2020 Critical concepts for the CFA EXAM CFA® EXAM REVIEW Wiley’s CFA Program Level III Smartsheets ® Fundamentals For CFA Exam Success WCID184 Wiley’s CFA Program Exam Review ® ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Standards of Professional Conduct • Thoroughly read the Standards, along with related guidance and examples. Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct • Firm-wide, voluntary standards • No partial claim of compliance. • Compliance statement: “[Insert name of firm] claims compliance with the CFA Institute Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct. This claim has not been verified by CFA Institute.” • Firms must notify CFA Institute when claiming compliance. • CFA Institute does not verify manager’s claim of compliance. • Standards cover: • Loyalty to clients • Investment process and actions • Trading • Risk management, compliance, and support • Performance and valuation • Disclosures GLOBAL INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS • Focus on required disclosures, and presentation and reporting requirements and recommendations of GIPS. • Be able to identify and correct errors in a performance presentation that claims to be GIPS compliant. BEHAVIORAL FINANCE Behavioral Finance Perspective • Prospect theory • Assigns value to changes in wealth rather than levels of wealth. • Underweight moderate- and high-probability outcomes. • Overweight low-probability outcomes. • Value function is concave above a wealth reference point (risk aversion) and convex below a wealth reference point (risk seeking). • Value function is steeper for losses than for gains. • Cognitive limitations • Bounded rationality: deciding how much will be done to aggregate relevant information and using rules of thumb. • Satisficing: finding adequate rather than optimal solutions. • Traditional perspective on portfolio construction assumes that managers can identify an investor’s optimal portfolio from mean-variance efficient portfolios. • Consumption and savings • Mental accounting: wealth classified into current income, currently owned assets, PV of future income. • Framing: source of wealth affects spending/saving decisions (current income has high marginal propensity to consume). • Self-control: long-term sources unavailable for current spending. • Behavioral asset pricing models • Sentiment premium included in required return. • Bullish (bearish) sentiment risk decreases (increases) required return. • Behavioral portfolio theory • Strategic asset allocation depends on the goal assigned to the funding layer. • Uses bonds to fund critical goals in the domain of gains. • Uses risky securities to fund aspirational goals in the domain of losses. • Adaptive markets hypothesis • Must adapt to survive (bias towards previously successful behavior due to use of heuristics). • Risk premiums and successful strategies change over time. Behavioral Biases • Cognitive errors (belief persistence biases) • Conservatism: overweight initial information and fail to update with new information. • Confirmation bias: only accept belief-confirming information, disregard contradictory information. • Representativeness: extrapolate past information into the future (includes base-rate neglect and sample-size neglect). • Illusion of control: believe that you have more control over events than is actually the case. • Hindsight bias: only remember information that reinforces existing beliefs. • Cognitive errors (information-processing biases) • Anchoring and adjustment: develop initial estimate and subsequently adjust it up/down. • Mental accounting: treat money differently depending on source/use. • Framing: make a decision differently depending on how information is presented. • Availability bias: use heuristics based on how readily information comes to mind. • Emotional biases • Loss aversion: strongly prefer avoiding losses to making gains (includes disposition effect, housemoney effect and myopic loss aversion). • Overconfidence: overestimate analytical ability or usefulness of their information (prediction overconfidence and certainty overconfidence). • Self-attribution bias: self-enhancing and selfprotecting biases intensify overconfidence. • Self-control bias: fail to act in their long-term interests (includes hyberbolic discounting). • Status quo bias: prefer to do nothing than make a change. • Endowment bias: value an owned asset more than if you were to buy it. • Regret aversion: avoid making decisions for fear of being unsuccessful (includes errors of commission and omission). • Goals-based investing • Base of pyramid: low-risk assets for obligations/needs. • Moderate-risk assets for priorities/desires; speculative assets for aspirational goals. • Behaviorally modified asset allocation • Greater wealth relative to needs allows greater adaptation to client biases • Advisor should moderate cognitive biases with high standard of living risk (SLR). • Advisor should adapt to emotional biases with a low SLR. Investment Processes • Behavioral biases in portfolio construction • Inertia and default: decide not to change an asset allocation (status quo bias). • Naïve diversification: exhibit cognitive errors resulting from framing or using heuristics like 1/n diversification. • Company stock investment: overallocate funds to company stock. • Overconfidence bias: engage in excessive trading (includes disposition effect). • Home bias: prefer own country’s assets. • Mental accounting: portfolio may not be efficient due to goals-based investing as each layer of pyramid is optimized separately. • Behavioral biases in research and forecasting • Representativeness: due to excessive structured information. • Confirmation bias: only accept supporting evidence. • Gamblers’ fallacy: overweight probability of mean reversion. • Hot hand fallacy: overweight probability of similar returns. • Overconfidence, availability, illusion of control, selfattribution and hindsight biases also possible. • Market behavioral biases • Momentum effects due to herding, anchoring, availability and hindsight biases. • Bubbles due to overconfidence, self-attribution, confirmation and hindsight biases. • Value stocks have outperformed growth stocks; smallcap stocks have outperformed large-cap stocks. Capital Market Expectations CME frameworks and Macro Considerations • Good forecasts are: • Objective and unbiased • Internally consistent • Efficient with low errors • Uncertainty and errors stem from choosing incorrect model, errors in underlying data, or errors in estimated parameters • Errors can also stem from behavioral biases such as anchoring bias, availability bias, confirmation bias, status quo bias, overconfidence bias, and prudence bias • Aggregate equity market value: • Three distinct approaches to forecasting economic change: • Econometrics • Economic indicators • Checklist approach • Yield curve over the business cycle • Initial recovery – Steep yield curve with low short-term rates that start to rise • Early expansion – Rising curve with steep short maturities and flat long maturities • Late expansion – Slowly rising and flattening curve • Slowdown – Flat or inverted curve that is falling • Contraction – Falling curve that begins to steepen Forecasting Asset Class Returns • Expected returns on fixed income securities can be determined using: • A DCF approach, whereby current price and future cash flows infer a yield to maturity (YTM). Realised return differ from YTM due to gains/losses from pre-maturity transactions and reinvestment effects • A building block approach, whereby expected return is based on the short-term nominal default-free rate plus risk premiums such as a term premium, credit premium and liquidity premium • Expected returns on equities can be determined using: • Historical statistics Wiley © 2020 Wiley’s CFA Program Exam Review ® Asset AllocAtion with ReAl-woRld Asset Allocation with Real-World Constraints • A DCF/dividend discount approach, such as the asset allocations results in an overall strategic asset allocation). Grinold-Kroner model: Asset AllocAtion Principles of Asset Allocation AA • Mean variance optimization (MVO) • Produces an efficient frontier based on returns, • A building block approach, whereby expected return characteristics of different asset classes. After-tax Portfolio Optimization • Time horizon: asset allocation decisions evolve Optimizing a portfolio subject to taxes requires using the after-tax returns and risks on an with changes in time horizon, human capital, utility ex-ante basis. function, financial market conditions, characteristics of Asset decisions shouldowner’s be made on an after-tax basis. the asset priorities. ratliability =allocation rpt (1 − t )and • Regulatory: regulatory entities • Taxes and portfolio financial rebalancing:markets As marketand conditions change over time, asset class is based on either the short-or-long-term nominal where: weights PrinciPles of Asset AllocAtion often constraints. in aimpose portfolio additional change and tend to move away from previously set target standard deviation of returns and pairwise after-tax return rat = expected default-free rate plus risk premiums such as those used levels. Portfolio rebalancing is needed to return actual allocation to the strategic • asset Taxes pre-tax return rpt = expected correlations. allocation (SAA). However, discretionary portfolio rebalancing can trigger for fixed income securities as well as an equity risk Principles of Asset Allocation t = expected taxcapital rate gains and losses and the associated tax liabilities that could have been realized • Place less tax-efficient assets in tax-advantaged premium • Finds optimal asset allocation mix that maximizes otherwise deferred or even avoided. Extending this to a portfolio with both income and portfolio capital gains:optimization. accounts to achieve after-tax client’s utility. • An equilibrium approach, whereby expected return forRisk Objectives Taxable asset owners should consider the trade-off between the benefits of tax an equity market is based on its sensitivity ( ) to global rat = pd rpt (1 − td )the + pmerits tcgmaintaining ) a rpt (1 −of minimization and the targeted asset allocation by rebalancing. U p = E ( R p ) − 0.005 × A × σ 2p market returns and its level of integration ( ) with global markets (Singer-Terhaar model): where: Because after-tax volatility is smaller than pre-tax volatility, it takes a larger where: movement a taxable portfolio toachange the portfolio risk profile of portfolio. • Rebalancing range forincome taxable (Rthe ) can • investor’s MVO limitations pd = proportion of in return from dividend taxable U is the utility. can be wider than Consequently, rebalancing for aotherwise taxable portfolio (R taxable)taxbe wider than of an identical of return from those priceranges appreciation (i.e., capital gain) E(Rp) is the portfolio expected return. • Asset allocations are highly sensitive to small changes pa = proportion R ). those of an otherwise identical tax-exempt portfolio ( tax exempt on dividend income (R exempt). td = tax rateexempt portfolio tax A is the investor’s risk aversion. in input variables. tcg = tax rate on capital gain σ 2p is the•variance of the portfolio. Asset allocations can be highly concentrated. R taxable = R taxthe / (1 − t) benefit from compounding capital gains rather than This formula ignores multi-period exempt Roy’s Safety Firstfocuses Ratio (SFon Ratio) recognizing the annual capital gain. • Only mean and variance of returns. Taxaffect loss harvesting is another commonly used strategy related to portfolio rebalancing • SourcesE (of risk may not be well diversified. Taxes •also expected standard Revision to asset an deviation. allocation R p ) − RL and taxes. Ratio = and •SFAsset-only σstrategy. p •σ atChanges in goals = σ (1 − t ) Strategic ptasset location refers to placing less tax-efficient assets into tax-deferred or • Single-period framework and ignores trading/ • Changes in constraints tax-exempt accounts such as pension and retirement accounts. For example, equities where: rebalancing costs and taxes. should heldhigher in taxable taxablethe bonds high-turnover Taxes result in generally lower highs and lows,accounts, effectivelyand reducing meanand return and RL is the lowest acceptable return over a period of time. • Changes inbeinvestment beliefs • Does not address evolving asset allocation strategies, muting trading assets should be placed in tax-exempt or tax-deferred accounts to maximize dispersion. portfolio’s expected return. • Expected returns on real estate can be determined using:E(Rp) is the path-dependent the tax benefits of those accounts. • Tactical asset allocation (TAA) approaches decisions, non-normal distributions. σp is the portfolio’s standard deviation. Equivalent After-Tax Rebalancing Range • Capitilization rates: • Discretionary uses market skillsprocess. to avoid or • Approaches to improve quality of MVO asset allocation Asset allocation decisions are aTAA: dynamically changingtiming and adjusting Market Including International Assets hedge negative returnsoften in down enhance conditions asset owner circumstances requiremarkets revising anand original asset allocation Rand • Use reverse optimization compute implied returns at = R pt (1 − t ) • The Sharpe ratio of the proposed new to asset class: SR[New] decision. There are basically threeinelements that may trigger a review of an existing asset positive returns up markets. improve quality inputs, e.g. Black-Litterman allocation policy: • Theand Sharpe ratio of the existing of portfolio: SR[p] • A building block approach, whereby expected return is • Themodel. correlation between asset class return and portfolio return: where: • Systematic TAA: uses signals to capture asset-classCorr (R[New], R[p]) rebalancing R = After-tax based on risk premia that incorporate those used for Changes inreturn goals: range level anomalies that have been empirically • Adding constraints to incorporate short-selling and Ratpt 1.= Pre-tax rebalancing range in business conditions and changes in expected future cash a. As a result of changes both fixed income securities and equities demonstrated as producing abnormal returns. other real-world restrictions into optimization. flows over time, a mismatch may arise between the original intended goal and the SR[ New] > SR[ p] × Corr ( R[ New], R[ p]) • An equilibrium approach, with adjustments for Value After Distributions current goalTaxable of the fund best serve the fund’s needs. • Behavioral biases intoasset allocation • Resampled MVO technique combining MVO and Monte Portfolio illiquidity and smoothed returns b. Changes in an asset owner’s personal circumstances may alter risk appetite or Carlo approaches to seek the most efficient and Portfolio Risk Budgeting Asset •VAllocAtion Loss aversion: mitigate by framing riskchildren, in terms = V (1 − t ) atrisk capacity. pt i Life events such as marriage, having andof becoming ill • Expected returns for foreign exchange can be determined consistent optimization. shortfall or needs funding high-priority goals with from an may all haveprobability an impact on the and goals of an individual benefiting Marginal contribution to total risk identifies the rate at which risk changes as asset i is using: where:Asset AllocAtion investment portfolio. low-risk assets. • Monte Carlo simulation and scenario analysis 3. toItthe canportfolio: incorporate trading costs and costs of rebalancing a portfolio. It may also added AA portfolio value Any material change in constrains, including asset size, vat =2.after-tax Changes in constraints: • A monetary approach, whereby exchange rate incorporate taxes. • Illusion control: mitigate byexternal using constraints, the globalshould market • Used in a multiple-period framework to improve portfolio value vpt = pre-tax liquidity, time of horizon, regulatory, or other trigger a model non-normal multivariate return distributions, serial and cross-sectional movements reflect the expected differences in inflation 4. It can 2.single-period The = two-portfolio or hedging/return-seeking portfolio approach AA of rateportfolio on distributions income ti = taxreexamination MCTR βi ,P σ P approach asset allocation decisions. asexisting aasstarting point and using a formal asset MVO. correlations, requirements, an evolving asset allocation strategy,partitions pathi distribution assets into two groups: a hedging portfolio and a return-seeking portfolio. The dependent decisions, nontraditional investments, non-tradable assets, and human • Capital flows, whereby expected changes in exchange 3. Changes in beliefs: Investment beliefs change with market conditions, among allocation process based on long-term return and risk many hedging portfolio is managedpicture so that its assets are expected to produce a good hedge • Provides a realistic of distribution of potential capital. other factors. TheyAny areunauthorized a set of guiding that govern asset owner’s to cover required cash outflows from the liabilities. The return-seeking portfolio rates is based on differences between countries in © wiley 2018 Allforecasts, Rights Reserved. copying orprinciples distribution will constitute anthe infringement of copyright. optimization constraints anchored around where: future outcomes. investment decisions. Investment beliefs include expected returns, volatilities, and can be managed independently of the hedging portfolio. Portfolio managers and default-free rates and risk premiums budget a particular allocation of portfolio risk. optimal riskportfolio budget as is an oneassetto = beta of isasset i returns with to portfolio returns βAi,Prisk asset class in the market investment advisors canrespect potentially treat theAn return-seeking correlations amongweights asset classes in theglobal opportunity set. portfolio, and satisfy portfolio optimization. Our goal is to seek an optimal risk allocation budget. Portfolio risk can be • Can incorporate trading/rebalancing costs and taxes. return volatility measure as standard of asset i returns σP = portfolio only portfolio and apply traditional MVO in thedeviation asset process. The twostrict policy ranges. total risk, marketportfolio risk, active risk,isormost residual risk. Here are three statements thatwish are directly approach appropriate for conservative investors who to reduce Can model non-normal distributions, and crossrelated to •the risk process: or budget eliminate the riskrisk of not being able to pay future liabilities. Variants of two- i Absolute contribution to total identifies the contribution toserial total risk fortheasset • Mental accounting: goal-based investing incorporates portfolio approach include: correlations, evolving asset allocations, path• A building block approach, whereby expected return is 1. The sectional Partialidentifies hedge: Capital allocated to the hedging reduced in different order to this bias directly into the asset allocation solution by riska.budget the total amount of risk and portfolio allocatesisthe risk to dependent decisions, non-traditional 194 generate higher expected returns from the return-seekinginvestments, portfolio. © 2018 Wiley asset classes in a portfolio. ACTR based on risk premia that incorporate those used for aligning each goal with a discrete sub-portfolio. i = wi × MCTRi b. Dynamic hedge: The investor increases the allocation to the hedging portfolio as 2. An optimal risk capital. budget allocates risk efficiently, which is to maximize return per unit human ACTR the funding ratio increases. both fixed income securities and equities i of% risk taken. ACTR to total risk = • Recency or representativeness bias: mitigate by using i two-portfolio approach has its limitations. The Risk budget σ risk budget is risk budgeting. process of finding the optimal • Expected return for emerging market securities is likely 3. • The a. It cannot be used when Pthe funding ratio is less than 1. a formal asset allocation policy with prespecified c09.indd 194 7 March 2018 b. It cannot be use when a true hedging portfolio is unavailable; for example, • Identifies total amount offorrisk allocates risk tothe to include considerations for ability and willingness to The concept of marginal contribution to is anand important one because it allows allowable ranges. liabilities are related to portfolio payments risk damages due to hurricanes or earthquakes. us to (1) track the in portfolio risk due to a change in portfolio holding,investors (2) determine asset classes. 