E11 - 4 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 17-19 July 2011, Bandung, Indonesia HV/EHV Transmission Lines Performance Calculation of Lightning Stroke by Using Corridor Method Eko Yudo Pramono1), Reynaldo Zoro2) and Rizki Wahyuni1) 1) Transmission and Load Dispatch Centre of Sumatra (PLN P3B Sumatera) / Planning Department, Padang - West Sumatera, Indonesia ekoyudo@p3b-sumatera.co.id rizky_ayumi@yahoo.com 2) Power Engineering Division, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (Institut Teknologi Bandung),Bandung – West Java, Indonesia zoro@hv.ee.itb.ac.id Abstract-- High Voltage / Extra High Voltage (HV/EHV) performance calculation of lightning stroke used to use thunder days method. With the technology improvement where it can be known the ground flash density, the Lightning Performance of HV/EHV transmission lines can be accurately done by using the ground flash density in the region that are passed by the transmission lines. To obtain the lightning performance similar to the flash density, it is used a Corridor Method so it can be evaluated the corelation between lightning stroke to the ground with the failures data of which caused the trip. Based on the performance calculation, when it is found above the transmission lines standard design, improvements are needed to increase the performance of the transmission lines. With the tehnical and economical optimation consideration, Corridor Method can be used to determine all critical points along the transmission lines, so it is easily known of which tower that must be rapaired. The calculation using Corridor Method provides detail result in the terms of segmentation performance evaluation because it is calculated of each corridor with various ground flash density. Therefore, this calculation become important as a reference in high voltage overhead line design and also in the transmission lines performance calculation of Transmission and Load Dispatch Centre of Sumatra for maintenance purpose. Keywords-- Shielding Failure, Back Flashover, Ground Flash Density,Corridor Method I. FOREWORD Lightning stroke is a serious thread in electricity power system which has vast coverage area like in High Voltage / Extra High Voltage (HV/EHV) of over-head transmission 978-1-4577-0752-0/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE line operated by PLN, a state-owned electricity company in Indonesia, and it becomes a backbone in the electricity power system. Damage and loss as a result of the lightning stroke are caused by: • Lightning stroke at ground wire resulting back flashover on isolator in transmission lines and substations, also in transformer and other equipments in switchgear. • Direct lightning stroke to phasa conductor because of shielding failures in ground wire. In addition, there are still no standard design of appropriate protection systems for lightning threads in tropical region that can be applied in PLN’s operational coverage area. Changing parameter can be done through improvements in protection system. Purposes of this research are: a. To learn the lightning charateristics on regions passed by HV/EHV transmission lines. b. To evaluate the lightning performance of HV/EHV transmission lines by calculating the probability of protection failures due to lightning stroke. To improve the performance of lightning protection at HV/EHV transmission lines with economical consideration using severity index method. II. LIGHTNING AT HV/EHV TRANSMISSION LINES A. Lightning Parameter 1. Crest Current, Î [kA] According to Hileman [1], Crest / Peak Current is the peak current of return strokes. It is distinguished by polarities, negative or positive, and also by its first stroke or subsequent strokes. 2. Rate-of-rise of Current, di/dt [kA/μs] According to Hileman [1], Rate-of-rise of lightning current is a changing rate of current to time to attain its crest. It is approached by a comparison of crest current and crest time. Quantity of Electricity, Q = ∫ dt . I Quantity of electricity is an area of lightning stroke or the integral of the current to time. Lightning Energy, E = ∫ I2.dt Lightning energy is a mechanic effect and also a lightningheat. 3. 