Republic of the Philippines TARLAC STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE NURSING DEPARTMENT Villa Lucinda Campus, Brgy. Binauganan, Tarlac City Philippines 2300 Tel. No.: (045) 493-1865 Fax: (045) 982-0110 website: www/ Performance Evaluation Checklist HAND WASHING (HAND SCRUB) Name of Student: _______________________________________ Year/Clinical Group: ___________________________________ School Year: ____________________ Term: ___First Semester ____Second Semester ___ Summer Inclusive Dates of Clinical Rotation: __________________ Instructor: _____________________________________________ Purposes: 1. To reduce the number of microorganisms on the hands. 2. To reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms to clients. 3. To reduce the risk of cross contamination among clients. 4. To reduce the risk of transmission of infectious organisms to oneself. 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 Assessment Determine the client’s: Presence of factors increasing susceptibility to infection and possibility of undiagnosed infection (e.g. HIV) Use of immunosuppressive medications Recent diagnostic procedures or treatments that penetrated the skin or body cavity Current nutritional status Planning The location of running water and soap or soap substitutes. Assemble equipment: Soap Warm, running water Disposable or sanitized towels/paper towel Implementation Preparation: Assess the hands. Nails should be kept short. Remove all jewelry. Check the hands for breaks in the skin, such as hangnails or cuts. Performance: If you are washing your hands where the client can observe you, introduce yourself and explain to the client what you are going to do and why it is necessary. Turn on the water and be sure to adjust flow so that water is warm. There are five common types of faucet controls: Hand-operated handles knee levers. foot pedals. Elbow controls. Move these with the elbows instead of the hands. Infrared control. motion in front of the sensor causes water to start and stop flowing automatically. Wet the hands and wrist thoroughly by holding them under the running water. Hold the hands lower than the elbows so that the water flows from the arms to the fingertips. SCORE 2 1 0 REMARKS Apply soap to the hands. If the soap is liquid, apply 4–5 mL (1 tsp). If it is bar soap, granules, or sheets, rub them firmly between the hands. 9 Thoroughly wash and rinse hands. Use firm rubbing and circular movements to wash the palm, back, and wrist of each hand. Be sure to include the heel of the hand. Interlace the fingers and thumbs, and move the hands back and forth. 210 The WHO recommended these steps: a. Right palm over left dorsum with interlaced fingers and vice versa b. Palm to palm with fingers interlaced. c. Back of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked d. Rotational rubbing of left thumb clasped in right palm and vice versa. Continue this motion for at least 30 seconds. 11 Rub the fingertips against the palm of the opposite hand. Rinse hands. 12 Thoroughly pat dry the hands and arms. Dry hands and arms thoroughly with a paper towel or clean hand towel without scrubbing. 13 Discard the paper towel in the appropriate container. 14 Turn off the water. Use a new paper towel to grasp a hand-operated faucet. 8 Variation: Hand Washing Before Sterile Skills 15 Wet the scrub brush and apply a liberal amount of antimicrobial soap into your hands and lather well to 2 inches above the elbow, but hold the hands higher than the elbows during this hand wash. Let water run from the fingertips to the elbows so that the hands become cleaner than the elbows 16 Using a circular motion, scrub all the surfaces of one hand and arm. Start at the fingers. Scrub at least 10 strokes each on nail, all sides of fingers and both sides of hands. Scrub the arm using 10 strokes each of the lower, middle, and upper areas of the forearm. Keep arms higher than the elbows. 17 Rinse the surgical brush and reapply antimicrobial soap. Repeat the scrub on the second hand and arm. Normally the scrub takes at least 2-6 minutes. 18 After washing and rinsing, use a towel to dry one hand thoroughly in a rotating motion from the fingers to the elbow. Use a new towel to dry the other hand and arm. Apply sterile gloves before touching any sterile items. Evaluation Ensure that both hands are clean and dry properly. TOTAL 19 20 Shown to me by: ________________________________ Signature over Printed Name Clinical Instructor Shown to me: ________________________________ Signature over Printed Name Student Republic of the Philippines TARLAC STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE NURSING DEPARTMENT Villa Lucinda Campus, Brgy. Binauganan, Tarlac City Philippines 2300 Tel. No.: (045) 493-1865 Fax: (045) 982-0110 website: www/ Performance Evaluation Checklist DONNING AND REMOVING STERILE GLOVES (OPEN METHOD) Name of Student: _______________________________________ Year/Clinical Group: ___________________________________ School Year: ____________________ Term: ___First Semester ____Second Semester ___ Summer Inclusive Dates of Clinical Rotation: __________________ Instructor: _____________________________________________ Purposes: 1. To enable to handle or touch sterile objects freely without contaminating them. 2. To prevent transmission of potentially infective organisms from the nurse’s hands to clients at high risk for infection. Assessment 1 Review the client’s record and orders to determine exactly what procedure will be performed that require sterile gloves. Check the client’s record and ask about latex allergies. Use nonlatex gloves whenever possible. Planning Think through the procedure. Plan which step need to be completed before applying the gloves Determine what additional supplies needed for the procedures. Have an extra pair of gloves available. Assemble equipment: Packages of sterile gloves Implementation Preparation: 3 Determine the correct size of the sterile gloves. The gloves should be snug but not tight. Ensure sterility of the package of gloves. Performance: 4 Prior to performing the procedure, introduce yourself and verify client’s identity. Explain to the client what you are going to do and why it is necessary and how the client can cooperate. 5 Perform hand hygiene and observe other appropriate infection control procedures. 6 Provide for client’s privacy 7 Open the outer wrapper and place the inner glove package on a clean dry surface. 