THE AEC OPERATIONS PLAYBOOK A R O A D M A P TO LO N G - T E R M S U C C E S S I N T R O D U C T I O N Level Up Your AEC Operations 3 P L AY 1 Improve Project Delivery 6 P L AY 2 Invest In Talent and Culture 10 P L AY 3 Increase Profitability 13 17 P L AY 4 Implement a Plan for Growth T E C H N O LO GY Faster, Stronger Play Execution 20 Deltek customers perform better than their peers with: • 5% higher win rates • 15% more projects on or ahead of schedule • $54k more gross revenue per employee • 4 months more backlog INTRODUCTION P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY INTRODUCTION Level Up Your AEC Operations W H Y I M P R O V I N G P E R F O R M A N C E M AT T E R S With the rapid rate of change in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry, your firm needs to work smarter and faster than ever before. The growing shift to a dispersed workforce, combined with increased competition and client demands put additional pressure on your profit margins. This makes it increasingly important to deliver projects on time and on budget, yet 38% are over budget and 35% are behind schedule, according to the Deltek Clarity Architecture & Engineering Study. AEC leaders focused on improving operations often ask: • How can I increase project delivery capacity without sacrificing quality of work? • How can I develop our talent and culture into a competitive advantage? • How can I increase our profit margins without relying on reduced fees or discounts? • How can I deliver a long-term roadmap to grow our company? If you are looking for answers to the above questions, and ways to level up your business to find long-term resilience and success, this playbook will walk you through the steps you need to take to deliver successful projects, retain the best talent, maximize efficiency and profitability, and create a plan for future growth. With 38% of projects over budget and 35% behind schedule, it’s critical for teams to work more efficiently and effectively. D E LT E K C L A R I T Y A R C H I T E C T U R E & E N G I N E E R I N G S T U DY T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 3 INTRODUCTION P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y How To Use This Playbook TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY What’s Your Next Play? Treat this playbook as a reference In this playbook for improving AEC operations, we’ll dive deeper into four key plays of successful AEC guide for business transformation firms. Every team is different, so some plays will be more important than others based on where you are in (which sometimes occurs in a series your journey. Use our self-assessment on the next page to get started. of smaller steps): 1. Read the entire playbook to see how the most successful AEC companies level up and consistently win. 2. Check the boxes that resonate with you on the “Assessment Checklist” on the next page to determine where your organization sits in terms of maturity and goals. 3. Next, focus on one of the four “plays” and work through the play’s actionable checklist to achieve outcomes that level up your firm. Play 1: Improve Project Delivery Play 3: Increase Profitability As a project-based business, your company’s Projects and talent will only get you so far – reputation will be built on how you deliver your you need to include a focus on efficiency and work. AEC firms that effectively manage their profitability in order to drive financial success. projects and resources will be able to deliver Play 4: Implement a Plan for Growth projects on time and on budget. Play 2: Invest In Talent and Culture Once you’ve established an optimized mix of The strength of your company is built on the turn your attention to building a long-term plan strength of your employees. Invest in the right for growth. projects, talent and profitability, you’re ready to talent and nurture them with your unique company culture to build a competitive advantage for both your people and your firm. 4. Consider the next play to tackle. 5. Repeat, with a focus on a long-term plan for success. T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 4 INTRODUCTION P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY Assessment Checklist: Are You Positioned for Exceptional Project Delivery, Talent, Profitability and Growth? Which key pillars impacting your company’s long-term success needs the most attention? Check the chart below in this self-assessment to determine which efforts can deliver the most transformative results. Success Pillar Manage Develop Deliver Measure Projects • Disparate spreadsheets • Firefighting deadlines + constant chasing • Manual project creation and guesstimating • AEC project management system deployed • Real-time budget vs actuals • Better processes and automated project workflows • Resource planning • View Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in one click by department, teams, offices, divisions, clients + more. • Data integrity • Effective resource planning: optimized for scale Talent • Spreadsheet management • Collaborate using email • Scheduling war • Mobile task management • Optimizing utilization • CRM and forecasting for accurate project planning • Workload + culture balance/blend • Improved onboarding and employee engagement • Self-guided employee learning path and mentoring Profitability • Spreadsheet management • Lack of data reliability: no trust • Not predictable • Trend analysis • Strategic pricing analysis: tighter • Accounting system separate from and accurate estimating project management system • Project financials and integration to another system is accounting in ONE system necessary • Fast + effective invoicing and accounting period close • AEC-specific system fully integrated with finance and accounting • Business intelligence and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) tracking to better project and firm profitability Growth • Spreadsheet management • Pricing guesstimates • Monthly revenue forecast process • Fully integrated revenue • Tracking all sales activities forecasting • Clear view into your pipeline • Focused long- and short-term strategic plans • Client portfolio aligned with your positioning T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 5 I N T R O DUC TI ON PROJECT DELIVER Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY P L AY 1 Improve Project Delivery S TA R T W I T H E F F I C I E N T P R O J E C T A N D R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T Is your AEC company keeping pace with the competition and are your employees performing as efficiently as they could? By starting with efficient project and resource management processes, you will be able to deliver your projects on time and on budget. AEC companies that master exceptional project delivery will find that success leads to better retention and development of talent, increased profitability, and a faster trajectory to scale for future growth. Top project management challenges include: competing priorities, staff shortages, and inexperienced project managers. D E LT E K C L A R I T Y A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D E N G I N E E R I N G S T U DY T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 6 I N T R O DUC TI ON PROJECT DELIVER Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY 6 Steps to Deliver Projects On Time and On Budget 1. Review your ongoing processes 3. Set your project budget 6. Follow up with progress management Before you kick off any new work, review your Once you’ve built your project and resource internal project and resource management management foundation, you should have a Once the project is underway, progress processes. Regular timekeeping will help you clearer picture of your true costs, which can management should become a top priority. establish an accurate view into how long your help you develop better pricing. With a more Manage progress through regular meetings and team is spending on various projects and tasks. accurate price quote and cost estimate in hand, provide clear assignments to the team. Establish Review the calendar weekly for any potential your project manager can create a more realistic formal progress reporting that is regularly staffing conflicts to ensure all your projects are budget to measure project progress. communicated and provides the project status properly resourced. Project managers should at minimum provide monthly reports on progress and completion status of projects. Whether you invoice clients monthly or as work is completed, invoicing must happen on a consistent schedule to improve cash flow. 2. Confirm a precise scope of work A critical component of any project’s success is visibility to the client. 4. Establish the right project team Take time before the project begins to staff the project with the right people for the job. Determining the decision makers and team leads ahead of time will help you to select the best team with the appropriate skill set, ultimately saving you time down the road. a clearly defined scope of work. The more you can get the client to specify their exact needs and expectations, the fewer surprises will come your way as the project progresses. In addition to a signed Statement of Work, consider establishing a process to help avoid scope creep. 5. Kick off the project and get everybody aligned CASE STUDY: Improving Project Performance “The more people at the company that understand the impact to the business, the more you can impact the business overall.” The Statement of Work is signed, the budget is — Dave Rosencrans, Director, Operations, set, but the project kick off will be the first chance Ecotope for your client to really see how you execute work. Establish deliverables and a clear timeline so Read the Customer Story everyone starts with aligned expectations. Make sure the right people are in the room for each phase of the project kick off. T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 7 I N T R O DUC TI ON PROJECT DELIVER Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY SPOT L I G H T: 3 AEC Project Management Killers 1. Scope creep Successful projects start with an accurate, 2. Not having a risk management plan 3. Poor resource planning While it can be tempting to start a project with realistic and detailed scope of work. Without a Risk management is one element of great project whomever is available, having the right people on well-documented and agreed upon plan, scope planning that is often missed. When you plan a project will save you time, protect your