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Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 6 - 1346 3 m Ibe i* * # b e # # Fa&r&a#y I# %p@l* O b ia a < B k g&om *ampl#t&o& &f h i# *%#&&*# *# Qb&#0 Two# Qniveralty# @b*a#&al* China, he reaeived $h# D##### of Daohalo# of $ol*noo In laab&nioal Ja IneariBg ia3 h B *1 9 b g , 8 #* & #t b a m * 0 # l e y * a% y 9 m 8 a & * C % B 8 & H i # h # 8 yT y a a e p o r t ,a h & n ^ h a l *C h i n a *a #* # & & * & $# a # i n # * f @8& &8*i@taB& agpervlmap o f amaiatanawa» Da 19^6, ho wa# #all*d haak to th* National High*#? % i l 3 G d l * ; t E p y a d & j L c H n L 4 % a * Da»€H*e]L en;;i]rua#* iBditaaMGa* <Kf 4 » n ; l r w » a % p a a a d : & 3 a a ; 1 % m a * * t ; c c rc m EkkjCozi* #üOüB*#%»ijoy& t&s#* :%ag%sr%w*<dboajLi* 3kw# tyaw» 4#Q%Q3a**<;i%&d& iBkta* (3%&jkcu&saGp** a k t % W 8 & 3 B b K 9 P 3 4 g 9 & i ; 3 L 6 9 & ( % o a a % * * K a q r< & * & % a g k % * & à â a k * 9 a a ; i j E w ; s * % ' , S&o jla; n o w @i <*«WKKljLdka/&#» :(t>3p bisa* jGkeggasBo t i f î&awBl;***» tadP aB8Mdbu8ü3dL<w&]L : 8 & 3 a & * J 3 w » < * a < & % % # & # s a b * » %%@3k<kaap<dkk <»%% ib&&* ibkwtadl#* f%%» b&ii.* <Sa%s3P*#4» ifai* ;;tü98P*ê#M# ladlnoe 2%al%Ry*%*p IkSdjg) jauadt i*%k# 4 & c G % g s ] L # i b * k d L jlsk , 3 % K % B a # % % * r3kPî;(># 3%wk < * a Q p ^ » 3 * a a 8 * * o d & ; & l? m G M P & c i w w & a ( S c R c w » iii t & % *v & c B n w » < a iI j N ü & c M P i & l & o w p g r« o d f i a @ % a b w B 3 % 9 U B W & lj l B W % ] k 9 % & 3 L *4 K B K Ï] W % * ( a a a & z d l a B 8 % ,B 5 » ( a 3 j % % l l 4 Ü B & DO'&rt#@nt* Folytochalo Inatitmt* of Droo^Syn* wWwi# to to Pmfmmmop him wrmoimtlom H. 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* o f,'F r w d ( m l^y e te m * % e fro # or natural e ib ra tlo a oaa be maintained by ^ao #le#tl(Kl% ' o f #%e oprlng a fte r a mWdenly extemml force 1$ applied and roloaaed# %e mathematloal ^Mipreaalon o f #ie## 3 vlbraticm a çan be dOriymd from Bewtw*# aeetmd la # * Â# d iffe re n tia l egwtl^m o f m tlm Wme the fern am = #' k% o r m g e im — 0 (1 ) & e #em#ra% eolmtlem o f tb l# e^etlom n r % = C% e ln t / be w lt W i ee 7k + Gg GO# t m Af m eW re 0% md % ere erbltRpery eonetente# A e ib r a t o r y m o tio n r $ # r e e e n te d b y e q u a t io n e d a h a r m m le v lb r e t l< m # In # ile (2 ) le em ee #%e v i b r a t i o n e lete o f tw parte* One le proportlmWL to e e ll^ eon#^ elm t V ^ & " having the mmdmm dlaplgw^mmt o f 0% # the othw la ppopo*^* tlo im l to B la e e ooe t^ /l^ F end dapmWln^: <m the amplitude o f e la t i / 3 ^ end eoe tV k /% ow b o t h p e x d o d le fa m e # tlone vhloh reoeat thew elvee eeo^i time a fte r an In te rv a l o f time T * the period# eu(h th at f /“ - = 2TT N m or T=27n— (3) V k In o r ^ r to determine ihe oonetante o f Integration aM % O2 * tW problem ehould be fu lly etaW d to # e e lfy de^ f lia lt e iy at W th e W lt ia i f o r ln # t@ m e e # W i t in ltl(d mommt# W o f eqolllhrlam W BObatltatlng m t = 0 ma## la palled oat o f It # poaltlm i and It# In it ia l velo city 1# Im aqoatlon {2) glv## %= % dz A# the velo o lty % * ------# a t t » 0 * # Baao#* dMk ^ 0 .= aoabtltuting o f W # a raaalt# In equation (2 ) lead# to tb# a i^ r o a a l w ^ /|g ' m = — — gift t r — # % 00# t4'uM V% & V m * (W Otherwl##; I f the maa# i# palled out of It# poaltlom o f aqulllhplam to %» % and W m mleamod wlthoat W L tla l v#;^ lool% # the fo llo # l% 03q>ro##lon fo r tW vlIxMitory w tlo n o f the maas v l l l bo obtained a# X a %0 oo# t / — ^ t$) m iEhl# apoolflo iB^latiom repreaonta am amda*##d free vlbratlom# o f Vhloh Iho period# maplltade and It# natur# o f movawnt are a h ovm I n F l^ 2# 7 X. *2^A Period ^ # m d % e jW k liW d # %o * It 1# mwtomory to denote 4% * e$%loh 1# W m m me tw nmWamI e lrm la r freqnenoy #md 1# memewed In rmdlmne & # reolproeml of T le defined me # e naW» per eeoond# r#l freqi^eaoÿ^, In eyole# per eeeoM# end ^ivem by % n r if |îT / / m ü h e m m x i m m d l ^ I m o e m e m t a i ^i e % e w o l-^ a t o f t w nm ee m im % m a p l l t u d eo fv i b r m t i O R # # m@d $ h e m tm tle dm # flo c tio n of the eprl% under # # metlmi o f the w e i# t ie % cT» mt k W im m k s m cfl R r In mt In e h e e a n d g * 3 ^ ln * / e e e * ' $ # ie m l fm q u e n ty # 1 1 1 b # 1 jê f ^ or 2T 2 T Tr V:/cc Q C j;t fn = 3 # m V î7 3 T Z <?} SMm mlmtloR#dLp ie very uaeful fo r <^ek em tlaating tk e m t u m l fm q u e m y o f e v l b m t lw a ym te m # ie n o f the vlb m tin g ma## 1# kiimim# and tw # e l# t a ta tio defleotlon oan b e e a lo u lm te d f 1*3 Bevi## o f Tomlon % am oteri#tlo#*^':'*#% e e la a tio aefor# tm tlon in toreiom of a #haft m y be derlvea frcm # tr# i^ # i b f mmteriài#* Oommiaer à o ireu lar ahaft of aim^eter a g#% Z # being WLated by a torqu# exiled at m e * lenr It earn be ehoim tb at the e ire u la r meetion o f the ehaft remain# m#mn^:5ed In #11 It# dlmenalem darlRg the t# l# t; provided tim t the anr^le o f W l# t 1# very # m ll# ta&e dia ram ^o#a in Fir;# 3# #ie etmln 1# given 1)3^ th e f o llo w in g e q u a tio n # « ---- ss I*<p dx i^ere 4^ Im a eoietont denoting the m le of WLot per unit l%zth of #ié #mft* dx U -rdB % # 3 %0 etroaa a = Wiere % e T o rs io n o f & S h a ft* # # In Ibe# per aq* In# # la f;lven by G /T G 1# t3:ie *m)dulue o f rig id ity In lb@* per aq. In* o f the im to rla l o f shaft# a: = 0 r 4G « At the aurfeoe o f the eaoft# Or dx Gd — 2 m (— dx •3 Wm? Wm s i f f l e t em& £m?m i» sââ » #m@ taj® top#» aeting «pon t W #afI ts$ =J Q p f^ ê M . = 0 ^ T Itoting # # J m .polap wm@R% of ia«pfela of oposs-ssettca»! « *» » 1 » Ia J * ‘ Ve^m For a -eipoBlajp abaft a n â 32, f »0 « > J»e < 0 ( T T # / 3 SÎ T h e r e fo r # t h e r e l m t l m W W em th e e t r a ln #md # # e tm e e o f e W letlx;^ Shaft w lih in the lim it o f p ro portionality o f #w m aterial la #ven by #ko follow ing eapreeal<m#$^ T « #40 m OP S J 2s = — - (3) & & ® f e o p a i e œ a S .s p p l i j g o o n a t a s f e o pt f e o t o r s l o i m lp l g i - 9 a i% o f tâîO Wmf# Is «a # * to *# ® Is weesm - sgy to ppoâoc® as aaagl© o f tw is t o f # a s h a ft @#ml to oas » a ia a . Hiwj®* i f i t I# d s n o t# b f k% » I t fo llo w s # * t f m ss @ F w m e ir m l a r s h a ft# I J = 7T ^32$ ird A a mmmmt o f im ertla o f a ro tatln ^ body 1# a mwsmm» o f It» propm*ty to ro s la t m y oWmgo In Its moMon proaioed by mtomal aotlom* It la# im ^'onorol# e x p m m W by th# Integral# V Where g dm = me## of eleiw ntary p m ### in the body# r = dietonoe of t^ie portlolo from an azlo about # lo h I t 1» rotating# 3h m m ln a tin ," th e aW vo In te g ra l# I t 1$ u m m lly o w v e n le n t to met I 5 g ^ in 3b##min*.©»ee'' #tere r^ Im ealled the radium o f gyration end Im defined am the dlmtanoe from the mxlm o f ro tatio n a t ehlsh the en tire mmmm o f a body %my be e o n e m tre te d and e t l l l have th e mam# mment o f Iw r t la a# I t ham Im It# omtnmliy dlm trlbnted fowm. 10 If aadLm# mozmnt o f In e rtia o f a body# # o u t a oentroldal %o # i# knmm* it# mmwit o f im r tia # o u t #%i# p a ra lle l to the oontroidal #%i# m y W oal<m latM from #m p rin o ip le o f p a r# ll# l*# x i# thoormm* I idler# = % * I t a ta tw that# « 2 (n ) d i# # « dietano# wwm m thee# Wo axw# %>r#i<mal Vihration*^*^% #a a shaft# fixed a t w # md# ia W i#ted by applying an torque a t #ie fre e end# e tra in mergy i# fb#arted in the # a ft# # ith ln We lim it o f proportionality# only a very m m ll amount o f a tra in enM orgy ia abaorbed by frioti<nmO. reaietanow during the motion a fte r the load ie rm ored* ed in The greater propw tion ie etorw^ shaft ae en#pgy o f vibration* Thi# energy ie av'* a ila b ^ fo r expenditure shorn the torque ie remove4^ wad tW torelcm al vibration# o f the ^ W t w ill be produeed thereby* Oonelder a #l3g#le torsional pendulum# eonaieting o f a length o f i^m ft fixed a t o%%# end and earryiiag a heavy disk a t me fre e end (Pig^ i f # e d i^ i# dieturbed fr<m it# position o f 0(p%ilibrium by the application o f an axtem al to%*que and then releaaed# toraional vib ratio n o f the shaft and the di#c w ill be produeed* In m i# oaae the equation o f motion o f the ayetem 11 b# by # # m m w t o f tW r e a c t in g f o r ^ 00# acting %»<m the # m ft to the re sis tin g torque owlns to tW In e rtia o f the dlgdc#^ Por w angle o f tw ist 9 dur# Ing vibration# W# m w m t w M ng on tw #haft 1$ # hm:%e# tho oquatlm o f motion boo^mms I ê I « »* <W 1# t w mms mmmt o f In e rtia o f th# ai#e # # rospoot to mo axle o f ro ta tio n and # c o lo r a t i o n o f # o d is k # 1# the ang^ilar #o^ T h l# e q u a tio n r # r o a e n t i n g th e to r ^ olonal vib ratio n Is soon to bo the onalogno o f mo llw a r % $ * I|. 