MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 1 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 CONTENTS 0 CONTENTS ................................................................................................................. 1 0.1 COPYRIGHT () NOTICE ........................................................................... 4 0.2 SERVICEMANUAL CHANGES/UPDATES.................................................. 5 1 FUNCTIONAL DESCR. DILUTING STAGES............................................................. 6 1.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................... 6 1.2 WHOLE BLOOD ASPIRATION .................................................................... 6 1.3 FIRST DILUTION .......................................................................................... 8 1.4 DILUTING THE WBC & HGB ...................................................................... 10 1.5 DILUTING THE RBC/PLT ............................................................................ 13 1.6 ASPIRATION PIPETTE CLEANING ............................................................ 15 1.7 AUXILIARY VALVES................................................................................... 16 2 FUNCTION DESCR. ANALYSING PROCESS............................................................ 18 2.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................... 18 2.2 FUNCTIONAL FLOW DIAGRAM ANALYSER PART................................ 18 2.3 CREATING THE VACUUM .......................................................................... 20 2.4 FILLING THE METERING UNIT ................................................................. 21 2.5 START ANALYSING PROCESS................................................................... 22 2.6 COUNTING THE WBC SAMPLE.................................................................. 23 2.7 CLEANING THE ORIFICE BEFORE THE RBC COUNT............................. 24 2.8 ANALYSING THE RBC SAMPLE ................................................................ 27 2.9 ENDING THE COUNTING PROCEDURES.................................................. 28 2.10 MEASURING THE HGB.............................................................................. 28 3 SPECIAL SERVICE PROCEDURES (DILUTER)........................................................ 30 3.1 DILUTER PUSH BUTTONS.......................................................................... 30 3.2 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS HEX-SWITCH CPU BOARD ................................ 30 3.3 THE TURNING VALVE POSITIONING SYSTEM ...................................... 31 3.4 ADJUSTMENT POSITIONING TURNING VALVE V1 ............................... 33 3.5 ADJUSTMENT POSITIONING TURNING VALVE V2 ............................... 35 3.6 BLOOD DETECTOR ADJUSTMENT ........................................................... 36 3.7 MIXING CUP DETECTOR CHECK .............................................................. 38 3.8 FILLING THE TURNING VALVES WITH DETERGENT ........................... 38 3.9 DILUTER VALVE TEST ............................................................................... 39 4 SPECIAL SERVICE PROCEDURES (ANALYSER).................................................... 41 4.1 PRINT SAMPLE-STATUS............................................................................. 41 4.2 COUNT ONLY ............................................................................................... 44 4.3 PHOTOMETER ADJUSTMENT.................................................................... 45 4.4 START / STOP DETECTOR ADJUSTMENT ................................................ 47 4.5 CALIBRATE PRESSURE .............................................................................. 50 MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 2 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.6 SCREEN-DUMP............................................................................................. 51 4.7 SHOW INPUT SIGNALS ............................................................................... 52 5 ERROR MESSAGES .................................................................................................... 53 5.1 ERROR NUMBERS / ANALYSING UNIT ................................................... 54 5.2 ERROR NUMBERS / DILUTING PART ....................................................... 57 6 CHANGING/INSTALLING PARTS , PC-BOARDS etc. .............................................. 64 6.1 CHANGING DILUTER PC-BOARDS............................................................ 64 6.2 CHANGING ANALYSER PC-BOARDS........................................................ 65 6.3 CHANGING PARTS / TURNING VALVES .................................................. 65 6.4 CHANGING THE SYRINGE/PISTON........................................................... 66 6.5 CHANGING VALVES & TUBES .................................................................. 67 6.6 CHANGING THE ORIFICE TRANSDUCER................................................. 68 6.7 CHANGING THE VIEWING ANGLE (LCD DISPLAY)............................... 69 7 TUBING SYSTEM LAY-OUT .................................................................................... 70 7.1 LEGENDS ...................................................................................................... 70 8 INSTALLING AUXILIARY DEVICES ........................................................................ 72 8.1 INSTALLING THE PRINTER AND SERIAL OUTPUT................................ 72 8.2 INSTALLING THE BAR-CODE PEN............................................................ 73 9 DESCRIPTION ELECTRONICS ( DILUTER SECTION )........................................... 78 9.1 POWER SUPPLY BOARD ( DRAWING 581-4113 / 4114 / 4115 -1 ) ........... 78 9.2 CPU uP DILUTER ( DRAWING 581-3008 ) .................................................. 80 9.3 AC-MOTOR DRIVERS ( DRAWING 581-3009 ) .......................................... 81 9.4 DC-MOTOR DRIVERS ( DRAWING 581-4106 ) .......................................... 81 9.5 VALVE DRIVERS ( DRAWING 581-4104 ).................................................. 82 9.6 DETECTOR/INDICATOR OUTPUTS ( DRAWING 581-4105 ) ................... 82 9.7 INPUT SIGNALS ( DRAWING 581-4107 ).................................................... 82 9.8 BOTTLE DETECTORS ( DRAWING 581-4108 ) .......................................... 82 9.9 COMMUNICATION ( DRAWING 581-4109 )............................................... 83 9.10 TURNING VALVE POSITIONING SYSTEM ( DRAWING 581-4116 ) ..... 83 10 DESCRIPTION ELECTRONICS (ANALYSER SECTION) ..................................... 84 10.1 POWER SUPPLY CPU BOARD (DRAWING 570-860A) ............................ 84 10.1 ANALOGUE AMPLIFIER ( DRAWING 570-855B) .................................... 84 10.3 DISCRIMINATOR CIRCUIT ( DRAWING 570-855C)................................ 85 10.4 HGB LAMP DRIVER CIRCUIT ( DRAWING 570-859A) ........................... 85 10.5 STATE MACHINE (DRAWING 570-855A)................................................. 86 10.6 METERING UNIT DETECTORS ( DRAWING 570-852B) ......................... 86 10.7 PRINTER DRIVER (DRAWING 570-854A) ................................................ 87 10.8 CPU SYSTEM ( DRAWING 570-851A)....................................................... 87 10.9 SERIAL OUTPUT ( DRAWING 570-856A )................................................ 87 10.10 HGB & PRESS. TRANSDUCER AMPL: ( DRAWING 570-858A ) ........... 88 10.11 DISPLAY PCB ( DRAWING 570-870 )...................................................... 88 MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 3 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.12 MAINS FILTER ( DRAWING/PCB 570-9040).......................................... 89 11 SERVICE SCHEDULE ............................................................................................... 90 11.1 SERVICE POINTS ....................................................................................... 91 12 APPENDIX / TECHNICAL BULLETINS................................................................... 96 13 REPORTING SERVICE QUESTIONS ....................................................................... 97 MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 4 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.1 COPYRIGHT ( ) NOTICE PLEASE NOTE : All rights strictly reserved. Reproduction or issue of this manual or parts of it to third parties in any form whatever is not permitted without written authority from the proprietors MEDONIC in Sweden. This copy issued by : Date : MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 5 Sweden Date : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICEMANUAL CHANGES/UPDATES This manual has been updated from revision 0.0 in the following chapters: Section 1.5 Text : ' To mix the final dilution carefully, the airpump is switched on and Changed to : ..... valve 7 is pulsed 2. 3. New text in section 4.1 Error # 80,81,82 and 130-139 added in section 5.1 Text added in section 6.7 6. 7. Section 10.12 added Warning text and servicesheet added in section 11 9. 10. Appendix section 12 letins added. ( important ) MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 6 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 FUNCTIONAL DESCR. DILUTING STAGES 1.1 INTRODUCTION The CA570 performs two dilutions, 1:400 and 1:40.000 . The 1:400 dilution is used for the WBC and HGB determination and the 1:40.000 dilution is used to perform the RBC and PLT measurements. These dilutions are done in 2 separate stages. The first and second dilution stages are completely separated from each other . Two separate turning valves are used . To understand the functions of the CA570, please study the descriptions below. To simplify the description; each main part of the diluting stage is reduced to its necessary parts, several secondary valve functions are excluded, however they are discussed in other sections. 1.2 WHOLE BLOOD ASPIRATION The turning valve V1 is used to dilute the whole blood 1:200 ( N.B. the 1:400 dilution is later performed). The figure below explains the basic principle . figure 1 V1 Turning valve. The turning valve is drawn in its number 1 position. This position is used to aspirate whole blood from an open vial. The turning valve has an internal volume of 30 microlitres MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 7 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,2,3 Tube valves, controlled by the software of the CA570 diluting part. B3 Vacuum buffer container. ( small size ) DOT Blood detector BEFORE the turning valve DAV Blood detector AFTER the turning valve. R1 Air-restrictor ( certain length/diameter tube) If the whole blood inlet is activated ; the following cycle is performed . Valve 1 is opened and the waste pump is started. Therefore a vacuum is created in B3 . The level of the vacuum is not controlled, in other words this might be rather high and completely depending on the condition of the waste pump. To reduce this vacuum to a more usable level; valve2 is opened during short intervals. ( pulsing) . Some air is now aspirated in to B3 and reducing the vacuum. How much the vacuum is reduced, is depending on the air restrictor R1 and the time that valve2 is opened. As R1 is a constant, the vacuum can be changed by changing the duty cycle of valve2. Valve3 is now opened and the blood is aspirated through turning valve V1 position 1. As there are 2 blood detectors present, which are sensed by the (diluter) microprocessor; Valve3 will close if both blood-detectors are detecting blood. and the aspiration will stop immediately. A question might arise : ' What is detected as being blood ?' .The definition of blood is purely defined by the sensitivity of the two blood detectors. The blood-detectors are designed around a LED ( green-colour) and a photocell. The optical path goes through a fibre optic and lights through the aspiration tube made of Teflon material. The sensitivity of these detectors can be set within a SPECIAL PROCEDURE program as described in the user manual of the CA570 section 'SPECIAL PROCEDURES' or as in section 3.6 of this service manual. As the software in the diluting part will wait until BOTH detectors see 'blood' ; it is important that BOTH detector sensitivities are set at about the same level. It is advisable that the detection level of both detectors is around a blood level with an HGB of 1.5 to 3 g/dl. Usually this level will remain stable for long periods, however in the case of a protein built-up within the aspiration tube, this level might change. It is therefore advisable to clean the aspiration tube with a hypo chlorite solution ( ca. 3-5%) or an enzymatic cleaner whenever service is performed on the CA570 and/or the blood detection level is (re) adjusted. Note that the LED is only switched on during the aspiration sequence of blood or during the BLOOD-DETECTOR ADJUSTMENT procedure as described in the user manual of the CA570 section ' Special procedures' or refer to section 3.6 in this manual. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 8 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 2 below illustrates the construction of a blood-detector. figure 2 If the whole blood aspiration is activated and NO blood is ever detected, the aspiration will stop after 10 seconds and a BEEP signal will be heard as a warning that no blood is detected. However the diluter will continue its 'diluting' process anyhow to make blank/check cycles possible. Also during long aspiration sequences, valve2 will be closed during longer intervals to increase the vacuum in B3 and in the inlet tip. The diluter software 'thinks' that the blood has a high viscosity or that the capacity of the waste pump is low and therefore compensate the vacuum automatically to a higher level . ( more vacuum). 1.3 FIRST DILUTION The first dilution is made by positioning the turning valve V1 to its second position. The second position is on one end connected to a syringe filled with the diluent and the other end to an inlet of the mixing cup. The syringe has a mechanical fixed volume of 6 ml. As the turning valve has an internal volume of 30 uL ; the dilution in the mixing cup will have a ratio of 1: 200 ( 30 ul into 6 ml of diluent ). The first dilution in the mixing cup is not enough mixed after the dilution is made. To achieve a correct mixing of the sample, the air pump is started and valve5 is pulsed ( ON/OFF with certain intervals) and large air bubbles are pushed into the sample. This creates a good mixed sample which is of great importance for the reproducibility of all counted parameters . Therefore the following parameters are direct dependent on a correct mixing procedure in the mixing-cup : RBC,PLT,WBC and HGB. Of course, the MCV,RDW,MPV parameters are LESS dependent on the mixing cycle as they are NOT related to a concentration of cells. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 9 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To avoid that the sample is contaminated with dust etc., the air passes an airfilter with an opening size (diameter) which should be smaller than the diameter of the smallest PLT. The size of the filter ( diameter ) is therefore ca. 1.5 micrometer. It is obvious that this filter should be changed with regular intervals to prevent blocking due to local dust environments. figure 3 Legends: S1 V1 B1 F1 Diluent syringe, fixed at 6 ml volume. Turning valve 1 , drawn in position 2 Mixing cup for the first dilution Airfilter with hole diameter of ca. 1.5 micrometer. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 10 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 DILUTING THE WBC & HGB As described in section 1.3 above, the first dilution in the mixing cup is 1:200. To achieve the final 1:400 dilution for the WBC & HGB determination , the following sequence is performed. Please study the figure 4 below which contains the necessary parts : figure 4 Legends: S2 Lyser syringe. volume is fixed to 5.2 ml . Valve 11 is switched to an open position to the lyser container (A) whenever it moves downwards, in the upwards direction valve 11 (B) opens to point AC1 Coil made of a Teflon tube. The total volume from A to B is 2.6 ml B1 The mixing cup for the first dilution 1:200 E1 Electrode ( metal tube) . This tube is used as the mixing tube as described in section 1.3 and as an electrode during the transfer of the sample to the WBC/HGB cup. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 11 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E2 Electrode (metal tube). This tube is used to transfer the sample to the turning valve It is also used as an electrode to check for liquid during the transfer of the sample to the WBC/HGB cup. V2 Turning valve 2 (position 3). This turning valve is basically the same as V1. However there are only 2 positions called 3 and 4. The internal volume is the same as for V1 , 30 ul. F1 Air filter . Opening size 1.5 um diameter BV1 One-way valve. This passive one-way valve is used to prevent that liquid from B5 can travel backwards into the 'air-tube'. It is located as close as possible to B5. B5 Measuring cup WBC/HGB The centre electrode/metal-tube in the mixing cup is connected to position 3 of turning valve 2. The other side of position 3 is connected via valve15B and the coil C1 to the WBC/HGB measuring cup at point B. The volume of the coil C1 from A to B is 2.6 ml. The waste pump is switched on and valve18 is opened, the WBC/HGB cup is drained. The mixing cup B1 is pressurised by switching on the air pump and opening valve6B . Valve 15B is also opened and the 1:200 dilution from the mixing cup is now flowing through the coil C1 towards the WBC/HGB cup. NOTE that the drain pump is still on and valve18 as well, so the WBC/HGB is drained continuously during this process. During this 'sample-transfer' process the two electrodes E1 and E2 (metal tubes) in the mixing cup B1 are sensed by the diluter uP for liquid. ( As the diluent has a certain conductivity ). The level of 1:200 diluted sample in the mixing cup B2 will now slowly decrease and finally reach the bottom of electrode E1. At this moment the diluter uP will sense no liquid and valve15B is closed. Valve18 and the drain pump will still be in the same position, therefore the WBC/HGB will be EMPTY but the 1:200 dilution is now trapped in the coil C1 ( between point A and B ) Finally valve18 is closed, ending the draining process of the WBC/HGB cup. Now the syringe S2, which is filled with 5.2 ml lyser, is moved upwards with valve 11B open, giving 5.2 ml in the WBC/HGB measuring cup. This solution contains 2.6 ml 1:200 sample and 2.6 ml lyser. The sample is therefore diluted by a factor 2 giving a total dilution of 1:400 in the WBC/HGB cup. As the final 1:400 is not mixed enough, the sample is mixed by switching on the air pump and opening valve7 by short intervals, introducing large air bubbles into the measuring cup B5 The one-way valve BV1 secures that no liquid can travel backwards through the air tube connected to valve7 . MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 12 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT POINTS The following points are important to understand in case of any service around the parts of above figure 4. As soon as the mixing cup B1 is pressurised and the sample will flow to B5, a timer starts to check that the time from the start of the transfer to the position where the sample has reached the bottom of electrode E1 is within certain limits. If there should be an air leakage in B1 or an obstruction in the coil C1 or any other part connected to it; this time could be too long. In such a case the system will stop and display : TOO LONG TRANSFER TIME A typical case occurs if the system is used mainly for prediluted samples. As these samples often are contaminated or contains hairs,fibres and other particles not related to the sample, these particles are usually stucked in the electrode E2 which is one of the narrowest 'tubes' of the system. This electrode should be cleaned on the inside with a needle to be sure that no obstructions are present. Another possibility of the above warning could be liquid on top of the mixing cup B1 between the electrodes E1 and E2. In that case the uP 'thinks' that there is liquid at all time inside the mixing cup. The maximum transfer time is 10 seconds for a whole blood sample and 18 seconds if the predilute entry is used. A normal transfer time is 3-6 seconds. Also, if the time should be unreasonable short, a similar warning is given. If the transfer time is less than 2 seconds, on the whole blood inlet, the following is displayed : NO DILUENT IN DILUTER In this case the volume in the mixing cup is too small, due to a lack of diluent ( diluted sample). MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 13 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In both cases the system will not measure any parameters . However by pressing the diluter-reset switch C and the <MENU> key, the CA570 will be operational again. See figure below : In case the transfer time is less than 2 seconds on the prediluted inlet, a warning : ERROR 863 is displayed. In that case ONLY press MENU to continue. Resetting the diluter with switch C, as explained above, is NOT necessary. 1.5 DILUTING THE RBC/PLT As the turning valve V2 contains a micro volume of 30 ul from the 1:200 sample during the sample transfer as described in section 1.4 above ; V2 is now turned to its position 4. Hereby connecting one side of position 4 to the diluent syringe 1 and the other side to the RBC/PLT cup via a tube. Note that this tube is already (always) filled with diluent . When the syringe S1 moves upwards, the final volume in B4 (RBC/PLT cup) will be 6 ml as well, but containing 30 ul of the 1:200 sample. As this is again a dilution of 1:200, the final dilution will be 1:40.000 in the measuring cup B4 (RBC/PLT). To mix the final dilution carefully, the air pump is switched on and valve7 is pulsed during certain intervals; introducing large air bubbles in B4. The passive one-way valve BV2 prevents that liquid flows backwards into the 'airtube' to valve7 . MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 14 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- figure 5 Legends: B4 RBC/PLT measuring cup F1 Air filter ( 1.5 um diameter) S1 Diluent syringe V2 Turning valve 2. Drawn in its position 4 BV2 One-way valve ( passive ) IMPORTANT As both syringes are driven by the same motor system; both dilution's ( WBC and RBC) are performed simultaneously. In case syringe S1 moves upwards like in section 1.3 figure 3, no lyser is 'needed' by the system. However the lyser syringe S2 will move upwards anyhow. In such a case valve11 is opened towards the lyser container (position A) and the lyser is just flushed backwards into the lyser container MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 15 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.6 ASPIRATION PIPETTE CLEANING The aspiration pipette for whole blood is cleaned on the in- and outside with diluent when the sample is diluted and analysed. A cleaning cup is moved by a motor to the inlet of the aspiration pipette and clean diluent is flushed around the pipette and drained through the pipette. An excessive 'draining' of the pipette with air is also used to dry the inside of the pipette. figure 6 Legends: P3 Membrane pump. This 'pump' is just a chamber divided by a membrane 'wall'. One side contains diluent and the opposite side only air. B2 Washing device. This device is turned by a motor either in the shown position or downwards after the cleaning cycle is finished. BV3 Passive one-way valve AP1 Whole blood aspiration pipette. The blood is aspirated through the inside which is a Teflon tube fitted in a stainless steel tube. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 16 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SL1 Whole blood start-lever. The lever is pushed backwards by B2 whenever in its horizontal position. NOTE that this is the indication if the cleaning cycle should start. If the lever is NOT pushed backwards, the cleaning cycle is inhibited and the operator will be warned with a series of 'beep' signals. The flush pump is a separate pump only used for several cleaning cycles in the CA570. Whenever started, a pressure is applied in the tubes connected to the flush pump. Therefore the membrane pump P3 will be filled with diluent on one side. As valve14 is still closed, P3 will have a buffer of diluent available anytime during the diluting process. The one-way valve BV3 prevents that diluent might flush backwards. When the air pump is started and valve6B is opened a high pressure is built-up inside P3. By pulsing valve14 , the diluent can now be supplied to the aspiration needle AP1. The cup B2 is drained by opening valve 13 with the drain pump switched on. IMPORTANT The above cleaning cycle is only performed if the start lever is pushed backwards whenever the cleaning cup B2 is in a horizontal position. The pin TP1 can be adjusted to assure that the start-lever SL1 is activated . This means that whenever the cleaning device is removed ( e.g. to check the valves behind) , NO cleaning is performed as the start-lever SL1 will not be activated. 1.7 AUXILIARY VALVES In the previous sections, several valves are not mentioned as they mainly have secondary functions like cleaning. Below follows a description of these valves : VALVE 4 This valve is activated at the end of a cycle for ca. 1 second and flushes detergent through the turning valve systems. This is necessary to assure that the turning valves never dry-up in their closed compartments. VALVE 6A The main function of this valve is to enable the aspiration of a prediluted sample. In that case the mixing cup will have a vacuum created by the waste pump and an open valve 8. VALVE 9B This valve, together with valve 15B and the flush pump, enables the cleaning ( with diluent ) of the WBC counting cup B5. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 17 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALVE 12 This valve gives the flush pump a possibility to flush either with diluent or detergent. If valve 12B is open, the flush pump will flush detergent into the system. VALVE 15A This valve, together with valve 9A, and with the waste pump switched on, empties the mixing cup B1 from excessive sample or clean diluent which is applied during the cleaning process of the diluting part. VALVE 16B This valve is used to flush the RBC cup , B4 with clean diluent during the autocleaning cycle between each sample. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 18 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 FUNCTION DESCR. ANALYSING PROCESS 2.1 INTRODUCTION The analysing process of the sample is basically separated from the diluting stages.. As 2 separate micro processors are used for the diluter and the analysing part, these processors are communicating by means of an excessive communication protocol. However the analysis of cells is only performed by the CPU of the analysing part. Certain valves that are directly involved in the analysing procedure are also controlled from the analyser CPU. This section 2 describes the necessary functions. 2.2 FUNCTIONAL FLOW DIAGRAM ANALYSER PART The below figure contains the parts of the analyser system. figure 7 Legends: B6 Vacuum bottle. This bottle is hermetically closed and is always empty. Only traces of liquid should be observed in the bottle and waste tube through valve19. PT Pressure transducer. This is an electronical pressure transducer connected to the CPU board of the analysing part. This transducer can handle ( linear ) a vacuum up to c. -500 hPa MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 19 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R2 Air restrictor. Teflon tube of a certain length/diameter. R3 Liquid restrictor. Tygon tube of a certain length/diameter. STOP Stop detector. This is an optical detector consisting of an IR LED and a photocell. Whenever the glass tube ( metering unit ) is filled with liquid (diluent) a high light intensity is measured at the photocell. If the metering unit is empty, the light intensity is low. START Start detector. This is an optical detector consisting of an IR LED and a photocell. Whenever the glass tube ( metering unit ) is filled with liquid (diluent) a high light intensity is measured at the photocell. If the metering unit is empty, the light intensity is low. METERING UNIT This is a glass tube. The volume between the start and stop detector is the actual measured (diluted) sample volume. The volume between the start and stop detector is fixed at 300 micro litre. T1 Transducer. The transducer consist of a chamber with point 1 and 2 on one side and a chamber at point 3 and 4 on the other side divided by an orifice of 80um. The sample is drawn through the orifice from 3-4 to 1-2. Connection points 1-2 are platinum tubes as well 3-4. These platinum tubes are used as electrodes. Point 3-4 being the 'cold' side (ground) and 1-2 the 'hot' side B5 The WBC/HGB counting cup. 19 Tube valve 19 is driven by the diluter CPU but controlled by the analysing CPU system. 25,26,27,28,29,30,31 Tube valves, controlled by the analyser CPU. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 20 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 CREATING THE VACUUM The vacuum bottle is used to enable the sample to be drawn through the orifice in the transducer T1. The metering unit should always be filled with diluent before this process is started. To fill the metering unit ( up to the stop detector), the vacuum bottle is put at ca. 400hPa by starting the waste pump and opening valve 19. The pressure transducer is sensed and valve 19 is closed at the desired -400hPa level. A maximum time of 20 seconds is allowed to reach this vacuum level. Also the vacuum bottle is drained during this process. If this level cannot be reached within this time limit; an error code 20 will be displayed. Indicating a defect waste pump or a leakage at the vacuum bottle. Note that this vacuum level of 400hPa is only used to fill the metering unit. The actual vacuum during the analysing process is 163-137 hPa. ( See section 2.5) figure 8 Creating vacuum to fill the metering unit. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 21 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 FILLING THE METERING UNIT To fill the metering unit with diluent, after performing the sequence as described in 2.3 above; valve 26,30 and 28 are opened . The diluent is drawn through the flush pump ( which is OFF) and the STOP detector is sensed for liquid. As soon as the stop detector detects liquid, these valves are closed. figure 9 Fill metering unit with diluent MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 22 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5 START ANALYSING PROCESS To start the analysing of cells in the counting cups B4 or B5, first the liquid column in the metering unit is moved downwards below the start detector. The vacuum in the bottle B6 is first regulated to - 163 hPa. If the vacuum was too high, valve 25 and 26 are opened until the correct vacuum is reached. If the vacuum was too low, valve 19 is opened and the waste pump is switched on until the correct vacuum is reached. ( - 163 hPa ). To move the column downwards, valve 31,30 and 25 are opened and the START detector is sensed for air. This process should end within 3 seconds, if no air is detected within this time limit ; error-code 30 will be displayed. The column will stop below the start detector as a time delay is added to assure that the meniscus is a few mm below the start detector before the valves are closed. If during the time that the column moves downwards an airbubble is detected at the start detector; the software will take care of this situation as long as the time for this bubble to pass the start detector is less than 0.1 second. If the time is longer, the column will not stop at a correct position and the counting process will end with the warning Tl ( Time-out lower detector). figure 10 Moving the column downwards MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 23 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.6 COUNTING THE WBC SAMPLE After the sequence in above section 2.5 is performed, the WBC sample is analysed by opening valve 26, 30 and 29A ( which is normally open ). The sample is aspirated through the transducer orifice from section 3-4 to section 1-2 towards the metering unit glass tube. As the volume from point 2 of the orifice unit ( T1) to the lower end of the metering unit is larger than the actual volume of the metering unit; the sample is never drawn into the glasstube which therefore always will be clean. As a timer starts as soon as the liquid passes the start detector, a maximum time of 17.5 seconds is allowed for the column to reach the stop detector. If there should be a time-out, the valves are closed and the warning Tu will be displayed, indicating a clogging in the orifice. figure 11 Counting the WBC sample MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 24 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 CLEANING THE ORIFICE BEFORE THE RBC COUNT After the WBC analysing process is ended as described in section 2.6 above, the orifice transducer T1 is cleaned to prevent that traces of haemolyser can enter the RBC sample. ( In case this happens, the MCV parameter will be greatly effected). The orifice cleaning is done in 3 steps. First valve 31 and valve 29B are opened. Valve 27 is now pulsed with 0.3 seconds intervals 3 times. The RBC sample is used to clean the transducer T1 in chamber 3-4 from haemolyser traces. Note that only a small portion of the RBC dilution is used for this purpose. See figure below. figure 12 Cleaning step 1 MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 25 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLEANING STEP 2 To be sure that no traces of haemolyser are left around the transducer T1, the chamber 1-2 is now flushed with a high pressure supplied by the flush pump and with valves 28 and 31 open. Valve 29B will be open as well, therefore some of the flushing liquid ( clean diluent ) will also enter the chamber 3-4 of the transducer T1 via the orifice. This cycle is performed within 0.6 seconds. figure 13 Step 2 , cleaning cycle MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 26 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLEANING STEP 3 Before the RBC sample is analysed, valve 25 and 30 is opened and 29 is released leaving 29A open.. Due to gravity, the column will move downwards slowly and clean diluent will flow from chamber 1-2 of the transducer T1 through the orifice to chamber 3-4 into the WBC cup., this cleans any tube connection between point 4 of T1 and the entry of valve 29A..This action will last for ca. 3 seconds. figure 14 Step 3 of the cleaning process. As a second step in the RBC counting procedure, the chamber 3-4 is filled with the RBC sample by opening valve 29B and 27. for ca. 0.8 seconds. This will fill the transducer chamber 3-4 completely with the RBC sample. NOTE: The above cleaning steps are all done to prevent any trace of haemolyser entering the RBC sample. Tests have shown that even if the flush pump should not work correctly ( out of order). Step 1 and 3 are still enough to ensure that the RBC measurement is performed correctly. This makes the cleaning process not dependent on production and/or field tolerances. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 27 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8 ANALYSING THE RBC SAMPLE The analyse process of the RBC/PLT sample is done analogue to the previous described WBC counting. The column in the metering unit is moved downwards below the start detector as described in above section 2.5 , however the vacuum in the bottle B6 is not regulated back to 163 hPa . As a second step in the RBC counting procedure, the chamber 3-4 is filled with the RBC sample by opening valve 29B and 27. for ca. 0.8 seconds. This will fill the transducer chamber 3-4 completely with the RBC sample. See figure below. figure 15 Filling the transducer with the RBC sample The RBC sample is now analysed by opening valve 26,30 and 29B. Please refer to section 2.6 for further details as the RBC analysing process is the same as described for the WBC measurement.. Note that after the RBC count is finished, the liquid has arrived at the stop detector, the vacuum in the bottle B6 is at ca. - 137 hPa. So, the vacuum during the RBC counting process is always lower compared to the WBC measurement. Giving always a somewhat longer counting time on the RBC 'channel'. ( The counting time is defined as being the time needed for the liquid column to move from the start detector to the stop detector.) MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 28 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The counting time for the RBC process is therefore ca. 0.7 to 1.2 seconds longer than for the WBC measuring cycle. 2.9 ENDING THE COUNTING PROCEDURES At the end of the sample analyse cycle, the orifice will be cleaned in several steps. STEP 1 Valve 29 is released ( leaving 29A open ) and 25 is opened. This reduces the vacuum left in the metering unit to zero. At the same time a high voltage ( ca 50-100 volt) is supplied over the orifice between chamber 1-2 and 3-4. ( note that the connections 1 to 4 are made of platinum tubes acting as electrodes). This will clean the orifice from possible protein layers built up during the WBC analysing process. STEP2 Valves 31 and 28 are opened and the flush pump is started. This will clean chamber 1-2 of the orifice transducer T1 and remove air bubbles introduced by the high voltage cleaning process. This lasts for ca. 1 second. STEP3 Finally valve 27 and 29B are opened for ca. 3 seconds. This cleans the chamber 3-4 of the orifice transducer T1 as the RBC counting cup B4 was flushed with clean diluent. The end of a complete cycle will therefore leave the analysing part cleaned from all blood traces around the orifice transducer T1. 2.10 MEASURING THE HGB The HGB parameter is determined from the WBC dilution. The WBC cup has a built in photometer system. For explanations concerning the adjustment and functions, please refer to section ' Special service procedures' The HGB determination is done in 3 steps. The 'offset' , sample and blank is measured. These 3 parameters are necessary to determine the HGB. The photometer lamp is always switched off if no sample is processed by the CA570. As soon as a sample is processed, first the offset is measured, than the lamp is switched on. After the sample is diluted and transferred to the WBC cup, the light transmission is measured. This is done 20 times during ca. 1 second. The mean value is stored and used by the analyser uP to calculate the HGB. If the Variance of these measurements is too high, the HGB will be displayed with an SE mark, indicating an unstable measurement. As soon as the WBC counting is finished, the WBC cup is emptied by opening valve 18 and the waste pump P5 is switched on. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 29 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After ca. 1 second, the lyser syringe will move upwards with valve 11B open and 15B closed, this means that the liquid in the coil (diluent) is flushed into the WBC cup and immediately drained as valve 18 is still open. The lyser syringe will stop at about 2.5 ml but valve 18 remains open. The WBC cup will therefore be empty. Finally valve 18 is closed and the syringe continues to move upwards, flushing lyser into the WBC cup B5. This liquid (lyser) is used to measure the HGB blank of the sample. See figure below. figure 18 Filling the WBC cup with 'blank' Note that this procedure is done simultaneously with the RBC analysis of the sample. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 30 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 SPECIAL SERVICE PROCEDURES (DILUTER) The diluter part has several built-in test procedures. These are functioning even if the analysing part is disconnected ( or should be out of order by some reason) This chapter explains how to use these functions for test/service or adjustment purposes. 3.1 DILUTER PUSH BUTTONS Please locate four push button switches at the upper left corner behind the front cover (door) of the diluting part. Called A,B,C, and D from left to right. figure 19 A Empty counting cups. ( B4 and B5) B Flush counting cups. (B4 and B5) C Reset diluter CPU. This switch may be disabled/enabled through a jumper on the CPU board in the diluter. D Not implemented. 3.2 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS HEX-SWITCH CPU BOARD On the diluter CPU board, in the upper part on the right-hand side, you will find a turnable switch marked 0 to F. The switch is marked as SW1. Just beside this switch you will find a push button switch marked SW2. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 31 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By turning SW1 into a certain position and pressing SW2 certain pre-defined test programs can be activated. Please refer to the list below. SW1 position Action when pressing SW2 6 Automatic clean operation. Same as performed every fourth hour when the system has not been operated. Turning valve V1 adjustment Turning valve V2 adjustment Detector test/calibration function. Fill turning valve system with detergent. Used at first time installation. Activates the valve test program 8 9 D E F Function 6 is obvious. It simulates the automatic cleaning cycle performed every 4-th hour when the CA570 enters the standby mode. Please refer to the sections below for detailed explanations concerning functions 8 to F. 3.3 THE TURNING VALVE POSITIONING SYSTEM The turning valve valves ( V1 and V2 ) in the diluting part are positioned in a purely electronical way. The positions are stored as digital data in a separate memory chip IC6 on the CPU board. The positioning is done in the following way : 1. The required position of the valve is captured by the software from the positioning memory chip IC6 and transmitted in serial form to the D/A converter. 2. The motor that drives the turning valve is started in the correct direction 3. The CPU. is checking for an abrupt change which indicates that the turning valve has reached the required position. Note : The reference voltage to the ( high precision ) potentiometer and the D/A converter are from the same source, making the positioning system 'independent' on voltages changes of V ref. As there always will be some hysteresis ( backlash) between the potentiometer and the actual position of the turning valve, each position is retrieved always from the same direction. This will cancel possible backlash in mechanical parts. See figure 20 below. The resolution of the electronical positioning system is 0.07 degrees. In practice, a tolerance of 0.1 mm is allowed on the positioning accuracy between the inlet and the turning valve itself. This means that in any position of the turning valve, a 1.0mm diameter calibrator pin can be inserted in the front seat as a check that the positioning is correct. This is correct except for MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 32 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the blood inlet position 1 in turning valve V1, the inlet at the front seat has a diameter of 0.7 mm. See figure 21 below. IMPORTANT Whenever the diluter CPU board is changed for whatever reason, the positioning chip IC6 from the 'old' board should be inserted in the 'new' board otherwise a new turning valve calibration should be carried out! So : There is no reason to perform any turning-valve adjustment except if the diluter CPUboard has been changed WITHOUT exchanging the CPU memory chip IC6. However : If the gearbox or the potentiometer (or the position of the potentiometer) is changed, a turning valve calibration MUST also be performed. figure 20 Electronical lay-out of the turning valve system. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 33 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- figure 21 Maximum tolerance positioning system turning valve V1 and V2 3.4 ADJUSTMENT POSITIONING TURNING VALVE V1 Please refer to section 3.3 first before proceeding ! Procedure to adjust turning valve V1 : If available, mount the perspex adapter ( supplied by Medonic ) at the front of the turning valve. To do this , first remove the front seat ( 3 screws) and mount the adapter instead. Be careful not to scratch the surface of either the 'front seat' or the turning valve itself! 1. Select the HEX-switch SW1 ( CPU board) position 8 and press SW2. 2. Select HEX-switch SW1 position 1 and press SW2 The turning valve will now rotate to position number 1 3. The valve can be turned CCW with the WHOLE BLOOD (E) lever in 0.7 degree steps and CW with the PREDIL-BLOOD (F) lever in 0.7 degree steps. The push-button A and B is the fine adjustment, A will turn the valve CCW in 0.07 degree steps and B will turn the valve CW in 0.07 degree steps. 4. Align the valve with a pin calibrator of 1.0 mm diameter so that the pin goes smoothly into position 1. 5. Proceed to calibrate position 2 by turning the HEX-switch SW1 to position 2 and press SW2. The turning valve will now rotate to position 2. Repeat step 3 above for this position. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 34 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Repeat this for position 3 and 4 . Position 3 is the closed tube position and position 4 is the same as position 2 both retrieved from the opposite direction.. So, there are 3 physical positions but 4 'electronical' positions as position 2 and 4 are physically the same. Note: During the adjustment procedure, SW2 can be pressed, the turning valve will repositioning itself to the current position. This makes hysteresis (backlash) checking possible. 7. When all positional adjustments are done, turn the HEX-switch SW1 to position 0 and press SW2. This will store the new positions into the memory chip IC6 and calculate the new checksum. NOTE : Do not forget point 7 above ! Otherwise the system will not 'remember' the new positions after a reset or power down ! See figure 22 and 23 below figure 22 Push-button , turning valve adjustment, definitions MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 35 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- figure 23 Turning valve V1 position definitions 3.5 ADJUSTMENT POSITIONING TURNING VALVE V2 Please refer to section 3.3 first before proceeding ! Procedure to adjust turning valve V2 : If available, mount the perspex adapter ( supplied by Medonic ) at the front of the turning valve. To do this , first remove the front seat ( 3 screws) and mount the adapter instead. Be careful not to scratch the surface of either the 'front seat' or the turning valve itself! 1. Select the HEX-switch SW1 ( CPU board) position 9 and press SW2. 2. Select HEX-switch SW1 position 3 and press SW2 The turning valve will now rotate to position number 3 3. The valve can be turned CCW with the WHOLE BLOOD (E) lever in 0.7 degree steps and CW with the PREDIL-BLOOD (F) lever in 0.7 degree steps. The push-button A and B is the fine adjustment, A will turn the valve CCW in 0.07 degree steps and B will turn the valve CW in 0.07 degree steps. 4. Align the valve with a pin calibrator of 1.0 mm diameter so that the pin goes smoothly into position 3 5. Proceed to calibrate position 4 by turning the HEX-switch SW1 to position 4 and press SW2. The turning valve will now rotate to position 4. Repeat step 3 above for this position. 6. When both positional adjustments are done, turn the HEX-switch SW1 to position 0 and press SW2. This will store the new positions into the memory chip IC6 and calculate the new checksum. NOTE : Do not forget point 6 above ! Otherwise the system will not 'remember' the new positions after a reset or power down ! MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 36 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See figure 22 and 24 below figure 22 Push-button , turning valve adjustment, definitions figure 24 Turning valve 2 position definitions 3.6 BLOOD DETECTOR ADJUSTMENT Please refer also to section 1 for explanations. Within the diluter there are minimum 2 optical blood detectors, one directly on the open tube inlet pipette and the other on the output of the turning valve system (V1). MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 37 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If an auto sampler or closed tube adapter is used a third detector is found on that inlet pipette. The blood detectors are optical devices using LED's (green colour), fibre optics and photocells. The path is formed by a Teflon tube. Whenever this tube is changed it is recommended that the sensitivity of the blood detectors is checked and, if necessary, adjusted. On the main diluter PC board you will find a 7-segment display. This display is used in the test procedure described below. Before running this test procedure, please locate also the three trim potentiometers placed between the 7-segment display and the switch SW1. Marked OT,AV and CT. Test Procedure 1 Dilute a blood sample manually so that a HGB value of about 0.7-1.0 g/dl is achieved. 2 Put SW1 (diluter, CPU board) in position D. 3 Press SW2 (diluter, CPU board). Now the waste pump in the diluter is started. 4 Enter the sample (HGB ca. 0.7-1.0 g/dl) and press manually valve 3. Observe that blood is entering the inlet pipette fast. Release valve 3. The blood stops in the inlet pipette. 5 Observe the 7-segment display. a) The UPPER segment reflects the status of the upper blood detector (DAV). When lit, light is passing through the blood detector and indicates NO BLOOD. To adjust, turn the trim potentiometer DAV into such a position that the UPPER segment just changes from ON to OFF. b) The lower left hand side segment of the display reflects the status of the open tube inlet pipette. When lit, light is passing through the blood detector and indicates NO BLOOD. To adjust, turn the trim potentiometer DOT into such a position that this segment just changes from ON to OFF. c) If an auto-sampler or closed tube adapter is used the segment on the lower right hand side reflects the status of the closed tube blood detector. When lit, light is passing through the blood detector and indicates NO BLOOD. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 38 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To adjust, turn the trim potentiometer DCT in such a position that this segment just changes from ON to OFF and than 1 turn towards the on position. N.B. After the above adjustment is done it is IMPORTANT that SW2 is pressed again to switch off the waste pump and valves. figure 25 7 segment display definitions 3.7 MIXING CUP DETECTOR CHECK To check that the mixing cup detectors are working correct, proceed as follows : Turn the HEX-switch SW1 in position D and press SW2. Note that this is the same position as for the adjustment test as described in section 3.6. Remove the mixing cup B1 and fill it with diluent. Put the mixing cup back so that both electrodes are covered with diluent. Observe the decimal point at the 7- segment display ( see figure 25 ) on the diluter CPU board. The decimal point should be ON with diluent covering the electrodes and OFF with no diluent. 3.8 FILLING THE TURNING VALVES WITH DETERGENT Both turning valves are in a hermetically closed compartment surrounded by detergent. At installation, these chambers are empty. To speed up the filling process of these chambers ; a special procedure can be followed. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 39 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Turn the HEX-switch SW1 in position E and press SW2. As soon as SW2 is pressed, the Waste-pump P5 is started and valve 4 is opened. The turning valve compartments are therefore quickly filled with detergent. Proceed by pressing SW2 until no large air bubbles are observed at the detergent output of turning valve 2. figure 26 Filling the turning valves with detergent 3.9 DILUTER VALVE TEST To activate the built-in valve test, turn the HEX switch SW1 to position F and press SW2. The built-in 7 segment display will show 10 by first displaying 1 and half a second later the digit 0. Locate the 4 buttons located on the upper left hand side of the diluter front. See figure 27. The 2 left switches (A and B) are now used to select a valve number that has to be tested. See figure 27. Pressing the left switch (A) will decrease the number, pressing the right button (B) will increase the number. By pressing the whole-blood start lever (E), the corresponding valve is now activated. Test a valve by pressing the whole blood start lever and check by hand that the proper valve is activated in a correct way. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 40 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note : The whole-blood start lever will activate the valve in the 'normal' way. This means that whenever a valve is closed, the voltage over the valve is increased to 27Volts during ca. 200 msec. After this time, the voltage is reduced to 22 Volt. ( The 'hold' voltage over the valve). This is the way a valve is closed within the software of the diluting system. Pressing the PREDIL. start lever (F) will activate the chosen valve with only 22 Volts. This is not used within the software but can be used by the service technician to determine if a valve should operate in a doubtful way. figure 27 Locating push buttons A and B MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 41 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 SPECIAL SERVICE PROCEDURES (ANALYSER) 4.1 PRINT SAMPLE-STATUS Within the service menu a support is found that might help the user or the service technician to analyse a sample- or an instrument failure. Whenever a sample is analysed, the system keeps track of all important data during the analysing process. This data can be printed out so that a failure analysis is greatly simplified. Some of the printed values are instrument constants and individual for the instrument. It is therefore wise to run a sample and perform a ' PRINT SAMPLE STATUS' as found in the ´'SERVICE MENU' of the CA570. And save this data for comparison purposes later. The following data is printed whenever 'PRINT SAMPLE STATUS' is performed. Note that each printout is different as most of the values are mainly related to the actual sample and not the instrument. Program versions: Cellcnt= 2.3 Dec 22 1994 Diluter= 2.3/50Hz Dec 14 1994 Counting times : PLT/RBC= 13.30 WBC = 12.60 Pressure sensor : cal = 962 offset = 164 Photometer data : lamp = 3.90 offset = 0.55 (0) sample= 2.00 (2) zero = 3.88 (1) RDW correlation: threshold-C = 68.25 threshold-Bl = 69.50 threshold-Pd = 72.20 PLT/RBC ratemeter 12: 250 270 250 260 274 265 260 270 247 251 254 262 WBC ratemeter : 10 100 95 105 88 93 102 100 99 98 103 Cellcounter status : L0V5.95D0F503FI0E0OT Diluter status : L0-*X3.65F0E0B0 MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 42 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An explanation of the above follows : Pressure sensor The cal and offset values are instrument constants and NOT related to the sample . Photometer data The lamp value is the actual lamp voltage of the photometer The offset value is an instrument constant and should be stable within 1% The sample value is individual and represents the output voltage of the photometer on the actual sample. The zero value represents the HGB blank voltage. The digits printed bewteen ( ) signs, repesent the variance of the values. As the lamp,offset and sample voltages are measured several times; a variance is calculated on this data. A (0) (zero) represent a perfect stable parameter. Any value up to (10) an be tolerated as having an acceptable stability. Values higher than (10) indicates an instable measuring cycle. In case of variances higher than (10) printed on sample or zero, a bad mixing or airbubbles might be expected or a too low sample / blank level in the WBC/HGB cup. A high variance value on one of these measured voltages means in other words an instability and will trigger the SE flag on the HGB parameter. Note that the 'offset' must always be (0) or not more than (5). If excessive noise from an external power source should occur, the variance on the offset will be greatly influenced as well as background on the PLT ( and/or RBC-WBC ) parameter. Note: To calculate the extinction of a sample proceed as follows : Subtract the OFFSET value from both the SAMPLE and the ZERO value. Calculate than the extinction by : EXT = LOG ( ZERO / SAMPLE ). The HGB factor is ca. 45 ( if HGB is in g/dl ) . In that case the HGB should be close to : HGB = EXT. x 45 Note that this is approximated, any additional HGB calibration factor will not influence the extinction value. RDW correlation The first value is the coarse calibration threshold as done in the service menu 2 ( Appendix 1 in user manual) threshold Bl is the threshold value inclusive the calibration factor for RDW for whole blood threshold Pd is the threshold value inclusive the calibration factor for RDW for prediluted samples. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 43 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RBC and WBC ratemeter For the calculation of the SE flagging, the CA570 performs a ratemeter analysis during each count. The Sd is calculated for a group of values, if outside a reasonable limit, the SE flag is set. Note that the values should vary but not drop or rise suddenly. This might indicate an instrument (valve 29) failure. Cellcounter status L0 Program information , no user info V5.95 The actual time, in seconds, to create the correct vacuum. Note that this is an instrument constant but might vary due to local circumstances. It also might vary from sample to sample. D0 Diff. status D0 means WBC diff. switched off , D- no diff performed, D2 2 part diff and D3 means that a successful 3 part diff. is available. F503F Internal flags, no user information I0 Internal error codes, no user information In case this error-code is not zero. Fax this 'status' printout immediately to Medonic E0 Error codes ( see chapter 'errors') OT Sample inlet status . OT = opentube,CT=closed tube,PD=predilute,SA= sampler Diluter status L0 Programinfo, no user information - No blood detected . ( * means : blood detected) * Vacuum level is OK . A dash -- means that the vacuum could not reach the desired level X3.65 Transfer time of the first dilution of the sample from the diluter to the analyser ( seconds) See section 1 for detailed explanation. F0 Fatal error ( see chapter 'errors' ) E0 Non fatal errors (see chapter 'errors') B0 Bottle status ( 0 means all bottles full, all other values, bottle(s) empty) MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 44 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 COUNT ONLY Within the SERVICE-MENU a routine is available that allows the CA570 to simulate a semiautomatic analyser for test purposes. The sample has to be prepared manually and entered into the 2 counting cups B4 and B5 ( RBC and WBC ). This allows the service technician to check the analysing part separate from the diluting part. Proceed as follows to use the 'COUNT-ONLY' sequence : 1. Locate the 4 push buttons on the diluter front Switch A is used to empty the counting cups B4 and B5. Push switch A to empty both cups. figure 29 Locating push-button A 2. Prepare the RBC dilution 1:40.000 and the lysed WBC dilution 1:400 externally. Minimum 6 ml of volume. For WBC e.g. 20 ul into 8 ml diluent + a few drops lyser ( concentrated type) For RBC e.g. 100 ul from the WBC dilution ( before it is lysed) into 10ml diluent. 3. Remove to two lids from the RBC and WBC ( B4 and B5 ) counting cups and pour both dilution's in the proper cups. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 45 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Activate the 'COUNT-ONLY' program from the service menu. The CA570 will now perform a count of all parameters except the HGB parameters as there is no blank reference available during this routine. Results can be printed out as well as a second 'COUNT-ONLY' can be done from the same sample to check the reproducibility. As the sample is not washed out after the count is finished, several 'COUNT-ONLY' analysis can be done on the same sample. Note: Run at least one blank-sample before returning to routine operation. 4.3 PHOTOMETER ADJUSTMENT Within the service menu a 'PHOTOMETER ADJUSTMENT' menu is found. This is used to test and/or adjust the photometer system. To understand the function of the HGB photometer please refer to the figure below : figure 30 Electronical lay-out HGB photometer system. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 46 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Physical lay-out WBC/HGB cup The photometer system consists of a tungsten lamp /cuvette / 540nm filter and photocell. Whenever the 'PHOTOMETER ADJUSTMENT' menu is entered, the lamp is switched on to its nominal value. The current lamp-voltage and the output voltage from the photometer are displayed. As the photometer needs a correct working range, the lamp intensity should be within a certain limit. Within this menu the lamp voltage can be changed with the ↓ and ↑ keys. The output voltage will follow the lamp voltage in the same direction, however not in a linear way of course. As the lamp is only switched on if a sample is processed, the uP needs to know which lamp voltage should be provided to the lamp to obtain a correct light intensity within the working range of the photometer. This setting can be done automatically. Proceed as follows : 1. Be sure that the lamp is OK and that the photometer cuvette ( = the WBC cup ) is clean 2. Enter the PHOTOMETER ADJUSTMENT menu and press digit 1 on the keyboard. The following auto-procedure is done : a. The lamp is switched off and the offset is measured and stored. b. A blank solution ( lyser) is flushed from the diluting part into the cuvette ( = WBC cup ) c. The lamp voltage will slowly rise and stop when the output voltage reaches ca. 4 Volt d. The actual lamp-voltage will be stored and used during each sample. e. The storage is confirmed with a short beep MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 47 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whenever the lamp is changed or any form of service is done on the cuvette, e.g. cleaning or replacing components; the above procedure should be carried out. On the analyser CPU board a trimpotentiometer is found marked PHOTOM. GAIN. This is the gain setting of the photocell amplifier and should normally not be changed. However in case of replacing the complete cuvette ( = WBC cup, B5) , the following should be checked before the above auto-adjustment is performed. a. Be sure that the cuvette ( = WBC cup ) is absolutely clean on the inside. Clean if necessary with hypo chlorite or any other protein remover . ( NO alcohol!). Use switch A on the diluter front to empty the cup. And fill finally the WBC cup (B5) with clean diluent. b. Be sure that the lamp is OK in any respect. Remove the lamp and check that the bulb is clear and not dirty or grey/black. c. Enter the PHOTOMETER ADJUSTMENT menu and use the ↓ and/or ↑ keys to put the LAMP-voltage at 4.3 volt. d. Turn the trimpotentiometer PHOTOM. GAIN so that the photometer-output voltage is 4 Volt. (This is not critical , tolerances are +/- 0.5 volt ) e. Now perform the auto-adjustment procedure by pressing digit 1 on the keyboard The actual values of the offset/lamp voltage and photometer-output voltage are given on a printout of the 'PRINT SAMPLE STATUS' menu, see section 4.1 . The printed ZERO value corresponds to the photometer output voltage whenever the blank is measured and should always be within 3.5 to 4.2 volts. 4.4 START / STOP DETECTOR ADJUSTMENT One of the most essential points in the analyser section are the start and stop indicators located on the metering unit glass-tube. These detectors should detect differences between air and liquid ( diluent ). If , by some reason, these detectors should not work correctly, several error numbers might occur. The figure below describes the physical lay-out of a start or stop detector. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 48 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- figure 31 Start/stop detector The IR-LED is ONLY switched on if a sample is processed. To check the start/stop functions however, use the menu 'SHOW INPUT SIGNALS' (which switches on the LED's) as found in the service-menu and connect a syringe filled with dist.water as in the figure below. N.B. The display 'SHOW INPUT SIGNALS' will also display the current status of the 2 detectors. figure 32 Connection to glass tube Be sure that the glass tube is open at the upper end so that the dist. water can be moved up and downwards in the glass tube. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 49 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proceed as follows : 1. Empty the glass tube and observe the LED lamps on the analyser CPU board, see figure below 2. LE4 (STOP) and LE6 (START) should lit 3. Fill the glass tube with dist.water and observe LE5 and LE7, they should both lit. Under no circumstances both LED's LE4/LE5 and/or LE6/LE7 should be off. To adjust the STOP detector :Fill the glass tube with dist.water and adjust RV4 in such a way that LE5 is just between ON/OFF and than turn 'RV4 just about a 1/4 to 1/2 turn towards the ON position. ( LE4 should be off) Empty the tube and check that LE4 is on and LE5 off. To adjust the START detector :Fill the glass tube with dist.water and adjust RV5 in such a way that LE7 is just between ON/OFF and than turn 'RV5 just about a 1/4 to 1/2 turn towards the ON position. ( LE6 should be off) Empty the tube and check that LE6 is on and LE7 off. figure 32 START/STOP LED lay-out CPU board MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 50 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.5 CALIBRATE PRESSURE The analyser section has a built-in vacuum bottle which is used during the counting procedure to aspirate the diluted sample through the orifice. The vacuum bottle is pressurised by opening valve 19 and the waste-pump P5 switched on. The vacuum in the bottle B6 is sensed by the electronic pressure transducer PT and processed by the analyser CPU. As the pressure transducer has to be calibrated concerning its offset and gain settings, these factors are stored in the memory chip U19 on the analyser CPU board. This calibration is done at the factory and there is no reason that an additional calibration should ever be necessary, except if : 1. The CPU board is changed 2. The pressure transducer (PT) is changed If the CPU board is changed for whatever reason and the pressure transducer calibration should be avoided, remove the memory chip U19 from the 'old' CPU board and put it in the same position in the 'new' CPU board. This procedure will in most cases avoid the calibration procedure as described below. To calibrate the pressure transducer to the current analyser CPU board, proceed as follows : 1. A high precision manometer is needed ( analogue or , preferably, digital) which handles a vacuum up to (minimum) -500 mBar (- 500 hPa) ( the manometer should have a maximum tolerance at -150mBar of +/- 5 mBar) 2. Connect the manometer (-P) as shown in figure 34 below. ( parallel to the bottle B6) 3. Enter the menu ' CALIBR. PRESSURE' as found in the service menu. The system will first release all vacuum from the bottle during ca. 10 seconds. Than the actual pressure is displayed which is, on a calibrated transducer, close to zero. 4. Use the ↑ and ↓ keys to select the units that corresponds to the reference manometer scale. ( usually mBar) 5. Use the → key to increase the vacuum, read on the reference manometer, to ca. 150 mBar . ( use the ← key to decrease) and wait until the pressure is stable after a few seconds. 6. Read the vacuum at the reference manometer and key in this value at the chosen units position and press <ENTER>. 7. A next menu will ask you to enter a code. Enter 910624 <ENTER> to confirm the calibration. or press MENU to cancel the calibration. After the above procedure is done the calibration factors are automatically stored in U19 on the analyser CPU board. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 51 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be sure that the above procedure is done correctly ! Any significant error in the reference manometer will put the CA570 out of order ! figure 34 Calibration of pressure transducer PT 4.6 SCREEN-DUMP Within the 'service menu2' a routine is found 'SCREEN DUMP' . This is only used if by some reason ( education/translation) the actual screen display has to be printed just as it is shown at the LCD display. If ON, use the normal PRINT button to print the screen image to the selected printer. If SCREEN_DUMP is on, no data can be transmitted to the serial output. Note : In all cases during normal operation of the CA570; SCREEN-DUMP should be OFF ! MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 52 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 SHOW INPUT SIGNALS Within the service menu, a sub menu is found 'SHOW INPUT SIGNALS'. This menu is used whenever the START/STOP detectors has to be checked or adjusted. See section 4.4 for detailed information. As this menu shows the input signals in 'real-time' , which means that the shown parameters are continuously updated, it can also be used to check other in-signals like : 1. Each individual bottle ( Diluent-I, Detergent, Haemolyser) 2. Ready/Busy from the serial and printer ports. 