Ancient Greek Philosophers SOCRATES First philosopher who ever engaged in a systematic questioning about the SELF Man is composed of body and soul “Ignorance is the beginning of wisdom” (his dictum) Ignorance is a depravity (evil, corruption, wickedness) He died as a martyr trying to fought against ignorance and mindedness Made to choose between exile and death via the intake of hemlock “The unexamined life is not worth living” (his quote) PLATO Student of Socrates The self is the immortal soul of the body Father of academy “Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion and knowledge”. Dualism -Man is a dual nature composed of Body and Soul. His notable works are: 1. Allegory of the cave 2. The apology 3. Perfect Government and Societal system 4. The republic 3 Different parts/component of the soul Appetitive soul -the part of the person that is driven by and needs to satisfy oneself Spirited Soul -In charge of Emotion -courageous part of a person -to correct wrong to make it right -This is very competitive and is very active Rational soul -Governs our intellect and reasoning -the driver of our lives -it decides what to do -the part that thinks and plans for the future ARISTOTLE “The soul is the essence of the self” The Self -composed of body and soul, mind and matter, sense and intellect, passion and reason. Reason -is supreme and therefore Senses -the lower nature of a human person, dominates a human nature’s life, he/she tends to live a chaotic life Perfection and happiness comes from wisdom and virtue. Golden Mean -moderation -avoid extreme -Do not do unto others if you do not want others to do unto you. VIEWS OF NATURE OF MAN Philosophy -Man is a rational being Psychology -Man is thinking, feeling, and acting individual Theology -Man is composed of body and soul Sociology -Man is a social being Biology -Man is made up of cells MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHER St.Augustine - before he became philosopher he was a `sinner’ -THE ORDER OF LOVE - he believe that human person is created after the image and likeness of god. -for him, SELF is in relation with god and to him god is our center. - he believed that all knowledge leads to God. Only the pure in heart can see God GOLDEN MEAN- “do not do unto others if you do not want other to do unto you.” St. Thomas Aquinas - SELF is composed of FORM and MATTER -for him the soul is what animates the body; it is what makes us humans. WHY WE ARE DISTINCT TO ANIMALS? -we are distinct to animals because we have the ability to reason and a freedom to choose or the essence of human. MODERN PHILOSOPHER RENE DECARTES - french philosopher -Father of Modern Philosophy. -methodical doubt -says that only mind, not the body can arrive at clear and distinct idea - He thought that the only thing that one cannot doubt is the existence of the self. - his pespective is according to the scientific method. - he also believe the existence of body and soul. Cogito Ergo Sum-”I think,therefore I am” - is the famous statement of him DAVID HUME -He is a Scottish Philosopher, -He focused his work in the field of empiricism -BUNDLE THEORY- knowledge originates from our experience. -for him, Self is nothing but a collection of impressions. According to him, impressions are products of our direct experiences while ideas are copies of our impressions.