1# T h # % n * # lo n a l Om M Do r e o * o f % o o d < m % o t # L B o # T lm o # m k o # # b o o k *^ T flo % ^ tlo n P rb b l^ a s # * * MuKhers re fe r to m# Bibliography a t m# end o f the paper* 12 B qm W Lon (1 2 ) h a # th e IW e o ln t io n h m 9%) s 0 wW n m# ### t » 9 ; 9 » #w a# fe r n : a # fo r m a # e c p m tic m ( 1 ) * hem e# (ÿ)* % ## I f m # d l# p l# # # m m t 1 # * #0 eo# t /W — (3 3 ) m tM sW Llar wy# # # period o f tm w lom l vib ratio n w ill b e g iv e n b y 2TT f = 7 - ...... V % II . - = 2TT / / i' a n d m #f r o q u o n o yi #g i v e n b y ^ ._ L _ /5 : s rr J I ( ill. ) ®sis # 6 « 8 # ta t Ap@qwen@y o f t» s is a ia î rlb ra M o n is independent o f the m p lltW k» but a fu n o tiim o f the to M io m l s tiffo o a o # I * k$; # and th# mmont o f in o rti# v ib ra tin g m### I t i# tmderstood from provloua review , th a t the tor^^ sim m l e tiffm e # o f a o iro a lo r s h a ft i# d ire c tly proper* tlo im l to the diam eter to the fo u rth power end invm m oly p ro p c rtio n e l to the o c o f the a W ft* l# e * # / I (9) The me## moment o f in e rt!# o f the di#^ i# d ire c tly proper» tio n e l to both the w#i n t end me square o f me M diu# o f 13 grratlon; l.o, I o c Benee I t ^ (1 0 ) be o&nG%#&od th& t & ayatea. cem &latlng o f &!be@vy d lak attached to a lon$ aTondor ab& ft a l l l ea&eate v lb ra * tlo n a o f #uob low er froqueaoy; g b lle & ll^ b t dlak G arrled & abort a t& ff a b a ft w ill v ib ra te w ith & h i-h o r freg aew y* a 8*1 v z m & T io iB , 1$ $# g#a**#to#a that imay be eae#wüwKS ial#% G % t «aadW üby&dPeree bg& % B U ürb& b& ed o a & y tg r 18%* *&&*%&* fo ro * ladaeed &n t&# eyataa* %be y lb r*tia & #%&# a&w&tadknedl le :ped&&r%H&& 4%> ae .f%q&e cnp %#ü&83#& IWf t&w* iSdleM» i%io%w&I 3M&8l8taaa&e 4K%aj*Sli%5 dkapiiyg t&wa jU * eàwPuBW&& 1%> ba ae& llg lb le, 1% or&er te mtgay toreioaei vib#*tl&&e# I t la advladbl# to r& a & e e tb # a & tu & l a y e te m i a t e « & e q u iv a le n t a y e te m # la general# any &##&BgemeBt o f rotary maoblBery found la eagl» nearing praetl&e eaa be reaeonably traaaforma# In to a alar la * ma#8 o r maiti-ma&e torelonel vib ratio n ayetem# %be#e ala» p llf le i eyetema eaa be tboroa0Hy an&e&eto&& to r iiy worked oat on the b&al# of the theory o f vibration* IQy ualBg the an alytle method baaed on the theory ooWblned sdUWb IjWb&rajx&ry 03> fladül eagwarlBWHBta# i8%e ao]bitl<8& o f id# %HPGbl«aa ean %»* a&w#a#aa#%fliy (^ytalüw&â* :8a the ]pre8H8%t obwg>* tw&r# ia%8 jhm dkLaeadb& la <%f tamaatdbyg t&wa iMH&asMwl agnateoa; alJÜL %M& dé3pi9i&& @a%& <%L8e%w@*edLk 2#2 Oae*aaa8 ayetem,*##! ayatem eonalatlag o f a alagle dldk attaebed to a abaft* aa mentioned In the prevlona a rti& le o f Ig reprement* the simple sya&ma i3JL*%r^Kps;%%*dLgCl gM##LtjL«Ka t&L&adbi llet **%%4K%gp%*aM*#*ia)%t Î&) * iab*k 3WWB*# lagr <%aaa IbM» ( 1%) ][ it 4» 1&%4» s; 0 / / y / '// ./ ' / / / / / f / / &# IBkwe iBogp*» 3/atem* I0a* ir&b#rbloKi la j& tuap# aacw&le laotdkaa* Bbw; a#%dll4MLtl(m odP t&w# aK&dbaB%&@#& iBg&adka&** %aat&w»& 1K&11 fc&sa a lyargr BKM*gGd%&I 4boo& ftor asKlviays t&%» idtbn*» iüLoa 3pro&>l8BüB* %dyb tcwa irl&aMktos*r %w* #%a #w##&l&a # # #a a la 4 )a t I t fo lia * * th at e # at 4%*4A a a la *>%it # 2 t%y 16 tÈ^ss ia te (13)» I t glvaa «■ 2 Éü^ 0 <*■ = 0 ï t la aw n th a t a fta r i'sS) usa o f &##»' Oaaeo smiWd# # » <Siffs»aotial a#mM.oa o f rastlon Woœwm a sfepla algabrai# © ip ati*» léiidh ®an bo soïw d by m M i m m » tio a l troaim m i#* BVom équation (Ig ) a>B - mâ fL * ï ----- " /—— 2 T%/ I ghow&ng tb# value o f k% * tb# êprlag @#8#%#at la tgeai&a 4%f thé eb&ft an# I # tbe maa* momeat @f la e rtla q f tbe dlak# ta%» %%&tw3%& iSpeqpa&nagF éawi be fowBid jüpom 4&guwK&&c&i (3dS). 3# ta# BW&aa <%f @8&aft :i@ %%>t sgag&j^&ibika* ia%* i%t#ua%c& a&M&gpKM%ey edüLl IBban (ïGgH&Qd aamriüky cm t&w* aww&6 swamwM&t <%& iiüKPtdUk oüT 18%& a&kKft* *%xp tÈw) B8U&* sdT düu&ft %a%y T&e aww&e !%y iwükli%s laübo aw%B#%8%t 4Èw& mBw&a 3#%m9&rt od* laaMrtlaL iof lQae <&l8k tG%9&tkwKP %dU8& %8&* 8KW*8 BBameKdb o f iQ#B4&i& <&f tÈwe s&wift jb% SMülTdbyg t&w» ilt baw* bewüB aüü&ted 3%reidb#w833r thadb aeuM&ed au* t&w* magr l&e 1M&» <%f d&aw&&p#tjüog i&M* *t8%&&a <w%argQr bap**» t%> &# aau&GtdUa aysüWKB au* dljTbarbedb It# &or^KLtlo& <%P cKpalIl&Bü&Bm 3BT #&&3w&t&<8& il* aawnamedL ibD b#3&&r8K#dl*, law* jbüKiüOKKgr 3B&y i%& fü%8%& l& *t *lB@du&]M@%#BKr ftü&a enar y oooudi# 4&e**U%&08ab 3h iWba ftüLlasdayg awü&egüü&blc# 18%» <#P tb# SB&&8 dur aTàil: w lIl tH) ta&dU&g i%ü%> meaKmant# 3A&P afiiüngie <%f todU&t b&eqww» &m tgr d# <t%r%%y2ipih%Mdk&@& 18%» * %B%& t%w*i9or& <&%&& (%i :LQAB%ww»&8# 18%» tmdUft i# *&%&& %&%*& # %b# %%»G#atdW&l eowBnsy &%%the a&w&ft *w& @«w0ü» * F.S» - J k$e. m a»: klastie ®ne?®r .# &# = - ^ k ^ âmstmmt la K*B* s —— iJtl? 2 #%p@ la the w lo o lty Aaaaja® ta » r» tio n ts b» as # ■ ô® s in a) tb « ^ # “ i r “ ®o^n®o»«dj,t d# a »potanîstîkl m a r g yt n s tra in a w % y la iS m & xM v«m poalM on oj? # »m a d m & i .g f.B ,) H 2 h © k im t iem e r g yis n m t m lp o s l t t ® » t h ev o l o * e l t yiss a s t e a a m o s i as m a l s to f# i @ k i n e M . ® m m r g yo f# # a b a f ta n a# m to ft b sa iA , 1* 0* 1 2 L 2 IB&e % 4 a) I ad» *&t aagr <%f t&w* #hadM& iWbrqwygi liw* le%yÿB& 1# ipro%KMPt&dRMüI $e 8b* dL&ate&ww* f^xsa t&wk jr&%*d 4##d# 18&* a&yg&lar TM&lowdkty *& % jRpomlBa# md m wt b# = Urn I IBs* Idüa&tjüB 4*G*#%gy o f aw& *]k8a#at <%f lÆQ%ÿ8b (be , cLKataad) % j&pom i&y& fljB&d dw%&* dkBw&tliyg I@ i&a t&w* iB88a&T8 of in@%MKL& o f 18%a VÈWÜL* a&w&ft* 3U» 2c,»3s» == jk% ) 2 6 ^ 6 jawod IB&we iBCUbatl, ïdjOK&i&&<& ewGSKpggar <>jr 8*%* adbu&jrt; 31» IBbwami E*B*îïÉîa«s * 2 6 *' o ^ m IBbdLa; IBbwadk ta%@» aaawKa saKaaBBi&t <%f jüo*%%»%aiai <%f lïkw» «GaawEMk la* iagrGMBBs&iaak&jLar #*qpajL#%*]Le&%$k ibot <*QM»**tl%3Lp*& 49# awüzaa jWBX%taod& 4&%k jESfdw» aaacl oüT tW sGbwajrtk* ]&% % % » (l iG<>KU@4Ke"*SktK%1P# *%yi»t%8S0# 1ÜÜW99P4KZ%%ee%, aL\,» " 3&#3%4i )di8%s % erefor$j à .j= _ 3 * %D * V 3 & * - T = - /—------- — r (%o*QSM83xÊjaag G&K&a; iwdLiaai tas*» 8Kfw&t;&9& (3k6)* (17) 31» (üGMfjLoRaa* lü&iajb ib&ü» «Kfyr&olb ûdT 6&%e aseuBB; (OüT a&aauEMb aawssr t%k IbadkBBCk jLK*t%> i&oqpo%*idb*f iWr laahBw&Nwsfirgr, isgr atdkSjbcys (:%/\)) I*, 4%o 3^% jESap I jka é*&* oulatlon* As a g eiw m î r a ie , soggeatM ï f Wilaom,^ the ma## o f :2* 2kBM) laym&CB&t# 1)€W3&E* 20 i&C tb@ l88g#&(ür the a&wd^k 3bi fe a t aaajd#üUb&& Tby th# i%%N#WMagy la vi%#mddkN&* p e r a a e o n d ê o e # a e t &%&&&& 2*3 1 *0 0 0 * TgowObae ayatam#**» & almpl# tmowme## ijL j* !> * (K%B#jU*t# eaw&i oüüL 9L SLangÿWb odT dbeaa && idlth #&]ba*Rry cULak «dk ]&& t&UL* 4WW&G* akf tÈM» ai«8aa @&%» a#üf@a 4t&ap]WM#**f m08&8 &n o#ro&&to dlreotlon* eaah othar ma& th*& rel*a@#&* th# ayetem w&ll b# pot la ta & #%&%* o f t#r@&8&al ?ibp*tlo&* # lg t # ^ 3*0 ^b*o 3y#t#m* equatloB# @f m&t&o& for th* ma$#e@ 1 &#& 2 #ft*% thay are glvem a ai8pl8aom#n& o f 6% «ad #2 * roapoot&voly* &*a b * g& lttea a&*# % ®2 * Ô% » ■#2 î * 3 bÈmc O t ♦ % * ftj. > » 0 25, üaiïsg fcô fowa# 2 f 3 = 0 S w matüpal fr@#iomo% mmy_ %» fmmd ft*®a (13) â é ts m te a a ta l swpatieaî» k% • % ui ^ • % » Ig '- % (19) anâ solving ît j 1^ IgiW ^ * kjjÇ ïj^ * Ig 3 ® Ô (19a) 5 M al at o © m m # @ f v a g w m m a y e # m M o n * $ i# , Im #% @ $ W root fo r î i.a . % u) * % w Paa*/»oo, % % # fte â lîy » the ” atarisl 1# h = •sfcerè k<- * gIT.f (20) * I, Ig ' (21) J 0 / 2 = te»lomî riflcllty of tfea atoaffc. At In a ta at tb * dlak# &t aaeb *111 move tbpewab d iffe re n t en&Ml&r dlaplaeementa In eppealte dlreetlane to @eab other* ao th a t tb er* aeat b# a point on the ehaft a t Wbidb no tw le t ooour#* Sble point 1* #&lle& the node o f torelon&l vibratio n * &b# leoatlon of the node ean Tbe deter* Blaad by &8#wnln$ two almple one ^oaea aymteme o# ta ra i fr#g#88&l#a v ib ratin g with reepeet to the aame flB#& point* I f the dleteaw# frem eaOb end to #%**%%&& 1&* 3^^ an# &2 * reopeotlvely* the relatlonaulo ia rea& lly dbtaln* e& &e foiiow a#* % % <22 ) % kt 0 % a) ^ # % 6) 0 % * or % a X . i g c A j L ^ , % 4 4* #2 ^bl# equation ebo## th a t the ra tio la independent o f th# e&tero&l torque* If on& #&ak has very large of l&opt&a o&mp*### %ltb tb&t of tbe otb#e* Ik aoted from botb eguakloo# (22) 8B& (&3)# tbok tbe Bode e l l l be eltaated very elo## ko o r # even &k the lo rje #&#k* Ibe oï&gtlG Gurve, ahoen la 3i&* 6 , giv*8 #&& cuda d la trlb u tlo a &&& the loo& tlon o f the Bod## Tble 1# Iknoüa && tbo f lr e t modo or on&»nodo vlbratlom * ± Op te. yi%# 6 # Defiootion Diagram of IWo-maae dyetem* T^o oorreot^o? for the maa# of ab&ft oaalbe :r&&Glby addlnj ono*thlrd of tbc naoe no .ont of In&rtià of the eor* rogpondln, »ortlon of mh&ft on each aléa of the node to the m&&8 moment of &Q@rti& of tba dlak at eaob en# reonGetlvoly* 1 ,0 ,* ewbBtltutl&g 1% + I* &%,/ 3 2^ for $ beoomoo# aa# 3b8B tb# natural frequeney oh l o + % 2*%. 