individuals affect incentives, attitudes and perceptions
that form the engagement of individuals to specific behaviors and the reasons a person
engages in that behavior.
Individuals behave differently in different settings based on their past
experiences. These past experiences affect one’s action whether satisfactory or
unsatisfactory, pleasurable or unpleasurable. Individuals engaged in immersive and
collaborative social media engagement where they felt pleasure when participating in it,
which is why these individuals tend to repeat the practice from time to time because they
feel satisfied to engage with it.
The SCT explains why individuals tend to copy or model others. Adolescents in
this generation tends to follow famous individuals such as celebrities on Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram, some are really into imitating their idols that they tend to dress up
the way their celebrity idols do and by doing these things some felt satisfied. The
satisfaction of the individual while using social media is further explained with the
second theory which is the Uses and Gratification Theory.
The Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT) is a widely used framework to explain
the needs and motives behind traditional and online media usage (Tsoa and SteffesHansen, 2008; Park et al., 2009; Dunne et al., 2010; Florenthal et al., 2012). According
to this theory, ―motivation‖ is what drives an individual to use social media which then
results into individuals’ satisfaction.
This theory provides certain reasons or motives why an individual engage into
social media, first is (1) Information seeking – individuals who engage in social media
seek out information or to self-educate, (2) Pastime – individuals use social media to
occupy time and relieve boredom, usually these individuals use their social media
accounts during their vacant time. (3) Entertainment – social media provides
entertainment to individuals who look for pleasurable, fun and exciting contents. (4)
Relief from stress – social media relieves the day-to-day stress that the individual is
feeling, (5) Communicatory Utility – social media is widely known for its
communication facilitation and lastly (6) Convenience Utility – in which social media
makes it easy for business minded individuals easily sell their products through posting it
online. The current research on the lived experiences of adolescents social media
engagement was easily explained and understood based on the uses and gratification
The combination of Social Cognitive Theory and the Uses and Gratification
Theory further elaborates the motives of the individuals and their behaviors while
engaging into social media.
Objectives of the Study
The study on the lived experiences of adolescent social media engagement seeks
to find out how an individual would describe his /her social media experience.
Scope and Limitation
The current study takes on adolescents prompted by their exposure on social
media. The different types of posts seen on various social media outlets trigger diverse
responses from its users, ranging from full-on positivity to immense negative emotions.
Hence this study greatly relied on the answers from the participants. As stated, the target
respondents were adolescents’ age 10-24 years old as described to be an active social
media user. The study encompasses a thorough examination of four (4) different social
media platforms namely Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. With all these being
said, the scope of this study was bounded by a few limitations. The first one is the fact
that it heavily relied on responses of participants gathered through a researcher-made
guide interview questions. Another limitation was the age group of the respondents being
chosen; since this study focused on adolescents, its results was not applied for any other
age groups hence, narrowing the accessibility and utilization of its results.
Significance of the Study
This study ventures on full explaining the influence of social media engagement.
Results would deliver great insights to the following:
Educational Institutions. The results of this study would help educational institutions
develop and plan various programs that are specifically made for individuals that have
heightened social media engagement.
Guidance Personnel. This study will help the guidance personnel in assisting the
students who may be having hard time prioritizing important responsibilities such as
school works over social media engagement.
Psychology Department. Being an organization that promotes mental health, this study
would help the psychology department develop activities that will cater the needs of these
individuals such as arts, sports and music.
Students. This study will help the students become more mindful and responsible about
the different contents they see and share on their social media accounts and be aware of
the time they spent engaging in social media activities.
Parents. As the stronghold of their children, it is imperative for parents to connect to
their own children and bridge the invisible generation gap that drifts them apart. Through
the outcomes of this study, parents will gain awareness on the different effects brought
about by social media engagement and with that, they would be able to help regulate the
social media engagement of their children.
Adolescents. One of the stages where an individual is most valuable to change and
withering emotions, the results of this study would greatly help adolescents develop a
broadened self-awareness and control that would be their guide in day to day life.
Future Researcher. This study may be a source of primary knowledge for the future
researchers that will venture on a study about social media engagement.
Chapter 2
This section elaborated the operational plan or the research method, which
comprises of its design, the locale, its respondents and the different procedures used to in
data gathering. Also included are the various ethical guidelines and standards that were
considered in conducting this study.
Research Design
The current study employed qualitative phenomenological research where it
would describe and explain the distinct events that a person or a community (small
number of people) encounter over a course of time through extensive recapitulation. For
this case, it is the lived experiences of people who have social media engagement in the
online public, their subjective experiences while engaging in social media and the
possible impact that it brings.
The design was chosen as it is the most suitable to be used; it enables the
researcher to fully commit themselves into studying a phenomena in its rawness to any
possible degree within the bounds that the research field would allow. This design stems
from the art of naturalistic exploration wherein, there are no preliminary drafting of
variables, manipulation and beforehand adherence to any theoretical perspective of the
intended phenomena. In other words, descriptive phenomenological design is a
comprehensive account of phenomena or occurrence however, descriptions made must be
precisely fit the phenomena and are in proper sequence and must bear descriptive validity
(Swadelowski, 2000). Furthermore, this design was applied as the researchers sought to
conduct an uncomplicated and direct to the point study regarding the phenomenon at
hand (Lambert & Lambert, 2012). Moreover, this study was done with outmost
sensitivity and mindfulness to prevent influence of the participants’ view on the subject
Research Locale
The current study was conducted in one of the most respected universities in the
province. Having a population of not more than 3, 000 students along with the teaching
force and staff. The researcher also perceived the environment of falling in the category
of having a large number of social media users which are the target participants of this
Participants of the Study
The respondents were composed of selected students who are engage with social
media. The selection of participants is through Homogenous Purposive Sample (based on
shared characteristics of population) using referral system where an individual who uses
social media answers demographic questions. Individuals who answered to spent five or
more hours on social media were qualified to participate in this study. Overall, 6
individuals were chosen to be the official participants of this study.
Research Instrument
The participants of this study were interviewed regarding their experiences
engaging in social media. A semi-structured interview was used during the interview
session to facilitate a free dialogic flow, guide questions and other open-ended questions
were asked during the interview sessions which gave the researcher the opportunity to
further explore the participants’ social media engagement experiences.
Research Procedure
Upon the panellists’ approval of the guide questions that were used for the semistructured interview, the data gathering for this research begun. Respondents of this study
were first identified through demographic questions such as the amount of hours they
spent using their social media accounts. Individuals who spent minimum of five hours
using social media were selected as the official participants of this study.
Before the gathering of information commence, an informed consent was signed
between both parties (the researcher and the participant) which signifies that the
individual have agreed to participate in the study and that information obtained from the
interview will be used for research purposes. Participants were informed about the nature
of the study, purpose and the length of the interview. The participants were also informed
of their rights to decline and withdraw from the study at any time. After signing the
informed consent, the participants were subjected for the interview in which the
researchers seeks to find out their experiences as individuals who engage in social media.
The interviewers were conducted at the Career and Counseling Center-Counseling
Room to ensure the confidentiality of the said interview. Based on the responses obtained
from the participants’ interview, the researchers’ assigned preliminary themes for the
responses form which, the definitions were based on other previously established
research articles. After the identification of themes, the researchers validated the
alignment of themes and responses through inter-rater in which a Registered
Psychometrician, three other Registered Guidance Counselor and a Guidance Officer
rated the validity of the alignment of response to the assigned themes.
Data Analysis
In this study, qualitative phenomenological design was used to realize the findings
of the participant’s interviews. To interpret the data gathered, the researchers used
thematic analysis wherein responses from the conducted face-to-face interactions were
grouped according to themes. Themes are the patterns that are commonly observed
within the responses of one or more participants and used to make up a thematic index
(Vaismoradi, Turunen & Bondas, 2013). Thematic index establishes a non-repetitive
sequence list of meaning statements. This contain statements attributed to singular
meaning of experiences among the participants. The researchers then produced an
extended description using previously established research articles in which the themes
discovered were to explain the phenomenon being studied. Through this, data gathered
were analyzed in a qualitative indepth and variated accounts. Moreover, the researchers
analyzed carefully the raw data while avoiding one’s biases, preconceptions, opinions
and cultural insights to affect the data given.
In analyzing the data gathered, the researcher followed a set of procedures; first is
familiarizing with data, wherein responses were read and reviewed after the transcription,
in this stage it is imperative to note initial ideas followed by the generation of initial
themes in which the researchers gathered aspects of the data that had piqued their interest
in a systematic manner by assigning themes to each responses. After the themes were
identified, it was then reviewed and rechecked and validated through inter-rater to ensure
that the themes are in line with the participants’ responses. It should also be noted that in
using thematic analysis it is vital to understand that themes are not essentially reliant on
measurable data but reasonably on whether it has full grasp on important factors that are
related to the entirety of the research questions (Vausmoradi, Turunen, & Bondas, 2013).
Ethical Considerations
In accordance with the ethical code of the American Psychological Association
(APA) and in compliance to the Republic Act No. 10173 also known as the Data Privacy
Act of 2012 promulgated by the Philippine Constitution, the researchers are also
mandated to provide and explain the nature of the study which includes its purpose, the
estimated time length of the interview to be conducted and the research procedures. The
contract of agreement contains the researchers’ limitations in using the data of the
participants. Also, the participants are fully informed and aware of their right to know the
results of the study. The researchers and the respondents were bounded only by a
professional relationship, this means that multiple relationships of any form were
prohibited in the duration of the study. Lastly, the researchers, provided contract details if
ever there are any queries regarding the study and the rights of the research participants.
Chapter 3
This chapter presents the result and consequent analysis obtained from an in depth
face to face interview of the six (6) research participants. It presents the data gathered
from the lived experiences of adolescent’s social media engagement in Ozamiz City.
The presentation, analysis emergent themes from the participants’ answers to the
interview questions. The presentation, analyses, and interpretation of the data from a
semi-structured interview follow.
The results of the study presents two findings in the lived experiences of social
media users: Motivators of Social Media Usage and Negative Social Emotional Effect of
Social Media. Motivators of Social Media Usage is divided into three parts which are
Personal Gratification, Social Gratification and Tension Release Gratification. In the
personal Gratification, there were eight (8) themes that were found during the decoding
of the responses of the participants during the interview. There were four (4) themes in
the Social Gratification and six (6) themes in Tension Release Gratification. Negative
Social Emotional Effect of Social Media was divided into six (6) themes namely Social
Comparison, Low self-esteem, Sensationalization of Mental Health Issues, Emotional
Suppression, Emotional Contagion, Core Affect.
Personal Gratification
Personal Gratification are needs of an individual to meet his/her desire for
enjoyment, self-satisfaction, entertainment, trendiness and interactivity that are satisfied
by using social media that leads to the utilization of social media. This also refers to the
desire of an individual to look confident, credible and give the impression of having a
high self-esteem (Zolkepli, Kamarulzaman, & Kitchen, 2018).
Table 1. Experienced Personal Gratification on Using Social Media
Personal Gratification*
Information Seeking
Means of Entertainment
Frequent Surveillance Behavior
Fear of Missing Out
Passive Consumption
*multiple responses
The table above indicates the responses of the participants in their experienced
personal gratification on using social media. Information Seeking has five responses with
the percentage of 12.5%. Pass time has six responses with the percentage of 15%. Means
of Entertainment has five responses with the percentage of 12.5%. Frequent Surveillance
Behavior has 1 response with the percentage of 2.5%. Fear of Missing Out has two
responses with the percentage of 5%. Passive Consumption has 9 responses and with the
percentage of 22.5%. Self-expression has four responses with the percentage of 10% and
Self Identification has 8 responses with the percentage of 20%.
Theme 1: Information Seeking
Information Seeking refers to the behaviour of an individual who uses social
media to seek for useful information, news updates that can contribute to the social media
user personally thus facilitate the gratification in which the user will repeatedly use social
media to seek for information (LaRose & Eastin, 2013).
According to Participant C, social media use have granted him the latest
information that is available in the surrounding. Other people provided the information
by posting and sharing videos or photos that are currently on trend. Participant C said…
“Like kuan… kanang motabang ka sa tawo… videohan ka diba? Then pag bad
kay kanang mga incident ba… kanang mag away-away diba ipang post man
diba… mao to sya.” (Like… If someone offers help to another person isn’t it a
common practice to get it on tape? Then if we talk about the bad side… we can
see a lot of incident reports… or people arguing and those things are commonly
posted online…)
Participant S added that social media provided him with information that kept him
updated on the latest happenings in the world. News updates from social media are much
easier to access than any other medium.
“Akong experience..? uhmm… more on obtaining information sya… kay kuan
man gud nay mga times nga dili ta maka kita ug news so dili ra kayo ta ma behind
sa happenings since naa man sya permi ma kit-an sa social media.” (In my own
experience…? Well it’s more on obtaining information.. there are times when we
can’t tune in on the news so with social it really helps us to not be left out with the
recent happenings since everything is posted there)
He added that social media is very accessible on receiving and proving information.
“Kuan.. ahhh.. more on sa information rajud sya.. place man gud sya where
makahatag ka ug maka kuha ug information sa dali na pama-agi”. (Uhmmm…
it’s more on information seeking.. it’s a place where someone can easily transmit
and receive information)
“Like.. for example.. mga balita.. ana… mga happenings na wala ta kabalo.”
(Like… for example news or happenings that we don’t know about)
This was further justified by the statement of Participant G. He stated that social
media helped him to be updated by the news by following different facebook pages.
“Kuan…mga news dayun…nag like man gud pud ko ayy…nag follow pud ko ug
page sa kuan..mga news ba.” (Uhmmm.. news.. I liked… ahh no… I also follow
pages that posts news updates)
Theme 2: Pastime
It is defined as using social media to occupy time and relieve boredom (Whiting
& Williams, 2013).
Social Media have been a well-known activity incentives in which users usually
use it because of its availability when boredom strikes. The gratification of the behaviour
of checking the social media every time the users are not doing anything kept the
behaviour from repeating over and over again. Participant L said that she always uses
social media when she is not doing anything and when she’s bored.
“Aron lang nay lingaw… kanang usahay na laay kayo or walay gibuhat.“ (Just
so I have something that entertains me… sometimes when I get bored or I don’t
have anything to do).
Participant D describe using social media as somewhat a form of killing the time.
“Murag share lang gud para patay sa time.” (Like sharing online.. I do it to kill
time) “Pampalipas oras lang gyud sya.” (It’s more on a pastime).
He added that every time he is in his vacant hours, he uses social media.
“Pero kasagara students para nako kung naa lang gyud ko bakanting oras mag
social media. Pass time.” (But for me… most of the students if ever they have
vacant hours they do social media. Pastime).
Participant G concluded the same as Participant L and D. He even added that
social media for him is something that he use for pass time.
“Wala na…kana ra…pass time ra jud na bitaw. Kung wala koy lingaw mag open
ko.” (Other than that… nothing.. it’s just a pastime. If I don’t have anything to do
I open social media).
“Dili kaayo…Para sa akoa ang social media man gud kay…samot na ang
facebook kay pang pass time.” (Not really… for me social media especially
Facebook is more on a pastime).
Theme 3: Means of Entertainment
It is defined as using social media to provide entertainment and enjoyment
(Whiting & Williams, 2013).
Pass time and Means of Entertainment are interchangeable in some research.
Means of entertainment however does not directly imply using social media with the
intention of killing the time but it is to gain enjoyment on different features offered by
social networking sites. Social Media provides users with many interactive platforms that
provides the psychological gratification to the users. The users then develop this kind of
attachment towards social media (Zolkepli, Kamarulzaman, & Kitchen, 2018).
Participant S clearly described social media as one of the source of his enjoyment.
“Malingaw ko.” (I get entertained)
Participant L added that social media is his stress reliever and a means of
entertainment and that by scrolling through different posts from other people, it can
already cause entertainment.
“Ambot.. ay depende… ay ambot lang kay usahay stress reliever labaw nag wala
kay lingaw tas mag scroll lang ka ma entertain na dayon ka, tas usahay pod
magamit sya aron iexpress ang imo na feel.” (I don’t know.. it depends…
sometimes it’s a stress reliever especially if I don’t have anything to do and I just
scroll through my feed I get entertained… sometimes it’s used to express how you
Participant M stated that he finds entertainment on posts that are funny even if it
may look stupid to some other people.
“Malingaw ko…bahala ug maingun syag stupid pero kataw.anan ba.” (I get
entertained… I don’t care if the posts seem stupid but at least it’s funny)
Participant G clearly stated that his motivation in using social media is because of
the sense of fun and entertainment it can give to him during all his experiences.
“…wala ra man…pang kuan ra jud sya…pang lingaw lingaw ra jud sya…”
(Nothing else… it’s really just for entertainment) “Makalingaw lang jud sya jud.”
(It’s entertaining).
Theme 4: Frequent Surveillance Behavior
Surveillance Behavior is in which a social media user can passively scan and
browse other user’s photos, videos and posts without actively engaging by directly
commenting or posting. Using social media as a surveillance tool is one of the motivation
that drives people to use social media (Chen, Feng, & Zhang, 2018).
Social networking sites had open doors to easy Surveillance Behavior in which a
social media user can passively scan and browse other user’s photos, videos and posts
without actively engaging by directly commenting or posting. Participant admits that
before accepting other people’s friend request, he ―stalks‖ the person’s social media
account and if he finds the person aesthetic only then he would accept the friend requests.
