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ZXMP M721 (V1.20) Multi-transmission Platform Compact WDM Equipment Troubleshooting Guide

Multi-transmission Platform Compact WDM
Troubleshooting Guide
Version: V1.20
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Revision History
Revision No.
Revision Date
Revision Reason
First edition
Serial Number: SJ-20140603112247-006
Publishing Date: 2015-04-20(R1.0)
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Overview .................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Fault Location Principles..................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Troubleshooting Flow ......................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Fault Causes ..................................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Common Methods of Fault Location .................................................................... 1-4
1.5 ZTE Technical Support Information...................................................................... 1-7
Chapter 2 Typical Troubleshooting .......................................................... 2-1
2.1 Service Interruption Fault ................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Multiple-Channel Bit Error Fault .......................................................................... 2-4
2.3 Single-Channel Bit Error Fault ............................................................................ 2-9
2.4 Optical Power Fault ..........................................................................................2-11
2.5 Electrical Layer Sub-wavelength 1+1 Protection Fault ........................................ 2-14
2.6 Network Supervision Fault ............................................................................... 2-17
Chapter 3 Fault Cases ............................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Broadcast Storms on the Optical Monitoring System Disable the Entire Network
From Being Monitored ...................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 External IP Address Fails to Be Obtained After DIP Switch of the NCP Board is
Set, Disabling the IP Address From Being Modified ............................................ 3-3
3.3 Mismatched Monitoring Optical Module Type Causes a Monitoring Fault ............... 3-4
3.4 Fiber Connections Cannot Be Implemented on the IN Interface of the ODU
Board .............................................................................................................. 3-4
3.5 The M1 and M2 Sites of the Central Site Are Connected, Causing Ring Network
Power Fluctuations .......................................................................................... 3-5
Chapter 4 FAQ............................................................................................. 4-1
4.1 Does the Line Side of the MQA2 Board Support Two-Channel Independent
OTU2 Services? ............................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Does the Client Side of the MQA2 Board Support the Services with the Rates
Lower than 1 Gbit/s?......................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Can the EI Board be Installed in the 10th Slot of the Master Subrack? .................... 4-2
4.4 Can the NCP Board of the Slave Subrack be Installed with an SFP Module to
Receive the Monitoring Signals from the SEOA Board? ..................................... 4-2
4.5 Can Electrical Monitoring and Optical Monitoring be Used Simultaneously? ........... 4-2
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4.6 Can the NCP Board of the Master Subrack be Replaced by the NCP of the
Slave Subrack? ................................................................................................ 4-3
4.7 How to Merge the VLANs of the Master Subrack of an NE? ................................. 4-3
4.8 How to Merge the VLANs of the Slave Subrack of an NE? ................................... 4-4
4.9 Can Master and Slave NCP Board Ping Each Other After VLAN Merging?............. 4-5
4.10 How to Connect the Monitoring Systems of Two NEs Through Network
Cables? .......................................................................................................... 4-5
Appendix A Task Set ................................................................................. A-1
A.1 Cleaning a Dust-Proof Mesh (Optional) ............................................................... A-1
A.2 Hardware Loopback ........................................................................................... A-2
A.3 Software Loopback ............................................................................................ A-4
A.4 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors...................................................................... A-7
A.4.1 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors With an Optical Fiber Wiping Box .......... A-7
A.4.2 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors With Lens Paper .................................. A-8
A.5 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors With Dust-Free Cotton Sticks ........................ A-10
A.6 Optical Power Test ........................................................................................... A-11
A.6.1 Optical Power Test Precautions .............................................................. A-11
A.6.2 Testing Optical Launched Power ............................................................. A-12
A.6.3 Testing Optical Received Power.............................................................. A-12
A.7 Querying a WDM Port State Report .................................................................. A-13
A.8 Configuring a Static Route for the NE ................................................................ A-13
A.9 Resetting Boards ............................................................................................. A-14
A.10 Adding a Board Manually ............................................................................... A-16
Figures............................................................................................................. I
Tables ............................................................................................................ III
Glossary .........................................................................................................V
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
About This Manual
This manual provides general procedures for troubleshooting the ZXMP M721. The
Network element Management System (NMS) operations described in this manual are
based on the NetNumen U31 V12.15.10.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:
Debugging engineers
NMS monitoring personnel
Maintenance engineers
What Is in This Manual
This manual contains the following chapters and appendix.
Chapter 1, Overview
Describes the fault location principle,
troubleshooting flow, fault causes, common
methods of fault location, and ZTE technical
support information.
Chapter 2, Typical Troubleshooting
Describes the symptoms, troubleshooting flows,
and actions of typical faults.
Chapter 3, Fault Cases
Describes the fault symptoms, fault analyses, and
troubleshooting of typical cases.
Chapter 4, FAQ
Describes common questions and the
corresponding solutions.
Appendix A, Task Set
Describes the basic operation tasks during fault
This manual uses the following conventions.
Variables in commands. It may also refer to other related manuals and documents.
Menus, menu options, function names, input fields, option button names, check boxes,
drop-down lists, dialog box names, window names, parameters, and commands.
Text that you type, program codes, filenames, directory names, and function names.
Optional parameters.
Mandatory parameters.
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Separates individual parameter in series of parameters.
Danger: indicates an imminently hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in
death or serious injury, equipment damage, or site breakdown.
Warning: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in
serious injury, equipment damage, or interruption of major services.
Caution: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in
moderate injury, equipment damage, or interruption of minor services.
Note: provides additional information about a topic.
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 1
Table of Contents
Fault Location Principles ............................................................................................1-1
Troubleshooting Flow .................................................................................................1-1
Fault Causes ..............................................................................................................1-2
Common Methods of Fault Location ...........................................................................1-4
ZTE Technical Support Information.............................................................................1-7
1.1 Fault Location Principles
Since a transmission system covers a certain number of sites, which are located far away
from each other, it becomes critical to locate a fault to a specific site accurately. After
locating the faulty site, maintenance personnel can concentrate on eliminating the fault at
the site.
During the fault location, follow the general principles described below:
Check for external causes first, such as broken fiber and power supply failure. Then,
consider the problems in the transmission equipment itself.
Try to locate the faulty device as soon as possible, and then locate the faulty board.
Analyze higher-level alarms first, and then lower-level alarms during the analysis of
the alarms.
1.2 Troubleshooting Flow
Figure 1-1 illustrates the troubleshooting flow.
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ZXMP M721 Troubleshooting Guide
Figure 1-1 Troubleshooting Flow
1.3 Fault Causes
Engineering Problems
Project engineering problems refer to the equipment fault that results from nonstandard
engineering construction or poor engineering design.
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Chapter 1 Overview
To prevent such problems, the maintenance personnel should strictly observe the
engineering specifications to perform construction and installation, and carry out the
single-site or entire-network debugging and test.
External Causes
External causes refer to the environment and equipment factors instead of the equipment
itself, which result in the equipment fault.
Power failure, for example, equipment power failure and too low supply voltage.
Fiber fault, for example, fiber performance, high loss of signal, broken fiber, and poor
contact of the fiber connector.
Cable fault, for example, when the trunk cable is dropped, and poor contact of the
cable connector.
The equipment is improperly grounded.
The equipment is placed in an unsuitable environment.
Incorrect Operations
Incorrect operations refer to inappropriate operations performed by maintenance
personnel due to lack of understanding of the equipment, which results in the equipment
Incorrect operation is the most common cause of faults during equipment maintenance,
especially in network reconstruction, upgrading, and expansion, where the old and new
devices are mixed or old and new versions are mixed. The maintenance personnel are
normally unaware of the difference between old and new devices or between the old and
new versions, resulting in system errors.
Equipment Interconnection Problems
The ZXMP M721 system accesses various optical signals, which are transparently
transmitted over the ZXMP M721 system. The interconnection failure may result from the
characteristics of optical devices.
The interconnection failure may result from the following reasons:
Incorrect fiber connection. Incorrect connection of the optical interfaces is the common
cause during the maintenance.
The performance of the boards is degraded.
Equipment Problems
Equipment problems refer to the faults resulting from the equipment itself, including
equipment damage and poor interaction between boards.
The equipment damage results from the aging of the boards after the equipment runs
for a long time. The characteristics of the equipment problems are as follows:
The equipment has been in use for a long time.
The equipment runs properly before the fault occurs.
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ZXMP M721 Troubleshooting Guide
The equipment only occurs at particular points or boards.
The equipment occurs because of some external causes.
The poor interaction of boards refers to the poor interaction between parts of the
device, which results in faults.
1.4 Common Methods of Fault Location
There are seven kinds of common fault locating methods. Refer to the following table for
a brief description.
Method Name
Applicable Circumstances
Observation and
Locates the fault by observing the status
Used to primarily locate the fault type
analysis method
of alarm indicators on the equipment
and fault point.
and analyzing the EMS performance
and alarm information.