2hroo~ ^ o lü t ln ^ of a b o r t in g lo do^o^od b y T I- % ■a %• I ^ almplo throo^^aao gyaton oon* 30 c t o 2 ^ show n I n 1% j %2 c o n n o c to d t o o o t u o r b y tw o o o o t lo n # y, Tho m om onto o f I n o r t l a a n d Sho t o o s h a ft have to r s io n a l r l o l d lt io a k t% p o r tio n s # k %2 a n d 'O o t l v o l y * 7 * Tbroo- aoG 2ygto%:. a ro o f th e of âiatei W glwem m m # « # 1 » ■âiaplao^wnfcii e# fg SÎMÎ #3 , M le m e a # tsm b# p m & w W * v lh m t im * @m ««pm tis*» o f mig" b# wdfcten #8 milmst^ % * ^ jIC ®j. • & «2 ♦ î j ®3 * «2 #2 ) * 0 » % 3 + ( ®j.. ■• ®g ) % - ) » # *■ 0 #® tapWomm# fom## • ~ - *2 ) * 0 ®2 * A ^4 *2 - *1 ) * ®2 s 0 - ®3 l t -%2< % ■• ®2 3 0 i sa ; ? : a i n ‘ «m f eo fW m o g m r n o n s e q w a M m m t u% »t g 0j asd # 0 a a t« 2*al fregm eaalam «% bîiosa # il# . W # o fe o a i f i o i o a t av W . # * # * 0 ’* # " % 2 ** 0 * lc*« «© 26 5tee fr@qu8B#' equation h h % % h. H la % h h oi,2 2 ^ Ij % .% %3 4*: 2 J& (>093%p(%ndl<k3%t tssgr (sf* dBtt&Rpgrjkny» (%urb tabdli* lEq&ao&i&Gi jl** jpap()t#a)3Ly ika t%aà8üCLf&t%» taoK) 3jidI3k9^l(&BWi3L tasâNt fTiiajbjLo# 4%Gdbü;i%ljb&:tdli%8; jla&t*; haa IBaeo %»ow&iL ]p<keK&a*fj&#wo&i <%jridk&iJQ&i 3P*»# 33%*Gi8(Knr&2* (1 4&Ulj%E%*sN3#%|; iacw3a* ifaübqsaLtdlcas* SSs*» :lcMgR»3* jPsm#** cguw&rwgr (S^Liho# 83%*» jTSjcqat; <>3* jriünaîap2*;**t4&3: sacnaa» <)ir 9abjll.e tab# ]bdlë#bw;3* igjLv%Sf; Ib&k# aMNKMadl smcwa# lad* 9dLt%%qi1&*x%Ki spjWB&t ki90 aaodb&g* <)%i Lrio <>las.g;t:i<> csaafVi», C%&«w88?srija3g %% && iGdL<& <3&&eir4&*, tabus fyL%*sHb awx&it <)f ir3wb9P&t:lOBi ()<%c8a%%e %dbw&& <]&adk Ü&ké jbBi sKoa* sdGdLILadk %%&# Bmama# %#*# la tb c oppoait* aireatlG n* 1ÿ*R* %b* eWB#* %b#a tb# 4%#4m0 88aam# a#*# la #8# &&**## t%l#a tdbiülftt taba» cw&a&wms* saaww* 3aN9iN&& :% && t%2w* og;%%)j&jLtK& 4aülaM*<f%dla%Bbp 10&M» tnec» <&]L <%W0P1F#N& aaesk g&bkoiaa $ü8 #31%: 1F& awcKl ?%%; tabw» :&#* # f %h# B&é# Im e&db #&#& ##& b@ &&t#aRta*&jRm#& iWa» ex#w###l#a f w tb * ra tio o f aa^ular ai*plao@m&8& * t # ##**** , m 1— *^3 . % w »: ..o, ai % ■ % %i Jeta +û)J^ ( - I f i J k - ) % (2P3 fctl B ® t a j _* 1 t t t i *â i B Î M t e e ® 0f» ô oA s at e »a t a s a Ï3 {ï ? l g »f a )l a ï.% m Ip I ^ --- 5 «3 - (30) «a Pbr tAo t#&*#84# viby&tkiR* tb# dlstaamo of go# of $b# god## from #b8 #&#B Z% 1# by * i^i— ^ «1 - 3 &2 th# of oth&r godé from %h# m&## %g la l. s lp (--------- ^ ------- ) ^ &3 - % 32,S BkûLt#fdgaaB& (30b) %%w» é4B&&tdkB& <&f j % % p a w a y a % r a t # & b a m r t B # i 9 0 3 % *t b a w a % w & * G * w ;o a w a l b # * & @ t% % p by jB&3Jk&8dk%s $8%» %*yBbà%& jtw&G dk&*aaüKb#d* t&w» fSM&gwawaéy 4Hgwa^» tleo B tb&8 obtain## w ill be very #gWbe##aa&* & good epproa&m&tiga to tb# fwBdameat&l fr#gB#n#&## o f vibe&t&aa o f tb# *yat#m ##& be obt&&Bed by ip#» daolgg tb# a o tu ai eyatem to am eq u ivalen t t# o * o# tb##e«m&9# a y a tw * Aoeordlng to tbe et&tememt 1& Wileaa*8 book# I t la %#* dw&tood that# #be& the magee# form & ayatam&tl# ayraagemeBt# #uob &8 #&»&# found la maelB# i&at&llatio&a# a le e trio a l goa* erati& g eat and auto*tran#a&e#iOB myetem#* i t may be treated In the follow ing #ay$« A) OomblB# the eloaely grouped e^lne to form & aim# g l# heavy ^ a a th ig h lo loe&ted in the m lddl# o f the grogp* B) 3bka thla re#ult&nt m&es. or to*,0taor with the or&# glnal heavy m&#&#8 Which are #ep#r&t0d from the engin# gragp t of o r m & r e d u c e d t h r e c M m a # #a y e t e m , g h ## p p r o % l m & t #V # h & * * o ft h eflr e ta n d .e e o o n d d e g r e ef r e q u e n o l e ae o n b ed e t e r m i n e d aa already daeerlbed# G) Doing th# game way to reduoe th# equivalent thr8#«m&&8 ayat&m to a gy&t&m* the fundamental frequa&ey may t&GLlOuJL tecL# (^aiaaipgililgr, <&aa*e aiuuai/ Tbi& jt@dk%%B 1>ct ft)** the d iffe re n t* in the mas# momenta o f ia a r tla o f two u n lik e maasGB Which are transformed* In determlnlBg the equiva* le n t len gth o f a h a ft fo r the two-m&a# #yet#%, I t la adviea* v ie to onauro fo llo v ln - ro ln tlo je h lp { P is* 3 )$# o à I, o o 0 h O 1^ L Ô i'i , 3 - % » % /j « / E q u i v a l e n t Two*» a.-ul Æ ir s o - îla a s S y s ts m , ♦ % 1 h. * D) I) ) (31) %2 quote from & ll#o n*3 book, itu a a y be concluded th a t** I& oaoo o f a d l^ c t*c o u p le d e*oobilcm l e r e r a tli» &et# are several equally epaoed minor m&a#e@ connected 30 thpou h a dhort length ah afttn g aa# la rg e imaga# torglonal rlg ld ltle # o f varlooa aeotlon# o f üb&ftiBg &a the Foduoed ayatom la iBoroamod du# te tbo laoeoamod effoo# tiv » len g th o f the gpaeing#* & *lo #e# OppeoËiB&t&o# to tb # fuo%&i#*&alMkl jh»ocpH%o#%r <M8& tw* cüytüjUmBd 1%y OdT t&w» SKMP* iE4&3Etdl<wa aSowstKMp; tübw&i; :&#&, f * . # #t0*c t / (3S) z jf #* ju3L '{&*; 3r%*QKaiACM%(;3r (talcBWlaitw)# l&gr tswckdsaawaw# sagaSÊSodK jp* ** 4BK>3*Pl)€rtW»ll jP3L3M@t; jp%*cpT%%#*Bwogr 2E i#F<%0QpimEWBi%%ja2& jPawfto*» mdbdlid&L dk8%*G8nw&** taBwama t&agt ]Q%%8db*K%» (sar sadbcK)** aaauawKM* #w* BmW r o f # m r %eee# 1 2 1#00 0#93 :!][) 3 o*m 0*91 $ 6 oo 0,91 0#91 0#90 Ill 3%&F%G$»an, j&jf "Bbwe t;2%&i&8%sl@afi.4&%% i&tBBüPt; lietiBgHBBs ;& sasiSltjb*»*) i~*rfk0 fLTKl t&io ^&2^l*ren aaauo&iSjBd» jla* veKpgr sawoe#* 38K%Pi&' flLsKxjlbCle ib&waaa ib&%8 <xnwf3j&*) i03%a&i&:8ii&j?i%# @n&<db aw# t&io #%3n6i%8M&(püP dL r*a:p^hfW3 tJ#* :2ï%ji]fU3K>rtütTL jp%M@w3%B9a**%y (waai 1b<) (p#»*r tüajbnodt jp%%%2& iBbwe %%&<% ww&GK& much orror» ib&ac%Mh,B%8j&@ a*3n*i&#a Wb&n the etlffo a## o f the traBemlaalon. Wbmft la tneroaae# in e#mp8ri#o& e lth eh&f&f a* in the oaee o f diroet*oo#pled eleetp lo al geBermt* eet# the erro r introdueoa by reduelng tho aotu&l eyetem to a or system i& 3n&I) ;&& @8gr. QaMp&na&B8#&t (%f Tdübrâdü&on agratWB& tbanp* are 08 many pr&Beip&l mod** of vibration &* there are epaee# beteeea m%*»eo, Thorofbro, the tBD*no#e frequency ean not be obtslnod by the methodz ##& & th#8#Mm&#8 &y#t*A will ]&ot enàblG the fr^ tenqy wltb:m&re t^on two node# to be Bhe tcbnl&tlon rvtLod o f dealing w ith tho:multl^&a#8 # l8 ocn&ldored to be & b e tte r w#y o f &az^yl&g out the frequency eaieulm tlon fo r eyéteme w ith many maeeee* Beelde# tb# Bbre e&aet eolutlaa o f tb# frequ#B#&e#* I t give# the re * la tlv a amplitude# o f vibretloB a t varlou# ma#@e#* on Wbldb the determlnatlom o f the vibratory etreaao* o f the abaft ayatem eaa bo baaed# *>.<5 ChEKaamBwl Z&jnBtowsL****** ojp ,*f>diPodl agrartKxaa <%c%Gj83u8tw& (%f si aw&s+jüaa; 3üt1;w&ea%&(%-1*5 tp**9 »<% % * tagwe aGüusjPtaaH# %dbjL<aki ~a#3*od i&L%reiBbk@9r a&& ISkwadk gHSjpiivLlai oum^rwl*#' T*%»]uGH3dLt%3r <%f 1% hwB asaw*"» Yfecisi 1M5 afsaugMba) g% % % %Ibt; o1>i&GLi238M& l%& l&qaa&BGÜlt; ip<&cBajl%*3%& txaipqguw»,» 93k%& d&8rb<*3%BKliiiLtdl<%Bi <%f IS&kO i9c%Ky%3Lo9aa&]L câïSKeq&<%1&80P"» jtetüloa odP 8iw&% (I lagrartaBs !L<& 0K)%%8dl<&c^pt&bl3r 8:lB%puljLl'l4#dl itjp t&&(k jaot%%&l iagretBBai ilas iq5%»]LadB<&& Tagr a d^ysssGBdli&BLlJlsr 49<&uiliF;kl,49%%*% jggratKMBi <>f j&ab%g)l8 f-QORQ* aiet I&3L3L as&w&jPI;# aaodl saaawgww* ]p<>tw&i;@r tdbü» @ w&8%# GPgH&ewdl $&# dlKt labwe «%&##* <xf #*%» 4B&%%%B3K@ 8awB#* adLtwrpLok 38 (Kg' <%o%%9M$iPl%&:ag% 18%wa j*gn*1b«aML jkadbo jll&B abrujbM&ten^ i&gnel&aRa 1,8 gwRSMpdLawS cw&t tlet T8%l3ü*8MüL*a* 1#Ma#R# 3Lts i&IJLl laet (%uw&tB#d ;aa% !)«klja%F$*f awh*8âiB@» tl%& tR8H&ta& tNB %%; aHbjkrap 48830%a/#i I8aw%t ailJl t&%@i ibogp** 8&<%CW&3L :P3j»3KiÜbdLI:Êj%y 31$ iLÊ3B3LtW*d& I# tgsa) j8&%ëifi&6i <%B&3F* 39bw# ;&#(»* p e rtle # &f the dya#ml@8l%y eqolvaiaGt 8y#t#m #*& 1b* &##&#*&# Aj B^givm iaat Goswsld&üp t&w# %dbG*idL* sRserir <wP m apotaWktPL laadw#* %%otdb%& $&%&# :: ** BKB&eiüb odT i%Maptdk& cdP %Kü&8tdüag samaw* JTZ 4# r*>an f&nrriiaa* vgdloodUby <%P 4&%& adbaiMb j# 3P p 38 GdP t%w& a&kaft «bac E *B * # 3 /g { in ^ Î fl c*e s m £1% iig % 93hw& %s&0KSl;&& (%r*8qr gr Ix& 6K)*»2;tkir*; jlsi ci i;%t3bSH9&i%y <*%» iB%&à 3?çy%ü&i;3üB%5 sppüsawGl# tdüwea&odftxssa^# ^ h . (-5 -1 = % %f %&gp&3;e3&]L0üRd% 4k>3MNJL<XBW%3L jbüLggi/aiigy «W» 2%byadPtw## <}3r t&aa& «mgulmp 33 3h# a tm in mmfgy ©f # 1 f., B$ * — t la&waape issftas* W .# .Is a# % »— kt 2 Té tP ** aaswaaa In laüuB isbwajptt <> **' 8j382üüLâ&i» (13uà%%]Lad93«5&8Cït; OjP iBSüé ia&w3jPl& 3&I; ** iL<%k:3]lcd3wi]L SfjLdl&Uhgr 43dP &&% 8k aGtit*Mb* aBck (>i%i4K*p to tBsdlsi #*f%S3«g; iMB&aüLijgkdl <&eROSilBa%%*t #*#& (ajL#E%ü&*g8%; ;s:)#a]Ls%p imeflfrpdljbijeH*# j&$; jPstSjlc»*** $8aw&t;$'* .