4. B. Striking Distance Equation (r) Striking Distance Equation used in this paper is Whitehead’s equation [8] with consideration that this equation is closer enough with the lightning stroke data in Indonesia. The striking distance equation by Whitehead [8] is: r = 6.7 * I 0.85 (1) Where I is Lightning Current C. Back Flashover Ratio C.1. Lightning Stroke on Tower Tower can be represented as surge impedance or inductance. When tower is represented as inductance, then the adjustment of grounding resistance (R’0) and surge impedance of ground wire (Z’g) according to Anderson [11] can be calculated as: 2 ⎛ Z ' g +2 R' 0 ⎞ 2 Z W τ t ⎟ L=⎜ ⎟ (1 − ψ ) 2 ⎜ Z' g ⎠ ⎝ di ⎞ ⎛ V = C , I ( Z t + R0 ) = Co⎜ IR0 '+ L ⎟ dt ⎠ ⎝ (4) Whereas coupling for transmission with two ground wires [11] is: Co = ln (b1 .b2 ) /(a1 .a 2 ) ln(2.hg / d .r ) (5) Where, a and b is the distance between ground wire and phase conductor with its reflection as shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Wire reflection at multi-conductor lines In analyzing the transmission lines performance of lightning, it is used differently resistance level called Critical Flasover (CFO). According to ANSI C92.1 82 [21], CFO is the maximum voltage of lightning impulse with the resistance possibility as same as its failure possibility that is 50%. It refers to the laboratorium test result of the isolator. Isolator combination and configuration at transmission lines will assign different CFO value. Eventough in transmission lines, CFO isolator vary in value and combination, the least CFO value will be used in calculation. (2) Where, R’0 is the adjustment of grounding resistance, Z’g is surge impedance of ground wire, Zw is surge impedance, Ψ is adjacent tower factor, and τt is tower travel time. Overvoltages in tower as surge impedance is comparable with lightning crest current, meanwhile for tower as inductance comparable with the rate-of-rise current. Therefore, overvoltages on the crest of tower is as follows [11]: The lightning stroke to ground striking one structure is determined by the reflection of the structure. According to [1]: di 2 (3) + Vs dt 3 Where, I is lightning crest current (kA), Ro is tower footing resistance, L is tower inductance, di/dt is the rate-of-rise of curret (kA), VS is system voltage (kV). Where, NL is flash that might hit the structure [flashovers/100km-year], Ng is Number Flash to Ground [flashes/100km/year], h is the height of structure [m], d is structure width or as same as 2b [m] V = I ( Z t + R0 ) = I .R0 '+ L Fig. 3. Reflection Illustration of Ground Wire Protection ⎛ 28.h 0.6 + d ⎞ ⎟⎟ N L = N g ⎜⎜ 10 ⎝ ⎠ (7) Therefore, the performance of this transmission line is [15]: ∞ BFOR = 0.6 N L ∫ f ( I ) di = 0.6 N L P( I c ) (8) Ic Fig. 1. Tower representation as surge impedance and inductance. C.2 Lightning Stroke on Ground Wire When lightning strikes ground wire, a portion of lightning current flew to ground through towers. Therefore, the overvoltage in isolator [11] is: D. Shielding Failure Ratio Shielding Failure – SF, according to Anderson [11], means the ground wire failure to protect phase conductor from the lightning stroke due to the imperfection of ground wire location on tower. The calculation is done by Anderson method [11] used as IEEE 1243 standard [13]. This imperfection will give chances of lightning to strike the region that is unprotected by ground wire. According to Hileman [1], the unprotected region is ilustrated in Fig. 4 and the effective protection is ilustrated in Fig. 5. Fig. 4. Protection of the imperfection ground wire Fig. 5. Perfectly Ground Wire Protection To calculate the ratio of isolator creepage, it is necessary to find out the gradien of the voltage withstand creepage isolator as follows [11]: (9) E0 = VLN / n.s … [kV/m] Where, VLN is phase to ground voltage (kV), n is the number of sheds insulator, and s is creepage distance (m) Whereas, the probability of flashover becoming failure [11], is: η = 0.3196 ln(e) − 0.6578 (10) Therefore, the failure number due to the Shielding Failure, SFFOR [11] is: SFFOR = 0 . 5η P ( I MAX ) X s 0 . 1 N g (11) [ failure / 100 km / year ] SFFORTotal = ∑ SFFOR (12) E. The Perfomance of Transmission Lines to the Lightning lightning, LC is the failure number of the ligthning correlated, dan L is the length of transmission lines (km). Based on the failures recapitulation data, failures caused by, the Ligthning Performance / LP is approached by: a. Failures that are surely caused by lightning or called Sure Lightning / SR: it is decided that the failures are because of lightning based on evidence at the site, e.g: broken insulator, burned or discharged conductor, and by the justification of site officer who observes the trouble a moment after the lightning stroke or the thunder. b. Failures that is