THE VITRUVIAN TRIAD AR 11141 THEORY OF ARCHITECTURE 1 THE VITRUVIAN TRIAD AR 11141 THEORY OF ARCHITECTURE 1 THE VITRUVIAN TRIAD Architects base their practice on many standards. But there is one shared by most that have been unshakable for millennia. During the height of the Ancient Roman civilization, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, otherwise known as Vitruvius, wrote his thoughts on architecture. 3 FIRMITAS Firmitas (solidity/strength) is a building’s ability to remain durable after extended use and exposure to the natural elements. Over time, architects have been able to calculate with greater levels of exactitude the expected life spans of their buildings. 4 FIRMITAS Certain materials have greater durability – as well as the illusion of durabilities – such as marble, concrete, and brick. One can also gauge the extent of Firmitas by examining the age of a building. If a building has lasted several decades without major renovations, it has proven itself to be a reliable and credible structure. 5 UTILITAS Utilitas (usefulness) is a building’s ability to appropriately predict and respond to the needs of its intended inhabitants. Of course, you can gauge the importance of usefulness by witnessing all the program types buildings can acquire – hospital, school, house, office. Each of these programs requires a unique relationship to the site, as well as specifically sized rooms and conditions. 6 VENUSTAS Venustas (beauty) is a building’s relationship to its context’s standard of aesthetics. This element can be made apparent in the use of an attractive building or flooring materials. Other aspects you can consider are — the level of craftsmanship and the attention to detail (how a wall meets a floor, for example, has been a serious concern for architects concerned with beauty). 7 VENUSTAS • Venustas used to be a requirement for the majority of newly constructed buildings prior to the 20th century. However, it became less of a focus on building design after that point. Some say this is due to the increase in mass production – which requires easy-to-reproduce building elements. 8