(-5 -)= gtlaae# 4*2^ ®2 XI2 i m ^2 0) % Oqulvolo % 3org&&, ihe power tran aaltted la shaft# la fewer iv#a by # .f jTl Od M Bmm. “ % m. *, mi A 3&W& «übgpl* g3N&&#Gt #&& 3ba a geagp r$M&A@*» tâW%& $ü*pa%y&88%8%&* (&@a T&* <w&8i33F 2<w&2<w%& t%» #& (&gqjhf&lde%& 1&ïi2'CH&;"8aGW8w& gdt aatwGfv*)* l33r iï/wGHB# :B4BdltrtdL()%ied3d*i}a jÿs&att aaaoodbuLcKBt* 33bw» #hg9a3Lif*L&3KKit sEgBsisgesy» jüB, tgKü&jBkt t&wGt ïaskawaw&i* laaadi 383uajM%& aüp<* %%>t%dbJL 4g ta%e ;84%B*& sgposedL, (waaa 1&4» taps&GdBw&dl 1%gr t8ba :2*&iskw%&&; 48*%au8a»3Jb4&(%ipaFSüw^&CBBwajLgr aicwa i^aa* Kwaiguwpstil jpsmBkgsüBaa;# cdl4&6 <&a8& %wB (üBüL&nJÜL(ii%}(I jPa&oaBi 4Hgt%@L%dlG&3*i (SSIT) aüàd (32**)* ï9%Lg&* gt 48bK3i%* <k i*]ü%*)3U& ëpNKr&d i&9PQh*adsw&3rt (gfatweai jaikdl 3Ltw* $k3iajbf3i5j&%it iab8*e<s*4sw&j&st ag;i*i>8gs :&% %isawsK» j&]LI aüSw&f't** ià%B& «smaBaww* ara :p<rpLl&eKM2 Tbgr (3wuna%Lil<%aLLi;y g03aa%üb3Ltdl4k8# lll& a te à tla g ^bampï#* # B e fe rrir# to J l/* 9# a#Bua# tb# a&CUgsü&Bg ir&l&wN#**» -« 38#b& t08#*&a# #&&** % - 19*80 t# 8 # "ia * ##&*^ h * % # h ' % i « 0*26 &an$~&a* 8ee*& 21#60 18*000 to n #*lm */*aa* S 7*000 % • 800 w * ]% # 600 rpm & t 2 800#^ %%%» Q%K&cli%&l asy&tKBB la* 3%Bai3%&lo#d5 egnGtg&i &bKH*o. iuu %MK#&a#K%& %gr t&wa dgnaamüUBallgf SMb#jU& Wb# tgcwMl odP 9&1 aG&aflM* aewl üa&maaw* la* aawmwBwwl ta b# 2200 ippoi# 35 Pig* 9 - Simple 'rv/o-Sliaft Geared System. (a) tb (b) Pig. 10 • Zbree-Shaft System and Its Equivalent System. C ■B ilT. d r -'tb * ■tc II ■D O 1: (a ) ta (b) I. Ï « If. C— i - | ' > # ;? t,(- i ----- — ) 2 200 #: toro-^iri* OU'.:.'* * lo I* # %/+2 + 0*26 ( -------- }^ + Is s n i*5 *f t%i 3B &6K&,^ *# 1LG*0.JD ; ,, “tb • “ta # Ac381y ! ^ 5® • Taw !h — )*' 200 6':#800 to»#-*!:;*/??#!* oc^i&%dk%3 ( 28) :v . *" , :-----: t b 4,»—'— —#, I 24 4^, # — 1 -"---^ . -------" - , —:--- -— 3 tn # i%g i%T_, » 2. - > m •; IA *0 % * 72.' % ♦ % + Ig 21*W 7s » :n..-' '"X) 1 9 2 .6 ? 777,6 X 1 s 0 1 , ; T JÎ 1 9 2 .6 # » 32.!; 4. 2l.':Si * 192,6 13: » * .’•■> „ Sïiô»A- îa-'xto U) 1 m—x 7 3 0 7 ** jK36 <%* 1 /. .2 ’ . 777,-' y. log * — ji 7307 r ----------- ^ ---- :— ( 2 ! 6*6! ) aJ ij:--> 3 37 a# 2*7 # <%)4a/ 8TT at IB ) 9# s%>8 <8a&, gb%MM&»3b*wrt aaai iuH%L"d%w%f% Gk*&e*& *0badM& 83M#k@m i&ofWKletdb&a t&QN*# t&WM** aa&afl8* a f 4&13y%er*8i& txgp* j&ldkw&l a#igjkiltl4&8 sdUdb adbt@w#%ea !8&aww&8 aim tw» r%w&&QWM& $«» iaa *KB%&9%L&a%db &%%w8#kw&& #gr»%%w8 las Wbdkdb idtl idbadM&e @aa& aakeesM# lelt&i t&w& 9@aa# *g»e<H&» :Plr\» 3# ( %>* 3K> ) #0&cmM* t&w» lp%ae*g& 3%>#m <*f t&w* 18%pa#&**&wwft aoratWRa G&wa 14%» *Kpal*%dkeBd; (qretwaa# $bw& 3pa%%}&%4KL*8 <%f 4&%& agnetem jWbCMBa *&& B^Lg# 3W)bt Bblidb 3U; awwfW2aH& 4%> ]&#%%» t&M& odf % a% &3r !)3> <%l)i&8L&*30Mai *kat :(%. 4* :!& H • % ( % # %c ( % # % f ♦ % c % /% f * % { Mo/% y ^Ss 3&i%& ** *5(83 ( kibjt I" asiba ( *% &% #* 4»qfou&4K%JB33*i ()** iBiiy, ]bsr6t%%jQ(g j# xawgpF 1>a la& t3ba* lawaeadl # *&]> **%%& #%, 1b<& t&adt j%%&ggl#e &t% <%c%piPG&9g3*%BM3jLi%# B%aw*w%Gk# * :e<#«gp4;dytK&iy€CK3r* - ©I 4* ®3_- i|^ } «0 - «2 ♦ ®2 " % ) *® ®3 * ®Î4- ^ •® • iEg*)^ ©2 * A\ + % l( % ” ®1 ) + *» #2 % ®î|. * % ) #0 (36) g&# %#fbu3W& #%M&ga@Kw»l@*i #&3UL be j&OM&wa ftwaa# k^ • 0 0 0 k^g • IgA) 0 0 0 - ‘ # - k^ • k$g ’ Q gSkwa j%ey&(%G%&%&egr % 8a% 3P laat <)*)t%&jbE%9wï % Σ % % - [2 lî# t3 » 3 + % J ♦ * ♦ Z g l3 k tl(Il+ ;i))*)a ^ % 1 % 2 k%3 ( % * % ♦ % •♦ % :) # 0 w a li»W A» 2 , ' § 1: m g 8 * * - ^ % * h *' % ♦ % , I -------- * 3 ^ £t) L {■..% * % , .h * % ^ I b J I B l ï 4* « ) f a )| C û^ i a ) |û ) î 3 L /4 > |4 3 |a > | # » M éDj_ # 43 g # 4)3 4 3 r ............. . ^ î # 0 am maWml #*#i«m *âé8 o f @a# b m w #m # « # @ a #f t a s t û « f e # @ W # \ f1 , # , # / Il # k# / % 43| * k$3 / % S h i sa q u i A & a a g l # M # e @ e » a lm o W # » # ep o * s t & l ® ,m e # #o fw & m M m h t S »(S s m v tû  w o à g m w ai ^ a t a ai a b ya m a . % 1 - j f t a f ® s y a î »t o# & # %m m # * aa s p # e o m w e t o #b y» # m # W to a « a » » g tor-îw ï# # « m t oa s *1 1 # #w a # lv m lW ; W W w A s y s t« 1# % ». f w g w m m â w o ft o l at a w w f e s âe y a t o » o a «W t o u r n a t o o st b ® t o l l w t o gm m l y a t o( a m M M m *a b ® » l * î # 3J&;" ]Bbp%siac&%*dl i3gr8itwKB& <3dT (%EWOK**%Gi%jLiBeMaL % & * SSbuaJCIbB (Zsteweq**! ahysttwaaak lEbbe 2aGit%%3»«& je%*GMg;a#KE%ojl**at <%l* i& #*3jny&ï<k (*%*BüP4& %&**>#*;%&*##& lagreG#:* &#* <)*>twajLzw&dl jPapGGsi *&qguu#d&jl<MB& (3»0) % ig 2So3;9^L%%8: ;(%>%» :Eg* # % # S iia lla rly * fy p &■ & « &>a syatœ j H / h ISGwnwBd» ta^ea :0L «* 6). 8) 8%)<&CÜ&4&]L #&dU8M& CNXMKP# B&K&l Ir k. li; jP()]Llo%f8 IKbwadb «KM»** ^ ^ :lToa * or * (s : 3? • or 1 Î% y )/I ijt 2 SacMsne tSasit sdüwBKi n » l; * iBbw» awaocBodl apcxpib 1$ vaa V0ry eo#p< b# fl: a f tb# number o f abaft#. tom 1# &# abomn 1# Pig* 11* of n 2L+ 1 ;:'bratlcnc h&Yo &3 t;c n ; ayo found from equation (30)* modoB o f n a tu ra l oa:y bo 3, ]&%#%&&& ]PR8QK8;oi o&&aa&A%ic 3*1 GOB#*#!**"- Tb* tb # # r*tl*a l **lcul&t&&n o f o a te r*! fe»* guanal*8 o f tbe a&opl* ayatem ha# &##a alaoua»## &a dbapter# However* tb# o e a lll& tla # eyetem* o f aotual lA B tallatloB a *ro oeBAlly laAdbsaore a# e ffe o tiv e method o f atteok &a aeeeaaary* &m& 3b f*@ llita $ # B atural frequonoy ooleulatlOB#* 1% la aeoeaaary to red&e# tbe oogplea eyatema to aiq p ler ags&ae&emt ayatema# I t la reqo&ped th a t the #g&lvaleBt eyatem eetalaa a* oloaely a* poaalbl# the el& atlo and dyn&mlo dbaeaoterlatlaa o f the o rig in a l ayatam# E&pa#l#ne# and jud emant In fl# * e&oe the aeouragy w ith ablob th# egolvalont ayatma duo#* the v ib ratio n al obaraoterletloa o f the o rig in a l ay*# tern* %bor# are three type* o f equivalent myatema being go* n e ra lly followed* One type o f equivalent ayetem la obtain* ed by eonalderlng the moving maaao* a t eaah onmln# oyllnder* flyw heel* altern ato r* propeller and other la r # oomp&et p a rt* && eonoantrated ma*#ea ooBneoted by el& etlo Ohaft* o f n eg lig ib le ma**#** Rhl* cono*ntr&ted*n&8* ayetem la e%* texalvaly dlaeuaeed In W lleon** book# the explanation and m the preeedwre me&tloaed la tb la hook w ill h* folio#### 3*2 Pbeghamey 3bhul&t&&D*~~* I t 1# tb a e re tlg a lly po*#&ble to fla d am many natural frequan&&e* a# tba auWber o f *p&a*a 1b&t%&&8%k :mau&8#& of i& 3&iltdU48Kw&e agratwaa tqr t&%& 3w&th#M& odT awrt* &$%%& %#) a jgrosgp c%f &K%aogp&a«K%&8 <&gwKKtl<8%* aK>tlam jhwam tkw* f%M&qu*B&Ggr i*qpwKtiaH& awwa t#» dwKP&iM&&# 3S%&$ jü* 4nr&* &aatüür tB%&8«üLeg&db& a&rom IGh# ipr3w&t&«M& %K>&Eds ef gpMs$3%(%* iWbo f%xr l&t c%f viübrmdslooi glidLog <&in&ry ia&g&t eoa%poa%M&odULBg larltlaMCl a%w&4H& smdLl «dboiN» t&w& %%yr8#& ogwor*** t&on p&u o w ill not aaually he inveatlgat##* A good pro%lm&tlo& to the B##t Imnortaat a a ta ra l fregueael## o f t&%& i%#o pGK&oel&w&l BKM&ee cwf vll%rat3ü8a gww& he <*btadha»& iby iMaduadbsg t&w& egpü&yaldw&t or threemmams ayetema# *Qr&t@@& to (ühapldMP tm#** However* eoaaiderahle e rro r may he Introdueed &a h&adllBg gome ape&lal oaaea* and the tahul&tloa imothod o f G&rrylag out the frequency oaloul&tio'@ hoeome* d daelrehle* Ihe jhMK&B&agy tahul*tdk%i%a&tb&d la haaw^ltoxaa the thee* r%*1&&eail IShw&ls iG&ie iiaLtussaul -ESpGMgiagKBHBgr (%jr l&cxpi&loaa* &3L iflbipatdlOKi <%9^p]MB3%BMG%a(l8 iso <& &(xow3jLtdLon (tf <*gp&3L313)i*&t:B* ttort*» TBSHBKi ta%e 4&]Uaü&t»l4& f%*rew»a* #*i%d t&aaa l%%eKPi;lj& jpi'CBa t3&# (OdT t&&«» tKkuBdTi;* (*f thw@ CN*4&i]L]La1b3kBy& isw&ewee*# %>%*&##:&(%& <%f tx)%*gp&ek iii; auQF OBd* «iloiyg t&a#> ][f fua <%%&* (% ww@to tüsa* <)g&odl3LlaitdL<%OL <%f tab*» zawt#:»#»# (W& ggaak ladUB*» oik ibbwads ]po3j&i; i&ika the eqeatlGB* o f torqw# &&& b* **$igp4%B Wa# gbd&e th# egBdltiea tb&t tb*e# i# a& torgw* a t tb» o f tb * gb&ft# the ##&*&&&& i#w& bo eolved fo r tba fregwmagy <j , dbi#& la &nalw##& È& tb# eaproaa&on o f torque* Tbla w ill eoreogpond to oae o f tb# BOtuaml frequeaole#* The method o f oaloulatlon due to flolee# a ta rt# tb# e e l* oualtlo& w ith & rough g&e#* &t the freguanay* The t&OB o f aJ fa r the fle e t t r ia l eaa be made from the ealeu# tiom baaed on 3W&A&@&& two# or thre&4m&ma eyetem# Aaegm* the ayetem ahewa ia Pig* I# ( #* L6 ) to be vih r& tia# w ith the freqwenoy o f a ^ i * If w#r# a a&~ IbaawCl j%peqBB&n*gp çwp $&%& agratMom* ai f%*@# iribs%atdkx& 4&@u3UÊ cnaww» leltaiotU; @*gr dUEtagRoai t%%pqww» awr&i%%& (8& t&w» dgratWRa# &edb t&w& ads oew&b laaa# be tha* fogaa <wP ftüLlÆMsa iBbedb t&w& awBoeOUergd&lcwi w rill Tbe #&&6uyjb; jit a * 4> <<A% i*ia idüPüWBB awdbllkraadlly iGhadb %&&& %Bg;üUltwK&& odf t&w> i^kead; amw** %%» 1 3&adUhKB» i*<&* # 4%. s* 1 ; t&%& TK&b*%&to%gr tKxrq&w* odT tbdb# maaa ie #%m 1* «* 3&l or aiba «kJitt tÈw» a&k&oObat# Tp*3a*e# % • % a in u)g $ Te t2 E t3 E ■A ■B ^Ige 12 - Seven-îvlass System and Its équivalent Two-Mass System. "r+1 k tr k o r+1 Fig* 13 - Adjacent liasses in General System. w 4# a fîteeati» is amemWA, #1@ l»i?epe & m tsm :#W% to mo plsjht of B*#8 m m (Figt. Wim If #m# aWtloa of #mft îias a topaloml rigidity o f # its mglo of telat for # o wedasm ralu® of W r # @ 1# h aaîS fâse seçllta^ a t . Ig «mat tea 1 %I IBbjj* bax&ggp# o&fk ta%» idBb%y%&o$Mr txMpgmw* adt 3% % <xf ea& aagfljb Wé0 to %2 #2 # Ig g&dL* t%>rqpw@ awükliyf t&w# aa&m# I& { 1 . viW&rad# ^ ^ } Aa #f35#e3f jPw8&* nW%0d bgr $&%* dWLffGoMBoaw» edT the a%w&f% 4boü%Bà*#t ladft @ w%& jKla&w# o f :&g !0b### e*I&tia%m3*Qrlbe dblah sam t* to *pblt&*#y awwddkBB* 10BM&%db89& tb# idb&l* ayateob) !^5) ;#&#*# t#& 9a8aww8ddb#aKUMMW& aod tb# iaüMBnMKübys ]*# foam SkGH* SBlspakaBoL#;* %*&*&&* !2%>%»#jL<aaw,aL l93Lt%%%&1kla%K& * î|8 M o ft o r # @ #â m ûtrnom ûW % 9 m# % * ®W i * s a e t i o s i so f# m f % t e # %.