FMT 101 Building Services STUDY UNIT 2 Fire Protection The Education and Research arm of the Building and Construction Authority Lesson Objectives 1. FIRE TETRAHEDRON of combustion. 2. FIRE HYDRANT, RISERS & HOSEREEL SYSTEMS (SS 575-2012) a) HYDRANT SYSTEM, its Provisions and Locations. b) Types of RISING MAINS SYSTEM • Types and their requirements in buildings. • Breeching Inlets and their requirements. • Functions of Landing Valves and their requirements. 3. Electrical Fire Alarm Systems (SS 645-2019) • Components and functions • Two (2) different types of automatic electrical fire alarm systems ➢ Conventional & Addressable (Advantages vs Disadvantages) 4. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems (CP 52-2004) • Principles and operations • Potential benefits of sprinkler systems • System components and types of sprinkler systems • Major components of sprinkler installation for proper operation of the systems • Different types of sprinkler systems and their applications. FIRE CODES & CODE OF PRACTICE Fire Authority & Regulatory Requirements ❖ FIRE CODES 2013 ▪ Fire Code 2007 Master Version ▪ Fire Code Handbooks 2013 • ▪ Key Change In 2013 Code • new fire safety features within buildings to facilitate the evacuation of persons with disabilities during an emergency situation. ❖ FIRE CODE 2018 • • Fire Authority & Regulatory Requirements Code of Practice (CP) ▪ SS 645:2019 (formerly CP 10) • CP for Installation and Servicing of Electrical Fire Alarm Systems ▪ SS 575: 2012 (formerly CP 29) • CP for Fire hydrant, rising mains and hose reel systems ▪ SS CP 52: 2004 • CP for Automatic Sprinkler System ▪ SS 553: 2009 (formerly CP 13) • CP for ACMV in Buildings Habitable height is the height measured from the lowest level of fire engine accessway or access road (applicable to building under purpose Group II) to the finished floor level of the highest habitable floor. Fire Authority & Regulatory Requirements • Fire Safety Act (FSA) ▪ Fire Safety (Building Fire Safety) Regulations ▪ Empowerment of SCDF • SCDF (FSSD) Regulatory & Submission ▪ Appointment of QPs • Trained in fire safety engineering and may design performance-based fire safety measures Fire Authority & Regulatory Requirements ▪ Fire Safety Act (FSA) Engagement of Professional Engineer * • Building Owner of Public Building responsible to engage PE • PE to conduct tests on fire safety systems annually • PE to ensure that systems are in good working condition • SCDF will issue a Fire Certificate after the PE has certified that the systems function properly 01 FIRE TETRAHEDRON of COMBUSTION Fire Tetrahedron • Basic components of a fire are: – Fuel – Source of ignition – Oxygen – Process of combustion • Commonly referred to as the "fire Tetrahedron" Fire is a process in which molecules of fuel combine with molecules of oxygen, producing gases and energy. When this happens rapidly, as in a fire, energy is released as heat and light, and some gases become visible as smoke. 10 Ref: Learning resource:Chapter 1 > Concept of Fire Tetrahedron Fire tetrahedron • Fires start when all 4 elements are present: – Fuel – Oxygen – Heat – Sustainable Chain Reaction e.g., gas, liquid, any combustible materials another oxidizer • These 4 elements are called the Fire Tetrahedron i.e. flammable and/or combustible material Fire Tetrahedron Fire tetrahedron • Fire can be extinguished by removing any one of the 4 elements of the tetrahedron – Cooling, lowering temperature, remove heat • Application of water acts by removing heat from the fuel faster than combustion generates it. Heat – Smoother Air Supply, oxygen starvation • Putting a fire blanket to cut off the oxygen supply Chemical Chain Reaction – Remove Fuel Source • Physically removing fuel(s) Fuel Oxygen – Interrupt Reaction • Interference of Chemical Reaction - Other gaseous fire suppression agents, such as halon or HFC-227, interfere with the chemical reaction itself. 02 FIRE HYDRANT, RISER & HOSEREEL SYSTEMS 02a HYDRANT SYSTEM its PROVISIONS and LOCATIONS Reference: Fire Code 2013 Handbook Chapter 4 – SITE PLAN & EXTERNAL FIRE FIGHTING PROVISION Location of Fire Hydrant (FH) • Where can you find FH? – Along The Roads • Public Hydrants installed by the Authority – Within The Private Compound • Private Hydrants provided and installed by the building owner (yellow band) Regulatory Requirements Requirements of Provision (and Location) of Private Hydrant • Where so required by the Fire Authority after consultations with them. • Fire hydrants should be positioned: – within 100 m from an entry to any building on the lot and not more than 100 m apart. • In the case of a building where rising mains are installed: – the 100 m distance may be measured up to the breeching inlets of the rising mains. • Fire hydrants should be included as part of a ring fire main system if there is a ring fire main system. Surface Box & Cover Main Gate ≤100m ≤ 100m Distance between breeching inlet and fire hydrant ≤ 100m Water Supply and Pumping Arrangement of Fire Hydrants 1. Comply with the modes of supply in SS 636:2018 - CP on Water Services (formerly CP48) 2. Only private hydrants below 125 m RL can receive direct supply 3. Pressures and flows must be adequate (38 l/s at 3.5 bar) at all times to serve the required number of jets likely to be used. 4. Even though direct supply is possible, storage cistern of sufficient capacity with pumping facilities may be required • to meet SCDF's requirements on flow rates and pressure. Water Supply and Pumping Arrangement of Fire Hydrants 5. Independent Supply to FH • Water supply to FH - kept entirely independent of water supplies feeding other installations • Include those for other fire fighting systems. • Does not include (exceptions): a) The Y-connection from PUB main with one branch for the FH and the other branch fitted with a control valve, for other uses provided the flow rate for the FH or rising main is adequate. b) Where a number of FHs are required because of the extensive area of the premises to be covered, the mains supplying these FHs should be in the form of a ring main to form a complete circuit of the site Water Supply and Pumping Arrangement of Fire Hydrants 6. Supply pipes feeding FHs from PUB mains shall branch off at a point upstream of the domestic supply line. 7. A gate valve shall be provided to cut off the supply to the domestic line in the event of fire. (1) Supply Pipe to FH (2) Upstream of Domestic Supply Line (3) Gate Valve (4) Supply Pipe to Domestic Line Water Supply and Pumping Arrangement of Fire Hydrants • Fire Hydrants Located Above 125 m RL – Water storage tank capacity • For residential & non-residential developments • Table 1 for FHs located above RL 125 m within the same Plot. Examples A) A 3-storey residential development has 1 FH in its compound and the ground level is 126m RL. Is there a need to have a water tank for the FH? B) If required, what is the effective capacity of the water tank for the FH? C) If tank is required, does the following rectangular tank with a 10m x 10m base area meets the requirement? 3m 10 m 1.5 m Water Supply and Pumping Arrangement of Fire Hydrants • Table 1 for FHs located above RL 125 m within the same Plot. Water Level 1.02m < 1.5m Minimum Storage Capacity = 38 L/s x 45 x 60 s = 102,600 L = 102.6 m3 = 10m x 10m x 1.02m Typical Structure and Components of Water Storage Tank 02b TYPES of RISING MAINS and THEIR REQUIREMENTS in BUILDINGS Reference: Chapter 6 – FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS Section 6.2 – Rising Main & Hose Reel System Ref: Chapter 2 > Main Risers & General Regulatory Requirements Reasons for installing dry rising mains • For Building height > reach of fire engines – render external fire fighting not possible – rising main or Dry Riser will be required • Dry Riser System – main pipe installed vertically through the building – an inlet or breeching inlet provided at street level, – fire brigade can pump water into pipe via breeching inlet • Outlets (Landing Valves) – provided at each level except the ground floor – fire brigade can attach fire-fighting hoses. – strapped & padlocked - property of SCDF Dry Riser Breeching Inlet Distance between breeching inlet and fire hydrant Breeching Inlet 100m Outlet Landing Valve Source: Dry rising mains • For purpose groups II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII. • On every floor, water is available for fire-fighting via the landing valves. • Hoses – connected at the landing valve, and – run off to the location of fire Buildings are divided into 8 purpose groups (fire code) Purpose Group Description I Small residential II Other residential III Institutional IV Office V Shops VI Factories VII Place of Public Resorts VIII Storage Fire Codes 2013 Purpose Group I Private dwelling house such as bungalows, semidetached houses and terraces houses. Reasons for installing wet rising mains • Requirements for Wet Riser – For building height > fire brigade pumping capacity – Rising main shall be fitted • c/w own water supply arrangement • primed at all time Water Supply Arrangement Among other things, wet riser requires water tank (on roof or low level) and one or more set of pumps, see next slide for example. Example of a wet riser system with lower level water tank Number of Rising Mains • Requirements on the number and distribution of rising mains are as follows: (a) All parts of any floor (of the building) not more than 24m above the ground level is within 38 m from a landing valve • the distance to be measured along a route suitable for hose lines, including any distance up or down a stairway. (b) One (1) rising main is provided for one or a series of floors higher than 24 m above ground level • • with each rising main serving not more than 930 m2 of any floor and subject to all parts of the floor to be within 38 m from a landing valve. Floor Landing Valve Location of Rising Mains and Landing