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History of Space Exploration Project Work

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History of Space Exploration
Presentation · April 2020
1 author:
Krishna Dhanuk
Tribhuvan University
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The students of grade 12 of the year of 2078 from section E
Krishna Dhnauk
Top Bahadur Bohara
Rajesh Bohara
Dhangadhi-4- Kailali , Nepal
Date : 2078-08 -017
National Education Board
National Academy of Science and Technology
Department of Science (Physics)
Kailali , Nepal
is submitted by the students of grade 12 from section E Mr. Krishna
Dhanuk , Mr. Top Bahadur Bohara and Mr. Rajesh Bohara of Nast
Secondary School under the supervision of Mr. Hari Dhatta Bhatta
submitted of the partial fulfillment of physics grade 12 has been
accepted .
Head of Department
Department of Physics
Department of Physics
Nast Secondary School
Nast Secondary School
Date : ……………………
We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our sir Mr.
Hari Dhatta Bhatta as well as our HOD Mr. Krishna Bhandari sir who gave
us golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the “TO STUDY
in doing a lot of research and we came to know about so many new
things . It helped us to increase our knowledge and skills .
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our lecturer Mr. Hari
Dhatta Bhatta who helped to complete the project work. We are thankful
to our parents who helped us to provide financial support and created a
better environment to complete this work .
Students Class 12
Section : E
Name : Krishna Dhanuk
Top Bahadur Bohara,
Rajesh Bohara.
This project report entitled “TO STUDY ABOUT THE HISTORY OF SPACE
EXPLORATION ” has the main objective to know more about the space
and the events which were happened and are happening in the world to
know more about the space . This is the process to study more and more
about space and not to limited only on text books and prepare us to
make research in this content . The knowledge and information used for
the project were taken by the discussion and research from our group .
The diagram in the given project work are used for better understanding
, for better experience and for better and effective study and make a
clear view to the reader.
We haven’t only included the events which are happened for space
exploration but we have also included the main idea and concept behind
it which also can be called theoretical knowledge of physics . Here, we
have included the ideas of various scientists which makes us able to
know more and more about the space . The data present in the project
provides a clear image to the reader about the space and we hoped it
will helps to solve various questions of the reader and also make us
known more and more than the text books .
Students Class 12
Section : E
Name : Krishna Dhanuk
Top Bahadur Bohara,
Rajesh Bohara.
This is to certify that the project work entitled “TO STUDY ABOUT THE
HISTORY OF SPACE EXPLORATION ” has been carried out by Mr. Krishna
Dhanuk , Mr. Top Bahadur Bohara and Mr. Rajesh Bohara (Section :E) as
a partial fulfillment of Grade 12 in Physics under the supervision of Mr.
Hari Dhatta Bhatta . To the best knowledge, this work hasn’t been
submitted to any other purpose in this institute. Therefore I (Mr. Hari
Dhatta Bhatta) , recommend the project work report for evaluation.
Mr. Krishna Bhandari
Mr. Upendra Bam
HOD Of Science
Nast Secondary School
Nast Secondary School
We hereby declare that the project work “TO STUDY ABOUT THE
HISTORY OF SPACE EXPLORATION ” submitted to Department of Physics
Nast Secondary School in the form of hard copy of project work which
has done under the supervision of Mr. Hari Dhatta Bhatta and is
submitted for the partial fulfillment of physics grade 12 .
From your obedient Student’s
S.N Name
dhanukkrishna0987@gmail.com Dhangadhi
Science has various topics which involves in the experimental knowledge
and verified. Here we talk only about the logics and proof . Outer space
is also one of the mysterious topic in the real science world . As we
belonging the students of science are always curious to know more and
more about the space . At night seeing the stars , the moon has always a
excitement feeling for all of us . Science of the world is working a lot of
hard work to know even single core of the space . But till today we know
that only four percent of the outer space is made up of the atoms , about
which we human kind have knowledge , the twenty-three percent is
made of the dark matter about which we human kind don’t know
anything , the remaining seventy-three percent is made up of dark
energy about which we human kind don’t know anything i.e Nobody
knows what the dark matter and dark energy is . This shows that where
we are on the path to explore the outer space and what we much needed
to find .