project’s creep and over-servicing will tank your ahead for the worst case scenarios you can profitability, keep your team from becoming profits. To avoid scope creep, AEC project mitigate risks faster, keeping your projects on frustrated, and most importantly ensure your managers should: track. Common risks in AEC projects are: project’s success. • • Time and budget misallocation • Communication breakdowns and isn’t clear, isn’t documented, and is overly misunderstandings complicated, so keep it simple! Have a clear vision for the project and agreed upon milestones, goals and success measurements with your client and project team. • Plan for changes in your project. Change is inevitable even with the best of plans. Allowing for some flexibility in your project will empower your project team to make necessary adjustments and changes without risking deadlines. • Communicate clearly and often, • Re-work and revisions • Scope creep and over-servicing • Resourcing challenges Resource planning fails when the process Why AEC Firms Without Documentation Spend 100x More and if possible – centralize project communications to make it easy for both your project team and client to collaborate. Get tips to reduce risk and prevent litigation from William M. Mattes, Attorney at Law, Dinsmore & Shohl. Read the Blog T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 8 I N T R O DUC TI ON PROJECT DELIVER Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY Checklist: How to Improve Project Delivery Review the checklist of key items your team should consider tackling to master Play 1: Improve Project Delivery. Check all of the items that you have already put in place, then work through the rest to complete this play and level up your firm. Ɇ Ɇ Ɇ Make it as simple as possible to submit time Ɇ Build a risk management plan to give your requirements are documented, tied back team a plan of attack in case challenges like the project process. Hours should be to business needs, reviewed with client and time and budget allocation or re-work arise. controlled with approval on a weekly basis. include sign-off. Clarify projects on a weekly basis with the Ɇ projects and evaluate progress in terms of as needed. value and percentage of project completion to the finance team on a monthly basis. Manage staff capacity to avoid idle Ɇ projects on time and on budget. Formal progress reporting - project managers to manage progress through weekly meetings, with more in-depth Develop project templates to help your team become more consistent with each project. Ɇ Implement a project management system to help standardize processes, streamline efficiency, and increase automation. Standardize Statements of Work by developing templates and a process to help Establish and evaluate project goals and Key basis. Take proactive action to deliver Ɇ Have project managers provide status of project team and shift staffing assignments avoid scope creep. Performance Indicators (KPIs) on a monthly Ɇ Take extra time to ensure that client accurately and promptly, without hindering hands or burnout. Ɇ Ɇ Ɇ Identify the most profitable projects – supported by data and business intelligence that you can trust. This will help your firm better predict which projects will be more successful, and which could fail. reporting either as part of month-end or more frequently. T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 9 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY P L AY 2 Invest In Talent and Culture B U I L D A C U LT U R E T H AT AT T R A C T S TO P TA L E N T Competition to attract and retain top talent is fierce, and the more time you spend recruiting or onboarding employees, the less time is spent on billable work. An investment in developing talent and an appealing culture for your firm will ultimately result in a happier and more efficient workplace. The capacity to build and maintain a strong team of professionals is fundamental to executing the other three plays of this playbook: • Projects: Assigning the right people to the right projects and tracking utilization will help to improve the velocity and quality of project delivery to your clients. • Profitability: Aligning hiring decisions with projected revenue will help you to increase profitability. • Growth: Knowing when to bring in contractors or hire additional employees while reducing turnover will ultimately help drive business growth and help improve employee retention rates. T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 10 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY 6 Strategies for Investing in Talent and Culture 1. Set the right project team 4. Measure and optimize utilization 6. Provide development and learning opportunities Projects fail when you staff them based on Utilization is the best KPI to measure when it availability instead of the right skills for the job. comes to maximizing your return on employee One of the best ways to build employee loyalty Gather the right managers to select the right efforts. Start with a resource overview, so you is to show staff that you are investing in their team, especially on bigger projects, from know what everyone is working on. Manage your professional development and growth. Hungry beginning to end. bench, and provide