Received: 26 November 2023 Revised: 20 February 2024 Accepted: 13 March 2024 IET Control Theory & Applications DOI: 10.1049/cth2.12659 ORIGINAL RESEARCH Tracking control of chained non-holonomic systems with asymmetric function constraints and external disturbance Jing Yang Yuqiang Wu School of Engineering, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao, China Correspondence Yuqiang Wu, School of Engineering, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao, China. Email: Funding information National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant/Award Number: 62073187 1 Abstract For a class of chain non-holonomic systems with external disturbance and function constraints, the tan-type barrier Lyapunov function is used to solve the constraints of the system, and then the non-linear disturbance observer is used to deal with the disturbance so that the disturbance error eventually converges exponentially. The control strategy designed by the backstepping method can effectively ensure that signals are bounded without violating the respective constraints. Through the simulation design of a threestage wheeled mobile robot, the effectiveness of the control scheme is verified again by the results. INTRODUCTION In recent decades, the study of non-holonomic systems research has always been in the hot field, such as [1] introduced the chain form of non-holonomic systems class. The problem of robust exponential adjustment of uncertain non-holonomic systems has been solved in [2]. For chain non-holonomic systems, because it does not meet the famous Brockett necessary conditions [3], we mainly focus on its stability control. Non-holonomic systems are a typical class of non-linear systems, usually used in actual physical systems, such as mobile robots [4–6], ships [7] and unmanned aerial vehicles [8]. The tracking problem of non-holonomic systems is an important control problem, which refers to the state tracking of a closed-loop system for a given desired trajectory [9]. The solution of the tracking control problem needs to use some advanced mathematical tools and techniques, such as adaptive control and sliding mode control. Therefore, tracking control of non-holonomic systems has a wide range of applications [10–12]. Disturbance has been another prominent problem in control engineering for a long time. It is inevitable and widely exists in many different sorts of systems. Hence, the effective realization of disturbance rejection control scheme is an important goal of system design [13]. Due to the need of practical application, a variety of disturbance rejection control methods have been proposed to deal with such problems. Effective processing can Abbreviations: BLF, barrier Lyapunov function; SDF, state dependence function. typically be achieved through passive disturbance rejection control [14, 15] and active disturbance rejection control [16, 17] as well as disturbance observer [18, 19] and adaptive Kalman filter [20]. Numerous factors, including physical constraints, security requirements, and time limits, will have an impact on how the system actually operates. The control system’s design and implementation may be impacted by these constraints, so there have been numerous research on constraints, and they have produced some extremely important results. The processing methods mainly include