“Istalk sa nako daan. Kung gwapa iaccept.” (I would stalk the person first… if
she’s pretty then I would accept her friend request)
Theme 5: Fear of Missing Out
Fear of missing out is a phenomenon in which the fear of exclusion or the fear of
being left out from the social community in social media is what pushes the user to spend
longer times in social media than usual. It is a worry that an individual might be out of
touch at some point can induce anxiety – a sense of being overwhelmed and fear of
missing out (Perrone, 2017).
Technology has been integrated in every aspect of life and in parallel with this,
computer games, mobile/smart phones and social media use have rapidly become
widespread among adolescents in recent years (Coskun & Muslu, 2019) Unlike other
themes in personal gratification, fear of missing out is a theme that is not positive in
nature instead it is the feeling of fear that drives the social media user to continually use
social media. Fear of missing out is a phenomenon in which the fear of exclusion or the
fear of being left out from the social community in social media is what pushes the user
to spend longer times in social media than usual. Participant D which is an avid fan of
Korean dramas feels a great need to watch an episode right after it is released and not a
moment later.
“Kanang naa koy lantawon na kdrama karun, ganahan gyud ko makakita, inig
pag release lang daan, ganahan ko mulantaw dayon.” (Uhmm if I’m watching a
K-drama that s still ongoing.. I really want to watch it at the time of its release, I
want to watch it immediately)
“Kung series na sya dayon di ko makakita. Di ko katagad dayon sige ko ug subay
kung kanus a e update kay para lang makakita gyud ko inig mag release.” (If it’s
a series and I fail to watch it, it geeks me out.. I can’t wait for new updates… I
often check streaming sites just so I could watch it at the time of its release)
Theme 6: Passive Consumption
Passive Consumption is consuming information in social networking sites
inactively this scenario may be evident when a social media user is just scrolling through
news feeds, viewing different features in social media yet do not comment nor react to
anything. This behaviour is passive, denoting a level of participation without actively
contributing to or creating content (Dolan, Conduit, Fahy, & Goodman, 2016).
Passive Consumption consuming information in social networking sites inactively
this scenario may be evident when a social media user is just scrolling through news
feeds, viewing different features in social media yet do not comment nor react to
anything. Participant C states
“Dili man ako ang type sa tawo na mahilig mag react sa mga posts na akong
makita… scroll rajud ko… dili kay ko mo react pasagdan ra nako.. kanang.. aww
igon ani diay ni?... di nako makig labot-labot pa anang mga unsa pa diha.” (I’m
not really the type that would react on posts that I see… I’m more on scrolling.. I
don’t really give out reactions… I just let it be.. Sometimes I wouls just say to
myself ahh there are also things like this)
“Dili pod ko ingon ana oyy… grabe naman pod…Dili jud oyy… dili man ko ingon
ana. Okay lang man sa ako if ulahi ko wala man pod ko gadali.‖ (Not really like
that… that’s too much.. Yeah, absolutely not… I’m not like that.. It’s okay for me
if I get left behind on the uptake… I’m not on a hurry)
Participant S said that he does not pay much attention about what other people
post. This means that he does not react nor respond on other people’s post because he
usually uses social media to view videos.
“Usahay dili na kayo ko maka mind sa post sa ubang tawo, kay usually if mag
engage ko sa social media more on mag lantaw rako ug mga videos.‖(Sometimes
I can’t really pay attention on what others post because usually if I engage with
social media I would spend most of my time watching videos)
“O usahay… pero dili man sya big deal.. if naa ba koy makuha na reaction…
basta ma share lang or ma post nako… mao nana…” (Yes, sometimes… but it’s
not a big deal whether I get a reaction… I just share or post what I want and that’s
“Wala… okay ra nako.. bahala sila” (Nothing… I’m fine with it… I don’t care)
Participant G and L added that they do not feel any specific feelings when seeing
usual post in their newsfeeds.
“Wala na…kana ra…pass time ra jud na bitaw. Kung wala koy lingaw mag open
ko.” (Nothing else.. that’s it… it’s just a pastime if I get bored I open social
“Dili kaayo…Para sa akoa ang social media man gud kay…samot na ang
facebook kay pang pass time.” (Not really.. for me social media especially
Facebook is just a pastime)
“Ma-feel jud? Kanang wala lang pampalipas oras raman jud gud nang Facebook
samot nag wala kay gibuhat maglantaw-lantaw nalang kag videos.” (Feel?
Uhmmm.. nothing Facebook is just a pastime especially if you don’t have
anything to do.. you just watch videos online)
“Aron lang nay lingaw… kanang usahay na laay kayo or walay gibuhat.” (Just so
you have something to entertain yourself when you get bored or have nothing else
to do)
Theme 7: Self-Expression
It is the assertion of one’s individual’s traits and individuals have dual
motivations to have their traits to be seen both positively and accurately. Self-expression
on the internet may provide an opportunity for individuals to share aspects of themselves
with less fear of rejections or disapproval than face-to-face interaction with their close
social network (Orehek & Human, 2017).
Social Media is usually used as a channel for expressing feelings the actual or
ideal self of the social media use. One of the reasons why social media is on its peak right
now because people can freely express how they feel to other people in the virtual world.
They can express who they really are and who they want to be. Participant L stated that
social media can be used to express one’s feelings and sentiments.
“Ambot.. ay depende… ay ambot lang kay usahay stress reliever labaw nag wala
kay lingaw tas mag scroll lang ka ma entertain na dayon ka, tas usahay pod
magamit sya aron iexpress ang imo na feel.” (I don’t know.. it depends…
sometimes it’s a stress reliever especially if I don’t have anything to do and I just
scroll through my feed I get entertained… sometimes it’s used to express how you
However, there are instances when social media is used when a person want to
express negative feelings towards someone or something. Participant D admitted that he
once had a friend who always expresses her outburst in the online world.
“Sige siyag rant.” (That person often rants) “Tas self-expression pud.. murag usa
sab na.” (Self-expression is also one)
Partcipant G on the other hand admitted that he considers social media as a form
of diary wherein you can express how you feel and keep track of the time as to when are
you feeling this way.
“Kanang…mura man syag…kanang diary bitaw” (It’s like a diary)
Theme 8: Self-Identification
Self-identification or the tendency of an individual to share and understand the
problems or experiences of others or identifies with a person or a topic. It is in which a
person identifies his feelings and himself as one with the group. People who use social
media can feel a sense of belongingness in this matter
An observed behaviour was identified in the interview and this is the selfidentification in which a person identifies his feelings and himself as one with the group.
People who use social media can feel a sense of belongingness in this matter. Participant
L in an instance said
“Giignore ra nako… ay nay uban nga ako ishare or magreact specially if maka
relate ko. Pareha anang memes, usahay man gud kay makatabang sya labaw na
ug stressed na kay ka.” (I just ignore it… oh there are some that I share or I give
reactions especially if it’s relatable. Just like memes… sometimes they are of help
when you’re stressed)
“Depende sa akong ipost, usahay kay masatisfy ko kay naa koy gipadunggandunggan dayon ang uban is wala lang naka relate lang ko.” (It depends on what I
post.. Sometimes I get satisfied if I post something that is directed toward a
specific person and for others it’s just relatable)
“Depende, for example, kanang mag post or share kag memes possible nga
nakapalipay ko or nay naka relate.” (It depends for example, if you post or share
memes it is possible that you make other people happy or some people find it
“Depende sya sa akong mga mood gyud. Pananglitan naa lang koy makit an na
nindot sya nga mga post or kanang maka makaa… murag makasabot ko ba. Maka
relate ko e share man sad nako.” (It depends on my mood if I just see a post that
catches my eye or something that I can relate to I often share it) “Ay mga
kuan…mga…mga walay hinungdan... Kanang mga shared posts ba…mga
memes.” (Ahhh… shared posts.. memes)
“O kay, mao naman nay trend karon… bisag mga tigulang na gani oh… nag kuan
na gani ana…. Diba?” (Yes, because it’s the trend even elderly people have
accounts right?)
“Nakabantay man gud ko nga sukad ming sikat ang kanang mag post post ug
mga mag laslas dayon naa pod nga mag suicide gyud live kay murag pang
awatun sad sa uban, daghan na hinuon mubuhat bitaw bisag feeling nako dili
man gyud sila depress kay mag depress depress dayon” (I noticed that posts
regarding self-harm became a trend online and even committing suicide live and it
seems that other people are copying it. It makes the idea romanticized making a
lot of people do it too.. I feel like some people are not really depressed they just
pretend to be)
“Ambot lang kaha nila pero basin tungod para mu sikat or suon sa trend or basin
makatakod siya in some way kay maka hatag sad ug idea sa uban ba or maka
hatag sad sya ug negative na emotion sa uban na makakita.” (I don’t know but
maybe to gain fame? Or they simply follow the trend or maybe in some way it’s
contagious because it gives the idea and negative emotions to the people who see
Social Gratification
Social Gratification refers to the individual’s need to connect and interact with other
people. This gratification is satisfied by social media usage when the connection made by
the individual meets the desire to be recognized as one of the group and develop a sense
of belongingness with the group. Social Gratification can also motivate social influence
and interaction with the people in the group (Zolkepli, Kamarulzaman, & Kitchen, 2018).
Table 2. Experienced Social Gratification on Social Media
Social Gratification*
Means of Communication
Informational Social Influence
Online Friendship
*multiple responses
The table above represents the participants’ experienced social gratification on social
media. Means of Communication has nine responses with the percentage of 55.9%.
Informational Social Influence has two responses with the percentage of 11.8%. Syntopia
has five responses with the percentage of 29.4%. Online Friendship has 1 response with
the percentage of 5.9%.
Theme 1: Means of Communication
Social media facilitates communication and providing information to share with
others (Taskiran, 2019).
Social Networking sites had paved way to the new world wherein communication
is much easier, affordable and accessible. In the world today, one few click and scrolls a
person can message another person in just an instant. A person can call another person
even those at the other side of the planet earth. Participant C for an instance say that he
perceive social media as a means of communication and easy updates in the modern
“Like…? Sa Facebook? Kanang makatabang man pod kay makabalo ka sa mga
updates ug unsa nay nahitabo sa kalibotan tas maka communicate ka sa bisan
kinsa nga tawo.” (Like in Facebook? It is somewhat helpful because it lets you
know updates on what is happening around the world and it also enables you to
communicate with different people)
“Kanang maka communicate ka…tas maka hibalo ka sa mga panghitabo.” (It
enables you to communicate.. and would let you know on the things that are
“Chat chat sa GC dayun chat chat.” (Online chatting)
“Sa social media kay…didto ka makaistorya sa mga tawo nga dili nimo maistorya
sa personal.‖(Social media gives you the avenue to talk to people that you can’t
talk with personally)
“kuan… kanang unsa man… kanang magamit sya sa communication ba… like if
naa kay gipangita dali ra kayo sya makit-an through social media kay daghan
ang motabang ug pangita, bali daghan kag tawo nga pwede mapangotan-an.”
(It’s used for communication like… if you are looking for something it’s easy to
find it because a lot of people would help you, you can ask a lot of people also)
“Kuan…kaning…dali raman gyud ang communication sa social media kontra sa
una. Mao rana sya.” (Social media makes communication easier)
“Depende sa situation naa may kuan nga kanang makatabang man sya sa
communication.” (It depends on the situation but there are instances that it helps
you with communication)
“Kanang mocontact sa….. sa mga love ones ingong ana.” (Like connecting with
people that you love)
“O, labaw na pareha nako nga nag puyo layo sa akong parents, gamit kayo ang
social media aron ma in-touch ko ug unsa ang nahitabo sa ilaha ug sila pud maka
balo kung naunsa ko danhi.” (Yes, especially to those people who are like me that
lives far from home, social media is really useful it enables me to keep in touch
with them and vice versa)
Theme 2: Informational Social Influence
Informational Social Influence refers to accepting information or advice from a
person who may not have been known as a friend or colleague (Snijders & Helms, 2014).
“Daotan.. kay murag na change akoang self… tungod lang ana… Imean ang
attitude kay imbes… dili man unta ka ganahan mobohat ug ingun ana.. pero
kadugayan maka dare naka ug buhat.. kay naa man guy mga bati na joke tas uso..
pero makasakit na diay to sya sa uban pero ginagamit nimo kay feel nako na okay
ra… since tanan man pod naggamit ani.” (It’s bad because I felt like I slowly
changed myself…I mean my attitude towards things was not like that before… I
usually don’t like to do things that are uncomfortable but right now I can dare to
do those… there are jokes that can offend other people yet still used by a lot
because it’s trending without knowing that they are hurtful yet, I use them
because I thought yeah.. it’s okay since a lot of people are using it)
“Sauna dili.. pero.. pag once nga nay kabalo ana sa barkada bitaw kay… ma
influence jud ka.‖ (Before I wasn’t like that.. but once my peers introduced me to
it I get influenced)
Theme 3: Syntopia
The term syntopia draws together the words ―syn‖ and ―utopia.‖ Derived from
ancient Greek, the word means literally ―together place,‖ which is a way to see the
Internet and associated mobile communication—and their interaction with unmediated
interpersonal and community relations (Katz & Rice, 2014).
Syntopia refers to physical or social situations and history of a person who was
influenced by what they and learned online which they have adapted and brought out to
the real world.
“Naka awat ko ug mga maayo… maayo raman pod akong awaton.” (I got
influenced with good things.. only good things)
“Naa.. kanang for example.. naa kay makita na binoang madala nimo sya sa kung
unsa ka makig storya sa imong mga amigo… maawat bitaw nimo.” (Yep, for
example if you see something silly yet it’s quiet offending without knowing you
apply it to your friends.. you get influenced)
“O maka-apekto sya, kay sauna dili jud kayo ko kabalo mo trash talk pero tungod
sa social media nakat-on ko tas if makig tabi ko sa akong mga barkada usahay
maka trash talk nako.” (Yes it does affect me, before I do not know how to use
profanity and trash talk people but because of social media I learned those things
and apply them to my friends)
“Pananglitan kanang kpop mag hinangul mag kinorean sa mga classmate. Samot
na pag imung ka sturya kay addict sad ug kpop. Ana lang gud.” (For example,
since I really like k-pop I sometimes talk to my friends in hanggul.. Korean
especially if I’m conversing with a friend that shares the same interest as mine)
“Daotan.. kay murag na change akoang self… tungod lang ana… Imean ang
attitude kay imbes… dili man unta ka ganahan mobohat ug ingun ana.. pero
kadugayan maka dare naka ug buhat.. kay naa man guy mga bati na joke tas uso..
pero makasakit na diay to sya uban pero ginagamit nimo kay feel nako na okay ra
since tanan man pod naggamit ani.” (It’s bad because I felt like I slowly changed
myself…I mean my attitude towards things was not like that before… I usually
don’t like to do things that are uncomfortable but right now I can dare to do
those… there are jokes that can offend other people yet still used by a lot because
it’s trending without knowing that they are hurtful yet, I use them because I
thought yeah.. its okay since a lot of people are using it).
Theme 4: Online Friendship
This type of friendship initiates and develops through computer-mediated
communication in online social settings such as chat rooms, newsgroups, and websites
(Chan & Cheng, 2014).
As the virtual world became more and more appealing to other people. Online
friendship is also in the trend. More and more people are visiting online and request
different kinds of people to be friends online. This is a factor that can bring people in all
over the world together in just a click.
“…kintahay sa skwelahan friends nimo sila sa fb pero sa personal kay di mo mag
pinansinay…mao ra.” (For example, your friends on Facebook yet when you see
each other at school your strangers)
Tension Release Gratification
This type of need is satisfied by social media user when the grandiosity,
belongingness and idealization is met by the consumption of social media.
Table 3: Tension Release Gratification on Social Media Engagement
Tension Release Gratification
Social Support
SNS Habit
Objective Social Isolation
Technological Distraction
Audience Segregation
*multiple responses
The table above has indicated the participants’ experienced tension release
gratification on social media. Social Support has four responses with the percentage of
13.3%. SNS Habit has seven responses with the percentage of 23.3%. Objective Social
Isolation has six responses with the percentage of 20%. Technological Distraction has
five responses with the percentage of 16.7%. Audience Segregation has three responses
with the percentage of 10%. Pagpapahiwatig has 5 responses with the percentage of
Theme 1: Social Support
Information provider is anyone who shares their experiences, knowledge and
resources with anyone who shares their personal experiences, knowledge and resources
with anonymous others and provides social and emotional support (Oh & Syn, 2015).
Social Support can easily be obtained in social media since posting pictures and
videos make it easier for the information to spread online. Thus donations, offerings and
any kind of support can easily be given and received in social media. Participant C said
that he shares post that can give certain support to anyone in need which may be tangible
or intangible help.
“O, I share nako like… kanang nay Good Samaritan ishare jud nako pero di nako
mo react…” (I share it like if there’s a Good Samaritan but I don’t give reactions)
“Kay aron makabalo pud ang ubang tawo ba na naa pud diay ingon ani… ingun
ana… ana..” (So that people would know about things like this)
“Naay matabang ang facebook kanang…nay mga post na basta mangayo ug
tabang dayun kinahanglan ipaviral ang picture or video.” (Facebook id
beneficial like if someone posts that they needed help especially on financial
matters Facebook users would make that photo/post viral)
“…basin nakatabang rako…parehas adtong sa mga Barog Ozamiz na mga
posts…basta tarong ra pud ang mga posts ishare nako…‖ (Maybe it became a
way for me to offer help.. just like in Barog Ozamiz if the posts are decent enough
then I share it).
Theme 2: SNS Habit
In the context of SNS use, reflexive systems match the manifestation of habits,
defined as the extent o which people tend to automatically perform learned (SNS use)
behaviors (Osatuyi & Turel, 2018).
Social Media is very well-known in the world today that almost all population in
the world are using it. Some people use it every day and become a routine to their
everyday lives. Interviewees said that their body almost feels like acting on its own.
