Rest of Region A B C B B A t AFFIX SEAL HERE t @ CAl'lllfDA.,.,.c'J!~r!"ft'. y.., ........ ,~;w,-.... ,11111 beokJet wl~ fie Aittnr- SllioeL. 'Jl'lhh to de IO •Y renllt hi dttq•allfteatloa. FORMTP2009155 CARIBBEAN TESTCODE02112010 MAYIJUNE2009 Slpsture EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION CHEMISTRY - UNIT I PaperOl 90minutes ( 27 MAY 2009 (a.m.)) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONSCAREFULLY. I. 'This test consists of45 items. You will have 90 minutes to answer them. 2. In, addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. 4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered(A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 5. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. - Sample Item Which ofthe following is the HIGHEST energy transition io an organic compound? (A) (B) (C) (D) Sample Answer n to cr• n to it• cr to a• Tt to 7t* The best answer to this item is "er to er•", so answer space (C) has been shaded. Ifyou wanttochangeyouranswer, be sure to erase your itcompletcly before you fill in your new choice. 6. Whenyouaretoldtobegin,tumthepageandworkasquicklyandascarefullyasyoucan. lfyoucannot 7. answeranitem,omititandgoontothenextone. Youcancomebacktotheomitted item later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. 8. --= Youmaydoanyroughworkinthisbooklet. 9. ..... - I0. ! !!! ..... Figures arc not necessarily drawn to scale. Theuseofnon-programmable calculators is allowed . DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. !!!!!!! iii iiiii Copyright02009CaribbeanExaminationsCouncil. All rights reserved. 021120 IOCAPE2009 - 1. -2Which of the following has the GREATEST 2. polarizing power? (A) ca>+ (B) Be 2• (C) Li' (D) Sr2' A radioactive clement, M, ofmass number A, and atomic number Z, undergoes ll decay, followed by a decay. The final elemem, N, will be (A) ~-1 N (B) A-<N (C) A-4N (D) A-<N Z-1 z Z+I Item 3 refers to the mass spectrum of chlorine gas shown below. A c ~ Relative Abunduce D B ~ ~ . . . ~ ~ ~ . " . q . E I. . ~ m ~ • m/e 3. If peak A represents the ion " Cl• , which possible ions would give the peaks, B andE? (A) 37 Cl' and ( 37 Cl- 37 Cl)' (B) ("Cl _>Sci)' and (37 Cl- 37 CI)' (C) 37 Cl' and ('s Cl-'s Cl)' (D) 37 CI' and ('sCl- 37 CI)' GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE '021120IOICAPB2009 -34. The electronic configuration ofthe Cu" ion is represented as 8. Which of the following is true about 5 dm' of hydrogen and 5 dm' of oxygen at 0 °C and 101 kPa? (A) 6 2 [Ar)3s 3p 3d (C) [Ar] 3s 2 3p 6 Jd' 4s 2 2 6 [Ar)3s 3p 3d (B) (C) (D) (C) 9 Which of the fol lowing factors increases the first ionisation energy of an atom? (A) (A) (B) 10 (B) (D) 5. (Ar)3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 1 (D) 9. Increased screening by inner electrons Larger number of valence electrons Greater nuclear charge Larger atomic radius For complete reaction, 0.25 g of a monobasic acid requires 10 cm' of 0.2 mol dm·' sodium hydroxide. What is the relative molecular mass of the acid? (A) (B} (C) 6. (A) (B) (C) (D) 7. (D) Which oftlie following describes potassium bromide? A network of covalently bonded atoms A substance which boils at 59 "C and decomposes at high temperatures A solid with a very high molar enthalpy ofvaporization which does not conduct when in a liquid state A non-conducting solid which melts to form a liquid that conducts electricity 10. They react to produce 5 dm' of water. They possess the same amount of kinetic energy. They contain the same number of molecules. They react completely with each other. 12.5 62.5 125 250 When86 gofthe ionic salt, Caso,. xH,O, is heated so that all ofits water of crystallisation is driven off and 68.0 g of CaSO, remain, the value ofx is (A) (B) 1 2 tC) 3 (D) 4 How many hydrogen bonds can be formed with the oxygen atom in a molecule of water? (A) (B) (C) (D) 1 2 3 4 GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02112010CAPE2009 11. -4Which of the following graphs BEST illustrates Boyie"s law? (A) . Energy a .! ;;. " (B) Item 13 refers to the energy profile diagram shown below. Pressure .a ~~~~} __ " ~ Reaction Path I/Pressure (C) . a .! ~ ~ Pressure (D) ~ ~ ProduCll ~ 13 . What is the activation energy of the REVERSE reaction? (A) (B) (C) (D) p Q (Q+ P) (Q- P) I/Pressure 12. Which of the following represents an oxidation process? (A) MnO 4 Mn2• (B) MnO- 4 Mno 2- (C) Mn0;4 Mn02 ' • 4 (D) GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE 0211201 OK:!APE2009 • -514. 1 . The second ionisation energy ofcalcium is 1150 k J mol- • Which ofthe following equations represents this statement? kJ mol- 1 15. (A) Ca(g) -> Ca'• (g)+ 2e- Ml= + 1150 (B) Ca+ (g)-> Ca 2'(g) +e- t.H = + 1150 (C) ca•(g)->Ca 2•(g)+e- Afi=-1150 (D) Ca(s)-> ea 2• (g)+2e- t.H = + 1150 The standard enthalpy changes fortworeactions areas follows: 2Fe (s) + Y,02 (g)-> FeiO, (s) C(s) + Y,0 2 (g)-> co (g) t.H" = -822 kJmof 1 aH• = - 110 kJ mol- 1 What is the standard enthalpy change forthe reaction Fe2 0 3 (s) + 3C(s)-> 2Fe(s) + 3CO(g),inkJ mol- 1 ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 16. -932 -712 -492 +492 An increase in temperature by about l 0 ° C usually doubles the rate ofa chemical reaction. This is because the (A) (B) (C) (D) number ofmolecules having energy greater than the activation energy increases kinetic energy and temperature ofthe molecules decrease activation energy ofthe molecules required for reaction increases collision frequencyofthemolecules Huctuates GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE 02112010ICAPE2009 -'6 - Item_!] refers to the table which shows the rate results for the reaction A+ B-> C 17. Experiment (A) lmol c1m·') (mol dm.3) [BJ Rate of reaction 3 (mol dm' s'1 ) I 0.10 0.10 0.0032 2 0.10 0.20 0.0032 3 0.20 0.20 0.0064 What is the overall order of the reaction? (A) (B) (C) Zero First Second (D) Thiid Thi diagrams show the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Which of the following diagrams represents the effect of an increase in temperature from 70 "C (T,) to 80 °C (T,)? 18. T, (A) (C) Number of molecules EA Number of molecules T, T (B) Number of molttuleS (D) Number of molecules OOONTOTHENEXTPAGB 021•12010CAPE2009 -7- 19. Which of the following statements about dynamic equilibrium is NOT true? (A) (B) (C) (D) 20. 21. 22. The forward reaction proceeds atthe same rate as the reverse reaction. The concentrations of the reactants and products are constant throughout the course of the reaction. Dynamic equilibrium can only be achieved in a system where no materials are added or removed. There is no apparent change but both forward and reverse reactions continue to take place at equal rates. The Haber Process can be represented by · theequation N 2 (g) + 3H2 (g) Li H = -92 kJ moJ·I Ifthe pressure is kept constant, an increase in temperature will cause the volume ofthe mixture to (A) (B) (C) (D) In which of the following reactions would K, have units of a1m· 2? (A) N 2(g} + 3H., (g) ~ 2NH,(g) (B) SO, (g) + 0 2 (g) ~ 2SO, (g) (C} 2CHCIF2 (g) ~ C,F, (g) + 2HCI (g) (D) CH, (g) + H, 0 (g) ~ CO (g) + 3H., (g) 23. X (aq) + Y (aq) ~ z.(aq). Ifthe equilibrium concentrations are [X] = 0.2 mo! dm·'. [Y] = 0.3 mol dm·' and [Z)= 0.6 mo! dm·', which of the following is the value of the equilibrium constant K,? 0.1 mol dm' 0.1 moI- 1 dm-2 10 mo! dm-' IO mol- 1 dm' the left decrease, shifting the equilibrium to the right NH;+ C,H,OH ~NH,+ C,H,OH,' Which of the following combinations describes the function of NH,• and C,H,OH according to Bronsted-Lowry theory? . (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. increase, shifting the equilibrium to the right increase, shifting the equilibrium to the left decrease, shifting the equilibrium to In pure ethanol, (C,H,OH), the following equilibrium can exist with ammonium ions. Equilibrium is established in the reaction (A) (B) (C} (D) 5 Fe ~ ~~ 2NH3(g) NH; C,H,OH Acid Base Conjugate acid Acid Base Acid Base Conjugate base When I cm' of dilute HCI is added to an alkaline buffer the (A) (B) (C) (D) pH increases drastically pH decreases drastically pH alters slightly buffer is destroyed 00 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 021120 IOICAPE2009 -8- 25. 2 6. A buffer is made by dissolving 28.8 g of sodium benzoate, C 6 H,C00Na, in l dm' of 0.4 mol dm» benzoic acid, C 6 H,COOH. Ko(benz<Hcocidl =6.4 x lO"'moldm"'. The pH of the buffer is (A) (B) 2.3 3.9 (C) 4.2 (D) 5.0 27. Given that solubility of zinc sulphide in water at 25 °C is 1.0 x 10- 12 mol drn-3 , what is the K,. value at 25 °C? (A) l.O x 10· 12 mol2 drn .. (B) 5.0 x 10·11 mol 1 dm .. (C) 5.0 x 10·24 moi2 dm .. (D) l.O x 10·1• mol 1 dm .. Which expression represents the solubili1y product of iron (111) hydroxide? (A) (B) e" OH- 3 (Fc(OH), (C) [Fe'•] [3oH-]' (D) [Fe'·] [3oH- J Item 28 refers to the diagram of the hydrogen electrode below. Hz(&) at o·c _,. udl- Platinised -+---;---+ platinum electrode 28. / F - - Salt bridge --+--1.0 mol dm.a H+ What needs to be changed to make this hydrogen electrode E6 = O.OOV? (A) . (B) (C) (D) Concentration of H • ions Metal used for the electrode Temperature of the gas Pressure of the gas GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE 02112010ICAPE2009 -9- 29. Item 30 refers to the cell diagram below. A cell consists of aluminium metal in contact with AP+ ions and copper metal in contact with Cu,. ions. The half-cell values are given below. Zn(s) IZn 2• (aq)llcu 2• (aq)jCu(s) 30. -- E9N Al>+ + 3e· ___,Al -1.66 Cu,. + 2e· ~ Cu +-0.34 Which of the following will cause an increase in cell potential? (A) Increasing concentration of Zn'' ions only Decreasing concentration of Zn"(aq) ions and increasing concentration ofCu2•(aq) ions Decreasing concentration of Cu 2• ions only Adding NaOH to cu>+ solution and increasing the concentration of (B) The electromotive force (e.m.t) of the cell (in volts) is (C) (A) (B) (C) (D) 2.30 2.00. 