Chapter 23: Using MLA Style Refresher for Intermediate English To begin MLA APA Modern Language Association American Psychological Association Used in Humanities, Literature and Language Sciences, Medicine and Psychology How to set up MLA Format Paper with Works Cited Page in Microsoft Word (latest) v=bnhksX29HL0 01 Text in Document How do I cite sources within my work correctly? Pagination In-text timestamps on videos: (“Detroit: Become Human Playthrough” 00:16:57) Pages in Works Cited Pages in In-Text citations pp. 679-85 pp. 171-75 pp. 58-92 pp. 292-300 (519) (Foster 172) (Smith and Johnson 63) (Parker 294, 299) Paraphrase and Quote Paraphrase ● ● ● Something you learned from a source and have put in your own words Let's you describe an author’s ideas without using a direct quote If you paraphrase it needs to be included in your Works Cited list Quote ● An exact copy of the original source ● You use the author’s exact words ● Helps support your own ideas ● If you quote directly it needs to be included in your Works Cited list How Do I Prepare the List of Works Cited? The difference between Works Cited and Works Consulted: ● ● Works Cited only includes those sources cited in the body of your text, research project or paper Works consulted includes works cited plus those used for your research but not cited within the body of your research project or paper 02 Works Cited How do you appropriately show your references? The Core Elements earch_and_citation/mla_style/ mla_formatting_and_style_gui de/mla_formatting_and_style _guide.html How Do I Prepare the List of Works Cited? ● The list is alphabetized by author. ● If the author’s name is unknown, alphabetize the entry using the title of the source. ● If you cite more than one work by the same author, alphabetize the group under the author’s last name, with each entry listed alphabetically by title. Continuation… ● All entries in the list are double-spaced ● Entries formatted with a hanging indent ● Titles of longer works, such as books, journals, video games, movies or websites, are italicized. ● Titles of short works, such as articles or chapters, are enclosed in “quotation marks.” (period always goes inside the quote at the end of a sentence/statement) 03 Medium Citations There are different methods for citing and here are some of them! Media Sources A.I.: Artificial Intelligence. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Starring, Haley Joel Osment, Jude Law, Frances O'Connor, Brendan Gleeson, William Hurt. Warner Bros. Studios, 2001. DVD. Detroit: Become Human. PlayStation 4 version, Quantic Dream, 2018. Gamer Max Channel. “Detroit Become Human - Full Game Walkthrough Gameplay No Commentary (Everyone Survives).” YouTube, 20 June 2018, Need more help? ● Review Chapter 21 (Using Sources Effectively) ● Use the MLA Handbook 8th Edition ● Use the MLA Style guide (on Moodle) ● Owl Purdue website ● Consult a classmate or teacher: a new set of eyes to check your work ● Remember: always double check with additional sources!