Instrument test
Locates the fault by using instruments to
Used to reduce the negative influence
test the system and board performance.
on services during the fault location.
Locates the fault by unplugging the
Used to remove the fault caused by
faulty board and its external interface
poor contact or processor faults.
Locates the fault by replacing the
suspected faulty component of the
equipment with a new one.
Used to check for the problem of
an external transmission device.
Used to locate the faulty board in a
specific site.
Used to handle the problems
related to the power supply or
Locates the fault by analyzing the EMS
Used to locate and analyze probable
data analysis
configuration data and operation log.
causes of a fault after locating the fault
to the exact NE (equipment).
Locates the fault by modifying the
Used to remove the fault caused by
configuration of the equipment.
configuration error when the fault is
determined to be in a specific site.
Locates the fault through project
Used to eliminate the faults, and recover
the services effectively. It is difficult to
locate the real cause of a fault by using
the experience method. Therefore, it is
not recommended to use it unless the
fault is emergent.
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 1 Overview
Observation and Analysis Method
When faults occur in the system, related alarms appear in the faulty equipment and the
corresponding network management. Observing the status of alarm indicators on the
equipment helps to locate the fault in time. At the same time, the performance and alarms
related to the fault are reported to the EMS, which records and shows them in a graphical
user interface. In addition, by analyzing the performance and alarm information on the
basis of the principle of WDM alarms, maintenance personnel can primarily locate the
fault type and fault point.
When collecting correct alarm and performance information through the EMS, verify that
the current time of each NE in the network is synchronized with the time of the network
management. Deviation of the time setting will result in incorrect or delayed collection of
alarm and performance information of NEs in the system.
Instrument Test Method
A passive board of the ZXMP M721 provides an external monitoring optical interface, which
should be used for the test to avoid affecting the transmission services of the main optical
The instrument test method is used to handle external problems of transmission
equipment. If it is difficult to locate bit errors and find whether they are generated by the
SDH equipment or WDM system, the maintenance personnel needs to perform remote
self-loop with a fiber pigtail, and then use instruments to test the local equipment.
The following sequence of using instruments is recommended to reduce the negative
influence on services during the fault location.
1. SDH analyzer
Loop the remote end of the SDH equipment and connect an SDH analyzer to its local
end to determine whether the bit error comes from the SDH or the WDM equipment.
2. Optical power meter
Use an optical power meter to accurately measure the optical power of the probable
fault points.
3. Optical spectrum analyzer
Test the optical interface of the probable faulty board with a spectrum analyzer, read the
optical power and OSNR from the analyzer. Then compare the data with the original
data to determine whether there is considerable performance degradation.
If all services of the main optical path are affected, focus on the spectrum of the OM/OD
and OAD boards. If only one service channel of the primary channel is affected, focus
on the spectrum of the OTU, OM/OD and OAD boards.
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ZXMP M721 Troubleshooting Guide
4. Dispersion analyzer
Perform dispersion analysis on optical signals after they are transmitted on optical
5. Ethernet tester
Test Ethernet service performance indicators.
6. Multi-wavelength meter
Measure the central frequency and the central wavelength of the channels.
Unplugging/Plugging Method
When boards have faults, the maintenance personnel needs to unplug the faulty board
and its external interface connectors, and then plug them back to remove the fault caused
by poor contact or processor faults.
The maintenance personnel must observe the operation instructions while
plugging/unplugging the board to avoid damaging the board or other problems due to
improper handling.
Replacement Method
The replacement method is used to troubleshoot a fault by replacing the suspected faulty
component of the equipment with a new one, such as a segment of cable, a board or the
equipment. It is normally applied in the following circumstances:
Checking for the problem of an external transmission device, which may be a fiber,
access equipment, and a power supply device.
Locating the faulty board in a specific site.
Handling the problems related to the power supply or grounding
The replacement method is simple for maintenance personnel and more practical than
other methods. However, it demands the availability of spare parts and accessories.
Configuration Data Analysis Method
In some cases, the configuration data for the equipment may be damaged because of the
configuration modification or improper maintenance operation, which will result in faults.
After the faulty NE is located, the configuration data analysis method is used to locate
the fault cause by querying the current configuration data and user operation log of the
By the configuration data analysis method, the maintenance personnel can locate and
analyze probable causes of a fault after locating the fault to the exact NE (equipment).
However, this method takes relatively longer time and requires more professional skills.
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 1 Overview
It is suitable for experienced maintenance personnel who are very familiar with the
Reconfiguration Method
The reconfiguration method is used to locate a fault by modifying the configuration of the
equipment. When a fault is determined to be in a specific site, maintenance personnel can
check whether there is any configuration error by modifying the channel, slot, and board
Before modifying the equipment configuration, the maintenance personnel needs to keep a
backup of the original configuration data and record the detailed reconfiguration operations
for the convenience of fault analysis and data recovery.
During the system upgrade, capacity expansion or reconstruction, the maintenance
personnel can deliver the previous configuration data for checkup if errors are suspected
in the new configuration data.
The reconfiguration method is complicated and suitable for skilled maintenance personnel.
This method is not recommended in routine maintenance. It is used only when there is no
backup board.
Experience Method
At some special occasions (such as transient power supply failure, low voltage or external
severe electro-magnetic interference), some boards in the equipment may be in incorrect
status, such as service interruption or ECC communication interruption. Sometimes, the
corresponding alarms are generated. Sometimes, there may be no alarm when the board
configuration is correct. In this case, the maintenance personnel can reset the board,
re-configure the board, or switch over the services to a backup channel to eliminate the
faults, and recover the services effectively.
It is difficult to locate the real cause of a fault by using the experience method. Therefore,
it is not recommended to use it unless the fault is emergent.
When encountering a fault difficult to locate, the maintenance personnel should request
for technical support from the nearest service office, troubleshoot the fault and eliminate
the risks with the help of ZTE technical support engineers.
1.5 ZTE Technical Support Information
The global customer service center of ZTE Corporation provides around-the-clock
technical support services, online and over the phone. ZTE customer service center
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ZXMP M721 Troubleshooting Guide
In China: 0755-26770800, 800-8301118 (free), 400-830-1118 (free)
Out of China: +86-755-26771900
Fax: +86-755-26770801
Technical support website: http://support.zte.com.cn
Technical support mailbox: 800@zte.com.cn
To obtain technical support from ZTE Corporation, provide the following information to ZTE
technical support personnel:
Event details, including time, place, event, environment (such as high temperature
area, low temperature area, high humidity area, or lightning area)
Data observed through alarm management, performance management, and log
Operation procedure that has been performed after the occurrence of the fault
Remote login method and contact number
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 2
Typical Troubleshooting
Table of Contents
Service Interruption Fault ..........................................................................................2-1
Multiple-Channel Bit Error Fault .................................................................................2-4
Single-Channel Bit Error Fault ...................................................................................2-9
Optical Power Fault .................................................................................................2-11
Electrical Layer Sub-wavelength 1+1 Protection Fault .............................................2-14
Network Supervision Fault .......................................................................................2-17
2.1 Service Interruption Fault
All services are interrupted and the EMS reports alarms or exceptional performance
All service interruptions occur but the EMS reports no alarm or performance statistics.
The main optical path or the supervision channel is broken.
Single-wavelength or multi-wavelength services cannot be transferred properly.
Troubleshooting Flow
For the troubleshooting flow of a service interruption fault, see Figure 2-1.
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Figure 2-1 Service Interruption Troubleshooting Flow
Check whether the equipment is powered off.
1. Check whether the NE icons in the topology window of the EMS are offline, that is, the
NE icons are gray.
l Yes → Step 2.
l No → Step 3.
2. Verify that the power cables are connected to the power supply in the equipment room,
and then check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 3.
Check whether the optical fibers are broken.
3. Use an OTDR to check whether the optical cables are faulty.
l Yes → Step 4.
l No → Step 5.
4. Troubleshoot the optical fibers, and then check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 2 Typical Troubleshooting
No → Step 5.
Check whether the optical power is correct.
5. Handle the fault in accordance with 2.4 Optical Power Fault .
6. Check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 7.
Check whether a hardware loopback test is performed on the port.
7. Check whether a hardware loopback test is performed on the port. For details, refer
to A.2 Hardware Loopback.
l Yes → Step 8.
l No → Step 9.
8. Release the hardware loopback on the port and check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 9.
Check whether the configurations on the EMS are correct.
9. In the NE Management window of the EMS, select NE Operation > Maintenance
Management > Loop Back. Check whether loopback is configured on the port.
l Yes → Step 10.
l No → Step 11.
The WDM port status reporting function can check whether loopback is configured on
the port on the EMS. For details, refer to A.7 Querying a WDM Port State Report .