model predictive control [21], non-linear optimization control [22], control based on state dependence function [23] and control based on BLF [24–26]. Among them, the method based on BLF can be divided into integral-type BLF [27], log-type BLF [24, 28] and tan-type BLF [29, 30]. These methods can simultaneously handle scenarios that are time-varying, time-invariant, symmetric and asymmetric. Therefore, it is a powerful tool to deal with constraints, with higher application value and wider use. Here, a tan-type barrier Lyapunov functions is introduced for a class of chained non-holonomic systems with external disturbance, which is suitable for time-varying asymmetric function constraints. It is demonstrated that the suggested control method can not only guarantee the finite-time convergence of the x0e subsystem but also realize the uniformly bounded of the remaining system under the influence of the finite-time stability of some subsystems. At the same time, it is confirmed that neither of the two constraints, g0 (x0e ) nor g1 (x1e ), has been violated. The following are this paper’s main contributions: This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2024 The Authors. IET Control Theory & Applications published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology. IET Control Theory Appl. 2024;18:1223–1231. 1223 (i) The majority of current chain non-holonomic systems take state constraints and output constraints into consideration but do not account for function constraints. Therefore, for the first time, this paper studies the case where the function composed of the tracking error is constrained, and the designed controller can ensure that signals do not violate the constraint. (ii) Here, a tan-type BLF and non-linear disturbance observer are introduced considering the function mixing constraint for the output signal. This method can be applied to both constrained and unconstrained situations. At the same time, in a practical example, the simulation demonstrates that the control scheme has provided good trajectory tracking control performance. For systems with errors or disturbances, analysis and design are more difficult in systems with universal existence. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have been conducted on these two systems, but there are some problems that force us to look for other solutions. 2.2 Problem formulation This paper describes the chain non-holonomic system as: ẋ 0 = u0 ẋ 1 = x2 u0 ⋯ 2 2.1 ẋ n = u1 + d MATHEMATICAL PRELIMINARIES y = [x0 , x1 ]T , Kinematics model In recent years, in the research and design of non-holonomic systems, a relatively common wheeled mobile machine has been in the popular field and has been widely studied. Considering that there are some disturbances in the real situation, reference [31] proposed the following model considering the small measurement error of the angle: with x1 , … , xn , y represent the state and output, respectively, where u0 , u1 ∈ R are the control inputs, and d is the external disturbance. Suppose the desired trajectory x1d , x2d , … , xnd is as follows: ẋ 0d = u0d ẋ 1d = x2d u0d ẋ a = va cos(𝜃a + 𝜀) ⋯ ẏ a = va sin(𝜃a + 𝜀) 𝜃̇ a = 𝜔a , ẋ a = (va + d )cos𝜃a (2) with d representing the external disturbance. By defining x1 = 𝜃, x2 = xa sin𝜃 − ya cos𝜃, x3 = xa cos𝜃 + ya sin𝜃, (3) It is possible to generate the following