3.different Thechange integrated asset-liability approach is used by some institutional to pay (fixed income) and risks to shareholder protections 24 © Wileypositions 2018 All rights reserved. Any unauthorized or distribution will constitute an infringement of copyright. • Framing bias: mitigate by presenting the possible asset which are optimal, and (3)and create a copying riskdecisions. budget. jointly optimize asset liability Banks, long/short hedge funds, insurance (equities) • Asset allocation is optimal when of excess return companies, and reinsurance companies often must ratio render decisions regarding the allocation choices with multiple perspectives on the of liabilities in conjunction with their asset allocation. The process is setting, weishave thesame following relations: tocomposition MCTR the for all assets. • Expected variance of returns and covariances can be In a risk budget risk-reward tradeoff. called asset-liability management (ALM) for banks and dynamic financial analysis (DFA) for insurance companies. The approach is often implemented in the context determined using: Marginal contribution to total (MCTR) = Asset beta ×The Portfolio standard deviation of multiperiod models viarisk a set of projected scenarios. integrated asset-liability • Familiarity or availability bias: mitigate by using the • Historical statistics approach provides mechanism to discover the weight optimal×mix of assets and liabilities. It Absolute contribution toatotal risk ( ACTR ) = Asset MCTR global market portfolio as the starting point in asset is the most comprehensive approach among the three liability-relative asset allocation Ratio of excess return to MCTR = (Expected return − Risk-free rate)/ MCTR • Factor models, that seek to reduce problems approaches. allocation and carefully evaluating any potential associated with historical statistics. Shrinkage deviations. Characteristics of liability-relative asset allocation approaches are summarized in the allocation is optimal when the ratio of excess return (over the risk-free rate) to • following Liability-relative asset allocation approaches estimation, using historical statistics and factor model An asset table. MCTR is the same for all assets. outputs can provide further precision Surplus optimization two-Portfolio Integrated Asset-liability asset allocation utilizes investment risk factors instead of asset classes to • Smoothing, especially in the case of illiquid markets: Factor-based Simplicity Simplicity Increased complexity make asset allocation decisions. These factors are fundamental factors that historically have Linear or or nonlinear correlation producedLinear returncorrelation premiums or anomalies to nonlinear investors.correlation These factorsLinear include, but not limited to: All levels of risk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. • ARCH models, that seek to account for volatility clustering of returns • Conservative level of risk All levels of risk Size (small cap cap). funding ratio for Any funding ratioversus large Positive Any funding ratio Valuation (value stock versus stock). basicgrowth approach Momentum losers). Single period(winners versus Single period Multiple periods Liquidity (low liquidity versus high liquidity). Duration (long term versus short term). It’s important to examine the robustness of asset allocation strategies. Four commonly used Credit (low-rated versus high-rated bonds). robustness tests are:bonds Goal-based asset allocations Volatility (low-volatility stocks versus high-volatility stocks). Simulation based on historical return and risk data. modules based on • 1.Creation of differentiated portfolio 2. seven Sensitivity analysis where the level one underlying risk factor is changed and the Note that these factors are implemented asofa zero-cost investment or self-financing capital market expectations. resulting allocation outcomes are investigated. investment, in which theasset underperformer is short-sold and outperformer is bought. By Scenario analysis where the levels of multiple risk factors are changed in a correlated construction,3.Identifying they are often market neutral and carry low matching correlations with thegoals market and clients’ goals and the to with manner and the resulting asset allocation outcomes are investigated. Stress testing is other factors. • ASSET ALLOCATION Asset Allocation Approaches • Asset-only: does not explicitly model liabilities • Liability-relative (liability-driven investing): aims at an asset allocation that can pay off liabilities when they come due. • Goals-based investing: specifies sub-portfolios aligned with a specific goal (sum of all sub-portfolio c08.indd 183 one such case. sub-portfolios and modules. appropriate Asset Allocation with Real-World © 2018 Wiley Constraints © 2018 Wiley c08.indd 185 • Constraints on asset allocation due to: • Asset size: more acute issue for individual rather than institutional investors. • Liquidity: liquidity needs of asset owner and liquidity EQUITY PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT • Approaches to managing equity portfolios • Passive management: try to match benchmark performance. • Active management: seek to outperform benchmark by buying outperforming stocks and selling underperforming stocks. • Semiactive management (enhanced indexing): seek to outperform benchmark with limited tracking risk (highest information ratio). • Approaches to constructing an indexed portfolio 185 • Full183replication: minimal tracking risk but high costs. • Stratified sampling: retains basic characteristics of index without costs associated with buying all the stocks. • Optimization: seeks to match portfolio’s risk exposures (including covariances) to those of the index but can be misspecified if historical risk relationships change 7 March 2018 3:34 PM 7 March 2018 3:34 PM Wiley © 2020 Wiley’s CFA Program Exam Review ® over time. selling parent and buying subsidiary) and multi-class trading (e.g. selling class A shares in company X, while buying their class B shares). momentum. • Event driven: • Merger arbitrage – Seek returns from the price volatility • Value style investing: low P/E, contrarian, high yield. • Growth style investing: consistent growth, earnings • Market-oriented (blend or core style) investors: market- oriented with a value bias, market-oriented with a accompanying takeover bids of acquiring company’s growth bias, growth at a reasonable price, style rotators. stock and target company’s equity and debt securities • Market cap approach: small-cap, mid-cap, large-cap • Distressed securities – Buying securities of companies investors. in financial distress and facing bankruptcy to take • Investment style analysis advantage of low price and the restructuring of the • Holdings-based: analyses characteristics of individual company security holdings. • Relative value: • Returns-based: regressing portfolio returns on • Fixed income arbitrage – Exploiting various aspects returns of a set of securities indices (betas are the of mispricing of risk premiums between securities. portfolio’s proportional exposure to the particular style Strategy managers will tend to hedge/immunize represented by index). against market risks such as duration, sovereign risk, • Price inefficiency on the short side currency risk, credit risk and prepayment risk • Restrictions to short selling. • Convertible bond arbitrage – Seek returns from delta • Management’s tendency to deliberately overstate hedging and gamma trading short equity hedges profits. against the potential long equity exposure within • Sell-side analysts issue fewer sell recommendations. convertible bonds • Sell-side analysts are reluctant to issue negative • Opportunistic: opinions. • Global macro – Seek returns through trading • Sell disciplines of currencies, bonds and derivatives based on • Substitution: opportunity cost sell and deteriorating expectations of the relative economic health of fundamentals sell. countries and potential economic policy changes • Rule-driven: valuation-level sell, down-from-cost sell, • Managed futures – Systematically seek returns from up-from-cost sell, target price sell. technical analysis of markets and signals of expected lio ManagEMEnt ManagEMEnt • Semiactive equity strategies lio movements in futures prices across all global markets. • Derivative-based semiactive equity strategies: • Specialist: exposure to equity market through derivatives and Core–Satellite Core–Satellite • Volatility – Seeks returns through the implied volatility enhanced return through non-equity investments, e.g. fixed income. A core–satellite core–satellite portfolio is constructed constructed when when applying applying the the optimization optimization to to aa group group of of equity equity captured in option prices by buying cheap volatility A portfolio is Equity Portfolio ManagEMEnt managers• that that includes indexers, indexers, enhancedindexing indexers, and and active managers, managers, judged by by their their and selling expensive volatility managers includes enhanced indexers, active judged Stock-based enhanced strategies: portfolio information ratios. ratios. Index Index and and semiactive semiactive managers managers constitute constitute the the core core holding, holding, and and active active information looks like benchmark except in those areas onsowhich • Insurance-linked – Seeks returns from investing and managers represent the opportunistic ring of satellites around the core, as to achieve an managers represent the opportunistic ring of satellites around the core, so as to achieve an Enhanced-index portfolio managers aremitigating essentially active who portfolios the manager explicitly wishessome to bet onactive (within riskcore acceptable level level of active return return while some of managers the active risk. build The core shouldwith trading in reinsurance securities (e.g. cat-bonds) acceptable of active while mitigating of the risk. The should aresemble high degree of risk control. Their information ratio can be explained in terms of Grinold and thelimits) investor’s benchmark for the asset asset class, class, while while the the satellite satellite portfolios portfolios may may also also be be or life settlements (i.e. purchasing of life policies to benchmark generatefor alpha. resemble the investor’s the Kahn’s Fundamental Law ofasset Active Management. that: benchmarked to the the overall overall class benchmark The or aa law stylestates benchmark. benchmarked to asset benchmark style benchmark. with attractive surrender values and mortality • Information ratioclass (Grinold andorKahn) To evaluate such managers, it is useful to divide their total active return into two components: characteristics) .indd PRIVATE WEALTH MANAGEMENT Advising Private Clients • Compared to institutional clients, private clients tend to have: • objectives that are goals-based, less-defined and less stable • multiple, finite time horizons • informal/limited governance structure • - Private wealth manager skills include: • - technical skills such as financial planning knowledge, capital market proficiency and portfolio construction ability • soft skills such as communication, social, coaching and business development skills • Private clients can be segmented into mass affluent, high-net-wealth (HNW), and ultra-high-net-wealth segments • - Private client objectives are likely to include return objectives, retirement goals, funding priorities, investment preferences and risk tolerance • Tax for private clients might be based on level of income, wealth and/or consumption • Tax strategies employed by private clients might include: • tax avoidance - utilizing tax mechanisms/concessions • tax reduction - investing in tax-effective assets • tax deferral - preference for capital gains over income • Capital sufficiency for a private client assessed by using: • deterministic forecasting, which uses expected returns and cashflows to determine the expected level of capital over time • Monte Carlo simulation, which utilises probability distributions of returns and cashflows to produce a range of possible outcomes over time • Retirees exhibit four main behavioral tendencies in their financial planning being: 1. heightened loss aversion 2. consumption gap To evaluate IR such ≈ IC managers, Breadth it is useful to divide their total active return into two components: 3. annuity puzzle • Multi-manager: 1. Manager’s Manager’s “true” “true” active active return return = = Manager’s Manager’s return return − − Manager’s Manager’s normal normal benchmark benchmark 1. Taxes and PrivaTe WealTh ManageMenT in a glo 4. income preference • Manager’s Core-satellite portfolio: index and semiactive managers • Multistrategy – Combination of the above strategies in 2. Manager’s “misfit” active return = Manager’s Manager’s normal benchmark − Investor’s Investor’s “misfit” = normal benchmark − The2. information ratio (IR) isactive equalreturn to what you know about a given investment (the constitute core holding while active managers represent • The Investment Policy Statement (IPS) for a private client benchmark the one fund benchmark information coefficient [IC]) multiplied by the square root of the investment discipline’s Taxes and Private Wealth Management in a Global Context includes: satellites. breadth, which is defined as the number of independent, active investment decisions made • Fund of funds – A manager that invests in other hedge The manager’s normal benchmark (normal portfolio) represents the universe of securities from The manager’s normal benchmark (normal represents themore universe of securities each year. Therefore, a lower-breadth strategy necessarily requires accurate insightfrom about • Background and investment objectives • manager Total active return and riskportfolio) Annual Accrual with a Single, Uniform Tax Rate which normally might select securities for the the portfolio. portfolio. The breadth. investor’s benchmark benchmark funds that will generally have multiple layers of manager normally might select for The investor’s awhich givenaa investment to produce the samesecurities IR as a strategy with higher • Investment parameters refers to to the the benchmark the thetrue investor uses to toreturn evaluate=performance performance of aareturn given portfolio portfolio or asset asset class. class. management and fees • Manager’s active Manager’s – refers benchmark investor uses evaluate of given or Taxes and PrivaTe WealTh ManageMenT in a glo r•after-tax = rpre-tax asset Portfolio Manager’s normal benchmark (1 − tI ) allocation A semiactive stock-selection approach has limitations: The manager’s manager’s “true” “true” active active risk risk is is the the standard standard deviation deviation of of true true active active return. return. The The The • Portfolio management • Manager’s misfit active return = Manager’s normal Asset Allocation to Alternatives manager’s “misfit” risk is the the standard deviation of “misfit” active return. The manager’s manager’s “misfit” risk that is the the standard deviation of “misfit” active return. The manager’s • Any technique generates positive alpha may become obsolete as other investors Taxes and Private Wealth Management in a Global Context n Investor’s benchmark •FVIF Duties and responsibilities