2022 Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST) 28-30 April, 2022, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan 2022 International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST) | 978-1-6654-6790-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/SIST54437.2022.9945734 Adaptive Intelligent System for Monitoring and Control the Parameters of Pipelines Electrochemical Corrosion Protection Zhakhongir Khussanov Regional laboratory of engineering "Structural and biochemical materials" M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4408-2066 Oleksandr Prokhorov Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute” Kharkiv, Ukraine ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4680-4082 Valeriy Prokhorov Problematic scientifically advanced laboratory for radio monitoring and processing of radio technical information Natioanal University of Radio Electronics Kharkiv, Ukraine ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5739-0394 Andriy Tevyashev Department of Applied Mathematics National University of Radio Electronics Kharkiv, Ukraine ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5261-9874 Dilfuza Turdybekova PhD student M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7978-4538 Oleksii Shatalov Department of Artificial Intelligence National University of Radio Electronics Kharkiv, Ukraine ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7267-6718 Abstract—The paper is dedicated to the creation of adaptive intelligent system that provides control and management of parameters of cathodic protection stations, taking into account changes in external conditions in some sections of pipelines. Multicriteria task of optimization of operation modes of cathodic protection stations is considered, as optimization is performed both by the criterion of optimality of protective potential distribution (uniformity of protective total potential distribution along the pipeline length) and by the criterion of minimum total protective current of stations. The system provides increase of reliability of electrochemical protection system as a whole and accordingly prevents possible emergencies at pipeline system, as well as reduces costs of current repair of pipelines, due to reliability and uninterrupted protection. Keywords—electrochemical corrosion protection; pipelines; cathodic station; protective potential; optimization I. INTRODUCTION One of the main tasks of underground pipeline systems (PS) of oil and gas transportation (oil transportation system and gas transportation system) of the Republic of Kazakhstan is to increase durability and operational reliability of trunk pipelines (TP) (trunk oil pipelines and trunk gas pipelines) in order to reduce accidents at their units (volumes of transported product leaks, prevention of accidents, explosions, etc.). The main reasons which determine insufficiently high level of reliability of underground pipelines are: low quality of insulating coating of pipelines; low quantity of civil and erection works when laying pipelines in the ground; low efficiency of electrochemical protection (EChP) systems; low efficiency of control systems of oil and gas transportation and distribution regimes through the pipeline system. Therefore, their durability and reliability directly depend on the level of development of corrosion protection means. Thus, the main task of corrosion protection is to provide the necessary level of protective potential at the pipeline in length and in time with the most effective use of material and energy resources. The solution of the problem of increasing the efficiency of EChP systems consists in the development of methods for detecting places and volumes of damage of insulation coatings in pipeline sections, optimal planning and carrying out repairs of insulation coatings and EChP means, as well as optimal management of the modes of operation of cathodic protection stations (CPS) in real operating conditions. II. REVIEW OF THE RECENT PAPERS In work [1] on numerical examples the regularities of EChP processes and EChP problems as problems of currents in the ground for complex PS with heterogeneous parameters are considered. In works [2,3] topical issues of providing effective EChP and problems of increasing the efficiency of corrosion protection systems of underground trunk pipelines are considered. Most of the works are devoted to different methods of calculating the main parameters of EChP for different objects and conditions of PSs location and operation [4,5]. On the basis of such studies reference books for calculating the parameters of EChP systems and means and normative and technical Authorized licensed use limited to: New York University. Downloaded on February 12,2025 at 01:32:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. documentation in the form of methods, recommendations, standards of enterprises and state standards were created [6]. In addition, a sufficient number of mathematical models and algorithms of calculation and optimization of EChP of TP parameters with their subsequent software implementation have been developed [7]. At the same time, a significant part of the research is aimed at solving optimization problems when designing an EChP system [8]. For example, in work [9] the main factors affecting the distribution of pipeline cathodic protection potential are determined by the embedding position and output current value of auxiliary anode. In work [10], the boundary element method and