“O… kay kanag inig mata nako mag Facebook dayon.” (Yes, because Facebook
is the first thing that I check after waking up)
“Kuan…mura lag na habit lang jud nako sya. Wala man koy mafeel..basta kay
murag habit lang nimo na inig mata nimo/vacant mag open ug cellphone.” (It’s
more like a habit, I don’t specifically feel anything, it’s the first thing I do after
waking up or when I have spare time)
“O automatic na.” (It’s automatic)
“Wala jud koy makita na rason basta kay nahabit lang jud nako Wala…part na
jud kay dili jud malikayan. Parehas karon while nag istorya ta gusto…gusto jud
ko mag mobile data jud. Basta naa nako akong cellphone mag open jud ko
bahala ug wala koy load.” (I don’t see any particular reason, it’s just my habit I
can’t avoid using it.. just like right now I am itching to turn on my mobile data.
Whenever I am holding my phone I would automatically open social media)
“Dayon kanang pag wa koy lingaw, wa koy lain makubi, mag social media na
dayon.” (Whenever I get bored or I don’t have anything to do I use social media)
“Kung ako ra pod isa, wala koy laing lakaw, social media ra pod. As long as naa
lang koy data or wifi social media ra gyud akong kalingawan.” (When I’m alone
and I don’t have any appointments I use social media. As long as I have mobile
data or a wifi connection that’s my source of entertainment)
"Pag ako ra isa, ug kanang naa ra ko sa boarding house, wa man koy laing
lingaw, kung dili matulog or unsa ba, social media ra akong companion.” (When
I’m alone at my boarding house, I don’t have anything else to do if I’m not asleep
social media is my only companion)
Theme 3: Objective Social Isolation
Objective Social Isolation refers to physical isolation or lack of social interaction
(Whaite, Shensa, Sidani, Colditz, & Primack, 2017). Objective Social Isolation may be
also evident to the social media users wherein the users are physically isolating
themselves causing a lack of social interaction, accompanied by poor health condition
due to the social isolation. This is also evident in the interview. Participant G and D have
reported such symptoms in their social media experiences.
“Dayun…okay ra pud nako ug dili ko kalaag basta nay unli wifi okay na nako”
(It’s okay for me to not go out of our house as long as there is wifi )
“O…gikan atong nakagamit ko ug social media okay ra ko na di ko kagawas or
kalaag.” (Yes, sine I used social media I’m fine with not going out)
“Walay kan anay nga tubig ra gyud di ko ganahan mu undang Kuan kapoy,
labad akong ulo, sakit akong mata dayon kuan kanang after atuh kay gadaot ko.
Gihilantan ko, ubo ug sip on. Wa koy tarung kaon. Ming andar akong ulcer.
Kanang ing ana kasagara gyud ko basta mag bilar in ana.” (I don’t eat, I would
only drink water I don’t want to stop. I felt tired, experienced headaches, eyestrain
and after that I got sick. I had flu, I didn’t eat properly. I had problems with my
GI tract. Things like that happen to me when I pull all-nighters).
“Wala mao tuy latest pa nako nga gikabilaran.” (None, that’s the latest one so
“dugay ko matulog dayun sayo ko momata kay mag youtube man ko ug kadlawon
kay kusog man ang signal.” (I sleep late yet, I wake up early so that
I can
use Youtube since it’s dawn the internet connection is strong because no one is
using it)
Theme 4: Technological Distraction
Technological distraction can reduce the amount of information that a student
acquires from studying and makes an individual to require more time in order to complete
a task
Due to the availability, accessibility of social media and the habituation that is
brought by these factors make it hard to ignore resulting to overly focusing to the social
media accounts rather than doing other things that the social media users should focus on.
Participant M, G and D have experienced this during their social media experiences.
“Kuan…kanang mahimo man gud sya ug distraction…like imbes naa kay buhaton
na requirements dayun nagkalingaw ka ug facebook…murag madivert imong
attention ba maong dugay mahuman imong trabaho.” (It can turn into a
distraction like instead of doing things that you are supposed to do you get
diverted into using Facebook and would prolong the task).
“Kanang kuan…kanang suguon ko dayun dugay kayo ko matoo bitaw…kay
nalingaw ko…samot na ug nag youtube ko… bitaw…dayun tiwason pa man
nako.” (For example… if I’m ask to do an errand it takes a while for me to
complete or even respond to the request because I get too invested especially in
youtube I need to finish whatever it is I am watching).
“Kuan, distracting sya para nako” (It’s distracting)
“Ma excite kaayo ko, kanang maka wag focus usahay kay mag sige kog check if
naa na ba.” (I get too excited, I lose focus since I get preoccupied into checking
for new updates).
“Sayangan ko sa oras… kay dili naman gud nako mabuhat ang mga dapat unta
nakong buhaton… ma hook man gud ka ta sang resulta mag Facebook nalang ka
permi wala na hinuon kay nabuhat… ingon ana na feeling ba.” (It’s a waste of
time because I can’t do things that I’m supposed to do. I get hooked on Facebook
making me accomplish nothing that kind of feeling).
Theme 5: Audience Segregation
Audience Segregation is the partitioning of different audience and the
compartmentalization of social spheres. Since audience segregation is an important
mechanism everyday interaction between people in the real world. Social Networking
Sites need to include this mechanism as well (Leenes, 2015).
There are many problems in terms of privacy in social media because information
are very accessible and with less restriction and as the social media grows, many users in
all ages have come to use it. However there are some contents that need to be segregated
depending on the viewers.
“… kanang mga relationship goals…. Mga ingon ana ba.” (Posts such as
relationship goals).
“Maka-bother man sya gud; for example kanang unsa ba… kanang naay mag
share na mag hikog sila ingun ana, dayon maka-ana ka nga mura bitawg dili jud
tinood nga maghikog jud tas kabalo biya ta nga ang social media is public jud na
sya meaning bisan kinsa na tawo ang makakita dayon wala lang samokan lang
ko.” (It bothers me… for example…wait… like if someone shares on Facebook
that they would commit suicide…. Like I think to myself that they would not do
it… it’s not really true that they would do such act… and we all know how social
media is a public place meaning everyone can see what you post… Knowing that
it annoys me)
“Naa man gud mga mag post about depression dayon mga mag self-harm unya
wa ko kasabot ngano e post nila nga kadugo dugo ang kanang kamot ay kanang
wrist ba dayon naa pa gyud koy nakita nga nay mag laslas nga mag video dayon
e post. Unya lain sad bitaw makita sa uban kay mura pod sila ug maka hunahuna
ug buhat sad samot na nga nay mga bata nga mugamit nasad ug social media
dayon nay mga ingun ana diay nga post mura sya ug makahatag sa idea nga
murag normal ra bitaw ang mga ingun ana” (There are people who posts things
about self-harm.. I can’t really understand why they post it like bloody wrist cuts
or actual live videos of them hurting themselves. It’s disturbing because if other
people would see it it might make them think to do the same especially kids who
use social media it might give them an idea that it is a common thing to do).
Theme 6: Pagpapahiwatig
Pahiwatig means sending of feelers. Filipinos are adept of transmitting indirect
messages through language and action. On the other hand, they expect someone with
value of kapwa to have the decoding skill of pakikiramdam. Filipinos tend to criticize
people indirectly or expressing their emotion in an indirect manner. (Aguila, 2014)
Participant D reports an experience of pahiwatig when someone she knows posted
an opinion that she thinks is referring to her. This was done in an indirect manner and
Participant has the decoding skill called pakikiramdam.
Participant D said “…kung akoa bang kuanon kung unsa pasabot niya sa iyang
mga post or unsa ba or akoa ba kahang tumpangan bitaw. Ako nalang pasagdan
gyud.” (Like I’m trying to figure out what that person means on his post and
decide what action to take. But, most of the time I just ignore it).
“Mura man sya ug di na appropriate gud kay makakita na hinuon ug away sa
tinood na kinabuhi. Mura sya ug makahatag ug way para dali ra nimo ma express
imung emotion pero tungod pod ana kay dali ra makakita ug away kay kung
maigo sad tuh imung gipaigngan sa imung mga post nya mubalos sad. Mag-away
na dayon.” (It’s not appropriate because trouble would look for you online. It
gives you an avenue to express your emotions but it sometimes would lead to
conflict especially if the receiving party of that shade thrown would reciprocate
the act.)
“Depende sa akong e post. Naay uban na patama sa ubang tawo. Mura kog
somewhat malipay kay kung makabasa tuh dayon naigo sya eh di bahala sya.” (It
depends on what I post. There are times that I would post something especially
directed towards a certain person. I somewhat get pleased if that person would
read my post if h/she gets offended I don’t care).
“Usahay kay naa kay paig-an.” (Sometimes I direct it to a specific person).
“Depende sa akong ipost, usahay kay masatisfy ko kay naa koy gipadunggandunggan dayon ang uban is wala lang naka relate lang ko.” (It depends on what I
post I get satisfied if I post something directed towards a certain person or if I see
posts I could relate to).
Negative Social Emotional Effects
These are some negative effects in social and emotional factors that was caused
by the social media.
Table 4: Negative Social-Emotional Effects on Social Media Engagement
Negative Social-Emotional Effect*
Social Comparison
Low Self-esteem
Sensationalization of Mental Health Issues
Emotional Suppression
Emotional Contagion
Core Affect
*multiple responses
The table above indicates the experience negative social-emotional effect of the
participants in their experience in using social media. Social comparison has three
responses with the percentage of 25%. Low Self-Esteem has two responses with the
percentage of 16.7%. Sensationalization of Mental Health Issues has one response with
the percentage of 8.3%. Emotional Suppression has three response with the percentage of
2%. Emotional Contagion has two responses with the percentage of 16.7%. Core Affect
has one response with the percentage of 8.3%.
Theme 1: Social Comparison
This may occur when individual draw parallels to other individuals or groups that
they consider to be better off than themselves and may also occur when individuals
compare themselves to others they believe to be worse off (Chan Q. , 2014). As people
show their successes and all the great things that are happening in their lives, this can
cause social comparison in which one user compares his/her characteristics to another
“Prone man gud ang social media sa mga bashers nga gamay nga lihok kay e
judge dayon ka. For example dili ka gwapa, tambok, itom ilok hahahaha. In ana
gud daghan na dayon manaway. In a way kay murag mag set ang social media ug
standard sa kagwapa, or ka sosyal dapat ang tawo. Dayon mao maka apekto siya
sa physical kay mag adjust na dayon ka sa imung self-according sa unsa naka set
na standard, sa emotional pod syempre kay sa confidence.” (In social media
everyone is vulnerable to bashing.. every move is monitored. For example…
you’re not beautiful, fat with dark underarms hahaha. Things like that and people
would start to criticize you. In a way social media has set standards of beauty. It
then affects a persons’ physical appearance since she would adjust herself
according to that standard.. and of course emotionally on confidence)
“Dili ko mahilig… mag share hinuon ug kanang mga “sana all” (I’m not fond at
all… however I share contents that contain “sana all” feels)
Masuya ko… kanang about sa mga kuan… kuan gani… Sa mga relationship
goals… food.. maka ingon ko nga maynta naa poy mo ingun ani nako oyy.. pero
wala man oyy.” (I get jealous about posts that are pertaining to relationship
goals… food… I sometimes hope that I have those stuffs but sadly I don’t)
Theme 2: Low Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is defines as an evaluative aspect of the self-concept that corresponds
to an overall view of the self as worthy or unworthy. Those who have low self-esteem are
believed to be psychologically distressed and perhaps even depressed (Heatherton &
Wyland, 2014).
Social media users who usually develop social comparison in social media can
develop low self-esteem that may affect ones emotional and social life. This is evident
during the interview of participant C. She reported that she does not post photos of
herself online because she is afraid of being judged. This behavior basically came from
her low self-esteem. In the interview she already reported that there are instances when
she wants to have the materials and even relationship other people are posting in social
“Basta selfie di jud ko mag post.” (For selfies I don’t post them)
“Pero ug nawong dili ko mag post kay masawayan unya ta.” (If it’s my face I
don’t really post it… I might get bashed)
Theme 3: Emotional Suppression
Emotional Suppression is a defense mechanism in which a person intentionally
avoids thinking about disturbing problems, desires, feelings or experiences (Cohen,
2014). Emotional Suppresion by media user may be driven by an expectation that
expressing one’s emotion increases the likelihood of negative evaluation (Spokas,
Luterek, & Heimberg, 2018). Emotional Suppression has been associated with increased
sympathetic activation of the cardiovascular system, as well as negative social
consequences such as poorer social support, reduced relationship closeness and sharing
and reduced feelings of rapport (Spokas, Luterek, & Heimberg, 2018).
Participant D reported that she ignores and suppresses her feelings instead of
expressing it in social media to avoid social conflict.
“Baliwalaon lang nako siya but usahay makasakit na gyud sya pero di ko
ganahan mag luom kay mag huot man gud akong dughan. Dayon kanang sa
akong kapungot ug akong ka kuan ma question ka kung in ane gyud ka dako.
Usahay makahilak nalang ko sa kalagot or kapungot ba kaha.” (I just ignore
them… sometimes I get hurt by them but I don’t want to pay attention because it
would just cause me negative feelings. Then out of my anger I question myself if
the issue is big enough, my frustrations would sometimes drive me to tears).
Emotional Suppression may be amplified in individuals with high levels of social
anxiety and even those with high levels of social anxiety may be at risk for functional
impairment (Spokas, Luterek, & Heimberg, 2018).
Theme 4: Sensationalization of Mental Health Issues
With the rise in sophistication and acceptance of online social networks,
individuals contemplating suicide have increasingly expressed their suicidal ideation in
online forums, tweets and other online media. The result is a vast collaborative
description of the thoughts and motivations associated with suicide which somehow can
provide an individual with a false concept on some mental health issues (Grant, et al.,
Sensationalization of Mental Health Issues in social media is also evident on the
interviews of Participant L and S. They reported that they notice many people posting
about their mental health issues to the extent that it already affects other people’s
“Ahhhmm, kanang unsaon man ha… basin ako sila I visit ubanan sila or
kaistoryahon, pero if dili nako ka close dili lang pud ata nako buhaton oyy.. Ulaw
baya, Kanang mga post nga murag dili tinood ba; dayon mao pajud na nga terms
ila gigamit, kanang mga pa-char lang.” (Uhmmm… I will probably accompany
them or pay them a visit but if were not acquainted I won’t probably do it. It’s
embarrassing. Posts that are hard to believe plus, the terms that they use it’s like
“Maka-bother man sya gud; for example kanang unsa ba… kanang naay mag
share na mag hikog sila ingun ana, dayon maka-ana ka nga mura bitawg dili jud
tinood nga maghikog jud tas kabalo biya ta nga ang social media is public jud na
sya meaning bisan kinsa na tawo ang makakita dayon wala lang samokan lang
ko.” (It bothers me… for example…wait… like if someone shares on Facebook
that they would commit suicide…. Like I think to myself that they would not do
it… its not really true that they would do such act… and we all know how social
media is a public place meaning everyone can see what you post… Knowing that
it annoys me).
“For example kanang nay mag post na “depressed” kuno kayo sila pero stressed
ra diay to. Kanang ingon ana bitaw; diba ang depression kay dili mana sya joke.
Mao to sya, mao ra.” (For example, whenever someone would post that they are
allegedly ―depressed‖ when oftentimes their just ―stressed‖. Posts like that…
like.. Depression is not a joke… That’s why, that’s it)
“Naa man gud mga mag post about depression dayon mga mag self-harm unya
wa ko kasabot ngano e post nila nga kadugo dugo ang kanang kamot ay kanang
wrist ba dayon naa pa gyud koy nakita nga nay mag laslas nga mag video dayon
e post. Unya lain sad bitaw makita sa uban kay mura pod sila ug maka hunahuna
ug buhat sad samot na nga nay mga bata nga mugamit nasad ug social media
dayon nay mga ingun ana diay nga post mura sya ug makahatag sa idea nga
murag normal ra bitaw ang mga ingun ana.” (There are people who posts things
about self-harm.. I can’t really understand why they post it like bloody wrist cuts
or actual live videos of them hurting themselves. It’s disturbing because if other
people would see it it might make them think to do the same especially kids who
use social media it might give them an idea that it is a common thing to do).
Theme 5: Emotional Contagion
Emotional Contagion is a complicated psychological experience wherein the
emotion has been transferred to another individual through verbal or non-verbal cues.
Mimicry, copying of emotion-relevant bodily actions like facial expression. Social media
feature several interaction mechanisms to facilitate the communication and the emotional
contagion among users. The effect of different behaviors on emotional contagion is a
very important issue to be considered (Xiong, et al., 2017).
The sensationalization of metal health issues had greatly impacts emotions of
other people who uses social media. Participant S reported that she observed people’s
behaviour regarding mental health issues and he observed that when people post about
their mental health issues, many people experiences the same. Emotional Contagion
happens when a social media user experiences the same emotion other social media user
displays through their post and shared videos or photos
“di ko ganahan kaayo basta suicide kay feeling nako mura pod ug ma encourage
ang uban.” (I don’t really like it if it’s a suicide related content because I feel like
other people will be encouraged by it)
“Nakabantay man gud ko nga sukad ming sikat ang kanang mag post post ug
mga mag laslas dayon naa pod nga mag suicide gyud live kay murag pang
awatun sad sa uban, daghan na hinuon mubuhat bitaw bisag feeling nako dili
man gyud sila depress kay mag depress depress dayon” (I noticed since the acts
of self-harm became a trend on social media wrist cutting or even live streaming
the act of committing suicide people imitate it. A lot of users would try to do it
even if I feel like they are not really depressed they just pretend to be)
Theme 6: Core Affect
Core Affect influences reflexes, perception, cognition, and behaviour and are also
influenced by many causes either internal or external but people have no direct access to
these causal connections. It is also defined as the change of neurophysiological state
underlying daily prototypical emotions and can be expressed as subjective experiences on
the valence. (Zhang, Smolders, Lakens, & Usselsteijn, 2018). Participant M displayed
core affect when he uses social media.
