French vocabulaire et l'autre aid Grammar rules: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Longer actions use imparfait and shorter ones use passe compose du / de la/ des / de l’ - in négation - de/d' au/à la/à l’/aux - in négation - au / à la/ à l’/ aux Use être passe compose verbs with être when there is no direct object/ the verb agrees with the subject. Use être passe compose verbs with avoir when there is a direct object/the verb agrees with something else and not the subject. Conditionnel - Futur base of verb + Imparfait ending. Plus-que-passé - Avoir/être in imparfait + past participle (Emotions in the past are expressed using imparfait) (Verbs ending with GER,CER,etc. In passe compose ‘nous’ form will make use of extra ‘e’ and ’s’) Anything indicatif is a simple tense En + participe présent - Gérondif Rentrer,Sortir,Monter,descendre are conjugated with avoir when followed by a direct object. If the COD is placed after the verb, it won’t agree with the subject. Duration of any activity - Pedant Action started in past, but still continues - Depuis Intention of doing smth in future - pour You can never write “des+adjective”. You remove the ‘s’ from the ‘tu’ conjugation in imperative tense. Bien-> Adverb Bon-> Adjective Do not use articles for profession. Subjunctive necessities: 1- 2 subjects 2- separated by a ‘que’ For expression quantities (like beaucoup), they are followed by ‘de’ only. Penser à qqch Ca va m’aider - In the future if smth helps you By Aashiya ● You “se plonger dans” smth ● Faire face à qqch ● Rendre (before an adjective) Faire (to do) ( for nouns) ● ….et quart - XX:15 …. moins le quart - XX:45 Verbs: 1. Supporter- to tolerate 2. Se sentir - to feel 3. Raconter - to tell about 4. Avoir raison - to be correct 5. Avoir tort - to be incorrect 6. Casser - to break 7. Se soigner - to take care of oneself 8. Souhaiter - to wish 9. Consommer - to eat 10. Plaisanter - to joke 11. Se marrer - to have fun 12. Avoir de mare - To have had enough of smth 13. Agir - to act 14. Accrôitre - To increase 15. Demenager - To relocate 16. Emprunter - to borrow 17. Remercier - to thank 18. Soutenir - to support 19. Retirer - to remove 20. Croire - to hope 21. Ramener- to bring 22. Rendre - to make 23. Se désaltérer- to quench thirst 24. Kiffer - to love 25. Profiter - to enjoy 26. Acquirer - to acquire 27. Devoir - also means to ‘owe’ 28. Briller - to shine 29. Se nourrir - to eat 30. Avaler - to swallow 31. Inclure - to include 32. Elever - to take care 33. Déguster - to taste 34. Decompresser - to cool down By Aashiya 35. Se lancer - to dive in/get started 36. Se dérouler - to take place 37. Avoir pret - to loan 38. Fournir - To provide 39. Flaner - to wander ( to walk around without any objective) 40. Brader - to sell cheaply 41. Ramasser - to collect 42. Voler - to steal 43. Se rendre compte - to realise 44. Enrichir - to enrichen 45. Vexer - to upset 46. Parcourir - to travel 47. Se dépêcher/se presser - to hurry 48. Poursuivre - to pursue 49. Grimper - to climb 50. Sauter - to jump 51. Mener- to live 52. Consacrer- to dedicate 53. Grandir - to grow up 54. Enregister - to record 55. Emmener - to take away Expressions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Ca ne me dit rien - It doesn't mean anything to me à la hâte/en vitesse - doing smth in hurry Pert de temps/Ça sert à rien - a waste of time Ça ne vaut pas la peine - it's not worth it Ça fait - it has been…..(give total duration)(smth which started in the past and ended) Tout ce qui se passe - Everything that’s happening C’est tout à fait autre chose - Its completely a different thing As tu reagi? - did you react? Mal à l’aise - Uncomfortable j'avançais - I was advancing C’est à dire - it means (can be used in place of ‘for example’) C’est embêtant! - its annoying! Vous ne pouvez pas la rater!You won’t miss it! Mon réveil sonne- my alarm rings By Aashiya ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Une âme diarist- artistic soul En raffolent - love it! Profiter de paysage - enjoy the scenery J'avoue - i admit C’est pas trop mon genre - it's not my thing Je vous le conseille - I recommend it C’est pareil - its the same C’est ignoble - its terrible Élargir mes horizons - to expand my perspective Mon pêché mignon - my guilty pleasure En tant que indienne - As an indian C’est nickel/C’est chouette - it's great/its nice Hyper à l'aise - super at ease Hyper…. - super…. Trés réputé - very famous C’est trop dommage - It's too bad Une bonne évasion de la réalité - a good escape from reality Plutôt décontracté - Pretty casual ça me fait bouger - it makes me move/excites me ● Il n’y a rien de meilleur - There's nothing better ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Rien ne vaut….. - Nothing beats…. Quelle galère - What a pain! Il me semble - I think Je tire mon coup - i shoot my shot C’est pratique - It is convenient to me Je n’étais pas tellement pour - i wasnt much for it Avoir le nez dans qqch/être collé aux écrans/être rivé aux écrans - To be stuck to the screen Une gourmande - a sweet tooth/foodie Un véritable