But the activities of world science always creating themselves much
stronger day by day and are in the continues process of space
exploration. So we can say that space is the unlimited expansion of the
mass , energy , matter and many more about which we don’t know . The
space includes everything that exists , the most distant stars , planets ,
satellites as well as our earth and all things which are on it . Nobody
knows how much big the outer space is and nobody knows the limits of
the space . It said that there is the certain meaning of our existence in
this planet earth , the evolution of human life and its reason is hidden in
the space so , also human kind are trying to more about the outer space
so that we could find our meaning and process of existence and
evolution .
From thousands of years , we mankind has been exploring the space for
seeking the unknown answer of our question . Every answer is used to
increase knowledge of human towards cosmos and used for benefit of
humanity . We humans have always looked at the heavens and
wondered about the nature of the objects seen in the night sky . With
the development of rockets and the advance in the electronics and other
technology in the twentieth century , it became possible to send
machines and animals and then people above earths atmosphere into
outer space . But before these achievements from technology ,
however ‘Space Exploration ’ had already captured in the minds of many
people , not only in the minds of aircrafts pilots and scientists but also in
writers and artists . By simply looking at the sky , imagining through the
night and day view and the data presented in the written books of
religious .
There wasn’t any evidence to prove them wrong at that time so they
imagine what ever they feels right or wrong and these things mis leads
to the people for the space exploration at the beginning .
Many astronomer and great scientists contributed for the exploration of
space. The name of various astronomers and events happen for space
exploration are mentioned below :
Thales of Miletus
Around 624 BC there was a person named Thales.
He was a Greek mathematician, astronomer, and
pre- socratic philosopher from Miletus in lonia,
Asia minor. He wanted to explain the nature
without the reference of mythology. He is
recognized at today’s world for breaking the
mythology to explain the world and universe instead explaining natural
object and phenomena by naturalistic theories and hypothesis in the
precursor to modern science .He believed that world is a floating disc in
a heavenly ocean surrounded by a sphere of stars .
According the Herodotus , Thales predicted the solar eclipse of May 28,
585 BC . Thales also described the position of ursa minor and he thought
the constellation might be useful as a guide for navigation at the sea . He
calculated the duration of the year and the timings of the equionxes and
solstices .
He was a Greek astronomer , scientists of around
384 BC to 322 BC . He was the first person to
believe that earth was round . He thought earth
was the center of the universe and that the sun ,
moon , planets and all other stars revolved around
it which was popularly known as geocentric theory.
Although after a century later , heliocentric or sun
centered universe or space was believed .
Nicolaus Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus (19 Feb 1473- 24 May
1543 AD ) was active as a mathematician
and astronomer . He formulated a model of
universe that placed the sun rather than
earth at its center which was popularly
known as the heliocentric hypothesis . He
changed the concept of people about the
space .
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei (15 February 1564- 8
January 1642) was an astronomer,
physicist and engineer . He has been
called ‘Father of Observational
astronomy ’ . He modified the
telescope and used it for scientific
observations of celestial objects . His
confirmation of the phases of Venus
, observation of the four largest
satellites of Jupiter , observation of
Saturn’s ring and analysis of sunspots . He studied the milky way and
made various observation about stars , including how to measure their
apparent size without a telescope . He proved that the heliocentric
hypothesis is true . Although he was prismed for against and reinterpret
the bible.
The observation and the study of the space from the earth wasn’t
effective much more than going into space and observe more preciously.
For this we need to fly over high and high. For this many scholar gave
various ideas and tried experiment to fly but couldn’t succeed .
But In 1904-1905 , the Wright
brothers developed their flying
machine to make longer – running
and more aerodynamic flights. By the
invention of their , human are able to
fly for first time .
Robert H. Goddard
Human didn’t stop at the
invention of wright brother
advanced technology of
flying . The ideas of rocket
was generated . Robert
Hutching Goddard was a
great American engineer ,
physicist and inventor who
is credited with creating
and building the worlds first
liquid rocket . He launched
34 rocket between 1926 and 1941 achieving the altitude as high as 2.6
km and speeds as fast as 885 km/h . Goddard’s work as both theorist and
engineer anticipated many of the development that would make space
flight possible at the present time. Two of Goddard’s 214 patented
invention , a multi-stage rocket (1914) and liquid-fuel rocket (1914) were
important milestones towards spaceflight . He successfully pioneered
modern method to allow rockets to control their flight effectively .