“Kuan…usahay pasagdaan ra nako na nga mga posts…di gale kaayo mambasa.
Igo ra scroll scroll…usahay kung naa koy ganahan na mga kataw.anan na mga
posts magkatawa ko…usahay pud kung makakita lage ko atong fake news or
katong kiat2 kay magkasapot nako.” (I just ignore them…. I don’t even read it I
just scroll through my feed. If I find something amusing I laugh or if I see posts
that are fake or kids that are too young to party I get annoyed).
Chapter 4
This section presents the summary of the research, conclusions and
recommendations that were based on the reflection of the findings and conclusion of this
The qualitative phenomenological research endeavored to unveil the lived
experiences of adolescent social media engagement. This study included 6 adolescent
participants who were currently studying in a university situated at Ozamiz City.
Semi-structured interview were utilized by the researchers to determine the
experiences of the participants. After the interviews, the researchers prepared the
transcript of the review to preserve the responses of the interview. The transcripts were
the basis for formulating themes and eventual essence of the lived experiences of
adolescents’ social media engagement. Formulated themes underwent inter-rater to
validate the alignment of the themes and the participants’ responses.
Finally, the researcher used the Social Cognitive Theory and the Uses and
Gratification Theory to analyze the narratives and the experiences of the participants.
Conclusion and recommendations were based on the themes that emerged from this
From the responses expressed by the participants about their experiences in social
media engagement, there were four twenty (20) themes under four (4) categories that
emerged from the responses expressed by the participants namely:
1. There are the Personal Gratifications found in social media engagement such as
Information Seeking, Pastime, Means of Entertainment, Frequently Surveillance,
Behavior Fear of Missing Out, Passive Consumption, Self-Expression, and SelfIdentification
2. There are Social Gratifications that users receive from social media engagement
such as Means of Communication, Infomational Social Influence, Syntopia, and
Online Friendship.
3. There are the Tension Release Gratifications experienced on social media
engagement such as Social Support, SNS Habit, Objective Social Isolation,
Technological Distraction, Audience Segregation, and Pagpapahiwatig.
4. There are the Negative Social Emotional Effects that the users come across
through social media engagement such as Social Comparison, Low Self-Esteem,
Emotional Suppression, Sensationalization of Mental Health Issues, Emotional
Contagion, and Core Affect
Based on the given findings, it can be concluded that the participants’ or the youth
have varied lived experiences on social media engagement. Regardless of this,
similarities in experiences on social media engagement were also evident. Furthermore,
these individuals have already little insights as to how social media engagement have
impacted their daily living.
Results of this study, the lived experiences of adolescent social media engagement
recommends the following:
1. Educational Institutions may develop various programs and hold seminars that
would help raise awareness on the consequences the heightened social media
engagement may bring.
2. Guidance Personnels may develop intervention that can address different
problems in social media engagement.
3. Psychology Department may use the outcomes of this study to create new
activities that would divert their attention away from social media whenever
students’ experience boredom.
4. Students may use the result of this study as a guide towards strong regulation of
social media engagement and help manage the emotions and behaviors that come
along with it.
5. Parents may use the outcomes of this study to guide their children in
responsible social media engagement.
6. Adolescent may use this study to develop and broaden their self-awareness on
the contents they might encounter and grasp from engaging into social media.
7. Future Researchers may use this as source of primary knowledge. Future
researchers may also venture towards the field of Filipino psychology and
establish a connection between inherent Filipino traits and the way Filipinos
engage in social media.
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Appendix A
Request Letter for Pannel Approval of Guide Questions
Appendix B
Informed Consent
Appendix C
Guide Questions
Demographic Question
1. How many social media accounts do you have?
2. What social media platform/s do you usually use?
3. How often do you use this platform/s?
4. Have you ever experienced spending time in social media that exceeds your daily
social media usage?
General Question
1. How would you describe your social media experience?
Cognitive Questions
1. How do you see social media today?
2. How do you perceive the posts that you encounter on social media?
Emotional Questions
1. How do you feel about the different reactions of people on your social media
2. How do you feel everytime you engage in social media?
Social Questions
1. How do people describe your social media account? (includes timeline, shared
photos and videos)
2. Base on your experiences as a social media user, how do you envision the roles of
social media in our community?
Behavioural Questions
1. How do you respond, to the different content of social media posts that you
2. What motivates you to use social media?
Appendix D
Request Letter for Approval of Themes
Appendix E
Interview Transcript
Participant: Participant C
Duration: 14 minutes and 31 seconds
Session Number: 01
Transcript Number: 01
Date of Interview: October 21, 2019
Interviewed by: Mary Christine Dablo, Angel Dian F. Rupinta and Elvic June T. Purol
Transcribed by: Mary Christine Dablo
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: Career and Counseling Center-Counseling Room
In: Palihog ug ingon sa imong
ngalan ug edad
Line C01
P: *****…** years old
In: Pila kabook social media
accounts ang naa ka?
Line C02
P: Daghan.. mga upat
In: Sa unsa mana sya nga
mga platforms? Sa unsa mana
sya nga mga site?
Line C03
P: Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, apil ang dating sites
ani? Shoppee?
In: Sa atong upat aha man
ang imo pinaka ginagamit?
Line C04
P: Facebook
In: Sa usa ka adlaw ma banabana kaha nimo ang
kadugayon nga naggamit kag
Line C05
P: Oras jud? Depende… sa
isa ka adlaw jud?.. Apil gabii
na taas-taas jud basta
perminte man dili nako ma
estimate ata… Pero murag
mga 8 hours.
In: So 8 hours na moy pinaka
dugay.. Naay instance nga
milapas ka ana imo usual nga
paggamit sa Facebook?
Line C06
P: Wala napud oyy, murag
mag sakit naman pod ata
Line C07
Line C08
Line C09
Line C10
Line C11
atong mata ana. Basta wala
ratoy klase tong 8 hours ha…
pero basta klase kuan rapod
gamay ra.. kana rang
bakante ka.
In: Ahh okay… So kay naka
follow raman ka sa imong
normal na number of hours
sa paggamit mangutana
nalang ko kung kanus.a ka
naggamit ug sugod ug
P: Kuan… grade 6 ko
In: Grade 6 so dugay-dugay
najud diay ka nga naggamit,
so naka kita jud ka or naka
experience ug maski unsa
nga mga butang diha sa
Facebook so pwede nimo
madescribe ang imohang
mga experience nga imong
na encounter sa Facebook?
P: Like…? Sa Facebook?
Kanang makatabang man
pod kay makabalo ka sa mga
updates ug unsa nay nahitabo
sa kalibotan tas maka
communicate ka sa bisan
kinsa nga tawo
In: So, mao na sya ang imo
pagdescribe sa social media?
P: O, useful jud sya
In: Diba experience man to
nimo ganiha, so karon as a
social media user unsa man
ang imong panan-aw sa
social media?
P: “Judger”…
In: Kay?
P: Kanang di ba sa social
media kay basta ma sayop ka
gamay ipost dayon… pero
naa pod syay good naa pod
syay bad?
Social Gratification:
Means of
Line C12
Line C13
Line C14
Line C15
Line C16
P: Like kuan… kanang
motabang ka sa tawo…
videohan ka diba? Then pag
bad kay kanang mga incident
ba… kanang mag away-away
diba ipang post man diba… mao
to sya.
In: So, nakanhisgot man kag
videohan if motabang sa laing
tawo… maka feel kag urge na
mo video pud if makakita kag
nay mobohat ug maayo, or mo
share sa lain if maka encounter
kag mga good Samaritan
P: O, I share nako like…
kanang nay Good Samaritan
ishare jud nako pero di nako mo
In: Unsa poy rason nganong
imoha sya na ishare?
P: Kay aron makabalo pud ang
ubang tawo ba na naa pud diay
ingon ani… ingun ana… ana.
In: So ang gusto lang nimo na
ma spread is awareness sa mga
ingon ani na butang?
P: Oo
In: Dili naka mag mind sa
reaction sa ubang tawo sa
imohang mga gipang share?
P: Mag mind man, pero dili
ako ang type sa tawo nga
magpataka lang ug share…
kana raman pung mga maayo.
Lisod pud ug mag share kog
scandal di ma areport ko.
In: Naa diay kay mga makita
na scandal nga naga circulate
sa social media? Unsa pud
imong reaction sa mga ingon
ana nga type sa
Information Seeking
Social Gratification:
Social Support
Social Gratification:
Social Support
Line C17
Line C18
Line C19
Line C20
P: Ahhhmm… yes oy.. naay
daghan naa sya sa mga
group chat kasagaraan naga
circulate… usahay man gud
ipang pasa-pasa siya tas
murag ngil aran ko kay you
know… private biya na like
sex life nila… so nganong
kinahanglan man jud ikalat
tas mura rabag tigulang
tanan naa sa Facebook naa
rabay mga bata
In: Okay…Di ba giapangutana
man ka about sa social media
as a whole kaganina, karon
unsa man ang imong point of
view sa mga posts na imo
nakita sa imong mga wall?
P: Dili man ako ang type sa
tawo na mahilig mag react sa
mga posts na akong makita…
scroll rajud ko… dili kay ko
mo react pasagdan ra nako..
kanang.. aww igon ani diay
ni?... di nako makig labotlabot pa anang mga unsa pa
In: So dili na kayo ka mag pay
attention sa mga posts na
imong makita.. meaning dili
ka maapektohan sa mga
posts sa imo wall?
P: Dili man ingon na totally dili
ko maapektohan, naa juy
ubang posts na maka apekto
sa ako.
In: Unsa mani nga mga type sa
P: Ayy kana lagging mga good
rapod.. kanang maka ingon
ka nga ayy… naa pud diay
mga ingon ani nga type
Passive Consumption
Line C21
Line C22
Line C23
Line C24
Line C25
sa tawo. Hasta sa bad nga
panghitabo maapektuhan sab
In: Di ba niingon man ka nga
kanang everytime mabakante
imong kamot mag social media
ka, or if wala kay buhaton mag
Facebook ka…. Maka ingon ka
na part na ni sya sa imong life
P: O, kay kanag inig mata
Tension Release
nako mag Facebook dayon…
In: Ahhh so murag routine
SNS Habit
najud diay ni sya nimo?... Unsa
pud imong ma feel everytime
mag open kag Facebook?
P: O, pero mag check raman
kog updates… Depende if naa
kay love life syempre malipay
jud ka… pero if wala kay ayy…
kuan lang… wala lang…
depende rajud sya…
In: Wala pud ka naka
encounter ug instance nga
maka ingon ka sa imong self na
kinahanglan ko mag open ug
Facebook kay mahadlok ko
maka miss out sa mga updates
sa laing tawo?
P: Dili pod ko ingon ana oyy…
grabe naman pod…Dili jud
oyy… dili man ko ingon ana.
Okay lang man sa ako if ulahi
Passive Consumption
ko wala man pod ko gadali.
In: Mag post pod ka?
P: Basta selfie di jud ko mag
In: Kanang mga personal na
Negative Social
mga post about sa imo
Emotional Effects:
Low Self-Esteem
P: Dili ko mahilig… mag share
hinuon ug kanang mga
Negative Social
Emotional Effects:
Low Self-Esteem
Line C26
Line C27
Line C28
Line C29
Line C30
Line C31
“sana all” . Pero ug nawong
dili ko mag post kay
masawayan unya ta
In: Ngano maka ingon man ka
nga sawayon ka if mag post
kag selfie?
P: Kana laging… kuan ba…
kabalo naka… ang mga tawo
dali ra kayo maka bantay sa
mga pimples… mga kuan ba
dili ko pareha anang uban nga
clear skin…
In: “sana all” nga unsa?
P: kanang mga relationship
goals…. Mga ingon an aba.
In: Unsa pod imong bation
basta mag share ka ug ingon
P: Masuya ko… kanang about
sa mga kuan… kuan gani…
In: Sa unsa man nga mga
types ka sa post maka feel ug
P: Sa mga relationship
goals… food.. maka ingon ko
nga maynta naa poy mo ingun
ani nako oyy.. pero wala man
In: Pero if material things…
pareha anang nay mag post
nga naa syay bag-ong
sakyanan.. dili ka masuya
P: Dili oyy… Di ta ka afford
In: Sa kadugay nimong
ginamit ug Facebook unsa
kaha ang imong panan-aw
nga mahimong role niya sa
P: Ang role… gawas sa
makatabang…. Maka
pa…. makatabang
Negative Social
Emotional Effects:
Social Comparison
Tension Release
Negative Social
Emotional Effects:
Social Comparison
Line C32
Line C33
Line C34
In: In what way man sya
P: Kanang maka communicate
ka… tas maka hibalo ka sa
mga panghitabo..
In: So sa imong panan-aw ang
social media advantage jud
kayo sya para sa mga tawo?
P: O kay, mao naman nay
trend karon… bisag mga
tigulang na gani oh… nag
kuan na gani ana…. Diba?
Naa gani Facebook ako lolo…
pero wala nako gi accept
In: Nganong wala man nimo
gi-accept? Imong lolo ra ang
imo wala gi-accept or maski
kinsa na member sa family nga
mag-add sa imo?
P: Uhhmmm…. Maski kinsa…
Kuan man gud like….. lain
kayo.. awkward kayo if
makabalo sila or maka kira
sila sa akong mga post kana
bitawng basin ba masuko
sila… total dili man pud sila
maka relate. Privacy ba.. mura
man gud ug ma invade na nila
ang ako social media ug apil
like mao nalang gani nay murg
lugar bitaw nga ma control
nako ang mga hitabo…
In: Naa kay nakita nga epekto
ang imong paggamit ug social
media sa imong pakig halubilo sa ubang tawo?
P: O maka apekto sya
In: Sa unsa pud nga mga
Social Gratification:
Means of
Personal Gratification:
Line C35
Line C36
Line C37
P: Naka awat ko ug mga
maayo… maayo raman pod
akong awaton.
In: So naka lead sya imoha
nga moawat sa mga butang
nga imo ma encounter sa
P: O, something ana…
Social Gratification:
Interview Transcript
Participant: Participant D
Duration: 18 minutes and 32 seconds
Session Number: 02
Transcript Number: 02
Date of Interview: October 17, 2019
Interviewed by: Mary Christine Dablo, Angel Dian F. Rupinta and Elvic June T. Purol
Transcribed by: Angel Dian F. Rupinta
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: Career and Counseling Center-Counseling Room
Line D01
Line D02
Line D03
Line D04
Line D05
Line D06
In: Palihog ko ug ingun sa
imung name ug sa imung age.
P: I am…P****…** years of
In: So, pila kabuok social media
account ang naa ka?
P: Sa tanan-tanan gyud?
In: Yes sa tanan.
P: Lima (5).
In: Lima? Sa unsa na sya nga
mga platform?
P: Twitter, Instagram, facebook,
duha sa akong faceboook, dayon
Spotify, naa pod koy snapchat.
Lage mao ra. Mao ray active.
In: Mao ra syay active? So aha
nila ang pinaka maka spend kag
P: Youtube? Oo youtube. Pero
dili kayo
In: Youtube?
P: Oo Youtube.
In: Youtube. Dayon kanang
kuan kanang naka mention kag
naa kay isa ka naa kay nay
platform nga duha
Line D07
Line D08
Line D09
Line D10
Line D11
Line D12
Line D13
kabuok imong account. So unsa
ang is aka account atu?
P: Kanang second account nako.
In: Fake account tuh sya nimo?
P: Tinood.
In: Tinood gihapon?
P: Pero second account lang.
In: So unsa ay pwede mangayo
sa reason ngano naka buhat kag
isa ka account?
P: Kuan ang isa ka account kay
para gyud sa tanan dayon ang
isa kay family ra kay kanang nay
laag dili ipa tag. Ang itag kay
katu rang isa, ang isa kay dili
ipakita kay kasab-an. Kanang
tago. Tago sya haha. Actually for
family use ra tuh.
In: Kanang usually, unsa
imuhang kana bitawng time na
gina spend sa katung pinaka …
youtube man tuh imu ginagamit
mostly nuh? Sa Youtube. Pila ka
P: Mag sugod kog… depende
kay usahay basta sayo mahuman
akong sched deretso taman
dayon kuan. Usahay walay
undangay. Mu cater gurog taman
8 hrs.
In: 8 hrs?
P: Bilaran usahay.
In: Naka sulay kag ming lapas
syag 8 hrs?
P: Ahhh lantaw ra … Lahi. Dili
youtube akong gamit atu. Netflix.
Ming lantaw kog “Money Heist”.
Gihuman gyud. Sugod kog kuan
11:00 sa udto nahuman kog 6 sa
Tension Release
Objective Social
Line D14
Line D15
Line D16
Line D17
Line D18
Sunday. Walay kan anay nga
tubig ra gyud di ko ganahan
mu undang. Season2 ug Season
3 actually.
In: Like kuan … like unsa pod
imung na feel atung kuan ming
exceed ka ug grabi nga kuan
P: Kuan kapoy, labad akong
ulo, sakit akong mata dayon
kuan kanang after atuh kay
gadaot ko. Gihilantan ko, ubo
ug sip on. Wa koy tarung kaon.