assumed correlating with lightning stroke or indirect effects of ligthning stroke called Lightning Correlated / LC are: failures based on weather at the trouble time (or bad weather: rain, downpour, cloudy, drizzle,foggy), cryptyc failures and failures based on the damage of equipment in lines (e.g. transformer, lightning arrester, insulator, etc). It is assumed only about 70% of these kind of failure correlated with lightning stroke [1]. III. RESEARCH DATA (An example case of Paiton-Kediri EHV 500 kV Transmission Lines) A. Failures Data Lightning has substantial portion as the failures cause. It is considered by the evidence in observation at the site e.g: trace of flashover on insulator, conductor ( broken or burnt) or weather at the time of trouble. Percentage of failure type on EHV 500 kV at East Java and Bali Region in 2005 is as follows: c. Table 1. Failures Classification based on the Causes in 2005 Code Type of Failure Explanation of Causes A Equipment Damage of components Relay B Malfunction of relays Malfunction Earth quake, land slide, Nature / C Rain / downpour, Weather Lightning, heavy rain D Kite Kites E Tree Tree, branch, twig F Animal All animals G Human Eror H Over Load I Distribution J Miscellanea Deviation of the Standard Operating Procedur or Fixed Procedur % 21.28 2.12 23.40 0.00 19.15 4.26 0.00 Lightning over voltage in transmission lines can cause failures stated by Flashover Rate (FOR). According to IEEE 1243 [13], FOR is the number of flashover in insulator because of the lightning over voltage in transmission lines. If the lightning performance is equal to FOR or assumed that failure happens everytime of flashover, in this case the calculated value is the worst possibility. To calculate the lightning performance of the failure data, it is used an equation of Cliff. J.S [10], as follows: (SR + LC ) ) (13) LP = 100 L The failure percentage of nature (a dominant lightning) is 23.40 %. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance efforts of protection system upgrading about failures expecially for lightning. Therefore, 23,40 % can be minimized as small as reasonably possible. Where, LP is the Lightning Performance (failures/100km/year), SR is the failure number of the sure d. Table 2 Performance of Paiton – Kediri EHV 500 kVderived from trip and reclosed failure data Over load (transmission & transformer) Feeder APFL, flying items, fire, Telecommunication and SCADA, investigated cases TOTAL 0.00 0.00 29.79 100 Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Sure Lightning Ligthning Lightning Correlated Performance 4 2 3.04 2 2 2.03 3 0 1.52 3 1 2.03 From table 2, it is known that the Lightning Performance of Paiton – Kediri EHV 500 kV has exceeded the PLN’s standard design of EHV 500 kV that is 1.1 failures/100 km/year [22]. B. Broken Insulator Data A number of broken insulators since 2003 are 308 pieces of insulator. In Fig. 6, it is shown the correlation between broken insulator data with the lightning stroke event data, therefore it is known that the main cause of broken insulator is lightning. D. Lightning Data of each Corridor In increasing the accuracy of the lightning current calculation and the relevance of lightning data to the regions of which are observed used some corridors. Corridor that is used has a square in shape with 10 km length as in Fig. 3.7. Each corridor averagely consists of 25 towers, therefore there are totally 19 corridors. For lightning stroke complete data of each corridor is shown in Appendix 1 in which each corridor length is 10 km x 10 km, and in Paiton – Kediri EHV 500 kV Transmission Lines Corridor is made 1 km x 1 km to observe lightning stroke data nearby the transmission lines. Jalur Transmisi SUTET 500 kV Paiton-Kediri PT PLN (persero) P3B Region Jawa Timur dan Bali W indow 10 x 10 km Koridor 1 km Petir Tahun 1999-2000 -10.25 -11.25 T 126 -12.25 -13.25 -14.25 T 101 -15.25 -16.25 Statistik Variansi Bulanan Kejadian Petir di Wilayah Jawa Timur (1 Januari - 31 Desember 1999), Center 7.75023 S 112.8069 E, Window 200 x 60 Km2 -17.25 7000 25 -18.25 6000 -19.25 20 -20.25 -45.8 5000 15 Bin 4000 3000 10 -44.8 -43.8 -42.8 -41.8 -40.8 -39.8 -38.8 -37.8 -36.8 -35.8 Fig. 7 Example of research corridor number 5 (1 x 1 km) in window of size ukuran 10 x 10 km 2000 5 1000 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Des Bulan 2003 2004 2005 2006 Petir Positif Petir Negatif Flash event probability with crest current in corridor number 5 is : Petir Awan Statistik Probabilitas Arus Puncak Kejadian Petir di Wilayah Jawa Timur Koridor 5 Fig. 6. Correlation between Monthly Lightning Events Variation and Broken Insulators. 