Valves • The rising mains and the associated landing valves shall be positioned in the following manner: a. Within smoke-stop lobby b. In the common area and within a protected shaft c. Immediately outside the exit staircase if there is no smoke-stop lobby d. Inside exit staircase where smoke-stop lobby and common area are not provided e. Rising mains shall be so located that they are protected against mechanical and fire damage f. No part of a rising main shall be placed in any shaft containing gas, steam or fuel pipelines or electrical cables and wirings Size of Rising Mains • Minimum nominal bore of a rising main shall be: a. 100 mm • where the rising main does not exceed 45 m in habitable height • only ONE (1) landing valve is provided at each floor b. 150 mm • where the rising main either: ➢ Exceeds 45 m in habitable height or ➢ Is permitted to have TWO (2) landing valves on any floor. Rising main does not exceed 45 m in habitable height and only one (1) landing valve is provided at each floor < 45m Two (2) landing valves on any floor. > 45m < 45m Breeching inlets The requirements of the breeching inlets are as follows: 1. Inlets with instantaneous male couplings for connecting to the SCDF's 63.5 mm diameter standard hose shall be fitted to each rising main as follows: a. A two-way breeching inlet for a 100 mm bore rising main. b. A four-way breeching inlet for a 150 mm bore rising main. Breeching Inlets Location The breeching inlets shall be located as with the following consideration (Some common considerations): • • • • • Available of fire hydrants, The possibility of damage resulting from falling glass from windows, and Other possible occurrences during a fire. On an external wall or in a boundary wall of a building and to be within 18 m of the adjacent fire appliances access road At street level Max 100m and Min 6 m ≤18m ≤18m Water supply and Pumping Arrangements • The requirements of the water supply to the wet risers are (some salient points): 1. Shall comply with the modes of supply stipulated in SS 636:2018 Water Services 2. Essential that pressures and flows be adequate at all times to serve the required number of jets likely to be used, irrespective of the source of water supply. 3. The storage cistern of sufficient capacity with pumping facilities is required to meet SCDF's requirements on flow rates and pressure. Ref: Chapter 2 > Main Risers & General Regulatory Requirements Flow Requirements for Wet Rising Mains (salient points) • The following minimum water supply flow-rate shall be maintained in the wet rising system during operation of the system: Water Supply For Design Of Wet Riser System (Min duration=30 minutes) The minimum water storage capacity shall be capable of supply water at the above said flow rate for the periods as specified in SS 575: 2012 CP for Fire hydrant, rising mains and hose reel systems (SS 575) • A minimum running pressure of 3.5 bar and a maximum of 5.5 bar shall be maintained at each landing valve when any number, up to 3, are fully opened. Wet Riser Tank Exercise 2 What is the minimum effective capacity of the wet riser tank? 03 ELECTRICAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Reference: Chapter 6 – FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS Section 6.3 – Electric Fire Alarm System Fire Alarm System- overall schematics 44 For details of each sub-systems ( circled above) , see next slide Fire Detection and Alarm • Roles – A key aspect of fire protection is to identify a developing fire emergency in a timely manner, and to alert the building's occupants and fire emergency organizations. • Main Functions 1. Firstly, they provide a means to identify a developing fire through either manual or automatic methods 2. Secondly, they alert building occupants to a fire condition and the need to evacuate. 3. Another common function is the transmission of an alarm notification signal to the fire department or other emergency response organization. • Actions – They may also shut down electrical, air handling equipment or special process operations, and they may be used to initiate automatic suppression systems. Fire Alarm Control Panels • Function of Control Panel – Control panel is the "brain" of the fire detection and alarm system – It is responsible for monitoring the various alarm "input" devices such as manual and automatic detection components – It then activates alarm "output" devices such as horns, bells, warning lights, emergency telephone diallers, and building controls • Design – Control panels may range from simple units with a single input and output zone, to complex computer driven systems that monitor several buildings over an entire campus. • Types – There are two main control panel arrangements • conventional and • addressable. Conventional or "Point Wired" Fire Detection and Alarm Systems • Conventional – One or more circuits are routed through the protected space of the building. – Along each circuit, one