8 Open the inner glove package so that the glove cuffs are closest to you and carefully open the flaps of the package so that they do not fold back over and contaminate the gloves. 9 Put the first glove on the dominant hand. 10 Grasp the inner surface of the glove for the dominant hand by lifting the folded cuff edge with the thumb and first finger using the nondominant hand. 11 Slide your dominant hand into the glove, keeping your hand and fingers above your waist and away from your body. 2 SCORE 2 1 0 REMARKS 12 Put the second glove on the nondominant hand. 13 Pick up the other glove with the sterile gloved hand by inserting the fingers under the cuff of the glove. 14 Lift the glove up and away from the table and away from your body. 15 Slide your nondominant hand into the glove, being careful to avoid contact with your gloved hand. 16 Adjust both gloves to fit your fingers. If necessary, pull the fingers of the gloves down so that no excess is at the finger tips. 17 Keep your hands between shoulder and waist level infront of you. 18 Remove and dispose used gloves. There is no special technique for removing sterile gloves. If they are soiled with secretions, remove them by turning them inside out. Perform hand hygiene. 19 Document that sterile technique was used in the performance of the procedure. Evaluation 20 Conduct any follow-up indicated during your care of the client. Ensure that adequate numbers and types of sterile supplies are available for the next health care provider. TOTAL Shown to me by: ________________________________ Signature over Printed Name Clinical Instructor Shown to me: ________________________________ Signature over Printed Name Student Republic of the Philippines TARLAC STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE NURSING DEPARTMENT Villa Lucinda Campus, Brgy. Binauganan, Tarlac City Philippines 2300 Tel. No.: (045) 493-1865 Fax: (045) 982-0110 website: www/ Performance Evaluation Checklist DONNING A STERILE GOWN AND GLOVES (CLOSED METHOD) Name of Student: ____________________________ Year/Clinical Group: __________________________ School Year: ____________________ Term: ___1st Semester __ 2nd Semester __ Summer Inclusive Dates of Clinical Rotation: ______________ Instructor: __________________________________ Purposes: 1. To enable to work close to the sterile field and handle sterile objects freely. 2. To protect client’s from becoming contaminated with microorganisms on the nurse’s hands, arms and clothing. Assessment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Review the client’s record and orders to determine exactly what procedure will be performed that require sterile gloves. Check the client’s record and ask about latex allergies. Use nonlatex gloves whenever possible. Planning Think through the procedure. Plan which step need to be completed before applying the gloves Determine what additional supplies needed for the procedures. Always have an extra pair of gloves available. Assemble equipment: Sterile pack containing a sterile gown and Sterile gloves Implementation Preparation: Ensure the sterility of the gown and package of gloves. Performance: Prior to performing the procedure, introduce yourself and verify client’s identity. Explain to the client what you are going to do and why it is necessary and how the client can cooperate. Perform hand hygiene and observe other appropriate infection control procedures. Provide for client’s privacy Applying a Sterile Gown Open the package of sterile gloves. Remove the outer wrap from the sterile gloves and leave the gloves in their inner sterile wrap on the sterile field. Unwrap the sterile gown pack. Perform proper hand hygiene. Put on the sterile gown. Grasp the sterile gown at the crease near the neck, hold it away from you, and permit it to unfold freely without touching anything, including the uniform. Put the hands inside the shoulders of the gown, and work the arms partway into the sleeves without touching the outside of the gown. Keep the sleeves of the gown above waist level SCORE 2 1 0 REMARKS 13 Work the hands down the sleeves only to the proximal edge of the cuffs; 14 Have a coworker grasp the neck ties without touching the outside of the gown and pull the gown upward to cover the neckline of your uniform in front and back. The coworker ties the neck ties. Donning Sterile Gloves (Closed Method) 15 Open the sterile wrapper containing the sterile gloves. 16 Open the sterile glove wrapper while the hands are still covered by the sleeves. 17 Put the glove on the nondominant hand. 18 With the dominant hand, pick up the opposite glove with the thumb and index finger, handling it through the sleeve. 19 Lay the glove on the opposite gown cuff, thumb side down, with the glove opening pointed toward the fingers. Position the dominant hand palm upward inside the sleeve. 20 Use the nondominant hand to grasp the cuff of the glove through the gown cuff, and firmly anchor it. 21 With the dominant hand working through its sleeve, grasp the upper side of the glove’s cuff, and stretch it over the cuff of the gown. 22 Pull the sleeve up to draw the cuff over the wrist as you extend the fingers of the nondominant hand into the glove’s fingers. 23 Put the glove on the dominant hand. 24 Place the fingers of the gloved hand under the cuff of the remaining glove. Place the glove over the cuff of the second sleeve. 25 Extend the fingers into the glove as you pull the glove up over the cuff. Completion of Gowning 26 Have a coworker hold the waist tie of your gown, using sterile gloves or a sterile forceps or drape. Have a coworker take the two ties at each side of the gown and tie them at the back of the gown, making sure that your uniform is completely covered. 27 When worn, sterile gowns should be considered sterile in front from the waist to the shoulder. The sleeves should be considered sterile from 2 inches above the elbow to the cuff, since the arms of a scrubbed person must move across a sterile field. 28 There is no special technique for removing sterile attire. If they are soiled, remove them by turning them inside out. 29 If appropriate, document that sterile technique was used in the performance of the procedure. Evaluation 30 Conduct any follow-up indicated during your care of the client. Ensure that adequate numbers and types of sterile supplies are available for the next health care provider. TOTAL Shown to me by: ________________________________ Signature over Printed Name Clinical Instructor Shown to me: ________________________________ Signature over Printed Name Student