LAB_HW1 Name : Mintu Kumar Rollno. : 2022296 group members: Aman Kumar(2022060), Saumya Trivedi(2021198), Pankaj Yadav(2022347) Q1: Implementing the given formula on a Processing System (PS). 1. Assume Input Vectors X, T, and N are vectors of size 3. Each vector will be input by the user during execution. 2. Steps for Implementation Step 1: Input Handling Prompt the user to enter three values for each vector X, T and N. Validate the input, ensuring no zero values in T to prevent division by zero. Step 2: Calculation of Q For each element in the vectors, compute: For each element in the vectors, compute: X/T LAB_HW1 1 2⋅N T Add the two computed terms to get Q[ i ]. Step 3: UART Output Send the computed values of Q for each element via UART for display. 4. UART Communication Use UART communication to display the results of Q . This involves: Configuring UART for data transfer. Sending the results as strings or formatted output. 5. Error Handling Include checks to ensure no division by zero in the calculation. Provide error messages for invalid inputs via UART. code: LAB_HW1 2 Block diagram: LAB_HW1 3 Outputs: LAB_HW1 4