10. Release the loopback, and then check whether the fault is resolved. For details, refer
to A.3 Software Loopback.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 11.
11. In the NE Management window of the EMS, check whether the NE configurations,
such as FEC, access service type, service mapping, APSD/APR enabling status and
cross-connect, are correct.
l Yes → Contact ZTE technical support.
l No → Step 12.
12. Modify the NE configurations, and then check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Contact ZTE technical support.
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ZXMP M721 Troubleshooting Guide
2.2 Multiple-Channel Bit Error Fault
The EMS reports 15-Min Before FEC BE Over Threshold Alarm and FEC Correct Bit
Error Count(Exp Format).
The following performance errors occur to multiple-channel services:
B1 error count of SDH services
SM BIP8 error count and PM BIP error count of OTU services
CRC error packet count of GE services
Packet loss of 10GE services and error frames of data services
Bit error performance data refers to the count of bit errors that occur in 15 minutes.
To obtain accurate data, you need to check whether the bit error performance data
increases or check whether the bit error is zero.
Troubleshooting Flow
For the troubleshooting flow of a multiple-channel bit error fault, see Figure 2-2.
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 2 Typical Troubleshooting
Figure 2-2 Multiple-Channel Bit Error Troubleshooting Flow
Check whether the fault is caused by external factors.
1. Verify that the equipment is grounded correctly. For example, verify that the DDF/ODF
is grounded correctly and the transmission equipment and switching equipment are
connected to the same grounding bus bar. Check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 2.
2. Verify that the equipment room meets the equipment operation requirements, the air
filter is not blocked and the fans operate properly, and then check whether the fault is
If the air filter is blocked, clean the air filter. For details, refer to A.1 Cleaning a
Dust-Proof Mesh (Optional). If any fan does not operate properly, replace the fan.
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ZXMP M721 Troubleshooting Guide
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 3.
3. Verify that no electromagnetic interference that is caused by lightning, high voltage
transmission lines, power supply or other electronic devices exist around the
equipment, and then check whether the optical fiber operates properly.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 4.
4. Swap the optical fiber used on the line where bit errors occur with those without bit
error, and then check whether the optical fiber is faulty.
After the optical fibers are swapped, if bit errors occur on the original line where no bit
error occurred, the optical fiber must be faulty.
Yes → Step 5.
No → Step 6.
To swap optical fibers, you should use optical fibers without services to avoid service
5. Clean the pigtail fiber connector or change the pigtail fiber and check whether the fault
is resolved. For details, refer to A.4 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors.
Yes → End.
No → Step 6.
Check whether the primary path power is changed.
6. Query historical performance data of optical input/output power of the OA board on
each node from upstream to downstream and compare the historical data with the
current performance data to check whether the optical power of the OA board is
l Yes → Step 7.
l No → Step 8.
7. Handle the optical power in accordance with 2.4 Optical Power Fault , and then check
whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 8.
Check whether the OSNR meets the requirements.
8. Use a spectrum analyzer to check whether the channel OSNR meets the requirements.
l Yes → Step 9.
l No → Step 13.
9. Check the design file and clean the OTS whose designed line attenuation is larger than
the actual value. Use an OTDR to check whether the optical fibers are faulty. Repair
or replace the faulty optical fibers. After that, check whether the fault is resolved.
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 2 Typical Troubleshooting
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 10.
10. Check the historical and present pump bias currents of the OA boards on each site in
the service flow direction from upstream to downstream. Check whether there is any
OA board whose historical and present pump bias currents are significantly different.
l Yes → Step 11.
l No → Step 12.
11. Replace the OA board and check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 12.
12. Use a spectrum analyzer to check the optical power flatness and OSNR flatness.
Increase the optical power of the channel whose OSNR is low, and then check whether
the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 13.
The channel with a higher optical power has a higher OSNR. The channel with a lower
optical power has a lower OSNR.
Check whether the fault is caused by optical dispersion.
13. Perform the following operations as needed.
The network is in provisioning stage
Go to Step 14.
The network is in maintenance stage
Go to Step 17.
14. Verify that the dispersion module is installed in the direction as designed and check
whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 15.
15. Check whether the actual optical fiber parameters (such as parameters, optical fiber
type, and dispersion coefficient) are identical with the design, especially in those
sections where different types of optical fibers are fused and spliced. If not, replace
the optical fibers with the ones meeting the design requirements, and then check
whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 16.
16. Use an optical dispersion analyzer to test system residual dispersion to check whether
the dispersion compensation is appropriate. If not, contact system design personnel
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ZXMP M721 Troubleshooting Guide
to design the dispersion again to improve system performance. Check whether the
fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 21.
17. Check whether any optical fiber is replaced during network maintenance and check
whether the optical fiber meets the requirements.
If the types of the original optical fiber and the new optical fiber are different or the new
optical fiber is of different type, the total residual dispersion of the system may exceed
the threshold.
l Yes → Step 18.
l No → Step 19.
18. Replace the optical fiber with the one that meets the requirements and check whether
the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 19.
19. Check whether any board is replaced during network maintenance and the dispersion
tolerance of the new board is significantly different from that of the original board.
l Yes → Step 20.
l No → Step 21.
20. Replace the faulty board with a board that has the same dispersion tolerance and
check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 21.
Check whether the fault is caused by the PMD fault.
21. Use a dispersion analyzer to check whether the PDM tolerance of the bit error-related
board is less than the PMD value of the optical fibers.
l Yes → Step 22.
l No → Step 23.
22. Replace the board with one board having a larger PMD tolerance and check whether
the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 23.
23. Add a trunk in the OMS to lower the effects of PMD. Replace or optimize optical fibers
and check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Contact ZTE technical support.
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Chapter 2 Typical Troubleshooting
2.3 Single-Channel Bit Error Fault
The EMS reports 15-Min Before FEC BE Over Threshold Alarm and FEC Correct Bit
Error Count(Exp Format).
The following performance errors occur to single-channel services:
B1 error count of SDH services
SM BIP8 error count and PM BIP error count of OTU services
CRC error packet count of GE services
Packet loss of 10GE services and error frames of data services
Troubleshooting Flow
For the troubleshooting flow of a single-channel bit error fault, see Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3 Single-Channel Bit Error Troubleshooting Flow
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Check whether the fault is caused by external factors.
1. Eliminate the external causes in accordance with Step 1 through Step 5 in 2.2
Multiple-Channel Bit Error Fault .
2. Check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 3.
Check whether the optical fibers in the subrack are faulty.
3. Verify that the pigtail fiber connector is secured correctly, the reflectance of the pigtail
fiber meets the standard, and the pigtail connector is clean (refer to A.4 Cleaning
Optical Fiber Connectors).
4. Check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 5.
Check whether service boards are faulty or performance is aged.
Check whether the service board is faulty or performance is aged in accordance with the
following steps. For example, site B reports bit errors in the topology as shown in Figure
Figure 2-4 Bit Error Fault Location Topology Diagram
5. Use an OTU board on site B to receive the signals sent from other normal channels
and check whether any bit error occurs.
If bit errors occur, the OTU board on site B is faulty or performance is aged.
l Yes → Step 6.
l No → Step 7.
6. Replace the OTU board on site B and check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 7.
Check whether the optical power performance data of the board is correct.
7. Through the EMS, check whether optical input power on the OCH side and on the
OAC side of the board exceeds or reaches the sensitivity and overload point of the
optical interface.
l Yes → Step 8.
l No → Step 9.
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Chapter 2 Typical Troubleshooting
For the requirements for sensitivity and overload of board optical interfaces, refer to
Technical Specifications.
8. Handle the optical power fault in accordance with 2.4 Optical Power Fault , check
whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 9.
Check whether the channel OSNR failed to meet the standard.
9. Use a spectrum analyzer to check whether the OSNR of the channel failed to meet
the standard.
l Yes → Step 10.
l No → Contact ZTE technical support.
10. Handle the fault in accordance with Step 8 through Step 12 in 2.2 Multiple-Channel Bit
Error Fault and check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Contact ZTE technical support.
2.4 Optical Power Fault
The optical power flatness is uneven and the OSNR is incorrect.
The primary path power fluctuates obviously.
Optical power of individual channels changes obviously.
Troubleshooting Flow
For the troubleshooting flow of an optical power fault, see Figure 2-5.
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Figure 2-5 Optical Power Fault Troubleshooting Flow
Check whether the fault is caused by external factors.
1. Use an OTDR to check pigtail fibers of the site where optical power faults occur are
l Yes → Step 2.
l No → Step 3.
2. Replace the pigtail fibers and check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 3.
3. Use an optical power meter to check whether the channel insertion loss values of OMU
boards are too large.
l Yes → Step 4.
l No → Step 5.