total active active risk, reflecting both true and and misfit misfit risk, is: is: total reflecting true risk, try benchmark torisk, exploit it. –both pre-tax = (1 + rpre-tax ) • Private equity • Quantitative modelsrisk derived from analysis of historical returns may be invalid in the • IPS appendix • Total active Annual Accrual with a Single, Uniform Tax Rate FVIF = [1 + r (1 − tI )]n future. Markets undergo secular changes, lessening the effectiveness of the past as a • Theafter-tax two mainpre-tax portfolio construction approaches for Manager’s total total active active risk risk = = • Limited diversification benefits but can provide Manager’s guide to the future. rprivate (1 − tare: clients after-tax = rpre-tax I) additional return via the liquidity risk premium where: + (Manager’s (Manager’s “true” “true” active active risk) risk)22 + (Manager’s “misfit” “misfit” active active risk) risk)22 (Manager’s 1. Tvalue raditional approach, which starts with finding Managing a Portfolio of Managers FVIF = Future interest (i.e., accumulation) factor • Hedge funds (based on asset classes and n r = return the efficient frontier FVIFpre-tax = (1 + rpre-tax ) When developing an asset allocation policy, the investor seeks an allocation to a group of t = tax rate • Role in a portfolio will depend on strategy but might capital market expectations) and ends with portfolio The most most•accurate accurate measure of of the manager’s manager’s risk-adjusted performance is the the IR computed computed as: EQ The measure the risk-adjusted performance Information ratio as measure of manager’s riskis equity managers within the equity allocation who maximize active return for aIR given level ofas: help to trade-off between equity market alpha and n = number of periods FVIFafter-tax = [1 + rpre-tax (1 − tI )]non investment constraints, allocations (based adjustedbyperformance active risk determined the investor’s level of aversion to active risk: preferences and asset location) beta or provide a source of uncorrelated returns Deferral Method with a Single, Uniform Tax Rate (Capital Gain) Manager’s “true” “true” active active return return Manager’s where: 2. Goals-based approach, which can also start with IRby= = choice MaximizeIR of managers: • Real assets Manager’s “true” active risk FVIF = Future finding value interest accumulation) factor Manager’s “true” active risk then(i.e., efficient frontier but ends up with FVIFCG = (1 + rCG ) (1 − tCG ) + tCG r = return Taxes and PrivaTe WealTh ManageMenT in a glo • Provide portfolios with inflation hedging multiple portfolios, each with different objectives t = tax rate U A = rA − λ A σ 2A on the various goals of the client • Low correlation to equities Completeness fund n = numberbased of periods Completeness fund Taxes and Private Wealth Management inValue a Global Context Taxable Gains When the Cost Basis Differs from Current where: A completeness completeness fund fund establishes an an overall overall portfolio portfolio with with the the same same risk risk exposures exposures as as the the • Private real estate Deferral Method with a Single, Uniform Tax Rate (Capital Gain) A utility of the active return of the manager mix UA = expectedestablishes Annual Taxable Accrualgain with=aVSingle, Uniform Tax Rate investor’s overall equity benchmark when added to active managers’ positions. For example, − Cost basis T investor’srAoverall equityactive benchmark when added to mix active managers’ positions. For example,• Can provide additional inflation protection (as well as = expected return of the manager the completeness completeness fund fund may may be be constructed constructed with with the the objective objective of of making making the the overall overall portfolio portfolio the trade-off between active risk and active λA = the investor’s access to illiquidity premium) )n (1 − tCG ) + tCG where: rFVIFCG==r (1 + rCG style neutral neutral with respect respect to to the the benchmark benchmark while attempting attempting to to retain retain the the value value added added from from style with after-tax pre-tax (1 − t I ) return; measures risk aversionwhile in active risk terms = terminal value V T the active managers’ stock selection ability. • Future value factor with accrual taxes • Private credit the activeσ2managers’ stock selection ability. A = variance of the active return • Equity: Cost basis = amount paid for an asset Taxable Gains When the Cost Basis Differs from Current Value n • Low correlation to equities One drawback drawback of completeness completeness portfolios is from that they they seekand to eliminate eliminate misfit risk. risk. In In seeking seeking One of portfolios that seek to • Long-short – Seek alphais long short misfit FVIFpre-tax = 1 + rpre-tax to eliminate eliminate misfit riskspecified throughby completeness fund, fund sponsor is giving giving upand some of the the to misfit risk through aa completeness fund, aa fund sponsor some of The efficientopportunities frontier this objective function isnet drawn in is active riskup active FVIF (1 += rVpre‐tax )n (1 basis − tCGn) + tCGB • Provides access to less liquid debt (as well as beta from long exposure). − Cost Taxable gain CG = T FVIFafter-tax = [1 + rpre-tax (1 − tI )] value added added from the stock selection of the the active managers. managers. value stock selection of active return space.from Oncethe active and semiactive managers are in the mix, the investor’s trade-off ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS Taxes and Private Wealth Management Hedge Fund Strategies ( Alpha might also be chased by “beta-tilting” and risk • Alternatives might be classified based on: becomes one of active return versus active risk. The amount of active risk an investor wishes factor exposures will bemanagers. influenced by strategy focus, to assume determines the mix of specific For example, an investor wishing to use of hold positions over a high • Traditional asset class counterparts (equities, fixed assume no active riskleverage, at all wouldand holdwillingness an index fund. to In contrast, investors desiring level of active risk and active return may find their mix skewed toward some combination of income, real estate) time higher-active-risk managers with little or no exposure to index funds. • Macroeconomic performance (normal economy, • Dedicated short-selling and short-bias – Dedicated © 2018 2018 Wiley Wiley © short-selling strategies seek returns from short positions only, whereas short-bias strategies may balance their portfolios with long positions • Market neutral – This includes pairs trading (e.g. selling © 2018 Wiley 267 company A, buying company B), stub trading (e.g. inflationary economy, deflationary economy) • Exposure to risk factors (equity market, size, value, liquidity, duration, inflation, credit, currency) 7 March 2018 3:51 PM 7 March 2018 3:51 PM 267 7 March 2018 3:51 PM ) where: where: where:• VFuture valuefactor when deferring taxes on capital gains T = terminal value basis FVIFCost = Future valuepaid interest (i.e., accumulation) factor Cost basis = amount for an asset B= (B is cost basis as a proportion of current market value) r =V return 0 t = tax rate V0 = valueFVIF of an when purchased = (1 + rpre‐tax )n (1 − tCG) + tCGB CGasset n = number of periods where: Accumulation Factor Annual Wealth TaxRate • Future value factor with annual wealth Deferral Method withwith a Single, Uniform Tax (Capitaltax Gain) B= Cost basis n n tW ) + tCG (1−−tCG FVIFWCG= = (11++ rrpre-tax VFVIF CG ) (1 0 ( ) V0 = value of an asset when purchased Effective Annual After‐Tax Return a Blended Regime Taxable Gains When the Cost BasisinDiffers fromTax Current Value Accumulation Factor with Annual Wealth Tax Wiley © 2020 Taxable gain = V − Cost basis r* = rT (1 − PI tI −TPD t D − PCG tCG n ) 1 + rpre-tax (1 − tW ) FVIF = W where: where: VT = terminal value ( ) FVIFCG = (1 + rpre‐tax)n (1 − tCG) + tCGB vaTe WealTh ManageMenT in a global ConTexT where: FVCharitable Gift (1 + rg )n + Toi [1 + re (1 − tie ) ]n (1 − te ) n Relative Value of Charitable Gratuitous Transfers RVCharitable Gift = FVCharitable Gift = (1 + rg ) + Toi [1 + re (1n− tie ) ] (1 − te ) RVCharitable Gift = FVBequest = [1 + re (1 − tie )] (1 − Te ) FVBequest [1 + re (1 − tie )]n (1 − Ten) FVCharitable Gift (1 + rg )n + Toi [1 + re (1 − tie ) ] (1 − te ) = where: RVCharitable Gift = n re (1 − tie ) ]gift (1 −amount) Te ) where: Bequest [1 +charitable (donor can increase the Toi = tax on ordinary income FV Toi = tax on ordinary income (donor can increase the charitable gift amount) Tax Code Relief where: Tax Code Relief Toi = tax on ordinary income (donor can increase the charitable gift amount) Credit Method Credit Method Tax Code Relief tCM =Max (tRC, tSC) tCM =Max (tRC, tSC) Credit Method Wiley’s CFA Program Exam Review ® Costin basis vaTe WealTh ManageMenT a global ConTexT B= Effective Capital Gains Tax Rate V0 V0 = value of an asset when purchased 1 −Tax PI −Rate PD − PCG Effective Capital Gains T * = tCG PI t − P tCG Tax 1 − with D t D − PCG Accumulation Factor Annual Wealth 1 − PI − PD − PCG T * = tCG n The after-tax future − P tmultiplier − P t D −−tPunder 1value blended tax regime then becomes: FVIF )tCG this W = 1 + rIpre-taxD(1 WCG ( ) where: where: tCM =Max ) residence country RC, tin SCthe tax(trate tRC = applicable = applicable tax rate in the residence country ttRC SC = applicable tax rate in the source country tSC = applicable tax rate in the source country • Method Exemption method: residence country exempts foreign where: FVIFafter-tax = (1 + r*)npaying (1 − T *)equity + T * −securities tCG (1 − Bwith ) If the portfolio isConTexT non‐dividend no turnover (i.e., PD = PExemption I=0 vaTe vaTe WealTh WealTh ManageMenT ManageMenT in in aa global global tax rate in the residence country tRC = applicable − PDof − Phorizon, rT ConTexT t Dthe (1to− Pthe source income from tax. I t I end CG tCG ) the formula reduces to: Exemption Method and PCG =r*1)=held tSC = applicable tax rate in the source country tEM = tSC If the portfolio is non‐dividend paying equity securities with no turnover (i.e., P = P = 0 D I where: nRate tEMMethod = tSC Effective Capital Gains Tax Exemption • Effective tax =capital − r )of 1the − tCG + tCGrate (1from (gains )dividends, 1) held to the end horizon, the formula reduces to: gains during the period and Effective Capital Gains Tax Rate after-tax CG =FVIF P=P proportion of return income, and realized capital • Effective annual after-tax return after taxes, interest, FVIF = (1 + r*)n (1 − T *) + T * − t (1 − B) The after-tax future tax regime then becomes: after-taxvalue multiplier under this blended CG and Return realized Effectivedividends, Annual After‐Tax in acapital Blendedgains Tax Regime family home • Human capital: PV of future expected labor income INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS .indd 107 .indd 107 Risk Mana (higher income volatility requires higher discount rate). • Income volatility risk can be diversified by appropriate The international shift away from defined-benefit (DB) pension plans has caused a shift financial capital, e.g. if human capital is equity-like, toward annuities. At the individual level, there are five factors that would likely increase financial should contain more bonds. demand for capital any annuity: • Economic (holistic) balance sheet Deduction • Method Deduction method: residence country allows 1. Longer-than-average life expectancy DeductiontEM Method = tSC 1(1− PrI )− P1paying PCG −−any −nunauthorized −P 5 for tax paid in source country. If the portfolio is non‐dividend 100 percent turnoverofand © Wiley 2018T all reserved. or distributionwith will constitute an infringement copyright. D−− FVIF +copying tCG securities deduction = 1 )equity P after-tax • Assets: financial capital, personal I (P D tCG CG 2. Greater preference for lifetime income property, human =rights *= CG T* ttCG taxed annually, theformula 1− PI tt − PD tt D − Pto: −P −reduces −P CG tCG t DM = t RC + tSC − t RC tSC 1 P 3. Less concern for value. leaving money to heirs I D D CG tCG capital, pension t = t + t − t t DeductionDM Method RC SC RC SC 4. More conservative investing preferences If the portfolio is non‐dividend paying equity securities with 100 percent turnover and • Liabilities: total debt, lifetime consumption n 5. Lower guaranteed income from other sources (such asneeds, pensions) The after-tax future value multiplier under this blended blended taxregime regime then then becomes: becomes: taxedafter-tax annually, thevalue formula to: blended FVIF = 1 +multiplier rreduces (1 − tCGwith )under after-tax The future value this tax regime • Future factor tax bequests. t DM = t RC + tSC − t RC tSC Lesson 7: IMpLeMentatIon oF RIsK ManageMent FoR IndIVIduaLs Concentrated Single-Asset Positions n n 9 is the difference between total assets and © Wiley 2018 all Rights Reserved. any unauthorized copying or distribution will constitute an infringement of copyright. • Net wealth FVIFafter-tax =Return = (1 + rr*) − (1 − B) FVIF 1+ Accrual Equivalent (1tCG −T T) *) +T T* − ttCG (1n−(1 *) *) + *− after-tax after-tax = CG (1 − B) (1 9 © Wiley 2018 all Rights Reserved. any unauthorized copying or distribution will constitute an infringement of copyright. total liabilities. Los 12j: analyze and critique an insurance program. Vol 2, pp 431–440 • Objectives: risk reduction (diversification), monetization, • Young family has high % of economic assets in human n If the portfolio portfolio is non‐dividend paying equity equity securities securities with with no no turnover turnover (i.e., (i.e., P PD = =P PI = = 00 Vn = Vis 1 +equivalent rReturn Accrual tax optimization, control. If the paying 0 (non‐dividend AE ) 9 D I Wiley • =Equivalent Accrual after-tax return © 2018 all Rights Reserved. any unauthorized copying or distribution will constitute an infringement of copyright. Los 12l:As Recommend and justify strategies for asset allocation capital. the household ages,appropriate weight of human 1) held to the end of the horizon, the formula reduces to: and P CG and PCG = 1) heldVto the end of the horizon, the formula reduces to: • Considerations: illiquidity, triggering taxable gains and risk reduction given an investor profile of key inputs. (financial) capitalwhen will decrease (increase). rAE = n n − 1 n Vol 2, pp 440–443 Vn = V0 (V10+ rAE ) on sale, restrictions on amount and timing of sales, FVIF (1 − r )nn (1 − tCG ) + tCG • Risks to human and financial capital after-tax = FVIFafter-tax emotional and cognitive biases. V = (1 − r ) (1 − tCG ) + tCG r = n n −1 The decision torisk: retainprotect risk or buyagainst insuranceearnings is determined byrelated a household’s • Earnings risk to risk tolerance. where: AE V0 • Monetization strategies At injury the samewith level disability of wealth, a more risk-tolerant household will prefer to retain more Ifnthe the portfolio isn non‐dividend non‐dividend paying equity securities securities with with 100 100 percent percent turnover turnover and and insurance. = value afteris compoundingpaying periodsequity V If portfolio risk, either through higher insurance deductibles or by simply not buying insurance. A taxed annually, the formula reduces to: • Monetization by (1) hedging the position, and (2) taxed annually, the formula reduces to: • Premature death (mortality protect with life Accrual where: Equivalent Tax Rate risk-averse household would have lower risk): deductibles and purchase more insurance. For borrowing against hedged position. • Accrual equivalent tax rate Vn = value after n compounding periods all insurance. households, insurance products that have a higher load (expenses) will encourage a n n FVIFafter-tax = = 1 1+ + rr ((1 1− − ttCG )) • Hedging for monetization strategies can be achieved household to retain more risk. Finally, as the variability of income increases, the need for FVIF r (1 − TTax • Longevity risk: protect with annuities. AE = after-tax AE) Rate CG Accrual rEquivalent life insurance decreases because the present value of future earnings (human capital) will by: (1) short sale against the box (least expensive); (2) rAE be lower with a higher discount rate. • Property risk: protect with homeowner’s insurance. TAE = 1 − Return total return equity swap; (3) short forward or futures Accrual r Return Accrual rEquivalent Equivalent AE = r (1 − TAE ) contract; (4) synthetic short forward (long put and • Liability risk: withofliability insurance. Table 7-1 shows the protect appropriateness the four risk management techniques depending on rAE n short call). the severity of lossprotect and the frequency of loss. insurance. =Accounts 1 − of tax n Tax‐Deferred • Health risk: with health • TMeasure drag = Difference between accrual VAE n = V0 (1 + rAE ) V n = V0 (1 +r rAE ) Taxes and in a global ConTexT • Hedging strategies equivalent after-tax return and the actual return ofPrivaTe theWealTh ManageMenT • table Risk management techniques V 7-1: Risk Management techniques = nn Vnn − −1 n rrAE portfolio. FVIF AE =Accounts Tax‐Deferred V=0 (1 1+ r ) (1 − t ) tCG B • Buy puts (protect downside and keep upside while TDAV Private Wealth ManageMent 0 Loss Characteristics High Frequency Low Frequency deferring capital gains tax). • Tax-deferred accounts (TDAs): contributions from Tax‐Exempt Accounts High severity Risk avoidance Risk transfer n untaxed ordinary income, tax-free growth during the 1 1 FVIF = + r − t t B ( ) ( ) where: Private Wealth ManageMent TDA CG • Use zero-premium collars (long put and short call with where: Probability Approach Survival Low severity Risk reduction Risk retention = value value after n n compounding compounding periodsat time of withdrawal Vn = holding FVIF 1 + r )n taxed (period, after periods V offsetting premiums) to reduce costs vs buying puts. n TEA = Exhibit 10, Volume 2, CFA Curriculum CFA 2017 Joint survival probability for a couple