Vocabulary 1. Growth/grow: การเจริญเติบโต 2. Age: อายุ 3. Old/older: แก่/แก่กว่า 4. Young: หนุ่ มสาว 5. Baby: ทารก 6. Toddler: เด็กวัยหัดเดิน Vocabulary 7. Teenager: วัยรุน ่ 8. Adult: ผู ใ้ หญ่ 9. Elderly: ผู ส ้ ู งอายุ 10. Calf: ลู กของสัตว ์ขนาดใหญ่ A young elephant, cow, or whale 11. Cub: ลู กของสัตว ์ขนาดกลาง A young bear, wolf, lion, or tiger 12. Chick: ลู กไก่ Young birds Growing Up We change as we grow older. baby toddler child teenager adult elderly Baby Toddler Child They grow taller. They learn to walk. They grow teeth. They learn to eat. They learn to speak. Their hair grows longer. Child Teenager They get taller and their bones are stronger. They develop muscles. Their hair grows quicker and longer. Adult Once you are an adult you are fully grown. It is important you eat healthily and exercise to keep your body working well. Adults can have babies of their own. Elderly Adults continue to age throughout their lives. You are elderly after the age of 60. Elderly people begin to slow down as their body ages. Their skin goes more wrinkly. Their eyes do not see well. Their bones are not strong as when they were younger. Animals Growth All animals grow and change. They all change in size and weight. But some animals change a lot as they grow. Their bodies may change shape, and they may have different body coverings when they are young. Animals and Their Young Lion cub Lion Animals and Their Young Caterpillar Butterfly Animals and Their Young Calf Cow Animals and Their Young Calf Dolphin Animals and Their Young Calf Elephant Animals and Their Young Chick Hen Animals and Their Young Tadpole Frog