FITOUR Advanced Fitness Instructor Certification 1. buoyancy: the upward thrust exerted by water on the body immersed 2. hydrostatic pressure: the weight of the water that pushes against a submerged object from all sides 3. Drag: resistance against an object in water or on land 4. What are the four components of fitness performance?: Speed, Power, Skill, and Agility 5. When performing fitness activities in water, how many movements should be performed to two beats of music?: 1 movement/2 beats of music 6. Explain the FITT Principle: F= frequency (3-5 days) I= intensity: aerobic: 60-90% of max hr anaerobic: 85-95% of max hr T= time: 150 min of moderate intensity/week 20-60min of continuous activity/exercise session T= type: any cardio-respiratory activity that can be sustained for 20-60 min 7. What does the acronym RICEM stand for?: R= rest affected area I= ice for 20-30 min C=compress above or below area w/ ace bandage/tape E= elevate the affected area above the heart M= modify type of activity until healed 8. What are specific cues to give students during an aqua fitness exercise session to help them maintain neutral spine?: Ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips, hips over knees, knees over ankles 9. A spine that is "ready for action, for movement and can achieve movement without risk of injury is a ________________ or________________ spine.: balanced; neutral 10. The position of the spine from which our bodies are designed to move and which is the strongest and safest position for the spine when standing or sitting: neutral spine 11. Conditions such as shortened hip flexors and tight hamstrings can result in potential injury because there is too much ___________ 1/8 . or_________ from the anterior (front) or unilateral (one side) muscles of the spine.: push; pull 12. Which muscle in the abdominal wall is considered the largest of the abdominal muscles?: external obliques 13. What muscle is the deepest of the four abdominal muscles?: transverse abdominis 14. What movements are elicited through contraction of the erector spinae muscles?: extension of the lumbar spine and lateral flexion of spine 15 Which muscle is the primary hip flexor that attaches to both the femur and lumbar spine and helps to stabilize the pelvis?: Psoas major 16. Name the four shoulder girdle muscles: trapezius, rhomboids, serratus anterior, levator scapulae 17. List the three types of joints in the body: ball & socket, hinge and elbow, and pivot joints 18. List the three types of muscle contractions: isotonic, isometric, isokinetic 19. Explain the role that prime mover/agonist muscles play during contraction.: They are responsible for definite movement of a joint. 20. List the benefits derived from performing aqua exercise as far as posture is concerned: - restore good posture by correcting muscle imbalances, improving joint mobility, increasing flexibility, and strengthening both postural and mobilizing muscles -develop muscles equally so as to build strength in a balanced way - stretch and elongate muscles for optimum flexibility - realign the spine 2/8 FITOUR Advanced Fitness Instructor Certification 21. Anatomically ideal posture: a balanced relationship of all the skeletal muscles so that a minimum level of muscle tone is required to maintain upright posture. 22. Flat back posture: the absence of the usual lumbar, thoracic, and cervical curves 23. Lordotic posture: increased anterior lumbar curve from neutral; similar to kyphotic but less exaggerated 24. Kyphotic posture: increased posterior thoracic curve from neutral 25. Sway back posture: forces weight back on the heels because the pelvis is pushed forward; decreased anterior lumbar curve and increased posterior thoracic curve from neutral 26. What two postures are typically combined with one of the curves being more exaggerated than the other?: Kyphotic/Lordotic 27. What is the percentage of American people who will experience some type of back pain in their lives?: 80% 3/8 . 28. List some factors that can interfere with good posture.: injuries, illnesses, working at a computer, sitting all day, and the effects of gravity 29. How many voluntary muscles are in the body?: 430 30. What are the four movements of the spine that are elicited through the joints and muscles working together?: flexion, extension, rotation, and side bending 31. Do muscles push or pull bones?: pull 32. What type of muscle contraction occurs when there is no change in muscle length during the contraction?: isometric contraction 33. What are the cues to provide to help students maintain neutral spine during an aqua fitness class?: tell them to imagine pulling their pelvis toward the bottom of their ribcage 34. What is the best piece of aqua fitness equipment for a facility to purchase when a facility has a limited budget for equipment purchases?: Foam noodles 