dépaysement - a real change of scenery Éclater en rire - to burst out laughing Le berceau de la beauté au niveau de l'art - it's the cradle of beauty in terms of art Vivre une expérience/connaitre une expérience - to live an experience Pour autant que je sache - For all I know Pour me tenir informer - to keep myself informed Une touche de nostalgie - a touch of nostalgia By Aashiya ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Plutot que l’inverse - instead of the other way around. Ça a l'air bien! - it sounds good Entouré - surrounded Une vie aisée - Confortable life Amateur de la mode - Fashion lover/fan Un cadre agréable - a pleasant setting Je prévois - I plan C’est trop banal - it's too common Nouns: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Place-seats Surface-area La moitié - half Location de voitures- Renting cars Grand gamme de - a lot of variety Gourmet/gourmand - foodie Gras - fats Malsain - unhealthy Habitude - habit Tenu- outfit Cochonneries - junk food Cartables - school bag Astuces - tricks Saison sèche - Dry season La chaleur - The heat Un immeuble - building Stagiaire - intern Des fringues - clothes Durable- Sustainable Etouffant - suffocating Grisant - gloomy Une table basse - coffee table Le footing - Jogging Sans abri - the homeless Amis proches - close friends Le dernier tendance - the latest trend Un bouquin - a book Souliers - sport shoes Croquette - dog food Encombrement - Cogestion Le mélange - a mixture By Aashiya ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● une mangeoire - food bowl(for pets) Une collation - a snack Assorti- matching Les retrouvailles - a reunion Un entracte - an intermission Un empêchement - a barrier/obstruction Le coquillage - shells Le domain - field Une paille - straw Station de colline - hill station Poivre - pepper Spectacle de marionette - puppet show Châteaux de sable - sand castle Confiance en soi - self-confidence À la fac - at university Comprimé - tablet Aménagement - Amenities Met délicats - delicacies Un clôture- a fence Le toit - the roof La francophonie - the french speaking world L'actualité - news Des séances - sessions Une bourse - a scholarship Chemin - route/path Ateliers - Workshops Menuisier- Carpenter Des outils - tools Soucis - worries Logiciels - software Brasserie - brewery/coffee shop Le couchers de soleil - Sunsets Mauvais comportement - bad behaviour Connectors: ➔ Mondialement - globally ➔ Tellement - as much ➔ Puis - then ➔ Ainsi - thus ➔ Franchement - frankly ➔ Sinon - otherwise ➔ Évidemment - obviously ➔ Tandis - while By Aashiya ➔ Plutôt - instead ➔ Donc - therefore ➔ Autrefois - In the past ➔ Notamment- including ➔ Tout d’abord - First of all ➔ Lorsque - when ➔ Effectivement - Indeed ➔ En revanche - on the other hand ➔ Précisément - Specifically ➔ Parfois - sometimes ➔ Pas mal - often ➔ A peu pres - approx ➔ Dernièrement - lately ➔ Forcément - of course ➔ Soigneusement - carefully ➔ Même si - even though ➔ Profondément - deeply ➔ Justement - exactly ➔ Au contraire - in contrast ➔ Hebdomadaires - weekly ➔ Néanmoins - nevertheless ➔ Sans souci - without a doubt ➔ D’autant plus - even more ➔ Par ailleurs - Moreover ➔ À l'époque - At the time (past imperfect) ➔ De l’autre coté - On the other hand ➔ Au depart - At first ➔ Par dessus tout - Above all ➔ Sciemment - knowingly ➔ En somme - in short (used at the end) ➔ Quasiment/presque - almost (casiment) ➔ Pour la plupart - for the most part ➔ En tout cas - In any case ➔ En plus - Besides ➔ Pas forcément - not necessarily ➔ Pourtant - However ➔ Auparavant - Previously ➔ À ce moment - At that time ➔ Aussitôt - Rightway By Aashiya ➔ En fait - Infact Adjectives: ❖ Sale - dirty ❖ Fière/fier - proudly ❖ Dégoûtant - Disgusting ❖ Casse-pieds - annoying ❖ Stimulants - inspiring ❖ Efficaces - efficient ❖ Paisible - Peaceful ❖ Décevant/déçue - disappointing ❖ Davantage - Any further ❖ Sage - wise ❖ Marrant - funny ❖ Accueillants - Welcoming ❖ En panne - Broken-down ❖ Le pire - The worst ❖ Souriants - smiling ❖ Réglable - adjustable ❖ Reposant - relaxing ❖ Sereinement - smoothly ❖ Fortement - badly ❖ Gênant- embarrassing ❖ Très bondée - very crowded ❖ Trépidant/Mouvementé - hectic ❖ Frustrant - frustrating ❖ Abordable - affordable ❖ Courtois - polite ❖ Pénible - difficult ❖ Agacé - annoyed ❖ Epuisé - exhausting ❖ Étonnant - surprising ❖ Apaisants - soothing ❖ Terne - dull/lifeless ❖ Enrichissant - enriching ❖ Têtu - stubborn ❖ Cocasse - funny/amusing ❖ Eminent - prominent ❖ Hative - hasty (quick) ❖ Louable- commendable ❖ Coquette - stylish ❖ Exigeant - picky By Aashiya ❖ Chiant - tiresome ❖ Perspicace - insightful ❖ Palpitante - thrilling ❖ mûr- mature ❖ Soulagée - relieved ❖ Ravi/Enchanté - delighted ❖ Douce - gentle Idioms: ● Avoir du pain sur la planche - to be busy with smth ● Manger sur le pouce - to eat very quickly ● Jeter l’argent par les fenêtres - to waste money ● ● ● ● Il pleut des cordes - it's raining buckets! Un froid de canard - It's very cold Faire la grasse matinée - To sleep till late in the morning Se faire vriller- to drive someone crazy By Aashiya