multicriteria optimization based on a genetic algorithm for modeling of cathodic protection potential distribution were used. Evolutionary modeling at the design stage of the EChP system to optimize the anode position and current density distribution is also used in work [11]. However, they do not solve the problem of comprehensive automation of the EChP of TP system. Recently, the developments are aimed at automating the processes and tasks of the EChP of TP system. Thus, various telemechanical systems of monitoring and control of EChP means on the basis of telecontrollers with integrated GSM/GPRS mobile modems and other communication channels with the automated workplace of the control room are known. In work [12] the automated system of control and management of electrochemical protection means based on application of intellectual information technologies is described, which most fully covers the tasks solved by the EChP of TP system. This automated system of corrosion monitoring is a distributed type system, which includes: automated workstations of the dispatcher and managers of all levels of the EChP of TP system, cathodic protection plants with cathodic protection stations (CPS), equipped with telemechanical means of remote control and management of EChP means and control and measuring points (CMP), united by GSM/GPRS mobile communication channels. For the first time in this automated system intellectual information technology in the form of expert decision support system by EChP service specialists is applied. In work [13] a stochastic approach to solving a task of operative planning of the operation mode of electrochemical protection of underground pipelines has been considered. In a number of works, for example, in [14]-[17] issues of optimization of operation modes of installations and equipment of EChP systems depending on external factors and taking into account the current state of pipelines, as well as optimization of protective parameters of all CPSs at the given sections of TP, without which it is impossible to build an effective system of EChP are considered. III. STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM As a result of the analysis it should be noted that the existing EChP systems do not solve the main problem optimization and maintenance of protective parameters depending on the dynamics of external conditions, state of structures, etc. At the same time elimination of anode zones (“underprotections”) by cathodic polarization on TP is carried out without prompt consideration of environmental conditions, as a rule, with a reserve on the value of protective potential, which often leads to “overprotection”. However, “overprotection” is also very detrimental to the state of TPs protected against corrosion, namely it increases the degree of porosity, adhesion of insulation with its subsequent destruction, and also leads to an irreversible process - hydrogen embrittlement of metal structures of TPs, which many times increases the probability of accidents in these areas. In order to increase the efficiency of EChP system operation it is necessary to create the information technology which would be based on the information about the current state and operation modes of EChP means, monitoring data about protective parameters, and first of all the levels of protective potential, as well as the accumulated statistical data for the whole period of pipeline operation, could provide the decision support on regulation of protective parameters of cathodic protection stations In this connection the adaptive intelligent monitoring and control system of technological process of electrochemical protection of trunk pipelines (AIMCS TP EChP TP) is proposed in this paper. The system is designed for remote monitoring of electrochemical protection parameters, their optimization and adaptive control of cathodic protection stations' parameters. AIMCS TP EChP TP ensures maintenance of electrochemical protection process at the optimum level between “underprotection” and “overprotection” destructive zones, taking into account monitoring data, geological conditions at the pipeline laying location, climatic or seasonal changes and other factors, according to the regulatory and technical documentation. IV. METHODS OF OPTIMIZING ELECTROCHEMICAL PROTECTION PARAMETERS The optimization of protective parameters of CPS is based on the method of sequential improvement of the plan (simplex method) to minimize the target function F = I1 + I 2 + ... + I m → min , (1) where I1 – absolute value of protection current of the і-th cathode station i = 1, 2,..., m . The absolute value of protective potential in all network nodes must not be less than the minimum protective potential U P min . To fulfill this constraint let's write a system of linear equations Z i1 I1 + ... + Z ik I k + ... + Z im I m ≥ U i − U P min (2) with i = 1, 2,..., n, and k = 1, 2..., m, where U i – potential difference “pipe-ground” without EChP; Z ik – input impedances by “close ground” for the i -th node, provided that the only current load is located in the k -th node. At the same time ∆U i = Z ik I k , there is a safety offset U Pi in the i -th node, which is caused by the k -th cathode station with I k > 0 . Authorized licensed use limited to: New York University. Downloaded on February 12,2025 at 01:32:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. In addition, the absolute value of induced protective potential everywhere must not be greater than specified U P max . Then the constraints have the form: Z11 I1 + Z12 I 2 + ... + Z1m I m ≤ U1 − U P max Z 21I1 + Z 22 I 2 + ... + Z 2 m I m ≤ U 2 − U P max ... Z n1I1 + Z n 2 I 2 + ... + Z nm I m ≤ U n − U P max (3) In turn, the magnitude of the CPS current must not exceed a certain limit value I max , for example, the nominal current of the most powerful cathode converter. This limitation is determined when designing the EChP system or by the fact of cathode converters used. This leads to a system of m limitations of the form. I k ≤ I k max , where k = 1, 2.,..., m , I k ≥ 0 with k = 1, 2.,..., m , (4) I k max = 0,8I kн . Other combinations of constraints are also possible. But it is important that all equations of the system be linearly independent, that is, none of them should be obtained as a linear combination of the others. In addition, the system should be joint, that is, there should be no contradictory equations among the equations. Then these systems of equations form a set of initial data sufficient for optimization by the simplex method. However, this system of equations will naturally change when taking into account the state of pipeline protection in the middle of sections between cathode stations at the locations where remote CMPs are installed. Further we consider three main problems. A. Exclusion of CPS If any one or more CPSs are excluded from the EChP system for different reasons: power failure, which was reported, failure of the converter or load circuit breakage (report received), then it is necessary to consider a new model of the EChP system of the given section. Then in the matrices, instead of CPS data, the data of remote instrumentation is substituted. Comparing the data of the current (last) monitoring and the optimization results it is necessary to form the control actions either by current or potential on the neighboring CPSs. It should be noted that when excluding the CPS, the processing of settings by potential by neighboring CPS can lead to imbalance of the optimal plan. In fact, a rational plan close to the optimum plan will be obtained. Therefore, there must be a control by the intelligent system and adaptation of the plan to various changes in order to bring the system to a steady state. B. Changing external conditions and above all weather, stray currents With minor changes, i.e. deviations from the preset settings, the CPS usually works independently in the automatic mode of stabilization of protection parameters. In the case of significant mismatch or diagnosis of “underprotection” or “overprotection” situation, the results of monitoring are analyzed and the optimization problem is solved. Indeed, in the process of operation under changing external conditions (precipitation, temperature, etc.), which primarily affect the resistivity of the ground, there is a change in the transient resistance of the insulation. This leads to a change in the protection current propagation constant along the pipeline. It should be taken into account that depending on external conditions the current propagation constant along the pipeline also changes its value. So, one of the main modes of AIMCS TP EChP TP functioning is a mode of assessment of state of EChP objects of pipeline system and formation of control commands for CPS. For this purpose an intelligent decision support system is used. Intellectual system allows to perform analysis and diagnostics procedure in real time in the presence of significant number of dynamically changing factors. Intelligent system is also used to support decision making in pipeline corrosion diagnostics and monitoring, monitoring and formation of control commands for EChP facilities, determination of ranges of protective potential values and other tasks. For each of the tasks the relevant knowledge models have been developed that reflect the laws, regulatory framework and experience in solving these tasks. Fig. 1 and 2 show enlarged models of knowledge, which are put into the system in the form of logical rules for adaptive intelligent system. The figure shows a knowledge-oriented model for finding the required protective total potential, which takes into account the presence of water-soluble salts and bacteria in the area where the pipeline is laid, the presence of stray currents, etc. The state of protection, as can be seen from the figure, is determined on the basis of data on the maximum and minimum protective potential obtained as a result of the logical output of the intelligent system, as well as the current value of the potential obtained as a result of remote monitoring. Figure 1. Model for determining the state of the pipeline protection For example, the accepted criterion of the minimum protective potential (-0,85 V) in the northern conditions is not always optimal. In the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria, “underprotection” is observed; at operating temperatures close to zero – “overprotection”. An example of a rule: Authorized licensed use limited to: New York University. Downloaded on February 12,2025 at 01:32:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. IF Tproduct>40oC AND Tproduct<=60oC AND (Possibility of microbiological corrosion OR Possibility of stray currents OR Specific soil resistance >=10 Ohm *m OR Water-soluble salts >1g/1kg soil) THEN Min_protective_potential = -1.0V Figure 2. V. Model for finding the required protective potential RESULTS OF OPTIMIZING ELECTROCHEMICAL PROTECTION PARAMETERS Adaptive intellectual system of monitoring and control