ABB Arc Flash Protection Portfolio - Features and Applications Karl Smith – M.S.E.E, P.E Product Application Specialist Overview • Introduction to ABB arc flash products highlighting new features and innovations • Safety culture at ABB followed by a brief tutorial on arc flash protection • Product offering and descriptions • Application examples of REA arc flash protection system • Standard pre-configurations and order code generated drawings for Relion® with arc flash option ABB Arc Flash Protection Solutions Relion® family of IEDs REA - Features and Innovations • Protection at the speed of light … Optical arc flash technology and solid state tripping elements using Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) react instantly (<2.5 ms) to isolate the arc. Advantages are minimal arc exposure to personnel, equipment damage • Patented Sensor fiber can detect light through its entire length making the entire fiber a sensor. The fiber can be as long 60 metres. Benefits are reduced insulation costs • Continuous self-supervision of sensor fiber loops, operating voltages and cabling between main modules and extension modules makes arc flash protection system more reliable • Selectivity… The use of extension units allows the protected area to be expanded and the protected object to be divided into smaller areas • Easy of use… All arc flash modules are settable using switches on the relay front panel. Although the modules communicate with each other you do not need software to communicate with them Application for Fast Arc Quenching Speed and Performance Demo Proven Track Record • Over 3,500 REA systems utilizing long fiber-optic sensor technology have been installed in 36 countries around the world City of Richland Alaska Tanker CO LLC Nucor Steel Monsanto Springs Relion® - Features and Innovations • Built in arc flash function available with optional communication modules. All trip logic is pre-programmed into standard default configurations. The IED contains 3 light detection channels which can be used for detecting arcing faults of the circuit breaker, bus bar and cable compartment of metal enclosed switchgear (uses lens sensors). • High speed output contacts (typical operating time is 1ms)… available with optional binary I/O modules. Recommended for arc flash. • Advanced relay technology…The IEDs utilize the most advanced technology and are highly flexible. Particularly, the native IEC 61850 protocol which is, now more than ever, very easy to configure. Comparing the Technologies * Results obtained during KEMA testing Incident Energy and Clearing Time Evaluating Arc Flash Options • Relion® - REF615 for Main and 4 Feeders with arc flash option and high speed outputs • REA 10_ (Option A) - REA 101 for main and 4 REA 103 extension units for feeders • REA 10_ (Option B) - REA 101 for main and 4 REA 105 extension units for feeders (selective tripping) The Trade-Off for Speed Option Relion® REF615 (with arc flash option and high speed outputs – lens sensors w/ 5m fiber) Main - HAFCCCC1FFE1BNN1XE (1) Feeder - HAFCCCC1FFE1BAN1XE (4) Relay Operate time (REA/Relion®) ≈ 6 ms Price Increase (%) est. (From Relion® base line*) 50% (Measurement mode needs to be set to ‘Peak-to-Peak’) A - REA 101 (1), REA 103 (4) < 2.5 ms 64% B – REA 101(1), REA 105 (4) < 2.5 ms 66% * Relion® base line is no added features with exception of reclosing for feeders Arc Flash Protection is about Safety • Arc flash poses a significant threat to individuals who are exposed to live electrical equipment (typically 480 V and higher) • Severe burns, injury and even death can result Safety Culture at ABB • Integral part of value pairs that define ABB’s behavior and commitment to its customers, employees, and stakeholders • Lived every day through our actions and philosophy “Don’t look the other way” ABB Value Pairs • Safety and Integrity • Customer focus and Quality • Innovation and Speed • Ownership and Performance • Collaboration and Trust Danger of Arc Flash to Personnel Arcing Incidences Happen What is an Arc Flash? • The result of a rapid release of energy due to an arcing fault between phases, neutral or a ground. Air is the conductor • Can be caused by an object to close to a conductor or insulation breakdown How severe is it? • Heat - Hot gases, melt drops and thermal radiation may cause damage even farther away (4 times temperature of the sun) • Pressure - A rapid temperature rise may lead to a violent explosion (Copper expands 67,000 times) • Poison - Toxic chemical compounds may be formed at high temperatures When Does It Occur? Industry Standards • IEEE Standard 1584-2002 Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculation • NFPA 70E-2015 Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces • OSHA 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1910 Subpart S • NFPA 70-2015 National Electrical Code (NEC) Mitigation Strategies Time is a Critical Factor Time Overcurrent Relays are Slow Effects of Faster Clearing Times • Less incident energy developed by arcing fault current. May decrease arc flash boundary (approach distance when worker is exposed to 1.2 Cal/cm2) • May reduce ‘Hazard Risk Category’ (0…4). Determines requirements for protective clothing and ‘Personal Protective Equipment’ (PPE) Incident Energy Calculation NFPA Hazard Levels Typical PPE Suit Requirements Arc Flash Label REA Family Central Unit REA 101 - Functions REA 101 Front Panel REA 101 Switch Settings REA 101 Back Panel REA 101 Connection Diagram REA 103 - Features REA 103 – Front Panel REA 105 - Features REA 105 – Front Panel REA 105 – Connection Diagram REA 107 - Features REA 107 – Front Panel REA 107 – Connection Diagram Optical Fiber Sensors Optical Lens Sensors Optolink Communication Fibers Electrical Connection Cables Shipping Split Adapters Application Examples - Objectives • Minimize incident energy during arcing faults to safe levels (fast tripping) • Optimize utilization of power system (selective tripping) • Evaluate the impact of added incident energy for breaker failure contingencies if delayed tripping is used. Example 1 M1/ M1/ (yes) (no) M1/ M1/ (No OPTO-LINK) N/A CBFP set for Q2 Example 2 M1/ M1/ S3/ S1/ (yes) (no) M1/ M1/ (No OPTO-LINK) S4/ S2/ N/A CBFP set for Q3 & Q4 Example 3 M2/ M1/ M1/ M2/ S1/ (no) (no) CBFP not in use (no) (no) N/A N/A M2/ M1/ M1/ M2/ S2/ N/A N/A S1 & S2 light signals sent to M1 Relion® Family Distribution Relays - 605, 610, 611, 615, 620 (ANSI & IEC) & 630 (IEC only) series Transmission and Generation Relays - 640, 650 & 670 series Arc Flash Order Code Options High Speed Outputs Options Standard Pre-Configurations Drawings to Order Code Oneline FT-1 Switch Arrangement AC Schematic DC Schematic Connection Diagram – Pre-Wired Relion® Arc Flash Application Relion® Arc Flash Application Thank You Karl M. Smith, Product Application Specialist Office: (954) 825-0613 Cell: (954) 579-8151