1.84 1.32 (D) Zn2• ions 31. Which of the following compounds conducts electricity? Na,0 Si02 (A) (B) (C) (D) so, c1,o, Items 32 - 33 refer to the following information. Name of Oslde (C) (B) (A) (D) State at 2S°C Solid Solid Liquid Bonding and structure in oxide Ionic lattice Giant covalent Covalent Covalent molecular molecular pH of aqueous solution IO 7 0 Gas I i Match each oxide below with one of the options above. Each option may used once, more than once of not at all. 32. Oxide of silicon B 33. Oxideofsulphur D GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02112010.CAPE2009 t - I 0- 34. Which pair of properties increases on descending the Group U elements? [. u. III. IV. (A) (B) (C) (D) 35. Atomic radii Ionisation energy Electronegativity Ionic radii II. I and III IandN n and III · II and N (B) (C) (D) calcium oxide is less stable than barium oxide · the calcium ion is larger than the barium ion the lattice energy of calcium oxide is larger than that of barium oxide the standard enthalpy offormation of calcium oxide is less negative than that of barium oxide III. (A) (B) (C) (D) 38. Which of the following chlorides of Group N elements is the BEST electrical conductor? (A) PbCl4 (B) SiCI, (C) GeCI, (D) CCI, Silicon carbide has a structure similar to that "of diamond. What are the advantages derived from using silicon carbide ceramics when compared with steel? I. Calcium carbonate decomposes at a lower temperature than barium carbonate because (A) 36. 37. 39. Silicon carbide is less likely to deform under compression. Silicon carbide has a higher melting point Silicon carbide is more resistant to oxidation. I and II only land ill only II and III only I, n and III In which ofthe following options are the halide ions placed in order of INCREASING reducing power? (A) Br-, Cl-, I - (B) 1-, Br-, ct- (C) Cl-, Br-, I - (D) Cl-, 1-, Br- Which of the following in NOT formed when chlorine reacts with hot aqueous alkali? (A) H 20 (B) NaCl (C) NaCI03 (D) NaCIO - 11 40. Which ofthe following is NOT considered to be a transition metal? (A) (B) (C) (D) 41. Zinc Iron Cobalt Chromium Note: [Ar]= I s , 2s , 2p , 3s , 3p 2 3d (Ar] 6 2 (a) a deep blue solution .with excess NH,(aq) A (b) a yellow-green solution with excess concentrated HCI. D I. The complex ion [Cu(NH,),]'" is formed in (a). u. [Cu(NH,)4 ) " has a higher stability constant than [Cu(H,0)J 2 '. III. [CuCl 4 ]'· has a lower stability constant than [Cu(H,0),]". (A) (B) (C) (D) I and II only land Ill only II and III only I, II and III 6 ... I I OD ... I 1~ I 1~ I 1~ I tltl OD ... 11~ 11~ I 1~ 11~ I OD ... I 1~ I 1~ I 1~ I 1~ I 1~ I D 11~ 11~ 11~ 11~ 1~ Cu(Il) sulphate gives Which of the following can be deduced from these observations? Which diagram represents the electronic configuration of Cu'? 2 (A) 42. 3d (B) (Ar] 3d (C) [Ari 3d (D) !Ari 43. Which of the following gives a green flame when heated? {A) (B) (C) Magnesium Calcium (D) Copper Sodimn GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE 02i 12010ICAPE2009 - 12 44. Four solutions are each tested with aqueous NH, which is added dropwise Wltil in excess. The following observations are noted . I. II. III. IV. A white precipitate fonns which dissolves in excess ammonia. A white precipitate forms which rapidly oxidises in air to a brown colour. A white precipitate forms which is insoluble in excess ammonia. No precipitate forms. Which of the following options identifies the ions which may be present? I II III IV (A). Zn'· Fc 2• AI" Mg'• (B) Mg'• Mn2.. Zn'· Ca 2• (C) Zn2+. Mn 2+ Mg'• Ca 2"° (D) Zn'' Fe2• Al'' NH; 45. The ionic equation for the fonnation of lead sulphate from lead{II) nitrate ( aq) and sodium sulphate (aq) is (A) (B) Pb2+ (aq)+so/-(aq)~ PbSO,(s) (C) Pb'+ (aq)+ 2sq-(aq)~ Pb(S(\)2 (s) (D) Pb 2+ (aq)+SO,"-(aq)~PbS03 (s) IFYOUFINISHBEFORETIMEISCAIJ.F:D,CHECKYOURWORKONTIHSTEST. 02112010/CAPE2009 TESTCODE02112010 FORMTP2010148 MAY/JlJNE20IO CARIBBEAN COUNCIL ADVANCEDPROFICIBNCYEXAMINATION CHEMISTRY - UNIT 1 PaperOl 90minutes ( 26MAY2010(a.m.)) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. I I. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 90 minutes to answer them. 2. In addition to this test booklet. you should have an answer sheet and a Data Booklet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A). (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. Onyouranswersheet.findlhenumberwhichcorrespondstoyouritemandshadethespacehaving the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item WhichofthefollowingislheHIGHESTenergytransilioninanorganiccompound? (A) (B) (C) (D) n too• Sample Amwer n to x• @@•@ OloO* It to It* The best answer to this item is "o too•'', so answer space (C) has been shaded. liiii - 5. Ifyouwanttochangeyouranswer,besuretoeraseitcompletelybeforeyoufillinyournewchoice. 6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, omit it and goon to the next one. You may return to the omitted item later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet 8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 9. The use of silent. non-programmable calculators is allowed. 00 NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO 00 SO. Copyright©2009CaribbeanExaminalionsCouncil. All rights reserved. ~ ii -.... ..... =::!: liiii 02112010/CAPE2010 - - 1. -2A radioaclive element M of mass number A, s. and atomic number Z, undergoes p decay, followed by a decay. The final elemenl, N will be Which of the following faclors increases the · first ionisation energy of an atom? .. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) ~-IN (B) A-z• N (C) A-4N The bonds in SO,2- ion are BEST described as A-4N (A) (B) 6. (D) Z+I :Z-1 (C) (D) 2. "Br- 50.?% (A) (B) (C) (0) (C) (D) 7. "Br- 49.5% The bond angles in the PH, molecule are the same as thal ofNC13• Its shape would BEST be described as (A) (B) 78.99 79.90 79.99 80.01 An ion Z" contains 23 protons. What is the elecirollic coofiguration of Z'+? (A) (B) (C) (0) 8. [Ar) 3<1° 4s' [Ar) 3d' [Ar] 3d'4s2 [Ar] 3d6 4s2 (A) (B) A Tr bond results from the overlapping of (A) (B) (C) (D) twos orbitals one s and one p orbital two p orbitals end-<>n two p orbitals sideways (D) 9. bipyramidal pyramidal tetrahedral trigonal Which of the following is true about 5 dm'of hydrogen and 5 dm' of oxygen al O'C and ,IOI kPa? They (C) 4. covalent and polar ionic and polar polar, covalent and single polar, covalent and double 'Yhat is the average rela1ive atomic mass of bromine, given lhe following isotopic masses and relalivc abundance? 3. Greater nuclear charge Larger atomic radius Larger number of valence electrons Increased screening by inner electrons contain the same numlrer of moleculcs possess the same amount of kinetic energy react completely with each other react to produce 5 dm' of water Which of the following solids has a giant molecular lattice? (A) (B) (C) (D) Copper Carbon dioxide Magnesium oxide Silicon dioxide GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE O'll 12010ICAPE2010 -3- 10. The simplest fonnula for a compound that contains 50% S and 50% 0 by mass is (A) so (B) so, (C) s,o (D) s,o, 13. Which of the following gases is MOST likely to behave like an ideal gas? Anunonia Heliwn Methane Oxygen (A) (B) (C) (D) Item 14 refers to the following information. 1be enthalpy of solution of sodium chloride at 298 K can be calculated from the data given below. Item 11 refers to the following information. A piece of copper metal is placed in silver nitrate solution, as shown in the diagram below. NaCl(s) -+ Na•(g) + CJ-(g); AH=+787kJmo1· 1 -CuMetal Na• (g) +water -+ Na•(aq); AH "'-406 kJ mol- 1 '--- c1- (g) +water -+ c1-(aq); ~ AH,.-377kJmol· 1 11. Which of the following would MOST likely be observed? (A) (B) (C) (D) 12. Copper metal dissolves and the solution remains colourless. Copper metal is deposited and the solution turns blue. Silver metal fonns and the solution remains colourless. Silver metal forms and the solution turns blue. A gas in a syringe occupies a volume of 50 cm' and has a pressure of 0.49346 atmospheres. What is the pressure of the gas if the plunger of the syringe is pushed in, reducing the volume of the gas to 20 cm'? (1 atmosphere= 10 l 325 Pa) (A) (B) (C) (D) 20kPa 125 kPa 20000kPa 125000kPa 14. Which is the correct value for the enthalpy of solution? -1570 kJ mot-1 -4kJmot-• +4 kJ mo1-• +1570kJmot-' (A) (B) (C) (D) 15. What is the standard heat of reaction (AH.....,.,.,) at 101.325 kPa of pressure and 298 K, for the equation given below? Zn (s) + Cu2• (aq)-+ Zn'• (aq) +Cu (s) AH"- "'+64.4kJmo1- forCu 1 2 • 8 t.H ....,.,. ;-152.4kJmol-' for Zn'• t . H ' - ;OforbothZnandCu (A) (B) (C) (D) -217 kJ mot-' -88.0 kJ mo1-1 +88.0 kJ mo1-1 +217kJmot-• GOONTOTIIENBXTPAOE 02112010CAPE2010 -4- 16. The rate law for a given reaction is Rate= k (A ] 2 (B]. What are the units fork? (A) mo1- 2 c1m-2 s·' (B) mol dm-3 s- 1 (C) mo1- 1 dm 3 s- 1 (D) mo1-2 dm 6 s-• Item 17 refers to the table which shows the rate results for the reaction A+ B ~ C 17. Experiment LAJ (mol dm-') (mol dm-') I 0.10 0.10 Kate of Keacuon (mol dm-•s-1) 0.()()32 2 0.10 0.20 0.0032 3 0.20 0.20 0.0064 !DJ What is the overall order of the reaction? (A) z.ero (B) First Second Third (C) (D) Item 18 refers to the following information. The Boltzmann distribution of molecular energies at two temperatures, T 1 and T 2, is shown below. 18. Which area represents the additional number of molecules having the activation energy, E •• at the higher temperature, T2? (A) X (B) y X+Y X-Y (C) (D) GOONTOnlENEXTPAGE 021120lOCAPl!2010 -519. Which of the following statements does NOT refer to a system in dynamic equilibrium? (A) (B) (C) (0) 20. 