35. What piece of equipment provides more buoyancy? (a) aqua belts or (b) foam noodles: aqua belts 36. List aqua equipment that would be considered multi-purpose equipment that could be used by swimmers and aqua fitness classes.: Kickboard, webbed gloves, and foam noodles 37. When leading an arthritis-based aqua fitness class which equipment would be ideal because it provides less resistance and does not require a strong hand grip? (a) noodles or (b) aqua bells: Noodles 38 List the four different types of aqua equipment: 1. Bouyant 2.weighted 3.drag 4. Rubbarized 39. When using buoyancy equipment in the pool, where is the greatest resistance? a) the downward push toward the pool bottom or (b) as the equipment rises toward the surface of the water.: the equipment downward push toward the pool bottom 40. What role does flotation equipment play in an aqua fitness class? (a) increases buoyancy or (b) adds resistance: Increases buoyancy 41. The muscle action elicited by using weighted equipment in the water is similar to the résistance experienced when using weighted equipment on land.: True 42. What type of muscle contractions are elicited when using drag equipment in the water?: Concentric 43. When using drag equipment, the amount of resistance elicited is wholly dependent on which factors? (a) shape of equipment (b) surface area of 4/8 FITOUR Advanced Fitness Instructor Certification equipment (c) speed at which equipment is moving through water (d) amount of turbulence produced or (e) all of the above: All of the above 44. What is the ideal water depth for conducting a deep water fitness class?: 6.5 ft or greater 45. List the various types of individuals who can benefit from participating in a deep water program.: Active elderly, athletes, children, and back pain patients 46. Briefly list and describe the three planes of motion.: Saggital, frontal, horizontal 47. Deep water exercise is a good low-impact alternative for athletes who are recovering from an injury.: True 48. Deep water exercise can elicit an increased perception of workload as compared with land- based exercise due to ______ ______ ________ which may result in muscle fatigue.: Lactic-acid build up 49. Is the workload from drag forces in deep water greater or less than the workload from drag forces in shallow water?: Greater 50. Is it appropriate to perform deep water classes with only noodle and not with flotation equipment attached to the torso?: No 51. When the body is suspended in deep water, the neurological system will try to take over and allow the body to _______ rather than stay in proper vertical position with ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips, hips over knees and knees over ankles.: Float 52. Briefly describe the term "dynamic stabilization".: Body's ability to maintain neutal alignment when performing exercise. 5/8 FITOUR Advanced Fitness Instructor Certification Study online at . 53 When the body is on land, it relies on the ankle joints and bottoms of the feet to maintain an upright and balanced position. When the body is immersed in water, it relies upon the 100% activation of the _______ stabilizer muscles.: Core 54. In what region of the body is the location of the center of buoyancy?: Chest (lung air pockets) 55. What percentage of the body bears weight when immersed in water?: 25-35% 56. According to the AEA, aqua exercise elicits ____% more resistance than performing the same exercise on land.: 12% 57. What does the phrase "water is a conductor" mean and how does this affect the types of activities chosen for mind/body aquatics classes?: Water pulls heat away from the body. Movements have to be faster. Must stay moving 58. When designing and aqua Pilates/yoga class, it is best to alternate what type(s) of movement to ensure the core temperature of the body stays elevated.: Stretching and active movements 59. List the five Principles of Pilates and briefly describe how to apply each to an aquatic setting.: Concentration, centering, breathing, and fluidity 60. List the three basic principles of yoga and describe how to apply each in the aquatic setting.: Breathing, moving from the center, alignment 61. What is the recommended water temperature for pre/post-natal aqua fitness classes?: 83-85 degrees F 62. What is the recommended time to be allotted to each segment of a pre/post-natal aqua fitness class?: (a) Warm-Up:10 min (b) Cardio: 20-40min (c) Muscle Conditioning: 5-10 min (d) Stretching/Relaxation:5-10 min 63. List five of the benefits of participating in aqua fitness classes for a woman who is pregnant and after her pregnancy.: Increased circulation, increased metabolism, low-impact, slower movements, reduced swelling 64. List and be familiar with conditions that are contraindicative for exercise during pregnancy.: Preterm labor, vaginal bleeding, premature rupture of membranes 65. What is the recommended time limit for performing activities in a supine position in the aquatic setting for a pregnant woman?: Two minutes 66. Briefly describe what happens in the body when a heart attack occurs.: Blockage of oxygenated blood floods to a part of the heart 6/8 FITOUR Advanced Fitness Instructor Certification Study online at . 