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Exergy: Thermodynamics Presentation on Work Potential

Exergy - I​
Course Instructor
Goutam Deo
Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Acknowledgements: Prof. A. Agarwal, ME department, for sharing the course material
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
Learning Objectives
Exergy: Definition
Dead State
Exergy associated with KE and PE
Unavailable Energy
Reversible work and Irreversibility
Irreversibility of Heat Engine
Second Law Efficiency
General Definition of Second law efficiency
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
Exergy: Work Potential of Energy
• The useful work potential of a given amount of energy at some
specified state is called exergy, which is also called the
availability or available energy.
• But, Availability is a function of initial state and the
environment alone and considers that the process followed is
reversible and the final state is a dead state.
Dead State System
• A system delivers the maximum possible work as it undergoes
a reversible process from the specified initial state to the state
of its environment, that is, the dead state.
• A system is said to be in the dead state when it is in
thermodynamic equilibrium withESO201
environment it is in.
Dead State
• At dead state, the system:
• Is at the temperature and pressure of the
• Has no Kinetic and potential energy relative to
the surrounding.
• Is Chemically inert with surrounding.
• Has no unbalanced magnetic, electrical and
surface tension force.
Dead State System
Dead States are denoted by subscript zero.
Unless specified, the dead state has:
𝑇_0=25 ℃, 𝑃_0=1 𝑎𝑡𝑚
The atmosphere around us contains a tremendous amount of energy. However, the
atmosphere is in the dead state, andESO201
energy it contains has no work potential
Note Points
• Exergy is not the actual work that a device can produce at the given state upon
• But no system can generate more work than exergy at a given state without
breaking the thermodynamic laws.
• exergy is a property of the system–environment combination so altering the
environment can alter the exergy.
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
Exergy Associated with Kinetic and Potential Energy
• . Kinetic and Potential energies are forms of
mechanical energy and hence can be
completely converted to work irrespective of
the pressure and temperature of the
• The exergies of kinetic and potential energies
are equal to themselves, and they are entirely
available for work.
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
Unavailable Energy
• Unavailable energy is the part of total energy that cannot be converted into work
no matter how efficient the engine is (reversible engine).
• Unavailable energy is accessed to get work only when the second law of
thermodynamics is violated.
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
Reversible Work and Irreversibility
• Final state is always assumed to be the dead state,
which is hardly ever the case for actual engineering
• Reversible work and irreversibility are related to
the actual initial and final state.
Surrounding work:
• The work done by or against the surroundings
during a process.
• It is applicable to only when the volume of the
system changes
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
Reversible Work
• . Useful work: The difference between the actual work
and the surroundings work.
• Reversible work Wrev: The maximum amount of useful
work that can be produced (or the minimum work that
needs to be supplied) as a system undergoes a process
between the specified initial and final states.
• This is the useful work output (or input) obtained (or
expended) when the process between the initial and final
states is executed in a totally reversible
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
• The difference between the reversible work and
the useful work is due to irreversibilities and
this difference is called irreversibility.
• Irreversibility can be viewed as the wasted work
potential or the lost opportunity to do work.
• The performance of a system can be improved by
minimizing the irreversibility associated with it.
• Irreversibility is a positive quantity for all actual
(irreversible) processes
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
The Rate of Irreversibility of a Heat Engine
Calculate reversible power and irreversibility rate for
this process.
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
Irreversibility during the Cooling of an Iron Block
Calculate reversible work and irreversibility in this process.
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
Second-law Efficiency
• The thermal efficiency and the coefficient of
performance studied earlier are called first law
• First law efficiency does not consider the maximum
potential of the engine and hence do not give a
realistic measure.
The two engines have same thermal
efficiency but different maximum
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
Second-law Efficiency
 Second-law
reversible devices is 100 percent.
 Second-law
reversible devices is 100 percent.
 the reversible work should be
determined by using the same initial
and final states as in the actual
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
General definition of exergy efficiency
The second-law efficiency definition discussed earlier do not apply to devices that
are not intended to produce or consume work. Therefore, we need a more general
• In a reversible operation, we should be able to recover
entirely the exergy expended during the process, and the
irreversibility in this case should be zero.
In a reversible operation, we should be able to recover
entirely the exergy expended during the process, and the
irreversibility in this case should be zero. T
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
Second-Law Efficiency of Resistance Heaters
• In electric resistance heating, the exergy expended is the electrical energy the
resistance heater consumes from the resource of electric grid.
• The exergy recovered is the exergy content of the heat supplied to the room,
which is the work that can be produced by a Carnot engine receiving this heat.
• If the heater maintains the heated space at a constant temperature of TH in an
environment at T0, the second-law efficiency for the electric heater becomes
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)
Learning Objectives
The Thermodynamic Temperature Scale.
The Carnot Heat Engine
The Quality of Energy
The Carnot Refrigerator and Heat Pump
ESO201 (Thermodynamics)