College Readiness Perception Of SLRSHS G12 TVL ICT Students Literature Review This part presents the related literature and studies which may strengthen and support this study. 1.1 College Readiness According to Conley (2012), college readiness refers to student’s readiness to be admit for tertiary education. It can be can be conceptualized into four main features, which related to one another: 1) Key cognitive strategies; 2) Key content knowledge; 3) Academic behaviors; and 4) Contextual skills and knowledge. Key cognitive strategies signifies a skill for individual to think critically and perform problem-solving task. Its essential basis of college readiness, as it makes students prepared in learning the key content through different disciplines. Academic behavior is the ability of individual to regularly attend class and follow the school rules and policies as it impacts ones preparedness for college. Contextual skills and knowledge is the ability to apply the knowledge in context of education and cultural backgrounds, like deciding the right college and course. 1.2 Perception Perception is defined as the action of individual’s interpretation of experiences to understand their environment. These are influenced by their beliefs, emotions, and social environment. This includes organizing and interpreting information with their own understanding or knowledge (Schunk, 2020). With regard to education, the perceptions of students can impact their motivation, decision-making, and readiness for higher education. 1.3 Senior High School The Department Of Education (DepEd), introduced the Senior High School (SHS), which part of K-12 curriculum, that adds another two years of education. This curriculum provide students with core, applied, and specialized subject. This program aimed to prepare students for higher education and employment (DepEd, 2013). 1.4 TVL ICT Track College Readiness Perception Of SLRSHS G12 TVL ICT Students The Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) track and The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a strand that was part of the track that help and provide learners technical skills for digital economy. This strand provide students skills such as programming, digital animation, and hardware servicing. The government goal aligned with TVL ICT track to make graduates that have technical skills that match the need of digital economy (DepEd, 2021). There are various laws and policies that are in place in the Philippines which help in the growth of the TVL programs for the Senior High School students so as to improve their college and career preparedness. The R.A No. 10533 (Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013) introduced the K to 12 system which improves the students academic and employability skills. Additionally, Department of Education Order No. 54, s. 2022, provides guidelines for the selection of TVL tracks that are relevant to student interests and regional developments, making them relevant to the workforce and higher education. Additionally, Senate Resolution No. 935 addresses the issue of low certification rates among TVL graduates, emphasizing the need for better use of funds and better outcomes, as certification is critical to career development and education. Major Problem and Findings Identified College Readiness: Performance in Learning Areas and Campus Differences According to a study by Mamba et. al. (2020), 62.7% of students was college unready. They perform poorly on subjects like Mathematics and Science, but shows a college readiness with languages and literature. Also, campus difference plays big role in student’s college readiness, as big campus may have a better resources and education quality that make the college readiness of students high. Aspirations and Confidence Level of Students A study by Seisa and Galabo (2023), states that students have a high aspiration level, in terms of positive attitude that is important to follow their aspirations. It’s important to have these skills and emotions because these are needed to achieve college readiness. Though, according to the study, student have a low confidence level compared to other indicators. Signifying that this area needs to be improved. College Readiness Perception Of SLRSHS G12 TVL ICT Students Impact of Socioeconomic and Educational Background Parental income, education, and school type is one of the factors that impact a student’s readiness. Based on the study, private school graduates and families that have a high income are most fortunate due to the greater access, while the graduates from public schools struggles to achieve the same readiness level (Asuncion et al., 2021). Recommendations and Question Raised on Previous Study According to the study made by Mamba et. Al. (2020), recommends that the Department of Education (DepEd) should improve its instructional quality in all subject, especially in Science and Mathematics, where students have a low level of readiness. It also suggest the use of College Readiness Test (CRT) as an admission tool as an admission tool for Higher Education Tool (HEIs), especially those without entrance exam. Additionally, public and private HEIs should adopt stricter admission standards and develop transition program to help unprepared students make the transition to college. The study questioned the effectiveness of K-12 program in preparing students for college, and asked if College Readiness Standard (CRS) competencies outlined are being mastered in senior high school. Additionally, it questions HEIs can assess the readiness of students and whether a tool like CRT can be standardized over all institutions. Parents and teachers should encourage students to pursue their dreams and provide them with the knowledge and skills needed for college. They also recommend that students seek support and resources, and attend conferences. Also, future graduates should build a good profile as it indicates potential for college success. Additionally, it’s recommended that researchers should broaden sample size and examine the factors that influence connection between aspirations and college readiness of students. It is recommended to focus on examining the relationship between student’s expectations and college readiness, and various measures such as conflict and expectations. Questions were asked to 12th grades, their gender, family income, and level of achievement. It examined their college readiness, additionally their aspirations and readiness were assessed and the relationship of aspirations and their college readiness. (Seisa & Galabo, 2023). College Readiness Perception Of SLRSHS G12 TVL ICT Students A study by Asuncion et. al. (2021), recommends that the education stakeholders should improve the alignment of Senior High School with programs for college to make the students more prepared. Also, they recommend to enhance the resources in schools especially in public, increasing support for family for students especially those lowincome, to solve the college readiness gap. Questions were raised about the K-12 curriculum effectiveness and its ability to prepare the students for college. It questioned whether the Senior High School tracks aligned with the demand of collge programs. Additionally, further exploration was called like how parental involvement and school resources affects the students outcome. The K-12 curriculum particularly the TVL ICT track is perceived as effective in teaching practical skills for the digital economy but ineffective for further education systems. This is because critics have pointed out that there is a disparity with the academic development being neglected (Asuncion et al., 2021). Also, the difference in public college and preparedness private between school the students is seen; this is because, private colleges have better facilities as compared to the public schools where there is congestion and limited resources (Mamba et al., 2020). Finally, some issues have been raised concerning the College Readiness Standards (CRS) which reveal that these competencies are not well embedded in the Senior High School programs thus widening the preparedness gaps (Seisa & Galabo, 2023). There is no research on college readiness when it comes to TVL ICT students’ college readiness. New research should aim at examining the impact of TVL ICT on students’ choice and results in college and for their college. employment Furthermore, opportunities it as is well important as to the determine contrast if between the the K12 academic curriculum and is TVL applicable tracks to in college readying students and the role of the qualifications of the teachers who teach TVL ICT courses on students’ preparedness. This study helps in filling some of the gaps that are present in the study. First, it examines TVL ICT students’ perception on their college readiness together with how technical training affects the students’ self-efficacy and goals. Improving these understanding can help in improving the TVL ICT track. Second, it looks at the College Readiness Perception Of SLRSHS G12 TVL ICT Students relationship between the socio-economic background of the students and institutional factors such as the quality of teachers and the availability of resources for learning. Third, it assesses the efficacy of the K-12 career guidance and transition programs and the sufficiency of such programs in readying the students for further education or employment.