67. List and be familiar with signs of a heart attack.: Chest pain, shortness of breath, neausea, fatigue 68. What is the cause of stroke?: Loss of blood supply to the brain 69 List and be familiar with signs of a stroke.: Loss of speach, cognative function, and alertness 70. Briefly describes what occurs in the cardiovascular system of an individual who has congestive heart failure.: The hearts pumping power is weak. Blood pressure increases 71. What are the two types of heart failure?: Systolic and diastolic disfunction 72. Describe the difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol levels.: LDL (bad): carry cholesterol from liver to tissues HDL (good): carry excess cholesterol from tissues to liver 73. What is the recommended water temperature for aquatics classes for individuals with cardiovascular disease?: 86-88 degrees F 74. What are some of the side-effects of medications which contain beta blockers?: Cold hands/feet, tiredness, slow heart beat, insomnia, symptoms of asthma 75. Is it appropriate for Phase I and Phase II cardiac patients to attend an aqua fitness class?: No, only medically supervised classes 76. Briefly describe and explain the "angina threshold".: The point where someone might experience angina which is squeezing pressure or tightness of the chest 77. For what does the acronym "COPD" stand?: Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease 78. Briefly describe what occurs with the lungs in individuals who suffer from emphysema.: Walls between air sacks are damaged; changing O2 to CO2 is impaired; shortness of breath 79. An individual with asthma may experience asthma symptoms during exercise when working at approximately ____% of predicted maximal heart rate.: 75% 80. Briefly explain how the hydrostatic pressure of water can affect an individual with asthma when the region of the lungs is submerged and how the instructor can assist that individual in adapting to the aquatic setting.: It may make breathing difficult for individuals with asthma. They may need to stay in waist deep water. 81. Understand and know how to explain "pursed lips" breathing to assist in slowing the breathing rate in an individual who may be suffering from 7/8 FITOUR Advanced Fitness Instructor Certification Study online at . asthma symptoms during an exercise session.: Keep lips together with the center of lips open; inhale through the nose; exhale through "pursed lips" 82. What are the two most common types of arthritis?: Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis 83. Of these two common types of arthritis, which is the most common type?: Osteoarthritis 84 Briefly explain the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.: Osteo: degenerative joint disease localized in effected joints Rheumatoid- autoimmune disease attacking the lining of joints 85. What is the recommended water temperature for aqua exercise for individuals with arthritis?: 83-90 degrees F 86. What is the base exercise that is recommended for arthritis-based aqua classes?: Water walking 87. What is the positive effect of encouraging weight loss for overweight individuals who suffer from arthritis?: Weight loss will reduce stress on joints 88. Briefly explain the "Two Hour Pain Rule".: Greater than normal pain experienced for two hours after an excersise can indicate overexertion 89. What is osteoporosis?: A systematic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone strength 90. What is the difference between osteoporosis and osteopenia?: In ostopenia, bone mineral density is lower than normal but now low enough to be labled osteoporosis. 91. What is the recommended water temperature for aqua fitness classes which have participants who suffer from osteoporosis?: 86-88 degrees F 92. What are the sites of the most common fractures for individuals with osteoporosis?: The spine 93. What type of class is recommended for individuals who have osteoporosis in the event a class specifically designed for individuals with osteoporosis is not readily available?: Weightbearing classes 94. List and be familiar with benefits of participating in aqua exercise for individuals with osteoporosis.: Bone formation, improved balance, improved coordination/strength, and better posture 95. List and be familiar with things to consider when designing a program for individuals who have osteoporosis.: Kyphosis may cause limitations, begin with low intensity and progress; balance cardio, strength, and flexibility; avoid flexsion or twisting the spine 8/8