non-holonomic system from system (2) ẋ 0 = u0 ẋ 1 = x2 u0 ẋ 1 = u1 + d . (4) (6) For later convenience, the tracking error can be expressed as: ẋ 0e = u0 − u0d ẋ 1e = x2e u0d + x2 (u0 − u0d ) ⋯ ẋ ne = u1 − u1d + d . ẏ a = (va + d )sin𝜃a u0 = 𝜔, u1 = v − x1 u0 . ẋ nd = u1d . (1) where (xa , ya ) is the position of the centre of mass on the plane, 𝜃a is the forward angle of the robot, va is the forward velocity, and 𝜔a is the angular velocity of the robot, and 𝜀 is a small bias in orientation. The kinematic model with disturbance is likewise presented as follows in reference [32]: 𝜃̇ a = 𝜔a (5) (7) The constraints are −ki1 (t ) < gi (xie ) < ki2 (t ), where ki1 (t ), ki2 (t ), i = 0, 1 are time-varying functions, gi (xie ) are functions of xie , i = 0, 1, respectively. Take into account the wheeled mobile robot as an example of the aforementioned constraints. This type of robot has some special constraints, which prevent them from moving freely in all directions. Compound variables can help us integrate multiple factors or inputs into a single variable, allowing us to understand and deal with complex problems more effectively. Therefore, such constraints can be used to describe the dynamic properties of the system, and can also help us design and optimize control strategies. For instance, the robot might require to avoid driving into obstacles in a complicated environment. By constraining the composite variables, the robot can be assisted in moving as efficiently as possible under the condition of satisfying the position error, velocity error and their combination error. 17518652, 2024, 10, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [17/01/2025]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License YANG and WU 1224 1225 Remark 1. Due to the fact that xie = xi − xid , where xid is the known default value. The constraint on the function g(x) of the initial x system can be achieved by g(xie ) of the transformed xie system, where g(xie ) is a function with respect to xie . Such method is widely used in non-holonomic tracking systems, such as [32]. Then, the time derivative of V0 is given by 𝜕V0 𝜕V0 ġ 0 (x0e )ẋ 0e + k̇ (t ) 𝜕g0 (x0e ) 𝜕k0 (t ) 0 ) ( 2 𝜋g0 (x0e ) 𝜕g0 (x0e ) 2 = g0 (x0e ) ẋ sec 𝜕x0e 0e 2k20 (t ) ( 2 ) 𝜋g0 (x0e ) 2k0 (t )k̇ 0 (t ) + tan 𝜋 2k2 (t ) V̇ 0 = Assumption 1. Suppose that the derivatives of functions g0 (x0e ) and g1 (x1e ) with respect to x0e and x1e have, respectively, 𝜕g0 (x0e ) 𝜕g (x ) ≠ 0 and 1 1e ≠ 0. And g0 (0) = 0, g1 (0) = 0. 𝜕x0e 𝜕x1e ( g2 (x0e )k̇ 0 (t ) 2 𝜋g02 (x0e ) − 0 sec k0 (t ) 2k20 (t ) Assumption 2. There exist ki1 , ki2 , Ki1 , Ki2 , i = 0, 1 that belong to positive constants, such that ki1 ≤ ki1 (t ), ki2 ≤ ki2 (t ), |k̇ i1 (t )| ≤ Ki1 and |k̇ i2 (t )| ≤ Ki2 . Assumption 4. Assuming d satisfies 𝜉̇ = A𝜉, When taking the derivative of the time-varying BLF V0 , the derivative with respect to time t is already included in the 𝜕V0 k̇ 0 (t ) term. A similar approach can be seen in time-varying where A and C are vectors of n × n and n × 1, respectively, 𝜁 ∈ Rn , d ∈ R, is a continuously exerting disturbance. 𝜕k0 (t ) constraints [30]. Define Φ0 as ( 2 ) ⎧ 𝜋g0 (x0e ) 2 , g0 (x0e ) > 0, ⎪Φ02 = sec 2k202 (t ) ⎪ ⎪ ( 2 ) Φ0 = ⎨ ⎪Φ01 = sec2 𝜋g0 (x0e ) , g0 (x0e ) ≤ 0. 