Ming andar akong ulcer.
Kanang ing ana kasagara gyud
ko basta mag bilar in ana.
In: Wala na pod sya na
sundan nga nag sige nag binge
watch ka?
P: Wala mao tuy latest pa
nako nga gikabilaran. Dugay
ko matulog dayun sayo ko
momata kay mag youtube man
ko ug kadlawon kay kusog man
ang signal
In: Unsa ka nga time nag
sugod ug social media?
P: High school pa.
In: High School? Hangtud
karun active gyud gihapon
P: Oo. Ay ming samot sa
college kay daghan vacant
time. Mas unahon pa ang
social media adisir sa Acads.
In: Kanang kuan like gamit
imung experience as a whole
as a social media user. Unsa
imung view sa social media?
P: Kuan dili tanang social
media nay advantage gyud kay
lantawa nay uban nga kuan ra
kaayo samot na
Tension Release
Objective Isolation
Tension Release
Objective Isolation
Line D19
anang facebook. naay uban
nga sexual ra kaayo. Naa pod
uban nga kananag dili bitaw
angay dapat e post sa bisag
kinsa nga kuan bitaw. Dili pod
tanang post sa tawo kay good
og effects sa … especially sa
mga bata, sa mga kuan kay
nay uban nga unsay tawag ani
pareha sa mga kpop, nay mga
depression kanang mga in ana,
mga bad comments bitaw maka
affect pod dili lang sa physical
sa mga tawo kundi mentally,
emotionally pod di bah?
In: Sa unsa man nga pamaagi
para sa imu nga maka affect
ang mga post nga nay
depression sa mga social
media user sama nimo?
P: Naa man gud mga mag post
about depression dayon mga
mag self-harm unya wa ko
kasabot ngano e post nila nga
kadugo dugo ang kanang
kamot ay kanang wrist ba
dayon naa pa gyud koy nakita
nga nay mag laslas nga mag
video dayon e post. Unya lain
sad bitaw makita sa uban kay
mura pod sila ug maka
hunahuna ug buhat sad samot
na nga nay mga bata nga
mugamit nasad ug social
media dayon nay mga ingun
ana diay nga post mura sya ug
makahatag sa idea nga murag
normal ra bitaw ang mga
ingun ana.
In: Naka mention ka ganeha
about sa mga bad comments
dayon maka affect sa
Tension Release
Audience Segregation
Line D20
Line D21
physical, mental ug emotional
na aspect sa tawo, sa unsa man
nga pamaagi maka apekto
P: Prone man gud ang social
media sa mga bashers nga
gamay nga lihok kay e judge
dayon ka. For example dili ka
gwapa, tambok, itom ilok
hahahaha. In ana gud daghan
na dayon manaway. In a way
kay murag mag set ang social
media ug standard sa
kagwapa, or ka sosyal dapat
ang tawo. Dayon mao maka
apekto siya sa physical kay
mag adjust na dayon ka sa
imung self according sa unsa
naka set na standard, sa
emotional pod syempre kay sa
In: Unsa nga mga effects ang
imung gimean na mentally,
emotionally nga kanang maka
affect sa imu?
P: Kanang pananglitan basta
naa koy ganahan lantawon na
series. Kanang maka hilak ka
nga kanang kuanon nimo na
dapat dili. Kanang murag ma
feel pod nimo ba nga naa ka
didto pero dili na bitaw sakto
kay murag kanang maka affect
sa imu. Pananglitan kay sa
akong panglantaw kanang di
ko gusto nga katung bida kay
mamatay or something nya
mura kog maapektuhan sad
kay ma wad-an kog gana
dayon basta mura kog
maapektuhan emotionally
gyud. Basta mao kasagara
akong ma feel kasagara basta
Line D22
Line D23
Line D24
Malabian ko ug kuan.
In: Unsa diay imung ma feel
everytime nga mag engage ka
in social media?
P: Depende sa akong makita,
usahay ma hyper ko, samot nag
Kpop. Ma hyper gyud kaayo
ko. Dayon kung mga vlogs
lang, okay lang. Nay uban
vlogs nga kiligun ko, mostly
lang pod na kuan makita.
In: So kung ma sum up nimo
as a whole unsa man diay
effects sa social media para
nimo … para sa imuha gyud?
P: Kuan, distracting sya para
In: Ngano man?
P: Maapektuhan akong Acads.
Kanang pananglitan nay exam,
dili nalang gyud ko mag tuon.
Mag salig na nuon sa unsa na
stock knowledge kay mas
unahon nalang gyud and social
media bitaw. Murag ang result
aba kanang mag mahay. Ulahi
bitaw gyud ang pagmahay.
Daoy unsaon man ni nako,
maypa nag tuon nalang ko. In
ana nga mga feeling ba, pero
naa puy uban na bawi nalang
ko. Sige nalang padayunon
nalang kay para bitaw nako
pag mulantaw kog mga kpop.
Inspiration ra bitaw. Naay
uban gyud pod na ma motivate
ko. Maningkamot gyud ko ani
kay para daghan kog kwarta
puhon dayon maka adto ko
nila. Naay point na maka
motivate naa puy uban point
na grabi
Line D25
Line D26
Line D27
Epekto ang account gyud nako
nga mabuang na gyud ko sa
social media.
In: Naka ingun ka ga
mabuang sa social media, unsa
man imu gi mean ani nga
P: Dili gyud sa mabuang gyud
ko but kanang di na bitaw ko
makaundang kay malingaw na
kaayo. In ana lang.
In: Pero para nimo, unsa man
ang minglabaw gyud na effects
ang positive or negative effect?
P: Negative.
In: Lahi lahi man gyud atung
mga makita sa atuang wall or
newsfeed, unsa imung pananaw ana nga mga posts na
imung ma encounter ug unsaon
nimo sila pag deal?
P: Naay uban nga kanang
pasagdan lang. Naay e luom
lang nako ba. Kanang usahay
nay post na friendship nako sa
high school. Nag post sya
iyang gi igo kay kao ug akong
isa ka friend pa. Kanang
daghan. Dili lang tuh sa
facebook. Sa twitter. Sige siyag
rant. Baliwalaon lang nako
siya but usahay makasakit na
gyud sya pero di ko ganahan
mag luom kay mag huot man
gud akong dughan. Dayon
kanang sa akong kapungot ug
akong ka kuan ma question ka
kung in ane gyud ka dako.
Usahay makahilak nalang ko
sa kalagot or kapungot ba
kaha. Usually kay akoa nalang
Personal Gratification:
Line D28
Line D29
Line D30
Line D31
Line D32
Line D33
baliwalon, dili nalang gyud
nako luomun kay ako na pod
ang mag problema kung akoa
bang kuanon kung unsa
pasabot niya sa iyang mga post
or unsa ba or akoa ba kahang
tumpangan bitaw. Ako nalang
pasagdan gyud.
In: Naka mention kag nay
mag runt, unsa man para nimo
ang epekto ani sa mga social
media user?
P: Mura man sya ug di na
appropriate gud kay makakita
na hinuon ug away sa tinood
na kinabuhi. Mura sya ug
makahatag ug way para dali ra
nimo ma express imung
emotion pero tungod pod ana
kay dali ra makakita ug away
kay kung maigo sad tuh imung
gipaigngan sa imung mga post
nya mubalos sad. Mag-away
na dayon.
In: What if dili siya about sa
imung personal life and mga
P: kanang random lang?
In: Ou random lang sya.
P: Wala pasagdan lang nako.
Basahon lang. Basta related
lang sa ako. Pasagdan lang
gyud nako ay basta school
In: Mag post man gihapon ka
sa social media right?
P: Dili na kaayo.
In: Pero once in a while?
P: Mu share kog mga posts
In: Unsa imung ma feel kada
mag post ka?
P: Depende sa akong e post.
Naay uban na patama sa
ubang tawo. Mura kog
Personal Gratification:
Pass time/SelfIdentification
Line D34
Line D35
Line D36
somewhat malipay kay kung
makabasa tuh dayon naigo sya
eh di bahala sya. Pero if ever
about kanang kuan about
bible, mga verses bitaw
malipay ko kay nay ubang
times na makakita kog shared
posts nga nay mga psalms
didto usahay kay mura kog
unsay tawag ana,
Naay usahay sa akong
pamalandong, makahilak ko
depende sya sa akong mga
mood gyud. Pananglitan naa
lang koy makit an na nindot
sya nga mga post or kanang
maka makaa… murag
makasabot ko ba. Maka relate
ko e share man sad nako.
Pero mostly sa akong ipang
share dili gyud sa ingun nga
for every bisag kinsa. Murag
share lang gud para patay sa
In: Para nimo, unsa imung
panglantaw sa social media?
P: Karun?
In: Ou. Kanang unsa sya para
P: Gubot.
In: Ngano man?
P: Kay kuan lain lang ayy
pananglitan naa kay e post nya
public baya dayon bisag kinsa
lang ang pwede mu comment
ug makakita sa mga post.
Gubot lang kay recently
nakakita lang mig away sa
akong mga kauban. Kana pung
bahin sa calcu nakakita namig
murag nagbikil. Gubot sya
kung tumpangan lang sad
Personal Gratification:
Pass time
Line D37
Line D38
Line D39
Line D40
Line D41
nimo pero kung wala lang jud
kay kanang dili lang nimo
emind. Wala lang. Pampalipas
oras lang gyud sya.
In: Di ba nag ingun ka nga
mag youtube ka? Unsa
kasagara ang mga content nga
makita nimo?
P: Kpop.
In: Next sa kpop?
P: mga vlogs.
In: Unsay nagamotivate nimo
na mag open ug social media?
P: Kanang naa koy lantawon
na kdrama karun, ganahan
gyud ko makakita, inig pag
release lang daan, ganahan ko
mulantaw dayon. Dayon
kanang pag wa koy lingaw, wa
koy lain makubi, mag social
media na dayon. Dayon pag
mag engage na dayon eh di
wala na wala na dayon paki.
Di nako makabantay nga
nagdagan na diay ang oras.
In: Para nimo, apil na ang
social media sa imung
P: Oo.
In: In what way sya naapil?
P: Pag ako ra isa, ug kanang
naa ra ko sa boarding house,
wa man koy laing lingaw, kung
dili matulog or unsa ba, social
media ra akong companion.
Kung ako ra pod isa, wala koy
laing lakaw, social media ra
pod. As long as naa lang koy
data or wifi social media ra
gyud akong kalingawan.
Personal Gratification:
Fear of Missing Out
Tension Release
SNS Habit
Tension Release
SNS Habit
Line D42
Line D43
Line D44
In: Di ba naa kay na mention
ganeha, na kuan pag mulantaw
kag youtube gusto ka na ikaw
una makakita. Unsa man imu
ma feel kung ikaw una
makakita or dili ikaw una
P: Kung series na sya dayon
di ko makakita. Di ko katagad
dayon sige ko ug subay kung
kanus a e update kay para lang
makakita gyud ko inig mag
release. Pag makakita na gyud
ko kay okay lang para lang
bitaw matubag lang ang
curiosities bitaw sa previous
na episode.
In: Unsa pod imung ma feel
pag wala pa na release nya
kalantawon na kay ka?
P: Ma excite kaayo ko, kanang
maka wag focus usahay kay
mag sige kog check if naa na
In: Sa pag gamit nimog social
media naka apekto ba ni sya on
how you deal with other people
or imung relationship with
other people?
P: Dili man pod. Pananglitan
kanang kpop mag hinangul
mag kinorean sa mga
classmate. Samot na pag
imung ka sturya kay addict sad
ug kpop. Ana lang gud.
In: Sa imung experiences,
unsa kaha para nimo ang
imung makita nga role sa
social media para sa tanan like
para sa mga community, sa
mga tawo, sa imung self, para
sa mga studyante?
P: Pass time
Line D45
Personal Gratification:
Fear of Missing Out
Tension Release
Social Gratification:
Line D46
In: Pass time?
P: Depende pod kay naa may
ubang students nga nay
kinahanglan e search online ug
kanang with purpose gyud ba.
Pero kasagara students para
nako kung naa lang gyud ko
bakanting oras mag social
media. Pass time.
Personal Gratification:
Pass time
Interview Transcript
Participant: Participant G
Duration: 17 minutes and 25 seconds
Session Number: 03
Transcript Number: 03
Date of Interview: October 17, 2019
Interviewed by: Mary Christine Dablo, Angel Dian F. Rupinta and Elvic June T. Purol
Transcribed by: Elvic June T. Purol
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: Career and Counseling Center-Counseling Room
Line G01
Line G02
Line G03
Line G04
Line G05
Line G06
Line G07
Line G08
Line G09
In: Good afternoon sir.
Palihog ko ug sulti sa imong
pangalan ug imong edad.
P: *****…. **
In: Pila kabuok imong social
media account … nga naa ka…
nga gigamit nimo?
P: Tulo (3)
In: So pwede nimo na sya
nganlan ug unsa na sya nga
tulo ka…
P: Facebook ug…
In: Unsa ang ika tulo?
P: Duha… duha akong account
sa kuan..
In: Duha ka?
P: Duha…ay tulo
In: Unsa man ang ika tulo?
P: Duha sa…Duha akong
account sa facebook
In: Ahhhh…Dayun Instagram?
P: O.
In: So kanang anang duha..
unsa man imong pinaka
ginagamit jud?
P: Facebook
In: Asa nga account sa
P: Katong kuan… kadtong
akong isa
In: Naa kay fake account?
Line G10
Line G11
Line G12
Line G13
Line G14
Line G15
Line G16
Line G17
Line G18
Line G19
P: Naa
In: Nganong magbuhat man
pud ka ug fake account?
P: Kuan…hmmm… sa kuan
ra oyyy…ning…basta...
gichatan nako akong ex adto
In: So karon wala na nimo
gigamit imong fake account
or active gihapon sya?
P: Talagsa ra kayo nako
In: Talagsa…Every kanus.a
man nimo gamiton imong
fake account?
P: Kung mag open ko sa isa
ka cellphone
In: Hmmm…okay…Kapila
kaha ka sa isa ka adlaw maka
gamit ana nga mga social
media accounts…sa imong
facebook or Instagram?
P: Kuan…(counting)…mga
ka lima taman gabie
In: Ka lima taman gabie, so
putol putol na jud na sya?
P: O.
In: Kanang kuan…unsa
imong pinaka dugay na jud
nga oras nga ning…like usual
nimo nga oras everyday if
mag gamit ka ug facebook or
intagram…Unsa man jud
kaha na kadugaya everyday?
P: Mga…five to…ten
In: Five to ten hours?
P: 5:00-10:00 pm
In: 5:00-10:00 pm … so
kanang nakasulay na ka na
kanang nilapas ana imong
pag gamit?
P: O.
In: Kay?
P: Nalingaw
Line G20
Line G21
Line G22
Line G23
Line G24
Line G25
Line G26
Line G26
In: Nalingaw ug?
P: Nalingaw ug chat
In: Chat. Chat ra?
P: Youtube
In: Youtube. Unsa pud
kasagaraan nimo makita?
P: Kuan… sa youtube?
In: Sa facebook pud.
P: Sa youtube kay kuan
ra…kaning basketball
In: Dayun sa… facebook?
P: Kuan…lantaw ra ug
kuan…post sa mga friends
In: Unsa man kasagara nga
posts imong makita, kasagara
na molabay sa imong
P: Kasagara jud na akong
mga friends kay mga baye
In: So unsa man kasagara
ilahang mga posts? pictures?
P: Ay mga kuan…mga…mga
walay hinungdan... Kanang
mga shared posts ba…mga
In: Mga memes. Unsa pud
imong bation evertime maka
kuan…makakita ka ana ug
mga ing.ana?
P: Depende sa kuan
tale…naay usahay
makalingaw naa pud usahay
kay sobra na ang meme na
akong makita maong usahay
kay malooy or maglagot
ko…Kana bitawng below the
belt na.
In: Unsa pud for example
para sa imoha ang mga
memes na makapalagot or
maconsider nimo nga below
the belt na.
Personal Gratification:
Line G27
Line G28
Line G29
Line G30
Line G31
P: Kanang ang meme kay
maka offend na kaayo sa
tawo. For example kasagara
sa mga memes kay naa man
juy maingun nato ug di kaayo
kagwapohan or kagandahan
na mga tawo, like kanang
mga pangag dayun ang
ibutang sa caption kay mga
“kung sino ang may A sa
pangalan sya ang
makakatuluyan nyo”…mga
ingun ana bitaw na meme.
In: Asa man ka mas affected
ato sa caption or sa picture
na gigamit sa meme?
P: Sa kuan…sa picture…sa
picture jud kay murag… ma
feel sad nako ang kaulaw sa
tawo na naa sa
picture…like… kintahay kung
akoa tong picture dayun
ipakalat dayun buhatan ug
meme...syempre maulaw sad
ko kundi masuko kay daghan
gyud ang makakita.
In: So kanang
gani ka nagsugod ug gamit
ug social media?
P: Kuan…kangang…2016
man tale.
In: So 2nd year college?
P: Ayy.. ’15.
In: ’15… so 1st year
P: O.
In: So sukad sukad sa
paggamit nimo ug
kuan…social media…sugod
2015 taman 2019…unsa
imong…if…madescribe nimo
sya?...unsa imong mga
experiences sa social media?
Line G32
Line G33
Line G34
Line G35
Line G36
…or unsa imong panan.aw sa
social media?
P: Kuan… usueful siya
kay…kung tarungon sya ug
gamit pero maka…kung imo pud
syang abusuhon kay.. dili maayo
In: Sa unsa man siya nga mga
instances inga nahimo siyang
useful sa imoha?