is: Accrual Equivalent Tax Rate Rate • Use prepaid variable forward (combine hedge and • Adequacy of life insurance Accrual Equivalent Tax Survival Probability FVIFTDA = Approach (1 + r)n (1 – tn) margin loan in same instrument), with number of An investmentlife advisor willmethod: often be asked how muchthe life PV insurance is enough. There are FVIF (1 − t ) ) + p(survival ) • Human value estimates of earnings TDA = FVIF p(survival ) = pTEA (survival Taxes and PrivaTe WealTh ManageMenT in a global ConTexT J H W r = r 1 − T Joint survival AE =probability AE )) for a couple is: twothat techniques will be responsible for on the exam: shares delivered at maturity dependent on share price rAE r ((1 −reserved. TAE mustthat beyou replaced. © Wiley•2018 all rights any unauthorized copying orafter-tax distribution willcontributions, constitute an infringement of copyright. − ( ) × ( ) p survival p survival Tax-exempt accounts (TEAs): H W at maturity. rrAE T = − Value Formula agrowth Tax Exempt Account AE • Needs analysis method: financial needs ofvalue of earnings 1. Human life value method:estimates This technique estimates the present T =1 1for − JAE tax-free during holding period, no future tax pAE (survival (survival H ) + pthe W) rr) = p(survival IMPORTANT: Tax‐Exempt Accounts • Yield enhancement strategies: that must be replaced. A more conservaBased joint survival probability, present value of )joint will spending needs is: dependents. liabilities. © Wileyon 2018 all rights reserved. unauthorized copying or distribution constitute an infringement of copyright. − pany (survival ) × ( p survival H W tive approach as2. needs analysis method: This technique estimates the financial needs of the n V0 (1 − t0)(1n+ r) Vn = Accounts • Write covered sumes both spousescalls to generate income. Tax‐Deferred Tax‐Deferred N dependents. IMPORTANT: FVIFAccounts live through the p(survival (spending TEA = (1 + r ) J ) × value J ) spending needs is: A more conservaBased onPV joint survivalJ )probability, present of joint longest expectancy (spending =∑ • Does not reduce downside risk. tiveeither approach (1 + r )t for life. as1 Value Formula for a Tax‐Deferred Account sumes both spouses = rr ))nn t((N=1 B TDA CGreturn • Tax optimized 1+ 1− FVIF = ((1 +after-tax − tt )) ttCG B • FVIF TDATDA offers advantage over TEA if tax live through the equity strategies p−(survival J ) × (spendingJ ) FVIF = FVIF (1 t ) longest expectancy PV ( spending ) = TDA TEA ∑t ) isdiscounts J n approach t rate at withdrawal lower than tax rate at initial The survival probability period’s spending needs by the real risk-free • Index-tracking separately managed portfolio: designed V (1 + r )each for either life. n = V0(1 + r) (1 t− =1 n IMPORTANT: Sovereign Wealth Funds rate because they are nonsystematic (i.e., unrelated to market-based risk inherent in the ascontribution. Do not discount to outperform benchmark from an investment and tax sets). theya can hedgedAccount using life insurance. ValueHowever, Formula for Taxbe Exempt expected spending Investor’s After‐Tax Risk ofdiscounts The survival probability approach each period’s spending needs by the real risk-free perspective. with the required • Investor’s shared investment risk on a taxed return • SWF types include: IMPORTANT: return on a portforate because theyreserve are nonsystematic (i.e., market-based risk inherent in the asDo notassets discount The emergency incorporated into unrelated liabilities to considers the shortfall risk of funding lio of used to portfolio: tracks index given • Completeness sets). they using life insurance. expected spending • budget stabilization funds (used by commodity =V (1 −−can tt0))(1be+ hedged r)nreserve fund them. nAT σtwo-year = 0σ (1emergency assets.However, AV is designed to satisfy anxiety about market cycles and is © 2018 Wiley with the required portfolio characteristics and new concentrated exporting countries) usually sufficient for planning. return on a portfoThe emergency reserve incorporated intocopying liabilities considers the shortfall risk ofoffunding investments. lio of assets used to © Wiley 2018 all rights reserved. any unauthorized or distribution will constitute an infringement copyright. Value forreserved. a Tax‐Deferred Account or distribution will constitute an infringement of copyright. © WileyFormula 2018 all rights any unauthorized where: fund them. • development funds (reserves ear marked for big assets. A two-year emergency reserve iscopying designed to satisfy anxiety about market cycles and is Monte Carlo Approach • Exchange fund: investors with concentrated positions Estate Planning σ = standard deviation of returns usually sufficient for planning. r12.indd 95 projects) Vn = V0(1 + r)n (1 − tn) contribute these positions in exchange for a share in a The Monte Carlo approach examines many paths, with outcomes based on random values within Private Wealth ManageMent • pension reserve funds (similar to private sector defined Monte Carlo Approach • Core capital diversified fund (non-taxable event). PWM Ratio of Gains return, to Short-Term Gains ranges forLong-Term each variableCapital (i.e., portfolio mortality, Capital emergency experiences, tax changes, etc.). benefit funds) The Investor’s After‐Tax Risk Combining the many potential outcomes gives a feeling of the portfolio’s risk as a funding portfolio. • Carlo Assets for maintaining lifestyle, funding desired The Monte approach examines many paths, with outcomes based on random values within• Monetization strategies for concentrated private shares • reserve funds (investing of foreign exchange reserves Survival Probability Approach n PWM spending goals and providing emergency reserve. ranges for each variable (i.e., portfolio return, mortality, emergency experiences, tax changes, etc.). 1 1 + − V r t ( ) ( ) V • Strategic buyers: gain market share and earnings LTG 0 σ LTG tCapital ) transferring AT =excess to enhance return) =σ (1 −potential n Combining the many outcomes gives afor feeling of the portfolio’s risk as a funding portfolio. growth. •VSTG Joint probability a couple Joint survival probability couple 1 + r (1for − taSTG V0survival ) is: • savings funds (used for multi-generational national Inter vivos gifting bypasses the estate tax on a bequest at death. Local jurisdictions have where: transferring excess Capital taxes to minimize the revenue loss from inter vivos gifting. • Financial buyers: acquire and manage companies using wealth transfer) implemented gift and donation p(survival survival H H ) + p(survivalW W) JJ ) = σ = standard deviation ofp(returns private equity fund. − p(survival × pon (survival H )tax W ) at death. Local jurisdictions have • Risk tolerance/objective: range of risk tolerance based H W Inter vivos gifting bypasses the estate a bequest Tax-Free Gifting • Leveraged recapitalization: private equity firm uses implemented gift and donation taxes to minimize the revenue loss from inter vivos gifting. on SWF type generally related to time horizon (budget IMPORTANT: IMPORTANT: Ratio of Long-Term Capital Gains to Short-Term Capital Gains PV survival of jointprobability, spending needs debtAA more to purchase majority of owner’s stock for cash. conservaBased on•joint present value of joint spending needs is: more conservastabilzation funds have lower risk tolerance; savings Relative value describes the relative benefit of an inter vivos gift to the value of a bequest tive tive approach approach asasTax-Free Gifting sumes both both spouses spouses at death. In this scenario, the relative value of the tax-free gift equals return on investments • Management sumes buyout: management borrow money to funds have higher tolerances) live through through the the −pt(LTG )n (NN1tax live ) gift’s survival spending ) 0 (1r+g rless JJ ) × (return on the tig,JJ divided by return on estate investments purchase purchasedVLTG with=aVgift owner’s stock. longest expectancy expectancy longest PV (spending tt an inter vivos gift to the value of a bequest n benefit of Relative describes the∑relativereturn JJ ) = • Return objective: Von estate investment t and tax on the estate bequest T . re less taxvalue for either either life. life. + r (1 ) for 1 1 + − r t ie e STGthe V t = 1 ( ) t =1 relative STG value of the tax-free gift equals return on investments 0 at death. In this scenario, the • Divestiture of noncore assets: owner uses proceeds to • budget stabilization funds seek returns uncorrelated purchased with a gift rg less tax on the gift’s return tig, divided by return on estate investments diversify asset pool. n survival probability approach discounts each period’s spending needs by the real risk-free FVGift [1 +tiergand (1 − ttax with business cycle return rThe ig )]on the estate bequest Te. e less tax on the estate investment IMPORTANT: IMPORTANT: RVtaxthey = = (i.e.,ofunrelated • Relative value a tax-free gift − freeGift rate because areafter-tax nonsystematic to market-based risk inherent in the as• SaleDo to family members. Door notgift discount not discount FV [1 + re (1 − tie )]n (1 − Te ) • development funds look for a return greater than GDP expected spending spending sets). However, they can beBequest hedged using life insurance. expected with the the required required FVGift [1 + rg (1 − tig )]n with • Personal line of credit secured by company shares. growth return on on aa portfoportfoRVtax − freeGift = = return Gifts Taxable to reserve the Recipient The emergency incorporated the shortfall risk of funding • Initial lio assets to FV [1into + re (1liabilities − tie )]n (1considers − Te ) lio of ofpublic assets used usedoffering. to Bequest • pension reserve funds seek long-term returns in line fund them. fund them. IMPORTANT: assets. A two-year emergency reserve is designed to satisfy anxiety about market cycles and is with pension liabilities Taxable giftsshare can • Employee ownership plan (ESOP) exchange: usually forthe planning. For a gift taxable to recipient: still be efficient if • sufficient Relative after-tax value of a gift taxable to the recipient Gifts Taxable to the Recipient the tax rate buys on gifts owner’s shares for ESOP distributions. company • reserve funds seek a return in excess of monetary IMPORTANT: to the recipient Monte Carlo Approach FV [1 + rg (1 − tig )]n (1 − Tg ) Taxable giftsiscan stabilization bond yield (numerator) less Gift For a giftRV taxable to the recipient: • Monetization strategies for real estate = still if taxable Gift = thanbe theefficient estate tax FVBequest [1 + re (1 − tie )]n (1 − Te ) the tax rate on gifts rate (denominator). • savings funds seek some real target return The Monte Carlo approach examines many paths, with outcomes based on random values within • Mortgage financing (no tax consequences and can use to the recipient n PWM PWM FV [1 r (1 t )] (1 T ) + − − ranges for each variable (i.e., portfolio return, emergency experiences, tax changes, etc.). proceeds (numerator) is less Gift g mortality, ig g to diversify). • Liquidity: generally related to time horizon RVtaxable Gift = = than the estate n 7 tax Trusts Combining many potential outcomes as a funding portfolio. © Wiley •2018 allthe rights reserved. unauthorized copying distribution constitute an risk infringement of copyright. FVany [1 + gives re (1 −atoriefeeling )] (1 −ofTethe )willportfolio’s Bequest rate (denominator). • Donor-advised funds (contribute property now for tax • Time horizon: • Revocable: owner (settlor) retains right to assets and 107 © 2018 Wiley transferring excess Capital deduction). • budget stabilization funds - short-term can use trust assets to settle claims against settlor. • Sale and leaseback (frees up capital for diversification Inter bypasses owner the estateforfeits tax on a bequest at death. • development funds - medium to long-term • gifting Irrevocable: right to assetsLocal andjurisdictions cannot have 107 © 2018vivos Wiley but sale 7triggers taxable gain). implemented gift and donation taxes to minimize the revenue loss from inter vivos gifting. March 2018 3:49 PM use trust assets to settle claims against settlor. • pension reserve funds - long-term Tax-Free Gifting taxation • Double • reserve funds - very long-term Risk Management for Individuals 7 March 2018 3:49 PM • allCredit method: residence country provides a tax credit • savings funds - long-term 7 Relative value describes benefit inter vivos gift to an theinfringement value of ofa copyright. bequest © Wiley 2018 rights reserved.the any relative unauthorized copyingoforan distribution will constitute paid in source at death. In for this taxes scenario, the relative valuecountry. of the tax-free gift equals return on investments• Financial capital: includes all tangible assets including purchased with a gift rgg less tax on the gift’s return tig ig, divided by return on estate investments ree less tax on the estate investment return tie ie and tax on the estate bequest Tee. RVtax tax − − freeGift freeGift = FVGift Gift = )]nn [1 + rgg (1 − tig ig )] nn Wiley © 2020 Wiley’s CFA Program Exam Review ® • Tax: SWFs generally enjoy tax-free status in their • Tax: not taxable unless they are unrelated business Defined benefit pension plan Life insurance companies • Risk tolerance: greater ability to assume risk if • Plan surplus • Lower sponsor debt and/or higher current profitability • Lower correlation of plan asset returns with company • Risk tolerance/objective • Liquidity risk: arises from changes in investment jurisdictions • Legal/regulatory: SWF’s are generally established by way of legislation. Many have adopted the Santiago Principles that addresses governance and best-practice taxable income. • Legal/regulatory: UPMIFA (US). • Unique: types of investments constrained by size or board member sophistication. portfolio that affects reserves. • Interest rate risk: reinvestment risk and valuation • Time horizon: duration spread of assets over liabilities constrains time horizon for securities portfolio to an intermediate-term. • Tax: pay corporate tax. • Legal/regulatory • Large % of securities portfolio in government securities as pledge against reserves. • Regulators restrict allocation to common shares and below-investment-grade bonds. • Risk-based capital requirements. • Unique: Lending activities may be influenced by community needs and historical banking relationships. risk (due to duration mismatch between assets and liabilities). • Credit risk of bond investments. options • Cash volatility risk: relates to timely receipt and • Greater proportion of active versus retired lives reinvestment of cash. • Higher proportion of younger workers • Disintermediation risk: policy owners withdraw Options • Risk objective: usually related to shortfall risk of funds to reinvest with other intermediaries in higherachieving funding status. returning assets. • Option strategies nvestors • Return objective: to achieve a return that will fully fund • Return objective: minimum return requirement (based liabilities (inflation-adjusted), given funding constraints. Strategy Construction using Motivation on rate initially specified to fund life insurance contract) European options • Liquidity: to meet required benefit payments. foundations and net interest spread. Covered Own underlying share and Earn premium to • Time horizon: usually long-term and could be multi• Liquidity: limited liquidity needs since cash inflows call sell call on share. cushion losses. Types stage. • Independent (private or family): Funded by donor, donor’s family, or independent exceed cash outflows, but need to consider Protective Own underlying share and Downside protection •trustees Tax: investment income and capital gain usually taxto further educational, religious, or other charitable goals disintermediation risk (when interest rates are rising) put buy put on share. with upside potential. • Company-sponsored: Same as independent foundation, but a legally independent exempt. and asset marketability risk. Bull Buy call at lower strike and Speculation on stock organization sponsored by a profit-making corporation • Legal/regulatory: plan trustees have a fiduciary spread sell call at higher strike (can price increase in a • Operating: Funded same as independent foundation, but conducts specific research•orTime horizon: different product lines have different time responsibility to beneficiaries (US). use puts instead of calls) range provides a special service (e.g., operates aunder private ERISA park or museum) horizons and will be funded by duration-matched assets. • •Community: Multiple donors or publicly funded to make grants for purposes similar Unique: limited resources for due diligence, ethical Bear Buy call at higher strike and Speculation on stock • Tax: pay corporate tax. to independent foundation; no spending requirement as with the others spread sell call at lower strike (can price decrease in a constraints. • Legal/regulatory: regulations on eligible investments, use puts instead of calls) range Risk Objectives prudent investor rule, NAIC risk-based capital (RBC) and Bet on low volatility Butterfly Buy call at lower strike, Foundations asset valuation reserve (AVR) requirements. spread buy call at higher strike, sell Higher risk tolerance due to noncontractually committed payout. • Unique: look out for restrictions on illiquid investments. two calls at strike halfway • Risk tolerance/objective: higher risk tolerance due to Return Objectives between strikes of long calls noncontractually committed payout. (can use puts instead of calls) Non-life insurance companies • Return objective: cover inflation-adjusted spending Asset management fees cannot betoused toward the spending requirement (although grantCollar Buy stock, buy put and sell Downside protection making expenses can count toward that). seek returns required to cover at least inflationgoals and overheads notFoundations countable toward and with limited call. (zero-cost collar