Covid-19 Hit Teenage Girls Hard By Mercy Omollo Adolescent pregnancy is a major public health problem, particularly in Africa. A research carried out by World Health Organization concluded that this teenager pregnancies are associated with high socio-economic development of a country. Now that the world has been changing at a dizzying speed, with the spread of Covid-19 virus. The virus has promoted a drastic and sudden change in the way we organize ourselves as social human beings. Covid-19 has made the learners to experience a drastic change in their schooling routine due to the closure of schools at onset of the virus. Kenya has had its own share of the virus with the third wave proving to be more deadly than ever. Despite people being so worried about the pandemic, parents are beginning to be more concerned about their teenage girls than the virus. News of teenage girls who have been impregnated during this pandemic period came as a shock to most Kenyans. Statistics shows that more than 4000 teenage girls have been impregnated during the Covid-19 lockdown. The bit that breaks my heart most, is that out of the 4000 girls, about 200 of them are aged 14 years and below. At this very young age, how would they be able to take careof these babies? Can a child take care of another child? Amanda is only 14 years old in grade 5. During the lockdown she met with Hakeem, 24 years old and a fourth-year student in one the Kenya Universities. They start dating ‘’he told me the love me, and I believed him.’’ After nine weeks into the relationship, I began to notice changes with my body. Most of the time I did not feel like eating. I the main time, morning become my worst nightmares. With severe headaches, throwing up and feeling so tired. Being so naïve, about anything to do about pregnancy. I informed my mum, who became so concerned and rushed me to the Doctor. She thought I was ill, because with my age she could not suspect that I was expectant. ‘’Mum, your daughter is not unwell, but she is pregnant.’’ These where the Doctors words. My mum just lost it. At that moment all I thought of was Hakeem, how he has robbed me my education and future.’’ It is evident that the pandemic, has granted older men opportunity to take advantage on teenage girls. This has led to so many questions among citizens. ‘’What can be done to these men? When these things are happening where are the parents? As Murang’a Women Representative Sabine Chege proposed that there is need for a new law. This would mandatory castration of sexual offenders. This will help put a stop to those wishing to destroy the future of young girls. Going forward to access this matter, it is evident that parents are failing in their parental duties. In the case of Amanda, it only proves that parents and guardians do not take their time to talk to their children about sex and adolescence. Mast parents do not know their adolescents are sexually active. The mere availability of the parents during this pandemic period is not enough. The most important thing that needs to be cultured is a close connection. This connection should be backed up by open discussion about sex, love and relationship talk. As a parent you have an obligation to be part of your teenage child’s life. It helps delay their first sexual experience; hence reduces cases of early pregnancies. This is because, the relationship between a parent and a child not only shield teenagers from early sex and pregnancy. But prevents them from anti-social behaviors like drug abuse, crimes and school drop outs. As a parent, offer comfort and adequate emotional support to your teenage daughter. Monitor their independence by cultivating regular interaction with them and instill values through language androle modelling.