P: Kuan…mga news dayun…nag
like man gud pud ko ayy…nag
Personal Gratification:
follow pud ko ug page sa
Information Seeking
kuan..mga news ba.
In: So mao na sya na mga
instances. Aside anang
makakuha ka ug mga news unsa
pay imong lain experiences sa
social media?
P: Hmmmm…taymsa ha…
In: Diba niingun ka kaganina
nga useful ang social media kung
tarungon sya ug gamit?
P: O.
In: Pero niingun sad ka… na
kung abusuhon pud ang pag
gamit sa social media dili pud
maayo… in what way nga
makaingun ka ug dili maayo ang
imong experiences?
P: Dili sya may like…in a way
na daghan kaayo ug mga
pictures na mokalat sa
facebook…usahay masalaag sa
akong newsfeeds kanang mga
pictures or mga memes bitaw
nga about anang hubo
hubo…kanang makita na bitaw
ang mga private parts sa
tawo…usahay buhatan pa ug
In: Unsa pud imong ma feel
kung makakita kag mga sexually
related na mga posts
Line G37
Line G38
Line G39
Line G40
P: Para sa akoa… kay
makalagot sya kay murag wala
na bitaw value ang
sexuality…mura bitaw ug
mahulog sya ug sexual
In: So aside ana, wala na kay
lain experiences while using
social media?
P: Kanang kuan…kanang
suguon ko dayun dugay kayo
ko matoo bitaw…kay nalingaw
ko…samot na ug nag youtube
ko… bitaw…dayun tiwason pa
man nako.
In: So kani tanan imong
gipang ingun mao ra ni imong
mga experiences sa paggamit
ug social media?...wala na...
wala na bay lain?
P: Wala na…kana ra…pass
time ra jud na bitaw. Kung
wala koy lingaw mag open ko.
In: Unsa pud kanang…diba
mag sige man ka ug
facebook…taas tass man jud
nga oras imong kita sa
facebok. So…sa imong…sa..sa
imohang…sa imong wall
unsa…unsaon nimo…unsa
imong…unsaon nimo sya pag
describe…ang mga posts na
imong makita?
P: Kuan…kanang…maka kuan
sya sa akong…tawag ani?
kana bitawng…makapawala
bitaw sya ug stress usahay pud
kay…kay… samot nag gikan
klase…butang stop dayun inig
uli kay labad kayo imong
Tension Release
Personal Gratification:
Pass time/ Passive
Line G41
Line G42
Line G43
ulo kay long quiz…explore
dayun sa facebook dayun
lantaw dayun ug page nga
kadtong sa…kuan… kadtong
mga gina follow nako nga
In: So kanang… makawala sya
ug stress para sa imoha?
sa…ang kanang imong mga
posts na nakita. Aside sa
makawalag ug
stress…ang…ang main ra jud
nga imong madescribe sa mga
posts na imong nangakita is
stress reliever jud sya.
P: O.
In: Unsa pud imong mabati
everytime nga mag kuan…mag
gamit kag social
mag open ka ug facebook, ang
Instagram nimo…unsa imong
bation while nag scroll ka?
P: wala ra man…pang kuan ra
jud sya…pang lingaw lingaw
ra jud sya…
In: Panglingaw lingaw ra jud
sya. Dayun unsa pud imong
bation everytime mag post ka?
P: Kanang…mura man
syag…kanang diary bitaw …
kana ba…ingun ana ba…ipost
pud nako kay kana ra pong…
kana bitawng… talagsa ra man
gud ko mag post gud…kato
rang naay mga event…mga
ingun ana
In: Dayun
panglantaw sa sa social
Personal Gratification:
Means of Entertainment
Personal Gratification:
Line G44
Line G45
media is lingaw
lingaw…nya…What if nay
nakakita ka ug news nga naay
earthquake…ana ana…ina
ani..ina ani..unsa pud…naa
kay…naa kay…naa syay impact
sa imoha? Like makakita kag
mga…mga butang bitaw
nga…kanang wala nimo
naandan…nga dili sya
murag…if lingaw lingaw lang
sya…dili sya lingaw lingaw nga
P: Ang kuan... sa Facebook ang
nakapa apekto lang nako kay
bitawng malooy bitaw pud
ko…for example kadtong
friends nako na nag share about
atong kuan… security guard
nga…nag kaon bitaw syag
kuan…kaning…nagkaon sya
nga while gatindog dayun wala
sya hatagig lunch break ba to.
Ing.ana murag matandog pud
ko ba nga…luoya pud
bitaw…dayun sa mga animals
pud…malooy pud ko anang mga
ingun ana pud… kanang
mga…pamputlan ug tiil
nga…buhi..ingun ana.
In: Dayun unsa poy epekto sa
imong adlaw everytime
makapost…ayy makakita ka ug
mga ingun ana na mga posts?
P: Dili kay sya…kanang ingun
nga…epekto pero…kanang…the
time...the moment na makita
nako sya kay makakuan lang
Line G46
Line G47
Line G48
ba…malooy ko ba…pero mao
to…dili kay sya maka kuan
…ana ra jung…once makita
nako sya…makareact jud ko ug
In: Maka…ma…if
makit.an…makakita kag mga
ingun ato nga…makuan pud
kaha ka nga…ishare kaha nako
ni no or kuan…
P: Dili kayo ko tigshare…kuan
lang…dayun mag lagot man ko
usahay kana bitawng…about
anang…sa kuan
nimo…ug dili nimo ishare or di
ka molike kay o iignore nimo
kay kato bitawng mga chain
messages…mga ingun ana ug
mga,,, walay
kalooy…maglagot ko ana
dayun ako dayung unfriend kay
mabwesit ko.
In: Nganung mabwesit man
P: Wala lang…unsa man ni
oyy mga nonsense man kayo
ni…di…di ko motoo ug
bitwang…kanang ten years
bad luck dayun tungod kay dili
nimo…di ka moreact ana
unya…unsa man gud tawon
ning ingun ani oyy…mao to
iblock nako. Lagot man ko, di
ko gsto makakita.
In: Naa pud kay makita nga
ubay ubay na makita na pare
pareha ug ing.ana na case sa
imong timeline?
P: O…daghan ko ug ma
In: Sa…sa imohang
Line G49
Line G50
Line G51
Line G52
…experience nga sa pag gamit
nimo ug social media...sa
dugay dugay nimo nga
experience, nsa imong makita
nga matabang…kana bitawng
matabang sa social media sa
atong community, sa inyong
P: Kuan…kaning…dali raman
gyud ang communication sa
social media kontra sa una.
Mao rana sya
In: So mao na sya maoy isa
jud ka murag…main jud nga
gamit sa social media, dali ra
jud kayo ang communication.
So wala na diay mo ganatry
ron nga dili social media ang
gamit pag communicate?
P: Wala kay…dili na gali ko
tig load. Free data akong
In: Unsa may epekto sa social
media sa…sa kuan nimo sa
relationship nimo sa ubang
P: Kuan…Siguro…daghan kag
maila nga kuan…ubang tawo
through social media pero dili
sa personal.
In: Unsa may…unsay epekto
nga dili kayo nimo sila
mailhan, makaapekto ka
motreat sa uban or makig
halobilo sa uban?
P: Dili kaayo…Para sa akoa
ang social media man gud
kay…samot na ang facebook
kay pang pastime jud dayun ug
naa koy makita na kuan dira
kaila akong iaddfriend. Dili
kay ko mokuan ug dili kaila.
Social Gratification:
Means of
Personal Gratification:
Pass time/Passive
Line G53
Line G54
Line G55
Line G56
Line G57
Line G58
In: Moaccept pud kag dili
kaayo nimo kaila?
P: Istalk sa nako daan. Kunga
gwapa iaccept.
In: Unsay naka motivate nimo
para mogamit ug social media
from then up to now?
P: Makalingaw lang jud sya
In: Ang…ang essence jud nga
lingaw siya.
P: Dayun…okay ra pud nako
ug dili ko kalaag basta nay unli
wifi okay na.nako. Parehas
karon na nay load among wifi
kuan…dugay ko matulog
dayun sayo ko momata kay
mag youtube man ko ug
kadlawon kay kusog man ang
signal. Walay trouble
In: So…mosugot raka nga dili
ka mogawas or dili ka molaag
basta naa lang kay social
P: O…gikan atong nakagamit
ko ug social media okay ra ko
na di ko kagawas or kalaag.
In: Para nimo dili ba
maapektohan imong personal
relationship sa ubang tawo nga
suod nimo?
P: Dili man pud kay ug nay
okasyon kay moadto man pud
ko. Magtagay mi.
In: Kanang kuan…kanag
matulog ka ug gabie na kaayo
dayun momata ka ug sayo dili
na sya…tungod kay nag
internet ka…unsa poy epekto
ana sa imong pag skwela?
P: Wala ra man
kaayo…parehas kagabie gikan
ko nag practice ug
Personal Gratification:
Frequent Surveillance
Personal Gratification:
Means of Entertainment
Tension Release
Objective Social
Tension Release
Objective Social
Tension Release
Objective Social
Line G59
Line G50
bench cheering nakauli ko alas
10:00 dayun nag facebook ko,
nag youtube taman…alas
12:00…dayun tulog dayun
mata ug alas 2:30 kay
kuan…mag ready para
rebellie. Mao to pagmata
scroll na pud, youtube dayun
ming abot to akong gisakyan
mao to lakaw dayun. Abot ug
rebellie…facebook na pud.
In: Wala juy day or bisan time
man lang na wala ka nag gamit
or maskin nakaopen sa imong
social media? as in part na jud
sya sa imohang lifestyle ang
social media?
P: Wala…part na jud kay dili
jud malikayan. Parehas karon
while nag istorya ta
gusto…gusto jud ko mag
mobile data jud. Basta naa
nako akong cellphone mag
open jud ko bahala ug wala
koy load.
In: Unsay feeling nimo
mahitabo sa imoha if ever
walay social media?
P: Mingaw siguro kung mag
puyo ra ko ug balay or
boarding house pero once
makalaag okay ra man pud
tingale kuan…samot na kung
naa ang mga barkada…naas
Tension Release
SNS Habit
Interview Transcript
Participant: Participant L
Duration: 10 minutes and 4
Session Number: 04
Transcript Number: 04
Date of Interview: October 21, 2019
Interviewed by: Mary Christine Dablo, Angel Dian F. Rupinta and Elvic June T. Purol
Transcribed by: Mary Christine Dablo
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: Career and Counseling Center-Counseling Room
Line L01
Line L02
Line L03
Line L04
Line L05
Line L06
Line L07
In: Palihog ug ingon sa
imong ngalan ug edad
P: ****…** years old
In: Pila kabook social
media accounts ang naa ka?
P: Duha…
In: Sa unsa mana sya nga
mga platforms? Sa unsa
mana sya nga mga site?
P: Facebook, Instagram
In: Sa atong duha aha man
ang imo pinaka ginagamit?
P: Facebook
In: Sa usa ka adlaw ma
bana-bana kaa nimo ag
kadugayon nga naggait kag
P: Kasagaraan basta wala
koy buhaton siguro mga 6-8
hours ako maggamit f mag
Facebook ko.
In: Naay instance nga
milapas ka ana imo usual
nga paggamit sa Facebook?
P: Naa
In: Ngano nahitabo man
P: Mingaw man gud to tas
naa rako sa boarding house
Line L08
Line L09
Line L10
Line L11
Line L12
Line L13
Halap na gali kayo ako mata.
In: Mga pila kaha ka oras ang
nilapas ato sa imong usual nga
Facebook time?
P: Ambot usahay maabtan kog
kadlawon mag scroll rako sa
In: Kanus.a man ka gasugod
ug gamit ug Facebook?
P: High school… ay
In: So, taas-taas najd ang time
nga imo na invest sa
Facebook; daghan naa kay kag
naexperience gamit ang
platform na Facebook. So
gamit ang imohang
experiences sa paggamit ug
Facebook, pwede nimo
madescribe kung unsa ang
social media?
P: Depende sa situation naa
may kuan nga kanang
makatabang man sya sa
communication, tas naa puy
uban nga usahay gamiton ang
social media aron manguan ug
tao, manaot ba.
In: So, mao na sya ang imo
pagdescribe sa social media?
P: O, kanang depende rajud
sya sa paggamit ba
In: Makatabang sya sa unsa
nga mga pamaagi?
P: Kanang mocontact sa….. sa
mga love ones ingong ana.
In: Maka tabang sya aron
macontact ang mga importante
na tawo?
P: o, labaw na pareha nako
nga nag puyo layo sa akong
parents, gamit kayo ang
Social Gratification:
Means of
Social Gratification:
Means of
Line L14
Line L15
social media aron ma in-touch
ko ug unsa ang nahitabo sa
ilaha ug sila pud maka balo
kung naunsa ko danhi
In: Ahh okay so ingon ana sya
ka useful sa imoha, lain pay
ato ba diba kabantay ka na
lahi-lahi man ang kada user ug
makita nga feed sa ilahang
wall, depende sa mga page or
groups na ilang i-like or follow
hasta sab sa ilang friends. So
unsa ang imo panan-aw sa
mga content, or sa mga posts
sa laing tawo na imo makita sa
imo wall? Giunsa nimo sila
P: Giignore ra nako… ay nay
uban nga ako ishare or
magreact specially if maka
relate ko. Pareha anang
memes, usahay man gud kay
makatabang sya labaw na ug
stressed na kay ka tapos ang
uban pod kay…. Unsa…
kanang maka-irita.
In: Nganong maka inon man
ka nga maka irita, sa unsa na
P: For example kanang nay
mag post na “depressed” kuno
kayo sila pero stressed ra diay
to. Kanang ingon ana bitaw;
diba ang depression kay dili
mana sya joke. Mao to sya,
mao ra.
In: Ayyy… uhmm.. mo extend
ko ug help if ever tinuod jud
diay na depressed sila, pero if
depressed ka murag maglisod
naman ata ka ana nga mo
reach out sa uban like mag
post to let others know.
Social Gratification:
Means of
Personal Gratification:
Tension Release
Sensationalization of
Mental Health Issues
Line L16
Line L17
Ahhhh… para sa ako kanang
mga normal lang gud nato na
feel kana bang… kuan bitaw…
kanang pananglitan daghan
kayo mig plates humanon tas
kapuyon, nga maguol nga di ka
kasabot mao nay stressed par
nako. Well, ang depressed dili
kayo nako sya ma identify pero
kabalo ko nga dili sya sayon,
seryoso sya nga topic
In: Ohh, okay an aka ganina
nga motabang ka sa mga tawo
nga nag undergo ug
depression unsa nga kind sa
help kaha ang imong
mahatag? Willing ka na
buhaton na sa maski dili nimo
ka close?Kung idescribe nimo
sa usa ka term ang mga kind
sa post na maka-irita sa imo;
unsa kaha ni na term?
P: Ahhhmm, kanang unsaon
man ha… basin ako sila I visit
ubanan sila or kaistoryahon,
pero if dili nako ka close dili
lang pud ata nako buhaton
oyy.. Ulaw baya, kanang mga
post nga murag dili tinood ba;
dayon mao pajud na nga terms
ila gigamit, kanang mga pachar lang.
In: Unsa diay epekto sa mga
ingon ani nga post sa imoha?
P: Maka-bother man sya gud;
for example kanang unsa ba…
kanang naay mag share na
mag hikog sila ingun ana,
dayon maka-ana ka nga mura
bitawg dili jud tinood nga
maghikog jud tas kabalo biya
ta nga ang social media is
Tension Release
Sensationalization of
Mental Health Issues
Tension Release
Audience Segregation
Line L18
Line L19
Line L20
Line L21
Line L22
public jud na sya meaning
bisan kinsa na tawo ang
makakita dayon wala lang
samokan lang ko.
In: Unsa imo ma feel
everytime mag-open kag
P: Ma-feel jud? Kanang wala
lang pampalipas oras raman
jud gud nang Facebook samot
nag wala kay gibuhat
maglantaw-lantaw nalang kag
In: Kung pampalipas oras
raman kaha sya unsa may
gamotivate nimo nga
maggamit gihapon ug
P: Aron lang nay lingaw…
kanang usahay na laay kayo or
walay gibuhat
In: So sa pagsigi nimo ug
gamit ug social media, naka
bantay baka if naa ba ni syay
epekto sa kung unsa a
maghandle ug tawo? Unsa ka
the way magkig halubilo.
P: O maka-apekto sya, kay
sauna dili jud kayo ko kabalo
mo “trash talk” pero tungod
sa social media nakat-on ko
tas if makig tabi ko sa akong
mga barkada usahay maka
“trash talk” nako.
In: So ang pag “trash talk”
ang murag ni tatak kay sa
P: Ayy dili man, pero mao man
gud sya moy una nga nisulod
sa akong huna-huna.
In: Okay, so mangutana ko if
hilig ba ka mag post sa
imohang account?
P: O, dayon?
Tension Release
Sensationalization of
Mental Health Issues
Personal Gratification:
Passive Consumption
Personal Gratification:
Pass time/Passive
Social Gratification:
Line L23
Line L24
Line L25
Line L26
Line L27
In: Unsa pud imo ma feel
everytime na mag post ka?
P: Depende sa akong ipost,
usahay kay masatisfy ko kay
naa koy gipadunggan-dunggan
dayon ang uban is wala lang
naka relate lang ko.
In: If magpost ka naa pud kay
gina-expect nga mahimong
reactions sa mga tawo sa imo
P: O kay judgemental biya ang
In: Unsa man pud ang
imohang mga kasagaraan nga
P: Depende, for example,
kanang mag post or share kag
memes possible nga
nakapalipay ko or nay naka
In: So, you expect nga
makahatg kag ug positivity sa
uban if naa kay posts na about
ingon ana?