% î * S to lla p ly , mi » # % .■a*test£tutî«g into m m rn % 4)2 * 1^-g «J® f j • - % } (#)# it foîlowB w. C % - M - ( is^i - ^ / î^ î M %» / ^ Xatroâuaiî^ # m aot»tlcœ»: * 1 & may tes omUed tte® #lasti«» jyasrtia coimtmiW# s teaseo %. ( %■ * te, , cj® î * «, ïtels raâatloa giv## # # to%#m is ^ (W ) ga«tiœ sf tte® «feaft of m e aystea in term# of tt» topqw# ia tfe® Mjmoeat see» tlons of #aft# A ^tln from (39) 4 :r( ' ( ®r * * r « i ^ ®j 0)2 ®r » ®3P-1 • — ^ h H * ^2®2 * — % ( r - l) or ®_ • ® p.i o)2 r» l ----------- ( 2 1 , ♦ W *r*l ) % % ) g&KaWB 3Mgt*a&tkl#ak aaJLlei;# 1B&% » *%%%&%& <%f 1fSf3wBl& lad; eaigr %8w&aw iRGr %** jBgwaikdl t#bwB%i BSae ssBkuJLe 4SR%la1% %y;meMFjLcM&*k aaawEWaw»* ;&%*& tab* iBe%pg*akoü%GLl ;?ljgjLdWLt%y <%f taawk SMpgpwrldPigB 4N94*1%&g)%t <%f #&3%& already knew#* l!i ]K*lgS, 3L8 ( ip* !&aS j9w*sRa%QdkBgg «» 31 4aw%& la# jREMi3%Gl j&i40%% G&&& la&womr# «atBOw&tdlçMQi* jlik jBkuajTt; SBrwoiKljGg; IBkw* iBooptpa** # *&%*' t%(kP(%uw» las js&kauPi; Ic^,; **GGF :gy*G8m tàbeaw» t&sa* (&%i fig 48%>i%ajLE%&&» <%f Ibmr&iét; <>f $*kw&3*t Ikq&g awsdl *ib<k, :B%%3r Tbê* <saLl4%uülcL$%»c%* I>3r t&i& f&Ggaat tb# GBplltwdm e& be t9aw* <>f l&sdli&t jLoi iHy&iB&GiKibratoBy torque a& 3^ 4#Bi #Bd *0 on tbyeug&o&t tb# Whole eyatem* F in a lly , arr&v&BG &t the la a t m&&8 1* , the y&b&atayy &#p* que le expreeeed by * 3b order to have the eyetem v l* brating* i t la n#@eee&ry to apply a t ly * * #%ter&al to r* go qua# Dut Wbaa happen# to be & natural freq##B#y* tWL# remainder torq#* *9#I& besom* aero and no eater&ai torque vou&d be required fo r the deeoribed vib ratio n * I t l8 neoeaaary to aeeume a valu* o f #o th a t the remainder torque beeome# aero; he&ee* the magnitude an! eign o f the remainder torque might be taken a# & refereno# fo r Ohooalng in the eut and tryiproee### o f the remainder torque i * ehown In Fig* As^bbt 9^%% verau# the natural frequeaey ( P# #1 %b* behavior o f the remainder torque 1# u#ed a# a guide in eatim ating the ear* root value o f <0 fg# the eubaequeot t r ia l* ObaerviBg the diagram* When must be alao aero# ia taken aero# Belo* the f lr a t natural fregueney f@%t la poaltivo# between the f ir a t and the aoGOBd frequeQ&lea i t la negative* and ao on* a t adjoining Bbe Interoeptlona o f the eurve natural frequen&iea *111 beaom# fa r apart a# I t @08# to higher degree mode#* In order to lllu a tra te the eourae o f o&leulatlon in building up the frequeney tab le#, nomerieal example# d ie* ouaaed in Wilaon*# book are reproduged in the follow ing* 3k*e I%#n IB&rtK%&#ar Iboc&cs *^8e@&wKnidH&l TNlbr*Ltlo%# 51 ext O Natural Frequency Fig, ll|. - Behavior of The Remainder Torque, _Gen, Fngine I a) 27 165 27 27 165 27 165 27 32 l(S5 b) Fig, l5 - Direct-Coupled D.G, Gen, and Its Equivalent Sys, 3,3 i W tlsw »* W # D, c, Seawatlag Set# page Si, Voi, I } %e aqalWLant ayatea o f wtmAl Imotmllatlom 1@ whom ia H g , IS { p . S i ), A) # « s t i m h i p o u # a y # o fiwit ï» im m â . f r » # w w 3 ' # w * - oMe*» syatom m whom to F ig . 1 S0 , M W # @@m* Ig « 1<% % 6 # 990 lb « ,» in * »oe»^ & » 38 - S? X 2 1/2 # 99,5 iam. Tfâ^ 0 #' 38 L TT 3*25^ X It S 10^ 32 X ms X 10^ lb s ,-îa */î? a â . Shoïi trùBL ospftMoa ( i l ) I fn k 99a ♦ 23SOO ) 5lj* 3S X 10^ » —— / ---------------------- 2TT^ Ihtaoâueins # 0 990 % 23500 ooawootioa faetesa a# meaAiomW ta S*S ( P* 3 0 )t top aSx m tm a «a«s«8j H obos % # <2290 0 λ # 2290 / 0,91 K # 0 ,91 * 2,SS0 53 21) mmmi mWWl m w W- «htaiasâ «& #% ' % w la g m tm Iή * îSb »«* Ï4 # Ïq # 16S X3 * W Ï0 * :3 #500 % * a?* 3 m 81 im , % * 27 38: « 59 te»# fsS5 * la *, # , . A fi%# # ------ ——-------------- # 67#% 3629 ,:' w* 31 ' W5 % 12 X 10^ ^ tetg # ----- -- ------ e 92.5 % 1 # ^ 59 % l 6 ? .t » TT3 & * . » 13^#100 - ^ Mta Ig - k# I, # 186,7W 92*5 s 10^ — W .8 3 5 . « 136100 X 1367# I . I, it *3 “f # 2g #W X # $35*5 % e ,# _# 1361 # X 3935 o )| * 2 3 lla 7 67#1M iùn X J 2 3 1 I 1I 7 i f » 535.5 z 10^ • 2 6 Î 1.71 X 10^ or ^ # 6 # m 259 OP 629 ?a< fn * 60 o3 » 2*&72 OP 6, 0a IPOX3 % #0 &&0# ^ Ê&2*5 # .### ill) gb* Gqlwm 3* per & FOÜgb gu@88 ; i*e ** && t& l* o*#** fe r I I , 1% * Ig * 3^ * %g * %6 * *%& 2àS00*)a #%» ly , Ib * ?&&#& o f o) &$ amegm&d *& f& e *t g a tn is y ü#bül#ê%& aamb# tb& igmodbabMp &> become a&ro* {küiBmaa tk» * jl&emBB&oy: t&w» «wtjl*» <&r 1bw3j&t <%f # # 3%&diaw& @ü> 3%** 1 laaaw», 18&& adb **%#& agis# ;%r@ 4dbtw%&8aw& à# ta%& cK&ld*ûL&%dkXB %HpooGw%&& amü&Q&am&etdbag 18&& iat db&ri6<y&Icwi eg%d%&l%w&& 3a% ao]A8@& 8 fk%%& tÈw* 6Cw%P083w%od&a%g imaiy# i&f 4» # (kü&BBKi j>* 4# 3&W* tüQpgü# *&%& te ta&e tw&Gl3JL8tdk8& a#T lomaw# I * 18%& l%POdk%$S <%e t&w# tcMpgu# ta&%&l*d&&a iaa CbCbaaa ;) a%w& t&w* dbNPle<d%&oai i& <%&3agm& tk Cküb&BRï 45# 4* S&w* *3U2e%9M&&e *aam <%f t&w» tKKpqpwN» @%n&*iâM*â aMP#*» Tdk&üaiüF *J& (k^&ubBi 5 fÿlvsw* t&M& teibel ibo%%pw» tg> tx; t&w» 8*826 fo&lew&Bg :#&#&* CoIum& 7# * gbe tar&lOBal e& gldltiçe e f th * r@#p#é%&ve »*## tion# o f abaft* k% * *&& be @#l@wlatea by the ea&rae8lo& o f (9 ), ii* * # hS$ X 12 X 10^ A ^1,2,3.4,5 • - --------^ • ^ '7 * 10 S1,D$ % ÎO'^ _ k%6----------- # 17 % 10' îbs-teA«â» 3i -6 Column 8* - The in d&riootion through t ^tlon of Duaft up to tho U8%t folleælng maao Is obtalmod from 1 fié a — — Z( I aj - è Î rad. -4; Thu fin a l tables fo r ta& oao^nodu and tuo-aade froquoneloa ui*o %)ros-,.. :tcd on the fo l'P o u lu p %>agqG, 57 CD p o •H © P t.o p p ü c5 «H © rH rP O 4-1 O A M vO CJ Oj f-i Q +0 -P »H F:4 r-i p o FH C" P O FH # - o N .s X 5 H -? 1 f4 V O CM •H -P d O % C V\ w H N Q N IA fs N CD N Q «0 ■>, 1 N <â N O S *o V. X H W O <v Q N «V K O X $ X Q 1—1 Q K a Os X 43 N Os 's ÿ ‘'C O % N O "o X Q 5 «Â NC3 <3 'v. K N N N O CO P G "P ra p ci cj O [4 VO <x , ’— , -V <3 O Q P: 3 N © P Ü tn H X «h r.O VO o 00 % '0 •H 1—! cj > O D- %Q Q M K a) •H (D K M -P S «aPi II O ♦H O 0 W K O o m r«k C\ CD N. 0 X II1 a Ci SI N <3 «0 I o oIdPo o g g & o u fn 0\ c! or 3 ©*H Q -P '§ & C3 c co I O CM \A «t PO 0 fî-P c70 o o © «H «H ro rH II cj •r4 P P P © 44 P n o © P 0 u M Q ? 'O ô O %» Ô CM '3 X K I Q X Q $ N «a 43 X Q C3 > ; "V HI y> (A 'O V© o Q 'o vfi lo I <n N 4 ü m Ü1 â Vn % » F-> iH «0 ô 2 O 44 P, O O fa CM Va N rn O r4 hs r~i ~ü~ & î> i po ü ro , lA vO d U O O H i~! ü &■ CM O Ü , O © c©b 58 C O »— Ql) 00 C e © 3 .Z * -C —' " O O o On <0 c o r - VO m P q> -w S uo Z o -rs c < o TJ u C» G P N s û C N O 6 43 0 !§ N 43 % 43 1 1 h' o N Q 'X Ps o IN 0 fx c fx K X M K N ? N N 6 N ô N U ^ N ô N V \ o 3 V» c r v *1 Q « (2 H O 1 1 ? J3 ^ N d $ <3 X* 00 'À W Q> N U_ Jd" —. C 0 M- o r ta P -p r -w 0 M • «» 3 C V V 3 V E QU lr\ CA OJ rf\ o K ta **. CL o u; S 1 H -S -s . C a ® 6 <0 6 PL "o et L Q Q Q Q K. N. Q K O rx H K O VO Q .H Q N «6 O r i 1 1 1 1 Q Os '«« O \ o S Q fV 4» 1 <o <3 » o VQ VO 43 o co rs i> 6 1 <0 ex 43 O Ô h. 43 S. o M *% fs. O (X S 4 ^S N X Q rx (4) 1 % K M 1 fx o X. »< S M X K |S Q Xs X <3 CO Tv W\ X c y «3 h VO '• P N Xy II vp K ) Q 1 -w u es (/> 9 CJV w 43 N II ? c n K 5 N #: 43 k |N^ N j j3û VO K % f - s c <4- H. a R d Q (% -O U) 1 II 1C CM 2 9 M s IN - «0 -5 » O Os N VO O 'v . 3 H CM .? c -M <WL*_ L E O V \ 2 VO H U k NO 's. VO VO ■X. c' h VO VO •X If 3 rrs N X — 0 «0 1 % >% o o — N ô *2 ô 2 o >s V >> o Vû -= t O 2 ô % >\ O o 2 o 2 L O -V* d L d £ ta a 29 el&etlG gurea# o f tha## two mode# o f fy@# vlb#&tlo& a## ahowB In 21g* %6f tbo vmrloya valu## oT 9 Obtained la tb * tablea aroTwaod la p lo ttin g tbe dl&gram* #lnoo tb# mm$8e# àr& aaeumed ooiovrSr&ted &t d é fin it# pointa la t&# ay&tom and âro oonoooted by welgbtloGe abafting* tbo ourvo# e#& b# eogploted by & a&rloa o f atr& lgbt lln o a* 3bo nodo# o f vl# bratlon oan be loeatod la &ho noæwal o laatlo ourv## wboro tbo ourvoB oroao the noutral lin # * 16 ~ normal B iaatio Our*## o f , Dlreot-Goüpled D. 0* Gwnaratlag 8#%$ e e- ■ef e # r4 H M •H M ©= . m •H -P ■P OJ P •H P •O H"© "Ü PO r"4'^ P ^ 1/ H ro / V\ m m. •H M M m #V\ r4 H om 3#4 Im W lla tia m * %a s fu is m { Wilson.’ » bool., psgo % # 1 . ÏÎ of tfa« aoiwl installation 1» W # m in Fig. 17 (î># 6o }, I ) 2®o»Sa»» Ig % s#m (% g, 170 ) . « 1,635 g !| ♦ 0.3175 * 2 « 8*175 % « » # # . ssc.2 » 2 # , 000 lb#-i&«»8S0*® % # 1.970 toas-ffe, 880.2 53,000 Ibs-ia-sôo,^ £ * # 0 4*0,3333)* 3,75 # 6lO ,éî66 f t . # 7,325 ins* 1 7 1 6 .7 # X 12 X 104 » ---------------------------------- # 12.7 X 1 # Ib s -in /ï-a â , 32 m 7325 % %om «quation (21) / ( 220000 ♦ 53000 )12.7 x Io4 ' / -----------------:-------------- ------------- * 17,32 raâ/m V 220000 X53000 n /# ana II) t„m - 60 «5/ Stt # I6g #«* %r®«-Maga a y a t« ( iPii?. i?b ), I.% » Ig # 110,000 lbs*:i»*s«e*® Ip * 53,000 Ibn-ltw w e,'^' » 170 in# , 1% # 7 ,# 0 in a, k ti , 775G a ri2 , % 10! . % 10^ ibg^n^m a. A lsa, Sîî.?*S * % * %: m oow * 12 ,39 m 10® ■ 110000 . % ïp ê _ 12* )9 * 10® * 93000 s 116#3 10,309,3 % & ^ ^ % h # W 9 ». ^ « ,9 .« » # tii,0 ô o m # 7 9 » 116.. 