4. Clean the optical fiber connector on the optical input interface of the OMU board in
accordance with A.4 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors, and check whether the fault
is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 5.
Check whether the OA board gain is configured properly.
5. Query the EMS operation logs and check whether OA board gain is adjusted.
l Yes → Step 6.
l No → Step 7.
6. From the Board Operation node in the NE Management window on the EMS, select
Board Operation > WDM Power Configuration > Board Power Adjustment.
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Chapter 2 Typical Troubleshooting
Configure the OA board with the original gain in accordance with debugging records.
Check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 7.
7. Check gain flatness of the OA board and verify that the gain flatness is proper.
The operations are as follows:
a. Use a meter to check the gain flatness board to locate the OA board whose flatness
is poor.
b. In the Board Power Adjustment window of the NE Management window, check
the configured gain of the OA board.
Set the gain to 0, and check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 8.
Check whether the equipment hardware is faulty.
8. Check historical alarms of the OA board. Check whether Laser Shutdown Automatic
ally events occur on the board and the laser shutdown time is correct.
l Yes → Step 10.
l No → Step 9.
9. The shutdown of a laser may be caused by hardware fault of the OA board. Replace
the faulty OA board and check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 10.
10. Query historical performance data and current performance data of optical power of
the boards in the order from upstream to downstream.
11. Perform the following operations in accordance with the queried optical power
performance data, and check whether the fault is resolved.
The board cannot query performance data,
The board hardware may be faulty. Replace
the board whose performance data cannot be
In the direction from the OMU/VMUX board to
The OMU board is faulty or the OTU board
the OA board, the current performance data
frequency offsets. Replace the OMU board or
and historical performance data of optical
the OTU board.
output power of the OMU/VMUX board is
significantly different,
The historical performance data and current
Replace the OA board.
performance data of the OA board optical input
power do not change, but the optical output
power is lowered and the OA board's gain is
not adjusted,
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ZXMP M721 Troubleshooting Guide
If the OA board optical input power performance
The OA board output power transmission in
data is larger than the difference between the
full load. A long-term operation may damage
maximum output value and the current gain,
the board. Add an optical attenuator to verify
that the optical input power is lowered than the
maximum optical input power.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 12.
12. Perform the following operations to restore the OA board performance.
Because the following operations need to remove OA boards or remove the optical
fibers connected to the OA board, the service will be interrupted. Be careful of
performing the operations.
a. Clean the OA board and the optical fiber connector or adapter on the
corresponding ODF in accordance with A.4 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors
and A.5 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors With Dust-Free Cotton Sticks.
Connect the optical fiber to the board and check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step b.
b. Check whether the flange interfaces or 1550/1510 multiplexers/demultiplexers of
the OA board are normal.
l Yes → Contact ZTE technical support.
l No → Step c.
Change the OA board and check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Contact ZTE technical support.
2.5 Electrical Layer Sub-wavelength 1+1 Protection
If services are interrupted or the switching command from the EMS is received, the
protection channel cannot be switched properly.
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Chapter 2 Typical Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Flow
For the troubleshooting flow of an electrical layer sub-wavelength 1+1 protection fault, see
Figure 2-6.
Figure 2-6 Electrical Layer Sub-wavelength 1+1 Protection Fault Troubleshooting Flow
Check whether the protection group' data is configured improperly.
1. Check whether the sending ends of service mapping and cross-connection
configuration are in the concurrent status.
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From the NE Operation navigation tree in the left pane of the NE Management
window, select WDM Service Configuration > Set Service Mapping. The Set
Service Mapping window is displayed. Configure service mapping.
From the NE Operation navigation tree in the left pane of the NE Management
window, select Common Configuration > Cross Connection Configuration. The
Cross Connection Configuration window is displayed. Perform cross connection
l Yes → Step 3.
l No → Step 2.
2. Delete the protection group on the EMS, re-configure data, and then check whether
the fault is eliminated.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 3.
Check whether multicast route data is improper.
3. In the Topology Management window, right-click an NE and select Multicast Route
Configuration from the shortcut menu to check whether multicast route data is
l Yes → Step 4.
l No → Step 5.
4. In the NE Management window, select Multicast Route Configuration from the NE
Operation navigation tree. Click the Calculate Multicast Route button and then issue
the calculated data to the NCP board. Then, check whether the fault is eliminated.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 5.
Check whether the APS protocol is configured properly.
5. Log in to the NCP board and run the telnet command to check whether the APS process
is proper.
l Yes → Step 7.
l No → Step 6.
6. In the NE Management window, select New Protection Relation Group from the NE
Operation navigation tree to configure the APS protocol. Then, check whether the
fault is eliminated.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 7.
Check whether historical alarms exist on the working channel and protection
7. Select an NE and check whether historical alarms occur on it.
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Chapter 2 Typical Troubleshooting
l Yes → Step 8.
l No → Step 9.
8. Clear the historical alarms and then check whether the fault is eliminated.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 9.
Check whether fibers are faulty.
9. Use an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) to test fibers and check whether
the fibers are faulty.
l Yes → Step 10.
l No → Step 11.
10. Handle the fiber fault point (for example, splicing) and then check whether the fault is
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 11.
Check whether the service board is faulty.
11. Check whether the service board is faulty.
l Yes → Step 12.
l No → Contact ZTE technical support.
12. Replace the faulty board and then check whether the fault is eliminated.
l Yes → End.
l No → Contact ZTE technical support.
2.6 Network Supervision Fault
The EMS cannot ping through NEs.
The EMS can ping through NEs but cannot monitor them.
The EMS can manage some NEs in the network.
The EMS cannot configure the boards.
Troubleshooting Flow
For the troubleshooting flow of a network supervision fault, see Figure 2-7.
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Figure 2-7 Network Supervision Fault Troubleshooting Flow
Check whether the fault is caused by external factors.
1. Check whether the NE icons in the topology window of the EMS are offline, that is, the
NE icons are gray.
l Yes → Step 2.
l No → Step 3.
2. Verify that the power cables are connected well to the power supply in the equipment
room, and then check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 3.
3. Use an optical power meter to check whether the optical input power is normal. For
details, refer to A.6 Optical Power Test.
l Yes → Step 5.
l No → Step 4.
4. Adjust optical attenuators, clean pigtail fibers or replace the pigtail fibers, and then
check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 5.
Check whether the access NEs can be managed.
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Chapter 2 Typical Troubleshooting
5. In the cmd window on the EMS computer, run the ping IP Address of the EMS
Computer command to check whether the network card is installed in the computer
and check whether the network configurations take effect.
If you can ping through the card, the computer network card is installed properly and
the network configurations are valid.
l Yes → Step 9.
l No → Step 6.
6. Verify that the network card of the network computer is connected well and operates
7. In the NE Management window of the card, select Board Operation >
Communication Maintenance > Board IP Configuration and check whether the IP
address, subnet mask, and area ID of the port of the SOSC board on each NE are
consistent with the network design.
When the IP address, subnet mask and area ID of the SOSC board port are checked,
you need to check the settings of electrical port 3.
l Yes → Step 9.
l No → Step 8.
8. Set the IP address, subnet mask and area ID of the SOSC board port in accordance
with the network plan, and then check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 9.
9. In the cmd window on the EMS computer, run the ping IP Address of
electrical port 3 of the SOSC board on the access NE command to
check whether the EMS computer and the NE is connected well.
If you can ping through the NE, the EMS computer and the access NE are connected
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l Yes → Step 10.
l No → Step 20.
10. Perform the following operations in accordance with connection types between the
EMS computer and the access NE.
The EMS computer and the access NE are
Go to Step 11.
connected directly,
The EMS computer and the access NE are
Go to Step 15.
connected through the DCN.
11. Check whether the network cables between the EMS computer and the access NE
are connected well. Check whether the network cable type (cross-connect cable or
pass-through cable) is correct.
l Yes → Step 13.
l No → Step 12.
12. Replace the network cables and connect the network cables. Check whether the fault
is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 14.
13. Check whether the IP address of the EMS computer and the IP address of electrical
port 3 of the SOSC board of the access NE belong to the same network segment.
l Yes → Step 16.
l No → Step 14.
14. Verify that the IP address of the EMS computer and the IP address of electrical port
3 of the SOSC board of the access NE belong to the same network segment. Check
whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 7.
15. Check whether the network cables between the EMS computer and the DCN are
connected well. Check whether the network cables between the access NE and the
DCN are connected well. Check whether the network cable type is correct.
l Yes → Step 17.
l No → Step 16.
16. Replace the network cables and connect the network cables. Check whether the fault
is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 17.
17. Contact DCN network maintenance engineers and verify that the ping function is
allowed in the DCN. Verify that the fault is not caused by the DCN, and check whether
the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 18.
