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Laxative Abuse: Bone Loss & Pain - Google Search Results

laxatives bone pain
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Yes, laxative abuse can cause bone loss
and pain :
Bone loss
Laxative abuse can lead to bone loss and
muscle loss, which can weaken bones. This can
be caused by an unhealthy low body weight
from purging, which is when you lose weight
through vomiting or laxatives.
Vitamin D de!ciency
Laxative abuse can cause a vitamin D
deficiency, which can lead to osteomalacia and
bone pain.
Electrolyte imbalances
Laxatives can cause electrolyte imbalances,
which can lead to low potassium levels and
rhabdomyolysis, a breakdown of muscle tissue.
Rhabdomyolysis can cause muscle weakness,
tender muscles, and dark urine.
Other side e#ects of laxative abuse include:
kidney damage, renal failure, seizures, and
cardiac arrest.
Laxatives can also interact with other
medications, including hea% medications,
antibiotics, and bone medications. You
should always talk to your doctor before
sta%ing a new medication regimen.
JCR: Journal of Clinical Rhe…
Laxatives So!en More Than
Just Stools: Osteomalacia…
A diagnosis of laxative-induced
Common Side E
Laxatives - Hea
Aug 28, 2018 — Inter
medications. Among
medications, laxative
vitamin D deficiency–induced…
osteomalacia was made. High-dose
This is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or
diagnosis, consult a professional. Generative AI is experimental.
Learn more
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › PM...
Laxative use and incident falls, fractures
and change in bone mineral density ...
by B Haring · 2013 · Cited by 22 — Conclusion. These
findings support a modest association between laxative
use and increase in the risk of falls but not for fractures…
Its use ...
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https://www.healthline.com › health
Common Side E#ects of Laxatives
Aug 28, 2018 — Laxatives can interact with certain heart
medications, antibiotics, and bone medications. This
information is often on the label.
Di!erent types of laxatives
Side e!ects
https://journals.lww.com › fulltext
Laxatives So&en More Than Just Stools:
Osteomalacia Caused
by MS Genta · 2020 — A diagnosis of laxative-induced
vitamin D deficiency–induced osteomalacia was made.
High-dose vitamin D weekly supplement with therapeu…
dose of calcium was ...
MedlinePlus (.gov)
https://medlineplus.gov › article
Bone pain or tenderness
Apr 27, 2023 — Laxatives (if you develop constipation
during prolonged bed rest); Pain relievers. If pain is
related to thinning bones, you may need ...
InsideOut Institute
https://insideoutinstitute.org.au › p...
Physical Complications of Abuse of
Laxatives, Diuretics & Diet Pills
Bone changes have been reported in patients who abuse
laxatives and may result from the loss of vitamin D
(Mitchell & Boutacoff, 1986).
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Mayo Clinic
https://www.mayoclinic.org › drg-...
Laxative (oral route)
Jan 31, 2024 — Do not take any type of laxative: if you
have signs of appendicitis or inflamed bowel (such as
stomach or lower abdominal pain, cramping, ...
Missing: bone | Show results with: bone
https://www.vinmec.com › article
Be careful when taking laxatives for a
long time
Prolonged use of laxatives can lead to irreversible
damage to the gastrointestinal tract. The result of
prolonged constipation is a loss of essential minerals ...
http://www.spinepain.com › laxativ...
Laxatives - Back Pain Medications Spine Surgery Houston
Laxatives aid in inducing bowel movement. Laxatives are
used to relieve and prevent constipation which may
occur as a side-effect of some back pain medications.
Missing: bone | Show results with: bone
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...
Laxative use and incident falls, fractures
and change in bone mineral density ...
by B Haring · 2013 · Cited by 22 — These findings
support a modest association between laxative use and
increase in the risk of falls but not for fractures.
Missing: pain | Show results with: pain
https://www.researchgate.net › 236...
Laxative use and incident falls, fractures
and change in bone mineral density ...
Conclusion These findings support a modest association
between laxative use and increase in the risk of falls but
not for fractures. Its use did not decrease ...
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