3 * %% 3,:OOi|,0QO S&gmgqpaü&aa (28) d )^ m 9 1 ^ ,6 s j i 9 lA *6 î® - 3O0W # ' # glglwé t: V399 %t@no0 # f* 17*32 0r 100 » 6o*J / 2TT # 169,5 or 999 «pste aW # ### M s saw bo#L tee mms metwam #?@ sle#@ ÎIÎ) «M #m se* to #@ f ir s t fo r # ie f i r s t %»■ zW s# tmq^mse- % )lm r clos is shown In #%@ f 1 m l t # le s roooW W «s W lw , #&3W 3 tp}:M&3jG0B*&3. :pdL"aUdjllkSwQwB of" ibbwat aw»**!;!*)*;** oiP aBwaJEl; aa*%ar lb## a\3%%%%dl *%*# jpo]Lïd938f$<* 3Ro9* igdLILdl %*t%8w&l i& twao&i» 33* 2* i*s&# 3l%&* t t C 1,3951 )^ }. # # ----------------------- •0 * 3 T 3 32 amo# ffe > ??2000 % 0,373 ♦ ---------3 t m f ~ ; m 36,500 tm s -ft/m a . m o m X 0 ,37 3 . % 3 » --------- —----------- * 3l»ti00 7720» X 0,373 fct6 • ---------- :--------------• 600 Wo # # m m a l e la s tic m rm ê # r the f i r s t two pvim-P* p a l jaoéss c f w itesM an a » p lo tte d In 1 7 ** 64 N w <o Cu « .Z (V Q H Q H O N <1 O S' A s- o h- « - I^ 9 9 ty 4 C II Q 9 O N 9\ 9 Q «9 00 o ‘A 'A c -c < 0 ç Q 9 N o 6 ♦J < y o 9 V vû <0 v6 «0 <A % s Vû «0 W N 2 Q X5-* 5 H -t. 4 L O \ù N 00 Vo o -4 00 9\ o % 00 Vû V -4 -4 N 9\ L . ty o Q < y 3 -a <A S. % Q\ «A N N < rr\ |2 V (y g « y 3 Va J O r s | o ^ F U -J CÛ N N 3 _o I ü <J *3 9 9 < y 9 9 -dHW li. Q) -S '9 9\ < Os 9 9 -S* \ A î' c E c tl 3 <r w W U- 3y3 c -M < u VJ u ÿ 9 9 9 Os O Q\ N <* Z) N h I i2\ k. 5> 9 es % M- II t+- VO 9 04 « H- »£ O « > H VÛ 9 Z Os V\ 9 § ? Z\ U ? 9 9 9 9 f^ Os M ? ? N fA 9 O 9 % % SO 9 ~ z 9. 9 CL 65 C w CO N |.5 ^ U Q (h N fA W *A O' A N Ô N /» N w A 9 0\ ) .V C % U 0 « J L •K. 9 C N -^1c tf N LJ u OQ 'cg o V V <0 9w-* ID Q F 9 «0 «0 < K ) (A o o O N A 9 9 H |c0 9 9 î;' <o O' N 9 9 9 ‘a •a «0 <0 9 o 0\ 9 '9 VO N. VQ A N o ^ II' F <y-r .2 3 c ,H (r 3 u V (A ,o ^ . * — cy o 00 5) o\ Q > S 9 9 9 9 00 VO % N, O K (A 0 N Vû Os h- os I I 1 O N. -3 t 9 9 9 9 <A O' -il N 9 9 I c î ' c 1 <r- 9\ Q\ '-i I 3 9 9 00 9 V0W -9 3 h | h I VO <n h N I % qr .3 u IL (û 3 '9 o o 9 Q S "q q ? K 9 .-2 Q 9 os O N H L o Qs zt O O' <Vi O' -il c 9 U H- <VI |tl i ^ •0 V » 9 ;i & sO c h % 9 S' II S' cr\ S' o 9 o *2 ■2 2 S' M 9 9 9 N Os S' cy k\ 9 2 Vû (L o 66 ST :: ibdfï sscanKsi, çpfTgKe 2E%%twp(%3baw>l;lJ3%&#4***«' 29r%%3Li%0M%%*dbayg i;spo4bn&e*8s* tâüa&t; laamet l&cw» #*9*af* %»3jl<%ap&4*dl 38#*%» %aeKta%4%aB8ü3dL«k83L awaÜüof&dlcBQi *ka%& g98MS*K;%*]L33f **l&uK&aw#w& Ggp 3&K>c&e»l ipQwaiik;# 93baisk ]p:P()CHGMau2%8 Sis* 4B3Et*a@3a*3;9T»]L:r iiaKwa jbei <538 @ üla^%*3w9%%GBBb* 3ü3dL3)gt SK*r #&%* 8ü&3p%tiia%sa» %8K)<&8&,,* 3b#g&#IB&wGt i#dkn*% 1%a3%%*Qr% iBswadk liksawaowKrcaTweaat;* )83»8 % % 8% db& 3Bw%Bdwa *%%/ !B$%e %mcHak»iL# aaaadi #% % % %W 3&%&B@ dL<*%* SMT !&&&*& ]p4%%*a%&ap#p 3le T&j&cle l&c> 3#p(H5&(>t; IS&wBt ariC%JL*p*K&3&e* 3P%T9dB%*#»t3f$%8k& 3Eit <&%*»#*# #t sa&gkaüL &** <*oaaapt%pqaw&tw*i& Mgajlaüa3L$*ii%fuuaLL1k3r ;3€K0WQK&1%pdL<WBil]L3r adLBK&f» ]L#w» @3* 4a3PEM0BajLaw*2l]ky #»4g#dk*KaLlas3it; i&c; 4B&%gi 38Kt3^&»*#iÊj#a& dbaaülügpo» 3Ea #&gkQûUl%qg; scHBkt ;pop<*b(&aKB%8 !L%i (SgrKuaaajbea#*, ik&aat sagMakaï i@ d% % wgW ##» ti(%Kw# aai4%u&(l i&a* &:L&#<&33p, ,&;* iB%*» 4%9m&aBaa&** iwaadl e3k@4»1%l<9 (düwa3%êw9d&€Kpd&j&%%%jp** <}jT %&%#<38*jL82&*&aLl argnBlbsBGWi ISkw» {>abGül]L3LàdbjL%%g a*3n@1%%a& <%f aaaa iBw&lBwuaOl 3üRu5l%aC&]LaLtdl<>BL *#@w& t>& 3»€g)]Ltw8H&<l Ibgr 4i a;3jBdL]L6KP 4&qp&jliR8LL<%E%& *%9i&ibeG8k, «W3&%8&i)t,lJaaS *>jp #& <3dT %a*i2W 9H&G& <scKK8Qw&Gr%*M& lagT j;4&edbjLoa&** edP aBiaiflb# 4&% # 43k9Rtj; &#dU&MBa j&ik t&ad# ]p3%8My&CMuw& aap4&3L@:&(&Qb, 3533» t<>3%&jL<%88a]L 3*dL%8P*;jkgja%i 38K)j&#]L agrarawBK Jlai laawdL* ja& taaw» <%f #1 38WCli;3f**Bgw&f* iBSfstt*»** jl8 SfiwadLSgr a&3w%BMS4&#d&3L@ i%» awSas**» ILaktw» 35a#» 3aai*R%3m*:l 2%p«hqpi*MrH;jLej* lOdf $&%#» *&%sp#w8ygMMBH**&tM** 6? BWGi&GÏ oa%R €k&1b8:PSBi33aM& tsgr ifi1b3*80biüry& ü&%e *rfiBl%8:a* #BBé& G&& ralatlonablp o f s&m&laÿ&ty bot*@«a tbe m&dal aad tb# pre* to#%ypa# the naturel fraque&ela# o f the la tte r oan be dbtalB* #&* 3b& ehar&otar&GtlGB of the for@#& vib ratio n o*& #1*0 tx* iSiGudjltwdl Ibgr *t3Farb3*B&* S3M» eyi%*3A*/bdL(%Kk idbuawaçwsBBoaai i«dl]Ll %>& 4&1>**(}3qr<*cl ii% tdbwB aaodk&l t%aw#4b iNdbeti la (iSLalbtiadbdLitg; t%>3Pt(Ww* 31** jag»*» p ile# * I# doaJlAR w ith t&o tupeinnal vlbratlona In tbe oraak ah&ft o f a raolprooatln# en&ln#* tbe e xitin g torga* la not aimplo harmonic* oonaequently very elaborate oalou* lationB are required* I f tbe tangential d ffo rt o f #& an* glne &&& rGpr*&e#te& by eoma impulaefproduclng deyioe# aueb a* & caa moGhanla™* v iirh gommunleatea torque to the model ayatem# the performan&e o f the model may then Tbe regarded #8 foreed vibration* ^*2 O baraeterletloo o f %be ^bdel System#*** In order to have the performance o f the model gyatem e im lla r to th at o f tho proto*type* I t 1& neoeae&ry to determine the condition* under which the model eyetam re ta in * the aame dynamlo and e la s tic eh arao terietic* o f the orl^ln & l ayetem* $he baaic equation expreea&Bg the eem&nti&l <%f a3%&r* monio torelonal vib ratio n la repreeented by equation & • 1 / 2-n-y k% / I 68 where I * m&aar moment o f In e rtia o f the vibr&tl&g body* # tGrala&&l ?rom equation (9 )* « rig id ity o f tba ayatam. la given l&y J & / Z Bet the edb&er&pte p $#%& as gondltlon# on the protowtype &nd model* reapeatlv&ly#3be i&WWLo <%f 10%* jhw*» quenelAB eaa be obt&ine& a# fo lio # *; ^ tl*2) Por e clld olronl&r abaft* iTdA J m ----------------- 32 and #&&& both of the dbafta are mode o f &gme m aterial#* tb la equation boeomea; ( fp / & ) s % /% )^ ( 4 //p ) /Ip ) %bl& abowa th at the ra tio between the freguenaie# o f t*o alm lla r ayateme depe&da up&m the relatio n # between tbe;0by* e le a l dtmeaalona o f the two arrangement#* I f tbe d é fin it# r& tle# era aot up between the oêrreaponüng item# o f tb# two ayatem# reapeetlvely, the fraqweBGl#* # f #b* proto~typ$ %*& 69 b# predlotçd from th# result# q f the model tee&m* ^#3 Jerque Control In rorned V ib ratio n #*** I f an applied torque gin * ) t . la acting on the aya&em * tb# foroed vlb retlaaa o f the applied frequa&ey It* prodm##* %be eaar&et&r&atiea o f the f&reed vlbr&tlG& depends igpoa #&* aroporty o f &) ap^llod torquu* Ppcpmty 3f #la# D riving TOrque* gb# toraiwB&l vibration# Im the arankabaft o f a roolproeat* ILn,; iBn&G&B#. aa%* ea&sltM*! tgr t&w» 233BF4&8lj5&rBd&tiaw& 3b& IjsKS jL# <i%üoa;ldb&ZH8Ml #& ai <:cxc&>l:]akt%&<%ai <&f3P(M8l& ladT IWhue iLGw&Bf&jlgi {)3* ibfie part# ecnKl t&adk ipeedlCMajla iy%K%d&a*&dl<%BL. din (33<Ij&a%db8%' (;,&* vysHowszaajp*, %&ce3&yuu8i:&j3%% dtpiiGwadlc; latpwagr <038 üüt#* cTwysra l%jw» garaeaSs a&i&TI; -toiq&ua (%@83*&l#%IKIbQ6» <%j8 taaj&guD <K3B%p\3îï€9%t;o <xf cllje:\).?P9%ib tü&<% tü'itglio <3% % @ 3^e(:3^p%p<>G%&1bi33gs %8e&aw»oe, 3b3d*x*tt@L Ikc/Agui* dkuw* <3c%BWüa>crbjü3(:«'%%3(l f%i%i 12%* .gpaat ]i) is&aaKtSjFi, j&agôp*» 1%e%p<guw9%k 15k)%%g%%e ' I?t Q<)%rwMa3»tïî%9S at 'jiea%)T.e3& crgreitfpa Sjwdbo *% % % iBkwe s%gii3/9%aa.#%%1; %ajicu34»3 (8P%) ëOB%'itwxl 1G% > 1b% &&B8i Oiaapo <&f (&11 t&k#» :B*3iFlJ%t2 ]33i%Ttat <>f 18bd& ggpdüà&c jaü&caaâKüjlsBübk ISasKZS) iPSNSMsjbMW* **pp* pljledk #%:gp%2Gw* (%(» {)(%Ek9dld&Boe%k%tl/» TFâü&3L9Ltül*%Ei <9&i#epqad»$&@8pdLaktdl4*ai 4a% % #k 1b<) 1B&k@ k ]33*&:3U#L%%%> 483K% %&iO i33g%KP&a.4k 3*g#qw; i8wBl%l33gS <39& t&%*t ]pl*"' (I laagElKWf# **& <**a*BqpC&dk <ad8 tabw* 8%%%* %%%M9M»8Muwp**f aj8**%*BdL*t #*%%& # # ]p**aMa3L1%**%$& j8QW%WN* #ap*» T&Sbùdb* ta»a Aga tm t BS&ê (%*q%%dk&»aaag;I** aa# 8&woMK& âl%&ZP&jB#; 3W3 ( a#**» ]B\, la*, (ScMQüadkB^isi l)GW3&E* **Ikea*ljBa <»&* laSkgft t%&(8k iSeysjliwBW**# C%]w%pdb4aB» 32 :%k%$w*$iQ*&3L i&8gdi%BW*"» iEkw* <%*dL9&a§E 1b*%m%wwk <%& tüaw* i&xMBwa&E iBKiadgi; j&j* %a*&db» wqp %%f igbw» pq&gnu&tkeaai: jPcwyw* 4a@c%d*t%*a%gs ladk jaagr jLEwaiaaatt, ILii IBkwa agysaSkek» ]DEi #%%%ak&3F2K&n@ ; IB&w» {%%dli#j8#g ibKKÿhgsaak <)dT 4% % %(ezagglsa*** t9bw& $%&*» iüaZL :PN9<%îj)ï!GW3aktKÎjo@; saakaua aa^pg^g* * iKhLi<)&i ]âqp(%a*&<w8w» IGaw* |jad%p4kaL*i t%)3*qp*8 iQd;t%Ia%(g <% % % GBwe» txEqsiiïE 4*&wadP1% ila; laws t&i*» leoBBi <*f IBbwe iBEkaw&G*; <3d8 G&ie ipdL#rl%B% aa;4»#a&)3ir #*%*& <t i>awft <Kf tübw» SMoaaaaGHBl&jkB*** iPcdl. 93aa» igWLiP3.adl()%& <%*» lOdT j&c%%iEW9wod;3jn*3«'%*3K3 laoi;* jUki* ip*»*» 3Kl2)39CHBwi1%%jG|g ewoKl :e<)1%gK&3k8ig ixwfba* «w*%%law» ]p8P*k@Ktdl<%*Ç&]l3r i&d&CHsaap» jpljlaüMkdl Tbgr ip&ato&ng; IB&we secHi tkOQp^lsBBüïl&aL&SLar <9&i 1%*#G i#<%*dLakai* !Z5%@ 3L%%eapi%IL& twoüpqpa# awaai Iw» jPsposa t&aw» ipdl**tx%% jftnwBW* d&%#k i%& tü&MB 3j3aM"tdL& *&(%tjLoa <%f IK&w» ifSosjLSKPt&akaiKSjBg; lüKW&a* TbgT isailtül'» ipjüÿiaag t&kG aübjajrtu* sabL# (%0R&9W&a*4* Tbcxdk* 5* izKaB&eadb 4d&HGR*i& taie» j&asjUB» (%f IW&w* tpxMiaa&c jf<%p tabw» ljo4*%ytaL$k <3huar)i&ear Se# Bibliography Im tba back o f the pepw* jl* |%l3p<*a jlit 71 (xas Pro s a tire R e s u lta n t F o rc e I n e r t i a F o rc e 120° 0° 2i).0° 360° 1^.80° 600° 720* F ig * 18 - R e s u lt a n t Gas and I n e r t i a F o rc e s o f O n e -C y lin d e r» F o u r-C y c le » S in g le - A c t in g E n g in e* 360* One Two C y l F ig * 19 - I n e r t i a To rq ue C urves f o r 1» 2 , 3 , I4. C y l* 78 1 % • — «rro #mp# (% * gPg * 3F| s W # 1% * # * aemak an#!