if • Risk tolerance/objective adjusted spending goals and overhead not countable toward the required spending minimum: spending minimum. call and put premiums are upside • Policyholder reserves use lower-risk assets due to the same) r = % spend + % management + % inflation unpredictable operating claims. Straddle Buy call and put with same Bet on high volatility or • Maintaining surplus during high-volatility markets strike = (1 + % spend)(1 + % management)(1 + % inflation) − 1 reduces ability to accept higher risk. Strap Buy two calls and one put Bet on high volatility • Risk measured against premiums-to-capital and with same strike (stock price rise more • Liquidity: Liquidity Requirementto quickly fund spending needs (including likely) premiums-to-surplus ratios. noncountable overheads) greater than current Strip Buy one call and two puts Bet on high volatility Foundations must be able to quickly fund spending needs (including noncountable overhead) • Return objective contributions. InstItutIonal Investors greater than current contributions. with same strike (stock price fall more • Investment earnings on surplus assets must be • Time horizon: usually infinite. likely) Private •and family foundations income must spendand percentage of gain 12-month average in the fiscal year, sufficient to offset periodic losses and to maintain Tax: investment capital taxable. Strangle Buy call and put, put has Bet on high volatility Banks so they typically have 10% to 20% of assets in reserve to make sure they can make grants policyholder reserves. different exercise price equal to• atLegal/regulatory: least 5% of assets. UPMIFA (US). • Larger companies use activeand management strategies Liabilities of banks consist primarily of demand time deposits, but may include publicly Box Bull call spread and bear Replicate risk-free • Unique: May use swap agreements or other transactions traded debt for and total funds purchased from other banks or the Reserve income to satisfy regulatoryspread return rather than yield orFederal investment Time Horizon put spread return or make to diversify returns if funding is primarily via large blocksrequirements. Risk ManageMent applications of DeRivative strategies. arbitrage profit of stocks. Usually the time horizon is infinite, but this depends on the purpose of the foundation. A Risk ManageMent applications of DeRivatives • Liquidity: meetless policyholder claims. Bank surplus consists to of assets liabilities, the cash portion of which is invested in • Interest rate options longer horizon implies greater risk-taking ability. interest Rate option Strategies marketable securities. Endowments • Time horizon: generally shorter duration than life • Buy interest rate call option to protect a future interest Rate option Strategies DE Tax Concerns The payoff of an interest rate call option is: insurance companies. Banks use U.S. government securities as collateral to cover the uninsured portion of deposit borrowing against interest rate increases. • Risk tolerance/objective The payoff of an interest rate call option is: • Tax: pay corporate tax. liabilities (e.g., the pledging requirement). Risk ManageMent applications of DeRivatives Excise tax on dividends, interest, and realized capital gains is equal to about 2%, but is Interest rate call option payoff = Notional principal × max (Underlying rate at Greater ability to takeexceed risk due to infinite time horizon reduced to• 1% if charitable distributions the minimum percentage of assets required• Legal/regulatory: regulations on eligible investments, Days inatunderlying rate Interest rate call option payoff = Notional principal × max (Underlying rate expiration − Exercise rate,0) × Risk Objectives for the year and average payout plus 1%based of investment income. andthe if five-year adopting spending rules on smoothed Days in underlying 360 rate risk-based capital (RBC) requirements. expiration − Exercise rate,0) × option greeks and Risk Management Strategies DE 360 averages of return and previous spending. Banks,•due to risk relative to primarily fixed liabilities, have below-average risk tolerance. • Buy interest rate put option to protect a future lending Unique: look for restrictions on illiquid investments. The payoff of an interest rate put option is: • Lower ability to take risk if high donor contributions as stitutional investor Portfolios Options areofrisky positions. option not hold an option positon without hedging The payoff an interest rate putAn option is: trader does investing) transaction against interest rate declines. A bank’s asset–liability risk management committee (ALCO) closely monitors: it. To hedge (or titutional investor Portfoliosa % of total spend. an option, need the hedge ratio, also known as optionrate delta. Interest rate putwe option payoff principal = Notional × max (Exercise Banks Interest rate put option payoff Notional principal max (Exercise rate = × Managing Institutional Portfolios Days in underlying rate • Lower ability to take risk Investor if contributing a significant % • Net interest margin: Net interest income divided by average earning assets titutional investor Portfolios − Underlying rate at expiration,0) × rate Change−in option price ∆c × Days in underlying Institutional Investor 360 Underlying rate at expiration,0) Risk tolerance/objective toManaging a company’s annual spending or ifPortfolios company relies • • Interest spread: Average yield on earning assets less average percentage cost of = Option delta = 360 Simple Spending Rule ∆ Change in underlying stock price S interest-bearing liabilities on endowment to cover high fixed costs. © 2018 Wiley • Below-average risk tolerance. Simple Spending Rule Managing Institutional Investor Portfolios using interest Rate calls with Borrowing • Cap: interest rate call options. using interest Rate series calls withof Borrowing Spending rate × Ending market valuet−1 • Spending Returnt =objective: same as for foundations. Annual spendLeverage-adjusted duration gap (LADG) measures overall interest rate exposure based on • Leverage-adjusted duration gap (LADG) measure NFloor: N To hedge ofborrowing options, wetransaction need in ofare stocks. When we have ascheduled scheduled borrowing innumber the future, we theofrisk of interest • series of interest rate put options. c number Sthe Simple Spending Spending =calculated Spending ratein × Ending marketofvalue Risk ManageMent applications of DeRivatives When we have a transaction future, we atare theatrisk interest t−1 may betRule a number ways. duration andoverall market value of assets liabilities: interest rateandexposure. rate whichininturn turnincreases increases cost debt. of debt. To reduce this while risk while keeping Rolling Three-year Average Spending Rule rate increases, increases, which ourour cost To reduce this risk keeping the the 7 March 2018 3:50 PM Interest rate collar to ofprotect a future borrowing: buy benefit of•potential potential ratedecreases decreases in future, purchase an interest rateoption. call option. A benefit of rate in thethe future, wewe maymay purchase an interest rate call A Spendingt = Spending rate × Ending market valuet−1 ∆ V = 0 = N ∆ S + N ∆ c S c is is five-step sequence of transactions as follows: LADG = D − kD Rolling Three-year Average Spending Rule 1 five-step sequence of transactions as follows: interest rate cap and sell interest rate floor. A L Spendingt = Spending rate × ⁄3 [Ending market valuet−3 option greeks and Risk Management Strategies DE + Ending market valuet−2 + Ending market valuet−1] k = VL / VA Option Greeks we ananinterest rate callcall option. TheThe call call option’s expiration shouldshould 1. • Today Today wepurchase purchase interest rate option. option’s expiration Rolling Three-year Spendingt =Average SpendingSpending rate × 1⁄3 Rule [Ending market valuet−3 ∆c ofofa afuture the timing borrowing event. TheThe duration of an the underlying interest match future borrowing event. duration ofoption the underlying interest Options match are risky positions. Anpositive option trader does not hold positon without hedging N =the − Ntiming + Ending market valuet−2 + Ending market valuet−1] • SofOption delta: for long call; negative for long c option rate should match thethe term of the loan. For example, in January, we we Geometric Smoothing Rule rate ofthe thecall call option should match term of the loan. For example, in January, When interest rates at rise,risk banks with measures positive LADG experienceloss net worth decreases,it.banks • Value (VAR) minimum expected S ∆ 1 To hedge an option, we need the hedge ratio, also known as option delta. Spendingt = Spending rate × ⁄3 [Ending market valuet−3 decide to borrow funds inin March forfor sixsix months. To implement the strategy, we should put decide to borrow funds March months. To implement the strategy, we should with negative LADG experience net worth increases, bankslevel with neutral over a specified time period at aand given of (i.e., immunized) profitability • No early retirement and lump sum distributions Derivatives and currency management market valuet−1] + Ending market valuet−2 + Ending Spending Geometric Smoothing Rule rate × [Spending t = Smoothing t−1 × (1 + Inflationt−1)] LADG experience no change. where: Leverage-adjusted k= duration gap = D A − kDL A k = ratio of liabilities to assets, both at market value The interest income allocation focuses on positive spread over cost of funds. buy onon thethe six-month LIBOR rate rate in January that matures buy an aninterest interestrate ratecall calloption option six-month LIBOR in January that matures March. Becausein is a function ofChange the underlying probability. in optionasset pricevalue, as∆the indelta March. c value changes, delta changes 2. At the loandelta we go ahead to borrow at the spot rate=in the bond market. If the =a previously Option At the loaninitiation, initiation, we goinahead to borrow at the spot rate in the bond If the with2. it. Consequently, constructed delta-hedged ismarket. no longer hedged ∆Sportfolio Change stock price Geometric Smoothing Rule Spending rate × [Spendingt−1 × (1 + Inflationt−1)] borrowing rate is lower than the underlying interest rate call option’s exercise rate, the call option • Credit risk in the bank’s loan portfolio. Value at risk (VaR) measures position and aggregate portfolio minimum loss over some period t = Smoothing borrowing rateasset is lower than the interest rate call option’s exercise rate, the call option after the underlying value changes. It is a problem because a portfolio expires worthless and we enjoy low cost of debt. If the borrowing rateitisrequires higher than +Duration [(1 Smoothing (Spending rate × Beginning market valueatt−1a)]specified probability. • Liquidity: to−fund and× planned capital distributions expires worthless and we enjoy low cost of debt. If the borrowing rate is higher than Leverage-Adjusted Gapgiftsrate) tointerest monitor a hedged portfolio frequently. Optionthat gamma • Return objective: interest income allocation focuses on managerthe rateand call rebalance option’s exercise rate, the call option generates a payoff will measures the Spendingt = Smoothing rate × [Spendingt−1 × (1 + Inflationt−1)] the interest rate call option’s exercise the call option generates payoff that will •Ndelivered Option gamma: greatest options that at-thefor construction projects as(Spending well asrate to allow portfolio at delta the end of therespect loan repayment date. Note that the payoffare ofastock an interest To hedgebe number of options, we need N Sfor number ofunderlying stocks. of with to rate, changes in the price. c option positive spread over cost of funds, with the remaining sensitivity + [(1 − duration Smoothing × Beginning market valueBanks be delivered at the end of atthe loan repayment date. Noteit that the payoff an interest t−1)] buy or sell marketable securities to adjust interest rate risk, manage liquidity, offset rate Leverage-adjusted gap rate) = D A ×− kD option is not delivered the option expiration; rather, is delivered one of time L INST money and close to expiration. rebalancing. No minimum spending requirement. Leverage-Adjusted Duration Gap rate option is not delivered the option expiration; rather, it is delivered one time allocation focusing on income higher(up total return. period after option expiration.atUsing the previous example, in March, if the interest loan portfolio credit risk, and produce to a quarter or more of revenue). L = ∆Vcall =after 0option =N ∆S + Nin-the-money, period option expiration. Usingin the previous example, in March, if the interest rate the call option payoff is paid in September (and Sfinishes c ∆cChange option delta • kLeverage-adjusted Time usually infinite (maintain principal in A horizon: • Liquidity: driven by demand for loans and net outflows duration Option gamma = expiration). Leverage-Adjusted Duration Gap gap = D A − kDL rate option finishes in-the-money, the call option payoff is paid in September (and not incall March at option Return Objectives Change underlying stock price perpetuity). 3. We to consider both the callinoption premium as well as the time value not need in March at option expiration). of deposits. L + [(1 − Smoothing rate) × (Spending rate × Beginning market valuet−1)] L A where: k = ratio of liabilities to assets, both at market value where: k= The remaining allocation focuses on higher total return. Liquidity Requirements cost/financing of the call option premium. reduce 3. (opportunity We need to consider both cost) the call option premium as wellWe as should the time valuefrom ∆c the receive on the cost) day ofofborrowing by the future valueWe of should the call reduce option from N Samount = − Nwe (opportunity the call option premium. c cost/financing Sreceive ∆toward As an option moves its expiration, thecalldelta anfuture in-the-money call moves premium. The value the option premium and anyofWiley and allcalloption © 2020 the amount wefuture onreflects the dayboth of borrowing byofthe value the option interest on The theofcall option purchase and loan initiation toward 1; the delta anpremium in-the-money put moves toward –1; the delta of an out-of-thepremium. future valueaccrued reflectsbetween bothoption thethe call option premium and any and all (option expiration). The net amount is the funds we receive considering hedging money option toward interest call premium between thevalue, optionafter purchase andchanges, loan initiation Because delta movies isona the function of zero. the accrued underlying asset as the value delta changes costs. Using the previous example, in March, we should reduce the call option (option expiration). The net amount is the funds we receive after considering hedging with it. Consequently, a previously constructed delta-hedged portfolio is nothelonger hedged premium and financing cost (interest accrued) between January and March from Cross-Reference to CFA Institute Assigned Reading #28 losses) +−EE(Credit gains/losses ) ( Currency E(Currency incomegains and losses) E ( R) ≈+Yield Wiley’s CFA Program Exam Review The goal of this reading is to understand how to use forward®and futures contracts to achieve a +Rolldown return This model for fixed-income returns can help investors better understand the assumptions Assuming in notheir reinvestment income, yield income (aka current yield) is computed +E(return on investor’s yield and spread view) ∆P based embedded expectations across virtually any fixed-income security. as: –E(Credit losses) Expectedcredit returnlosses due torepresent yield income represents coupon plusdefault any reinvestment Expected the probability (i.e.,income expected rate) multiplied by Annual coupon payment +E(Currency gains orloss losses) Current yield = (i.e., interest relative a bond’s price. Ingiven the absence of reinvestment income, yield income is The numberequity of stock index futures the expected losstoseverity loss default): Bond price Managing Market Risk contracts needed to achieve the goals is given by the simply the bond’s annual current yield. following expression: where: Market risk is measured by beta, so our risk management of an equity Risk portfolio isapplications all around Yield income = Annual payment/Current price =asCurrent yield E(Credit losses) =the E(Default rate) × E(Losss everity) Roll-down return equalscoupon bond’s change the bond approaches ManageMentapplications DeRivatives Risk ManageMent ofof DeRivatives Rolldown return recognizes the valuepercentage change asprice abond bond approaches maturity (“pull to par”) beta measures. The current stock − B0) / B1 =yield % change in price due changing to price maturity Rolldownassuming return = (B T portfolio has a beta β S , the stock index futures have a beta 1unchanged maturity, anof curve. Inbond the absence of to default, bond’s V (1 + r ) under an assumption zero rate volatility (i.e., unchanged yield curve).the time β f , and the beta of the stock N *ftarget = Round ΔY%) + (0.5 pull ×C× ΔY%) E(ΔP basedpar on value investor’s yield and spread view) = (− D(i.e., portfolio is βT . We have the following relation: M × the approaches as the time to maturity decreases so-called to maturity). fq Expected currency gains or losses in reporting currency terms must also be considered. DEDE RiSk MAnAgeMent MAnAgeMent ApplicAtionS ApplicAtionSof ofSwAp SwApStRAtegieS StRAtegieS Currency losses occur when the asset currency against the reporting currency. Rolling return =currency Yield income + Rolldown Note: Credit losses and gains or lossesdepreciates are return discussed elsewhere. Cross-Reference to of CFA Institute Assigned Reading #30 CFA Institute Assigned Reading where money to be invested, r is the#30 risk-free rate, T is the • Hedging strategies βT SCross-Reference = βVS is S +the N famount β f f to B − B0 Roll-down return = 1 investment horizon, q is the futures contract price