Why Study World Literature? Perspectives & Benefits

Name: Maria Amor Lapiz
Section: BSN2-12E
Why study World Literature?
W-iden people’s perspective that everyone is different and has unique gift.
O-riginality is being utilize as it has been made with own talent.
R-eal world can be escaped through literature.
L-iterature can give us knowledge about things we are lack of.
D-ifferent cultures in the society are being studied here that allows us to learn more
and be knowledgable enough about the world.
L-earning it enable us to learn new things about the world and what it is in the past.
I-magination is being activated that molds an individual to be better at something.
T-eaches us to pay attention when reading because it has many details that help
students expand their way of thinking.
E-nhances beliefs for people who are living a dull life.
R-eading literature let us see the world through others talent and what they are
capable of.
A-llows people to go back even though they are not physically there.
T-he history is being recorded in World Literature and it is important for us to know
about it since we need to pass is to our future generations.
U-nity is established here since we are working together to have a better future.
R-eflects about what people think and opinions about the society.
E-xtinguish beautiful works that can give motivation to someone.