# # e a a j& l& r v e lo c ity o f the araak Wb&ft * 8B& a#e e#B&t*&ts* a»0 g*pre#aea &» fwaetloaa o f q # Rj/& %&*** a@a*%ma$# # W%& amWÉk» o f waakwp&aiu# to lea&th o f tb# @oBa&otbge*&&&, !Rw%r%mgr %%& <&ctv<)%3BKl%%aH3l jCï'CPi @ L lejfwwaar odp i#9w* dGrtssBadltw* (xlT iB&wit (8%%a%i&e aaWksüap (KB&jRBi lOdP sKBi (azii^Lno# !3&*e Ijow&aftdlai twoecgQa» <aaa*%F(&a j%BRp #& 3e4*<&#/» jpseocwajbjlisg 4a%%8ÿl%%a& i*dLt8i 3. ,» 3%,* j* j* && (sgrlJ&BdbMP*» laapc* aaasyaga jkck iPaiaB* 3.5» ( Sk# TTl ) , ^ISbd) gpaa# p:Ey&g**B83P%* tKsssgguw» 318 t%a*wu*Ol]kaF j»iB%&ddL4&dt Tbgr ai tk*K%*aN»«* a la gaalyeia* F&g* $& { p# 7 3 ) dhow# the g#8 torg## o f 008 gylloaor o f & fouz*ayalo Dl##oi eogloe ##& it # f l* # t throe hirmoolo eompoBootB ( aao D#& Hartog*# hook )# %h# Irre & h la rlty o f the torqoe throwghoy# the oyole la evldaat# jod the avoraco torque delivered hy the oyllader ie only & # ml l ;Eyp%&@Ptjlc%Bi tacw) 3k&jpdL%%g; G&io aBKaasIjgaaaa tK>%*epjw& BrijLcti <&gw3U3*@f <3%%%%l3i(g ]Et 3La* iakl#M& s% <&@ ü%tawajb t&3w8 tasjp*»#» SawsaaawaaajLa OuuMfswBt <%c&db»d tKsgertkier agjbma#) ai %"CRiagbi **a%gwp<)ic2j3Bkt%#wà%% <3d* igaat @a&* tawaal, <giieif*wk* tmutt awaaagr zaw&ape %wBUf9BK%Qdla oàaBgpüàsâaa&is** 4*3*8 3peq%*jl%#d& ibo srqgpKreawBR&lb tïie ibcxEtgu** lO&EXMre laa (%lf%a;e dlelba&jLlH# iltt jL#k i@Ki3;y' ikci iZbke j;<Ma3P*"aqF4S3L«» laiygZlss*» IBbweKt ISkwBrs* 31** 3Sd*]üES"<%3%à**ap 33a&am:;9&&&d8w*; 73 F ir in g In t a k e C om pression F u ll- L o a d H a lf - L o a d Id lin g A v e ra g e 360' To rq u e 720 ' — o rd e r 1 o rd e r 1— o r d e r 2 r e v o lu t i o n s F ig * 20 - The Gas Torque o f o n e -o y lim d e r o f a F o u r C y c le D ie s e l E n g in e and i t s F i r s t T h ree H arm onic Components< Td&llat #0# m t*&*oydle# mingle * aat&ag eng&na# übawe tba working eye&e la p#rl&#le * ltb #8* revolution e f tb# emwdk abaft# tbere are a# harmonie oomponent# of the h&lf*or##*# 3ba m&thematloal theory dhowa that any perlodlo ourv# oan b* apllt gp Into a aarle# of almpl# harmOBlo 08rve&$ Bb* torque eure* o&a therefore b* repre#*mt#& by a oonataBt term aa& a aerte# of harmo8le#&ly varyla# term»* Zhe general eK&re&alon of the Fourier aerie» take# the form#* f( # ) *#*%} + 4 ^ (d b i# + *^ aim 2# + *$ #&& 3# * * * * + b% 00# # * b# 60# 2# + b^ ooa 3# # * * * %here a# la the oOBateBt mean torque* and &% # #2 # * * * and &1 * &2 * **# eonatenta lndl&*&lB& the amplitude# <%f ^a%<» lysaarlosM» jbu&rBxoGsdLo iGxsagpHOqo&xBdba**, «&ijL<aa isaaai %>#wgb8db<k%s%dL%*#wai jEypcKKk *%n eBM&3.;p!9jLaf <&2T t&i** txaopquwa owaaeiMak# ][][) IwaapBacMOdlo jla&sLIarsKSwe <%f tBgKays*ki%tdLs&l jToz» .ïlüygOL#* (?3r%jL%&gb8a* <}jp 35i#k jSbigEln** %agtt9bodL <%É* :li%*pea#1%ijsaktKl<>%& ])#%cg34*3T&dL*&» jüGwg: t%)3r(%wws ]bu&*& ]b<*<*n <&gr#q)]Ucg%4»cl tsgr #C* 3%, o fioot (%f jLzBGrtAla 4%%ia 3L%i %*Kil<8&k iB%*e <}a& tK»%*qKW» j&a* 4k#k&a&%& 3L%ttx> (w)ip%*eH&t:3Joy% IB&ie l&eoPBacMajLe <*cw9dr*^lj%#^B8*1&8 cdtitsLinaNl edla# là** kÈ&g* i&ew* %%r&&aHi3P%* <3%*pir4» jBüLowsw»* tKgr 4K*i **i%eû%3P** 72 In (aawspdb*** (S** TRgüL 3[# lab*» jPt9%GBdL#*%» #M#9PdLaw* at#» iBÊWagpeaadülbaai (aagpqn* jLa T%%dltAM*& *%*; 9f i*» or 4" Z { jlgi «sSja n^ <» 33%i iBK*#; a*» ) 3! ,, tEo* 4» :E .a io re ,,aLn ( a,*» -* 0%%% ) 3*Q^ # osKEWBlsaBod; ;%**#& ItauoygeBilbdLBLl ilBfjpcwig jSzi :ll)ak*3)#K%p **S%# 3üOk, <Kf p&a*l%aa aapekok# $1 $B <)ipdb3g» aoKtaJx**», # 3* 483M8Bo&e jaaaggle# #*_ja%%p:ljL1%w%34k <)*? 1B%%& lodNBi <%*€&#» 3P%&aB%]Li%aa3t% iaaoesac»* III# 40H3B%2M3;s*Bi1& (OdT GwKEygGBRktaLaCl SKfSf<xei&, (C)( ** idkuaaw* i&rkgSL*»* *BOK% J&%a* 13%^* (KBg&]Ll1b%&dk*s; 43I ' iBt# lOLlBkt <>;Makwr )**K**acwQjL<* isaes** p o a a a ta * 33a# 1FGLl3#%& <}f iSkWD #*%%& j3%% <&%%& cb9db*M0;#jÜBM**K BaGdkdlBy? ai 3iauc%&c%ajL<} «sKkOLlgrBulB odT t&i<& 1kcuQtS(%Bdb3.a]L @dE2%3ri; iBtiBir#»* j&3%c& :Li; <5#n Ik# (dkwORwn IGgr 'pOGlboz* GBaett a (SX'ak *f Z3% %/f 95&& aagwazi ib4%rw3<Mai>l.ja]l (adf'osMGgp equatlcn # % b %a % # 2 ac a X B awaaa Ibe (%«Ct4âüdL8Lt&&dl jf*# ** ik&w» of platan a&ewb & # ta t& l #%eok&* fdatb B a* mp*ak dh&ft rpm* a e aaadbmr a f iwarklB# ayal## par ad&wte* B * B&adk &*&&&#* foot# liGRBae, jCtKE» jftMULptm^RgneCtak, i*3Jc%s]L«h*jaw&t;lj33; «Q9w%&oa@i** iw&%aBP%* % %1* Ê*,/ S& sucwl IL #* % « % / 2 TT Wov #eabl»#m ettag o r feso-<^el® «bar® H« M, % » & % « » a /- n - 3&W* iWBpr&Gtloal%%p1#%* 1* than m&d# ta tb* a f the jba&ptlm am harma&la aogpaaent# * 1%r & dyBamla etudy a f the vmr&as# inovlag ipapt# ragpeetlve^y* I t jb&* b*#& Dot*a th a t tb * iB é p ti* &*a aomparatlvely anail Ita a w ia a ffa e t b#& :b%&4##üMüükl1# t&m ia t* %n&# and 3rd ar&MMb A tb# raaultm ot haMmaBlg aompaBaBta a f taagontlmi e ffo rt #%?*# 77 fo r 08# eyllndêp 1# abown la Blleaa*# book# wbldb la ôoâ" p lie d from pr& etleal #*&& rel& tlag to the variosa typ## o f eng&neg* and I t may be waod a# a good approximation im a&#&# Tdhere & epeelal h&rmonio analyala ha# not been made* III) GGüblB&tion of Harmonic# fo r h b ltl*G *llB d #r Shrine*, In & m altl-O yllnder engine the torga# exerted on the drank» #h&ft a t e&dh eyllader imay be ##pre#eat#d by a éompoalto to r* quo curve a# thonn prevlonaly In Fig* 13 and 20 * whloh eaa be s p lit up in to It# harmonie eompononta reapeetivoly* In order to obt In the reault&nt h&rmoBlé I t beeomea necemeary to eonblné the jroup* o f harmonie# o f equal order but In d if­ feren t ph&ae* Thla can he don# e ith e r by adding together &# vaetora the reau ltaat harmonie component# o f varlou# cy­ lin d e r* or# by adding a ll the #ln# component# and the eo#ln* component# reapeotlvely* and then eaWbinlng tb# two resul­ tant#* The ybaae re la tio n b'twoen v&riou# torque harmonie a t reapeotlve cylinder# *111 depend on the type# o f engine# and the fir in g order o f the engine* According to Oouain*# aba­ tement* a convenient method o f analysing the torque harmonio o f e o ita in type# o f eajinoa i * to regard the engine a# eona latln g o f a number of t*o *o ylin d er lenlt# #o th a t ;for eadh ipajj* o f 4%yiia%ler# i*# gpyt g%8k eagKloadUan fVn* e$wd% r*MPOlBdKlo& <%P the er#Kd( a&wwft* I t 31# alaw» #dhdL#&b]k& to <ira* IBbe dbjUdh 9WM» 113aw»tr#d%*a &%k l&llaKKi*# tKwok# 3&) SB&rqg# <3o%d%xXl asWl :DrlTdk%5 AasM*B$#g*%Q# i%KP I t %%&& bew&a a&KBBB t&w&t tba& SysMbwa# o f iBb# (gnsll# lâ&p&ajdkoB cdE borgu# o& #& oaclllatlm g earn be found th e o re tic a lly from tb# harmon&e analy#!# o f tb# torgg# ewve# jRowever* el&ber&t# @#l#ulatio& *a& oombeream# work on analytic and graphic method can not avoided* I t i# * therefore* o f great In to ro et to Inveetlget# % proper way o f oontrolll&g the appdUkxl torque OKtsëWWüi ieyateok t&eu0bt#%wMM& ]L&d to the IdkMicdrtiaing & oaaM d rive eyatem to put tbo torque curve in to the model system* d&noo the e ffe c t o f the eimultanaou# application o f a num­ ber o f external torque# to & torsional vib ratin g aystom i * equal to the sum Of the effect# o f the various torques ap­ p lie d in d ivid u ally* the p rinciple o f lin e a r superposition eon be applied* P ig, 13 shows the resu ltan t ta n g e n ti*! e ffo rt acting on the crank shaft being made up o f the in e rtia force and the gas preaeure# The disturbing torque may be introduced in to the model system by usine two groups o f camdriving; one 1# made to give the in e rtia torque and the other i# made to exert the ga# pressure* Othcrwi##* both the in e r­ tia fo»cc and the gas pressure o f each cylinder may be put ;#&& single cam-driving medhanlam* Per m u lti-cylin d er en­ gine model aystaa* due regard should be given to t^e phase W W w ## # w .ft'ad&s o»â9T te te te m m te# vmelmtim ot tnwik te a ft #PMmge* S® «©aftjssl tea âtttetfeias teg#m$ te® meter #teteg «#« hm t #a @ # # % m » a« #m e s m ^ ià W mk t e e# # @ 6 # m b ® a& » j g m t e atm n f & e e w W e m b t er w @ @ « n â t e ew # â t e ## # # teteP * #m te te m ^ a te M « # i tee ew H teilener a tte ^ 80 GCLKKZBGRXKia# :K83BGr 2BB8T5a( !