1. Identify the size of a problem 2. Match reaction to size of the problem 3. Solutions Tiny Like a light breeze. This problem is easily manageable. Small It might be a little annoying but easily solved Medium Require more attention and may require help from an adult. BIG Big problems are serious and require immediate attention from an adult. 1. Each group will get different scenarios 2. As a group, you need to sort the scenarios and see what is the size of the problem. What did you notice? TRAFFIC LIGHTS TRAFFIC LIGHTS "It's okay, it's not a big deal." "I can try to solve this myself." "I can ask a friend for help." Green light Small Problem These problems can usually be solved easily or ignored. TRAFFIC LIGHTS Medium Problem Yellow light Caution! Slow down. These problems require some thought and may need adult support. "I need to talk to an adult about this." "I can try to find a solution with the help of a teacher or parent." "I feel sad because..." or "I feel frustrated because...") TRAFFIC LIGHTS Red light Big Problem STOP. These problems are serious and require immediate adult attention. Telling an Adult "I feel scared," "I feel angry," "I feel Different problem sizes can impact our emotions.