23. li:t pure ethanol (C,H,OH), the following equilibrium can exist with ammonium ions. NH; + C 2H,OH ~ NH, + C,H,OH/ The reaction is reversible. The amounts of all the species in the system remain constant. The concentrations of all reactants and products are equal. The rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the backward reaction. Which of the following combinations describes the function of NH,• and C,H,OH according to Brtlnsted-Lowry theory? NH/ (A) (B) (C) (D) For the reaction H, (g)+ 12 (g) ~ 2HI(g) Acid Base Conjugate acid Acid reaching equjlibrium at 444 °C, at I atm pressure, the C,H50H base acid base conjugate base Item 24 refers to the figure below which shows the pH change as propanoic acid is tilrared with sodium hydroxide. value of KP is 50. What .is the value of KP at a pressure of 2 atm at the same temperature? (A) (B) (C) (D) 21. 25 50 100 200 12 pHUI 8 6 4 2 In the Haber process, N,(g) + 3H,(g) ~2NH,(g), aH = -90 • Vol ohodlum bydro:dde added (cm 3) kJmo1-•, the MAXIMUM yield of ammonia is obtained at (A) (B) (C) (D) high temperature and low pressure high temperature and high pressure low temperature and high pressure low temperature and low pressure 24. Which indicator is MOST suitable for this reaction? (A) (B) (C) (D) 22. Indicator pH range Thymolblue Methyl orange Methyl red Phenolphthalein 1.2-2.8 2.9-4.6 4.2-6.3 8.3-10.0 Which of the following acids is the WEAKEST? Acid K, (mol dm-3) (A) 4.9x Hr' 0 l.7x 10-' 6.3 x IO-' 1.3 x 10-3 (B) (C) (0) OOONTOlllENEXTPAOE 02112010CAPl!2010 -6- 25. Item 28 refers to the electrochemical cell A buffer is made by dissolving 28.8 g of sodium benzoate, C,H,COONa, in 1 dm3 of 0.4 mol dm-• benzoic acid, C,H,COOH. K...,..,.,c..,id) =6.4 x 10-'mol dm-3• The pH of the buffer is below. Zn(s) I Zn>+ (aq) II Ag•(aq) /Ag(s) 28. 26. From which half-cell do electrons originate? (A) (B) (C) 2.3 3.9 4.2 (A) Ag•(aq) I Ag(s) (D) 5.0 (B) Zn(s)/ Zn2•(aq) (C) Ag+(aq)/Ag(s) II Zn(s) fZn>+(aq) (D) Zn(s) tzni+(aq) II Ag• (aq) /Ag(s) The solubility product, K , at 298 K for three Group ll metal sulphatesis given below. K 8p(mol 2dm°") I. caso, n. SrSO, BaSO, Ill. Item 29 refers to the following diagram. 2.4 x 10-' 3.2 x 10-7 1.6 x 10-10 Win Which metal sulphate would precipitate out of solution if equal volumes of I 0-3 mol dm·' solution containing the sulphate ion and the Group II metal are mixed? (A) (B) (C) (D) 27. !only I and ll only II and Ill only I, II and m Barium carbonate is more soluble in water than in aqueous sodium carbonate because (A) (B) all barium salts are insoluble barium ions cannot displace sodium icm (C) sodium carbonab: is ionic but barium (D) a common ion effect is present in the carbonate is not 29. Which of the following does NOT occur in the cell shown above? (A) (B) Electrons flow through the wire from the zinc to the magnesium electrode. Magnesium ions migrate into the salt bridge. (C) (D) No current flows when the salt bridge is removed. The reaction at the magnesium electrode is Mg (s) -4 Mg'• (aq) + 2e-. BaCO,INa,CO, mixture GOON T0111ENEXTPAGE O'Zl 1201<K:APE2010 -7Item 30 refers to the diagram of the hydrogen electrodl' below. Hz(&) at o·c ~ / r - - Salt bridp and 1 atm PlaliUed -+---;r--tpladaum electrade 30. The concentration of H • ions The metal used for the electrode The temperature of the gas The pressure of the gas Which of the following graphs BEST illustrates the variation in melting points of the elements Na to Ar? (A) Melting poinl("C) NaM,AI Si P (C) Melting poilll("C) • (D) NaM,Al Si P S Cl Ar 32. e+ What needs to be changed to give this hydrogen electrode an E 0 = O.OOV ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 31. -4--1.0 mol dm-3 NaMgAISi PS Melliq poinl("C) NaM1AISi P S Cl Ar The element, P, in Eel, has an oxidation slate of (A:) (B) (C) (D) +I +3 +4 +5 GO ONTO 1llB NEXT PAGE O'll 12010CAPE2010 -833. Which of the following sets of properties is true for the oxide of sulphur? 34. State at 25 "C Solid Bondingandstructureinoxide pH of aqueous solution (A) (B) (C) Ill (D) IV (B) (C) (D) Solid Ionic lattice Giant covalent Covalent molecular Covalent molecular IO 0 3 1 I II 36. calcium oxide is less stable than barium oxide the calcium ion is larger than the barium ion the lattice energy of calcium oxide is larger than that of barium oxide the standard enthalpy of formation of calcium oxide is less negative than that of barium oxide Group II elements of the periodic table have (A) (B) highmeltingpointsbutlowdensities highmehingpointsandhighelectrical The high melting point of graphite can be attributed to the (A) (B) (C) (D) low densities but high electrical I. II. CXlllductivities (D) low melting points and poor electrical conductivities delocalised electrons hexagonal arrangement of the carbon atoms strong covalent bonds within the layers van der Waals' forces between the layers Silicon dioxide has a structure similar to that of diamond. What are the advantages derived from using silicon dioxide ceramics when compared with steel? CXlllductivities (C) IV Gas 37. 35. III Liquid Calcium carbonate decomposes at a lower temperature than barium carbonate because (A) n I Property of Oxide Ill. (A) (B) (C) (D) Silicon dioxide is less likely to deform under compression. Silicon dioxide has a higher melting point Silicon dioxide is more resistantto oxidation. I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III OOONTOTHENBXTPAGE 02112010CAPE2010 -9 38. Based on its position in Group VII of the periodic table, astatine, at room temperature and pressure, is MOST likely a (A) (B) solid (C) brown gas colourless gas 40. Cu(ll) sulphate gives (a) a deep blue solution with e1<cess NH,(aq) (b) a yellow-green solution with excess concentrated HCI. ~ (D) 39. 42. Which of the following can be deduced from these observations? Which of the following is NOT formed when chlorine reacts with hot aqueous alkali? (A) (B) H;o NaCl (C) NaClO (DJ NaClO, 1be species containing ions or molecules linked to a central atom by coordinate bonds I. The complex ion [Cu(NH,),J'• is formed in (a). II. [Cu(NH,),J'• has a higher stability constant than [Cu(H,0)6 ]'•. lll. [CuCl4J'- has a lower stability constant than [Cu(H,0) 6] 2•. (A) (B) (C) (D) I and II only I and llI only II and III only I, II and III is known as a (A) 43. ligand complex catalyst coordination number (B) (C) (D) hydroxide from chromiwn(Ill) sulphate and dilute NH 3 (aq) is Item 41 refers to the information below. Melting Point Density (oC) (g cm-3) I 1538 7.86 II 660 328 2.70 Element III 41. The ionic equation for the formation of chromiwn (A) Cr,+(aq) +Off (aq)--> Cr,OH (s) (B) Cr"'(aq) + 30H-(aq) --> Cr(OH), (s) (C) Cr"'(aq) + OH-(aq)--> Cr(OH)'• (aq) (D) Cr"'(s) + 30H-(I)--> Cr(OH), (s) 11.34 The transition elements are MOST likely (A) (B) (C) (D )' !only I and II only I and III only II and III only GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE 02112010CAPE2010 - 10Item 44 refers to the following information. White precipitate insoluble in excess White precipitate soluble in excess 44. Which of the following reagents does NOT aid in the identification of 2•? x (A) Aqueous KI Dilute HCI Dilute HN03 Dilute ff,SO, (B) (C) (D) Item 45 refers to the following information. Aqueous BaCl 2 followed by excess dilute HCI is added to EACH of four unknown solutions, I, II, III and IV. 'The following observations are noted. I. Il. Ill. IV. 45. A white precipitate is formed which dissolves in the acid to liberate a gas which decolourises MnO; aq). No precipitate is formed. A dense white precipitate is formed which is insoluble in excess acid. A white precipitate is formed that dissolves in the acid to liberate a gas, which forms a white precipitate with Ca(OH)2(aq). m·c Which of the following options correctly identifies the ions which may be present in EACH solution? I II m IV (A) so 2- CI- HCO- co 2- (B) so42- NO- soi... 3 co 32- . (C) so3 c1- s2- co 32- (D) so32- NO3 so 2- ' 2- ' ' • ' co 32- IFYOUFINISHBEFORETIMEISCAI.I.ED,CHECKYOURWORKONTIDSTEST. 0211201<K:APE2010 -. C D C A C B CAPE Chemistry Unit 1 Paper 1 2012 A D I(...,_ • ....,..- ( I ..- i l.; ! .· 0 ,. ' TEST CODE 02.112010 MAY/JUNE2013 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION"' CHEMISTRY - UNIT 1 Paper 01 1 hour 30 minutes ( 21 M~Y 2013 (a.m.) ) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 45 items. You will have I hour and 30 minutes to answer them. 2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet'and a Data Booklet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choi<;e is best. 4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as.the answer you have cl10sen. Look at the sample item below. Which of the followi11g transitions requires the HIGHEST energy in an organic compound? (A) n to er• (B) n to 7t• (C) 7t to 7t• cr to cr• (D) Sample Answer .. @®©• The best answer to this item is "cr to cr•", so answer space (D) has been shaded. --=·--= 5. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to this item later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. 7. You may do any.rough work in this booklet. 8. Figures are 'not necessarily drawn to scale. 9. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. """"' I · .. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyript C 2011 Caribbean Examin.tions Council A II ri nht• -••'"'•A ~---~--------~ . .~ ·"-' -2l. Which of the following statements is NOT a part of Dalton's atomic theory? (A) (B) (C) (D) Atoms are indivisible. Atoms are characterised by their atomic number. The atoms of an element have identical properties. The atoms of an element differ from those of other elements. 4. Which of the following factors is important in determining the stability of an isotope? (A) (B) (C) (D) 5. Which of the following statements is TRUE about 5 dm 3 of hydrogen and 5 dm' of oxygen at 0 °C and I OJ kPa? Item 2 refers to the following diagram which shows the energy levels for the hydrogen atom and the electronic transitions which produce lines in the visible region. (B) ==========::::;==::i===n=S (C) (A) =_-=i=_-==-~:1=_1::=~-<:!