100 90 80 P ro b a b ilit a s [ % ] 70 C. Lightning Data 60 50 40 30 20 Lightning data taken from lightning historical data are lightning stroke to ground data recorded by lightning detection system. From the National Lightning Data Network, known as JADPEN / Jaringan Data Petir Nasional, this network uses technology to determine the lightning stroke position known as LPATS (Lightning Position and Tracking System). Data used in this research are the historical data since 1996 – 2001. From this historical data,it is acquired lightning parameters e.g.: crest current, event probability, event monthly variation, event frequency and ground flash density. To find out the lightning influence to the transmission lines, it is necessary to do the mapping using GPS (Global Positioning System) data of the Paiton – Kediri EHV 500 kV Transmission Lines and becoming the boundary of observed region. Lightning data in this region is generally summarized as follows : Table 3. Lightning Characteristic in region passed by the Paiton – Kediri EHV 500 kV Transmission Lines Negative Positive Polarity Polarity Maximum 340.2 290.52 29 20 Crest Probability 85% Probability 50% 47 32 Current Probability 2% 140 160 Average 69.3 63 3-12 Total Flash Density Lightning Characteristic 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Arus Puncak [kA] Negative 1st Negative Subsequent Positive 1st Positive Subsequent Fig. 8 Example of crest current probability in research corridor number 5 (1 x 1 km) at window with length 10 x 10 km. Lightning data of each corridor will be processed in the range of frequency to get the crest current probability. Py = 100 ⎛ ⎛ x ⎞b ⎞ ⎜1 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ⎝a⎠ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ (14) Where; Py = Crest Current Probability x = Crest Current a = Median of Crest Current b = searched value E. Tower Data Paiton – Kediri EHV 500 kV cone type - one tower and two circuits with two ground wires as in Fig. 9. Grounding used on tower is counterpoise type connecting with the four legs of tower in depth about 1.5 meters using 95 mm2 BC (Brown Copper) wires and some 1.5” iron pipes. Composition of the tower height varies from 68,625 meters to 86,625 meters, but the most common usage is 77,625 meters as many as 172 units or approximately 34.82 %, and the highest tower is 86,625 meters 7 units. Table 4. Tower composition based on the tower height No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tower Quantity Percentage Height (m) (units) (%) 68.625 26 5.26 71.625 92 18.62 74.625 119 24.09 77.625 172 34.82 80.625 58 11.74 83.625 20 4.05 86.625 7 1.42 Fig. 12. Magnetic band recording at the time of lightning stroke on tower 353rd on February 5th, 2007. Fig.13. CVT fiber support condition after he lightning stroke at tower 353th on February 5th, 2007 IV. EVALUATION RESULT A. The Calculation of Ground Wire Shielding Failure Fig. 9. The tower of EHV 500 kV Paiton-Kediri (typical) F. Site Observation Data Shielding Failure Flashover Rate as Function of Over Head Ground Wire Height at Tower in Various Ground Flash Density 0.5 NG=16 NG=14 0.4 SFFOR [outage/100km/year] Lightning observation in EHV 500 kV transmission lines is done by installing equipments at two towers of Paiton – Kediri number 103 and 353. Location election of measuring equipments based on considerations of the two towers which has high flash density and the high number of failures as in failures data. The installed equipment consisted of Finial CVT (Collection Volume Terminal) in Fig. 10, is an air terminal in external lightning protection system having function to transmit up streamer so that it is potential enough to be struck by lightning rather than the conventional finial and measuring equipments. Installed measuring equipments are magnetic band and LEC (Ligthning Counter Event) as in Fig. 11,where magnetic band is used to record the value of the crest current striking the finial and LEC is a device used to count the sum of lightning that strikes the finial, where the sum will increase when lightning stroke happens. From the calculation, it is known that minimum current causing Shielding Failure (SF) is 14 kA, with the correlation of S.Hidayat’s research result [20] then this current has probability about 87.5 %. From Fig. 14 it is known that the higher tower, the