multiplier, f is the stock index • Passive hedging: manager protects portfolio with full Limitations of the model include: B Effect of Leverage on the Portfolio 0 * contract in which two counterparties agree aasequence ofof stock index A swap isfutures a financial contract inN which twointeger counterparties agreetotoexchange exchange sequence an representing the number of long price, and Expected price change due to change in the yield or spread depends on the bond’s modified f is • Managing equity market risk and changing equity asset hedging. covers interest rate currency equity cash flows. This covers applications of interest rateswaps, swaps, currency swaps, equity We solve for thereading number oftoapplications futures needed to theswaps, target beta: futures contracts convertcontracts aof cash position to reach an equity position or the number duration and convexity, effective duration and convexity in the case of bonds with options: • Reinvestment at or bond yield to maturity (YTM). by beta adjustment swaps, andallocation swaptions. • Discretionary hedging: manager reduces risk with • Expected price change due to inreturn. yield or spread of short stock index futures contracts to convert an existing equity position into (and × (VE income −yield VB ) −curve VBchange ×roll-down rB ) ] return Rolling yield isPortfolio the combination [ofr1 yield • Duration: Considers only shifts. rP = = parallel a cashRate position. hedging but has discretion to make currency bets for using interest Swaps to convert a floating-Rate loan to a fixed-Rate loan Portfolio equity VDeviations a floating-Rate loan to a fixed-Rate loan • Excludes richness/cheapness effects: from the fitted yield curve at certain βT − β S to EY 2 ) Sconvert E(% ∆ P) = ( − D × ∆ Y) + (C × 0.5 ∆ The expected return fromMod the price change that results from the change in yield and yield (and ViceNVersa) Ment applications of DeRivatives return enhancement. f = maturities. V βf f spread can be= measured r1 + B (r1 in − rone B ) formula using duration and convexity: VE A pay fixed, receive floating interest • Active currency management: manager seeks alpha by interest rate rate swap swap can canbe beviewed viewedas asaaportfolio portfolioofofaalong longfloatingfloating• Expected credit losses Leverage fixed-rate bond. rate bond and a short fixed-rate bond. Similarly, Similarly, aa pay payfloating, floating,receive receivefixed fixedinterest interestrate rateswap swap Asset Allocation with futures making currency bets. •viewed Creating synthetic stock index or The number of stock index futures contracts needed toafund theconverting goals is given byequity the a portfolio a long fixed-rate bond short bond. Based on can be of long fixed-rate bond and aachieve shortfloating-rate floating-rate bond. Based onto sell stock β N f will Clearly, if theastarget beta of zero, beand negative, which means we need Ta is E ∆ P due to yield change and spread ) = ( − D × ∆Y ) + 0.5 × C × ( ∆Y )2 ( following expression: this insight, insight, we have the where: involves using borrowed capital to enhance return. Leverage this wecontracts have the following: following: into cash improves return when index futures toused neutralize ourasset existing long equity If the The targetidea betais βT is • Currency overlay: currency management outsourced Leverage Futures contracts can be to adjust allocation amongposition. asset classes. = Return on the unlevered portfolio r portfolio return is greater than borrowing cost. Portfolio return using leverage is calculated as: 1 will be negative (or positive), which means smaller For (or greater) than the portfolio, current beta to specialists. simple. a given existing useβstock futures contracts to adjust the beta S , N f index Floating-rate bond == Fixed-rate bond ++[Pay fixed, receive floating interest rate swap] = Borrowing costs r T index Floating-rate bond Fixed-rate bond [Pay fixed, receive floating interest rate swap] • Effect of leverage on portfolio return B we need to sell (or buy) stock futures contracts to reduce (or increase) our existing effective duration must be used for bonds with embedded options; otherwise, modified of the portfolio to its target V (1 + rbeta ) level and use bond futures contracts to adjust the modified 220 © 2018 Wiley • Active currency management N * = Round VE = Equity equity exposure. duration is used in this variation duration of fthe portfolio fq its target modified duration. Stock index futures and bond futures to Portfolio return ofrIthe (VEformula. + VB ) − rB VB VB = Borrowed Fixed-rate bond bond [Pay receive interest rate rP = amount = Fixed-rate bond == Floating-rate Floating-rate bond++equity [Payfloating, floating, receive fixed interest rateswap] swap] allow us to synthetically lever up/down beta as wellfixed as bond modified duration. The • Economic fundamentals: real exchange rate will Portfolio equity VE isout theItof amount of money toof bewhat invested, r is the risk-free rate, T istwo the sections, creatingwhere equity technique is notVnew. iscash a combination we covered in the previous eventually converge to fair market values, with short- The remainder of the equation indicates the return effect of leverage such that r1 > rB horizon, q isfor the futures price and multiplier, f is the stock index V c10.indd 220 7 March 2018 These we twoinvestment equations are recipe converting aafloater bond aa where independently the equitycontract component fixed-income component. These two equations are the the handle recipe for converting floatertotoaafixed-rate fixed-rate bondororconverting converting * = rI + Bcontribution (rI − rB ) ©results 2018 Wiley term increases in the domestic currency due to (1) is an integer representing the number of long stock index futures price, and in a positive from leverage. N f fixed-rate bond to a floater. This section focuses on the following two pieces of logic: VE fixed-rate bond to a floater. particular level of risk exposure of an underlying risk factor. Risk factors include market risk, nt applications of DeRivatives sector risk, interest rate risk, currency risk, and others. We may either reduce our existing risk exposure (hedging) or increase our existing risk exposure (speculation). Forward and Futures increase in domestic currency’s real purchasing power, Using Futures • where Leverage with futures (2) higher domestic interest rates, (3) higher expected Leverage rI = investment asset return, rB is the cost of funds, and VE and VB are r21.indd 135 11 Au foreign inflation, and (4) higher foreign risk premiums. the values of equity and borrowing, respectively. Therefore, the numerator An interest rate swap can be viewed as a portfolio of a long floating/fixed-rate bond and a short fixed/floating-rate fixed/floating-rate bond. The interest valuerepresents – Margin the return on portfolio assets less short bond. The value value of of an an interestrate rateswap swapisissensitive sensitivetotointerest interestrate rate inLeverage the first line=ofNotional the equation • Consequently, Changingan bond asset allocation • Technical analysis: based on belief that historical changes. interest rate swap has duration, just like a bond does. Futures IntroductIon to FIxed-Income PortFolIo m changes. Consequently, an interest rate futures swap has=duration, just like bond a bond does. Margin Long stock + Short Long risk-free borrowing costs. Asset Allocation withindex futures currency patterns will repeat over time and those MDUR Now we we need need to make two − MDURS B Now to make two Tassumptions: assumptions: repetitions are predictable. N = β Bf y can be used to adjust asset allocation Futures contracts among asset classes. The idea is MDUR f bond fsynthetically Securities Lending demonstrates The first equation howisto75% create a stock holding cash (a B of its maturity of Leverage 1. The duration of a fixed-rate in contracts years (e.g.,toaindex 10-yearfund: fixedsimple. given existing portfolio, stock futures the beta Total Return Analysis • Carry trade: borrow in lower interest rate (or forward Methods 1. For The aduration of a fixed-rate bonduse is 75% ofindex its maturity in years (e.g., aadjust 10-year fixedLiability-Driven Strategies rate bond duration 7.5). long bond) and buying stock index futures. The second equation demonstrates how to of therisk-free portfolio tohas its aatarget betaof rate bond has duration oflevel 7.5).and use bond futures contracts to adjust the modified premium) currencies and invest in higher interest rate 2. The duration of a floating-rate bond is 50% of coupon resetting period in years (e.g., a create out of equity: holding a stock index andStock selling stock index futures. Futures contracts allow large positions to be controlled with little rate margin (i.e., equity). duration of the portfolio its target modified duration. index futures bond futures 2. cash The duration of a to floating-rate bond is 50% of coupon resetting period inand years (e.g., a Rebate rate = Collateral earnings rate − Security lending The first7-year expression is thebond number of stock index usedofto lever up (if N Sf floating-rate with semiannual couponfutures paymentcontracts has a duration 0.25). 1 (or forward discount) currencies, based on assumption 7-year floating-rate bond with semiannual coupon payment has a duration of 0.25). allow us to synthetically lever up/down equity beta as well as bond modified duration. The Leverage the exposure (i.e., reduces position size than margin) normalized for the margin • isImmunization: orgreater eliminates the risks to liability CurrenCy ManageMent: Swaps Total future dollars n N Sf is negative) thecovered portfolio’s existing equity market risk toan IntroduCtIon istechnique positive) or lever down (if is not new. It is a combination of what we in the previous two sections, Semiannual total return = − 1 amount: that uncovered interest rate parity does not hold. The duration of an interest swap is the difference between theexpression long bond’s duration and funding arising from interest volatility over the achieve a synthetic targetrate equity The second the number Full price ofrate the bond The duration of an interest rate swap allocation. is the difference between the long bond’sis duration and of Treasury where we independently the short bond’s duration. handle the equity component and fixed-income component. the short duration.of planning horizon. N Bf is positive) or lever down (if N Bf is negative) bond futures contracts used to lever rate up (if swaps • Roll yield: positive when trading the forward rate bias • bond’s Duration interest options expire within that range. The “short” position comes from the fact that the out-ofNotional amount − Margin the portfolio’s existing interest rate risk to achieve a synthetic target bond allocation. the-money put andbase call in the seagull spread been shorted. (buying currency athave forward discount or selling Dollar•Duration Duration fixed floating interest rate swap] = Duration(Floating-rate bond)An intRoduction LImmunizing a single liability β[Pay and cuRRency MAnAgeMent: Futures = S receive Duration [Pay receive floating interest rate swap] = Duration(Floating-rate bond) T − βfixed S and Margin N = − Duration (Fixed-rate bond) Sf base currency at forward premium); negative when − Duration bond) β f futures use fS contracts to adjust allocations between Similarly, we can one(Fixed-rate bond class and anotherExotic Options nt applications of DeRivatives • Market value of assets is greater than or equal to PV of trading against the forward rate bias (selling base Dollar duration = Duration × Bond value1 × 0.01 (e.g., long-term bonds and short-term bonds), or to adjust allocations between one equity class liability Currency Ancannot Introduction Exotic options are those that Management: are creative in nature and be categorized as being Duration floatingand and receive fixedstocks, interest rate S&P swap] = Duration bond) Swaps allow conversion to a long/short portfolio for minimal collateral required by the currency at forward discount or buying base currency and another (e.g., [pay large-cap Index,(Fixed-rate and the Nasdaq-100 Index). Duration [pay floating andsmall-cap receive fixed interestthe rate swap]500 = Duration (Fixed-rate bond) “plain.” Exotic strategies provide the lowest cost investment to achieve a specific outcome. 309 32 © 2018 Wiley Duration (Floating-rate bond) © Wiley 2018 rights reserved.duration any unauthorized copying or distribution will constitute an infringement • all Macaulay offinancial assets matches liability’s due Aof copyright. or, increasingly since the crisis of 2008, a clearinghouse. manager MDURin B ready to use interest −rate MDUR These are quitepremium). helpful for clients with significant unique circumstance constraints counterparties − Duration atoptions forward T − S are these mind, we swaps(Floating-rate to lever upbond) or lever Forward Exchange Rates 1 nAgeMent: An With intRoduction N Bfproperties = βy Note: value is valuetonot par value gain can swapBond a position in market long bonds avoid rising rates by paying the fixed rate and receiving a Using duration futures we fcan also exposure to an asset class in advance of actually date MDUR f Breceive of portfolio down an floating existing bond to afixed target duration. To achieve a target portfolioin the investment policy statement or who have specific income needs that cannot be • Usecontracts, pay and interest rate swap to produced by traditional financial securities. floating rate. This effectively results in a long/short portfolio. committing funds to that asset class. Essentially we futures contracts duration, we may use an interest rate swap based on buy the following relation:on that asset class 1 + (i FC × Actual 360) Spread Duration • Convexity of asset portfolio is minimized. increase duration of bond portfolio. indd 309 7 March PM FFC/DC = SFC/DC × 2018 3:52 Currency Management: An Introduction One commonly used exotic option a knock‐in option in which the option does not The first expression is the number of stock index futures contracts used to lever up (if N Sf 1 + (i ×isActual 360 ) DC rate • Portfolio needs rebalancing as time passes. • Use pay fixed and receive floating interest rate swap to actually exist until a barrier spot is realized. Keep in mind that the barrier rate is not Three major types of spreads: N the portfolio’s existing equity market risk to is positive) or lever down (if Sf is negative) Actual V ( MDUR ) + NP ( MDUR ) = V ( MDUR ) 1 (i ) + × the same as the strike price. For consider a call option with an exercise rate of Forward Exchange P P Rates S P portfolio. PCexample,360 duration of bond achieve a reduce synthetic target equity allocation. The secondTexpression is the number of Treasury FPC/BC 317 = SPC/BC • Risk: non-parallel shifts in yield curve (risk is reduced © 2018 Wiley CAD1.15/USD and a ×barrier rate × ofActual CAD1.12/USD. If the spot rate is currently CAD1.10/ + 1 (i ) 317 bond © 2018futures Wiley contracts used to lever up (if N Bf is positive) or lever down (if N Bf is negative) • Nominal spread is the difference between the portfolio yield and the treasury yield USD, the option does not evenBC exist until 360 the spot rate rises to CAD1.12/USD. It works by minimizing convexity). • or: Duration management using an interest rate swap Actual the portfolio’s existing interest risk× to achieve 1rate + (i FC for the same maturities. 