2k201 (t ) ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ Lemma 1. For any 𝜆 ∈ [0, 1), the following inequality holds: 𝜋𝜆 tan 2 3 3.1 ) ( ≤ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 𝜋𝜆 𝜋𝜆 𝜋𝜆 𝜋𝜆 sec ≤ sec 2 . 2 2 2 2 (8) CONTROL DESIGNS Firstly, take into account the x0e subsystem, then combine the constraints −k01 (t ) < g0 (x0e ) < k02 (t ) and select a potential BLF as: ( 2 ) 𝜋g0 (x0e ) k20 (t ) tan , (9) V0 = 𝜋 2k2 (t ) 0 where k0 (t ) = k02 (t ), if g0 (x0e ) > 0, otherwise k0 (t ) = k01 (t ). Remark 2. When the system has no state constraints, this means that k0 (t ) → ∞. Employing L’Hospital rule, we get 𝜋g02 (x0e ) k20 (t ) tan k0 (t )→∞ 𝜋 2k20 (t ) lim (12) The derivative of V0 can be reduced to Stabilization analysis of x0e subsystem ( (11) 0 d = C 𝜉, ( ) ) ( 2 (x ) 𝜋g 𝜕g0 (x0e ) 0e 0 ≤ g0 (x0e ) (u0 − u0d )sec 2 𝜕x0e 2k20 (t ) ) ( 2g02 (x0e )|k̇ 0 (t )| 2 𝜋g02 (x0e ) + sec . k0 (t ) 2k2 (t ) Assumption 3. For u0d , it further assumes that u0d > Δ, it is easy to verify that u0 (t ) > 0 for any t ≥ 0. The Δ will be presented in the design of later. { 0 ) 1 = g02 (x0e ). 2 (10) As a result, if there are no state constraints, the BLF may be replaced by quadratic ones. In this case, the analysis procedure is identical to the case without constraint requirements. V̇ 0 ≤ g0 (x0e ) 𝜕g0 (x0e ) (u0 − u0d )Φ0 + 𝜅0 g02 (x0e )Φ0 , 𝜕x0e (13) where 𝜅0 ≥ 2𝜍0 𝜒0 , with 𝜍0 = max{K01 , K02 } and 𝜒0 = , (14) min{k01 , k02 }, the control signal u0 is designed as u0 = u0d − 𝜇sig2a−1 (g0 (x0e )) 𝜕g0 (x0e ) − 𝜅0 g0 (x0e ) 𝜕x0e 𝜕g0 (x0e ) 𝜕x0e then we have V̇ 0 ≤ −𝜇|g0 (x0e )|2a Φ0 , (15) where 𝜇 > 0, 0 < 2a{− 1 < 2, and siga (X ) =} |X |a sign(X ), and choose Δ = max 𝜇sig2a−1 (g0 (x0e )) 𝜕g0 (x0e ) 𝜕x0e 𝜅 g (x ) + 𝜕g0 00(x0e0e) 𝜕x0e . Noting the 17518652, 2024, 10, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [17/01/2025]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License YANG and WU fact that 0 ≤ 𝜋g02 (x0e ) ≤ 2k20 (t ) 𝜋 2 ⋯ and Φ0 ≥ 1, and by the action of ẋ ne = u1 − u1d + d , Lemma 1, we have the following inference ( 2 ( 2 ))a k 𝜋g (t ) (x ) 0e 0 0 V0a ≤ tan 𝜋 2k2 (t ) with the constraints −k11 (t ) < g1 (x1e ) < k12 (t ). For the system (19), which can be reduced to ẋ e = f (xe ) + h1 u1 + h2 d , a nonlinear disturbance observer is introduced to solve the external disturbance 0 ( ))a 𝜋g02 (x0e ) 1 2 2 g (x )sec ≤ 2 0 0e 2k20 (t ) ) ( 2 𝜋g0 (x0e ) 2a 2 ≤ 𝜀|g0 (x0e )| sec , 2k20 (t ) ( 𝜙̇ = (A − lh2C )𝜙 + Ap − l (h2Cp + f + h1 u1 ) 𝜁ˆ = p + 𝜙 1 ( 𝜋g02 (x0e ) 2k20 (t ) ˆ d̂ = C 𝜁, (16) with 𝜀 = ( )𝛼 . Through simply combining and processing (15) 2 and (16), we obtain V̇ 0 + 𝛾V0a ≤ −(𝜇 − 𝛾𝜀)|g0 (x0e )|2a sec 2 ) ≤ 0, (17) T (g0 (x0e (0))) ≤ 𝛾(1 − a) . z1 = g1 (x1e ) as t1 ≥ V01−a (g0 (x0e (0))) 𝛾(1−a) . Proposition 1. Considering the one-order x0e subsystem, the control law (14) can guarantee convergence to zero within a certain amount of time t1 . In the meantime, the state x0e remains subject to the function that is needed constraints −k01 (t ) < g0 (x0e ) < k02 (t ). Proof. The proof process refers to [32]. It can be seen from (15) that V̇ 0 ≤ 0, thus V0 (t ) ≤ V0 (0). We substitute in (10) 𝜋g2 (x ) and simplify both sides of this equation, we obtain 0 2 0e ≤ 2k0 (t ) ( ) 𝜋V0 (0) 𝜋 arctan < , that is, |g0 (x0e (t ))| < k0 (t ), −k01 (t ) < 2 k0 (t ) 2 g0 (x0e (t )) < k02 (t ). □ 3.2 Tracking control of x1e , … , xne subsystem for t ≥ t1 Since u0 − u0d = 0 when t ≥ t1 , the system