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Chapter 2 Typical Troubleshooting
18. (Optional) If the access NE is an gateway, check whether static routes between the
access NE and the gateway NE exist. Check whether the access NE is configured
with the static routes directing the EMS computer in accordance with A.8 Configuring a
Static Route for the NE. In the cmd window on the EMS computer, run the route print
command to check whether the EMS computer is configured with the static routes
directing the access NE.
l Yes → Step 20.
l No → Step 19.
19. In the cmd window on the EMS computer, run the route add Destination Network
Segment mask Subnet Mask Gateway -p command to add the static routes to
the access NE. Add static routes to the EMS computer on the access NE in accordance
with A.8 Configuring a Static Route for the NE.
check whether the fault is resolved.
Yes → End.
No → Step 20.
Check whether internal supervision fibers are connected well.
20. Check whether internal supervision fibers are connected well in accordance with
engineering design.
l Yes → Step 21.
l No → Step 22.
21. Connect the internal supervision fibers again in accordance with engineering design,
and check whether the fault is resolved.
l Yes → End.
l No → Step 22.
Check whether any fault occurs on the board.
22. Through the EMS, query the board historical and current alarms and check whether
board-level alarms, such as Card Dismount Alarm, occur.
l Yes → Step 24.
l No → Step 23.
23. Observe the board indicators. Perform the following operations in accordance with the
indicator status.
NOM (green) indicator is off or is lit,
Go to Step 24.
ALM (red) indicator and NOM (green)
Go to Step 25.
indicator flash alternatively and slowly,
24. Reset the board, remove and install the board, or replace the board. Check whether
the fault is resolved.
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When you reset the board, remove and install the board, or replace the board, the
services may be interrupted. Be careful.
l Yes → End.
l No → Contact ZTE technical support.
25. Configure the board in accordance with A.10 Adding a Board Manually and send the
configurations to the board. Check whether the fault is resolved.
When ALM (red) indicator and NOM (green) indicator flash alternatively and slowly,
the board is in a state waiting for configurations. When the board is in such status, the
board is not configured on the EMS, but service operation is not affected.
Yes → End.
No → Contact ZTE technical support.
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 3
Fault Cases
Table of Contents
Broadcast Storms on the Optical Monitoring System Disable the Entire Network
From Being Monitored ...............................................................................................3-1
External IP Address Fails to Be Obtained After DIP Switch of the NCP Board is
Set, Disabling the IP Address From Being Modified ...................................................3-3
Mismatched Monitoring Optical Module Type Causes a Monitoring Fault ...................3-4
Fiber Connections Cannot Be Implemented on the IN Interface of the ODU Board ....3-4
The M1 and M2 Sites of the Central Site Are Connected, Causing Ring Network
Power Fluctuations ....................................................................................................3-5
3.1 Broadcast Storms on the Optical Monitoring
System Disable the Entire Network From Being
In an area, there is a network composed of four ZXMP M721 rings. There are 60 NEs in
total, whose IP addresses are all in the network segment.
Broadcast storms frequently occur on the monitoring system, disabling all the ZXMP M721
devices in the network from being monitored. In this case, the optical monitoring system
composed of four rings must be broken into links.
Fault Analysis
For the schematic diagram of the ZXMP M721 network, see Figure 3-1.
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Figure 3-1 Schematic Diagram of the ZXMP M721 Network
1. The monitoring system of the ZXMP M721 is a layer-2 network that is likely to be
affected by broadcast data packets.
2. The broadcast data sources of the four rings are sent from four interfaces of the switch.
These four interfaces are distributed in the same VLAN, without implementing interface
3. Four layer-2 switching ring networks are all connected to the switch and affect each
other, which may easily lead to broadcast storms.
Implement the VLAN isolation on the four interfaces of the switch by partitioning Private
Virtual Local Area Networks (PVLAN).
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Chapter 3 Fault Cases
3.2 External IP Address Fails to Be Obtained After DIP
Switch of the NCP Board is Set, Disabling the IP
Address From Being Modified
1. During the initialization of the NCP board, after the second byte of the DIP switch of the
ECM sub-module of the NCP board is set to the ON position, the board is reinstalled,
the server is connected to the NCP board with a network cable, and the IP address of
the server is set to
2. In the DOS command prompt dialog box, after the Ping command is
executed for a long time, the operation fails, meaning that the external IP address
cannot be obtained.
Fault Analysis
The ZXMP M721 system has two versions: R1.0 and R1.1. The NCP initialization methods
vary with hardware versions.
1. R1.0 version: Set the ECM DIP switch of the NCP board to the ON position. After the
NCP board is restarted, the IP address of the NCP board is
2. R1.1 version: Set the ECM DIP switch of the NCP board to the ON position. After the
NCP board is restarted, the IP address of the NCP board is The IP
address cannot be pinged on site.
1. Set the IP address of the server to 192.192.192.X/24 and ensure that the server can
ping the IP address
2. Start EMS software, create a new NE in the Topology Management window, set the
IP address of the NE to, and properly manage the NE.
3. Download the basic database and perform the automatic board discovery function.
After device monitoring recovers, modify the IP address of the NE to the destination
IP address.
4. Set the second byte of the DIP switch of the ECM sub-module of the NCP board to
the OFF position, reinstall the board, modify the IP address of the EMS server to be
in the same network segment as the new address of the NCP board, and then restart
the EMS server.
It is found that NEs can be managed properly.
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3.3 Mismatched Monitoring Optical Module Type
Causes a Monitoring Fault
In a ZXMP M721 CWDM network, the monitoring optical interfaces on two NCP boards
can send optical signals but the peer NE cannot receive the signals. It is found that the
main optical power is proper.
Fault Analysis
The SCOMD board uses a 1310 nm optical module. However, this wavelength will be
filtered by the SCOMD board.
Replace the optical module of the SCOMD board with either of the following optical
l 1311 nm two-fiber bidirectional optical module
l 1510 nm two-fiber bidirectional optical module
3.4 Fiber Connections Cannot Be Implemented on the
IN Interface of the ODU Board
During internal fiber connections of the ZXMP M721, fibers cannot be connected to the
IN interface of the ODU board, meaning that the IN interface of the ODU board cannot be
selected during fiber connections.
Fault Analysis
1. The EMS software version might be improper.
After the EMS software is upgraded, the fault is not eliminated.
2. The NCP board version might be improper.
The current board is version is the latest version, so it can be excluded that the fault
is caused by the NCP board.
3. Check board properties. It is found that the central frequency of the initial channel of
the board is 0 and the wavelength information of each working channel is improper.
Then, check the important data of the board. It is found that the importance data of
the board is improper. You must modify it.
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 3 Fault Cases
1. Modify
this data shall prevail) .
2. Reset the ODU board, update the installed board through the EMS, and then
implement fiber connections. The fault is eliminated.
3.5 The M1 and M2 Sites of the Central Site Are
Connected, Causing Ring Network Power
For the ZXMP M721 network structure in an area, see Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2 Network Structure
The ring network is composed of five ZXMP M721 NEs, each of which uses an SOAD
board as the Mux/DeMux board. Centralized services are sent from central site A to each
site. During engineering debugging, the following problems are found.
l The input power of the OA board changes frequently. The optical power queried
through the EMS is inconsistent with that measured by the optical power meter.
l The input optical power at the service side is around -5 dBm and the input optical at
the line side is 15.8 dBm. The optical power of each separated channel is lower than
-4 dBm, which obviously does not comply with the formula.
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Fault Analysis
The M1 site of the SOAD board on central site A is connected to the M2 site of the SOAD
board in the other direction.
Disconnect the fibers between the M1 and M2 sites of central site A. The fault is eliminated.
The M1 and M2 sites of central site A are connected, which forms a closed-loop network
and leads to ring network free running and unstable power channels.
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 4
Table of Contents
Does the Line Side of the MQA2 Board Support Two-Channel Independent OTU2
Services? ...................................................................................................................4-1
Does the Client Side of the MQA2 Board Support the Services with the Rates
Lower than 1 Gbit/s? ..................................................................................................4-1
Can the EI Board be Installed in the 10th Slot of the Master Subrack? ........................4-2
Can the NCP Board of the Slave Subrack be Installed with an SFP Module to
Receive the Monitoring Signals from the SEOA Board? ............................................4-2
Can Electrical Monitoring and Optical Monitoring be Used Simultaneously? ...............4-2
Can the NCP Board of the Master Subrack be Replaced by the NCP of the Slave
How to Merge the VLANs of the Master Subrack of an NE? ......................................4-3
How to Merge the VLANs of the Slave Subrack of an NE? ........................................4-4
Can Master and Slave NCP Board Ping Each Other After VLAN Merging?.................4-5
How to Connect the Monitoring Systems of Two NEs Through Network Cables? ......4-5
4.1 Does the Line Side of the MQA2 Board Support
Two-Channel Independent OTU2 Services?