or more detection devices are placed. • Factors for Selection & Placement – depends on need for automatic or manual initiation – ambient temperature & environmental conditions – anticipated type of fire – desired speed of response Conventional or "Point Wired" Fire Detection and Alarm Systems • Fire Occurrence Situation – One or more detectors will operate. – Action will closes the circuit, which the fire control panel recognizes as an emergency condition. – Panel will then activate one or more signaling circuits to sound building alarms and summon emergency help – Panel may also send the signal to another alarm panel so that it can be monitored from a remote point. • Fault Monitoring – To help insure that the system is functioning properly, these systems monitor the condition of each circuit by sending a small current through the wires. – Should a fault occur, such as due to a wiring break, this current cannot proceed and is registered as a "trouble" condition. – The indication is a need for service somewhere along the respective circuit. Electrical Fire Alarm System Advantages and disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages 1. Relatively simple for small to intermediate size buildings. 1. For large buildings, they can be expensive to install because 2. Servicing does not require a large amount of specialized training. of the extensive amounts of wire that are necessary to accurately monitor initiating devices. 2. Inherently labour intensive and expensive to maintain. Each detection device may require some form of operational test to verify it is in working condition. Smoke detectors must be periodically removed, cleaned, and recalibrated to prevent improper operation. There is no accurate way of determining which detectors are in need of servicing. Consequently, each detector must be removed and serviced, which can be a time consuming, labour intensive, and costly endeavour. 3. Does not specifically state where the problem If a fault occurs, the "trouble" indication only states that the circuit has failed, but does not specifically state where the problem is occurring. Subsequently, technicians must survey the entire circuit to identify the problem. Fire Indicator Board and Sub Indicator Board Fire indicator board (fib) Fault Fire Zone location BLK A Sub Alarm Panel BLK B Sub Alarm Panel Sub Indicator Board (SIB) Sub Indicator Board BLK A Fault Fire Zone Location 1st Storey Manual Callpoint Addressable (or Intelligent) Systems • Addressable System versus Conventional Methods – Addressable System is the state-of-the-art in fire detection and alarm technology. – Addressable System monitors and controls the capabilities of each alarm initiating and signalling device through microprocessors and system software. – Major difference - involves the way in which each device is monitored. – In an addressable system, each initiating device (automatic detector, manual station, sprinkler water-flow switch, etc.) is given a specific identification or "address". ➢This address is correspondingly programmed into the control panel's memory with information such as the type of device, its location, and specific response details such as which alarm devices are to be activated. Addressable (or Intelligent) Systems • Operations – The control panel's microprocessor sends a constant interrogation signal over each circuit – Each initiating device is contacted to inquire its status (normal or emergency). – This active monitoring process occurs in rapid succession, providing system updates every 5 to 10 seconds. – The addressable system also monitors the condition of each circuit, identifying any faults which may occur. – Therefore, instead of merely showing a fault along a wire, they will indicate the location of the problem. – This permits faster diagnosis of the trouble, and allows a quicker repair and return to normal. Addressable (or Intelligent) Systems Advantageous and disadvantageous Advantageous Stability Ease of Modification Enhanced Maintenance If a detector recognizes a condition which could be indicative of a fire, the control panel will first attempt a quick reset. Any connection or removal of devices from the addressable circuitonly require changing the appropriate memory section. Able to monitor the status of each detector. As a detector becomes dirty, the microprocessor recognizes a decreased capability, and provides a maintenance alert. This feature, known as Listed Integral Sensitivity Testing, allows facilities personnel to service only those detectors which need attention, rather than requiring a labour and time consuming cleaning of all units. Drift compensation. The software adjusts the detector's sensitivity to compensate for minor dust conditions. This avoids the ultra sensitive or "hot" detector condition which often results as debris obscures the detector's optics. When the detector has been compensated to its limit, the control panel alerts maintenance personnel so that servicing can be performed. For most spurious situations such as insects, dust, or breezes, the incident will often remedy itself during this reset procedure, thereby reducing the probability of false alarm. If a genuine smoke or fire condition exists, the detector will re-enter the alarm mode immediately after the reset attempt. This memory change is accomplished either at the panel or on a personal computer, with the information downloaded into the panel's microprocessor. Addressable (or Intelligent) Systems Advantageous and disadvantageous Disadvantageous Own Unique Operating Characteristics 1. The main disadvantage of addressable systems is that each system has its own unique operating characteristics. 