P: O.
In: Sa kadugay nimong
ginamit ug Facebook unsa
kaha ang imong panan-aw nga
mahimong role niya sa
P: Ambot.. ay depende… ay
ambot lang kay usahay stress
reliever labaw nag wala kay
lingaw tas mag scroll lang ka
ma entertain na dayon ka, tas
usahay pod magamit sya
aroniexpress ang imo na feel.
Pareha anang suko kayo ka
mag rant na dayon but
mahulog ra gihapon kung
giunsa sya paggamit sa tawo.
Personal Gratification:
Tension Release
Personal Gratification:
Personal Gratification:
Means of
The Actual Interview
Participant: Participant M
Duration: 14 minutes and 54 seconds
Session Number: 05
Transcript Number: 05
Date of Interview: October 17, 2019
Interviewed by: Mary Christine Dablo, Angel Dian F. Rupinta and Elvic June T. Purol
Transcribed by: Elvic June T. Purol
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: Career and Counseling Center-Counseling Room
Line M01
Line M02
Line M03
Line M04
Line M05
Line M06
Line M07
In: Good afternoon,
palihog ug sulti sa
pangalan ug edad
P: *****…**
In: So pila kabook social
media accounts ang naa
P: Isa
In: Isa ra. Sa unsa
P: Sa FB ra.
In: Walay twitter, walay…
P: Wala
In: Wala…Okay. So pila
ka ka oras or unsa
kasagaraan ang duration
sa time bitaw nga nag
gamit ka ug kuan…
P: 2-3 hours kada vacant.
In: Kada vacant, so pila
man na ka vacantsa is aka
semana? sa kada adlaw
pila kabuok imong vacant
MWF pila kaha?
P: MWF nako kay….
kuan… 4 hours
In: 4 hours imong vacant.
Dayun sa TTH?
P: sa TTH kay… kanang…
1 and a half.
In: 4 hours imong vacant.
Line M08
Line M09
Line M10
Line M11
Line M12
Line M13
Line M14
Line M15
Line M16
Line M17
…Dayun sa TTH?
P: sa TTH kay… kanang… 1
and a half.
In: 1 and a half ra? wala nay
labot ang kuan ana.. gabie?
P: wala na
In: Dayun mag gamit pa pud
ka inig ka gabie?
P: O
In: So if e all in all nato na
sya apil gabie dala bunta pila
jud kaha ka oras imong
P: Mga… abot tale ug 7
In: 7 hours, so ang maximum
nimo everyday 7 hours? …or
dili pud?
P: dili pud kaayo
In: So usual, unsa gyud nga
usual oras like duration?
P: 6… 6 hours.
In: So 6 hours gyud ana. so
nakasulay ka ug mga times
na… nilapas ka sa 6 hours…
ug gamit?
P: O katong 7
In: Dayun more than sa 7
hours nga kuan…
P: wala
In: So adtong nag 7 hours ka
ug gamit sa imong social
media… unsa imong gi kuan
ato… imong gibuhat nga
niabot man ka ug 7 hours. Or
unsay nahitabo nganung
niabot ka ug 7 hours?
P: Chat chat sa GC dayun
chat chat.
In: Kanus.a gali ka nag
sugod ug gamit ug social
P: Ambot … katong high
Social Gratification:
Means of Communication
Line M18
Line M19
Line M19
Line M20
Line M21
In: High school… unsa nga
P: mga…….2012
In: so dugay dugay na jud
diay sya? Hangtod karon
diba? so walay undang na
sya nga paggamit sa social
P: Adtong una di kaayo ko
nag gamit ana
In: Pero nag start ka ug
gamit 2012 dayun update
update na lang dayun. So
sukad sukad sa paggamit
nimo unsaon nimo
pagdescribe ang social
media, unsa imong panan.aw
sa social media? Base sa
imohang mga experience.
P: Kuan…base sa akong
social media nga gigamit
kuan… source siya sa mga
fake news ug mga kiat
kiat…mao to
In: So…source siya sa mga
fake news ug mga kiat kita…
in what way man ka
makaingun nga kiat kita na
nga klase sa post?
P: kanang…kanang…about
anang mga update sa lovelife
sa mga tawo…mga
kabrokenhearted sa mga
tawo…usahay pud kanang
mga posts na showing
In: Unsa imong buot pasabot
sa showing kaayo?
P: Kanang mga kuan
gud…kanang mga private
sexual parts ba… kabalo na
man gud mo unsa akong
pasabot…kanang mga ingun
an aba na mga kiat kiat para
Line M22
Line M23
Line M24
Line M25
Line M26
…nako di na kinahanglan
ipost sa facebook kay daghan
biya na mga bata ang nag
gamit na ug facebook dayun
unyag makakita sad sila ug
ingun adto
In: Unsa man imong gibati
everytime makakita ka ug
mga ingun ana na posts
diay…mga kiat kiat or mga
fake news?
P: Makapungot
lang…mapungot lang ko
maglantaw kay dili tanan
users sa facebook or social
media pa na nga mga naa na
sa legal age…naa sad biya
mga minor pa maong
mapungot ko.
In: Dili sad ka mo comment
or mo react?
P: Dili ra man pud…
In: Kuan…mapungot lang ka
pero labyan lang nimo?
P: O.
In: So sa mga nakita nimo
nga mga post, mga fake news
ug mga kiat kiat…other than
ana naa pa kay lain makita
na mga posts?
P: Ingun.ana ra
kasagaraan…ug mga viral na
mga video.
In: Dayun… if makakita ka
ana unsa ang impact sa
imoha…sa mga posts bitaw
nga imong nakita…sa lahi
lahi na mga posts unsay
impact ana sa
imoha…kanang makaingun
ka na ganahan ko
ani…ayyy…dili ko ganahan
P: Kuan…usahay pasagdan
Line M27
Line M28
Line M29
Line M30
Line M31
Line M32
ra nako na nga mga posts…di
gale kaayo mambasa. Igo ra
scroll scroll…usahay kung
naa koy ganahan na mga
kataw.anan na mga posts
magkatawa ko…usahay pud
kung makakita lage ko atong
fake news or katong kiat2 kay
magkasapot nako.
In: Aside sa mag scroll scroll
ka mag posts sad ka?
P: O.
In: Unsa sad kasagara ang
imong ipang posts?
P: Mga….memes
In: Nganu…unsay naa sa
mga memes nga mao may
imong posts?
P: Malingaw ko…bahala ug
maingun syag stupid pero
kataw.anan ba.
In: Unsa man imong ma feel
everytime mag posts ka ug
mga memes?
P: Usahay kay naa kay
In: Unsa man nga
paigo…negative or postive?
P: Usahay negative kanang
about sa mga tawo walay
gipangbuhat na sakto sa
kinabuhi…kanang puro ra
binuang… kanang about
anang mga memes nga about
anang sa mga barkada nako
na tuyok ug utok…usahay
In: Everytime mo open ka sa
imong social media acoount
unsa man imong ma feel
P: Kuan…mura lag na habbit
lang jud nako sya. wala man
Negative Social
Emotional Effects:
Core Affect
Personal Gratification:
Means of Entertainment
Tension Release
Line M33
Line M34
Line M35
koy ma feel…basta kay
murag habit lang nimo na
inig mata nimo/vacant mag
open ug cellphone
In: So automatic na jud sya
para sa imoha?
P: O automatic na.
In: Diba sa imong pag gamit
ug facebook nakita jud
nimo…nakita jud nimo ang
good ug ang dili pud kaayo
maayo or nindot nga nawong
sa facebook unsa kaha ang
maayo nga matabang sa
platform na facebook sa
ubang tawo, sa community,
sa barangay, sa mga
P: Naay matabang ang
facebook kanang…nay mga
post na basta mangayo ug
tabang dayun kinahanglan
ipaviral ang picture or video.
Sa education pud kay
wala…di kaayo ang
In: Nganung makaingun man
ka nga dili helpful ang
facebook sa education?
P: Kuan…kanang mahimo
man gud sya ug
distraction…like imbes naa
kay buhaton na requirements
dayun nagkalingaw ka ug
facebook…murag madivert
imong attention ba maong
dugay mahuman imong
In: So diba nakamention ka
na kung nay mangayo ug
tabang kay ipaviral, so kana
nga act of kindness, act of
love, act of humor…nganung
panan.aw nimo kinahanglan
Tension Release
SNS Habit
Tension Release
SNS Habit
Tension Release
Social Support
Tension Release
Technological Distraction
Line M36
Line M37
Line M38
Line M39
Line M40
Line M41
man na sila moviral?
P: Kay para nako positive
man sya.
In: Naa kay positivity na
P: O.
In: So makaingun ba ko nga
kanang imo syang ishare kay
nakabalti kag positivity
tungod ato dayun feeling sad
imo pag ishare nimo kay
makatag sya sa uban ang
P: O.
In: Unsay epekto sa social
media sa imong social
relationship…how you deal
with other people…how you
communicate with others?
P: Sa social media
kay…didto ka makaistorya sa
mga tawo nga dili nimo
maistorya sa
personal…kintahay sa
skwelahan friends nimo sila
sa fb pero sa personal kay di
mo mag pinansinay…mao ra.
In: Wala pud kay ma feel nga
friends mo sa FB pero sa
personal dili?
P: Wala ra man pud.
In: Okay ra nimo…like
normalan raka ana?
P: O…pananglitan friends mi
sa Fb dayun mag
tagbo…okay ra
In: Unsa may nagamotivate
nimo…diba ingun ka
kaganiha na automatic na sa
imoha na mogamit ug social
media…pero…unsa may
rason para nimo gyud
nganung magbalikbalik ka ug
Social Gratification:
Means of Communication
Social Gratification:
Online Friendship
Line M42
Line M43
Line M44
Line M45
Line M46
Line M47
Line M48
Line M49
gamit ug social media?
P: Wala jud koy makita na
rason basta kay nahabbit
lang jud nako.
In: Naay day na wala ka
nakagamit ug social media?
P: Naa
In: Unsa na sya nga mga
P: Dominggo
In: Dominggo dili ka
makagamit ug social media?
P: Dili
In: Whole day?
P: Kuan…murag family day
ba…walay wifi palong tanan
In: Okay ra nimo mag
wifi…mag social media ra ka,
walay gawas gawas sa
P: Dili pud
In: Dili pud…so sa imoha
kinanglan naay balance ang
social media ug world
P: O.
In: So kanang nakaingun
man ka about atong share
share…para makatabang
ka…so if…kung makakita ka
ug ingun adto na posts imo
sad ishare, so….after nimo
mashare unsa man sad sya sa
imohang feeling, nakatabang
ba ka or ana?
P: O. basin nakatabang
rako…parehas adtong sa
mga Barog Ozamiz na mga
posts…basta tarong ra pud
ang mga posts ishare nako.
In: So…everytime mag share
ka ug posts or mag post ka
personally naa kay
underlying nga thinking na
Tension Release
Social Support
Line M50
Line M51
Line M52
Line M53
malike ba kaha ni sa mga
tawo oor ganahan ba kaha
ang mga tawo ani?
P: Wala…wala man
In: So dili ka mag expect
from other people everytime
mag posts ka?
P: Dili…ishare lang…wa koy
paki ug naunsa to…wa ko
nagbase sa like likes ug
In: Ishare nimo imong
personal feelings sa social
P: Dili…dili
In: Unsay feeling nimo
mahitabo if wala juy social
media? Maunsa imong life?
P: Okay ra man
gihapon…ganahan man ko
sauna na walay social media.
The Actual Interview
Participant: Participant M
Duration: 14 minutes and 54 seconds
Session Number: 05
Transcript Number: 05
Date of Interview: October 17, 2019
Interviewed by: Mary Christine Dablo, Angel Dian F. Rupinta and Elvic June T. Purol
Transcribed by: Elvic June T. Purol
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: Career and Counseling Center-Counseling Room
Line M01
Line M02
Line M03
Line M04
Line M05
Line M06
Line M07
In: Good afternoon,
palihog ug sulti sa
pangalan ug edad
P: *****…**
In: So pila kabook social
media accounts ang naa
P: Isa
In: Isa ra. Sa unsa
P: Sa FB ra.
In: Walay twitter, walay…
P: Wala
In: Wala…Okay. So pila
ka ka oras or unsa
kasagaraan ang duration
sa time bitaw nga nag
gamit ka ug kuan…
P: 2-3 hours kada vacant.
In: Kada vacant, so pila
man na ka vacantsa is aka
semana? sa kada adlaw
pila kabuok imong vacant
MWF pila kaha?
P: MWF nako kay….
kuan… 4 hours
In: 4 hours imong vacant.
Dayun sa TTH?
P: sa TTH kay… kanang…
1 and a half.
In: 4 hours imong vacant.
Line M08
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Line M10
Line M11
Line M12
Line M13
Line M14
Line M15
Line M16
Line M17
…Dayun sa TTH?
P: sa TTH kay… kanang… 1
and a half.
In: 1 and a half ra? wala
nay labot ang kuan ana..
P: wala na
In: Dayun mag gamit pa pud
ka inig ka gabie?
P: O
In: So if e all in all nato na
sya apil gabie dala bunta
pila jud kaha ka oras imong
P: Mga… abot tale ug 7
In: 7 hours, so ang
maximum nimo everyday 7
hours? …or dili pud?
P: dili pud kaayo
In: So usual, unsa gyud nga
usual oras like duration?
P: 6… 6 hours.
In: So 6 hours gyud ana. so
nakasulay ka ug mga times
na… nilapas ka sa 6 hours…
ug gamit?
P: O katong 7
In: Dayun more than sa 7
hours nga kuan…
P: wala
In: So adtong nag 7 hours
ka ug gamit sa imong social
media… unsa imong gi kuan
ato… imong gibuhat nga
niabot man ka ug 7 hours.
Or unsay nahitabo nganung
niabot ka ug 7 hours?
P: Chat chat sa GC dayun
chat chat.
In: Kanus.a gali ka nag
sugod ug gamit ug social
P: Ambot … katong high
Social Gratification:
Means of Communication
Line M18
Line M19
Line M19
Line M20
Line M21
In: High school… unsa nga
P: mga…….2012
In: so dugay dugay na jud
diay sya? Hangtod karon
diba? so walay undang na
sya nga paggamit sa social
P: Adtong una di kaayo ko
nag gamit ana
In: Pero nag start ka ug
gamit 2012 dayun update
update na lang dayun. So
sukad sukad sa paggamit
nimo unsaon nimo
pagdescribe ang social
media, unsa imong panan.aw
sa social media? Base sa
imohang mga experience.
P: Kuan…base sa akong
social media nga gigamit
kuan… source siya sa mga
fake news ug mga kiat
kiat…mao to
In: So…source siya sa mga
fake news ug mga kiat kita…
in what way man ka
makaingun nga kiat kita na
nga klase sa post?
P: kanang…kanang…about
anang mga update sa lovelife
sa mga tawo…mga
kabrokenhearted sa mga
tawo…usahay pud kanang
mga posts na showing
In: Unsa imong buot pasabot
sa showing kaayo?
P: Kanang mga kuan
gud…kanang mga private
sexual parts ba… kabalo na
man gud mo unsa akong
pasabot…kanang mga ingun
an aba na mga kiat kiat para
Line M22
Line M23
Line M24
Line M25
Line M26
…nako di na kinahanglan
ipost sa facebook kay daghan
biya na mga bata ang nag
gamit na ug facebook dayun
unyag makakita sad sila ug
ingun adto
In: Unsa man imong gibati
everytime makakita ka ug
mga ingun ana na posts
diay…mga kiat kiat or mga
fake news?
P: Makapungot
lang…mapungot lang ko
maglantaw kay dili tanan
users sa facebook or social
media pa na nga mga naa na
sa legal age…naa sad biya
mga minor pa maong
mapungot ko.
In: Dili sad ka mo comment
or mo react?
P: Dili ra man pud…
In: Kuan…mapungot lang ka
pero labyan lang nimo?
P: O.
In: So sa mga nakita nimo
nga mga post, mga fake news
ug mga kiat kiat…other than
ana naa pa kay lain makita
na mga posts?
P: Ingun.ana ra
kasagaraan…ug mga viral na
mga video.
In: Dayun… if makakita ka
ana unsa ang impact sa
imoha…sa mga posts bitaw
nga imong nakita…sa lahi
lahi na mga posts unsay
impact ana sa
imoha…kanang makaingun
ka na ganahan ko
ani…ayyy…dili ko ganahan
P: Kuan…usahay pasagdan
Line M27
Line M28
Line M29
Line M30
Line M31
Line M32
ra nako na nga mga posts…di
gale kaayo mambasa. Igo ra
scroll scroll…usahay kung
naa koy ganahan na mga
kataw.anan na mga posts
magkatawa ko…usahay pud
kung makakita lage ko atong
fake news or katong kiat2 kay
magkasapot nako.
In: Aside sa mag scroll scroll
ka mag posts sad ka?
P: O.
In: Unsa sad kasagara ang
imong ipang posts?
P: Mga….memes
In: Nganu…unsay naa sa
mga memes nga mao may
imong posts?
P: Malingaw ko…bahala ug
maingun syag stupid pero
kataw.anan ba.
In: Unsa man imong ma feel
everytime mag posts ka ug
mga memes?
P: Usahay kay naa kay
In: Unsa man nga
paigo…negative or postive?