of x1e , … , xne can be transformed into the form below ẋ 1e = x2e u0d ẋ 2e = x3e u0d z2 = x2e − 𝛼1 ⋯ zn = xne − 𝛼n−1 . (18) As a result, it is possible to estimate the relay switching time t1 (20) where d̂ represents the estimation of the disturbance, 𝜙 is the internal state of the non-linear observer and l denotes the observer gain to be designed, and h1 = [0, … , 0, 1]T , h2 = [0, … , 0, 1]T , f = [x2e u0d , x3e u0d , … , xne u0d , −u1d ]T , p is a nonlinear vector-valued function to be designed. The estimation error is defined as d̃ = d − d̂ . For the sake of subsequent design, make the following changes where 𝜇 − 𝛾𝜀 > 0 is satisfied by selecting the positive constants 𝜇 and 𝛾. According to (17) and the finite-time stability theory, we also get the settling time T (x0e (0)) V01−a (g0 (x0e (0))) (19) (21) Now, the design process of the controller is given. Step 1: Select the BLF resembling (10), and take its derivative to obtain ( ) 𝜋z12 k21 (t ) V1 = tan , (22) 𝜋 2k2 (t ) 1 where k1 (t ) = k12 (t ), if z1 > 0, otherwise k1 (t ) = k11 (t ). Then, the time derivative of V1 is given by ) ) ( ( 2 2 ̇ 2 2z 𝜋z 𝜋z | k (t )| 𝜕z1 1 1 1 1 ẋ sec 2 sec 2 V̇ 1 ≤ z1 + k1 (t ) 𝜕x1e 1e 2k21 (t ) 2k21 (t ) ) ( 2 𝜋z 𝜕z1 1 ≤ z1 (z + 𝛼1 )u0d sec 2 𝜕x1e 2 2k2 (t ) ( + 2z12 |k̇ 1 (t )| 2 𝜋z12 sec k1 (t ) 2k21 (t ) ) 1 (23) Define Φ1 as ) ( 2 ⎧ 𝜋z 1 , z1 > 0, ⎪Φ12 = sec2 2k212 (t ) ⎪ ) ( Φ1 = ⎨ 𝜋z12 ⎪ 2 , z1 ≤ 0. ⎪Φ11 = sec 2k211 (t ) ⎩ (24) 17518652, 2024, 10, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [17/01/2025]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License YANG and WU 1226 1227 Therefore, then V̇ 1 ≤ z1 𝜕z1 (z + 𝛼1 )u0d Φ1 + 𝜅z12 Φ1 , 𝜕x1e 2 (25) V̇ n ≤ −𝛽1 z12 Φ1 − ∑n−1 2 j =2 𝛽 j z j + zn−1 zn u0d +zn (u1 − u1d + d̂ + d̃ − 𝛼̇ n−1 ) (35) 2𝜍 where 𝜅 ≥ , with 𝜍 = max{K11 , K12 } and 𝜒 = min{k11 , k12 }. 𝜒 The first virtual controller 𝛼1 are chosen as 1 1 𝛽1 − 𝜕z z1 , 1 u0d 1 u0d 1 𝛼1 = −𝜅z1 𝜕z 𝜕x1e (26) 𝜕x1e zn d̃ ≤ 𝜆zn2 + 𝜕z1 u Φ . 𝜕x1e 0d 1 u1 = u1d − zn−1 u0d + 𝛼̇ n−1 − d̂ − 𝛽n zn − 𝜆zn . 2 𝜕z1 u Φ + z2 z3 u0d + z2 𝛼2 u0d − z2 𝛼̇ 1 . 𝜕x1e 0d 1 (28) Design 𝜕z1 𝛽 1 𝛼̇ − 2 z Φ + 𝜕x1e 1 u0d 1 u0d 2 (29) with 𝛽2 > 0, then the derivative can be expressed as V̇ 2 ≤ −𝛽1 z12 Φ1 − 𝛽2 z22 + z2 z3 u0d . (30) 1 Step i (3 ≤ i < n): Set Vi = Vi−1 + zi2 and calculate its 2 derivative V̇ i ≤ −𝛽1 z12 Φ1 − i−1 ∑ j =2 𝛽 j z 2j + zi−1 zi u0d + zi zi+1 u0d − zi 𝛼̇ i−1 + zi u0d 𝛼i 𝛽 1 𝛼̇ − i z − zi−1 u0d i−1 u0d i i ∑ j =2 𝛽 j z 2j + zi zi+1 u0d . j =2 1 2 d̃ 4𝜆 𝛽 j z 2j + ≤ −𝜚Vn + 𝜖, (38) 1 where 𝜚 = min{2𝛽i , i = 1, … , n} and 𝜖 = d̃ 2 . Integrating both 4𝜆 sides of (38), we get 𝜖 𝜖 Vn (t ) ≤ e−𝜚t Vn (0) + (1 − e−𝜚t ) ≤ Vn (0) + . 𝜚 𝜚 (39) Proposition 2. Via the system (19) and the control law (37), we can guarantee that the system is asymptotically stable, and by designing l , we can ensure the global exponential convergence of the estimation error d̃ . Then, the function g1 (x1e ) also converges to zero, and x1e converges to zero, x2e , … , xne will reach zero asymptotically. Additionally, the function constraints can be satisfied when the appropriate parameter is selected, that is, −k11 (t ) < g1 (x1e ) < k12 (t ), t ≥ t1 . ( ) 𝜋z12 k21 (t ) 𝜖 V1 = tan ≤ Vn (t ) ≤ Vn (0) + 2 𝜋 𝜚 2k1 (t ) (32) ⎛ (Vn (0) + )𝜋 ⎞ 𝜚 ⎟ < 𝜋. ⎜ ≤ arctan 2 2 ⎟ 2 ⎜ 2k1 (t ) k1 (t ) ⎠ ⎝ (33) 1 Step n: Take Vn = Vn−1 + zn2 , 2 V̇ n ≤ V̇ n−1 + zn (u1 − u1d + d − 𝛼̇ n−1 ) n ∑ (31) with 𝛽i > 0, then V̇ i ≤ −𝛽1 z12 Φ1 − V̇ n ≤ −𝛽1 z12 Φ1 − Proof. According to (22) and (39), we get The virtual controller can be designed as 𝛼i = (37) We can eventually conclude that 1 𝛼2 = −z1 (36) (27) Step 2: It follows from V2 = V1 + z22 that its derivative is V̇ 2 ≤ −𝛽1 z12 Φ1 + z1 z2 1 2 d̃ , 4𝜆 where 𝜆 > 0, then the controller and the adaptive law are designed as with 𝛽1 > 0, then V̇ 1 ≤ −𝛽1 z12 Φ1 + z1 z2 Given by Young’s inequality (34) 𝜖 𝜋z12 (40) If not, then there a finite moment t1 such that |z1 (t1 )| = k1 (t1 ) since |z1 (0)| ≤ k1 (0) and z1 (t ) is continuous. This together with (40) leads to ( ) 𝜋z12 k21 (t ) tan +∞ = V1 = ≤ Vn (t ) ≤ Vn (0) 𝜋 2k21 (t ) + 𝜖 < +∞. 𝜚 (41) 17518652, 2024, 10, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [17/01/2025]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License YANG and WU By the method of contradiction, we know that |z1 | < k1 (t ), that is, to say |g1 (x1e )| < k1 (t ), −k11 (t ) < g1 (x1e ) < k12 (t ). Referring to [33, 34], from the non-linear observer gain l = 𝜕p , under the Assumption 4, it can be proved that According to the backstepping design method in Section 3.2, the same disturbance observer treatment is applied to the disturbance, and we can calculate 𝜕xe 𝛼2 = −z1 𝜕p ̇ 𝜁̇ − 𝜁ˆ = A𝜁 − 𝜙̇ − ẋ 𝜕xe e 𝛼i = = A𝜁 − A𝜙 + lh2C 𝜙 − Ap + l (h2Cp + f + h1 u1 ) 𝜕p − ( f + h1 u1 + h 2 d ) 𝜕xe ˆ + lh2 d̂ − lh2 d = A(𝜁 − 𝜁) ˆ = (A − lh2C )(𝜁 − 𝜁). (42) According to the above equation, it can be known that 𝜁ˆ can be exponentially approximate 𝜁 by choosing an appropriate paramˆ it can be eter l . From the linear change of d = C 𝜁 and d̂ = C 𝜁, seen that d̃ also satisfies the above result, that is, d̂ exponential type is close to d . Then the appropriate choice of parameter A, l , can make V̇ n ≤ −𝜚Vn , further can get g1 (x1e ) → 0. In this case, it follows from Assumption 1 that x1e → 0. It can be seen from (21) and the designed virtual controller by recursion that □ x2e , … , xne are also asymptotically converges to zero. 3.2.1 Tracking control of x1e , … , xne subsystem for [0, t1 ] The state of the system (7) is considered not to escape to infinity within the time span [0, t1 ] in the following. For the convenience of subsequent derivation, system (7) can be written as: ẋ 1e = x2e u0 + x2d (u0 − u0d ) ⋯ ẋ ne = u1 − u1d + d . (43) Choose the same BLF V1 . The derivative of V1 can be expressed as: V̇ 1 ≤ z1 𝜕z1 ((z + 𝛼1 )u0 + x2d (u0 − u0d ))Φ1 + 𝜅z12 Φ1 . 𝜕x1e 2 (44) The first virtual controller is obtained by using Young’s inequality 𝛼1 = −𝜅z1 1 𝛽1 1 1 1 − z − x2d (u0 − u0d ). 𝜕z1 u0 1 u0 u0 𝜕z1 𝜕x1e 𝜕x1e (45) 𝛽 1 1 𝛼̇ − i z − zi−1 − x(i+1)d (u0 − u0d ) u0 i−1 u0 i u0 u1 = u1d − zn−1 u0 + 𝛼̇ n−1 − d̂ − 𝛽n zn − 𝜆zn . (46) Proposition 3. Considering the system (43) and the control law (46), we can guarantee that the function g1 (x1e ) does not escape into infinity, and satisfies the constraints −k11 (t ) < g1 (x1e ) < k12 (t ) at the time interval [0, t1 ], second, we can adjust t1 to accomplish the objective in subsequent research. Proof. Proof method is similar to Proposition 2; therefore, omitted here to prove that to avoid repetition. □ Remark 3. Different from the simple output or state constraints of [25, 28], the constraints considered here are function constraints on outputs, which have wider