=~-= ::~ Size of atomic radius Number of protons Ratio of protons to electrons Ratio of protons to neutrons (D) They react to produce 5 dm' of water. They possess the same amount of kinetic energy. They contain the same number of molecules. They react completely with each other. - - - - - - - - - - n=l 6. 2. Which of the series below involves transitions from higher energy levels to the n = 2 level? Which of the following solids has a giant molecular lattice? (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (D) 3. Balmer Dalton Lyman Paschen ( C) (D) Carbon dioxide Copper oxide Magnesium oxide Silicon dioxide Which of the following ions has the GREATEST polarizing power? (A) Be'+ (B) Ca2• (C) Li+ (D) Sr• ! ! GO ON TO 11iE NEXT PAGE -3Item 11 refers to the following information. Item 7 refers to the following equation which shows the production of ammonia. N 2(g) + 3H2(g) 7. A piece of copper metal is placed in silver nitrate solution, as shown in the diagram below. .= 2NH,(g) - If I 0 cm' of nitrogen reacts with 30 cm' of hydrogen at STP, what volume of NH, is produced? (A) (B) (C) (D) Cu metal JO cm' 15 cm' 20cm' 40cm' 11. 8. F9r complete reaction, 0.25 g ofa monobasic acid requires IO cm' of0.2 mol dm·' sodium hydroxide. What is the relative molecular mass of the acid? Which of the following observations is correct? (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (D) 9. 10. 12.5 62.5 125 250 (C) (D) The simplest formula for a compound that contains 50% S and 50% 0 by mass is (A) SO (B) (C) so, s,o (D) s,o. • Which of the following gases is MOST likely to have the characteristics of an ideal (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) Mn02 --+ Mn2 + (B), Mno.---+ Mno 2- (C) Mno.---+ MnO, (D) Mn02 --+ Mno.- • ·-. -- .... - 12. Copper metal dissolves and the solution remains colourless. Copper metal is deposited and the solution turns blue. Silver metal forms and the solution turns blue. Silver metal forms and the solution remains colourless. gas? Which ofthe following processes represents an oxidation? """"··~"·"' .I " 13. Ammonia Helium Methane Oxygen A gas in a syringe occupies a volume of 50 cm' and has a pressure of 0.49346 atmospheres. What is the pressure of the gas if the plunger of the syringe is pushed in, reducing the volume of the gas to 20 cm'? (I atmosphere= IOI 325 Pa) (A) (B) (C) (D) 20kPa 125 kPa 20 OOOkPa 125 000 kPa 00 ONro nm NEXT PAGE -414. The second ionisation energy of calcium is 1150 kJ mo1-1 • Which of the following equations represents this statement? kJmot 1 (A) ca• (g) -+ Ca2• (g) + e- L\H = +1150 (B) Ca(g) -+ Ca2+ (g) + 2e- L\H =+1150 (C) ca• (g) -+ Ca2• (g) + e- L\H =-1150 (D) Ca (g) -+ Ca,. (g) + 2e- L\H =-1150 Item 15 refers to the following standard enthalpies of combustion for carbon, hydrogen and octane. kJmot 1 Carbon Hydrogen Octane 15. The standard enthalpy of formation of octane, -394 -286 -5476 MJ , is calculated using (C) MIJ (octane)= -8 (-394}-9(-286)-5476 kJ rnoJMIJ (octane)= -8 (-394}-9(-286)-{-5476) kJ mo1MIJ (octane)= 8 (-394) + 9(-286)-{-5476) kJ mo1- (D) L\H1 (octane)= 8 (-394)-9(-286)-{-5476) kJ mo1- 1 (A) (B) 1 1 8 • 1 • • 00 ON TO T1IE NEXTPAOE -5Item 16 refers to the following reaction which occurs in the presence of dilute acid. CH,COCH, (aq) + 12 (aq)--+ CH) COCH, (aq) + H• (aq) + 1- (aq) 16. The rate equation for the reaction is Rate = k[CH,COCH, (aq)] [H'{aq)). Which of the following equations BEST illustrates the SLOW step? (A) (Il) (C) (D) 0 OH II I CH,-C-CH, + H• -+CH,-C-CH, Ea 0 l II I CH,- C-CH, + 12 --+ CH,-C-CH, + 1Ea 0 l II I CH,- C - CH, + 1- --+CH,- C - CH, Ea 0 OH II I CH-C-CH , , +I, +H• -+CH-C , I -CH, l i I r I • 17. The rate Jaw for a given reaction is Rate= k[A) 2 [B] . What are the units fork? (A) (B) (C) (D) moJ-2 dm-2 s- 1 mo) dm-3 s- 1 moJ- 1 dm' s- 1 mo1-2 dm' s- 1 • GO ON TO 1liE NEXT PAGE -618. Which of the following phrases BEST describes the relationship between the half-life of a second order reaction and the reactants? (A) (B) (C) (D) 20. (A) (B) Dependent on the initial concentration of the reactants Independent of the initial concentration of the reactants Dependent on the state of the reactants Dependent on the final concentration of the reactants Item 19 refers to the following equilibrium. N, (g) + 0 2 (g) Which of the following statements ·does NOT refer to a system in dynamic equilibrium? (C) (D) 21. Which of the following statements about a catalyst would be true? ~ 2NO(g), LlH =+I 80 kJ moJ· 1 I. 19. The reaction is reversible. The amounts of all the species in the system remain constant. The concentrations of all reactants and products are equal. The rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the backward reaction. Which of the curves in the diagram below shows how increasing temperature affects the yield of the product? II. Ill. (D) (A) (B) (C) .CD) 22. -----,(A) Temperature (UC) It increases the equilibrium constant for the forward reaction only. It increases the equilibrium constant for both the forward and backward reactions. It has no effect on the position of equilibrium. I only III only I and III only II and III only The value of Kp for the equilibrium reaction H2 (g) + 12 (g) ~ 2HJ (g) at 444 'C at I atm pressure is 50. What is the value of KP if the pressure is changed to 2 atm and the temperature remains the same? (A) 25 (B) 50 (C) (D) 100 200 • 00 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -723. In pure ethanol, (C,H,OH), the following equilibrium can exist with ammonium ions. NH; + C2H50H ~NH,+ C,H,OH,+ Which of the following combinations describes the functions of NH; and C,H,OH according to the Bronsted-Lowry theory? NH• ' (A) (B) (C) (D) Acid Base Conjugate acid Acid 24. The results for four experiments which . investigated the reaction between propanaone and iodine (ca~lysed by acid) are given in the table below. Expt (H•] [Propanone] [Iodine] Rate I I 0.5 I 10.8 2 0.5 I 3 4 0 0.5 0.25 I 5.3 5.4 0 0.5 0.5 10.6 C2H 50H Base Acid Base Conjugate base Which ofthe following graphs represents the order of reaction with respect to propanone? (A) Rate [Propanone) (B) • Rate [Propanone) (C) Rate [Propanone) (D) Rate lPs » I • M1, ..,~,,.,,..A~"'"'.., 00ONTO1llE NEXT PAGE l r - 8- 25. Which of the following expressions represents the solubility product of iron(lll) hydroxide? (A) (B) 27. (A) (B) (C) (0) [Fe>+] [JOH-] [Fe 3+] [OH-]3 [Fe(OH) 3 ] (C) [Fe1 •] [30H-]3 (D) [Fe1 •] [OH-] 3 mol dm-' mol' dm-6 moP dm_. mol 4 dm-12 Which·ofthe following indicators is MOST suitable for use when titrating a weak acid against a strong base?· Indicator (A) (B) (C) (0) 28. 26. · Silver chromate(VI), Ag,Cr04 , is sparingly soluble in water. The units. for the solubility product (K,,,) for silver chromate(VI) are pH of Change Colour Change Acid ~Alkali 3.5 red -+ yellow red-+ blue yenow -+ blue colourless -+ pink Methyl orange Litmus Bromothymol blue Phenolphthalein 6.0 7.0 9.5 A weak acid, HX, dissociates as follows: HX(aq) .= x-(aq) + H'(aq) -The -dissocfation ·coiitint, K-; for the above reaction Is 1.0 x llf1,-mol am-3 .-w!tafwill oo the-• approximate pH of 1.0 x 10-2 mol dm-1 HX? (A) (B) (C) (D) 29. S 6 7 8 Using standard electrode potentials, which of the following reactions would be MOST feasible? (A) (B) (C) (D) Zn(s) + Cu''(aq)-+ Zn'+ (aq) + Cu(s) Zn(s) + Pb2•(aq) -+ Zn 2+(aq) + Pb(s) Pb(s) + Zn2•(aq) -+ Pb2• (aq) + Zn(s) Ca(a) + Zn2+(aq)- Cu,. (aq) + Zn(•) • 00ONTO11fE NEXT PAOE ... -9- Item 30 refers to the electrochemical cell below. Zn(s) I Zn 2• (aq) II Ag+ (aq) IAg(s) 30. In the cell shown above, electrons originate from (A) 31. Zn( s) I Zn''( aq) (C) Ag•(aq) I Ag(s) II Zn(s) I Zn2'(aq) (D) Zn(s) I Zn''(aq) II Ag• (aq) IAg(s) Which of the following sets of oxides is classified rorrectly? (D) Acidic Amphoteric Basic co, CuO MgO so, so, Al,03 so, co P,0 10 Feature (A) (B) (C) State at 25 °C Solid Solid Liquid Barium Beryllium Magnesium Strontium Gas 10 0 7 I Match EACH oxide below with one of the options (A, B, C, or D) above. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 33. Oxide of silicon B 34. Oxide of sulphur D 35. Group II elements of the periodic table have Cao (A) Na,O so, (B) (€) Which of the following elements reacts very slowly with cold water and burns with a bright white flame? (A) (B) (C) (D) (D) Bonding and Ionic Giant Covalent Covalent Structure in Oxide lattice covalent molecular molecular pH of Aqueous Solution (B) (A) (B) (C) 32. Ag'(aq) I Ag(s) Items 33-34 refer to the information in the following table. (D) 36. high melting points and low dens4ties high electrical conductivities and low densities high melting points and high electrical conductivities low melting points and poor electrical conductivities The high meli:ing point of graphite ~an be attributed to the (A) (B) (C) (D) delocalised electrons hexagonal arrangement of the carbon atoms van der Waals' forces between the layers strong covalent bonds within the layers ,..,.., _..., ____ . ____ _ • - I0 - 37. (A) (B) (C) (D) 38. (D) 40. Aluminium Chlorine Sulphur Phosphorus 1000 900 800 700 0 s 600 g 500 400 11-1 300 200 100 0 ~ - When AgNO,(aq) is added to fluoride ions followed by NH3(aq) the result is (A) (B) (C), 39. Item 41 refers to the graph below showing the first ionisation energy (IE) of some elements. Which of the following elements in the third period has the same oxidation number in ALL of its known compounds? no precipitate white silver fluoride yellow silver fluoride cream-coloured ammonium fluoride Elements 41. In which of the following options are the halide ions placed in order of INCREASING reducing power? (A) Br-, Cl -, 1- (B) Cl-, 1-, Br· Ca Sc Ti V Cr MnFe Co Ni Cu Zn The sharp increase from copper (Cu) to zinc (Zn) is caused by filled (A) (B) (C) (D) 4s-orbitals d-orbitals 4s and d-orbitals 4s-orbitals and half-filled d-orbitals (C) c1-, Br·,1- Item 42 refers to the information in the table below. (D) I-, Br-, Cl - Element On heating CaSO• strongly, it decomposes into CaO and SO,(g). CaCO, decomposes ani mucfi lower temperature than CaSO,. Which of the following factors BEST explains the greater thermal stability of CaSO,? (A) (B) (C) (D) CaC03 has a higher lattice energy than Caso,. CO, is a smaller molecule than SO,. The co, 2 - ion is more easily polarised than the SO,'-ion. The co,>- ion has a higher charge density than the so,>- ion. 42. I Melting Point (°C) 1538 Density II 660 2.70 III 328 11.34 (g cm-l) 7.86 Which of the elements in the table can be classified as transition? (A) (B) (C) (D) I only II only I and II only II and Ill only • 00ONTO11fE NEXT PAOE - 11 - 43. Items 44-45 refer to the following options. Which of the following metals gives a green flame when heated? (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Calcium Copper Magnesium Sodium A central ion in a complex A ligand An octahedral complex A tetrahedral complex Match EACH formula below with one of the options (A, B, C or D) above. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 44. [Co(H,O)J>+ C 45. CH,NH 2 B • END OF TEST. IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. • 02112010/CAPE 2013 c x?L CAPE Chemistry ;.t Unit 1 Paper 1 2014 / -laexat%'-.nit J (----/ 1. Ilem ? refers to the following graph which shows the log of successive ionization energies for ten electrons of an element, P. Which of the following factors increases the first ionization energY of an dtom? (A) (B) (C) (D) Greater nuclear charge Larger atomic radius Larger number ofvalence electrons $o L Increased screening bY inner E+ q) E5 6l electrons N EJ h0t :l 2 3 4,5 6 7 8 9 l0 Number of electrons lost Element P is MOST likelY (A) (B) (C) (D) chlorine magnesium neon sodium Item 3 refers to the following mass spectrum of chlorine gas' q) ql q) c) 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 7s E0 mJe 3. If the peak at P represents the 35Cl* ion, which of the following ions repres#tthe respectively? (A) (B) (C) (D) 37Cl* and (3?Cl- 37Cl)+ 37Cl* and (tt cl- 35 cl)* 37Cl* and (3scl- 3scl)+ 37Cl* and (35C1- 37Cl)+ peaks at Q and T -3Item 4 refers to the following sketch which shows the variation of the boiling points of the hydrides of Group V. 6. The bond angles in the PH, molecule are the same as that of NClr. Its shape would BEST be described as U c (A) (B) bipyramidal pyramidal (c) tetrahedral (D) trigonal 00 7. NHg PHg AsH3 SbH3 at 0 oC and l0l kPa? Hydrides 4. Which of the following statements is true of5 dm3ofhydrogen and 5 dm3 ofoxygen Ammonia has the highest boiling point (A) because (A) (B) They react to produce 5 dm3 of water. (B) They react completely with each (c) other. They possess the same amount of (D) kinetic energy. They contain the same number of the N-H bond is the shortest and strongest there are more van der Waals forces between NH, molecules (c) there is hydrogen bonding between (D) NH, molecules the eletronegativity of nitrogen is molecules. The following equation represents the reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric much higher than that of the other elements in the group acid. J. Mg + 2H. -.+ Mg2* * H, Which of the following features describes potassium bromide? The molar volume of a gas at rtp is 24 dm3. (A) A network of covalentlv bonded (el Asubstancewhich boilsat59 oC and decomposes at high temperatures A solid with a very high molar enthalpy of vaporization which does rrot conduct electriciw when in a liquid state A non-conducting solid which melts The volume of gas produced at rtp when 1.2 g of Mg reacts with hydrochloric acid is atoms (c) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) L2 dml 2.4 dm3 12.0 dm3 24.0 dm3 to form a liquid that conducts electricity 9. The simplest formula for a compound that contains 50% S and 50o/o O by mass is (A) . so (B) So, (c) S,o (D) n?l l?nln/aADtr ?nl/ SrOo GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -4- 10. When 86 g of the ionic salt, CaSOo.xHrO, is heated so that all of its water of 12. In which of the following chemical reactions is sulfur reduced? crystallization is driven off and 68.0 g - of Caso. remain, the value of x is (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 11. 14. S + Oz (B) 2SO, + Or* 2SO, (C) SO, + HrO - SOz - H2So4 1D) 2HrSoo+ cu * cuSoo a Soz + 2Hzo Deviations from ideal gas behaviour generally occur under conditions of (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) 13. low pressure and low temperature low pressure and high temperature high pressure and low temperature high pressure and high temperature Which of the following gases is MOST likely to behave like an ideal gas? (A) (B) (C) (D) Ammonia Helium Methane Oxygen The standard enthalpy changes for two reactions are as follows: 2Fe(s) + r Or(C) ? 2 - FerOr(s), AH* = -822 kJ mol-' C(s) + I O"(g) -- CO(B), AII* : -110 kJ mol-' 1 L What is the standard enthalpy change, in kJ, for the reaction Fe,O, (s)+ 3C(s) -+ 2Fe(s) + 3CO(g) ? I (A) -e32 (B) -7r2 (c) 4e2 (D) +492 -\t GO ON TO TFItr NItr\'T D^^tr Which of the following starements may be true about the kinetic theory of an ideal gas? 15. L IL 18. Attractive forces are strong between molecules. (A) Nr(e) + rHr(s) t==i zNH,(e) Average kinetic energy of the (B) molecules is proportional to the absolute temperature. Volume of molecules is negligible III. (A) Ill only (B) I and III only (C) II and III only (D) I,ll and III SOr(e) + Or(B);:::izSO,(e) (C) 2cHClFr(g)a-" C,Fo(g; + 2HCl(g) compared to that ofthe container. (D) CH4G) + H,Q(g);=: CO(g) + 3H,(g) 19. Which of the following statements about dynamic equilibrium is NOT true? (A) The forward reaction proceeds The activation energy of a reaction 16. In which of the following reactions would Ko have units of atm-2? at the same rate as the reverse (A) (B) (C) (D) is unaffected by a catalyst is an energy barrier to the reaction is affected by temperatures reduces the speed of the reactant molecules (B) (C) Item 17 refers to the table which shows the rate results for the reaction A + B + C IAI IBI Rate of reaction (mol dm-r) (moldm'3) (moldm'3 s'r; I 0.10 0.10 0.0032 2 0. r0 0.20 0.0032 J 0.20 0.20 0.0064 Experiment (D) reaction. The concentrations of the reactants and products are constant throughout the course of the reaction. Dynamic equilibrium can only be achieved in a sYstem where no materials are added or removed. aPParent change There but both forward and reverse is no reactions continue to take Place at equal rates. 20. The value of K. for the equilibrium shown below is 860 at25oC. tt,(e)+lr(e)F2HI(g) L7 . What is the OVERALLorder ofthe reaction? (A) (B) Zero First (c) Second (D) Third What is the value of K" at 25 'C for the following equi libri um? L nr<e) * + Hl(g) (A) 2e (B) zts (c) 430 (D) 1720 co n? r I ?n l n-l. LDQ 'rAr A lr(g) ff 9N ro rHE NEXT PACE -624. 2L. In the Haber Process, Nr(g) + lHr(e) ;-+2NH3(g), obtained at high tempeiature and low pressure high temperature and high pressure low temperature and high pressure' (A) Acid (B) Base (C) Conjugate acid ioi Acid ?< 2P(aq) + Q(aq)"* 2R(aq) K.' 23. mol dm-3 dm3 mol-r Base Acid Base conjugate base Which ofthe following pairs of substances would make a good buffer? (A) (B) (C) are (A) (B) (C) (D) c2HsOH NfI4* low temperature and low pressure Compounds R Q and R form an equilibrium as shown below. *NHr+c,HsoH2* Which of the combinations below describes the functions of NH,* and C2H'OH according to the Brdnsted-Lowry theory? the MAXIMUM Yield of ammonia is The units for the equilibrium constant' equilibrium can existwith ammontum lons' NHo*+ c2H5oH - AH = -90 kJ mol-r, (A) (B) iCi (D) In pure ethanol, C2H'OH, the following iol HCI(aq) and NaCl(aq) HCI(aq) and NHoCI(aq) NHr(ae) and NHoC(aq) NHI(aq) and NaNo,(ag) mol2 dm{ 25 oC is dm6 mol-2 BaSOo is The pH of a 0.03 moldma HCI solution (A) 0.s2 (B) 1.52 (c) 3.00 (D) 3.s1 The solubility product of BaSOo at i x 10-'o moli dm*. The number of moles of that will dissolve in I dm3 of water to form a saturated solution is (A) (B) (C) (D) , 71 I x 10-'o 2 x 10-'o 1 x lOa 2 x l0-5 The expression for the solubility product' k,o, of lead iodide is (A) [nu'.] [zr'] (B) [ro'.] [t ]* ^,12r--'12 (c) -LPb-.1L2r'J ^,t2 rr-]2 (D) rLPb"J LI'J t 6A tF -t a lrrt'F -7 28. Precipitation of a sparingly soluble salt occurs on addition of a common ion ONLy if the ionic product is Item 30 refers to the following diagram of an electrochemical cell. Wire (A) (B) (Ci (D) 29. less than K,o greater than K_- Jqualto K,o equalto (K,)2 sP What is the potential for a cell with the following reaction? Zn(s) + Brr(ag) (A) (B) (c) (D) - Znz*(aq) + 2Br{aq) 30. [+1.07 + (- 0.76)] v [-r.07 + (- 0.76)] v [-r.07 - (- 0.76)] v [+1.07 - (- 0.76)] v Which of the following situations does NOT occur in the cell shown above? (A) (B) (c) (D) No current flows when the salt bridge is removed. Magnesium ions migrate into the salt bridge. Electrons flow through the wire from the zinc to the magnesium electrode. The reaction at the magnesium electrode is Mg(s)+Mg2*(aq)+2e-. 31. Which element burns in oxygen to form an amphoteric oxide? (A) (B) (C) (D) Aluminium Magnesium Sodium Sulfur GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE n?l l?nln/cAptr ?014 -8Items 32-33 refer to the following properties of four oxides, A, B, C and D. Name of Oxide (A) (B) (c) (D) State at 25 "C Solid Solid Liquid Gas Bonding and structure in oxide Ionic lattice Giant covalent Covalent molecular Covalent molecular oH of mixture with water l0 Match each oxide below with an option, A, B, C or D, above. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 34. a) Oxide of silicon B ?? Oxide of sulfur D Silicon carbide has a structure similar to that of diamond. What are the advantages 35. of using silicon carbide ceramics compared with steel? I. Silicon carbide is less likely to II. deform under comPression' Silicon carbide has a higher melting (A) (B) Point. III. Silicon carbide is more resistant to oxidation. (A) (B) (C) (D) I and II onlY I and III onlY Which of the following statements about oxides of the elements in Period 3, sodiurn to chlorine, is NOT true? (C) (D) II and III onlY I, II and lll 36. Across the Period, the oxides change from basic to amPhoteric to acidic character' The oxides react with water to form alkaline solutions. The oxidation number of the element in the oxide increases across the Period. The structure ofthe oxides changes from giant ionic to simPle covalent molecules. Which of the following properties belong to Group II elements of the periodic table? (A) High melting points and low (B) Low melting points and PQor densities n electrical conductivities (c) Low densities and poor electrical (D) High melting points and high conductivities electrical conductivities GO ON TO THF.NtrXT PArltr -9 - 37. Which of the following chlorides of Group IV elements is the BEST electrical 40. (a) conductor? (A) PbCt4 (B) SiCl4 (C) GeClo Cu(ll) sulfate gives a deep blue solution with excess NHr(ae) (b) solution with excess concentrated HCl. a yellow-green Which of the following deductions can be made from these observations? (D) 38. 39. CCr4 I. The comPlex ion [CuQ'lHr)o]2* is formed in (a). temperature and pressure, is MOST likely a II. [Cu$lHr)oJ2* has a higher stability constant than [Cu(HrO)u]t*' (A) (B) (C) (D) ' III. [CuCloJ'?- has a lower stability constant than ICu(HrO)u]'*. I and II onlY I and III onlY ions (A) (B) (C) (D) Based on its position in Group VII of the periodic tabte, astatine, at room solid liquid brown gas colourless gas When agNOr(ad is added to fluoride followed by NH.(aq), the result is (A) (B) (C) (D) II and III onlY I, II and III Item 41 refers to the following information' yellow silver fluoride no precipitate white silver fluoride cream-colouredammoniumfluoride i 4L. Element Melting Point ec) Density (g cm-t) (A) (B) 1538 660 2.70 (c) 328 (D) l 490 'n 1 i{ 11.34 1.54 Which of the elements, A, B, C or D, is MOST likely a transition element? A GO na 1 l in 1n/,-i A llT: 7.86 9N ro THE NEXr PACE l0 42. The equation for the reaction between Which of the following elements gives a 44. green flaf'ne when heated? chlorine and cold dilute aqu€ous sodium hydroxide is as follows: (A) (B) (C) (D) Cl"(g) + 2NaOH(a9) * NaCl(aq) + NaCIO(aq) + H.O(l) Magnesium Calcium Sodium Copper This reaction can BEST be described as an example of Item 45 refers to the following information. (A) (B) (C) (D) 43. decomposition displacement disproportionation dissociation 2+ \ Which ofthe following transition elements has an unpaired electron in an s-orbital? (A) (B) (C) (D) Chromium Manganese Nickel Titanium White precipitate insoluble in excess White precipitate soluble in excess 45. Which of the following reagents does NOT aid in the identification of X2*? (A) (B) (c) (D) Aqueous KI Dilute HCI Dilute HNo3 Dilute H,SO4 END. OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. \ o|t12olO/CAPE 2014 I'ji. : (- :r>:. it,:;. .. .': t'i':t.. . '' G.:* : .' PRINT your nemc on thc llnc bclow rnd, thi! boolht wllhyour rnrwcnchcct. Fraldrc to do so mry rcult In dbqudllcrtlorl TEST CODE F'ORM TP 20151 OzLIzOfi MAY/JUNE 20I5 CARTBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCII, CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION@ CHEMISTRY. UNIT I Paper 0l I hour 30 minutesl 19 MAY 2015 (4.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING, INSTRUCTIONS CAR.EFULLY; t. This testconsists of 45 items. You will have I houn and 30 minutes to answer them. 2. ln addition to this test booklet, you should have an,answer sheet and a data booklet. 3. Each item in this test has fbur suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C)' (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen, Look at the sample item below. Sample ltem Which of the tbllowing energy transitions is the HIGHEST in an organic comPound? (A) (B) (C) (D) Sample Answer @. o@ n to ot o to o* n to fi+ E to 7r* Tlre correct answer to this item is "6 to o*", so (B) has been shaded. s 6. t- --t.!J- rla lf you want to change your answer, erase it completely betbre you fill in your new choice. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as caref'ully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 9. You rnay use a silent. non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. - L'upyright O 20 | 3 Caribbean Exarninations Council ,\ll riqhts reservcd' :, ;V:i :1 I v 2L Which of the fbllowing statements is NOT a part of Dalton's atomic theory? (A) (B) When an atom of liEU is bombarded with a neutron, how many fundamental particles (protons - p, neutrons - n and electrons.- e) dbes an atom of the PRODUCT contain? f,. Atoms are indivisible. Atoms are characterized by their atomic number. (C) The atoms of an element have (D) identical properties. The atoms of an element differ from those, of other elements. 2. e (A) (B) 9l t46 9l 92 147 92 (c) 93 t46 93 (D) 93 147 93 Item 6 refers to the data in the following (c) (D) ionic bonds covalent bonds hydrogen bonds Van der Waals forces table. Atomic Mass (amu) Which of the following pairs of elements combine to produce naturally occurring compounds with formulae tYPe XY? (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. n The intermolecular forces pr€sent in ice are (A) (B) 3. p Sodium and sulfur Sodium and nitrogen Magnesium and chlorine Magnesium and sulfur 1.4 =6 Pb 24.1 22.1 52.4 :0t Pb 6. Based on the data in the table above, the relative isotoPic mass of lead is (A) (B) (C) (D) 706.24 amu 207.24 amu 207.30 amu 208.30 amu Item 7 refers to the fbllowing equation tbr tlre production of ammonia. (A) @ :or Pb r07 Pb Which of the following diagrams represents a pi (r) bond? (B) Abundance (%) N,(e)+3H,(g) - 2NH.(g) 7. tf l0 cmi of nitrogen reacts with 30 cmr of hydrogen at STB rvhat volume of NH', is produced? (c) 8 (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) l0 cml l5 cmr 20 cm3 40 cmi (iO ON l'O fllF: NEX I'Pi\(iFl .38:. Item, l2 refers, to the tbllowing energy profile diagram; The first five ionization energies,,, of an. element. X, are given in the fbllowing table; Number, I.E. (kI mol-r) ! I 403 J 4 5 2633 3860 5080 6850 From thedataabove, itcan bededuced that Xisa (A) (B) (c) (D) Group I metal, Transition metal Group lV element Croup V element Productr. Reecdon petb.- 9; For complete reactioni 0,25 g of a monobasic acid requires l0 cmr of 0.2 mol dm:3 sodium 12. hydroxide; What is the relative molecular mass,of the acid? (A), P (B) Q. (c) (Q + P) (D) (Q - P) (A) tz.s (B) 62.s (c) r2s.0 (D) 2s0.0 13. 10. Which of the following processes rcpresents an oxidation? ll. (A) MnO, -+ Mn2* (B) MnOr- -+ MnO*2- (C) MnO.,- -+ MnO, (D) MnO, -+ MnO,- What is the activation energy of the. REVERSE reaction? A gas, in a syringe occupies a volume of 50 cmr and has a pressure of 0.49 atmosphercs. What is the pressure of the gas if the plungerofthe syringe is pushed in, reducing the volume of the gas to 20 cmr? (l atmosphere= l0l 325Pa) (A) (B) (C) (D) 20 kPa 125 kPa 20 000 kPa 125 000 kPa Which of the fbllowing groups of solids contains substances that ALL have giant structures? (A) (B) (c) (D) lce, iodine. iron Graphite. iron, sodium fluoride Carbon dioxide. magnesium oxide. silicon( lV) oxide lodine, silicon(lV) oxide, sodium fluoride GO ON TO l'l-lE,\EX'f PACE -4l{. 18. The simplest formula for a compound that contains 50% S and 50% O bY rnass is (A) (B) (A) so (B) (c) release hydrogen gas into solution act as an inert metal connection to the H,/H* system SO, (C) allow Platinumf ions to go lnto S,O (D) reduce the surface areas rvhich allows an' equilibrium to be established in the'Hy'H* system ' (D) sro. 15. In a standard hydrogen halt:'cell, a platinum electrode is used to A sffdent was asked to carry out an experiment to investigate the prop€rtles 19. of ionic and covalent compounds' Which' of the following experiments: should the solution Ammonia is removed. from the system represented bY the equation; + student use? N,(e)'+ lu,(e) l. ll. Itl. EnthalPY of combustion Which of the following statements about the system is FALSE?, (A) (B) (C) (D) I and Il onlY I and lll onlY It and lll onlY l, ll and lll Determination of melting point ElectricalconductivitY 2NH3(g). (A) K. remains constant: igl 'fhere is a change in all concentrations. equilibrium position remains The (C) (D) tlre same, Tlre rates of both tbrward and reverse reaction decrease: t6. What is the effect on a chemical reaction of introducing a catalYst in it? (A) (B) ici iOl 17. 20. The activation energy is lowered' The rate of the reaction is doubled' The rate of the reaction is decreased' The catalYst is consumed in the reaction. The rate law for a given reaction is Rate = ktAls [B] . what are the units for (A) (B) (C) (D) The reaction 2AB(g) * A{g) + B.(g) has tlre rate law, Rate = k tABl. lf the half-life is 253 s, then the value of the velocity constant (k) at the temperature of the reaction is (A) (B) (C) (D) 365,08 s 365.08 s-' 2.74 x lOa s 2.74 x l0-3 s-l k? mol-2dm-z s-r mol dm-3 s-' mol-r dmr s-' mol-2 dm6 s-r (iO ON fO'[l'lE NEX f Pi\Cti 52t. Which of the acids in the table below is the WEAKEST? 22. The results for four experiments which investigated the reaction between propanone and iodine (catalysed by acid) are given in Acid K" (mol dmd) (A) (B) 4.9 x l0-ro (c) 6.3 x l(F I I 0.5 I (D) 1.3 x l0-3 1 0.5 0.5 I s.3 J 0 0.25 I 5.4 4 0 0.5 0.5 r0.6 1.7 x l0-5 the table below. Expt lH.l lPropanonel The value of Ko fbr the equilibrium reaction llodinel H. (g) + l: (g) i= 2Hl (g) at 444 oC and Wh ich of the following graphs represents the. I atm pressure is 50. order of reaction with respect to propanone? What is the value of Ko if the pressure is changed to 2 atm and the temperature (A) remains the same? (A) 2s (B) so (c) loo (D) IPropenoncl 200 (B) 23. Rate l0.8 Equilibrium is established in the reaction X (aq) + Y (aq) r=+ Z(aq). tf the equilibrium concentrations are [X] = 0.2 rnol dmr. [Y] = 0.: mol dm-r and [Z]= 0.6 mol dm{, which of the following values is correct fbr the equilibrium constant K.? (A) (B) (C) (D) IPropanonel 0.1 mol dml 0.1 rnol-rdm-l 10.0 moldm-t 10.0 mol-'dml (c) lPropanonel (D) lPropanonel CO ON TI) I-IIE NEX f PA( iE .625. The solubility product, K,o, ot 298 K for three Group ll metal sult'ates is given in the tbllowing table. 