Q: Does the line side of the MQA2 board support two-channel independent OTU services?
Example: Two 10G channels are required between site A and site B. Each site needs to
be configured with an MQA2 board and the MQA2 board needs to be configured with two
10G XFP optical modules.
A: No. The MQA2 board supports one-channel 10G (OTU2) service only. The second
interface can only be used as the protection interface of the first interface (In 1+1 protection
of channels, the second interface can be used). If the first 10G channel is used, an MQA2/N
board is configured. If the second 10G channel is used, an MQA2/P board is configured.
4.2 Does the Client Side of the MQA2 Board Support
the Services with the Rates Lower than 1 Gbit/s?
Q: Does the client side of the MQA2 board support the services with the rates lower than
1 Gbit/s?
Example: On the engineering site, configure the client side of the MQA2 board with the
services at 622 Mbit/s and 155 Mbit/s. It is found that the services are blocked.
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A: No. The client side of the MQA2 board can access GE services or the services with the
rate higher than 1 Gbit/s only. The service access range of the client side of the MQA2
board is from 1.0625 Gbit/s through 4.25 Gbit/s. The typical rates at two ends are 1G FC
and 4G FC. To use services at 155 Mbit/s and 622 Mbit/s, the MJA board or MQA1 board
must be used.
4.3 Can the EI Board be Installed in the 10th Slot of the
Master Subrack?
Q: Can the EI board be installed in the 10th slot of the subrack?
A: Yes. The EI board can be installed in the master subrack or slave subrack.
The EI board must be installed in the 10th slot of the subrack.
4.4 Can the NCP Board of the Slave Subrack be
Installed with an SFP Module to Receive the
Monitoring Signals from the SEOA Board?
Q: Can the NCP board of the slave subrack be installed with an SFP module to receive
the monitoring signals from the SEOA board?
A: Yes. In most cases, the NCP board of the master subrack is used first.
One NCP board can support two-channel optical monitoring. If both master and slave NCP
boards are configured, they can support four-channel optical monitoring.
4.5 Can Electrical Monitoring and Optical Monitoring
be Used Simultaneously?
Q: Can the electrical monitoring and optical monitoring of the ZXMP M721 be used
A: Yes. The internal spanning tree protocol is used, so that the system can automatically
select paths to avoid looping.
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Chapter 4 FAQ
4.6 Can the NCP Board of the Master Subrack be
Replaced by the NCP of the Slave Subrack?
Q: Can the NCP board of the master subrack be replaced by the NCP of the slave subrack?
A: Yes.
The DIP switch of the slave subrack of the NCP board is set to subrack 1 and the
switch status is OFFOFFOFFON.
During the IP address configuration of the NCP board, the DIP switch 2 of the
sub-module is set to the ON position and the IP address of the NCP board is forcedly
set to
The database of the NCP board must be downloaded.
4.7 How to Merge the VLANs of the Master Subrack of
an NE?
Q: How to merge the VLANs of the master subrack of an NE?
A: The procedure for merging VLANs is described as follows.
1. Run the telnet command to telnet to the NE through the IP address.
2. Run the cd 2 (or sh 2 ) command to enter the L2/app process. Then, run the vlanmerge
command to merge VLANs.
After vlan 104 is merged, the slave subrack cannot be managed.
3. Set the IP address of the EMS computer to 192.168.subrack number.× and ping
the internal addresses of all the boards on the master subrack (192.168.subrack
number.slot number × 4).
In a network, the VLANs of only one NE can be merged to avoid abnormal monitoring
caused by IP address conflicts.
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Run the vlanmerge dis command to disable vlan 104. After the VLAN is disabled, the slave
subrack can be managed.
4.8 How to Merge the VLANs of the Slave Subrack of
an NE?
Q: How to merge the VLANs of the slave subrack of an NE?
A: The procedure for merging VLANs is described as follows.
1. Run the telnet command to telnet to the NE through the IP address.
2. Run the telnet 192.168.subrack number.4(8) 9023 command to telnet to the NCP board
of the slave subrack.
3. Run the cd 2 (or sh 2 ) command to enter the L2/app process. Then, run the vlanmerge
command to merge VLANs.
After vlan 104 is merged, the slave subrack cannot be managed.
4. Set the IP address of the EMS computer to 192.168.subrack number.× and ping the
internal addresses of all the boards on the slave subrack (192.168.subrack number.slot
number × 4).
5. Run the telnet 192.168.subrack number.4(8) 9023 command.
Both the username and password are zte.
Run the vlanmerge dis command to disable vlan 104. After the VLAN is disabled, the slave
subrack can be managed.
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Chapter 4 FAQ
4.9 Can Master and Slave NCP Board Ping Each Other
After VLAN Merging?
Q: Can master and slave NCP board ping each other after VLAN merging?
A: The solution is described as follows.
1. Merge VLAN 104 to obtain the IP address of the master NCP board.
The master NCP board can be pinged after VLAN 104 is merged. The master NCP
board refers to the master subrack or the master board of the slave subrack.
2. Merge VLAN 101 to obtain the IP address of the slave NCP board.
The master NCP board can be pinged after VLAN 101 is merged. The slave NCP
board refers to the slave subrack or the slave board of the slave subrack.
4.10 How to Connect the Monitoring Systems of Two
NEs Through Network Cables?
Q: How to connect the monitoring systems of two NEs through network cables?
A: The monitoring systems of the ZXMP M721 NEs are connected to each other through
interconnection of the NCP boards of the master and slave subracks. In most cases, this
connection mode is used in the central equipment room. For example, NE A and NE B
that belong to different networks are controlled by the EMS. Therefore, NE A and NE B
can only be connected to each other through the interconnection of the NCP boards of the
master and slave subracks. For the connections of the monitoring systems between NEs,
see Figure 4-1.
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Figure 4-1 Connections of the Monitoring Systems Between the ZXMP M721 NEs
If the connection mode is improper, the slave subrack cannot identify which master subrack
manages it, which might cause improper NE monitoring or service interruption.
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Appendix A
Task Set
This chapter includes the tasks that serve as reference for troubleshooting and they shall
not be executed in sequence.
Table of Contents
Ÿ Cleaning a Dust-Proof Mesh (Optional) .................................................................. A-1
Ÿ Hardware Loopback ............................................................................................... A-2
Ÿ Software Loopback................................................................................................. A-4
Ÿ Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors ......................................................................... A-7
Ÿ Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors With Dust-Free Cotton Sticks ......................... A-10
Ÿ Optical Power Test................................................................................................ A-11
Ÿ Querying a WDM Port State Report ..................................................................... A-13
Ÿ Configuring a Static Route for the NE ................................................................... A-13
Ÿ Resetting Boards .................................................................................................. A-14
Ÿ Adding a Board Manually ..................................................................................... A-16
A.1 Cleaning a Dust-Proof Mesh (Optional)
If the equipment runs for a long time, dust tends to clog the dust-proof mesh at the bottom
of the subrack. This may cause poor cooling, and therefore you must clean the dust-proof
mesh in a timely manner.
In most cases, the ZXMP M721 is not configured with a dust-proof mesh. You can install
a dust-proof mesh as required.
1. Remove the dust-proof mesh from the subrack, see Figure A-1.
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Figure A-1 Removing the Dust-Proof Mesh
2. Use a vacuum cleaner and a soft brush to clean the dust-proof mesh.
3. Reinstall the dust-proof mesh on the side of the subrack.
– End of Steps –
A.2 Hardware Loopback
Hardware loopback is a kind of troubleshooting method. It can be used to locate the faulty
point of a WDM NE level by level by separating the communication link, and check the
working status of nodes and transmission lines.
According to the type of the port to be looped and loop direction, the loopback at the
line side/aggregate side/client side/ tributary side can be implemented. Figure A-2
illustrates loopback respectively at client side and line side. Figure A-3 illustrates loopback
respectively at tributary side and aggregate side.
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Figure A-2 Board Loopback at Client Side and Line Side
Figure A-3 Board Loopback at Tributary Side and Aggregate Side
1. Add appropriate optical attenuators on optical Rx ports of the board.
When pigtail fibers are used to perform a hardware loopback test, an optical attenuator
must be added before the pigtail fiber that is connected to the optical port to avoid
optical port damage due to optical power overload and to verify that the optical input
power is between the sensitivity and overload point of the optical port.
2. Use pigtail fibers to connect optical Tx port and optical Rx port of a board to complete
hardware loopback.
– End of Steps –
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A.3 Software Loopback
Software loopback is the loopback implemented with the EMS. It can be used to locate the
faulty point of a WDM NE level by level by separating the communication link, and check
the working status of nodes and transmission lines.
Software loopbacks of the ZXMP M721 are divided into loopback on inlet and loopback on
outlet. Figure A-4 illustrates the loopback direction.
