UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS May / June 2022 FAC2601 Financial Accounting for Companies 100 marks 2 hours This paper consists of NINE (9) pages. Instructions: 1. This paper consists of THREE (3) questions. 2. All questions must be answered. 3. Basic calculations, where applicable, must be shown. 4. Each question attempted must commence on a new (separate) page. 5. PROPOSED TIMETABLE: (Avoid deviating from this as far as possible.) Question no Subject 1 Multiple choice question 2 Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income including the note on profit before tax 3 Statement of changes in equity and statement of financial position TOTAL Marks 10 40 Time in minutes 12 48 50 60 100 120 [TURN OVER] 2 FAC2601 MAY/JUNE 2022 Download this paper as soon as it has been accessed. Remember to complete and adhere to the Honesty Declaration. Please upload your submission in PDF-format: a single file not larger than 20Mb, before the expiry of the available time. 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(a) An integrated report is intended to be more than a summary of information in other communications (e.g. financial statements, a sustainability report, analyst calls, or on a website); rather, it makes explicit the connectivity of information to communicate how value is created, preserved or eroded over time. Which is NOT correct? 1. Integrated reporting can be included as part of existing compliant statements? 2. Integrated reporting can be adopted by public companies and non-profit organsiations (NGO’s)? 3. Integrated reporting is only beneficial to the providers of capital? 4. Integrated reporting address the key concepts of an organization? (2) (b) The capitals are stocks of value that are increased, decreased or transformed through the activities and outputs of the organization. All renewable and non-renewable environmental resources and processes that provide goods or services that support the past, current or future prosperity of an organization. Which one of the following capitals is described above? 1. 2. 3. 4. Financial capital Manufactured capital Natural capital Human capital (2) c) Adiwele Ltd has a financial year end of 31 March. The entity manufactures Compact Discs for resale. The manufacturing cost per compact disc is R2 per unit. Finished units of the compact disc are sold at R2.5 per unit. On 31 March 2021, Adiwele Ltd had 100 500 units of compact discs in stock. To sell this products Adiwele Ltd will incur the following costs: Sales commission of 20 cents per unit, Additional designing costs of 25 cents per unit, Advertising and packaging costs of 23 cents per unit, Salaries for administrative staff of R6 000 per month. Adiwele Ltd measures inventory at lower of cost and net realisable value as per IAS 2, Inventories according to IFRS at year end. What is the value of the closing inventory on 31 March 2021 as per IAS 2? 1.251 250 2. 201 000 3. 208 035 4. 136 035 5. 244 215 (2) [TURN OVER] 5 FAC2601 MAY/JUNE 2022 QUESTION 1 (continued) Question (d) and (e) are based on the information below. d) Bopha Ltd, a general construction company which is based in Limpopo, has a financial year end of 31 December. Bopha Ltd was in a process of constructing a new plant which was available for use on 1 January 2022. During the 2021 financial year, it withdrew its tractor loader, purchased on 1 January 2018 from normal construction operations, for the period 1 March 2021 to 30 June 2021 and used it in the construction of a new plant. This tractor loader had a carrying amount of 336 000 on 1 January 2021 and is depreciated at a rate 20% on straight line basis. The cost price of the new plant before capitalization is R1 200 000. Calculate the total cost of the new plant as at 31 December 2021. The new plant will be depreciated at 5% per annum on straight line basis when it becomes available for use. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. R1 196 000 R1 140 000 R1 256 000 R1 200 000 R 840 000 (2) e) Using the information above, calculate the carrying amount of the tractor loader as at 31 December 2021 1) R268 800 2) R168 000 3) R336 000 4) R224 000 5) R504 000 (2) [10] [TURN OVER] 6 FAC2601 MAY/JUNE 2022 QUESTION 2 (40 marks) (48 minutes) The following balances were extracted from the books of Ngcobo Ltd for the financial year ended 29 February 2021: R Total sales (including VAT at 15%) (note 1) ........................................................ 2 300 000 Bank charges ....................................................................................................... 12 850 Salaries and wages (note 2) ................................................................................ 500 000 Advertising ........................................................................................................... 27 500 Auditors’ remuneration - Fees for audit ................................................................................................. 