By 1912 he had in his spare time , using calculus , developed the
mathematics which allowed him to calculate the position and velocity of
a rocket in vertical flight , give the weight of the rocket and weight of the
propellent and the velocity of the exhaust gases . He accounted for
vertical flight from the surface of earth Goddard included in his
differential equation the effects of gravity and aerodynamics drag . So ,
he is known as father of modern rocketry .
Wernher Von Braun
He was a German – American
aerospace engineer and space
architecture. He was leading figure
in the development of rocket
technology in Nazi Germany and a
pioneer of rocket and space
technology in the United States .
He helped to design and codeveloped the V-2 rocket during the
world war II . V-2 is the first man
object to enter into space .During
war he moved to United States . He worked for the United States army
on an inter-mediate range ballistic missile program , and he developed
the rocket that launch the United States first space satellite Explorer in
1958. In 1960 , his group was assimilation into NASA.
V-2 Rocket
The V-2 with the technical name Aggregate
4 (A4) was the worlds first long – range
guided ballistic missile . The missile
powered by a liquid propellent rocket
engine , was developed during the world
war in Germany as a “Vengeance Weapon
” and assigned to attack Allied cities as
retaliation for the Allied bombing against
German cities . The V-2 rocket became the
first artificial object to travel into space by
crossing the Karman line with the vertical launch of MW 18014 on 20
June 1944. The rocket travelled at supersonic speed .
After the travel of man made object into space . It made people to think
about the space exploration . As the result , History changed on 4
October 1957, When the Sovient Union successfully launched sputnik .
It was launched into an elliptical
low Earth orbit by USSR as apart
of Soviet space program . It
orbited for three weeks before
its batteries ran out . The
satellite the silently continued to
orbit the planet for two months
before it fall back into the
atmosphere on 4 Janaury 1958.
It was polished metal sphere
with four external radio
antennas to Broad cast radio pulses . Its radio signal was easily detected
by radio amateurs and the 650 orbital inclination and duration of its orbit
made its flight path cover virtually the entire inhabited Earth . The launch
was the beginning of the new era of political , military , technological
and scientific development .
This made human to travel a living life into space and In 1957 ,3
November USSR send first mammal in orbit the dog named lalik by using
sputnik 2 . The space exploration didn’t stop here . The rocket Luna 1
sent by USSR at 1959 was the first rocket to reach earth escape velocity
and it also attempted to impact the moons surface but it missed by 5,995
km . It was the first artificial object in heliocentric orbit and for first time
it detected solar wind .
Yuri Gagrain
This made human themselves to travel
in the space and At 1961 Yuri
Alekseyevich Gagarin finally made it .
He was a soviet pilot and cosmonaut
who became the first human to journey
into outer space. Travelling in the
Vostok 1 capsule , Gagarin completed
one orbit of earth on 12 April 1961. By
achieving this major milestone in the
space race he became an international
celebrity and was awarded many
medals and titles including Hero of the
Soviet Union , his nations highest honor
. His flight on 12 April, 1961 lasted 108 minutes as he circled the earth
for a little more than one orbit in the Sovient Union Vostok spacecraft .
UN Space Treaty
The continuous experiment for the space exploration for the space
exploration has created a negative competition among the powerful
continues . So , In 1967 UN created the treaty on principle governing the
activities of states in the space exploration and use of outer space ,
including the moon and other celestial bodies which is known as ‘Outer
Space Treaty ’ . The treaty deals with the issues such as the nonappropriation of outer space by anyone country , arms control , the
freedom exploration , liability of damage caused by space objects , the
safety of astronauts , the prevention of harmful interference with space
activities , scientific investigation and the exploration of natural
resources in the outer space and the settlement of disputes .
After many success on the space flight, human are curious to know more
about the space and go deeper into deeper . The nearest celestial object
from our Earth is the Moon so, next target for the scientists and
astronaut was to land on the moon and go deeper in the space
exploration and know how it is , how it’s surface and all of that .
There was and is high competition for space exploration so , at that time
the president of USA Jhon. F .Kennedy on March 25, 1961 AD set a
national goal to perform a crewed lunar landing and returning to Earth .
And as his promises to World they were able to land on the moon on
July, 1969 AD . Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz
Aldrin landed on the moon in the Apollo 11 . At this Armstrong became
the first person to walk first step onto the moon . Apollo 11 was launched
by a Saturn V rocket from Kennedy Space Center .
Neil Alden Armstrong
He was an American astronaut and
aeronautical engineer and the first
person to walk on the moon . He was
also a naval aviator test pilot and
university professor .
