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Moldavite vs Malachite: Green Gemstone Comparison

Moldavite Vs Malachite: The Green Gemstones
Moldavite stone and Malachite stone are two great examples of green stones. They might look
different to our eyes, but the two have many similarities that connect them and characteristics that
make them look different.
Their names and likeness can lead to some confusion. So, let's dive deep into their fascinating facts
and know the actuality of both the greenstones.
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What Is A Moldavite Crystal
Moldavite stone is scrutinized as a natural glass and is a type of tektite. The formation of this stone
happens through the cooling of silica rock or sand that comes into the atmosphere during a meteor
impact. Tektite belongs to the class of stones formed because of meteor impacts.
Czechoslovakia is the only location where it can be found. This greenstone is transparent and available
in shades of green. The hardness of Moldavite stone ranges from 5.5 to 7.
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It has an irregular, rough texture. Moldavite stone will not scratch easily on performing a scratch test.
It symbolizes attunement and spiritual awakening as per its metaphysical properties.
This stone helps you open your mind to unknown realities that may dramatically lead you to a spiritual
Moldavite crystal should be avoided in your bedroom and from daily wear because it is a
high-vibration crystal. This crystal has the power to over-energize you which can lead to insomnia and
racing thoughts. Many have experienced the heat and felt instantly energetic when touching or using
this crystal.
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What Is A Malachite Crystal
Malachite stone is a rock which originated from copper hydroxide minerals. The formation of this
stone happens naturally on earth during the surface weathering process of copper ore. Malachite
crystals occur in several locations such as Zambia, Australia, Zambia, and others.
Malachite Stone has an opaque transparency and occurs in shades of green with a patterning of white
bands. The hardness of Malachite stone scales between 3 to 4 and that is the reason it is known as a
soft stone. And it will get scratched easily on performing the Malachite scratch test.
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This stone helps transfigure the negativity into positivity and helps to eliminate emotional pain. This
powerful crystal brings unconditional love into your heart and makes you feel more self-loved and
It is not only mistaken for Moldavite stone but also for Azurite . It demands extra care because it has a
high level of copper which can be turned toxic if broken. It is also helpful for the healing of the Heart
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Moldavite Vs Malachite
Both Moldavite and Malachite crystals are available in shades of green. But still, they are not similar
and confusion between them happens because of a lack of knowledge regarding these stones. So, let's
know more about them to make it easy to differentiate them.
1. Color Difference
The notable color difference between the two is that Moldavite stone is mostly green in shades but
Malachite comes in green shades with white bands. This difference makes them look apart from each
2. Texture Difference
Texture difference is also one of the key differences to distinguish these two greenstones. Malachite
stone possesses a smooth texture on the surface while Moldavite comes with a texture of roughness
and bubbles on its surface.
3. Transparency Difference
Transparency difference is also one of the best points to get an idea of their difference. Malachite
gemstone possesses opaque transparency while on the other hand Moldavite is transparent like glass.
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4. The Mohs Scale Difference
These two gemstones can also be differentiated based on their scaling value. Both have a different
range on the Mohs scale system. According to the Mohs scale system, Malachite has a scaling of 3 to 4
while Moldavite ranges between 5.5 to 7.
5. Cost and Value Difference
The prize value of both gemstones can give you an exact idea of which one is best. Moldavite price is
more than Malachite, because of the condition it occurs in and the process of its extraction.
The cost per gram of a Malachite stone is around O.11 dollars while on the other hand, Moldavite price
is around 8 to 15 dollars per gram.
All these facts and points about these two gemstones are enough to know the difference between the
two and the comparisons as well.
Main source of blog : Moldavite Vs Malachite: The Green Gemstones
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By exploring Moldavite vs Malachite, it is not wrong to say that Malachite and Moldavite have
similarities but differences too. And these differences make them stand unique from each other. Each
of them has its uniqueness.
If you pass the light through Moldavite, you will see the light peeking through it, due to its glassy
transparency. But Malachite cannot do the same as it is opaque. Moldavite has many different textures
with rough surfaces while Malachite is smooth.
Both gemstones have different symbolic values attached to them. Moldavite holds the power of
spiritual awakening, on the other hand, Malachite stone holds the power to transform negativity into
Malachite and Moldavite are stunning greenstones with their own identities and individualities. Both
have different meanings for different purposes in life. Moldavite crystal meaning is different from the
malachite crystal meaning.
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