coaching for those that talent will be looking to nurture new skills or are underutilized. Project managers should be leadership opportunities. By providing these 2. Attract and retain top talent reviewing available hours for all employees on a opportunities within your firm, you will be better Competition for top talent is fierce. Develop a plan weekly basis, and making sure billable work has equipped to retain talent, reduce turnover, and for employee engagement and retention. This been assigned. Evaluate actuals against bookings develop a stronger pool of skills to leverage for includes building a unique culture for your firm to track realized utilization versus planned so you new projects. that draws in new talent looking to thrive in the can inform future resource planning. culture you’ve built. 5. Forecast revenue and people 3. Know when and how to leverage contractors Hiring decisions should always be based on Contractors are a vital part of AEC business. should be done on an ongoing basis to have a However, it can become costly if you don’t view of upcoming billable work. Build a long-term control their usage. Set up a process with Human resourcing overview so you can evaluate what Resources, project managers and leadership so types of employees will be needed for upcoming you can make the best decision for your project opportunities. revenue and resource data. Revenue forecasting and your budget. The availability of good candidates in the marketplace remains a top concern, with 90% of firms reporting it was one of their top 3 recruiting challenges. D E LT E K C L A R I T Y A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D E N G I N E E R I N G S T U DY T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 11 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY Checklist: How to Invest In Talent and Culture Below is a checklist of key items your team should be considering to master Play 2: Invest in Talent and Culture. Check all of the items that you have already put in place, then work through the rest to complete this play and level up your company. Ɇ Focus on attracting and retaining top Ɇ talent by developing a plan for employee engagement and retention. Ɇ culture and establish a path for growth. Ɇ Ɇ Ɇ Ɇ Ɇ to establish the right balance of full-time employees and contractors. Ɇ your team, saving time and improving skills for the job. collaboration. team’s time and mitigate burnout. Ɇ Encourage managers to take a hands-on approach to coaching. “76% of millennials consider professional development opportunities to be an essential element of company culture.” EXECU-SEARCH their careers. Ɇ Consider culture as a competitive advantage and a recruiting tool to retain and attract top talent. Invest in tools and processes that support Staff projects with staff who have the right Track utilization to make the most of your remain with your company as they build Build a long-term resourcing overview to Match pipeline and revenue with capacity Provide opportunities for growth and ownership to encourage employees to identify when to downsize or begin hiring. Build a plan for mentorship and continuous feedback of new employees. Ɇ hiring contractors. Set up an onboarding process to help new employees feel part of the company’s Establish a process to manage Improve Engagement and Retention Learn how one engineering company is embracing innovation to transform remote working challenges into new opportunities. Read the Blog T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 12 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PROFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY P L AY 3 Increase Profitability I M P R O V E C A S H F LOW W H I L E M A N A G I N G C O S T S If you have the right processes, the right resources, and the right people in place, you’re well on your way to increased efficiency and profitability. When you have control of your budgets in real-time, you will be able to quickly adjust resources and timelines as priorities change, resulting in more proactive project management. Efficient processes will enable employees to spend less time on non-billable and administrative tasks and more time focusing on what’s important. Increased margins and an accurate view of your costs will power your company to record growth in record time. Deltek customers perform better than their peers with better pipeline visibility, control of projects, and higher yield per employee. This includes: • $54k more gross revenue per employee • $49k more net revenue per employee • 7% higher net revenue growth forecast Increasing profitability is a top financial challenge for 53% of architecture and engineering firms. D E LT E K C L A R I T Y A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D E N G I N E E R I N G S T U DY T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 13 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PROFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY 6 Components of a Highly Profitable AEC Firm 1. Accurate estimates With greater visibility into your company’s project data, you can glean better insights and more accurately predict the time and resources a new project might require. Track your project history and use it effectively to inform new project estimates. 