REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF EDICATION Caraga Administrative Region BISLIG CITY DIVISION LESSON PLAN IN MAPEH 8 ARTS A. Content: Arts of Southeast Asia (Indonesia,Malaysia,Thailand,Cambodia,Myanmar,Vietnam, Lao PDR,Brunei, and Singapore B. Content Standard: Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills. C. Performance Standard: Create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Southeast Asia. D. Learning Competencies At the end of the session, the students will be able to: 1. Know the different arts and crafts of Southeast Asian Countries; 2. Describe the arts and crafts of Southeast Asian countries;and 3. Appreciate the kinds of crafts in Thailand, Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam. II. SUBJECT MATTER A. TOPIC: Fabric/ Fabric Design in Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. B. REFERENCES: Music and Arts of Asia Learner’s Module,pp. 170-173 C. MATERIALS: pictures,cards III. PROCEDURES TEACHER’S ACTIVITY STUDENT’S ACTIVITY A. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES 1. Opening Prayer 2. Greetings 3. Checking of attendance 4. Motivation Today,we are going to have an activity which we call “MATCH IT”. The students are grouped into four, they are asked to match the pictures to their respective countries. Am I clear, class? Yes,Maam. (The students will start the activity) B.LESSON PROPER 1. Activity Today, we are going to have another game and we will call this game “Scrambled Words” I will give you scrambled words and I want you to match it with their respective countries. Did you get my instructions? Yes, maam. (The students will do the activity) 2. Analysis I will give words related to the topic we have today and I want you to describe or say something about it. Here are the words: “ (Student answers may vary) 1. Ikat Technique 2. Thai silk 3. Sinh 4. ebony satin 3. Abstraction Now, I will ask you some questions: What have you learnt from this class? I’ve learnt about the traditions and clothings of each country. What can you say about the fabrics of (Students answer may vary) Thailand,Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam? 4. Application I will show you some pictures of traditional clothes and you identify the fabrics used in these (Students will answer the questions) clothes,whether it’s cotton or silk. IV. EVALUATION Directions: Match the words to their respective meaning. 1. Ikat Technique (The students will answer the questions) a. an all-natural lustrous silk. 2. Ebony Satin b. it yields single or twocolored fabrics. 3. Sinhs c. the center of the silk industry in Thailand 4. Khorat d. traditional garment worn by Lao. 5. Uneven Twill e. to create patterns,weavers tie and dye portions of weft yarn. V. ASSIGNMENT Choose one country from Laos, Thailand , Cambodia and Vietnam and find a traditional clothes picture and answer the questions. 1. What are the fabric used in these clothes? 2. Do you think this is comfortable to wear and why? REMARKS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. REFLECTION A. No.of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation C. Did the remedial lessons work?No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?Why did these work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? PREPARED BY: Checked or Observed : REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF EDICATION Caraga Administrative Region BISLIG CITY DIVISION LESSON PLAN IN MAPEH 8 ARTS A. Content: Arts of Southeast Asia (Indonesia,Malaysia,Thailand,Cambodia,Myanmar,Vietnam, Lao PDR,Brunei, and Singapore B. Content Standard: Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills. C. Performance Standard: Create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Southeast Asia. D. Learning Competencies: At the end of the session, the students will be able to: 1. Know the different fabric/fabric design of Southeast Asian Countries; 2. Describe the fabric designs of Southeast Asian countries;and 3. Appreciate the kinds of clothing in Thailand, Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam. II. SUBJECT MATTER A. TOPIC: Fabric/ Fabric Design in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore and Brunei. B. REFERENCES: Music and Arts of Asia Learner’s Module,pp. 174-177 C. MATERIALS: pictures,cards,bondpaper,visual aids III. PROCEDURES TEACHER’S ACTIVITY STUDENT’S ACTIVITY A. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES 1. Opening Prayer 2. Greetings 3. Checking of attendance 4. Review What was our last topic? Our topic was about fabric and fabric designs of Thailand,Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. Can you tell me about the fabric or designs of each country. 5. Motivation Today,we are going to have an activity which we (Answers may vary) call SOLVE THE PUZZLE. I want you to find the countries in Southeast Asia There are four answers here.I will give you 3 minutes to do that. Yes,Maam. Am I clear, class? (The students will start the activity) B.LESSON PROPER 1. Activity Now, let’s have another activity. I want you to group yourselves into 2 and I will give you some handouts for reference. What you have to do is to write down the terms relating to fabric/fabric design.You write it down in the manila paper provided and present it in front of the class. (The students will do the activity) I will give you 5 minutes to do that. 2. Analysis “ I will give scrambled words and I want you to (Student answers may vary) answer it with the meanings of it as your clue. Here are the words: 1. Hand Painted 2. batik 3. free form designs 4. simpur 3. Abstraction I’ve learnt about the traditions and clothings of each Now, I will ask you some questions: country. What have you learnt from this class? (Students answer may vary) What can you say about the different fabric designs of Indonesia, Malaysia,Singapore and Brunei? 4. Application (Students will answer the questions) We are going to have an individual activity in a sheet of paper I want you to draw a design of clothes that you want and label it which country does it belong and what kind of design is it based on the book (The students will start the activity) IV. EVALUATION Directions: Match the words with their meanings using the crossword puzzle. 