3. The photometer output voltage with the lamp OFF. ( = offset) 4. The current output voltage from the pressure transducer (which will vary dependent on the previous position of the CA570) MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 53 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ERROR MESSAGES The CA570 has an advanced error handling system, which is based on time-out situations either in the diluting or in the analyser part of the system. An error situation is ( in most cases ) defined as being a time-out error. As soon as a certain action is started by the software, the time needed to perform this action is measured and compared to the minimum and maximum allowed limits. If these limits are violated, an error message number is displayed. As a general rule : error numbers less than 800 are generated by the analyser CPU system. Error numbers between 800 and 900 are generated by the diluter CPU and error numbers over 900 are related to the auto sampler 210. In case of a diluter error situation, the diluting part is stopped and put into a save position with the READY and ASP lamps blinking. The internal display on the diluter CPU board will display the error number until switch C is pressed. The only way to enable the diluting part is to reset the diluter by pressing switch C on the diluter front panel. See figure below : figure 35 Locating the diluter reset switch C Any error number generated by the analyser or diluter part will be displayed as a number on the LCD. Press the key <MENU> to cancel the error code. In case the error number is related to the diluting part; the reset switch C has to be pressed as well, to put the CA570 back into an operational mode. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 54 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 ERROR NUMBERS / ANALYSING UNIT Note : Please check also the Appendix in this manual for any additional Error codes ! ERROR 10 If the battery backuped RAM contents AND the EEPROM contents were corrupt; this error number will be displayed. All instrument settings like calibration factors, pressure transducer calibration, language etc.. are set to factory settings. The instrument MUST be fully calibrated including the pressure transducer ( see section 4.5). ERROR 11 The contents of the memory chip U19 are copied into the battery backed-up RAM. The RAM data was destroyed but 'repaired' by the EEPROM data. This error occurs if the battery was disconnected. Note that only the instrument settings were 'repaired', the sample memory data is lost but the CA570 will be fully operational with all calibration constants intact. ERROR 12 This error is related to the EEPROM U19 on the analyser CPU board. The EEPROM is missing or faulty. This is only tested at a power-on of the CA570. The EEPROM must be replaced. After the CA570 is powered on again, the calibration values will be automatically restored into the EEPROM. ERROR 13 The EEPROM U19 doesn't respond in a correct way during normal operation of the CA570. It might be missing or faulty. The EEPROM must be replaced. After the CA570 is powered on again, the calibration values will be automatically restored into the EEPROM. ERROR 20 This error is related to a time-out situation when the vacuum is created in the bottle B6. The time to create the vacuum to the desired level is too long. This error is typical during an installation of the CA570. The waste-pump might have been dry and the capacity therefore too low. Ignore this error by pressing MENU and continue the installation procedure. If the CA570 has been in use for a longer time; this error might be caused by : 1. Bad capacity of the waste-pump ( change the membrane in the pump ) MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 55 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Leakage in the connections to bottle B6. ( This can be checked within the menu 'CALIBR. PRESSURE' ) 3. Valve 19 is not working correct or the tube in the valve is sticking. ERROR 21 The error 21 is generated by a time-out situation. The analyser is unable to shunt the vacuum down to the desired level. This error can only be caused by a faulty valve/sticking-tube 26, 25 or a blockage in the air-restrictor R2. ERROR 22 The analyser is unable to neutralise the vacuum in the bottle B6 down to a zero level. This can only be caused by a faulty valve/sticking-tube 26, 25 or a blockage in the air-restrictor R2. ERROR 30 This error is related to the metering unit ( glass-tube). The liquid is moving from the STOP to the START detector but doesn't arrive within 3 seconds. Check for blockages in tubes or faulty valves. ( e.g. 25, 26,30 and 31 ) ERROR 31 The upper detector (STOP) in the metering unit detects liquid AFTER that the column was moved to the START detector. This might be caused by large air/liquid bubbles, e.g. during installation. Perform the RINSE ORIFICE, FILL command from the main menu. ERROR 32 The liquid in the metering unit doesn't arrive at the START detector (upwards) after the maximum specified time. This might occur during the installation procedure. In that case ignore this message. Otherwise look for a blockage around valve 26. ERROR 33 The liquid in the metering unit doesn't arrive at the STOP detector (upwards) after the maximum specified time. This might occur during the installation procedure. In that case ignore this message. Otherwise look for a blockage around valve 26. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 56 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR 34 This error is related to the START detector. Bubbles were detected during the rise of the column. Ignore this message by pressing ENTER during the installation of the CA570. Otherwise a ' RINSE ORIFICE, FILL' should cancel this message. This error number can only be displayed after a 'prime' cycle. During normal operation of the CA570, this errornumber is replaced by a ‘Tb’ warning in the RBC or WBC parameter field. ERROR 80, 81, 82 This error number is related to the communication between the analyser CPU and the diluter CPU. It might occur if the diluter was reset ( or fail ) during the analysing process. This error might be caused by a ‘noisy’ power supply (+5V) in the diluter section ( PCB 5819073) or by a bad collector within the flush-pump that radiates H.F. into the communication cable between the diluting - and the analyser part. Be sure that the connection wires of the flush-pump are mounted through the ferrite-bread and that the communication cable from the diluter to the analyser is not wrapped into the power cable of the flush-pump. ERROR 90 This error occurs if the auto-sampler is operated with 2 consecutive blanks, showing the message ' NO SAMPLE DETECTED' and the CA570 went into the standby-mode. After the MENU button is pressed to exit the standby mode; this error number will be displayed. Cancel by pressing MENU once more. ERROR 100 The error 100 is related to the printer output. If the printer was in a time-out situation showing ' PRINTER TIME-OUT' on the LCD screen and the CA570 went into the standby mode. When the user presses MENU to exit the stand-by mode, this error number will be displayed. Cancel by pressing MENU once more. ERROR 101 The source of this error is that the printer buffer was not empty before the next print was performed. (The printer is too slow.) MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 57 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR 110 See error 100 above, however this error is related to the serial output. ERROR 111 See error 101 above, however this error is related to the serial output. ERROR 120 The error 120 is related to the battery backup memory. The memory checksum was corrupt and the sample memory will be deleted. All instrument calibrations will remain. This error might occur if a new program version is inserted ( Just ignore this error in that case). A bad battery might be the reason as well. ERROR 130-139 Error numbers within this range are generated if Valve 18, 27, 28, 29B or 31 should not work correctly during the selftest of the CA570 before the 4 hour cleaning cycle is started. Probably one of the tubes is sticking in one of these valves. This test is a safety procedure that will cancel the 4 hour cleaning cycle if one if the involved valves should not work. This error might happen after an tube-exchange in one of these valves but ‘never’ in an instrument that has been performing well over a longer period of time. The latter, indicates a defect valve. 5.2 ERROR NUMBERS / DILUTING PART Note : Any error number related to AC driver motors , e.g. turningvalve motor and syringe motor ; might be caused by a missing -5 Volts supply from the diluter power supply board. See section 9.1 ERROR 817 The checksum in the EEPROM chip IC6 on the diluter CPU board was corrupt. The turning valve 1 MUST be recalibrated ( see section 3.4) If the EEPROM is changed, this error occurs at the start-up. Press SW2 on the diluter CPU board to cancel this error and re calibrate the turning valve V1. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 58 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR 818 The error 818 is related to the turning valve V1. The valve couldn't turn CCW within the defined time frame. The reason might be : 1. An electronical fault in the driving circuit 2. A mechanical blockage. ERROR 819 See error 818 above but for the CW direction instead. ERROR 827 The checksum in the EEPROM chip IC6 on the diluter CPU board was corrupt. The turning valve 2 MUST be recalibrated ( see section 3.5) If the EEPROM IC6 is changed, this error occurs at the start-up. Press SW2 on the diluter CPU board to cancel this error and recalibrate the turning valve V2 ERROR 828 The error 828 is related to the turning valve V2. The valve couldn't turn CCW within the defined time frame. The reason might be : 1. An electronical fault in the driving circuit ( check -5 V power supply ) 2. A mechanical blockage. ERROR 829 See error 828 above but for the CW direction instead. ( check -5 V power supply ) ERROR 830 This error number is related to a time-out situation on the bottom microswitch in the syringe drive system and can only occur at a power on. The source might be : MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 59 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Power supply ( -5V) failure 2. Mechanical blockage 3. Bottom microswitch failure ERROR 831 This error number is related to switch pattern failure at the power on of the diluting part syringe drive system and can only occur at a power on. The source might be : 1. Defect micro switch ( one or more of the 3 switches) 2. Cable from microswitches to the PCB not proper connected. ERROR 832 This error number is related to a time-out situation (too short time ) on the bottom microswitch in the syringe drive system. The source might be : 1. Power supply ( -5V) failure 2. Mechanical blockage 3. Bottom microswitch failure ERROR 833 This error number is related to a time-out situation on the bottom microswitch in the syringe drive system. The source might be : 1. Power supply ( -5V) failure 2. Mechanical blockage 3. Bottom microswitch failure ERROR 834 This error number is related to a time-out situation (too short time) on the 'home microswitch in the syringe drive system. The source might be : 1. Power supply ( -5V) failure 2. Mechanical blockage 3. 'Home' microswitch failure ERROR 835 This error number is related to a time-out situation on the 'home microswitch in the syringe drive system. The source might be : MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 60 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Power supply ( -5V) failure 2. Mechanical blockage 3. 'Home' microswitch failure ERROR 836 This error number is related to a time-out situation (too short time) on the top microswitch in the syringe drive system. The source might be : 1. Power supply ( -5V) failure 2. Mechanical blockage 3. Top microswitch failure ERROR 837 This error number is related to a time-out situation on the top microswitch in the syringe drive system. The source might be : 1. Power supply ( -5V) failure 2. Mechanical blockage 3. Top microswitch failure ERROR 840 This error is related to the closed tube adapter. The UPPER switch (retracted position) is activated too late. Note : This error can only occur after a reset of the diluter system or after a power on. The source might be : 1. Switch failure 2. Motor failure ( or driving circuitry) 3. Mechanical blockage 4. Power supply -5V failure ERROR 841 This error is related to the closed tube adapter. The LOWER switch (penetrated position) is activated too early. The source might be: 1. The lower switch. 2. Power supply -5V failure MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 61 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR 842 This error is related to the closed tube adapter. The LOWER switch (penetrated position) is activated too late The source might be : 1. The lower switch. 2. Mechanical blockage 3. Motor or driving circuit error 4. Power supply -5V failure ERROR 843 This error is related to the closed tube adapter. The UPPER switch (retracted position) is activated too early. The source might be: 1. Upper micro switch 2. Power supply -5V failure ERROR 844 This error is related to the closed tube adapter. The UPPER switch (retracted position) is activated too late. The source might be : 1. Switch failure 2. Motor failure ( or driving circuitry) 3. Mechanical blockage 4. Power supply -5V failure ERROR 861 This error is caused by a too short sample transfer time.( see section 1.4 for detailed explanation) The analyser will show ' NO DILUENT' and the diluter will show this error number on the diluter CPU board 7 segment display. Both the ASP and READY lamp will flash and the diluter must be reset with switch C at the diluter front. The reason for this error might be : 1. There was not enough diluent in the mixing cup B1 ( might happen during the installation) MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 62 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Attempt to run the CA570 on dist. water or tap water. ( as water is not detected by the electrodes E1 and E2 in the mixing cup B1 ) ERROR 862 This error is caused by a too long sample transfer time.( see section 1.4 for detailed explanation) The analyser will show : TOO LONG TRANSFER TIME' and the diluter will show this error number on the diluter CPU board 7 segment display. Both the ASP and READY lamp will flash and the diluter must be reset with switch C at the diluter front. The reason for this error might be : 1. No air pressure in the first dilution cup B1 2. Blockage in the coil C1 or any part connected to it 3. Blockage inside the centre-needle in the mixingcup B1. ( Note : this is the most common of these error possibilities) In this case, clean the centre needle with a 0.8 mm wire. 4. Blockage in valve 15B 5. Shortage between the electrodes E1/E2 caused by liquid on top of the lid. NOTE : If this error occurs, the mixing cup B1 MUST be removed and emptied BEFORE the CA570 is put back into the operational mode. ERROR 863 This error is caused by a too small sample volume in the prediluted inlet. Press MENU to cancel this error. This error 863 is also possible if one of the electrodes in the mixing cup is durty; an electrical isolation occurs and a time-out situation will occur. Clean the electrodes ! The sample transfer time was less than 2 seconds, which is the minimum limit. See section 1.4 for detailed explanations. NOTE: The diluter will continue it's operation after the MENU key is pressed. Switch C (reset) should NOT be activated. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 63 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR 880 This error is related to the communication between the analyser and diluter CPU. There was a breakdown in the communication protocol during an analysing cycle. The reason might be : 1. A temporary reset of the diluter CPU 2. Power failure MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 64 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 CHANGING/INSTALLING PARTS , PC-BOARDS etc. Changing components in the CA570 is in most cases obvious and doesn't need additional information. This section gives hints on critical parts so that any service can be done without introducing secondary errors in the system. Special attention should be given to the section CHANGING PC BOARDS and any service around the turning valve systems. 6.1 CHANGING DILUTER PC-BOARDS The only boards that need special attention, in the diluter unit, are the POWER SUPPLY board and the CPU board. To change the diluter power supply board in the CA570, please note the following : 1. ONLY versions 300-907-3 and higher can be used No additional trimming is further necessary To change the diluter CPU board in the CA570, please note the following : 1. Remove the EEPROM memory chip IC6 from the 'old' board and put this circuit in the same position in the 'new' board. By doing this, all turning valve ( V1 AND V2) calibrations are NOT necessary. If this circuit is not exchanged, you MUST recalibrate the turning valves as described in section 3.4 and 3.5) 2. Perform the blood detector adjustment as described in section 3.6 This must always be done, regardless of exchanging IC6 on the CPU board. 