28. A weak acid, HX. dissociates as tbllows: HX(aq)+X-(aq)+H'(aq) 'Ihe Sulfate K (moll tm{) I CaSO, 2.4 x l0-5 lt SrSO., 3.2 x l0-7 ill BaSO. 1.6 x l0-'o above is 1.0 x | 0-12 mol dm-3' What will be the aPProximate PH of 1.0 x l0-2 mol dmj HX? (A) (B) Which metal sulfate would precipitate out dm'l of solution if equal volumes of l0n mol solution containing the sulfate ion and the Group II metalare mixed? (A) Ill onlY (B) I and ll onlY (C) ll and III onlY (D) I,Il and lll 26. 27. 29. 8 Marine animals such as oysters and other shellfish rely on the slow precipitation of calcium carbonate to form their shells' Which of the following properties help this Greater ionic Product of Ca:' and ll. Greater solubilitY Product of lll. Smaller solubility product of CaCOr(s) CaCOr(s) (A) (B) (C) (D) lJarium carbonate is more soluble in water than in aqueous sodium carbonate because (D) (D) COr2- ions mola dm-r2 barium carbonate is not a common ion efTect is present in the BaCOrNa,CO, mixture (c) 6 7 t. moldm-3 moF dm-u moP dm-e (A) all barium salts are soluble igl barium ions cannot disPlace sodium ions (C) sodium carbonate is ionic but 5 process? Silver chromate(Vl), AgCrOo' is sparingly soluble in water. The uniis for the solubility product (K,) for silver chromate(Vl) are (A) (B) (C) (D) dissoc iation contant, K", for the reaction 30. I and Il onlY | and lll onlY II and lll onlY l, ll and lll (Sn) The standard electrode potential of tin (s), E"=-0'14 V' is Sn:'(aq) +2eln which of the following equations is the rnetal UNABLE to reduce Sn3*? +Sn (A) igi iCi (D) Mgt'(aq) *2e- -+ Mg(s), E"=-2'38 V Fe:.(aq; +2e- + Fe(s), E"=-0'44 V Zn2.(aq) 17e- + Zn(s), E"=-0'76V Pbr'(aq) +2e- -+ Pb(s), E"=-0'13 V (]o oN f() I't'lE Nlix',l'P,{GE . ai?::- ' - . t!::i!: -7 - 'e;J..!:" -5:,i.r.: . j-'t ' 31. Which, of the tbllowing ions ltas, the GREATEST polarizing power? (A) Bd' (B) Car* (c) (D) 32. (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of: the tbllowing t'actors. BEST explain why barium carbonate, BaCO' is rnore stable than magnesium carbonatq. MgCO.,,lvhen heated? l. Mgt' and CO.,:- ore: v€F/ different, in size. Li* ll. Ba:' and COrs- are very different in Sre"' lll: Ba2+ and COr2- are similar in size: (A) (B) (C) (D) | and II only I and lll only It and lll only l, Il and IIt- Which'of the following properties increase on descending the Group ll elements? I. ll. Ill: 33. 34. Atomic radii lonization energy' lonic radii , 35. Based, on its' position in Group' VII of the periodio table, astatine; at room temperaturer and pressure, is MOST likely a I and ll only I and III only (A) (B) (C) (D) II and III only I, II and lll Silicon carbide has a structure similar to tlrat of diamond; What are,the advantages, derived from using silicon carbidE ceramics size: 36, solid liquid brown gas colourless gas Which of thE following properties does when compared with steel? NOT describe transition elements? I. (A) (B) (C) (D) ll. lll. Silicon carbide is less likely to deform under compression. Silicon carbide has a higher melting point. Silicon carbide is more resistant to oxidation. (A) (B) I and ll only I and lll only (c) ll and lll only I, ll and III (D) Forming complex ions Showing variable oxidation states Often ret'erred to as non-magnetic Present in the d-block of the periodic table (.i(-) ()Nl 'f() l'lllr. FIEX'f ll\(lE 837. Which of the tbllowing elements in the third period has the SAME oxidation number in ALL of its knorvn compounds? (A) (B) (C) (D) {0. into CaO(s) and SO.,(g). CaCO., decomposes rt a much lolver temperature than CaSO.. Aluminium Which of the following factors BEST explains the greater thermal stability of Chlorine CaSO.? Sultur (A) Phosphorus (B) (C) Item 3E refers to the graph below showing the first ionization energy (lE) of some (D) elements. f 1000 eoo 800 .tl. E ;5 700 600 CaCO., has a higher lattice energy than CaSO". CO, is a smaller molecule than SOr. The COr'- ion is tnore easilY polarized than the SOr:- ion. The CO.,r- ion has a higher charge density than the SO.2- ion. When concentrated H.SO{ is added to solid potassium iodide, the observations are white steamy fumes and E s00 400 (A) (B) (C) (D) 300 200 100 0 On heating CaSO. strongly, it decomposes Ca Sc fi V CrMnFeCoNl CuZn a white solid a brown liquid a rotten egg smell nothing else Elements J8. 'Ihe sharp increase from copper (Cu) to zinc Item 42 refers to the information in the following table. (Zn) is caused by filled (A) (B) (C) (D) 39. 4s-orbitals only 4d-orbitals only 4s-orbitals and 4d-orbitals 4s-orbitals and half-filled 4d-orbitals Element The ionic equation tbr the formation of chromium hydroxide from chromium( I I l) sulfate and dilute NH., (aq) is (A) CP- (aq) + OH- (aq) (B) Ct'-(s) + 3OH-(l) + Cr(OH)., (s) (C) Cd'(aq) + OH-(aq) + C(OH)r= (aq) (D) Cd.(aq) + 3OH-(aq) + Cr(OH), (s) + Cr.,OH (s) 12. Melting Point ("C) Density (g cmt) I | 538 7.86 II 660 2.70 ill 328 I t.34 Which of the elements in the table can be c lassifi ed as transition? (A) (B) (C) (D) | only ll only | and ll only II and lll only CJO ()N I'0 I'I.IE NEX T PACE s-,*:i; "?i" i:-:: 9Elements can be classified by their response to externally applied magnetic fields as diamagnetic, paramagnetic and non'magnetic. Which of the following elements is considered to have a high degree of para-magnetism? (A) (B) (C) (D) 14. Sc Zn Which of the following compounds would produce the LOWEST pH rvhen 0.5 mol of it is bubbled into I litreof water? (A) (B) (C) (D) .15. Ca Co SO, SO, CaO Na,O What deduction can be made from the following reactions of iodine and chlorine with sodium thiosulfate? l.(aq) + 2S,Or!(ag) ----> aCl,(aq) + S,Or21aq) + 5H,O(l) (A) (B) (C) (D) 2l(aq) + SrOul(aq) + 8Cl-(aq) + 2SOrr-(aQ) + l0H.(aq) Chlorine is a stronger oxidizing agent than iodine. lodine is a stronger oxidizing agent than chlorine. Both chlorine and iodine are NOT oxdizing agents. Both chlorine and iodine show the same oxidizing power. END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. i)2 il 201O/cAtrE 20 t 5 TESTCODE O2\I2OIA a FORM TP 201616s MAY/IIJNE 2016 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEA}I ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATIONE CIIEIVIISTRY UIIIT 1-Paper 01 I hour i0 minutes 17 MAY2016 (a.m-) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREf,'ITLLY l. This test consists of 45 items. You will have I hour and 30 minutes to answer them. 2. In addition to this test booklet you should have an answer sheet and a data booklet. 3 Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D)- Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Which of the following energy transitions is the HIGHEST in an organic compound? (A) (B) ntoo* (c) n to ,r* (D) ltto fi* SamoleAlswer @oo@ otoo* The correct answ€r to this item is'o to o*", so (B) has been shaded. 5. 6. G g E E -r I 7. 8. 9. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you flll in your new choice. When you are told to begrq turn the page and work as $rckly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. You may do anyrough work in this booklet. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TIIRN TIIIS PAGE TJNTIL YOU ARE, TOLD TO DO SO. I Copyright @ 20L4 Caribbean Examinations Council All righB reserved. I o2fi20to/cAPB20t6 -2l. Which of the following types of radiation is MOSTlikely tobe measrneduging a Geiger Item 4 refers to the following sketch which shows the variation ef fts boi.ling points of the hydrides of GroupV. counter? a (A) (B) (c) Beta Infrared Microwave (D) Ultraviolet U o o e m o n Item 2 refers to the following graph which shows the log of successive ionization energies for ten electrons of ao elemen! P. oo 6 l. o NE3 PHI AsH3 SbE3 Hydrides 4. 5 r!) Ammonia has the highest boiling point because o 4 6 N ! I F 3 c t oo I (A) I o 2 (B) I Fl I (C) I I (D) 12345678910 Number of elechons lost 2. the N-H bond is the shortest and shongest there are more van der Waals forces betweenNfl, molecules there is hydrogen bonding between NII, molecules the eletronegativity of nitrogen is much higher than that ofthe other eleme,lrts inthe Element P is MOST likely (A) (B) neon sodium (c) chlorine (D) maguesium 5. group , 'Yellow metal'is a tlpe of alloy (brass) used to make omamenls. It contains 607o copper nd 40o/o zinc by mass. How many moles atorns arethere tmZ6O grams qfrhis alloy? 3. Which of the following elecffonic configurations is forthe Cu@ ion? (A) (B) (C) (D) [Ar] 3dto [Ar] 3dro 4st [Ar] 3de4sr [Ar] 3d€4f o2tlz0totcAPB20L6 (A) (B) 1.6 (c) 2.4 3,2 @) 4.O GO ON TO TFTE NEXT PAGE -3Item-1[ refers to the following diagram of 9, a water molecule showing the angle X in giant molecular strucfure? degrees: I (A) (B) (C) (D) 10. 6- The value ofx is (A) (B) 7, Which of the following compounds has a r04.s (c) 109.5 120.0 (D) r80.0 Sodium oxide Silicon(IV) oxide Magnesium chloride Phosphorous pentachloride When 86 g ofthe ionic salt, CaSOn:IIrO, is heated so that all ofits water ofclystallization is driven off and 68.0 g of CaSOo remain, the value ofx is (A) (B) 1 2 (c) 3 (D) 4 Which of the following statements is true about 5 dm3 of hydrogen and 5 dms of oxygen at 0 "C and I0I lPa? (A) They react to produce 5 dm3 of (B) They react completely with each (c) They possess the same amount of kinetic enerry. They contain the same number of water. other. (D) molecules. Item 8 refers to the following reaction. 2PbNqL '* ) 2Pbo + 4NQ + q The molar volume of gas at r.t.p. is 24 dm3 8. The maximum mass of lead(tr) oxide which can be obtained from 13.23 g oflead(tt) nitate is (A) (B) (c) 2.23 g 4.46 g 8.91 g (D) 13.32 g o2tlzoto/cAPE20t6 GO ON TO TIIENEXTPAGE -4sodir Items 1L-12 refer to the following half-equations for the reaction between iodine andsodium thiozuIfate. Z Spr'zlaO I + Spul(aq) + 2e- L(aq)+ 2e--+ 11. 