10 000 - Expenses ....................................................................................................... 2 000 Distribution cost ................................................................................................... 67 000 Other operating expenses (including finance cost and depreciation) .................. 92 500 Lease payments (note 3) ..................................................................................... 24 000 Other operating income (note 5) .......................................................................... 19 000 Proceeds on sale of motor vehicle ....................................................................... 42 500 Equipment at carrying amount ............................................................................. 24 000 Motor vehicles at cost (note 7) ............................................................................. 120 000 Accumulated depreciation: Motor vehicles (note 7) ............................................ 30 000 Investments (note 6) ............................................................................................ 230 000 Loan to Maraisane Limited ................................................................................... 40 000 Long-term loan: HL Bank (Cr) (note 4) ................................................................ 45 000 Income tax expense ............................................................................................. 37 000 Additional information: 1. Ngcobo Ltd maintains a gross profit percentage of 40% on turnover. 2. Included in salaries and wages is the directors’ remuneration of R150 000 per annum. 3. Ngcobo Ltd entered into a non-cancellable lease on 1 July 2020 to lease a printing machine for the use of the company. The contract is a lease in terms of IFRS 16. The following information is applicable to the lease contract: The initial lease term is three years. An initial payment of R8 526 was made. The lease payments are R3 000 per month for the first 6 months. The lease payments thereafter are R2 000 per month until the end of the three years. All actual lease payments made by Ngcobo Ltd are included in the operating expenses above. Ngcobo Ltd has the option to extend the lease term by a further two years at R1 000. At the commencement of the lease term Ngcobo Ltd is reasonably certain that it will exercise the option to extend the lease term by a further two years. 5% of every lease payment goes towards covering the maintenance costs incurred by and is to be paid for by the lessor. These values are similar to those with costs for similar maintenance services rendered by third parties. [TURN OVER] 7 FAC2601 MAY/JUNE 2022 QUESTION 2 (continued) Ngcobo Ltd elected to apply the recognition exemption in respect of low value assets to this lease agreement (IFRS 16.5). Ngcobo Ltd accounts for the lease and non-lease components separately (IFRS 16.12). 4. The long-term loan was obtained on 1 January 2019 from HL Bank and the capital portion is repayable in seven equal annual instalments starting 31 August 2019. Interest on the loan is calculated at 10% per annum and is payable at the end of each financial year. 5. Other operating income consists of: Dividends received from the following companies: - Eysele Ltd .......................................................................................... - Maraisane Ltd .................................................................................... Interest received from Maraisane Ltd.......................................................... R 10 000 6 000 3 000 19 000 6. Investments: 6.1 The issued ordinary share capital of Maraisane Ltd is R40 000 (shares issued at R1 each). Ngcobo Ltd owns 21 000 shares in Maraisane Ltd. 6.2 Ngcobo Ltd owns 50 000 of the 1 200 000 issued shares in Eysele Ltd purchased for R100 000. The shares of Eysele Ltd are traded on the JSE Limited and the market value per share was R3,00 each on 29 February 2020. The market value on 28 February 2021 was R4,00 per share and no adjustments have yet been made during this year regarding the increased market value. These shares are obtained for speculative purposes. 7. The non-current assets are depreciated at the following rates and methods: Motor vehicles Equipment - 20% per annum using the reducing balance method 20% per annum using the straight-line method One of the motor vehicles with a carrying amount of R40 000 on 29 February 2020 was sold on 31 August 2020. Only the proceeds have been recorded so far. All the equipment was purchased on 1 March 2018 and no sales or purchases of equipment have occurred since then. REQUIRED: Marks (a) Prepare the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of Ngcobo Ltd for the financial year ended 28 February 2021. Your answer must comply with the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). (b) Prepare the note “profit before tax” that should accompany the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of Ngcobo Ltd for the financial year ended 28 February 2021. Your answer must comply with the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). 