2. Healthy staff capacity Your employees are your greatest asset, as well as your largest cost. They define your firm’s ability to execute on client needs. But without complete visibility into staff capacity, you don’t know how many projects you can take on or how much you’re wasting on under-utilized resources or unexpected freelance costs. With a clearer line of sight into your firm capacity comes better are a must for any project-based company. The simpler it is for your employees to track and submit time, the more likely they are to use it effectively, giving you the information you need, when you need it. 4. A healthy pipeline It feeds your bottom line and nourishes growth. more time focusing on what’s important. Deltek It’s crucial that your firm knows exactly what kind customers perform better than their peers with of work it excels at and what is most profitable. 15% more projects on or ahead of schedule and By tracking and analyzing historical project data, $54k more gross revenue per employee. you can be sure your firm is targeting the right types of leads and landing more projects that contribute to your bottom line. 5. Scope creep control Extra items are sure to be added to the scope money is being spent effectively. time on something that you’re not being paid for the most accurate budget information in realtime. Who wants to get hit with giant overrun after it’s too late to do anything about it? Easyto-use, mobile-friendly time tracking methods processes so that employees spend less time on non-billable and administrative tasks and after fees have been established. But spending Timesheets are the biggest hurdle to getting The right tool will effectively streamline your A healthy pipeline is the lifeblood of your firm. insight into capabilities, allowing you to ensure 3. Effective time tracking 6. Purpose-built AEC project accounting and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software 7. Effective KPI tracking Successful, high-growth firms are tracking metrics. By tracking KPIs and increasing project manager access to information, more AEC firms are delivering projects on time and on budget. eats profit margins and negatively affects morale. With an early-warning system and an informed project team, you can see scope creep coming and take action. When you have accurate, realtime data and can provide the client with greater transparency into the project, you’ll be better suited to re-negotiate. T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 14 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PROFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY S POTLIGH T: The Pitfalls of Scope Creep 4 S T E P S TOWA R D S P R O F I TA B I L I T Y As a business whose value is judged on the quality of the projects you deliver, it is all too easy for AEC firms to always want to go the extra mile for clients, both happy and unhappy. To address clients whose expectations haven’t been fulfilled, many end up overcompensating to get back on track. This leads to a number of pitfalls: clients may begin to expect an increasing amount of work to be done and this consumes too many of your resources – for free. Project scope becomes difficult to manage and milestones can be missed; and staff may feel overworked, stressed and demotivated. See below for four ways to move towards profitability. 1. Enter all jobs with a clear scope & Service Level Agreement Matching project scope with a realistic estimate should be a priority for all AEC firms to avoid scope creep. 3. Achieve balance Remember that under-servicing clients is as much an issue as over-servicing them. 4. Elevate staff as “visible experts” Use the most appropriate and objective 2. Review your business model Take a hard look at your business model to metrics and measure the right key performance indicators (KPIs). discover any issues that are leading to scope creep and the poor usage of human time and financial resources. T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 15 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PROFITABILIT Y G R OW TH TEC HNO LO GY Checklist: How to Increase Profitability Below is a checklist of key items your team should be considering to master Play 3: Increase AEC Profitability. Check all of the items that you have already put in place, then work through the rest to complete this play and level up your firm. Ɇ Include the right contractual terms for the Ɇ overview for 4-6 months ahead to help you make payments dependent either on clear value of work in progress. make the most strategic and cost-effective Ɇ be treated. Ɇ Ɇ than yearly, basis. Monthly forecasting will week by streamlining and optimizing the provide more accurate insight into revenue project lifecycle. and resourcing. immediately at the start of the month. Send out invoices and collect payments on time. The process starts with time and expenses, and is followed by invoicing Save time by integrating your project finance, complete accounting, and project management into one system. Perform forecasting on a monthly, rather the month-end process in as little as a Get timesheets and all project costs in Ɇ unforeseen costs. process. Depending on your company’s workflow, you can potentially complete Make sure costs are