Figure A-4 Loopback Illustration
Optical transponder boards, convergence boards and boards in cross-connect subsystem
support the software loopback of optical interfaces.
Table A-1 illustrates the loopback types supported by the optical transponder boards.
Table A-1 Definition of Software Loopback Supported by Optical Transponder
Loopback Mode
loopback on inlet
loopback at client
A signal is input to a client-side optical receive
port (OAC source) and then output from the
client-side optical transmit port (OAC sink) to
implement the loopback at the client side.
loopback at line side
A signal is input to a line-side optical receive port
(OCH source) and then output from the line-side
optical transmit port (OCH sink) to implement
the loopback on the line side.
Table A-2 illustrates the loopback types supported by the convergence boards.
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Appendix A Task Set
Table A-2 Definition of Software Loopback Supported by Convergence Boards
Loopback Mode
A signal is input to a tributary
on inlet
on tributary
optical receive port, looped on
side (near)
tributary side and then output
The tributary loopback can
be set based on tributary.
from corresponding tributary
The other unlooped tributaries continue working
optical transmit port.
A signal is input to an aggregate
receive port, looped on
aggregate side and output
from corresponding aggregate
transmit port.
A signal is input to an aggregate
on outlet
on tributary
optical receive port and then
separated into n tributary
signals. One or multiple
The tributary loopback can
be set based on tributary.
In this loopback mode, tributary signals can be con-
tributary signals are looped to
figured to pass through the
corresponding tributary input
board. One or more tribu-
port(s) and then combined into
tary signals separated from
an aggregate signal, which
the input aggregate signal
is output from corresponding
are directly looped to cor-
aggregate optical transmit port.
responding tributary input
Signals are input from tributary
ports and finally combined
receive ports and combined
into an aggregate signal,
into an aggregate signal. This
which is output from an ag-
aggregate signal is looped to
gregate output port.
corresponding aggregate input
port inside the board. It is
separated into tributary signals
and output from corresponding
tributary transmit ports.
loopback on
Signals are input from tributary
on outlet
receive ports and then
side (near)
combined into aggregate
signals. The aggregate signals
are looped to aggregate input
port inside the board, and are
output from corresponding
tributary transmit ports.
loopback on
A signal is input to an aggregate
on inlet
receive port, looped on the
aggregate side and then output
from aggregate transmit port.
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Table A-3 illustrates the loopback types supported by the cross-connect boards.
Table A-3 Definition of Software Loopback Supported by Cross-Connect Boards
Loopback Mode
A signal is input to a tributary optical
back on
back on
receive port, looped on tributary side
tion is required on back-
inlet (ex-
and then output from corresponding
plane side.
tary side
tributary optical transmit port.
The loopback can be set
based on tributary.
The other unlooped tributaries continue working
An optimal signal is selected from
back on
back on
two input signals at backplane side.
outlet (in-
It is input to backplane interface and
side (re-
separated into n tributary signals.
One or multiple of these tributary
The loopback can be set
based on tributary.
In this loopback mode, tributary signals can be configured to pass through the
signals are looped to corresponding
tributary input interfaces inside the
board and then combined into one
The loopback takes effect
signal, which is finally duplicated into
on both channel A and
two same signals and output from
channel B on backplane
backplane interfaces.
Signals are input from tributary
back on
back on
receive ports and then combined into
outlet (in-
a backplane signal. The backplane
signal is looped to backplane input
port inside the board and then
separated into tributary signals
again. These tributary signals are
output from corresponding tributary
transmit ports.
An optimal signal is selected from
The backplane far-end loopback
back on
back on
two input signals on backplane side.
takes effect on both channel A
inlet (ex-
It is input to backplane interface
and channel B on backplane
and looped on backplane side. The
side (re-
looped signal is duplicated into two
same signals and then output from
backplane interfaces.
1. In the Topology Management window of the EMS, double-click an NE. The Rack
Chart window is displayed.
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Appendix A Task Set
2. In the Rack Chart window, right-click the board from the shortcut menu, and select
Loop Back. The Loop Back widow is displayed.
3. In the port that you want to set loopback, select Loopback Type and set other loopback
4. Click Apply.
– End of Steps –
A.4 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors
A.4.1 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors With an Optical Fiber
Wiping Box
When the cross section of the optical fiber is not clean, you should clean it. This section
describes how to clean optical fiber connectors with an optical fiber wiping box.
Before checking optical fiber connectors, shut down the laser and disconnect the
connections of both ends of the optical fiber.
Before the cleaning, check the optical fiber surface with a microscope to verify that the
optical fiber is contaminated.
If the optical fiber surface is not contaminated, do not clean it.
contaminant will be introduced.
Otherwise, dust or
Laser is dangerous and invisible. Do not look straight at optical interfaces or optical
fiber connectors. Otherwise, eyes might be hurt.
To prevent static from damaging equipment, please wear antistatic wrist straps.
1. Press the handle of the optical fiber wiping box to show the new clean surface.
2. Put the top of the optical fiber on the clean surface.
3. Drag the top of the optical fiber connector through the clean surface, see Figure A-5.
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Figure A-5 Cleaning the Optical Fiber
4. Repeat step 3 through another clean surface to clean the top of the optical fiber again,
see Figure A-5.
The same clean surface can be used only once. Otherwise, the optical fiber connector
will be damaged or contaminated.
5. Release the handle of the optical fiber wiping box and close the clean surface.
After the cleaning, do not touch the optical fiber connector but cover it with the
dustproof cap, or connect it to the board immediately.
– End of Steps –
Related Tasks
Check the optical fiber with a microscope. If it is not clean enough, repeat the steps above
till it is completely clean.
A.4.2 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors With Lens Paper
When the cross section of the optical fiber is not clean, you should clean it. This section
describes how to clean optical fiber connectors with lens paper.
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Before checking optical fiber connectors, shut down the laser and disconnect the
connections of both ends of the optical fiber.
Before the cleaning, check the optical fiber surface with a microscope to verify that the
optical fiber is contaminated.
If the optical fiber surface is not contaminated, do not clean it.
contaminant will be introduced.
Otherwise, dust or
Laser is dangerous and invisible. Do not look straight at optical interfaces or optical
connectors. Otherwise, eyes might be hurt.
To prevent static from damaging equipment, please wear antistatic wrist straps.
1. Pour a small amount of cleanser on the lens paper.
2. Put the top of the optical fiber connector on the lens paper, and drag it slowly to clean.
3. Repeat step 2 on the unused part of the lens paper to clean repeatedly.
4. Spray the top of the optical fiber with compressed gas.
When using the compressed gas, the nozzle should be as close as possible to
the top of the optical fiber, but not touch it.
Before using the compressed gas, spray it into the air to remove the concentration.
Otherwise, the sediment in the concentration will contaminate the surface of the
optical fiber.
If the compressed gas is not available, replace it with the winding-type cleaning
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After the cleaning, do not touch the optical fiber connector but cover it with the
dustproof cap, or connect it to the board immediately.
– End of Steps –
Related Task
Check the optical fiber with a microscope. If it is not clean enough, repeat the steps above
till it is completely clean.
A.5 Cleaning Optical Fiber Connectors With Dust-Free
Cotton Sticks
When the cross section of the optical fiber is not clean, you should clean it. This section
describes how to clean optical fiber connectors with dust-free cotton sticks.
In engineering, there are various dust-free cotton sticks used to clean optical fibers. You
should select the most appropriate one as required.
Before checking optical fiber connectors, shut down the laser and disconnect the
connections of both ends of the optical fiber.
Laser is dangerous and invisible. Do not look straight at optical interfaces or optical
fiber connectors. Otherwise, eyes might be hurt.
To prevent static from damaging equipment, please wear antistatic wrist straps.
1. Pour a small amount of cleanser on the dust-free cotton stick.
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2. Use a dust-free cotton stick to touch the optical fiber adapter slowly to clean the top of
the optical fiber with cleanser.
3. Rotate the dust-free cotton stick clockwise four or five times to verify that the dust-free
cotton stick directly touch the top of the optical fiber.
4. Pull out the dust-free cotton stick from the optical fiber adapter.
5. Spray the compressed gas to the top of the optical fiber.
Before using the compressed gas, the nozzle should be as close as possible to
the top of the optical fiber, but not touch it.
Before using the compressed gas, spray it into the air to remove the concentration.
Otherwise, the sediment in the concentration will contaminate the surface of the
optical fiber.
If the compressed gas is not available, replace it with the winding-type cleaning
After the cleaning, do not touch the optical fiber connector but cover it with the
dustproof cap, or connect it to the board immediately.
– End of Steps –
A.6 Optical Power Test
A.6.1 Optical Power Test Precautions
Measure the attenuation of the fiber pigtail used for the optical power test and make
sure that this fiber pigtail has good transmission performance. For optical boards
using different optical interfaces, single-mode or multi-mode, use different fiber pigtails
for the test accordingly.