application scope and stronger usability. Theorem 1. Given the system (7), if controller u0 is designed by (14) and controller u1 is designed by (46) of 0 ≤ t ≤ t1 and (37) of t ≥ t1 , and the initial values are within the given constraints, then the following conclusions can be attained: (i) the gi (xie ), i = 0, 1 satisfy the given constraints at any given time. (ii) all signals of the closed-loop system are bounded. j= (iii) limt →∞ gi (xie ) = 0, i = 0, 1, limt →∞ x je → 0, 0, 1, … , n. 4 ẋ 2e = x3e u0 + x3d (u0 − u0d ) 𝜕z1 𝛽 1 1 Φ + 𝛼̇ − 2 z − x (u − u0d ) 𝜕x1e 1 u0 1 u0 2 u0 3d 0 SIMULATION EXAMPLE A wheeled mobile robot is used to illustrate and verify the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme, and the system can be as: ẋ a = (va + d )cos𝜃a ẏ a = (va + d )sin𝜃a 𝜃̇ a = 𝜔a , (47) where (xa , ya ) is the coordinate of the robot mass centre, 𝜃a denotes the heading angle, va and 𝜔a are the forward linear velocity and the angular velocity, respectively, and d stands for the external disturbance. After a simple transformation, system (47) can be converted to ẋ 0 = u0 ẋ 1 = x2 u0 17518652, 2024, 10, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [17/01/2025]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License YANG and WU 1228 1229 ẋ 2 = u1 + d . (48) 1 0.5 Then, the tracking errors system is given by 0 -0.5 ẋ 0e = u0 − u0d -1 ẋ 1e = x2e u0d + x2 (u0 − u0d ) -1.5 -2 ẋ 2e = u1 − u1d + d . (49) The constraints of the above system are −ki1 (t ) < gi (xie ) < ki2 (t ), i = 0, 1, where k01 (t ) = e−t + 0.2, k02 (t ) = e−0.5t + 0.4, 3 + k11 (t ) = sin(t ) + 1.2, k12 (t ) = sin(0.5t ) + 1.8, g0 (x0e ) = 3x0e 3 2x0e and g1 (x1e ) = 2x1e + 3x1e . The disturbance is selected as d = 1 + 2sin(2t ). For this example, the controller is selected as: u0 = u0d − 𝜇sign(g0 (x0e ))|g0 (x0e )|2a−1 𝜕g0 (x0e ) 𝜕x0e − 𝜅0 g0 (x0e ) -3 -3.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 40 50 40 50 Time(s) FIGURE 1 Tracking errors x0e , x1e , and x2e . 2 𝜕g0 (x0e ) 1 𝜕x0e ⎧ 𝜅g1 (x1e ) 𝛽1 g1 (x1e ) 1 ⎪𝛼12 = − − − x2d (u0 − u0d ), u0 𝜕g1 (x1e ) 𝜕g1 (x1e ) ⎪ u0 u0 ⎪ 𝜕x1e 𝜕x1e ⎪ 𝛼 1 = ⎨ 0 ≤ t ≤ t1 , ⎪ 𝜅g1 (x1e ) 𝛽1 g1 (x1e ) − , t ≥ t1 . ⎪𝛼11 = − 𝜕g1 (x1e ) 𝜕g1 (x1e ) ⎪ u0d u0d ⎪ 𝜕x1e 𝜕x1e ⎩ ⎧ 𝜕g1 (x1e ) ⎪u12 = u1d − g1 (x1e ) u Φ + 𝛼̇ 1 − d̂ − (𝛽2 + 𝜆) 𝜕x1e 0 1 ⎪ ⎪ (x2e − 𝛼1 ), 0 ≤ t ≤ t1 , u1 = ⎨ 𝜕g (x ) ⎪u11 = u1d − g1 (x1e ) 1 1e u0d Φ1 + 𝛼̇ 1 − d̂ − (𝛽2 + 𝜆) ⎪ 𝜕x1e ⎪ (x2e − 𝛼1 ), t ≥ t1 . ⎩ (50) The calculation shows that 𝜅0 = 0, 𝜅 = 10, where d̂ can be obtained from the following equation: 𝜙̇ = (A − lh2C )𝜙 + Ap − l (h2Cp + f + h1 u1 ) 𝜁ˆ = p + 𝜙 ˆ d̂ = C 𝜁. -2.5 (51) For [0, t1 ], its coefficient matrix is taken h1 = h2 = [0, 1]T , f = [x2e u0d + x2 (u0 − u0d ), −u1d ]T and for t ≥ t1 , the coefficient matrix is h1 = h2 = [0, 1]T , f = [x2e u0d , −u1d ]T . To meet the[ requirements of the Assumption 4, A, C is taken ] 0 2 as A = , C = [1, 0] and l = [1, 150]T . At this point, −2 0 [ ] −1 2 . the matrix A − lh2C can be calculated A − lh2C = −152 0 By using the criterion, |𝜆I − (A − lh2C )|, it is obtained that 0 -1 0 10 20 30 Time(s) 2 1 0 -1 -2 0 10 20 30 Time(s) FIGURE 2 The function g0 (x0e ), g1 (x1e ) and its constraints. A − lh2C is the Hurwitz matrix, then the error dynamics of the non-linear disturbance observer is asymptotically stable. The relevant parameters are selected as 𝜇 = 0.8, a = 1.1, 𝛽1 = 1, 𝛽2 = 5 and 𝜆 = 10. The reference control inputs are selected as u0d = 0.2 and u1d = e−t + 1. The initial conditions are selected as [x0 (0), x1 (0), x2 (0)]T = [0.2, 1.2, 0.4]T , [x0d (0), x1d (0), x2d (0)]T = [0.6, 0.8, 0.4]T , and 𝜙(0) = [0, 0], and it is known from the calculation that the given initial conditions are within the constraint. The simulation results are shown in Figures 1–4. As can be seen from Figure 1, the tracking errors xie , i = 0, 1, 2 are asymptotically stable and converge quickly, converging to zero in 5,1, and 12 s, respectively. Figure 2 shows that the functions g0 (x0e ), g1 (x1e ) with respect to x0e and x1e converge exponentially and do not violate the given constraints. Compared with other pure output/state constraints, the function constraints here can be used in a variety of forms to deal with more complex situations and have a wider range of applications. Figure 3 shows that the control inputs u0 and u1 of the system are bounded, and u0 tends to be stable after a period of time. The disturbance observer in Figure 4 can estimate the disturbance quickly; that is, the disturbance error quickly con- 17518652, 2024, 10, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [17/01/2025]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License YANG and WU AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Jing Yang: Conceptualization; writing—original draft; writing—review and editing. Yuqiang Wu: Conceptualization; funding acquisition; supervision. 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time(s) 50 0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (62073187). CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT The authors declare no potential conflict of interests. -50 -100 -150 -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time(s) FIGURE 3 ORCID Jing Yang Trajectory of control inputs u0 and u1 . REFERENCES 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time(s) FIGURE 4 Disturbance and its estimation. verges to zero. On the whole, the designed controllers are more effective in convergence speed and satisfying constraints. 5 DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. CONCLUSIONS To deal with time-varying function constraints on nonholonomic systems, this paper proposes BLF method: the tantype BLF approach. A controller that satisfies the constraints is designed by backstepping and using Young’s inequality. The findings demonstrate that the proposed control scheme not only maintains g0 (x0e ) and g1 (x1e ) within the constrained ranges, but also ensures the stability of the x0e subsystem in finite-time as well as the asymptotic stability of the rest system. However, there are some issues to consider. For example, consider whether the assumption about g0 (x0e ) and g1 (x1e ) in the constraints may be removed for the more general situation of system constraints. 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CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (2014) How to cite this article: Yang, J., Wu, Y.: Tracking control of chained non-holonomic systems with asymmetric function constraints and external disturbance. IET Control Theory Appl. 18, 1223–1231 (2024). 17518652, 2024, 10, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [17/01/2025]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License YANG and WU