2. Therefore, service technicians must be trained for the respective system. 3. The training program is usually a 3-4 day course at the respective manufacturer's facility. 4. Periodic update training may be necessary as new service methods are developed. Principles of fire detection • Fires are detected by means of installing Fire Detectors or FDs • FDs are designed to detect the following characteristics (1 or more of 3 products of emission): – Fire – Heat – Smoke or Flame • No one type of FD is the most suitable for all applications – Final choice will depend on individual circumstances – Some premises may require a combination of different types of FDs to achieve the best results. Thermal (heat) detectors • Key Features – Highly reliable and have good resistance to operation from non-hostile sources. – Very easy and inexpensive to maintain. – Do not function until room temperatures have reached a substantial temperature - such point the fire is well underway and damage is growing exponentially – Not permitted in life safety applications. – Not recommended if FD is required before substantial flames occur - such as spaces where high value thermal sensitive contents are housed. Thermal (heat) detectors • Thermal Detectors – 2 Types of Thermal Detectors • Spot Type Detector • Fixed Temperature Line Type Detector Spot Type Detectors – Predetermined Temperature • e.g. room with relatively high and rapidly fluctuating air temperature, e.g., kitchen, boiler room. – Rate-of-rise Detector • identifies an abnormally fast temperature climb over a short time period. Fixed Temperature Line Type Detector – Two (2) cables and an insulated sheathing that is designed to breakdown when exposed to heat. Smoke detectors • Identify a fire while in its smouldering or early flame stages. • There are 2 main types of Smoke Detectors: – ionization – photoelectric Ionization – Sensitive to invisible particles released in initial stage of fire Photoelectric – bigger combustion particles released in later stage of fire Flame detectors • The properly selected and installed automatic detector can be a highly reliable fire sensor. • Line of sight devices that operate on either an infrared, ultraviolet or combination principle • Advantageous – extremely reliable in a hostile environment – used in high value energy and transportation applications where other detectors would be subject to spurious/false activation. • Disadvantageous – expensive and labour intensive to maintain – must be looking directly at the fire source, cannot identify migrating fire signatures Alarm output devices • Upon Receiving An Alarm Notification – fire alarm control panel must now tell someone that an emergency is underway. • Primary Alarm Output Devices – this is the primary function of the alarm output aspect of a system. • Occupant Signalling Components – include various audible and visual alerting components, and are the primary alarm output devices. Alarm output devices Audio Alerts Visual Alerts Telephone or Radio Signal Other output 1) Bells 2) Horns - for areas where a loud signal is needed such as library stacks, and architecturally sensitive buildings where devices need partial concealment. 3) Chimes - where a soft alarm tone is preferred, such as health care facilities and theatres. 4) Speakers - sound a reproducible signal such as a recorded voice message, often ideally suited for large, multistory or other similar buildings where phased evacuation is preferred. 1) Strobe and flashing light devices 1) An automatic telephone or radio signal communicated to a constantly staffed monitoring centre. Include shutting down electrical equipment . Eg computers, shutting off AHU fans to prevent smoke migration, and shutting down operations such as chemical movement through piping in the alarmed area. May activate fans to extract smoke, which is a common function in large atria spaces. Can also activate discharge of gaseous fire extinguishing systems, or pre-action sprinkler systems. 