In accordance with the attenuation of the known optical connector and testing fiber,
modify the mean optical launched power read from the optical power meter. For higher
test accuracy, take the average value of multiple test results, and then modify it with
the attenuation of the optical connector and the testing fiber.
Check and make sure that the pigtail connector is clean, and the connecting devices
of the ring flange on the optical board panel and that of the ring flange on the optical
power meter are well coupled.
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Shut off the laser before plugging/unplugging fiber pigtails to or from the DRA or the
EOA board.
Do not clean a fiber pigtail while there is light (especially strong light) in it; otherwise,
the fiber connector will be damaged.
Optical power meter adjusts according to different receiving wavelength. The wavelength to be measured should be in the measuring range of the optical power meter,
otherwise, there will be measuring error.
Select the optical power meter with proper measuring range according to different
optical sources.
A.6.2 Testing Optical Launched Power
This section describes how to test the optical power for the optical interface of the board
through an optical power meter.
Figure A-6 illustrates the optical launched power test.
Figure A-6 Testing the Optical Launched Power
1. Set the received optical wavelength of the optical power meter as close to the optical
launched wavelength of the optical board to be tested as possible.
2. Connect one end of the fiber pigtail to the optical interface of the optical board and the
other end to the input port of the optical power meter.
3. Read the stable optical power value displayed on the optical power meter, which is the
optical launched power of the board.
– End of Steps –
A.6.3 Testing Optical Received Power
This section describes how to test optical received power of the board with an optical power
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1. Set the received optical wavelength of the optical power meter as close to the optical
received wavelength of the board to be tested as possible.
2. Unplug the fiber pigtail connected to the optical interface of the board to be tested, and
connect it to the input interface of the optical power meter.
3. Read the stable optical power value displayed on the optical power meter, which is the
optical received power of the optical interface.
– End of Steps –
A.7 Querying a WDM Port State Report
Through WDM port state report, users can query the related information about the port of
a single or multiple NEs, such as Is Alarm, Is Alarm Mask, and Is Loop Back.
1. In the Topology Management window, select Statistics > Bearer NE Report > OTN
Report > Port State Data Report from the main menu. The Port State Data Report
dialog box is displayed.
2. Select an NE from the Device Resource navigation tree.
3. Click Query to view the WDM port state in the Query Result list.
4. Perform the following operations as required.
Save the WDM port state report to a local hard
Click the Export button.
Print the WDM port state report
Click the Print button.
– End of Steps –
A.8 Configuring a Static Route for the NE
In order to connect DCN, you need to add a static route for the NCP board of the gateway
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You have the user permissions of "Operator Role" or above.
1. In the Topology Management view, right-click the NE. Select NE Management from
the shortcut menu. The NE Management window is displayed.
2. Select an NCP board from the Customized Resource navigation tree.
3. In the Board Operation navigation tree, select Communication Maintenance >
Static Route Configuration. The Static Route Configuration window is displayed.
4. Set the parameters of Target IP address, Target Subnet Mask, and Gateway IP
5. Click Apply. A Message box is displayed. Click OK.
6. Manually reset the configured NCP board on the equipment.
– End of Steps –
After the route is added, the NE IP address can be pinged through on the NMS connecting
with the DCN network.
If it cannot be pinged, there is something wrong with the communication between the NMS
connecting with the DCN network and the NCP board of the NE. You should locate the fault.
A.9 Resetting Boards
Resetting boards is a common maintenance method used when boards are working
improperly. The purpose of resetting is to recover the normal working of the board. Board
data will not be lost after resetting, but this operation may cause service interruption.
You have the user permissions of "Operator Role" or above.
The NE is online.
You can reset boards in two ways:
Issue the reset command to boards on the ZXMP M721.
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Extract and insert boards on site to perform hard reset. Press the Reset button to
perform hard reset if it is available on the board.
1. In the Topology Management view, right-click an NE. Select NE Management from
the shortcut menu. The NE Management window is displayed.
2. In the NE Operation navigation tree, select Maintenance Management > Reset
Board. The Reset Board window is displayed.
3. Select the board in the Board list.
4. Select the Reset Mode for the board.
Resetting modes include soft reset and hard reset. IC reset and core module reset
are also available for some special boards.
Soft reset refers to resetting the application programs of boards. Soft reset does
not affect the service in operation.
Hard reset refers to resetting the ICs of boards, which takes longer time than soft
reset. Hard reset will affect the service in operation.
IC reset refers to initializing IC chips on some boards. IC reset will affect the
service in operation.
Power-on is to power up a board so that it can operate.
Power-off is to power off a board.
Kernel Module reset refers to initializing Kernel Module chips on some boards.
Kernel Module reset will affect the service in operation.
5. Click Apply.
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When the NCP board is in the resetting status, the communication between the NE and
the ZXMP M721 will be interrupted temporarily until the NCP board resumes normal
– End of Steps –
A.10 Adding a Board Manually
You need to add logical boards to an NE in the board management view when configuring
NE data manually. The data for configuring logical boards on the ZXMP M721 must be
consistent with that of the installed physical boards.
You have the user permissions of "Operator Role" or above.
Physical boards are actually installed in the current subrack. Logical boards are created
on the ZXMP M721 and saved on the main control processor database.
The main control processor database will report an "not-in-position" alarm until the proper
physical boards are installed in the equipment.
1. In the Topology Management view, double-click an NE. The Rack Chart dialog box
is displayed.
2. Use either of the following methods to add a board as required.
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Add a board by clicking the
corresponding button on the
On the Rack Chart tab, click the
button on the toolbar. The
Board Selection and Legend tabs are displayed in the right
After a board type is selected from the Board Selection list, the
relevant slots become yellow automatically, indicating that the
selected board can only be inserted into the yellow slots, see
Figure A-7.
Add a board by selecting the
corresponding item from the
Right-click the idle slots on the subrack, and then select a board
to be installed from the shortcut menu.
right-click shortcut menu
When adding a board, if the Pre-setting check box in the
bottom-left corner of the dialog box is selected, you can set
advanced attributes of the board in the displayed dialog box.
Figure A-7 Rack Chart Dialog Box
3. Click a slot highlighted yellow to install a board.
4. Click the Signal Graph tab, you can view the fiber connections between the installed
boards and the boards.
– End of Steps –
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Figure 1-1 Troubleshooting Flow............................................................................... 1-2
Figure 2-1 Service Interruption Troubleshooting Flow ............................................... 2-2
Figure 2-2 Multiple-Channel Bit Error Troubleshooting Flow...................................... 2-5
Figure 2-3 Single-Channel Bit Error Troubleshooting Flow ....................................... 2-9
Figure 2-4 Bit Error Fault Location Topology Diagram ............................................. 2-10
Figure 2-5 Optical Power Fault Troubleshooting Flow ............................................ 2-12
Figure 2-6 Electrical Layer Sub-wavelength 1+1 Protection Fault Troubleshooting
Flow...................................................................................................... 2-15
Figure 2-7 Network Supervision Fault Troubleshooting Flow ................................... 2-18
Figure 3-1 Schematic Diagram of the ZXMP M721 Network...................................... 3-2
Figure 3-2 Network Structure .................................................................................... 3-5
Figure 4-1 Connections of the Monitoring Systems Between the ZXMP M721 NEs
............................................................................................................... 4-6
Figure A-1 Removing the Dust-Proof Mesh...............................................................A-2
Figure A-2 Board Loopback at Client Side and Line Side ..........................................A-3
Figure A-3 Board Loopback at Tributary Side and Aggregate Side............................A-3
Figure A-4 Loopback Illustration................................................................................A-4
Figure A-5 Cleaning the Optical Fiber .......................................................................A-8
Figure A-6 Testing the Optical Launched Power......................................................A-12
Figure A-7 Rack Chart Dialog Box ..........................................................................A-17
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Table A-1 Definition of Software Loopback Supported by Optical Transponder
Boards .....................................................................................................A-4
Table A-2 Definition of Software Loopback Supported by Convergence
Boards .....................................................................................................A-5
Table A-3 Definition of Software Loopback Supported by Cross-Connect
Boards .....................................................................................................A-6
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- Automatic Power Reduction
- Automatic Power Shutdown
- Data Communications Network
- Digital Distribution Frame
- Distributed RAMAN fiber Amplifier
- Error Check and Correction
- Element Management System
- Forward Error Correction
- Network element Management System
- Optical Access
- Optical Channel
- Optical Distribution Frame
- Optical Multiplex Section
- Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio
- Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
- Optical Transmission Section
- Private Virtual Local Area Network
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ZXMP M721 Troubleshooting Guide
- Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
- Wavelength Division Multiplexing
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