bigger Shielding Failure ratio. For tower having height as the typical tower data that is 72,625 meters, it has excellent shielding failure ratio, below the standard design as the formula of Brown-Whitehead and IEEE-1992 [8], that is 0.05 failures/100 km/year. Whereas, for tower with height is above the typical, its shielding failure ratio will increase and getting bigger when its lightning flash density getting denser. From the Paiton – Kediri EHV 500 kV tower data, there are more tower with the height of 77,625 meters as many as 34.82 %. For tower with height 77,625 meters, its shielding failure ratio is 0.07 failures/100km/year in the region with flash density 12 flashes/km2/year. NG=12 0.3 NG=10 NG=8 0.2 NG=6 NG=4 0.1 NG=2 0.0 68.0 71.0 74.0 77.0 80.0 83.0 86.0 OHGW Height at Tower [m] Fig. 10. CVT on tower 353rd Ng = 2 flash/km2/yr Ng = 4 flash/km2/yr Ng = 6 flash/km2/yr Ng = 8 flash/km2/yr Ng = 10 flash/km2/yr Ng = 12 flash/km2/yr Ng = 14 flash/km2/yr Ng = 16 flash/km2/yr Fig. 14. SFFOR as tower height function in various flash density B. Back Flashover Rate Fig. 11. LEC and magnetic band Measuring equipments installation were done on December 2006 and the observation continues doing at the present time. Data recorded at LEC are two lightning stroke data striking tower 353rd. From the data, it is known that the values of their crest current are 26 kA and 34.8 kA, where Fig. 12 shows the magnetic band recording. From Fig. 15, when there is a lightning stroke at tower, it is possible to calculate the crest voltage of tower using the 3rd equation. Crest current used in this case is the crest current with 50% percents probability in the research result of S.Hidayat [20] that is 26 kA. It is chosen by the consideration that crest current is as same as the result of field research and if it correlates with the research of R.Zoro [14], then probability of the crest current 26 kA is 75 %. When it is correlated with JADPEN’s data for regions In Fig. 19, the total BFOR in the region with maximum flash density is 12 flashes/km2/year and the tower legs impedance is 0.7 failures /100km/year. Rasio Lewat Denyar Balik Fungsi Tahanan Kaki antara 5 Ohm hingga 20 Ohm fungsi tinggi menara SUTET 500 kV dengan Kerapatan Sambaran Petir ke Tanah sebesar 12 sambaran/km2/tahun 2 86.625 1.75 77.6 25 83.625 1.5 B F O R [g a n g g u a n /1 0 0 k m / ta h u n ] passed by the Paiton-Kediri EHV 500 kV transmission lines, the probability of crest current 26 kA is 85 %. Based on calculation result in Fig. 15 and 16, it is known that if the impedance of tower legs is 10 ohms, then voltage at the top of tower is 2168 kV. This voltage is higher than the CFO voltage, so that there is a back flashover with probability above 50 %. 74.6 25 80.625 1.25 71.625 1 68.625 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 5 10 15 20 R [ohm] Tinggi Menara 68.625 m Tinggi Menara 71.625 m Tinggi Menara 74.625 m Tinggi Menara 80.625 m Tinggi Menara 83.625 m Tinggi Menara 86.625 m Tinggi Menara 77.625 m Fig. 19. BFOR of tower legs impedanceof which flash density 12 flashes/km2/year for various tower height. D. Sensitivity Analysis Fig. 15. Voltage in tower as the tower legs impedance function Fig. 16. Tower voltage of the tower legs impedance functionfor various tower height C. Direct lightning stroke on ground wire In Fig. 17 and 18, it can be seen the back flashover in insulator due to the lightning stroke on ground wire. It happens when ground impedance as same as or more than 25 ohms. The most often disturbed insulator is the insulator of phase A. This shows that lightning stroke on ground wire is spanned between tower, is not dominant cause of the back flashover, because whenever lightning stroke happens then the current is divided into two oppposite direction to each tower facing each other, so that the value is smaller than the lightning stroke on tower. In Fig. 17, tower legs impedance relates to BFOR. The bigger value of the tower legs impedance is the higher BFOR value and the flash density in the region passed by the EHV 500 kV transmission lines will also be effected by the BFOR. When flash density is getting denser, value of BFOR increases. Tower height also influences the BFOR value. The higher tower is the more BFOR value as shown in Fig. 19. This shows that BFOR is influenced by the value of tower legs impedance, tower height and flash density in the region passed by the EHV 500 kV transmission lines. E. Calculating the Lightning Performance of Paiton – Kediri