He made his first spaceflight in the
march 1966 AD , becoming NASA’s
first civilian astronaut to fly in space .
During this mission with pilot David
Scott , he performed the first doking
of two spacecraft . When Armstrong
first stepped on the lunar surface he
said ,” That’s one small step for man , one gaint leap for mankind .”
Human has done various activities and space mission for the space
exploration . So describing all data and events isn’t possible for us .
Therefore we have made a table to show all the data which represent
important space exploration .
Pre 20th Century
Date (In AD)
Date (In AD)
10 May 1946
24 Oct 1946
Event leading to space exploration
First telescopic observation of night sky;
discovery of Jupiter’s moon
First exposition of the rocket equation base on
the newton’s law of motion
First clear telescopic views picture of the
First proper observation of the galaxies
Event leading to space exploration
Goddard flied for liquid fueled rocket
First observation of an extrasolar planet .
Round Van Maanen 2
Goddard launched the first liquid rocket
V-2 was launched . The first artificial object to
cross Karman Line and first spaceflight
First space research flight
First picture from 105 km
First animals in space
Albert II, a rhesus monkey , The first primate
animal in the space flying on V-2 rocket .
The first rocket to pass thermosphere and
enter the exosphere . The name of the rocket
was 3-stage Jupiter.
Date (In AD)
21 Aug 1957
4 Oct 1957
3 Nov 1957
7 Aug 1959
Event leading to space exploration
First intercontinental ballistic missile
First artificial satellite and signals from space
(Sputnik 1)
First mammal in the orbit , the dog laika
(Sputnik 2 )
First photographic of earth from orbit .
Date (In AD)
March 1960
10 Oct 1960
31 Jan 1961
12 Apr 1961
19 May 1961
16 June 1963
3 Apr 1966
19 Apr 1971
4 March 1986
14 Feb 1990
21 Oct 1991
Event leading to space exploration
First solar probe
First probe launched to mars (Failed to reach
target )
First Hominidae in space , first tasks
performed in space; Ham(Chimpanzee )
First human spaceflight (Yuri Gagarin) by
Vostok 1
First planetary flyby
First woman in space (Valentina Jereshkova)
First artificial satellite on the moon , Luna 10
First space station of Salyut1
First flyby of a comet Vegal and Vegaz
First photographic of the whole solar system
First asteroid flyby (951 Gaspra )
Date (In AD)
14 Feb 2000
12 Feb 2001
8 Nov 2008
Event leading to space exploration
First orbiting of an asteroid (433 Eros )
First landing on an asteroid (433 Eros )
Discovery of lunar water in the form of ice
6 Mar 2009
18 Mar 2011
16 July 2011
10 Aug 2015
3 Jan 2019
10 Apr 2019
30 May 2020
19 Apr 2021
15 Dec 2021
Kepler mission was launched , first space
telescope designated to search for Earth-like
First orbit of mercury
First orbit of giant asteroid Vesta
First food grown in space eaten (lettuce )
First soft landing on the far side of the moon;
also first germinating of seeds on another
celestial body
First direct photograph of a black hole and its
vicinity (Event Horizon Telescope )
First orbital human spaceflight launched by a
private company named Space X
Flight aerodynamically powered flight on
another celestial body (Mars )
Satellite named Parker in the corona of sun
After researching a lot about the space exploration , we observe that
human society were always curious to know about the space and it’s
exploration . Every one has given there own prospective on the space
and it’s unknown fact . This also shows that the development of the
technology had developed rapidly in the last 100 hundred years from the
first space rocket V-2 to the satellite to enter in the corona of sun ( Parker
Solar polar ). We also observe that space exploration isn’t the subject of
interest for only scientists , astronauts and engineer . It is the concern of
whole nation , politician , big companies , civilian etc. This is like the
festival to break records and getting new achievements in the path of
space exploration . So different countries don’t afraid for the investment
in the path of space exploration .
At the end it is concluded that space exploration is not a small job to do.
It need sources , ideas , huge investment and other stuff. We human have
explored 1000 times of the data which we have at 100 years back . But
we know only 4 percent of the whole universe . So the space exploration
is the continuous process of the human society . As it is the unlimited
expansion of mass , objects , space . It also seems like it is the never
ending process .
• Books
• Nasa’s webpage
• Wikipedia
• Big think Websites
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