ME-312T REFRIGERATION AND AIRCONDITIONING (2+0) BSME 2016-20 1 2 COURSE CONTENTS 3 RECOMMENDED TEXTS 1- R S Khurmi, J K Gupta, Textbook of Refrigeration & Air conditioning, S Chand & Co, 1987 2- W F Stoecker, J W Jones, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 2nd Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982 3-C P Arora, Refrigeration & Air conditioning, 3rd ed McGraw-Hill, 2010 4-G F Hundy, A R Trott, T C Welch, Refrigeration & Air conditioning, 4th ed, ButterworthHeinemann, 2008 5- P N Ananthanarayanan, Basic Refrigeration & Air conditioning, 3rd ed, McGraw-Hill, 2005 6-ASHRAE Handbook 4 REFRIGERATION • The process of achieving and maintaining the temperature below atmospheric temperature is called refrigeration. • Refrigeration involves, transfer of heat from low temperature reservoir to high temperature reservoir. • The transfer of heat from a low-temperature medium to a high-temperature one requires special devices called refrigerators. • Refrigerators, like heat engines, are cyclic devices. The working fluid used in the refrigeration cycle is called a refrigerant • Consider following two cases, • Cooling of hot water with the help of fan (is it a refrigeration process?) • Cooling of hot water with large quantity of Ice (is it a refrigeration process?) 5 AIR CONDITIONING The process by which air is • Cooled • Heated • Filtered • Humidified/dehumidified • Circulated/recirculated in order to achieve desired room conditions. So Air conditioning means , controlling the temperature, humidity, quantity and quality of air in order to achieve desired conditions. 6 nd 2 LAW of THERMODYNAMICS • Clausius Statement It is impossible to construct a device that operates in a cycle and produces no effect other than the transfer of heat from a lower-temperature body to a higher-temperature body 7 Room Air Conditioner 8 Domestic Refrigerator 9 Unit of Refrigerating Capacity The standard unit of refrigeration is ton refrigeration or simply ton denoted by the symbol TR. It is equivalent to the production of cold at the rate at which heat is to be removed from one US tonne of water at 32°F to freeze it to ice at 32°F in one day or 24 hours. Ton Tonne Metric UK (1016 kg) US (2000 lbs = 907.2 kg) 1000 kg 10 Unit of Refrigerating Capacity The standard unit of refrigeration is ton refrigeration or simply ton denoted by the symbol TR. It is equivalent to the production of cold at the rate at which heat is to be removed from one US tonne of water at 32°F to freeze it to ice at 32°F in one day or 24 hours. Thus where the latent heat of fusion of ice has been taken as 144 Btu/lb. 11 Unit of Refrigerating Capacity • In many countries, the standard MKS unit of kcal/hr is used. 12 13