EHV 500 kV Transmission Lines 1 2 Lightning performance estimation for EHV 500 kV transmission lines which ground impedance is approximately 10 ohms and flash density is maximum 12 flashes/km2/year is as follows: FOR = BFOR + SFFOR = 0.70 + 0.071 = 0.771 failures/100 km/year From the data, it is known that the number of towers are 493 units in which the average span is 400 meters, and the length of the transmission lines is approximately 197.2 km, so that the failure total possibility in a year is: Failure total = 0.771 x 197.2/100 = 1.52 failures/100 km/year F. The Lightning Performance using Corridor Method Fig. 17. Voltage felt by insulator as the function of tower legs impedance Rasio Lewat Denyar Balik Fungsi Tahanan Kaki antara 5 Ohm hingga 25 Ohm Tower SUTET 500 kV (77.625 m) Untuk Berbagai Kerapatan Sambaran Petir ke Tanah 2 Ng=16 Ng=6 1.75 Ng=14 Ng=4 B F O R [g a n g g u a n /1 0 0 k m / ta h u n ] 1.5 Ng=12 Ng=2 1.25 Ng=10 1 Ng=8 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 R [ohm] Ng = 16 flash/km2/yr Ng = 14 flash/k m2/yr Ng = 12 flash/km2/yr Ng = 10 flash/km2/yr Ng = 8 flash/km2/yr Ng = 6 flash/km2/yr Ng = 4 flash/k m2/yr Ng = 2 flash/km2/yr Fig. 18. The average back flashover of EHV 500 kV tower legs impedance (77,625 meters) for various ground flash density. By using the same way, it can be known the lightning performance of each corridor with the calculation of flash density and ground flash probability of each corridor. The lightning peformance of each corridor becomes the lightning performance of along the EHV transmission lines. This method is also useful in determining the recovery priority. To calculate the lightning performance of each corridor, it uses the same way as the lightning performance calculation by first method, but data used are only data of each corridor. In table 5, it shows the lightning performance result of each corridor. The result of table 5 shows that the total lightning performance of Paiton – Kediri EHV 500 kV as the sum of each corridor peformance is 1.515 failures/100 km/year. This indicates that these EHV 500 kV trasmission lines have exceeded the standard design of EHV 500 kV tansmission lines in the region of Java – Bali Transmission and Load Dispatch Centre. If the lightning performance of each corridor compares to the lightning performance of first method, the result is not quiet different that is approximately 1.5 failures/100 km/year. Corridor which has the highest FOR is the 2nd corridor. Table 5. EHV 500 kV Transmission Lines Lightning Performance Calculation Result of each Corridor Corri dor Tower Number Lightning Ng SFFOR BFOR P f Flashes/k Failures/ Flashes/k Flashes/k Flashes/k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 T1-T25 T26-T50 T51-T75 T75-T100 T101-T125 T126-T150 T151-T175 T176-T200 T201-T225 T226-T250 T251-T275 T276-T300 T301-T325 T326-T350 T351-T375 T376-T400 T401-T425 T426-T450 T451-T496 m2/year 0.626 2.128 1.151 0.657 0.952 0.959 0.843 0.174 1.164 0.798 m2/year 0.642 2.182 1.166 0.671 0.968 0.975 0.854 0.209 1.248 0.846 m2/year 0.067 0.227 0.121 0.671 0.101 0.101 0.089 0.022 0.130 0.088 0.306 0.711 0.565 0.473 0.246 1.409 0.171 0.296 0.146 0.352 0.764 0.642 0.532 0.280 1.476 0.205 0.359 0.184 14.556 0.037 0.079 0.067 0.055 0.029 0.154 0.021 0.037 0.021 1.515 m2/year km2/year 4.20 0.016 4.15 0.054 3.17 0.015 3.80 0.013 3.50 0.016 3.65 0.016 3.90 0.011 5.25 0.035 7.15 0.084 7.10 0.048 10.35 0.046 10.75 0.053 11.15 0.077 11.55 0.059 9.2 0.034 4.9 0.067 3.25 0.034 4.15 0.063 4.57 0.037 TOTAL V. CONCLUSIONS 1. The lightning performance of HV/EHV transmission lines is more accurate by using the ground flash density data than using the thunder days method. To get the flash density data, it is required the detection equipments of the lightning stroke. 2. Lightning performance using level method gives the same result as the corridor method that is 1.5 failures/100 km/year. This is similar with the failure data in 2005 that is 1.5 failures/100 km/year. 3. The calculation using corridor method gives more comprehensive result of lightning performance becauseit calculates performance of each corridor which has different flash density. 4. For the design of EHV transmission lines building, it is necessary required the flash density data and lightning parameter in the region passed by the EHV transmission lines, because it will be very influential for the HV/EHV transmission lines performance at operation time. 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