1. the artist uses canting, a small copper container with one or more different sized pipes. 1. hand painted 2. give one category of batik designs. 2. geometric motifs 3. a fabric most common to Indonesia and 3. batik Malaysia. 4. flight attendants 4. In Singapore, batik is featured in as the uniform 5. digital printing of ______. 5. What is one way batik can be done. V. ASSIGNMENT Research about the Arts and Crafts of Thailand Cambodia and Laos and answer the questions: 1. What is Sky Lantern Festival? 2. What are the different handicrafts of Cambodia and Laos? REMARKS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Caraga Administrative Region BISLIG CITY DIVISION LESSON PLAN IN MAPEH 8 ARTS DATE: June 7,2017 TIME: 7am-8pm GRADE: Grade 8 SECTION: Del Pilar A. Content: Arts of Southeast Asia (Indonesia,Malaysia,Thailand,Cambodia,Myanmar,Vietnam, Lao PDR,Brunei, and Singapore B. Content Standard: Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills. C. Performance Standard: Create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Southeast Asia. D. Learning Competencies: 1. . identify characteristics of arts and crafts in specific countries in Southeast Asia (A8EL-Ib-1) 2. describe the different kinds of crafts present in these Southeast Asian Countries(A8EL-Ia-2) 3. appreciate the arts and crafts in Southeast Asian countries. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Arts and Crafts in Southeast Asian Countries References: Curriculum Guide: page 59 of 93 Music and Arts of Asia Manual: pp. 178-184 Materials:, laptop, marking pens,cartolina III. PROCEDURES TEACHER’S ACTIVITY STUDENT’S ACTIVITY A. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES 1. Opening Prayer 2. Greetings 3. Checking of attendance 4. Review What was our last topic? Our topic last time was about fabric and fabric design of Southeast Asian Countries. Yes,that’s right .Tell me about the fabric designs they have in Southeast Asian Countries. (Answers may vary) 5 Motivation I will show you a puzzle by group and I want you to The students start answering the activity find these words in the puzzle. The clues are already given to you. B. LESSON PROPER 1. Activity I will group you into three groups: First group will report about Thailand, Cambodia (The students will prepare for their report) and Laos. Second Group will report about Vietnam and Indonesia Third Group will report about Malaysia and Brunei. I will give you time to prepare for it. 2. Analysis What are Sky Lanterns made of? -made out of rice paper. How about Cambodia and Laos? What is part of Handicrafts their tradition? 3. Abstraction Do you like their arts and crafts? What can you say about their handicrafts? What arts and crafts do you like most and why? (Answers may vary) 4. Application I have here some pictures of arts and crafts of Southeast Asian Countries and I want you to (The students will answer the activity) identify what art is this and which country does it belong and describe each of them. IV.EVALUATION Directions: I will give you arts and crafts of Southeast Asian Countries and you will match it with their respective countries. 1. Sky Lantern 2. Handicrafts 3. Silk Painting 4. Wayang Kulit 5. Songkok V. ASSIGNMENT I want you to write down the meanings of the elements of art and principles of art. 1, Line 2. Shape and Form 3. Proportion REMARKS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Caraga Administrative Region BISLIG CITY DIVISION LESSON PLAN IN MAPEH 8 ARTS A. Content: Arts of Southeast Asia (Indonesia,Malaysia,Thailand,Cambodia,Myanmar,Vietnam, Lao PDR,Brunei, and Singapore B. Content Standard: Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills. C. Performance Standard: Create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Southeast Asia. D. Learning Competencies: 1 . Identify the different kinds of sculpture in Southeast Asian Countries (A8EL-Ib-1) 2. describe the process in making Southeast Asian Countries. 3. appreciate the different kinds of sculpture in Southeast Asian Countries. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Sculpture in Southeast Asian Countries References: Curriculum Guide: page 59 of 93 Music and Arts of Asia Manual: pp. 185-193 Materials:, laptop, marking pens,cartolina III. PROCEDURES TEACHER’S ACTIVITY STUDENT’S ACTIVITY A. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES 1. Opening Prayer 2. Greetings 3. Checking of attendance 4. Review What was our last topic? Our topic last time was arts and crafts of Southeast Asian Countries. Yes,that’s right .Tell me about the their arts and (Answers may vary) crafts. 5 Motivation I have here some pictures and I want you to identify and tell me which country does it belong The students start answering . B. LESSON PROPER 1. Activity I will group you into three groups: First group will report about Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. (The students will prepare for their report) Second Group will report about Vietnam and Indonesia Third Group will report about Malaysia and Brunei. I will give you time to prepare for it. 2. Analysis What do you think are the sculpture present in these Southeast Asian Countries? Wat Pho in Thailand What are some famous sculpture in these countries? (Students answer may vary) What do you think are the process or some ways of making sculpture? 3. Abstraction (Answers may vary) What can you say about their scuplture? What sculpture do you like most and why? 4. Application I will group you into four groups and I want you to (The student will do the activity) look for sculpture in Southeast Asian Countries and describe the process of making these sculpture. IV.EVALUATION Directions: I will give you some countries and I want you to write down the popular sculpture in each countries. 1. Thailand 2. Cambodia 3. Vietnam V. ASSIGNMENT Get some other pictures of sculpture in Southeast Asian Countries and I want you to give your reaction about this sculpture (50 words).Put it in a short bondpaper. REMARKS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________.