of protection parameters of a CPS is placed on the AWEChP and is used in automatic or automated mode by the specialists of the EChP service. The adaptive system for the optimization of the CPS operation modes is multi-criteria, because the optimization is performed both by the criterion of optimality of protective potential distribution (uniformity of protective total potential distribution along the pipeline length), and by the criterion of the minimum total protective current of all CPSs on the given section of TP of each automation module. Fig. 3 shows the main screen of the system. Figure 3. Main window of the adaptive intelligent system of monitoring and control of CPS’s protective parameters It should be noted that a more important criterion is the distribution of the protective potential over the length. If necessary, you can fix a certain value of the protective current of any CPS (if the current of the selected CPS is undesirable, or in principle impossible to change). Fig. 4 shows a graph of intermediate distribution of the total potential along the considered pipeline section, from which you can see that the potential value exceeds the required value of minus 1.05 V received from the intelligent system, and therefore there is “under-protection” and requires elimination of this problem. Figure 5 shows that as a result of the system operation there was a plan correction at the top according to U P min and bottom – U P max . The solution of the optimization problem is based on the use of linear programming. The target function is to minimize the sum of protective currents of all CPSs on a given area of optimization. Authorized licensed use limited to: New York University. Downloaded on February 12,2025 at 01:32:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. value of the protective total potential exceeds the value of 1.05 V, which is set as the minimum permissible (received from the intelligent system), i.e. "underprotection" occurs Disconnecting the power supply to the CPS Figure 6. Figure 4. Plot of the intermediate distribution of the total potential along the analyzed section Deviation (dip) from the optimal plan when the CPS is disabled at 130 km of pipeline In the process of operation with the change of external conditions (precipitation, temperature, etc.), which primarily affect the resistivity of the ground, which leads to a change in the transient resistance of the insulation, and, consequently, changes the constant spread of the protection current along the pipeline. The adjusted plan according to the current monitoring data in the rainy season is shown in Fig. 8, and in the drought season in Fig. 9. Modeling and optimization of protective parameters of CPS was carried out on the basis of monitoring data of the section of the main gas pipeline “Akshabulak-Kyzylorda” (0-122.9 km). If optimized, the protective potential may be too low. Such sections of the pipeline are potentially dangerous zones of "overprotection” Figure 5. Plan correction at the top according to Usum min and at the bottom according to Usum max Fig. 6 shows an example of a plot of deviation (failure) from the optimal plan when the CPS is turned off (in case of power failure or failure of the CPS or other reasons) for 130 km of pipeline, which requires a new plan to compensate the arisen failure in the pipeline protection. The new optimal plan for 130 km of pipeline with a disabled CPS is shown in Fig. 7. Figure 7. New optimal plan for disabled CPS at 130 km of pipeline Authorized licensed use limited to: New York University. Downloaded on February 12,2025 at 01:32:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. actual state. This also ensures prolongation of the pipeline system technical resource. AIMCS TP EChP TP implements not only information support of the EChP technological process, but also intellectual support, due to the use of information intellectual technologies and, in particular, application of intellectual system of decision-making support at all automated workplaces both in automatic mode and in automated mode in the form of question-answer system for EChP specialists. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Figure 8. Adjusted plan for ongoing monitoring during the rainy season The results of a study conducted within the framework of the grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP09261098 on the topic “Development of an information and analytical system for monitoring and controlling electrochemical protection against corrosion of main pipelines” are presented. REFERENCES [1] Figure 9. Adjusted plan for ongoing monitoring during the drought season VI. CONCLUSION Thus, AIMCS TP EChP TP maintains the technological process of EChP at the optimal level between the zones of “underprotection” and “overprotection” and thus reduces the harmful effects caused by modern EChP systems. As estimates show, it prolongs technical lifetime of the pipeline by at least 5...10 years and reduces their accident rate due to corrosion. The system monitors and continuously provides the EChP process both in time and in length, controlling the protective potential by remote monitoring of CMP in the middle of the pipeline between adjacent CPSs, as well as in all corrosion-hazardous areas where CMP is also installed. It gives a more complete picture of pipeline protection and, consequently, increases real protection of the pipeline against corrosion by about 20...30%. 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