controlled from request to payment to help manage Establish a smooth and fast month-end hiring decisions. Require project managers to evaluate progress and ensure they are accountable. price or T&M, and outline how expenses will Ɇ Have a proper revenue forecast and capacity which will give you more time to evaluate the clearly state whether the project is fixed Ɇ Ɇ financials: clear definition of payment terms, deliverables or a specified payment plan, Ɇ Separate invoicing and revenue recognition, Ɇ Check monthly reports – insight at month-end is about your income statement, utilization, working capital, and future insights in terms of revenue stream and pipeline. regularly and collecting payments. T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 16 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y GROWT H TEC HNO LO GY P L AY 4 Implement a Plan for Growth P L A N F O R LO N G - T E R M S C A L A B I L I T Y A N D A S T E A DY P I P E L I N E It’s tempting to set the goal of growing and scaling your AEC firm fast. However, growth without proper planning will likely set your company back instead of helping you to succeed more quickly. Establishing the right positioning and pricing will provide your firm with the stability needed to grow in the long term. Careful planning, a clear view of your pipeline, and establishing reliable partnerships will carry you forward to sustained success. The thoughtful planning involved in building a long-term vision for your firm is fundamental to executing the other three plays of this playbook: • Projects: Bringing in the right business will set up your company to succeed and improve profitability. • Talent: A clear view into your resources will ensure that you properly staff your projects with the right number of people and skill sets. • Profitability: Careful resource planning and building effective client partnerships will lead to better financial success. T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 17 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y GROWT H TEC HNO LO GY 6 Pillars of Growth-Oriented AEC Firms 1. Positioning 4. Planning 6. Partnership Correct positioning should set your AEC firm apart Revenue forecasting will help you determine when Client relationships can be stronger than ever – from the competition while remaining focused to make hires and understand where the company as long as you create a culture of openness and on the work you do best. But your positioning also is heading financially. This forecast should reflect collaboration. Being as transparent as possible needs to be compelling to the market – don’t get future revenue streams of both backlogged and with clients will help build trust that their projects so narrowly focused that you leave yourself with incoming projects. are in safe hands, as well as encouraging them to too small of a pool of potential clients. At the end of the day, you should be confident in the work your firm provides and its value to your clients. 2. Pricing No matter your pricing model, don’t forget to account for anything that pops up outside your scope of work and charge accordingly in order to maintain profitability and reduce scope creep. 5. Pipeline understand and respect your timelines. You need to have a clear insight into your future revenue streams and pipeline in order to manage your future. The pipeline should reflect a total value overview of potential incoming projects. Qualify potential work and track opportunities to provide valuable information you can use to inform your business strategy. 3. Portfolio Once you have the right mix of clients in your CASE STUDY: New Technology Saves Firm $200k Annually By moving to Deltek Vantagepoint, Haley & Aldrich will realize $200,000 a year in operational savings. portfolio, they should be aligned with your firm’s positioning. This will enable you to say ‘no’ to new Read the Blog clients that don’t fit, setting up your company to be more nimble in the long-term. 76% of firms envision a digitally mature/advanced business in five years, but only 25% see their business there today. D E LT E K C L A R I T Y A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D E N G I N E E R I N G S T U DY T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 18 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT GROWT H PR OFITABILIT Y TEC HNO LO GY Checklist: How to Grow Your AEC Firm Below is a checklist of key items your team should be considering to master Play 4: Implementing a Plan for Growth. Check all of the items that you have already put in place, then work through the rest to complete this play and level up your firm. Ɇ Ɇ Ɇ Revisit your company’s positioning – Ɇ Review your revenue forecast monthly, Ɇ Meet clients on a monthly or quarterly basis evaluate the work you are best at and want to updating the revenue stream per client – and have a template for agreeing on actions focus on. Update all your outgoing messaging including both backlogged projects and deliverables to help create purpose in to match. and opportunities. the relationship. This will also help you to Track all client sales activities and work with Ɇ project managers to update and create process – including monthly capacity quotes and estimates for potential work. planning, automated