20 20 40 Please note: Ignore the note on accounting policy. Comparative figures are not required. Show all calculations. [TURN OVER] 8 FAC2601 MAY/JUNE 2022 QUESTION 3 (50 marks) (60 minutes) The following balances are an extract from the trial balance of Techno Care Ltd on 28 February 2021: 15% Long-term loan (note 2) Investments (note 3) Sales (inclusive of sales discounts) (note 4) Administrative expenses Distribution expenses Other operating expenses Other income Retained earnings (1 March 2020) Surplus on revaluation (1 March 2020) (note 1) Debit/(Credit) R (2 700 000) 960 000 (10 257 000) 600 000 120 000 180 000 (300 000) (2 471 700) (1 200 000) Additional information: 1. Office building Techno Care Ltd owns an office building in Sandton, which was acquired on 1 March 2015, at a cost of R2 750 000 (Land: R750 000; Building: R 2 000 000). The property was available for use, as intended by management, on acquisition date. The useful life of the building was estimated to be 20 years and a residual value of R 100 000 was allocated to the building upon initial recognition. Both the useful life and residual value of the building remained unchanged. Techno Care Ltd adopted a policy to revalue its owner-occupied land. Revaluations are made with sufficient regularity to ensure that the carrying amount does not differ materially from the fair value at year-end. On 1 March 2020, Mr J Bless, an independent sworn appraiser revalued the property for the first time and determined the fair value of the land to be R875 000. The inexperienced accountant of Techno Care Ltd, Mr Heed, did not account for the revaluation for the current year. He has also not taken the residual value into account when allocating the depreciation to the buildings. 2. Long-term loan Techno Care Ltd entered into an unsecured long-term loan agreement on 31 August 2018. The loan is repayable in six equal annual instalments commencing on 31 August 2019. The nominal interest rate is 15% per annum. Interest for the current year must still be provided for in the accounting records of Techno Care Ltd and it is payable on 5 March 2021. 3. Investments Included in investments at year-end on 28 February 2021 is the following investment: Techno Care Ltd acquired 4 500 shares at R80 each in a listed company, Impact Ltd. The shares are not held for trading but were acquired with a long-term view. The directors of Techno Care Ltd irrevocably elected at initial recognition to classify this investment as at fair value through other comprehensive income. The market value of the shares on the JSE Ltd at year-end on 28 February 2021 amounted to R380 000. The increase in the market value of this investment has erroneously been recorded as though they were shares held for trading and has not yet been corrected. [TURN OVER] 9 FAC2601 MAY/JUNE 2022 QUESTION 3 (continued) 4. Authorised and issued share capital Techno Care Ltd was incorporated with an authorised share capital of: 6 000 000 Ordinary shares 1 500 000 10% Cumulative preference shares 900 000 12% Non-cumulative preference shares The issued share capital of Techno Care Ltd on 1 March 2020 was as follows: R Ordinary share capital (shares issued at R2 each) 10% Cumulative preference shares 2 250 000 450 000 The following share transactions occurred during the current financial year and have not been accounted for yet in the accounting records of Techno Care Ltd for the current year: Techno Care Ltd issued 75 000 10% Cumulative preference shares at R4,00 per share on 1 September 2020. On 31 October 2020 Techno Care Ltd received proceeds of R1 200 000 when 600 000 ordinary shares were issued. On 28 February 2021 capitalisation shares were issued to all the registered ordinary shareholders at R1,50 per share at the ratio of one ordinary share for every five ordinary shares held. 5. Sales for the year includes sales discounts of 2,5% that has been accounted for. The company maintains a gross profit percentage of 35% on sales before sales discounts. 6. An ordinary dividend of 10c per share was declared to all registered ordinary shareholders on 27 February 2021. The company did not pay or declare any dividends during the previous financial year. 7. Normal company tax amounted to R731 185 after taking all the adjustments above into account. REQUIRED: Marks (a) (b) Calculate the profit for the year in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of Techno Care Ltd for the year ended 28 February 2021. Using the information calculated in (a) above, prepare the statement of changes in equity and an extract of the equity and liabilities section of the statement of financial position of Techno Care Ltd for the financial year ended 28 February 2021, according to the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). 14 36 50 Please note: Ignore all accounting policy notes. Show all calculations. © UNISA 2022 [TURN OVER]