P: Usahay negative kanang
about sa mga tawo walay
gipangbuhat na sakto sa
kinabuhi…kanang puro ra
binuang… kanang about
anang mga memes nga about
anang sa mga barkada nako
na tuyok ug utok…usahay
In: Everytime mo open ka sa
imong social media acoount
unsa man imong ma feel
P: Kuan…mura lag na habbit
lang jud nako sya. wala man
Negative Social
Emotional Effects:
Core Affect
Personal Gratification:
Means of Entertainment
Tension Release
Line M33
Line M34
Line M35
koy ma feel…basta kay
murag habit lang nimo na
inig mata nimo/vacant mag
open ug cellphone
In: So automatic na jud sya
para sa imoha?
P: O automatic na.
In: Diba sa imong pag gamit
ug facebook nakita jud
nimo…nakita jud nimo ang
good ug ang dili pud kaayo
maayo or nindot nga
nawong sa facebook unsa
kaha ang maayo nga
matabang sa platform na
facebook sa ubang tawo, sa
community, sa barangay, sa
mga estudyante?
P: Naay matabang ang
facebook kanang…nay mga
post na basta mangayo ug
tabang dayun kinahanglan
ipaviral ang picture or
video. Sa education pud kay
wala…di kaayo ang
In: Nganung makaingun
man ka nga dili helpful ang
facebook sa education?
P: Kuan…kanang mahimo
man gud sya ug
distraction…like imbes naa
kay buhaton na requirements
dayun nagkalingaw ka ug
facebook…murag madivert
imong attention ba maong
dugay mahuman imong
In: So diba nakamention ka
na kung nay mangayo ug
tabang kay ipaviral, so kana
nga act of kindness, act of
love, act of humor…nganung
panan.aw nimo kinahanglan
Tension Release
SNS Habit
Tension Release
SNS Habit
Tension Release
Social Support
Tension Release
Technological Distraction
Line M36
Line M37
Line M38
Line M39
Line M40
Line M41
man na sila moviral?
P: Kay para nako positive
man sya.
In: Naa kay positivity na
P: O.
In: So makaingun ba ko nga
kanang imo syang ishare kay
nakabalti kag positivity
tungod ato dayun feeling sad
imo pag ishare nimo kay
makatag sya sa uban ang
P: O.
In: Unsay epekto sa social
media sa imong social
relationship…how you deal
with other people…how you
communicate with others?
P: Sa social media
kay…didto ka makaistorya sa
mga tawo nga dili nimo
maistorya sa
personal…kintahay sa
skwelahan friends nimo sila
sa fb pero sa personal kay di
mo mag pinansinay…mao ra.
In: Wala pud kay ma feel nga
friends mo sa FB pero sa
personal dili?
P: Wala ra man pud.
In: Okay ra nimo…like
normalan raka ana?
P: O…pananglitan friends mi
sa Fb dayun mag
tagbo…okay ra
In: Unsa may nagamotivate
nimo…diba ingun ka
kaganiha na automatic na sa
imoha na mogamit ug social
media…pero…unsa may
rason para nimo gyud
nganung magbalikbalik ka ug
Social Gratification:
Means of Communication
Social Gratification:
Online Friendship
Line M42
Line M43
Line M44
Line M45
Line M46
Line M47
Line M48
Line M49
gamit ug social media?
P: Wala jud koy makita na
rason basta kay nahabbit
lang jud nako.
In: Naay day na wala ka
nakagamit ug social media?
P: Naa
In: Unsa na sya nga mga
P: Dominggo
In: Dominggo dili ka
makagamit ug social media?
P: Dili
In: Whole day?
P: Kuan…murag family day
ba…walay wifi palong tanan
In: Okay ra nimo mag
wifi…mag social media ra
ka, walay gawas gawas sa
P: Dili pud
In: Dili pud…so sa imoha
kinanglan naay balance ang
social media ug world
P: O.
In: So kanang nakaingun
man ka about atong share
share…para makatabang
ka…so if…kung makakita ka
ug ingun adto na posts imo
sad ishare, so….after nimo
mashare unsa man sad sya
sa imohang feeling,
nakatabang ba ka or ana?
P: O. basin nakatabang
rako…parehas adtong sa
mga Barog Ozamiz na mga
posts…basta tarong ra pud
ang mga posts ishare nako.
In: So…everytime mag
share ka ug posts or mag
post ka personally naa kay
underlying nga thinking na
Tension Release
Social Support
Line M50
Line M51
Line M52
Line M53
malike ba kaha ni sa mga
tawo oor ganahan ba kaha
ang mga tawo ani?
P: Wala…wala man
In: So dili ka mag expect
from other people everytime
mag posts ka?
P: Dili…ishare lang…wa
koy paki ug naunsa to…wa
ko nagbase sa like likes ug
In: Ishare nimo imong
personal feelings sa social
P: Dili…dili
In: Unsay feeling nimo
mahitabo if wala juy social
media? Maunsa imong life?
P: Okay ra man
gihapon…ganahan man ko
sauna na walay social
Interview Transcript
Participant: Participant S
Duration: 17 minutes and 4
Session Number: 06
Transcript Number: 06
Date of Interview: October 17, 2019
Interviewed by: Mary Christine Dablo, Angel Dian F. Rupinta and Elvic June T. Purol
Transcribed by: Angel Dian F. Rupinta
Mode of Interview: Personal Interview
Location: Career and Counseling Center-Counseling Room
Line S01
Line S02
Line S03
Line S04
Line S05
Line S06
Line S07
In: Palihog ug ingon sa imong
ngalan ug edad
P: *****…** years old
In: Pila kabook social media
accounts ang naa ka?
P: Tulo
In: Sa unsa mana sya nga mga
platforms? Sa unsa mana sya
nga mga site?
P: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
In: Sa atong tulo aha man ang
imo pinaka ginagamit?
P: Facebook
In: Sa usa ka adlaw ma banabana kaha nimo ang kadugayon
nga naggamit kag Facebook?
P: Oras jud? Mga kuan
siguro…. 5 hours
In: So 5 hours na moy pinaka
dugay.. Naay instance nga
milapas ka ana imo usual nga
paggamit sa Facebook?
P: O naka try… mga niabot pud
kog 7 or 8 hours…
In: Ahh okay… So unsa pud nga
mga instances ang naka lead
nagnong nilapas ka sa imong
usual na time?
P: Tungod kay malingaw kog
Line S08
Line S09
Line S10
Line S11
tan.aw ug bideos.. usahay pud di
ko katulog… so magamit nako
sya nga way aron makatulgon ko
In: kanus.a gani ka nagsugod og
gamiy ug social media?
P: Kuan… high scholl ko… first
year high school..
In: First year high school…
dugay najud diay… all in all
pwede nimo madescribe
imohang social media
P: Akong experience..? uhmm…
more on obtaining information
sya… kay kuan man gud nay
mga times nga dili ta maka kita
ug news so dili ra kayo ta ma
behind sa happenings since naa
man sya permi ma kit-an sa
social media….. tapos mura sab
syang nahimong kuan… kanang
for example nay mga bashing na
mahitabo…. Usa sab sya nga
pamaagi na ginagamit aron
mang daot ug tawo. Tas selfexpression pud.. murag usa sab
In: Diba naka mention ka about
self-expression, ikaw sige ka ug
express sa imo mga feelings, sa
imong thoughts sa social media?
P: Dili sya sige, pero naa juy
mga times
In: So, kung pangu tan-on taka
aha ka mas comfortable mo
express sa imong feelngs kanang
person to person encounter or sa
social media?
P: Mas nindot gihapon mag
express if person to person
Personal Gratification:
Line S12
Line S13
Line S14
Line S15
Line S16
kay if social media man gud dili
nimo ma feel… basta lang maka
express lang ka… kay nay mga
times na dili ka dayon
mareplyan… pero if person to
person man gud kay diretso ang
In: Okay, so kada user lahi-lahi
man ang sulod sa wall ang mga
contents na makita, ikaw unsa
imong pana-aw sa mga posts na
imo ma encounter sa imong
wall? Gi unsa nimo sila pag
P: Usahay dili na kayo ko maka
mind sa post sa ubang tawo, kay
usually if mag engage ko sa
social media more on mag
lantaw rako ug mga videos
In: Unsa pod nga mga content
sa videos kasagara imung
P: Usually mga binuang, dayon
naa pod mga about sa life.
In: So mga binuang ug about sa
P: Oo.
In: Unsa pod imung mabati
kada kita nimog mga binuang
ang content sa video?
P: Malingaw ko.
In: What about sa mga video na
about life?
P: Usahay kay ma enlighten ko
kay tungod anang videos nga
nay mga lessons about sa life.
Pero ma guol ko makakita ug
mga videos about mga naay
pinatyanay dayon mga nay nag
suicide basta kanang pataypatay bitaw.
Personal Gratification:
Passive Consumption
Personal Gratification:
Means of
Line S17
Line S18
Line S19
Line S20
In: Unsa man imung nakita nga
naay patay-patay nga videos?
P: Pareha anang mga gipang
abuse dayon namatay nya naa
pod nag suicide kay tungod sa
mga problema.
In: Unsa pod imung mabati
kada makakita kag post nga mga
ingun ana?
P: Maguol ko, maka down sa
mood dayon di ko ganahan
kaayo basta suicide kay feeling
nako mura pod ug ma encourage
ang uban.
In: Unsa man nga mga
instances maka ingun ka nga
naga encourage sya sa uban?
P: Nakabantay man gud ko nga
sukad ming sikat ang kanang
mag post post ug mga mag
laslas dayon naa pod nga mag
suicide gyud live kay murag
pang awatun sad sa uban,
daghan na hinuon mubuhat
bitaw bisag feeling nako dili
man gyud sila depress kay mag
depress depress dayon.
In: Panan-aw nimo, ngano kaha
makabuhat sila ug in ana?
P: Ambot lang kaha nila pero
basin tungod para mu sikat or
suon sa trend or basin
makatakod siya in some way kay
maka hatag sad ug idea sa uban
ba or maka hatag sad sya ug
negative na emotion sa uban na
In: Ikaw as a social media user
nga nakakita sad ug mga in ana
nga post, naabot ba sad sa point
nga naka huna.
Negative Social
Emotional Effects:
Emotional Contagion
Personal Gratification:
Personal Gratification:
Line S21
Line S22
Line 23
Line S24
Line S25
huna ba sad kag buhat ug mga
ingun ana?
P: Wala raman sad, nakabantay
lang gyud ko sa uban.
In: Aw. Unsa imong ma feel
every time mag open kag
P: Sayangan ko sa oras… kay
dili naman gud nako mabuhat
ang mga dapat unta nakong
buhaton… ma hook man gud ka
ta sang resulta mag Facebook
nalang ka permi wala na hinuon
kay nabuhat… ingon ana na
feeling ba
In: If ingon ana imong na feel
every time mag open kag social
media, nganong maggamit
paman ka? What motivates you?
P: Wala kay kuan.. man gud…
sometimes man gud.. kay alone
man gud ko, gusto ko na naa koy
kaistorya… aron naa koy lingaw
sa akong kaugalingon… murag
gusto ko ba na dili ko mabehind
In: So you mention nga mag
open ka ug Facebook kay alone
ka, do you ever feel
belongingness when you engage
in Facebook?
P: Oo.
In: In what way nimo na sya
P: Sometimes man gud.. kanag..
maka keep jud sya ug company
sa imoha ba… specially if nay
common topic na maka relate
ka… usahay depende rajud sa
Tension Release
Line S26
Line S27
Line S28
Line S29
Line S30
Line S31
In: Okay… mag post pud ka sa
imong account?
P: Share ra…
In: Okay.. share pero, naka try
ka ug post or upload ug mga
butang na personal sa imoha?
Unsa pud imong ma feel every
time mag post kag ingun ani?
P: Kanang kuan lang… pakita
lang nga… kanang usahay man
gud…ang mostly sa akong posts
is about mga laag.. wala lang
gusto lang nako i-share
In: Bale, gusto nimo i-share
imong life sa uban?
P: Oo
In: Ahh so whenever na mag
post a sa Facebook, maka feel
pud ka ug pressure if i-like ba
sya or if mo react baa ng uban
sa imong post?
P: O usahay… pero dili man sya
big deal.. if naa ba koy makuha
na reaction… basta ma share
lang or ma post nako… mao
In: Di ba naka metion ka na
mga share lang ka kasagaraan
ug mga post? Unsa pud ni sila
nga mga klase sa post?
P: Mga funny videos… mga..
kuan pod… pang-Ginoo ana..
In: Unsay reason nganong mag
share man kag mga ingun ani na
P: Kanang kuan… for example..
mga pang-Ginoo kay kanag
thankful ko… tas gusto pod nako
i-encourage ang ubang tawo na
masod sila sa Ginoo. So
Personal Gratification:
Passive Consumption
Line S32
Line S33
Line S34
Line S35
share lang ug ingon ana.
In: Di ba ganiha, gipa descrie
man ka sa imohang social media
experience, karon ang question
is unsa ang imong panan-aw sa
social media?
P: kuan… kanang unsa man…
kanang magamit sya sa
communication ba… like if naa
kay gipangita dali ra kayo sya
makit-an through social media
kay daghan ang motabang ug
pangita, bali daghan kag tawo
nga pwede mapangotan-an.
In: Kanang personally, unsa
man ang imong panan-aw nga
mahimong role sa social media
specifically Facebook?
P: Kuan.. ahhh.. more on sa
information rajud sya.. place
man gud sya where makahatag
ka ug maka kuha ug information
sa dali na pama-agi.
In: Unsa mana kasagara na
P: Like.. for example.. mga
balita.. ana… mga happenings
na wala ta kabalo
In: Para nimo good thing or bad
thing nga maka kuha tag
information sa Facebook?
P: Good thing.. pero usahay
mahulog sya nga bad kay
kuan… naa man guy mga
information nga dili sya dapat
gina share sa public pareha
anang mga sex videos… like ang
Facebook kay dili man gud mga
dagko tanan or naa nay saktong
understanding ang mga user.
Social Gratification:
Means of
Personal Gratification:
Information Seeking
Personal Gratification:
Information Seeking
Line S36
Line S37
Line S39
Naay mga bata pa kayo, so dili
ni sya maayo if makita ni nila
In: Unsay epekto sa imoha if
makakita kag mga ingon ana..
mga shared na sex videos sa
P: Di ko ganahan.. kanang…
bati sya nga example bitaw…
nga gina share sya.. gina use
ang social media sa pag
pangdaot sa laing tawo.. wala
na nuon sya nagamit para sa
kaayohan sa tanan
In: Sa kadugay nimong ginamit
ug Facebook naa kay nakita na
epekto ani sa kung ns aka makig
P: Naa.. kanang for example..
naa kay makita na binoang
madala nimo sya sa kung unsa
ka makig storya sa imong mga
amigo… maawat bitaw nimo
In: So, kana na epekto do you
see it as maayo or daotan sa
P: Daotan.. kay murag na
change akoang self… tungod
lang ana… Imean ang attitude
kay imbes… dili man unta ka
ganahan mobohat ug ingun
ana.. pero kadugayan maka dare
naka ug buhat.. kay naa man
guy mga bati na joke tas uso..
pero makasakit na diay to sya sa
uban pero ginagamit nimo kay
feel nako na okay ra… since
tanan man pod naggamit ani
In: Every time na nay trending,
maka feel ka ug urge na
mosakay ana na trend?
Social Gratification:
Social Gratification:
Informal Social
Social Gratification:
Line S40
Line S41
P: Sauna dili.. pero.. pag once
nga nay kabalo ana sa barkada
bitaw kay… ma influence jud ka
In: So what if dili ka makasakay
sa trend?
P: Wala… okay ra nako.. bahala
Social Gratification:
Informal Social
Personal Gratification:
Passive Consumption
Appendix F
List of Tables
Table 1. Experienced Personal Gratification on Using Social Media
Personal Gratification*
Information Seeking
Means of Entertainment
Frequent Surveillance Behavior
Fear of Missing Out
Passive Consumption
*multiple responses
Table 2. Experienced Social Gratification on Social Media
Social Gratification*
Means of Communication
Informational Social Influence
Online Friendship
*multiple responses
Table 3: Tension Release Gratification on Social Media Engagement
Tension Release Gratification
Social Support
SNS Habit
Objective Social Isolation
Technological Distraction
Audience Segregation
*multiple responses
Table 4: Negative Social-Emotional Effects on Social Media Engagement
Negative Social-Emotional Effect*
Social Comparison
Low Self-esteem
Sensationalization of Mental Health Issues
Emotional Suppression
Emotional Contagion
Core Affect
*multiple responses
Name: Mary Christine Dablo
Status: Single
Birthdate: January 19, 1999
Place of Birth: Cabid-an, Sorsogon
Home Address: P6 Lorenzo Tan, Tangub City
E-mail Adress: marychristine.dablo@gmail.com
Contact Number: 09466664950
Tertiary Level: La Salle University - Ozamiz
Secondary Level: Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and
Primary Level: Tangub City Central School
Name: Elvic June T. Purol
Status: Single
Birthdate: June 6, 1998
Place of Birth: P3 Centro Napu, Tudela, Misamis Occidental
Home Address: P3 Centro Napu, Tudela, Misamis Occidental
E-mail Adress: elvicjune@gmail.com
Contact Number: 09124248543
Tertiary Level: La Salle University - Ozamiz
Secondary Level: San Isidro Academy
Primary Level: Tudela Central School
Name: Angel Dian F. Rupinta
Status: Single
Birthdate: August 13, 1998
Place of Birth: Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental
Home Address: Labuyo, Tangub City
E-mail Adress: angeldianrupinta813@gmail.com
Contact Number: 09503421789
Tertiary Level: La Salle University - Ozamiz
Secondary Level: Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and
Primary Level: St. Michael’s High School