2l1aq) The overall balanced chemical equation forthe reaction is (A) 2srq'1oq) + 2l-(aq) ---------> S4o;1aq) + t(aq) (B) lr(aq) + soor2-(ag) (C) Sp6'?-Gq) + 2l1aq) ------+ 2srqlaq) + l(ao) (D) zs,Q}(ad + !(aq) 2spr'1"q1 + 2l1aq) -+ s.o6laqj + 2l-(aq) -> 12. 13 The oxidizing agent is (A) Ilaq) (B) L("q) (C) Sp,'1{aq) (D) SnO6'1aq) Sodium can form ionic bonds with each ofthe halides- Which sodium halide is expected to have I{IGHEST lattice enerry? (A) (B) (c) (D) 14. NaI NaF NaBr NaCl The standard enthalpy changes for two reactions are as follows: 2Fe(s) * l2 Orfgl +> cG)= 1 O,(g) 2 FerQ(s), AII*: -822 kJ mol-t CO(g), AfI*: -110 kJ mol-t -> What is the standard enthalpy change, in kJ, for the reaction 2Fe(s) + 3CO(g)? FerO, (s) + 3C(s) (A) -e32 (B) -:ltz (c) 4e2 (D) +492 -> GO ON TO TTIE NEXT PAG 02112010/C,APE2016 -515. Which'of the following gases is CLOSEST to behaving as an ideal oas under the stated conditions? a (A) (B) (C) (D) 16. %G) "t400 "C and I ahpressure'" C{(g) at 30 € and I atn pressure CQtgl at 30 "C and 250 atm Pressure U{(g) at400 17. John plans to measure the rate of the reaction between calcium carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acidWhich of the following pieces of apparafis is MOST zuitable for this investigation? (A) qC and250 ahpressure Which of the following pbrases describes the activation energy of a reaction? (A) (B) (C) (D) Affectedbytemperature Unaffected by a catalyst Energ5r barrier to the reaction Reduces speed of reactantmolecules (B) (c) o (D) o GO ONTO TIIENEXTPAGE 02tt2otolcAPE2016 ll -6Item 18 refers to the following reaction which occurs in the presenceof,fie*:*g; dilute acid. CH3COCII3 (aq) + a L (aq) CIIrI COCII3 (aq) + H* (aq) + I- (aq) --> 18. Rare = ktCILCOcHT (aOI Er-(aq)I. Which ofthe following equations BEST illustrates the SLOIV step? o (A) il CH3 -C -CH3 OH I (B) crL _CII -CII, + L I -+CI*- o C c cII3 + IoI il cH3 I @ o (c) c- ctl3 + H* --+CII3- -crL + r- -->c4_ c- cI1 I o o OH II (D) cq- C-cI{ + !+H+ I c ->CH3- 19- NOT ZO. Which of the following statements does refer to a syst€m in dSmamic equilibrium? (A) (B) Thereaction is reversible. (C) The concentations of all reacrants andploducts are equal The rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the backward (D) The amormts of all the species in the syst€mremain constanl reaction. C[I, I I The value of Kr-a&eerlfffitdmn, 4G)+lr(e):znqst is 860 at 25 "C- What is the value of K- a 25 t for the follorving equilibrium? ir,,r, *ir=r*l =- Hr(*e) (A) (B) o2ttz0to/cAPE2016 (c) 29 215 430 (D) t720 GO ON TO TIIENEXTPAGE -721. a 25. In the llaber pr)cess, AH: -90 kJ mol-r,' : the MAXIMUM yield of ammonia is obtained at (A) (B) (C) (D) high temperange and low pressure high temperatre andhigh pressure Hc(aq) andNaC(aq) (B) HC(aq) andNHoC(aq) (C) N'4(aq)andNHnC(aq) (D) NH.(aq)andNaNOr(aA) 2P(aq) + Q(aq) i- mol dm-3 dm3 mol-r (c) mol2 dm{ dm5 moL2 € is to form a saturated solution is 2R(aq) (A) (B) The units for the equilibrium constant, Kc are (A) (B) The solubility product of BaSQ at 25 I x l(lto mol2 drrf. The numberofmoles of BaSOr that will dissolve in I dmr of water Comlrcunds R Q and R form an equilibrium as shown below (D) (A) lowtemperatureanthigfupressure low te,mperature and low pressure 26. 22. Which of the following pairs of substances would make a good buffer? 27, I x l0rlo 2 x lfrro (c) lxl&5 CD) 2x lO-s Which of the following expressions represents the solubility product of iron(Itr) hydroxide? 23- Which of the following pairs of acid and conjugate base is correctly aligned? u. Acid Conjugate Base (A) NIL NH4* (B) qo H3o- (c) ffio, (D) IIPOlL sq* 4po; A buffer is made by dissolving 28-8 g of sodium benzoate, CTHTCOONa" in I dm3 of 0.4 mol dm{ benzoic acrd, C6H5COOH- K*o***ro :6.4x l0-5 mol dm-3. ThepH of the buffer is (A) (B) (c) (D) 2.3 2_9 3.2 3.9 28. (A) [Fe]l [3oH-] (B) [Fe*] [oH-']' (c) lFehl[3oH{] (D) lFehlloH+l F{oH), Fe(OH), What is the potential for a cell with the following reaction? Zu(s) + Brr(aO --> 7-t2" (aq) + 2Br-(aq) (A) [+1.07 + (-0.7O] v (B) l-1.o7 + (- 0.7OI v (c) l-1.07 - (- 0.76)l v (D) [+1.07 -(-0.76I v GO ON TO TI{E NEXT PAGE 02tr2010/cAPE20L6 -8Item29 referstothefollowingcelldiagram- 31. Zn(s) | 7fr (aq) ll Cu'* (aq) lCu(s) a Which ofthese eleaeas *iss as a diatomic 't 29. There are eight eiemeus ofrhe third period, sodium to argon- Which of the following conditions wili molecule? cause an increase in the cell potential? (A) (B) Increasing concentration of Z**(aq) ions only Decreasing concentration of (A) (B) Argon (c) Silicon (D) Sulftr Chlorine Cu*(aq) ions only (c) (D) Adding NaOH to Cu2* solution and increasing the concentration of Zn2* ions 32. An element iB Paidd -l combines with oxygen to form a o=ide s-hich reacB with water to produoe a socs aikali. Decreasing concentration of Zn2* (aq) ions and increasing concentration of Cu2* (aq) ions That element is (.{) AI Item 30 refers to the following diagram of (B) cl an electrochemical cell. (c) Mg (D) Na Wire 33 Which ofthe follosrin-e elmen-s in the third period has the same oridaim nr:mber inALL of its knorvn comlrouads:. (A) (B) (C) (D) bridge 1.0 mol 30. MgSOa(aq) t.0 mot ZnSO4(aq) Which of the following situations does NOT occur in the cell shown? (A) No current flows when the salt (B) bridge is removed. Magnesium ions migrate into the salt bridge. (C) (D) Electrons flow through the wire from the zinc to the magnesium 34. Sulfirr Phosphonrs lower temperature rhan bar-ium carbonate because (A) (B) (c) electrode is Mg(s) Chlorine Calcium carbouate decomposes at a electrode. The reaction at the maguesium Aluminium Md.(aq) *2e-. calcir.m oxide is less stable than bariuu oride ftg galcirrm ion is laryer than the barirrrn ion the *andard enthalpy of formatioo sf galsirrm oxide is less aegative than that of bar-irrm oxide (D) the lattice energl'of calcium oxide is larger *ran that of barium oxide o2tt2,tolcAPE2016 GO ON TO THE.NEXT PAGE -938. 35. a Wbic-h of the following statements about oxides of the elements in Period 3, sodium to chloring is NOT true? Which of the following statements about bromine are CORRECT? L il. (A) (B) (c) (D) m. Across the perio4 the oxides change frombasic to amphoteric to acidic character. The oxides react with water to form alkaline solutions. The oxidation num-ber ofthe element in the oxide increases across the periodThe shucture of the oxides changes from giant ionic to simple covalent molecules. It is red-brown in colour. It is denser than chlorine. It is a gas at room temperature and pressure. (A) (B) (C) (D) 39. Iandtronly I and Itr only trandltronly I, tr and III .Which of the following complexes would show the GREAf,EST parauraguetic property? 36- Which of the following properties belong to Group 2 elements of the periodic table? (A) High meltrng points and low densities (B) Low melting points and poor (c) Low densities and poor electrical electrical conductivities conductivities (D) High melting points and high (A) [Cu(CN)n]] (B) [Fe(CN[+ (c) tF{cr.r)J3(D) tN(cr9J40. Copper (II) sulfate gives elecnical conductivities 37, The insolubilities of the Group 2 sulfates make them very useful in diagnostic medicine because they appear opaque to X-rays. Which zuIfate is MOST commonly used for X-rays? (A) (a) a deep blue solution with excess Nq(aq) o) a yellow-green solution with excess concentrated HCl. Which of the following deductions can be made from these observations? I. formed in (a). BaSO. (B) casQ (c) MesQ (D) SrsQ The complex ion [Cu(NF!)o]* is tr. [Cu(NIIJJ'?. has a higher stability constant than [Cu(HrO)J*. m. [CuC[] has a lower stability constant than [Cu(H,OU]. (A) (B) (C) (D) Iandtronly I and III only II and Itr only I,II and III GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE o2r120t0lcAPE20L6 - 1041. Which ofthe following statements describe,s 43. the tend in physical properties of the halogens as the group is descended? a (A) (B) Volatility and atomic radii increaseElectronegativity and volatility (C) Electronegativitydecreasesand (D) 42 increase. colour deepens. There is a corresponding decrease in density as states change from gas to liquid to solid- 3 Which of the following solutions is BEST suited to determine the presence of halides in river water? (A) HCI (B) rNq (C) NaOH (D) AsNq In which of the following options are the halide ions placed inorderof INCREASING reducing 1rcwer? (A) Br-, Cl -, [- (B) CI-,I-,Br(C) Cl-,Br-,I(D) I -, Br -, Cl- GO ON TO THI,NEXI PAGE o211.20t0/cAPE 2016 - l1 Item44 refers to the following information. Aqueous B"Cl, followed by excess dilute HCI is added to EACH of four unknown solutions, I, tr,III and IV. The following observations are noted- a L Awhiteprecipitate is formedwhichdissolves intheacidto liberafeagasvAichdecolourizes l4"O;iH*(aq). tr- No preciPitate is formed. m. Adinse white precipitate is formedwhich is insoluble in excess acidIV. 'A white precipitate is formed that dissolves in the acid to liberate a eas which forms a white precipitate with Ca(OlDr(aq)44. Which of the following options correctly identifies the ions which may be present in EACH the solutions,I, II, III and tV? I II m rv (A) SOr'- c1- HCO3- cOr- (B) SOo- Noi Sort Cor' (c) Sor' cr s2- Cor'- (D) Not SO.' Cor'- SOr'- Item 45 refers to the following information. xa White precipitate soluble in excess White precipitate insoluble in excess 45- Which of the following reagents does NOT aid in the identiflcation of)f? (A) Aqueous KI (B) DilutcHCl (C) DiluteHNO3 (D) Dilute rlsq END Of,' TEST IFYOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHT'.CKYOIIR WORI( ON TmS TEST: ozttzor0lcAPE 201.6 of Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner B D Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner D A B B D D A B CAPE Chemistry Unit 1 Paper 1 2021 D A B CAPE Chemistry Unit 1 Paper 1 2022 D A B