360 ) a synthetic target bond allocation. like a regular option, but if the barrier rate is never realized, it’s as if the option never FFC/DC = SFC/DC × existed. A knock-out option ceases to exist when the exchange rate touches the barrier. © 2018• Wiley • Zero-volatility Cash flow spread matching for multiple liabilities (Z-spread) is the constant spread over all the Treasury spot 1 + (i DC × Actual 360) AgeMent: An intRoduction MDUR allocations between one bond class and anotherwhere: Similarly, we can use futures Tcontracts to Padjust − MDUR Think of a put option of the base currency with a barrier slightly below the strike price. © 2018 Wiley •theVolatility trade: long (short) straddle or strangle if rates at all maturities that forces equality between the bond’s price and the present NP = bonds VP and short-term 1 + (i PCbonds), × Actual or360to) adjust allocations between one equity class FFC/DC =Ifforward (e.g., long-term • Portfolio hascash cash flows matching the amount and base currency the barrier, then of theforeign option nocurrency; longer exists. These rate forappreciates domesticabove currency in terms same as “base MDUR FPC/BC =SPC/BC × S value of the bond’s flows. volatility expected to increase (decrease). and another (e.g., large-cap and1 small-cap stocks, the S&P 500 Index, and the Nasdaq-100 Index). exotics are cheaper than traded options and offer less protection. + (i BC × Actual currency in terms ofregularly price currency” 360 ) timing of liabilities. • Option-adjusted spread (OAS) is the spread over the treasury or the benchmark Currency Management: An Introduction spot rate for domestic currency in terms of foreign currency c10.indd 221 SFC/DC •=Exhibit Currency management tools 5‐1: Select Currency Management Strategies • where Uses of currency swap incorporating the effects any embedded options in the bond. Using futures contracts, can also gain exposure to an asset class inrate advance of and actually • after Duration matching forofmultiple liabilities 7 March 2018 3:52 PM MDURwe is the modified duration of an interest swap, iFC = interest rates in foreign currency country S committing funds to that asset class. Essentially we buy futures contracts on that asset class Forward Rates where: NP Over‐/under‐hedging •Exchange Convert loannotional in oneprincipal currency into the a loan in another is the required to change duration of the interestContracts rates in domestic currency country Profit from market view iDC =Forward • Surplus Market value of assets is greater than or equal to the Economic forward rate for domestic currency in terms of foreign currency; same as “base FFC/DC = existing portfolio duration MDURP to the target duration of MDURT . Option Contracts OTM options Cheaper than ATM currency. market value of liabilities. Actual currency in terms of 1 +price (i FC ×currency” 360 ) Forward Premium/DiscountRisk reversals Economic Surplus = MVAssets − PVLiabilities Write options to earn premiums =S × FC/DC •FFC/DC Convert foreign cash receipts domestic rate for domestic in terms ofinto foreign currency currency. SFC/DC = spot Actual • Asset basis point value (BPV) equals the liability BPV. 1 + (icurrency 360 ) DC × Exotic Options Put/call spreads Write options to earn premiums country iFC = interest rates in foreign currency •= Uses equity swap Actual 1+ (i PC × Actual ) of Structured notes where: • Dispersion of cash flows and convexity of assets are (ispreads options to earn premiums using to of Manage the360 Risk 360 FC − i DC ) × interest rates inand domestic currency country iDCSwaps Seagull Write FPC/BC SPC/BC =create × FFC/DC − SFC/DC = SFC/DC market value of those assets of the liabilities. MVAssets =greater 1 + (i × Actual ) 1 + (i BC × Actual 360)portfolio. than • Diversify a concentrated 360Reduced downside/upside exposure DC Knock‐in/out features © 2018 Wiley PVLiabilities = present value of liabilities Interest rate swaps can be used to create and manage leveraged floating-rate notes (leveraged Forward•Premium/Discount (ioptions − i BC ) × Actual 360 • Derivatives overlay Achieve international diversification. Digital Extreme payoff strategies PC floaters) and inverse floaters. FPC/BC − SPC/BC = SPC/BC Fixed income income Derivatives Overlay Fixed where: 1 + (i BC × Actual 360) • Uses bond futures contracts to immunize liabilities. • Change asset allocation between stocks and bonds. Actualof foreign (iissue )× rate currency terms currency; sameprincipal as “base of FPA digital option, which might also be called an “all‐or‐nothing” or binary option, earns a FFC/DC = forward to 360floater FC − i DC Leveraged A for firmdomestic intends ain leveraged with a notional • Minimum variance hedge ratio for a cross-hedge Ffloaters: S S − = FC/DC inFC/DC 1 + (i × Actual ) ofFC/DC price • currency Swaptions predetermined, fixed payout if the underlying reaches the strike price at any time during and a floating rate of terms kL, where k iscurrency” the leverage factor (e.g., 2.5) and L is the LIBOR rate. 360 DC Liability portfolio BPV – Asset portfolio BPV Domestic Return on Global Assets the life of the option. It does not have to cross the strike price, nor does it have to remain Nf = Lower liquidity with: = spot rate for to domestic currency in termsActual of foreign currency SFC/DCare • Obtained from a regression of change in value of with: There steps the process. ) × right •Fthree Payer swaption: holder has Futures BPV (i PC − icountry enter interest rate Lower liquidity in‐the‐money until expiration to earn the payoff amount. This feature makes the option 360 to BC rates in foreign currency iFC = interest underlying asset in domestic currency terms against PC/BC − SPC/BC = SPC/BC Actual more appropriate for currency speculation than hedging. ) 1 (i + × swap as fixed-rate payer (in-the-money when interest •• Time Time since issuance (because dealers have have supply supply right right after after issuance, issuance, but but buyers buyers of of Futures BPV ≈ BPVCTD BCcountry interest rates domestic currency i1. RDC since = (1 +issuance RFC )(1 + (because RFX ) − 1 dealers DC =To achieve theingoal, the firm enters into an 360 interest rate swap with a notional principal change in value of the hedging security. those bonds may hold them to maturity). CF ratesThe gofirm up).chooses to be the fixed rate (FS) payer and floating rate receiver. those bonds CTD = RFC may + RFXhold + Rthem of k(FP). FC RFXto maturity). Lower credit quality. • Beta (slope coefficient) of the regression equation is The firm pays (FS)k(FP) and receives where FS is the fixed rate in the•• Lower Forward ≈credit RFC +quality. RFX •Premium/Discount Receiver swaption: holder(L)k(FP), has right to enter interest Domestic Return on Global Assets Lower acceptance ashedge collateral in repo repo market market (sovereigns (sovereigns are are more more liquid liquid than than lowerlower•• Lower acceptance as collateral in interest rate swap to make the interest rate swap have a zero value at swap initiation. the optimal ratio. where:• Contingent immunization rate as fixed-rate receiver (in-the-money when interest quality corporates). corporates). quality FS is the price of the swap. Actual Nf = number of futures contract to immunize portfolio 360 )(1 = (1S+go RFCdown). RFX )−(i1FC − i DC ) × • Basis risk to imperfect correlation Smaller issue sizeoccurs (becausedue smaller issues will will not not be included included in inbetween index/benchmark). DC • Active management if surplus (assets less liabilities) is rates FRFC/DC = S+FC/DC where: •• Smaller issue size (because smaller issues be index/benchmark). 2. The firm−now passes through cash Actual inflow from FC/DC 1 the the interest rate swap (L)k(FP) point value ) (i + × 360 DC = RFC + RFX +of RFC RFX movement and hedging instrument. BPV = Basisabove = returncurrency in domesticprice currency terms a designated threshold. as interest payments the leveraged floater with a notional principal of FP R and DC a CTD = Cheapest to deliver Actual Using exchange-traded options (e.g., futures and options on futures) may provide a more (i i ) − × return in foreign currency termsfutures and options on futures) may provide a more RFC = exchange-traded PC BC Using options (e.g., +R R of floating≈ rate kL. Management 360 Currency factor FPC/BC − SFCPC/BC FX =S • If the surplus falls below threshold, revert to a pure liquid alternative. change Using over-the-counter over-the-counter (OTC)-traded instruments (e.g., interest interest rateCF and= Conversion a notional principal of FP and Actual with = percentage in S (i.e., foreign currency in terms of domestic currency) R liquid alternative. Using (OTC)-traded instruments (e.g., rate and 3. Now the issuer may PC/BC sell aleveraged a ) 1 + (i BC ×floater FX DC/FC 360 credit default swaps) swaps) may may also also help help reduce reduce risk. risk. immunization strategy. credit floating rate of kL and use the funds to buy a fixed-rate bond to (partly) offset the default Domestic return on global asset (where exchange rate is where:•fixed-rate FI Portfolio Return in Domestic Currency Terms payments in the interest rate swap (FS)k(FP). The leveraged floater is FI Exchange-traded funds funds (ETFs) (ETFs) may may provide provide aa liquid liquid option. option. Portfolio Portfolio managers managers may may purchase• Use gains on actively managed funds to reduce cost of RDC = return in domestic ) terms expressed ascurrency SDC/FC Domestic Return onengineered. Global Assets Exchange-traded successfully 108 © 2018 Wiley purchase meeting liabilities. ETF shares shares and and then redeem redeem them for for the the underlying underlying bonds bonds using using authorized authorized participants participants RFC = return in foreign currency terms ETF RDC = then [ w1 × (1 + RFCthem 1 )(1 + RFX 1 ) + w 2 × (1 + RFC 2 )(1 + RFX 2 )] − 1 (e.g., qualified banks and and other other institutions) institutions) as as intermediaries intermediaries with with ETF ETF sponsors. sponsors. in+SRDC/FC (i.e.,an foreign currency terms of domestic currency) RFX = percentage qualified banks Inverse floaters: to issue inverse floater in with a notional principal of(e.g., FP and a • Horizon matching: cash flow matching for short-term RDC = A (1change +firm RFCintends )(1 FX ) − 1 floating rate of=(bR– L), b isRa constant rate (e.g., 8%) and L is the LIBOR rate. ThereIntroduction are liabilities (< 5anyyears), duration matching for long-term + Rwhere FCDomestic FX + RCurrency FC FX Fixed-Income Returns Model © Wiley 2018 all rights reserved. unauthorized copying or distribution will constitute an infringement of copyright. Portfolio Return in Terms where: Fixed-Income Returns Model three steps to the process. IntroductIon to FIxed-Income PortFolIo management • Portfolio return in domestic currency terms liabilities. ≈ RFC + RFX cuRRency intRoduction weight ofAnasset in the portfolio wn =MAnAgeMent: • Fixed-income returns model Portfolio managers use expected returns to position assets for risk and return properties × (1goal, + RFCthe + RFX (1 +interest RFC 2 )(1rate + RFX 1 a notionalPortfolio 1. ToRachieve firm enters into swap principalmanagers use expected returns to position assets for risk and return properties • Interest rate swap overlay to reduce duration gap DC = [ w1the 1 )(1 1) + w 2 × an 2 )] −with desired for the portfolio: desired for portfolio: The • the Expected return decomposition where: of FP. The firm chooses to be the fixed rate (FS) receiver and floating rate payer. Liability portfolio BPV – Asset portfolio BPV issuer pays L(FP) and receives (FS)(FP), where FS is the fixed rate in the interest Risk on Global Assets in Domestic Currency Terms RDC = return in domestic currency terms NP = × 100 where:• Variance of the domestic return futures contracts to convert a cash position to an equity position or the number of short stock index to convert an existing equity position into using Swaps Swaps to aa fixed-income portfolio Duration futures using to Adjust Adjust the ofcontracts fixed-income portfolio βT − βthe S of S Duration aN cash position. Sf = risk-free +Long futures = Long stock index Long bond fS as a portfolio of a long floating/fixed-rate bond and a βcan An interest rate swap f beviewed c15.indd 317 c15.indd 317 7 March 2018 3:52 PM 7 March 2018 3:52 PM 7 March 2018 3:52 PM FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT r19.indd 108 12 August 2017 11:54 PM rate swap to make the interest Swap BPV E(R) ≈≈ Yield Yield income income in foreign currency terms rate swap have a zero value at swap initiation. FS is theE(R) RFC = return of in the portfolio wn = weight price ofasset the = percentage domestic RFX σ2 (R ) ≈swap. σ 2 ( RinFCS)DC/FC + σ 2 ((i.e., RFX )foreign + [2 × σcurrency ( RFC ) × σin( Rterms ρ( R Roll down down return return DC change FX ) × of FC , RFX )]currency) ++ Roll 2. The firm now issues an inverse floater with a notional principal of FP and a floating + E( E(∆ ∆ Price Price due due to to yields yields and and spreads) spreads) where: + rate of (bin– Domestic L). InterestCurrency paymentTerms is (b – L)FP. Cash inflow from the interest rate swap Portfolio Return • Factors favoring more currency hedging • Risksprincipal when of managing NP = Notional the swap portfolio against a liability E(Credit losses) losses) Roll Yield −− E(Credit 28 Reserved. Any unauthorized copying or distribution will constitute an infringement of copyright. structure: model risk, spread risk, counterparty credit •RDCSignificant objectives, e.g. income/liquidity © wiley 2018 All Rights E(Currency gains gains and and losses) losses) = [ w1 × (1 + Rshort-term ++ E(Currency FC1 )(1 + RFX 1 ) + w 2 × (1 + RFC 2 )(1 + RFX 2 )] − 1 Index Matching to a Fixed-Income Portfolio © 2018 Wiley risk. requirements. ( F − SP / B ) YRoll = P / B • noYield incomeincome, equals current yield assuming no SP / B Assuming reinvestment yield income (aka current yield) is computed as: • Global fixed-income investments. Assuming no reinvestment income, yield income (aka current yield) is computed as: where: Active return = Portfolio return – Benchmark index return reinvestment income • All Markets high currency assetwillvolatility. = weight ofRights assetReserved. in with the Any portfolio w©n wiley 2018 unauthorized copying or or distribution constitute an infringement of copyright. 7 March 2018 3:52 PM Annual coupon payment where || indicates value. Positive roll yield occurs when a trader buys base • Highabsolute risk aversion. Current yield yield = = Annual coupon payment Current • Total return mandates currency at a forward discount or sells it at a forward premium. Bond price price Bond Index-Based Strategies • Doubt about value of currency return potential. • Variance Lower possibility of regret if the hedge is not profitable.Rolldown return recognizes the value change as a bond approaches maturity (“pull to par”) Minimum Hedge Rolldown return: value change asapproaches bond approaches Rolldown•return recognizes the value change as a bond maturity (“pull to par”) • Low costs of hedging. under an an assumption assumption of zero zero rate volatility (i.e., unchanged unchanged yield yield curve). curve). under of maturity (pullrate tovolatility par) (i.e., yt = α + βxt + εt • Pure indexing (full replication): match benchmark Rolling return = Yield income + Rolldown return © wiley 2018 All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized copying or distribution will constitute an infringement of copyright. Rolling return = Yield income + Rolldown return where: yt = percentage change in asset to be hedged Expected price price change change due due to to change change in in the the yield yield or or spread spread depends depends on on the the bond’s bond’s modified modified Expected xt = percentage change in hedging instrument duration and and convexity, convexity, or or effective effective duration duration and and convexity convexity in in the the case case of of bonds bonds with with options: options: duration β = hedge ratio for minimum variance hedge weights and risk factors by owning all bonds in the index with the same weighting. Wiley © 2020 rategieS Wiley’s CFA Program Exam Review ® • Enhanced indexing: sampling approach to match primary risk factors; slight mismatch with benchmark weights to achieve a higher return compared to full replication. • Active management: aggressive mismatches with benchmark weights and primary risk factors to achieve outperformance. • Laddered bond portfolio • Maturities and par values spread evenly along the yield curve. • Protection from yield curve shifts and twists by balancing the position between cash flow reinvestment and market price volatility. • Suited to stable, upwardly sloped yield curve environments. • Higher convexity and liquidity. Yield Curve Strategies • Stable yield curve strategies • Buy and hold: choose parts of curve where yield • Using butterflies: long the wings (barbell) and short the body (bullet) if flattening curve, volatile interest rates, buying convexity or parallel yield curve increase; short the wings and long the body if steepening curve, stable interest rates or selling convexity. • Using options: sell convexity bonds (30-year maturity) and purchase call options to outperform in both rising and falling rate scenarios. Credit Strategies • Risk considerations • High yield bonds: credit risk (includes default risk and loss severity). • Investment grade bonds: interest rate risk, credit conditions, market impact, execution risk and trade benchmark • Trading strategies include: • Short-term alpha • Long-term alpha • Risk rebalance trade • Cash flow-driven trade • Trading algorithm classes include: • scheduled execution algorithms based on percentage of volume, colume weighted average price or time weighted average price • liquidity seeking algorithms that execute trades quickly across all available venues • arrival price strategies which look to trade as closes as possible to the market price at the time the order is received • dark strategies that use dark pools to trade in low liquidity or low urgency orders • smart order routers that find the best market price for the order across venues • Implementaion shortfall (expanded): migration risk, spread risk. • Spread duration (measure of spread risk): percentage changes will not affect return or purchase longerincrease in bond price for a 1% decrease in spread. duration/higher-yield securities. Portfolio duration generally can be increased by reallocating cash (which has duration at • Credit spread measures • Rolldown: riding the yield curve when yield curve is or close to zero) to duration assets, or by replacing shorter-duration securities with longer• G-spread: bond’s yield to maturity less interpolated upward-sloping. duration securities. Decreasing duration involves selling securities for cash. If the manager yield of correct maturity benchmark bond. prefers to•continue certain securities, however, the same types of duration altering Fixed-inCome aCtive management: Credit StrategieS Sellingholding convexity: sell lower-yielding higher-convexity may be accomplished via derivatives. • I-spread: uses swap rates rather government bond bonds if expecting low interest rate volatility. yields. Fixed-Income Active Management: Credit Strategies altering •portfolio withlonger-maturity, derivatives Carry duration trade: buy higher-yielding • Market-adjusted cost: • Z-spread: spread added to each yield-curve point so securities and finance them with shorter-maturity, Excess Return on Credit Securities that PV of bond’s cash flows equals price. LoS 23d:lower-yielding explain how derivatives may be used to implement yield curve securities. strategies. vol 4, pp 137–141 • Option-adjusted spread (OAS) for bonds with XR ≈ (s × t ) − ( ∆s × SD) • Changing yield curve strategies Fixed-inCome aCtive management: Credit StrategieS embedded options: spread added to one-period • Durationportfolio management: shorten (lengthen) if A derivatives-overlay makes duration management a separateduration decision from forward rates that sets arbitrage-free value equal to where: Fixed-Income Active Management: Credit Strategies security selection andyield can avoid the costly(decreases). capital gain component present for a securities expect increases price Performance evaluation sale. For this discussion, the overlay consists