backlog forecast, Introduce a weekly process for employees understand what kind of projects to expect Establish a fully integrated planning and pipeline forecast. to update your CRM solution to better track in the future. Ɇ Develop a focused 3- and 5-year strategy plan for your firm – outline your long-term goals and map out how to reach them. prospect and client data. Finding time to nurture client relationships, increased competition, and identifying new prospects are the top business development challenges facing architecture and engineering firms today. D E LT E K C L A R I T Y A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D E N G I N E E R I N G S T U DY T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 19 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH T EC H N OLOGY T E C H N O LO GY Providing Faster, Stronger Play Execution While any one of the suggestions in this playbook will give you tips and checklists you can use to level up your AEC firm, without the right tools in place aligned to your processes, things can quickly fall apart. So, where does technology fit in? An annual report on IT budgets and tech trends shows 44% of respondents say they have already or plan to accelerate digital transformation. T H E 2 02 1 S TAT E O F I T T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 20 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y To start, the right technology will help you execute email and spreadsheets. This approach can work for on these plays so you can level up your AEC firm a while, but it’s not scalable as your company grows, faster and more effectively. Better still, it provides nor will it give you the visibility you need. you with unprecedented project visibility, one source of truth, and best practice consistency. It will You’ll find that a solution that integrates your enable you to run a more efficient, profitable and company’s pipeline, project, resource and financial client-centric business. management processes will give you accurate, real-time data and insights about your firm’s overall In many AEC firms you will still find a patchwork of performance, so you can keep projects on time and solutions used to manage work and communications on budget. across teams and clients. This often includes a mix G R OW TH T EC H N OLOGY Take Your Firm’s Business Intelligence to the Next Level To stay competitive, it’s imperative that your organization has accurate and timely reporting to drive success. Discover How of free-to-use or low cost web-based applications, 92% of organizations believe that something needs to change and that they must modernize their information management strategy. T H E A S S O C I AT I O N F O R I N T E L L I G E N T I N F O R M AT I O N M A N A G E M E N T T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 21 I N T R O DUC TI ON P ROJEC T DE LIVE R Y TALENT PR OFITABILIT Y G R OW TH T EC H N OLOGY Checklist: How to Choose the Best AEC Solution for Your Business Needs Use this checklist to help you think holistically about what the optimal solution will look like for your team. Start with a deep understanding of your firm’s current processes by completing Plays 1-4. This will enable you to factor in profitability and growth all the way through to project delivery. Look for these essential elements in your AEC system: Ɇ Ɇ Integrates operations from end-to-end, Ɇ incoming work and its impact on firm step of the way resource planning revenue and capacity Ability to track project metrics across Easy-to-use, mobile timesheets that will win Ɇ Ɇ Ɇ Ɇ Balance workloads to provide the right best practices Ɇ Ɇ Ɇ in the future. Is it flexible enough to support an evolving firm? scoping accurately, increasing efficiency, Ɇ Address overall profitability across an entire network of offices Make sure the system has capacity to meet immediate needs and expand as needs grow Increase profitability and control costs by and reducing delays Robust business intelligence tools provide additional insight into overall business health revenue reconciliation capacity visibility weeks/months into Ɇ Increase cash flow with efficient billing and A tool that is built for project-based businesses and follows industry-specific vs. actuals Employee utilization metrics and resource the future Ɇ Proactively manage budgets and monitor costs with real-time visibility into estimates Built-in collaboration features that store conversations and documents Give project managers the visibility they need to proactively address scope creep Flexible project and task management that fits your firm’s workflow Ɇ Build a healthy pipeline with insight into utilization through better project and over even the most skeptical employees Ɇ Ɇ providing accurate, real-time visibility every the life cycle Ɇ Boost productivity and optimize Ɇ Check to make sure your technology provider has a track record of innovation and improvements. resources for the right job, every time T H E A E C O P E R AT I O N S P L AY B O O K 22 Is it time to level up your AEC firm? D e l t ek p rov id es te chnol og y sol uti o ns to tho usand s of AE C f ir m s a l l ove r the worl d, he l ping them re vo lu t io n ize the way the y do busi ness . F I N D O U T M O R E AT D E LT E K . C O M / A E C