04 AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Reference: Chapter 6 – FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS Section 6.4 – Sprinkler Installation Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems - Automatic sprinkler System - Types - Components - Sprinkler system design - Others: - Water mist system; - Foam system; - Gas suppression system 73 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM Effective for life safety as it gives warning of the existence of fire, at the same time fight the fire 74 Methods of extinguishing fire: Cooling Starvation Smothering Inhibiting 75 Automatic Sprinkler System • Automatically –distributes water upon a fire –transmits signal to the fire station through the alarm monitoring station • Holds the fire /cools the environment to reduce fire spread before arrival of the Fire Brigade • Reduce smoke intensity and making the smoke less harmful by cooling the smoke/fire zone 76 Sprinkler System - Statutory Requirements • Sprinkler system shall be installed in accordance to - Fire Code 2013 - Singapore Standard CP52 : 2004 Code of Practice for Automatic Fire Sprinkler System - On operation of sprinkler head, fire signal shall be AUTOMATICALLY transmitted to the fire station through an approved alarm monitoring station 77 Sprinkler System - Provisions • Required when compartment requirements of Fire code cannot be complied with • All buildings other than purpose groups I & II with habitable height > 24m • For mixed occupancy building (residential & non residential) floors that are >24m, every floor of the non-residential portion shall be sprinklered ➢ Group I: Small residential ➢ Group II: other residential 78 Fire Code 2013 79 Sprinkler System - Provisions • All basement floors except Groups I & II (residential) shall be sprinklered • Basement car parks for Group II buildings shall be sprinklered –Exception: When there is only 1 basement and adequate openings are provided for cross ventilation 80 Sprinkler System - Provisions EXCEPTIONS • For special rooms, sprinklers can be exempted if the rooms are properly fire compartmented: – HT/LT switch rooms – Transformer Rooms – Electric Lift Motor room – Electrical room – Emergency lighting battery room – MDF and PABX room 81 Sprinkler System – Main Components • Breeching inlet • Water storage tank • Sprinkler pumps • Sprinkler control valves • Sprinkler heads • Sprinkler pipe network, • Fire alarm system Sprinkler System - Types • Wet pipe system • Dry pipe system • Pre-action sprinkler system • Deluge System 83 Sprinkler System – Wet Pipe • Simplest and most common type of installation • System is permanently charged with water under pressure up to sprinkler heads • Installed where the potential for freezing does not exist 84 Sprinkler System – Wet Pipe OPERATIONS • When the heat of the fire rises to the sprinkler head operating temperature, the sprinkler head “bursts” and releases water • A flow switch activated by the water flow movement activates the fire alarm system • As water pressure in the pipe drops, the pressure sensor activates the sprinkler pump into operation to provide the required water supply Fire Panel Sprinkler System – Wet Pipe FS FS FS Schematic diagram of A Wet-pipe Sprinkler System sprinkler heads FS FS A flow switch (FS) activated by the water flow movement activates the fire alarm system FS WATER SUPPLY Check valve CONTROL VALVES Gate valve SPRINKLER TANK DUTY PUMP STANDBY PUMP 1ST STOREY Sprinkler System – Wet Pipe Schematic diagram of a Wet-pipe Sprinkler System Sprinkler System – Wet Pipe Control Valves 89 Sprinkler System – WET PIPE Ancillary Equipment Installation control valves and ancillary equipment: A main stop valve - An alarm valve - - fitted on main supply line When water flows, it cause the alarm gong to sound A water motor alarm and gong - Plates with essential information on the installation - Alarm equipment for automatic transmission to fire service (flow switch) - 90 Sprinkler System – DRY PIPE • Above the control valve, system is charged with compressed air/ nitrogen instead of water • Dry pipe valve held closed by air pressure • Upon activation of sprinkler head, air is released, and water flows into the pipework • For areas subject to freezing temperatures Compressed air Dry pipe valve 91 Sprinkler System – PRE-ACTION • For areas where accidental discharge of water is unacceptable • Pipes filled with low pressure air • Heat/ smoke detector send signal to valve to release water to pipework and sound alarm • When sprinkler burst, water is discharged • Prevent unwanted water flow when a pipe or sprinkler is accidentally broken • E.g. computer rooms, Low pressure air detector libraries 92 92 Sprinkler System – DELUGE • Pipes are usually empty, sprinklers are open • Detectors activate control valve to allow water to flow • Water is discharged simultaneously through all the open sprinklers in the area • Thus providing fast and total wetting of protected areas Open sprinkler • For areas that require total water coverage (extra high hazard area such as aircraft hangars, power generating detector stations, and petrochemical facilities) Breeching Inlet Sprinkler Pump 93 93 Thank You end