of puts and calls on bonds and interest rates = spread at the beginning of the measurement period • Buying with falling yields, portfolios withstructured • Return Excess and expected t = holding period (i.e., fractional portion ofexcess the year)return on credit futures (which are alsoconvexity: a form of derivative). Other types of derivatives include Excess onreturn Credit Securities • Return attribution and risk attribution analyses the greater convexity increase more inused value than of MBS SD = spread duration of the bond notes, interest-only strips (IOs) and will principal-only strips (POs) for portfolios securities assets, and collateralized obligations (i.e., securities basedyields, on underlying MBS sources of return and risk respectively portfolios mortgage with less convexity; with rising ≈ (s ×Return t ) − ( ∆s on × SD ) ExpectedXR Excess Credit Securities assets). Fixed income portfolios with greater convexity will decrease less. • Macro and micro return attribution evaluates how decision of asset owners and portfolio managers Fixed-income futuresand contracts may structures be used to adjust duration without any cash outlay • Bullet barbell where: EXR ≈ (s × t ) – ( ∆s × SD) − (t × p × L ) other than initial margin and the mark-to-market cash flows required to maintain margin.s = spread at the beginning of the measurement period respectively affect returns Managers can findRelative the correct number of futures contracts to buy or sell as a function oft = holding period (i.e., fractional portion of the year) Outperformance Given Scenario • Attribution analysis may be returns-based (most the money duration or, more specifically, the price value of a basis point (PVBP). Recall • Bottom-up approach to credit strategy (security where: SD = spread duration of the bond Yield Curve Scenarios Structure common - using total returns only), holdings-based that money duration is the currency change in portfolio market value for a 1% changepin= annual probability of default selection): for two issuers with similar credit risks, rates: Level change Parallel shift Barbell L = expected severity of loss (using end of day data) or transactions-based (least Expected Excess Return on Credit Securitiesspread to benchmark rate. purchase bond with greater Slope change Flattening Barbell common – using weights and returns of all transactions) • Top-down approach to credit strategy: macro approach DModified Steepening Bullet DMoney = VP × EXR ≈ (s × t ) – ( ∆sand × SDoverweight ) − (t × p × L ) sectors with better relative • Equity return attribution to determine 100 Curvature change Less curvature Bullet value. • Brinson-Hood-Beebower approach: More curvature Barbell PVBP, then, is money duration divided by 100 yet again: where:• Managing liquidity risk Bullet Decreased volatility Volatility change p = annual probability of default increased volatility Barbell • Cash DMoney D L = expected severity of loss PVBP = VP × = VP × Modified 100 10,000 FI • Liquid, non-benchmark bonds (higher incremental • Duration management methods return vs cash). Formulating a Portfolio Positioning Strategy for a Market View (Allocation effects – performance difference from the • Buy (sell) futures to desired increase (decrease) duration. That information can thenbond be used along with additional PVBP and PVBP of the benchmark due to allocation decisions – Note: The • Credit default swaps index derivatives (more liquid futures contract determine Parallel to Upward Shiftthe number of contracts to be purchased or sold: Brinson-Fachler approach that is used for macro and than credit markets). micro attribution replaces Bi with [Bi – B]) Additional PVBP Bonds with forward implied yield change greater than forecast yield change will enjoy higher (liquid but unpredictable price movements in • ETFs # Contracts = return in a magnitude based on duration as they roll down the yield curve. Futures PVBP volatile markets). Yield Curve StrategieS The leverage (i.e., value of bonds to be purchased to reach the desired additional PVBP) • Tail risk rTotal = Y0 − D1 (Y1 − Y0 ) can be found by the formula: • Assess tail risk by modelling unusual return • Use leverage to increase duration (Selection effects – performance difference from the patterns and using scenario analysis (historical and where subscripts indicate beginning or end The portfolio duration is then in effect multiplied by the ratio of of thethe newperiod. notional value Additional PVBP benchmark due to manager selection decisions) hypothetical). after adding the overlay to the original portfolio VLeveraged = × 10,000 value so that the PVBP of the combined D of bonds Modified portfolio is as desired: • Manage tail risk using (1) diversification strategies and A portfolio facing no constraints can position to maximize rTotal. (2) hedges using options and credit default swaps. VEquity + VLeveraged DNew = D Parallel Yield Old × Changes of Uncertain Direction • Advantages of using structured financial securities such VEquity Increase convexity by using a barbell strategy when a yield change is certain, but the direction as ABSs, MBS, CDOs and covered bonds (Interaction effects – performance difference from the of the change is not. Current portfolio duration is maintained by weighting the best bonds at benchmark due to manager selection decisions) The leveraged value is assumed to be funded by overnight loans, which would have either end by: • Higher returns vs other types of bonds. • Useto interest ratehave swaps: receive-fixed, duration equal 0 and therefore no effect on the equation.pay-floating S + I = Full selection effect © 2018 Wiley • Improved portfolio diversification. swaps increase duration; pay-fixed, receive-floating DPunable = ws Dto wL D If the manager were bonds with the same duration, bonds of different s +find L A + S + I = Portfolio excess return (alpha) • Different exposures to investment grade and high yield swaps reduce duration. duration could be added. it would take twice as many bonds if the manager = wFor + (1 − ws )D s Ds example, L bonds. • Factor-based return attribution • Convexity management 17 August 2017 12:35 AM used those with duration equal to half thatmethods of the current portfolio, or half as many bonds if we used those withwhere duration twice that ofindicate the current portfolio. Clearly, theseP,alternatives thein subscripts duration forlarge the portfolio the short-maturity • Shift bonds portfolio (difficult with portfolios). have different outcomes forS,transaction costs and curve risk. L. security and the long-maturity security 37 • Buying callable bonds and MBS (equivalent to selling © Wiley 2018 all rights reserved. any unauthorized copying or distribution will constitute an infringement of copyright. Using leverage in portfolios with credit risk amplifies both credit and liquidity risk. The • Fixed-income return attribution convexity). Using Butterflies higher duration of the leveraged portfolio amplifies interest rate risk. • Exposure decomposition (duration based): • The Portfolio positioning appropriate long positionstrategy depends on whether the manager expects flattening (i.e., long Although as liquid as futures, swaps also beasused adjustimplied duration. Swaps barbell) or steepening (i.e., longcould bullet), just itforward istooutside the butterfly structure: Top down approach which compares portfolio duration •notParallel upward shift: bonds with yield have the advantage of being created for any maturity rather than being limited to standard and returns to that of the benchmark in order to change greater than forecast yield change will enjoy repo maturities as•areLong futures. futures contract can be compared theAwings (barbell structure) and shortto thea long bodybond/short (bullet structure): understand which decisions (e.g. duration bets, sector as they roll down the yield curve (upward position, andhigher leverage can be compared long bond/short financing position. Receive○ return Flattening curveto ora volatile interest rates 37 © Wiley 2018 all rights reserved. any unauthorized copying or distribution will constitute an infringement of copyright. allocation, bond selection) contribute to excess returns sloping). fixed, pay-floating swaps are comparable long bond/short short-term ○ Buying convexitytoinaexchange for lower yield debt security position. ○ Parallel yield curve increase • Yield curve decomposition (duration based) • Parallel yield change of uncertain direction: increase TRADING, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, AND MANAGER SELECTION TRADING STRATEGY AND EXECUTION convexity by using strategy. Because a new futures position or newbarbell swap position is initiated at a value of 0, there is an undefined duration for the position itself. Portfolio duration, however, will still be relatively easy to calculate using money duration or PVBP effects on the portfolio’s equity value. © 2018 Wiley Sizing the swap position resembles sizing a futures position, but will be scaled to USD1,000,000 in the absence of any standard contract size (such as with the standard • Trading strategy will be based on order characteristics, security characteristics, market conditions, user-based 237 Top down or bottom up approach that identifies Wiley © 2020 Wiley’s CFA Program Exam Review ® Institutional Investor: Illiquid Investments, Ethics and Derivatives Where: • Illiquidity premium is likely to be based on the illiquidity horizon. It might be calculated by way of put option costs or premiums offered by low-liquidity equities • Sortino ratio • Illiquidity risk management tools include: • Liquidity profiling – classifying assets based on their level of liquidity and investing in line with a liquidity budget • Rebalancing strategies – managing asset allocation and transaction costs involved with rebalancing • Commitment strategies – managing capital calls • Stress testing – assessing liquidity under market stress • Derivatives – altering liquidity levels through use of • Capture ratios highly liquid derivatives and associated leverage • The manager selection process can raise ethical considerations between stakeholders (researcher, portfolio manager, external managers, end investors, etc) including Standard IV(A) Conflicts of Interest; Standard I(B) Independence and Objectivity, and Standard III(E) Preservation of Confidentiality Where: • The use of derivative overlays can raise important Investment Manager Selection • Type I error: Hiring/retaining a manager with no skill • Explicit cost • Measured • Obvious to investors • Type II error: Not hiring/firing a manager with skill • Opportunity cost • Seldom measured • Not obvious to investors • Quantitative metrics used to evaluate managers include 1. Ex post alpha RA − rf Sharpe ratio ratio A = RA − rf Sharpe −Ar ) + ε Rt − r ft = α +Aβ=( RMtσ σ ft t A 4. 2. 4. Case Studies • Appraisal ratio contributions to total return from changes in yield to maturity and which can be used to determine success of yield curve decisions based on yield curve components (e.g. yield, roll, shift, slope, curvature, spread) • Yield curve decomposition (full repricing) Bottom up approach that reprices constituent bonds from zero-coupon curves. • Risk attribution • Bottom up approach will look at each position’s contribution to tracking risk (relative) or total risk (absolute) • Top down approach will look to attribute tracking risk to allocation and selection effects (relative) or at each factor’s contribution to total risk and specific risk (absolute) • Factor-based approach will look at each factor’s contribution to tracking risk and active specific risk (relative) or at each factor’s contribution to total risk and specific risk (absolute) • Asset-based benchmarks include absolute return benchmarks, broad market indices, style benchmarks, factor-based benchmarks, returns-based benchmarks, manager metrics and custom security-based benchmarks valuation valuation • Alternative asset benchmark issues include the following: risk-adjusted Performance Performance measures measures risk-adjusted • Hedge funds will often use the risk-free rate plus a The following are five risk-adjusted performance measures: spread (absolute relative)measures: to account for respective The following are five risk-adjustedor performance strategy 1. Ex Ex post post alpha risks 1. alpha • Unlisted real estate and private equity indices will − rr ft == α α ++ ββ((RRMt −− rr ft)) ++ εεt RRtt − likely include ft Mt assets ft t that are not investable • Commodity investment benchmarking is not able to valuation 2. Treynor measure 2. Treynor measure use market-weighting as futures values offset to zero RA − rf • Appraisal TA == RA − rf measures used in comparing portfolios T risk-adjusted Performance measures A ββAA include: The following are fiveratio risk-adjusted performance measures: • Sharpe 3. Sharpe ratio 3. Sharpe ratio • Treynor ratio M22 Treynor measure M analysis of style (returns-based or holdings-based), active share, up/down capture, and drawdowns • Qualitative metrics used to evaluate managers include analysis of philosophy, personnel, decision-making process (idea generation and implementation; portfolio construction and monitoring), operations (trading process, firm characteristics), investment vehicle and terms, and fee structure RA − rfRA − rf TMA22== rf + RA − rf σ M = rf β+ σ σM AA M A σ 5. Information Information ratio ratio 3. Sharpe ratio ratio • Information 5. RRAA −− RRBB= RA − rf IR A = ratio Sharpe IR A A = A σ σσAA−−BB 2 Ex post alpha and Treynor measure provide the same conclusion about manager Note4.that thatMthe the Note Ex post alpha and Treynor measure provide the same conclusion about manager rankings because because they they are are based based on on systematic systematic risk. risk. The The Sharpe Sharpe ratio ratio and and M M22 also also provide provide the the rankings same conclusion about manager rankings because because they they are are based based on on total total risk. risk. RAmanager − rf rankings same conclusion about 2 M = rf + σM σA Performance Evaluation Evaluation Performance 5. Information Quality control control charts chartsratio are one one effective effective and and visual visual means means of of presenting presenting the the performance performance Quality are of an an investment investment manager manager over time. It uses statistical methods to systematically evaluate of RA − RB over time. It uses statistical methods to systematically evaluate performance data and assist in making retention or removal decisions. IR = A performance data σ assist in making retention or removal decisions. and A− B considerations between overlay types (ETFs, futures, and swaps) including trading costs, cash usage, liquidity, monitoring, and counterparty risk Private Wealth Clients: Ethics a • Illiquidity premium is likely to be based on the illiquidity horizon. It might be calculated by way of put option costs or premiums offered by low-liquidity equities • Illiquidity risk management tools include: • Liquidity profiling – classifying assets based on their level of liquidity and investing in line with a liquidity budget • Rebalancing strategies – managing asset allocation and transaction costs involved with rebalancing • Commitment strategies – managing capital calls • Stress testing – assessing liquidity under market stress • Derivatives – altering liquidity levels through use of highly liquid derivatives and associated leverage Wiley’s CFA Program Exam Review ® Manager continuation policies policies (MCPs): Manager Note thatcontinuation the Ex post alpha and(MCPs): Treynor measure provide the same conclusion about manager 2 rankings because they arewith based on systematic • Retain managers investment skills.risk. The Sharpe ratio and M also provide the • conclusion Retain managers with investment skills. same about manager rankings because theyand aredo based on total risk. • Remove managers without investment skills, so before before they produce negative negative • Remove managers without investment skills, and do so they produce results. results. Performance Evaluation • Minimize manager turnover. • Minimize manager turnover. Include relevant relevant nonperformance nonperformance information information in in the manager manager review process. process. •• Include Quality control charts are one effective and visual meansthe of presentingreview the performance of an investment manager over time. It uses statistical methods to systematically evaluate Reduce the following two errors: Reduce the following errors: performance data and two assist in making retention or removal decisions. • Type Type II error: error: keeping keeping (or (or hiring) hiring) managers managers who who do do not not have have investment investment skills. skills. • Manager continuation policies (MCPs): • Type II error: firing (or not hiring) hiring) managers managers who who do do have have investment investment skills. skills. • Type II error: firing (or not The secret is out. CFA® EXAM REVIEW • • • • Retain managers with investment skills. Remove managers without investment skills, and do so before they produce negative ©2018 2018Wiley Wiley results. © LEVEL II CFA Minimize manager turnover. MOCK EXAM Include relevant nonperformance information in the manager review process. ® 7 March 2018 3:53 PM 7 March 2018 3:53 PM Reduce the following two errors: • • MORNING SESSION Wiley’s materials are a better way to prep. Sign up for your Free Trial today Type I error: keeping (or hiring) managers who do not have investment skills. Type II error: firing (or not hiring) managers who do have investment skills. www.efficientlearning.com/cfa © 2018 Wiley CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by Wiley. CFA Institute, CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are trademarks owned by CFA Institute. Wiley © 2020 7 March 2018 3:53 PM Wiley © 2020