CHEMICAL PROCESSING CHAPTER 3 WORKSHEET Answer the Class Exercises, other than those for which an answer is provided. Some hints and clarifications/revisions are provided. 3.1 clarification The term flow rate in the question should be flow velocity (in m/s) as per the equation. 3.3 (?) on page 22 Obviously this is incorrectly numbered, and will be addressed in a revision. 3.2(b) hint Pumps can operate at different speeds. 3.3 on page 24 answer You don’t need to do this – see the list of dot points at the bottom of the page. 3.4 Do as per your notes. 3.5 revision Instead of a Powerpoint, there is a webpage with links to each of these pump animations. See the Theory Notes page of the subject. 3.6 revision Instead of doing this question, look at the website below (link also supplied on Theory Notes page) and classify the valve types below by their mode of operation (one of the four described on the webpage) Valve types ball butterfly globe gate diaphragm