3. Check that trimpotentiometer P4 is turned fully clockwise. 4. Check that jumper J3 is in position 1-2 ( external reset enabled) 5. Check that jumper J2 is in the 32 K position ( 1-2) No other adjustments are necessary MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 65 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.2 CHANGING ANALYSER PC-BOARDS In the analyser part, 3 PC boards are found : 1. The CPU board 2. Valve board 3. Display PC board Attention should be paid whenever changing the CPU board. As the CPU board is calibrated to the pressure transducer as well as the start and stop detectors and HGB, a direct replacement of the CPU board implements automatically a recalibration of these connected 'transducers' . The pressure transducer calibration can be avoided by exchanging the EEPROM memory chip U 19. Proceed as follows whenever changing the analyser CPU board: 1. Remove U19 from the 'old' board and put this IC in the same position on the 'new' board 2. Perform the START/STOP adjustment procedure as described in section 4.4 3. Perform the HGB lamp/photocell adjustment as described in section 4.3 4. Recalibrate the MCV/MPV/RDW and HGB with a bloodcontrol Note : If U19 is not exchanged, the pressure transducer calibration as described in section 4.5 must be performed. 6.3 CHANGING PARTS / TURNING VALVES Parts within the turning valve system are critical. This is the most sensitive part of the CA570 and all parts within the turning valve compartment should be handled with care. For the internal lay-out, please refer to the attached drawing 570-4035 & 570-4034. The surfaces of part number 27 and 32 are critical. Avoid scratching or any other damages on the surfaces of these parts. Part number 101 (housing) can be removed by just pull this item backwards, it is NOT fitted to the chassis but just guided over the 3 pins. If the turning valve is not filled with detergent ( see section 3.8), a leakage might be expected at the axis O-rings with partnumber 37 (drawing 570-4035) These O-rings can be exchanged by dismantling the turning valve and by removing part 101. In diluter (CA570) versions with serial number higher than 2000, this part is replaced by 1 sealing ring. marked 104 in drawing 570-4034. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 66 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note that part 99 should be well fitted into the 2 guiding pins 98 on both sides of the turning valve 32. When the turning valve is assembled, inspect that the surfaces of parts 27 and 32 are clean and not damaged. 6.4 CHANGING THE SYRINGE/PISTON The syringes in the diluting part do not need regular service. However in case the piston has to be changed, observe the following : The piston itself is on top of the cylinder/piston guiding and the easiest way of dismantling the cylinder/piston is as follows : See figure below: 1. Remove the Tygon tube on top of the cylinder, use a knife to cut the Tygon instead of trying to pull it from the cylinder ( you might crack the glass !) 2. Remove the 2 screws A/B 3. Pull the cylinder upwards 4. Replace the piston by removing the PISTON_ADJUSTMENT screw. 5. Tighten the piston-adjustment screw in such a way that the cylinder goes smoothly over the piston. If the piston adjustment screw is tightened too strong, the system will not work correctly with heavy variations on all counted parameters. The piston should be in the TOP or BOTTOM position BEFORE the corresponding microswitch ( TOP & BOTTOM) is activated. After the piston is replaced this point MUST be checked. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 67 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- figure 36 Physical lay-out syringes S1/S2 The 2 stop rings should NOT be removed or adjusted. 6.5 CHANGING VALVES & TUBES The valves used in the CA570 are silicon-tube pinch valves. Two different types are used, 1 way normally closed and 2 way valves. The tube used in these valves has narrow tolerances ( 0.1mm) and has 1.5mm inside and 3.0 outside diameters. These silicon tubes must always be original from Medonic, no other suppliers are allowed to assure trouble free operation of the system. Note that the normally closed section of the valve will clamp the silicon tube in such a way that if the CA570 is removed from the mains-power supply during a longer period of time ( > 2 days); it will stick and has to be opened by hand BEFORE the system is powered on again. The valves are divided into a mechanical and an electrical part. It can be separated into 2 parts by removing the CLIP ( see drawing below ). After the 2 screws are removed, the mechanical part can than be moved forward . MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 68 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Care must be taken that the valves are absolutely free from salt crystal traces as they can effect the correct operation of the plunger. In the ( 2-way) valve below, position A is normally open and position B normally closed. Also note that, whenever changing/checking a tube, the tube must be put back perfectly in place. The coil has a different power rating for a 2-way and a single valve ! The mechanical part of a valve can be replaced separately from the coil, they don't have to be matched to each other. This means that usually only the mechanical part has to be replaced in case of a valve failure avoiding unnecessary soldering on PC boards.. figure 37 Physical lay-out of a 2-way valve 6.6 CHANGING THE ORIFICE TRANSDUCER The orifice transducer T1 ( see section 2.2 figure 7 and the attached drawing 570-4036 ).consists of 2 parts (chambers). marked 54 and 56 in drawing 570-4036 The orifice is mounted in chamber 56.. The connection 'tubes' A-C to both chambers are made from platinum and act as electrodes at the same time. As all liquid should travel ( between the chambers ) through the orifice, it is of great importance that both compartments are completely separated from each other, no leakage is allowed in any form. The sealing marked 55 in drawing 570-4036. should also be in perfect condition to prevent leakage out of the chamber. Also from an electrical point of view ( noise !) these 2 chambers should be well isolated from each other. Any form of leakage around the chambers will introduce noise in the system that will be seen as a high PLT background and/or dropping MCV values to the user. Note that C and D are connected with a platinum wire and act as the 'hot' side of the transducer ( inside of the coaxial cable). The chamber 56 electrodes marked A-B are connected to the ground shield of the coax-cable. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 69 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 CHANGING THE VIEWING ANGLE (LCD DISPLAY) The LCD display has a certain range on the viewing angle. This angle can be adjusted in the following way : 1. Remove the screws on the rear of the display unit that fits the metal shield ( stainless-steel). ( This is not necessary in instruments produced after 1993, a small hole is drilled in the shield where the potentiometer can be reached easely) 2. On the PCB where the LCD is mounted a trimpotentiometer is found ( there is only one). Use the setting of this trimpotm. to adjust the viewing angle. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 70 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 TUBING SYSTEM LAY-OUT The attached drawing 570-3002 shows the principle diagram and drawing 570-3005 shows the physical tube lay-out in the CA570. The lengths/type and connectors are shown with legends. See section 7.1 Never cut tube lengths which might seem to be unnecessary long , they might be restrictors like R1, R2 or R3 ( see section 1 and 2) R1 is marked as 350PT2 R2 is marked as 55PT2 R3 is marked as 130T2 7.1 LEGENDS Tubes are shown in the format AAA-B-C Where : AAA = Length in mm B = Tube material C = Size of tube (diameters) A connection shown as a dash - means that 2 tubes are directly connected to each other without any additional connector A connection shown as = means that an additional connector is inserted between the tubes Tube legends : S1 T1 T2 P1 PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 Silicone ∅ 1.5/3.0 mm Tygon ∅ 1/16" / 1/8" (inch) ( ∅ 1.6/3.2mm) Tygon ∅ 0.8/2.4 mm PVC ∅ 3/5 mm PTFE (Teflon) ∅ 1.2/2.0 mm PTFE (Teflon) ∅ 0.7/1.6 mm PTFE (Teflon) ∅ 0.7/1.6 mm (same as PT2) PTFE (Teflon) ∅ 1.6/3.2 mm MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 71 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connector legends T220 L20 Y220 AD DD DC T connector 2.5mm Insidediam. L connector 2.5mm Insidediam. Y connector 2.5mm Insidediam. Straight connector 1.5mm / 2.5mm insidediam. Straight connector 2.5mm Insidediam. Straight connector 2.5mm / 3.0mm insidediam. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 72 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 INSTALLING AUXILIARY DEVICES This chapter will provide you with additional information concerning external devices connected to the CA570 8.1 INSTALLING THE PRINTER AND SERIAL OUTPUT Printer configurations ( see also Appendix 4 , program version 2.40 ) As long as the connected printer is of the DPU411 type, no additional settings are necessary. Just select the DPU411 settings in the 'PRINT FORMAT´menu as found in the SETUP MENU2. An IBM compatible printer should be setup in a correct way. The IBM comp. printer MUST have a speed that allows the printer to print a complete sample WITH size distribution curves within 65 seconds. Violating this, will result in printer-output error messages during the normal operating of the CA570. Proceed as follows : 1. Check which paper format is used ( A4 , 11 or 12 inch are possible) 2. Set the dipswitch ( or software settings) in the printer to this format. 3. Select the PRINT FORMAT menu as found in the SETUP MENU 2 and select the corresponding format. 4. If the printer protocol can be changed by means of dipswitch or software settings; choose IBM format only. ( not EPSON or HP etc..) In other words, the dipswitch/software protocol/paper format setting in the printer should be the same as the setting in the CA570. In case an IBM compatible printer is choosen without using tickets, please note : The CA570 software ‘remembers’ the selected format during printing and always tries to use the paperformat to its maximum. This means that whenever some samples are printed with and other without curves, the software makes its own decision from which point to insert a formfeed. As a result of this, the paperform must be synchronised to software. To do this, perform some prints until the printer makes a formfeed. At this point manually adjust the paper to the ‘top of form’ position. Please remember that to keep the paperform synchronised to the software, the printer must always be switched on during operation. Configuring the serial output The serial output format/setup is described in the user manual. If any computer / network is connected to the CA570; the following should be observed. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 73 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the SETUP MENU a submenu is found INSTRUMENT-CODE. This is used to give the CA570 an unique identifier in case several CA570´s are connected to the computer network. ( called the instrument suffix) e.g. CA570-0 or CA570-1 etc.. The instrument suffix is only transmitted on the serial output, please refer to the user manual for additional information. concerning the data-format Before the receiving software on the host computer is developed; it is wise to dump a few samples to a connected computer as a file to get familiar with the serial format even in case patient and/or instrument abnormalities are included in the transmitted data. On the hardware side of the serial output, please note the following : The serial driver is a FULLY galvanic isolated RS232 driver. Groundloops etc. through the CA570 are therefore not possible whenever an external computer is connected. Also the GND output is only a RS232 ground and NOT an instrument ground connection. This will greatly simplify the connected hardware configuration. Don't use extreme baud-rate settings if they are not necessary. Usually 1200 Baud is enough and this will not slow down the CA570 in any case due to the internal data buffering on the RS232 output. Note that the serial hardware driver on the RS232 is an option supplied by Medonic. All software drivers are included in the standard software version. No additional software changes are necessary to activate the serial output. After inserting the hardware driver ( which is an additional IC , placed in a free socket U8) only the above described setup sequences are necessary. 8.2 INSTALLING THE BAR-CODE PEN The CA570 is , as standard, equipped with a bar-code input for the HP pentype HBCR-8300 and other equivalent types. A sample label ID is automatically transfered to the ID field. Note that also alpha-numerical signs can be read, however ( as the keyboard doesnot support these characters) some limitations within the memory search menu will occur in programversions > 2.40 . Reading alpha-numerical characters from an ID label should therefore be avoided. This pen-type can be ordered from Medonic; in that case you must specify for which codes the pen will be used for. Please note that Bar-Code pens are bought by Medonic from other companies, therefore the type and specifications might change without notice. Proceed as follows whenever you configure the HBCR-8300 yourself. a. Order the user-manual for the HBCR-8300 ( book code-number : HBCR-8997 ) from HP. b. In order to let the pen 'talk' to the CA570 proceed as follows: MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 74 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Connect the bar-code pen to the proper connector at the rear of the CA570. Press MENU to enter the operational mode of the CA570 showing the parameter screen with the ID field in the upper left corner. Enter the bar code set-ups as below in the correct order. Read the proper code from the usermanual of the bar-code pen. As the initial setup of the bar-code pen does not confirm an entry, it is important that the setup is done in a correct way. Read each code only once in the order as shown below. The last entry (..... Miscellaneous ) will be confirmed with OK in the ID field. After the below setup is done, the user codes can be entered as described in the HP manual. During the user-code setup sequence, the ID field will show messages OK, CONTINUE or SYNTAX-ERROR . This simplifies the final user setup of the bar-code pen. Below follows the chapters in the correct order CHAPTER PAGE Message buffers B10/B25 1. CONFIGURATION MODE a. ENTER B10 2. MESSAGE BUFFERS a. Header B10 3. ....CHARACTER MENU a. CR b. End of characters B25 4. MESSAGE BUFFERS a. Trailer B10 5. ....CHARACTER MENU a. LF b. End of Characters B25 6. CONFIGURATION MODE a. Exit B10 Serial port B11 MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 75 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. CONFIGURATION MODE a. Enter B11 8. BAUD RATE B11 a. 1200 baud 9. PARITY a. 0's B11 10 CONFIGURATION MODE B11 a. Exit ......Serial port B12 11 CONFIGURATION MODE a. Enter B12 12. STOP BITS a. 1 stop bit B12 13.INTERCHARACTER DELAY a. Disable B12 14 CONFIGURATION MODE a. Exit B12 I/O pacing B13 15 CONFIGURATION MODE a. Enter B13 16 SINGLE READ MODES a Disable Single Read Modes B13 17 DC1/DC3 PACING a Disable B13 18 OUTPUT BUFFER a Enable 19 WAND INPUT BUFFER a Disable B13 B13 MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 76 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 CONFIGURATION MODE a Exit B13 Wand Emulation B14 21 CONFIGURATION MODE a Enter B14 22 WAND EMULATION B14 a Disable 23 CONFIGURATION MODE a Exit B14 Resets B16 24 CONFIGURATION MODE a Enter B16 25 ROM,RAM SELF TEST a Disable B16 26 HARD RESET MESSAGE a Disable B16 27 CONFIGURATION MODE a Exit B16 Miscellaneous Options B17 28 CONFIGURATION MODE a Enter B17 29 NO-READ RECOGNITION a Disable B17 30 CONFIGURATION MODE a Exit B17 ....Miscellaneous Options B18 MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 77 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 CONFIGURATION MODE a Enter B18 32 BAR CODE MENU SCAN RESPONSE a Enable B18 33 CONFIGURATION MODE a Exit B18 MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 78 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 DESCRIPTION ELECTRONICS ( DILUTER SECTION ) The diluter section of the CA570 analyser has several PC boards. Two main boards are found, mounted on the rearside. The CPU board and , mounted as piggy back, the (switched) power supply board that also is used to power the analyser section. Another PCB board located at the front of the diluter section, with switches A to D as described in section 3.1, has some additional logic for the positioning system of the turning valves. All other boards are mainly valve-boards where no additional electronic components are found. Drawing number 581-4112 gives the drawing numbers related to the main (CPU) board PCB 300-901-x 9.1 POWER SUPPLY BOARD ( DRAWING 581-4113 / 4114 / 4115 -1 ) Drawing 581-4113-1 The power supply, mounted in the diluter section, is also used to power the analyser part. The transformer in the CA570 has 2 secondary supplies, 24 and 26 Volts. The 24V is connected to the ACV1 and ACV2 input ( drawing 581-4114-1), fused with F1 ( 4 Amps Slow-burn) and the electronics are protected by a fast Transorb diode pair D14. A high power spark on the mains (power-line) will put this diode into a short circuit mode, blow the fuse F1 and protect the main electronics. The 24V is rectified by D9/11/15 and D10 to a 32 Volt DC level over capacitor C22. This voltage is used to switch and regulate it down to 5 Volt by the switching regulator IC7 and L2. The output voltage at VCC is therefore 5 Volt. The 5Volt is used by all logic circuits in the diluter AND analyser section. IC2 is used to supply additional circuits with a +12V supply, the input voltage is reduced by a zenerdiode Z1. The 12V is mainly used by the DC motor on the pipette cleaning circuit. ACM1 / ACM2 is a 26V supply from the transformer used to drive the motors/pumps in the system. This voltage is also used to supply power to the transformer on the analyser CPU board ( see section 10 ). Fuse F2 is of a 6.3 Amp slow-burn type and the additional electronics are protected against voltage/power sparks by the fast Transorb diode D8. This voltage is also used to supply the triacs motor/pump switches with a -5Volt supply derived from the rectifier D18 and the 2 stabilisers IC6 and IC3. Two input zenerdiodes are used to reduce the input voltage on the first stabiliser IC6 to ca. 20 Volt. IC6 is a -12V stabiliser connected to IC3 which has an output voltage of - 5Volt at ACDC ( in respect to ACM2) Note that if this voltage (-5V) should fail, the CA570 will immediately show error codes related to time-out situations from any of the motors driving the syringe or turning valves. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 79 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drawing 581-4115-1 The voltage to the tube valves is derived from the above described 24V ACV1 /ACV2 supply. A switched power supply is used to stabilise this voltage to 22Volt. The output voltage is measured at point VV. Note that the output voltage can be switched between 22V and 28 Volt by means of T3 which switches the feedback/amplification factor. The hardware jumper J1 can be used to put either the VV output voltage at 22 or 28 Volts. This jumper is only for production test purposes. It should always be in position 3-4 ! This position enables the diluter uP to switch the VV voltage between 22 and 28 Volts. Each time a valve is activated ( closed ) the line HI/LO is put at a high level for ca. 200 msec. This will 'pop' VV to 28 Volts ( 27 volt over the actual valve ) during this time period, securing a correct valve operation. IC4 is a current sense circuit. This circuit is used to sense the current through a valve coil. The output is connected to 4 comparators driving 2 LED's. In the diluter test program 'F' as described in section 3.9 the valves are tested on their mechanical behaviour. With the 2 LED's also the current can be checked. A double valve has about twice the current of a single valve which switches T4 and LED D12 will be on. For a single valve, T5 is switched, putting LED D13 in an ON state. The trimpotentiometer P1 is used to cancel any offset in the amplifier IC4; to set this trimpotentiometer proceed as follows : 1. Connect a mV ( milliVolt) meter at testpoint NULL positive side and 'ground' to GND as found in the lay-out of the PC-board 300-907-3 2. Turn trimpotm. P1 so that a voltage of 10 mV (positive) is found at testpoint NULL ( no valve should be ON during this OFFSET adjustment) PCB lay-out 300-907-3 Reference point Testpoint Value Tolerances Used by GND GND P5V P24V 5.2 Volt 32 Volt + 0.2 / - 0.1 +3 /- 1V GND VV 22V +1 V/-1V GND P12V 12V +/- 0.7V ACR ACR ACDC ACAC -5V∗ 26V AC +0.5/-0.3V +/- 1.5 V Logic /diluter/analyser 5V/12V and valve supply (raw) Valve supply voltage (pops to 28V during valve switching) Powersupply/pipette cleaning circuit Motor drivers Motor voltage MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 80 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* (this voltage must be measured with load, e.g. push switch A at the diluter front to start the drain pump ) 9.2 CPU uP DILUTER ( DRAWING 581-3008 ) On the diluter CPU board all main electronics are found that controls the complete diluting system. The CPU board is controlled by a V25 uP and the software is in one chip IC8. Note that there are 2 versions for 50 or 60 Hz operation of the CA570 ! The CPU uP system has a 32 K RAM circuit IC5 as working memory. Jumper J2 must always be in position 1-2 to enable the uP memory.( marked as '32K') A watch-dog circuit IC11 resets the uP during a power on in a correct way or whenever switch C is pressed on the front of the diluter. Note that jumper J3 must be in position 1-2 to enable this function. IC6 ( EEPROM) contains the turning valve calibration factors and IC4 (GAL) is the memory address decoding circuit. The following test points are found on the CPU board : Use the GND on the power supply board (300-907-3) as reference and use the BLOOD DETECTOR adjustment testprocedure as described in section 3.6 to measure testpoints TP1 to TP4. Testpoint Value Tolerances Used by RST TP1 +5V 0-4V +/- 0.3V TP2 pulsed TP3 0-4V TP4 0-4V Reset CPU Photocell voltage from DAV (after turning valve) blood detector. Mixing cup electrodes/liquid detector. Photocell voltage from DCT (closed tubes) blood detector. Photocell voltage from DOT (open tubes) blood detector. The testpoints TP1/3 and 4 are actually the output voltages of the phototransistors that act as the blood-detectors. The inputs of the V25 uP, at these points, are ANALOGUE inputs and the uP acts here as a simple A/D converter. Note that the gain settings of the blood-detectors are fixed with resistors RN11. The sensitivity of the blood detector circuit is only adjusted with the current through the corresponding LED's by P1 to P3 as found in drawing 581-4105. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 81 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.3 AC-MOTOR DRIVERS ( DRAWING 581-3009 ) The following motors are of an AC type in the diluter section of the CA570 : 1. Waste pump , 24V 3-4 Amp 2. Air-pump, 24V 0.5 Amp 3. Turning valve motors , 24V max. 0.5 Amp. 4. Syringe driving motor, 24 V max. 0.5 Amp These motors are all controlled by triacs and opto-coupled devices to protect the main electronics in case of a triac failure. Note that IC38 and IC39, which are the triac drivers, are connected to the -5V (minus 5 V) in the power supply ( 300-907-3 PCB). If this voltage should fail, NO motor can be operated; resulting in ERROR codes all related to an AC motor time-out situation. a. Turning valve 1 is controlled by Z5 and Z4 b. Turning valve 2 is controlled by Z3 and Z2 c. Air-pump, controlled by Z10 d. Waste pump, controlled by Z1 which is mounted on a heathsink H1. e. Syringe motor, controlled by Z9 and Z8 9.4 DC-MOTOR DRIVERS ( DRAWING 581-4106 ) In the dilutersection of the CA570, there are 2 DC-motors. 1. Flush pump, operating at ca. 15 V 0.5 -1 Amp max. 2. Washing device motor , current controlled/limited. The flush pump, which is used only for cleaning purposes during the dilution process, is switched by a power FET T2. The voltage over the pump is adjusted with P4. This trimpotentiometer should always be turned fully CW ( clock-wise) to put the flush-pump on a 15 Volt level. In most cases; increasing the voltage over the flush-pump, will not give the pump a higher capacity. This is due to the fact that if the flush pump looses it's capacity, it is caused by an internal leaking of the membrane and not the actual speed of the motor. As this is a DC- motor, observe the + (red) and minus (-) indication on the board and motor whenever changing this pump. The washing device motor is current controlled by IC2. The motor can be turned in both directions and with different currents as well; which enables the system to have different forces on the washing device dependent on the current level. Note that the washing device itself is NOT fixed to the motor axis, but mounted by means of a friction coupling. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 82 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.5 VALVE DRIVERS ( DRAWING 581-4104 ) The valves in the diluting system are switched by IC19,20 and IC21. These circuit are powerdriver circuits. The latched input signals are derived from IC26-IC28. Note that the valves are switched to GND (VV ground) level, which means that all valves has a VV ( 22V) voltage on both ends of the valve coil in respect to the chassis of the diluting system even if all valves are in a OFF position. 9.6 DETECTOR/INDICATOR OUTPUTS ( DRAWING 581-4105 ) The front panel indicators as well as the beeper are controlled by IC31. The LED's at the blood detectors are only switched on if a sample is processed or if the diluter special function switch (SW1) is put in position D and SW2 is pressed to activate the blood detector adjustment/test. (section 3.6 ) The LED's are switched by T4 , marked LOLED which is the common cathode of all blood detector LED's. 9.7 INPUT SIGNALS ( DRAWING 581-4107 ) The uP is sensing several inputs. In the CA570 diluter system only 3 mechanical switches are used all found on the syringe unit. A top, bottom and home position. These switch inputs are found at IC 16 which is an input latch circuit. In case a closed tube adapter is used, a startswitch, top and bottom switches of this device are added ( SWVAHI & SWVALO). Further, 2 inputs are used for the turning valve system to sense when the turning valve arrives at the correct position. ( See drawing 581-4116 and section 3.3 & 9.10 for detailed explanation ) All other inputs are not used. 9.8 BOTTLE DETECTORS ( DRAWING 581-4108 ) The external bottles, connected to the diluting system, are sensed for low level by a synchronous detector circuit. A square wave is supplied to the liquids by means of a common electrode found on the INSIDE of the diluter. The square wave is derived from IC17. ( 0/5Volt) The return voltage is measured by the return wires from the bottles and measured by means of the analogue switches IC24 and capacitor pairs. The switches are controlled by IC17 ( and software ) at the same frequency and phase as the common supply frequency. Therefore, the capacitors pairs ( e.g. C25/24) are charged to the correct return level on both the 5V and 0V portion of the square wave. Which makes the bottle detector system independent on possible hum(50/60Hz) or external noise. The leakage in the capacitor pairs should be low however to prevent unwanted unbalance in the detector system. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 83 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The capacitor pair voltages are connected to a precision comparator IC 12 and IC18 used to switch the level indicators to the uP. The uP software controls the level indicator at the front panel; this indicator is not directly switched by the bottle sensors itself. 9.9 COMMUNICATION ( DRAWING 581-4109 ) The communication between the 2 uP in the CA570 takes place via an opto coupled serial data line. On connector K6 in this drawing ONLY the lines marked CTS / RXD / RTS / TXD are used by the system. All other lines are not used. Jumper J4 is always in position 1-2 which enables the serial communication. Note that J4 is on current PCB's replaced by a fixed strap. If the communication between the 2 CPU systems should fail; the diluter uP will put itself in a STANDBY state, the STBY LED will be lit on the front panel and the 4 hour cleaning cycles will be performed anyhow. 9.10 TURNING VALVE POSITIONING SYSTEM ( DRAWING 581-4116 ) The basic detection circuit for the electronical positioning system is located at PCB 300-910-x . Please refer to section 3.3 for the basic explanation of this system. The PCB board is located at the front of the diluter section, switches A-D as shown in section 3.1 are also mounted on this board. IC1 and IC2 are 2 serial-data to analogue converters and are loaded from the CPU uP with data retrieved from the positioning memory chip IC6 on the CPU board. A current to voltage converter is formed by IC3. The output of IC3 is connected to the comparator IC4. The sensor potentiometers are connected to IC4 as well, which is comparing the sensor potentiometer voltage with the voltage supplied by the serial D/A. A balance between these voltages is detected at the output pins 4 and 15 of IC4. The 2 LED's D1-A and D1-B are indicating the trig-point of the comparator and are connected at the same point as the input to the main CPU -uP. Note that whenever the turning valves are in a correct position ( the turning-valve driving motor is off ), these LED's can be in any state e.g. ON, flashing or OFF. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 84 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 DESCRIPTION ELECTRONICS (ANALYSER SECTION) In this section a brief explanation is given for the electronics in the analyser section of the CA570 .In the analyser section there are 3 PC boards. One main board ( CPU ), a display PCB and a connector board for the valves. The CPU board is described below in certain sections as it consists of a power supply, CPU and analogue circuits on the same board. 10.1 POWER SUPPLY CPU BOARD (DRAWING 570-860A) The CPU board receives its power from a 24V AC line from the diluter section. This 24V AC is transformed by TR1 into several voltages needed by the analyser section of the CA570. U45 and U46 are the stabilisers for +15 and -15 V , used by the analogue circuitry. U47 is used to supply the voltage to the orifice transducer. CAPV is fixed at 22 V. The following test points are of importance : All voltages are in respect to GND , testpoint TP 11 Testpoint Value Tolerances Used by TP12 TP16 TP18 TP13 TP15 5V 145V 22V 15V -15V + 0.2V -0.1V +/- 20V +/- 1V +/- 0.7V +/- 0.7V Digital circuits Orifice cleaning Orifice meas. Voltage Analogue circuits Analogue circuits Note : The additional watch-dog circuit in this drawing ( U17) is connected to the CPU and I/O circuits. Please refer to section 10.8 10.1 ANALOGUE AMPLIFIER ( DRAWING 570-855B) The analogue amplifier consists of U48 and U49 ( C and B). The orifice electrodes are connected to P16. Pin 1 is the 'hot' side. The measuring voltage is only connected to the orifice during an analysing process via relay RL1. As resistor R62 is 18 Kohm, the voltage over the transducer will be about half of the supplied voltage ( ca. 10V). At the end of the analysing process , RL1 is switched off and RL2/RL3 are switched on for about 1 second, supplying a high voltage over the transducer for protein removal purposes. Diodes D15,16,17,21,22 and 23 are input protection diodes ( low noise types). The total overall gain is set by RV3. Note that the gain setting is basically the same as the MCV / MPV calibration. RV3 should never be adjusted without instructions from Medonic. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 85 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------U49-C act as a low-pass filter and U49-D as the DC restoring circuit set by trimpotentiometer RV2. U49-B is the final stage of the amplifier. Note that the total overall gain is ca. 10.000 x, therefore all components are critical. Care must be taken that the shield around the amplifier is proper connected as well as the connections of the coax cable attached to P16 ( coax connector) and the orifice transducer itself.. Any adjustment in the amplifier stage should never be done during a normal service without approval of Medonic. All signals are in respect to AN-GND , testpoint TP 20 10.3 Testpoint Signal Tolerances TP19 positive pulses max 15V Function Output amplifier DISCRIMINATOR CIRCUIT ( DRAWING 570-855C) The input of U33-A marked 'cell' is connected to the output of the analogue amplifier as seen in drawing 570-855B. U33-A is acting as a sample/hold detector, tracking the top ( peak value ) of each pulse generated by a cell that passes the orifice. U34-C is controlled by a 'statemachine' which switches U34-C to the 'open' state at the peak value of a pulse. This peak value is digitised by the A/D converter U32 and read/processed by the CPU. U38 is a serial-data to analogue converter which is used to set the discriminator voltage at the comparator U40. Note that the discriminator setting voltage, measured at pin 14 of IC39-D, is automatically changed by the software between a RBC/PLT and a WBC count. The comparator has 2 outputs. One is controlled by the software (LOLEV) and the second is fixed at a high level ( HILEV). The reference voltage for the D/A serial converter is retrieved from Z2, which is a high precision voltage reference of -5V. 10.4 HGB LAMP DRIVER CIRCUIT ( DRAWING 570-859A) The HGB photometer lamp is only switched on during the time that a sample is processed by the CA570 . The lamp voltage is variable and set by the software to the correct level. ( see section 2 ). The PW ( pulse-width) modulator U34-A/D is used together with the low-pass filter R22/C17 and R32/C to drive the lamp via the driver-circuit U39-A and Q1. The PW- modulator is switched by the CPU (measured at TP3.) All signals are in respect to AN-GND , testpoint TP 20 Testpoint Signal Tolerances Function MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 86 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TP5 TP3 Lampvoltage 0 to5 Volt Square-Wave 0/5 Volt HGB lamp Variable Voltage Note that the lamp-voltage is between 4 and 4.7 volt whenever a sample is processed, else it is 0 V. At TP3 a Square-Wave can be measured only during the time a sample is processed. To analyse this circuit, use the menu ' PHOTOMETER ADJUSTMENT' as found in the service menu. Using the ↑↓ keys will change both the signal at TP3 and the output voltage at TP5. 10.5 STATE MACHINE (DRAWING 570-855A) To reduce the number of components, several logic parts are included in the 2 GAL circuits U37 and U35. Signal analysis at these circuits is not recommended except at the testpoints TP4 and TP5. All signals are in respect to AN-GND , testpoint TP 20 10.6 Testpoint Signal Function TP4 TP6 clock Discriminator-output-pulses Detection circuit/GAL Filtered output of comparator U40 METERING UNIT DETECTORS ( DRAWING 570-852B) The function of the START/STOP detectors is explained in section 4.4 . if the glass tube is filled with liquid, a high light intensity will be detected by the phototransistors connected at P23/P32 ( STOP) and P31/P32 (START). The corresponding trimpotentiometer RV4 and RV5 are adjusted in such a way that a logical 0 ( zero ) is seen at the input of U50-A / C. This voltage is measured by the comparator U51 and the corresponding LED (LE5 and LE7) is lit if the level is ok ( < 1 Volt ). The same is valid if the glass tube is empty. The light intensity will be low and the input voltage at U50-A and C will be high. This is detected by the comparator and the corresponding LED will be lit if > 4 Volts (LE4 and LE6) A voltage measurement at the testpoints TP22 and TP 21 during the adjustment of RV4 and RV5 is not necessary, just follow the instructions as found in chapter 4.4. However, if these testpoints are measured, please note the following : The LED's used as the light source to detect liquid/air in the glass-tube are only switched on if a sample is processed or if the 'SHOW INPUT SIGNALS' menu is displayed. The LED's are connected to R94 and R92 and LEVEX which is used to switch these 2 LED's on/off. Any measurements at the following testpoints should be done by first activating the menu ' SHOW INPUT SIGNALS' MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 87 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All signals are in respect to GND, testpoint TP 11 10.7 Testpoint Signal Function TP22 < 1V /liquid > 4V /air START TP21 < 1V /liquid > 4V /air STOP PRINTER DRIVER (DRAWING 570-854A) The printer driver circuit is formed by U6 ( data ) and the printer 'busy' signal is connected to P3-11 ( R6). A busy status from the printer will put P3-11 at a low level and LE2 on the CPU board will be lit. A correct line-termination is used by RN4 / R15 , enabling high speed datatransfer at the printer output. P13 11/25 at R7 is a return GND from the printer. This resistor is inserted to avoid groundloops in the system ( value is 2.7 ohm ) 10.8 CPU SYSTEM ( DRAWING 570-851A) The CPU used in the CA570 is a 186 uP using a DMA to process the incoming data. The program is divided in 2 circuits as 16 Bit data is used. These circuits are marked as ODD and EVEN. ( U23 and U25) on the CPU PCB. The working / sample-memory is formed by U24 and U26 which is (battery) backuped by U20 and the battery BAT1. JMP1 is enabling the battery to the driver circuit U20. Note that if this jumper is removed, only the sample-patient data is lost whenever the CA570 is powered down. All instrument settings will remain as they are stored in the EEPROM U19.. The reset of the CPU system is performed by U17 as found in drawing 570-860A . A LED ( LE3) is connected to the reset line. This LED should only flash during a power-on or if the manual reset-switch S1 is pressed. As U17 is a watch-dog IC, any failure in the uP system will put the CPU in a reset state for ca. 0.5 second indicated by LE3. Note : A flashing LED LE3 means that the uP system is out of order by any reason. 10.9 SERIAL OUTPUT ( DRAWING 570-856A ) The serial output (data) available at the output connector P2 driven by U8 which is an opto isolated RS232 driver ( optional ). Note that at 9600 Baud a well balanced RS232 must be used at a maximum length of 2.5 meter. Reducing the baud-rate to 1200 Baud will enable the driver even to run on long lines without taking care of accurate line terminators. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 88 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The LED LE1 will lit whenever the serial output will signal a 'busy' to the UART (U9) when the CTS line is at a low level.. U7 and U4 are the opto-coupled drivers to the diluter CPU. Here the communication between the 2 uP takes place. U19 is the EEPROM circuit where all instrument data is stored. 10.10 HGB & PRESS. TRANSDUCER AMPL: ( DRAWING 570-858A ) The photometer amplifier is formed by U41 and U42. The overall gain setting is done with the trimpotentiometer RV1. Refer to section 4.3 for detailed information concerning the settings. The output is measured at TP7. Note that even if the lamp is switched off, a voltage is measured at this point ( offset ). This offset voltage is put at a positive level at all time by R52/R56 before it is applied to the DAC ( serial) via R57 to U44. This enables the software to measure and store the photometer offset and make corrections for it during the HGB determination. Note that the HGB photometer amplifier has a high input sensitivity ( = high gain). The pressure transducer is connected to P12. A voltage converter is formed by U43. The output at zero pressure will be slight negative at TP 8. This is put at a positive level by R53/R54 before the output voltage of the transducer via R55 is measured by the DAC U44. All signals are in respect to AN-GND , testpoint TP 20 Testpoint Signal Function TP7 0 to 4.5 V TP8 -1 to 3V Photometer output Pressure transducer output 10.11 DISPLAY PCB ( DRAWING 570-870 ) The LCD-display is adapted to the display/keyboard in the CA570. The keyboard has no extra logic or any other IC's. The keys are directly connected to the connector K2 as seen in the drawing 570-870. As the LCD display is a standard display unit, only the viewing angle adjustment P1 is found. Please refer also to section 6.7 concerning the adjustment. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 89 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.12 MAINS FILTER ( DRAWING/PCB 570-9040) To comply to the IEC 801 norms, all CA570 analysers shipped after the first half of 1994 are equipt with this additional filter. This filter provides an excellent low frequency noise suppression and is specially designed for mains supply filtering in the frequency range from 5 to 200 Khz. The transorb circuitry ( D1-D8) also protects the analyser electronics against extreme mains power surges ( lightning). Protective ground filtering is performed by L1/R5 and L4. If additional equipment is connected to the CA570, please note that the mains protective ground is not directly connected to the CA570 chassis but through this ground filtering circuit. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 90 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 SERVICE SCHEDULE Several parts in the CA570 need regular service. As whole-blood is used, certain cleaning procedures are obvious. Below follows a service schedule that is recommended to avoid unplanned service visits to the enduser. The schedule assumes that the cleaning procedures as described in the user manual of the CA570 are followed by the enduser. If this is not the case, these 'service' points should be added to this list. Assumed is ca. 50samples/day or less, if a higher load is used; adjust the time-frames in the service schedule according to this. Note that some parts might have a much longer lifetime than 'stated' in the service manual. However the service sched's should be seen as a way to avoid unplanned service visits as much as possible. After the 24 month period, a service time-frame of 12 months is recommended Below follows a short reference to the stated service points : Note : Be always aware of infection risks during service of the instrument. As whole blood is used, care should be taken to minimise any infection risk. Use disinfectionsolutions as supplied by the lab staff and follow the usage instructions of qualified lab. personal. (Hypo-chlorite can be used as disinfectionsolution without any harm to the instrument.) MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 91 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 SERVICE POINTS Service point Installation 6 months 12 months 24 months 1. START/STOP YES YES YES YES 2. PHOTOM. YES YES YES YES 3. FILTER NO NO YES YES 4. MEMBRANE NO NO YES YES 5. PRESSURE YES YES YES YES 6.CHECK LEAK YES YES YES YES 7. FLUSH PMP YES YES YES YES 8. CLEANING NO NO YES YES 9. TUBES NO NO NO YES 10. PISTONS NO NO NO YES 11.BLOOD NO NO YES YES See also attached service chart at the end of this section 11. PNT 1 START/STOP As the START/STOP detection is one of the most essential points in the CA570; these settings should be checked during installation as well. An uncontrolled transport might move the position of the glass tube in respect to the detector fittings. Check the START/STOP detector as described in section 4.4 Note that an adjustment should not be necessary, only a check should be done to be sure that the start/stop system was not effected by the transport of the instrument to the enduser. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 92 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proceed in the same way during the planned service intervals, check that the start/stop settings are OK and don't adjust these detectors if not necessary. Refer to section 4.4 for detailed information PNT2 PHOTOMETER An installation check should be done concerning the gain settings of the photometer system. Please refer to section 4.3 for detailed information. Note that an adjustment should not be necessary, only a check should be done to be sure that the photometer system was not effected by the transport of the instrument to the enduser. Proceed as follows during the installation/check: 1. Go to the menu 'PHOTOMETER ADJUSTMENT' as found in the service menu. 2. Enter this menu and observe the lampvoltage AND photometer-output voltage. The lamp voltage should be 3.9 - 4.6 Volts The photometer output voltage should be 3.8-4.1 volts Proceed as follows during the 6/12 month service check 1. Empty the WBC/HGB cup by pressing switch A at the diluter front ( section 3.1 to locate the push buttons ) 2. Remove the cover of the WBC/HGB cup and fill it with either an enzymatic protein solver or a 4-5% hypochlorite solution. Wait about 10 minutes. 3. Run a few blank samples 4. Enter the PHOTOMETER ADJUSTMENT menu again and press digit 1 on the keyboard. The system will now perform an automatic blank adjustment/storage. Check that the lamp-voltage is 3.9-4.7 Volts and the photometer output-voltage 3.8-4.1 Volts after this adjustment is done. Refer to section 4.3 for detailed information concerning photometer adjustments. PNT3 FILTER The air filter should be changed with regular intervals. Due to local environments, this could be necessary more often. Check that a good mixing is performed in both the mixing-cup and the RBC cup. Sparepart/position number : 581-03-054 MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 93 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PNT4 MEMBRANE The membranes located in the waste-pump have to be changed. Remove the housing of the pump section of the waste-pump and change the membrane/package. If the capacity of the drainpump is too low, an error 20 might occur indicating that the used 400mBar level can't be reached within a specified time-interval. In most cases the CA570 will work correct anyhow during normal sample operation, but might fail during the RINSE ORIFICE,FILL or a ‘prime’ cycle. To check the capacity ( on air ) of the waste pump, the menu 'CALIBR. PRESSURE' can be used. Enter this menu ( wait until zero vacuum is displayed ) and increase the vacuum with the → key to 400 mBar. Measure the time that the system needs to reach this level. The normal time to reach this vacuum level is ca. 10-15 seconds. PNT5 PRESSURE This point is done to check that the vacuum-bottle or connected tubes has no leakage AND that the waste pump is able to create the correct vacuum. Proceed as follows during installation/service : 1. Go to the menu CALIBR. PRESSURE as found in the service menu. 2. Increase the pressure with the → key to about 400mBar 3. Wait ca. 20 seconds, the pressure should now be stable and not drop. 4. Release the vacuum by pressing the ← key to 150 mBar 5. Wait 20 seconds, the pressure should now be stable. 6. Leave this menu by pressing <MENU> Refer to section 4.5 for detailed information PNT6 CHECK /LEAKAGE Check that there are no leakage's within the CA570. Look for salt crystals. If found, remove any salt crystals with dist.water only. Salt crystals that could fall on tube-valve plungers, might introduce unstable functioning of these valves. • The CA570 should always be clean around the tube-valves to allow a trouble free operation of the valve plungers. PNT7 FLUSH PUMP MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 94 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The (shielded) flush pump in the CA570 is only used for cleaning purposes between the samples. A low capacity of the flush pump will usually not effect the parameter results, but mainly the pipette cleaning efficiency and the 4 hour cleaning cycle are effected. To check that the flush-pump has a correct capacity, proceed as follows: 1. Turn the HEX Switch SW1 as found on the diluter CPU board in position 6 and press SW2 ( refer also to section 3.2 ) 2. The system will now perform a 4 hour cleaning cycle. After 1-2 minutes when the cycle is finished, look at the level of the liquid in the RBC cup. The level should be OVER the outlet connected to tube-valve 29. PNT8 CLEANING Cleaning sequences that are not mentioned in other service points, are mentioned below: 1. Remove the mixing-cup B1 and clean BOTH the cup/electrodes and lid with dist. water only. Rinse the electrodes on the inside with a pin/wire of 0.8 mm on the inside. Rinse all other connections at the lid as well with a 0.8mm wire to avoid salt crystal buildup that might block one of the air-connections. 2. Clean the aspiration pipette with alcohol ONLY on the outside 3. Check the waste outlet tube, change if excessive bacterial grow is found at the waste outlet/tubes or any other device that is connected at the waste of the CA570. PNT9 TUBES The silicon tubes used in the tube valves have a limited life-time. With the stated number_of_samples/day ; they should be replaced each 2nd year. Replace only the tubes that are actually going through the valves. Replace tubes that are obvious damaged by any other reason. A cleaning or tube-exchange might also be expected around the pressure-container B3 ( see section 1.2 ) Please refer to section 6.5 for detailed information PNT10 PISTONS The syringe pistons should be exchanged whenever excessive liquid is found on the cylinder walls below the pistons. MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 95 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------An adjustment as described in section 6.4 might stop a piston leakage temporary. A full piston exchange is recommended each 2nd year. Please refer to section 6.4 for detailed information PNT11 BLOOD DET. The blood detection level might change by time due to protein layers in the (Teflon) aspiration tube. Also, a protein layer will decrease the drying efficiency of the aspiration pipette, resulting in 'carry-over' tendencies. Proceed as follows : 1. Enter an enzymatic cleaner or 4-5 % hypochlorite as a sample and run ca. 5 cycles. 2. Refer to section 3.6 to check/adjust the blood detectors. Note that the actual 'trigger' level is not critical. As long as 'blood' with an HGB of 0.5 g/dL is not detected as blood and 'blood' with an HGB of ca. 3 g/dL is detected as blood; the detectors are correct and no further adjustments are necessary. Please refer to section 3.6 for detailed information MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 96 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 APPENDIX / TECHNICAL BULLETINS Use this section to collect additional information send by Medonic as Appendix and/or Technical bulletins / Document numbers 570-nn-xxx Note that most info in these bulletins is not found in any other section of this service manual ! MEDONIC CELLANALYZER CA570 Revision: 0.1 Page : 97 Sweden SERVICE MANUAL Date : 00-06-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 REPORTING SERVICE QUESTIONS Please use a copy of the attached form whenever contacting Medonic for further service information. As the CA570 is equipped with an important service tracking system; enclose always the printouts of: a. 'PRINT ALL SETTINGS' b. ´'PRINT SAMPLE STATUS' directly after running the sample where the problem was found. End Of File