>#1 B*a%wpg (WP Bkkb&I :Et %ww& %*w%& awüitidGMWl t&w%& tb * o s c illa tin g system o f an aetaml In a ta lla tlo n earn b# re­ placed by on equivalent ayetom* oonaletlng o f a eerie * o f m&eeea eonnaoted by eeetlon* o f ebeftln #, wbldb re ta in * oloeely tba dynamlo and e la e tlo dbaraotGrletloB o f tbe o ri­ g in al arranjonent# I f & model eyetem la oonatr&oted thldb la geomatr&eally s im ila r to I t * and Id e n tic a l m aterial# are uaed fo r oorreepondlng e la e tlo part»* tb e lr natural fr e quenole# w ill then b# almply related to eaob other* I t la noted th a t* In the free torsional vib ratio n #y#* tom* three fbBdamontal item» are o f gro&t importanae* namely* the m aao-tnertia* the torBlonal rig id ity o f the abaft and the dynamic arrangement o f them* Therefore* i f the model ayate# 1* to perform & & tl8f& otorlly In the experlment&l work* i t l8 evident th at a#*y and rapid ehange o f :m&»#-&narti* and e f ootive abaft length 1» neeeaaary* The oonatruetion o f the model ayatam henee involve» a oomblnatlon o f the theo­ re tic a l oonaldoration and the p ra e tla a l work* *>*2 CkB&atBN&etjkxn 1&&# %B&*# laoawmt 1%%* 2 SBdkla 31# «Mfalaw&teii f%%B& % 2 rg; * <%r <K%3V<Ri&e%d%ly (SK-icaawMi »a# T* as * o f i&ysHüklcmu* % % %# 3L* & jfuzwyblOBt o f lin e a r dim#8#&#B# and can b@ ooaeldered *a proportional to tb# diataB## from tb# axis of ra ta tio n to tbo loeat&oa o f ama@* H#n## tb# m & *»-in#rtia o*a b# put uad## OOBtrol o f & oonatant weight by moving i t toward of away from tb# ##&* o f tb# dbaft# &W» *%&& @dttaa&%#d 4&& *B& #&%& t&dkdb j&# awwÊ# <%f 1a*9 sbaBaaedUB %H&dk&Mbob#w*^# aam* #%$& %g> tae tkwKB** aaaüu;# #» t&wat a& gxdbd# 31» a%%rBWM& f%%r t#%& aK#y#&dL# ifbdk #b4wma#3d* aaa* t&wm& aClGBgwRi 1%%g#i&w*r *#t t&w&ir t6%* a&w&ft j& tdkght jf lt , t#k S8L { 3% % 8%& ) a&woe# 4k a&à&tdb 40f t8&# 38&&Q%wüi-«G*a aawmBB&Ckr* 2&Dt# to 3%L&* <&$- :&) j&lBBdüBüm #0b@8KB*l# <%f at 3/^&2* *up# <8fb iid&o djkCfeaNMot ]U&a :ta%8 3* * jr%r Tn&rlotw; raa^p» (WT ad^M&8tB*B&t edf Ifi# %8&»8*dJaartdüa» 8) <5 podkma* %, * <** 2 paijMB* 3a # !P* 2 p air#; & # Ig * 3%a& a%%ao*r T^logao# *o*» awk&e o f aklgBdkaum %%### *&f »a&OBt 0*277* G&dta 8t%raia&d&, t&wair iB&io&o» au# tadüamed I&0 &a&»p l&w> 8Pdk&# j&ür twdl» 82 — 1 — ,--------------------------------------,— T- t- ~......- ..................... 1 --------!— ^ ---------- . -1 . r r .................................. I 1 ' )— — -1—0 ____--------1 —1 -------------------------------------1 — — T Î ± _________________T .‘ ' M l * L —t 1 —1r— = End S p a c e r C e n tra l Spacer 0 .1 7 ^ " h o fa s 1_ -o ^ i" 1r^ t /^2 ■—r1t Vr 1I__ (1[ :11 ^ 1 ■/a" — holz 1 1N 11 11 ( n o t i n s c a le " if : ) Eig<;^ 21 — Ch.annel~Arm A ssem bly* ^ 11 11 I1 11 iJ!} igpaaWBf 3^#y** sSjwgplzgg ]p#r$%M»e# l&etmMWBB iBwMdbk It) mwM* madk* i&f %%%&#* %NBP # f %&*%%&%# <xf 3U(32* at ile dbdLIladl <>f jsibasegpi; adPlb*# #*d*sMB«d*>3;y%, 33Bw* <*3u#4#ar*a9w*#* <%** #&3&B (33%t%]L#w& jpawp 4B%&# J&3L3k@B jhw&Bkdl (Bacp a;$#q%*PBH# %;) II&jB&E: g&odLgfhrb,», %%)4» iNmsai8@3d&#* iBGcq* sBW &g&e <%jP BwaâLdl apctSjliBdl* jp%Maw@*»4Badb o f :&** (%*D* iPeMOBGKÏ 4»*r (%** (SaLZyPeKXHB***; 1Wtk&4a&C%B9W*a* SL/jB** (1EB& 1*,» ]P4w;%>(H0MBdL?xB3L3r# j*ar@ <;%%& lee ggeHb TraapjUoR**# TiM»jL89i1&* ( :&%>* %wyg*» (5lt 4Bkk#gr *%%%» iBM9#»ka*dL <)*&% <%st taba» aiaamGt&àw» j rl odl % 3aew#3jlT# t%o (%,3!3K5** * {)+ILS>6** 3L*08db^* frB&ertOLar# 33bw# «K%3%BN»$gpw%K*dül*%g; %8»&§{bdbs* j*a&* C^tS&G!» <%%*& OftOG?;* :%%>ab»# ]p«%Rgpa»edki;*%>]gy^t 33BW* #m#dLggilbai #**%* a*OKBw&3;r j%au*t%*B*Ma t%s the (@%gwc8a4»3/**%**a#* t>3r twalLta sgow& lowttwe,» aa j9&w3M%& jlxk IfSjgk» 3%3t ( :P* 3It )*» 3&%*k moviag y&88* o f the weight* o& veaioua length* o f dha8n#&» 888* @88 eetim&t#a a t tb# cantor o f the wel&bt to the can* to r o f the dhaft& Ô& 6* lo a # # %i/% 2* to 8 3 /8 * On p* long dhaanoi#*#** r * 1 %/38* to 3 %/8* On Ig * ie&g dbaanolm&rm, r # i i/3 8 * to 6 %/&* au c e n te r h o le d r i l l e d f o r l / k ”rt -2 0 screw ( f u l l s c a le P ig . 22 - ) D is k W e i # i t s . f a s t e n in g b o l t and n u t 6 P ig * 23 - o h a n n e l-a rm lÆ a s s -In e r tîa A ssem bly o f Model System . j&a3U&otl<8i odP jBbadPk#*"** S&w» to]n*lo@üül *dL;gldjJ%r o f #&wüft %&k # :&8 <H%ls&üL&t4M& f&<8B t&w& ft%sa8jU& (9)# #%kl i t I# &&k t&K) ]pa%MMc%w& a&wsptwBP* i%> %w* ]p%<n%o*4%&o%œüL t# d ,/ / # Izi (BPdkBP tx> gajja saw#* dba aww&BQüdkQg <%f t&wa gw&pfossaaBKW» o f Bb# 23cdk>l* jit %%%# (k&oick&d 1%> g*N) aOU&ndkMr rcwS <%p a&t&io of 8BK1I I <%P @&K)ü& %/^WS* # SCbo <&p*]Ll %%%& oqr $&w* 48%%M* %dbp* f%a%&&9&k3Bad&e%d@ûL <%f 3%w&*Q%w*bl3r oo%w*t@a%B dWba* BB&tKM* azwS la radaie# :lo%%s aM&oak ]L*By2#hk %B&8# <&f ta%& BK>da]l SkarfyUBloaab adstfSS» <xf %M&apdb%8# #*pe %%o<#N*aeB%r ##> t&w%& drlidLnf 18%%%R%0b 4&*m%@&@ru&&&aBa ftgp aad&eyswül txxpqiw» tdloa jLf& ]pd*3s%dla*3K&Tb]Let», 3E&W E* %awi8a^*dL3W88p4sdla a&apo 4o]L*sB%M*dl <%;& tSaw* e&w&ft i&e* j8üaeM8& jbck ZPyLgp* i&J)* SZkbG <;(xr%ta?0i]L <3wf tGsw» <dbwaa3rkail4*a*%g;& laa*#! 43a*3»ljL#" odl ladLiBb j& agawkiLIL laKtlksw* Iso %;<%ww8nBBat <)%i tiaa* a&iaft aft#» ibSLapadb a%jk* With tb la mrraa ement tbe a ffeo tlve lon&tba o f aeotloa# o f shaft 8#o o&aily db#B%&*&le* IB the f lr a t aotwgp* * fo o t la loagtb #a# used* l/lô * *&**% wire o f about 6 I t dbould be a*ted th at tb le round rod 1* fa ir ly uniform tbrougbout It# #bol* le&gtb, 3b# shaft o f the model ayatom may b# mad# o f two rod# o f dlf« foro&t diameter# by joining together w ith rig id eonaegtl&a to give the deaired ra ria tlo a o f th# toralon&l rlg ld ltl# # o f varloua Beotlon# o f tb# ahaft* 5»^ Supporting o f 3b@ Madel Syatem#**- Itl& aa already Tboea 86 ebowa th at f&#@ are *a*out*d vltbaB t any external &&6&&la8^torgw# aating on the ay&tam* 3h@refGr#, tb# p r l* 38#ry point o f aqpportlng the iM&del ey&tem 1# to latro d o ** I l t t I * or *e goaatealBt at all && the j%yeb#mjnMx&<ngF4Bé* to m a l Bowree* mo th a t It# natural fregaenole# w ill be tb# #@8# a* th a t of a fre e noasopad vib ratin g *y#tem* 3bl# baale Idea Im pll## tb&t theiBoàol ayataa jdhmiW e itb o r be eypported on a very fre e upper bearing or an## a eery t&im long wire* 3b# e rlte rio n o f the la tte r method lie # in the fa s t th at the toraïonal r ig ld l* ty o f the th in long w ire le a a a ll oompared with th at o f the abaft o f the model eyetem* I t 1# then aeewmed th at tb# model eyetem ie In e ffe o t & fre # v ib ratin g ay&tem# jl) (ïcüoooü&ortjLcxBL !3%»tw%tSKQL 33bu& ZBbwajfii jaaadl SE&ae - ]Ctt jig* :p%%&u:l3*3M& i%> 3%0c*i* 4t irdLg;i<l <K>;#%eoi%io8& Ibw&tBW MBKSBi IB&i# fWbwadEI; jawad IL&ie TPdLre #o taiait: iiot ipetlj&i&life 3SKy%R*%a*MQd& w ill (%cHa%8* ati; iBbw* loiaslb* 1 «BBwaJljL 3so]b& jL* <%s%il3bew& 4#pEjL#Ll3L3r s&t; <*% % *%<*%%& <%f tdbwe *032*3*1; <&f blae iggadlGCl a%F%*i&GRab» taadLa; l&&]ke auoMS tësw* snüwa%><HGa:3Loga Tpdls*# 4K% % & 4L IQW&BLtt #B3Wi t2:a)3r STO ISjH/fe*' i)K»3Ld&Bgp@Hl 1)0 qktaSMM* (it iBbie jftoaetzuaps*# 33bjls; jodbadb la» anagpi>cH#4kdL ibc) be cwa&HBüül# %>j» <n%%%p,r3jag 4& ]U0N&(i 4&jT jal)CMa1b tüijLiMbgr 3pOLWQK%a #3r#lt6az%» ib&ie idbuoCle lactdbalL jl **l9&e]L TwdLzq** 3&*%âp& %k>* 25* 3Lat t%8W 9w& fo r a&ygp%>cHPl3l33ëS tdh# %BK>dk»3L aggralbaMOb» 8? 3%) @Naa*pN8â%@dLcBà TBbw» BKKvGhk 33bü» iwg&gwBüP 498%dl (&f 1Bbw& sdlsM* edbKyw&d 1b<* Jflaw»dt apmkljLaübCLy" #%o 1834**% 18bw» iBwod&éCl aqrs&t%9%a 3W K% &%>«* i*üw8%)3BGM#4Ha4* SBbdl*; jl%%Blbai3^Iaktdl<%ck «la #* Tdsw)3L& die ia%aa laGMwawt&edl îO% & j& 1%#:13. Ibc» i%kUl<&bL tibw» ]s*)1%a%p* **BB dbPdL%M8 j*ai*wmdb&3r la&liL 1b<t i*$rt*&(aw*dL, la #lg * 33bw» ft^llosRÊaig #ük%»t%8&i ( p* 33 )* àbe*# tba aeaetruatl## o f the *wgp#&* 8lOB amaembly, Mbte to Pig, :&j 3bw» 8pdknd3j& la* iaedb» odf :P8w%%& twKP cüf t&w» a&WKp# j&a @ü%&ta%; t&w» %qppSB~ a&M3B3j&&r *#&*%# <%& t&w* t%%> «RaefSwG* <xf tS%* $&%pua1k tüwæiatg 1%> i%d&& IBb# loawl cdf a%u%pea%8l(m azwl t&w» 3XM*9%» 4W%& CK%BBKM>t8 ibo t l * T&irS# l&OÜd* Of ()*C#&* iUe dadCllakl w d e lly sdb tiw» twyttOGa ftop t&w* e&üspgaaeldwi %düP»* %&M» tB3%#*Rf#%yw* %w>le <%f 4&ia8%8tdu ie dsdLllakl 2%%r tâ * gC&Bg iko ixiBKai t&wa wdbpe 3b% ai *l80Ld <B%BK8&etixwa# ;2) Ji aBBalJl ipïays ojP t&w» sijB* t%> gjbpe 48%ug jf lt ibo ta&e %w)l# dbdlilawl <83 t&w» agdkadüU* iat i&awKi t%> 4&K8&# tgp t&%* sdüp* idbie&k jla twqo&BMi <81 t&M8 @%dLBd3U@ tgr ]paw&@l%g& tbaHeuggi t&w» hole #ük t%w# lowSMr 8ZW& , À 1F*notdb <l8 <%it <«& t&%& awwefaww» oj» tha ]p3&yi !Eb# IBbytü&t %K%rt <%f tâwG 3U& a%wi& odT aamB&l lüp&mM» ftop t&w» 8%g%# 3%; le laouzübed *B& aijPpsmw* *#&» Ik&a&w&d adk t&w* tcg» o f IKbe %@od&dl agnateek *t*8a&. 88 S p in d le & T h ru s t B e a rin g Assem bly Top fro m e o f Model s ta n d S p in d le T h ru s t B e a rin g © k iA " -2 0 ta p p e d h o le s on 1 7/ 8 " c ir c le fiin l/If ." ro u n d p lu g w it h V ^n o tch 5^^ Vh ( h a l f s c a le F ig # ) Q- I Ho# 7I4- d r i l l f o r s u s p e n s io n w ir e ( h a l f s c a le 2l|. - S u sp en sio n U n it o f M odel System# 39 0} The model #y8tem aboulé not awing to and fro In tbo air, and tho abaft nuat be guidod to ollslnato lateral vibration, 'OoaLO, of b eond i it la nocoaaarg to uao aomo boar* ings to keep sag oh&f^ In placo * Tbooo boarin s should bring no frictional ro&lat&ncc to the shaft* apaelnjs bocwucn tÊio maoa-"l Since the may hcve to be oh&njod* and the shaft might be replaced for different aot~up. It Implioa that t'.o bocringo %mas D€ easily adjustable and quickly removable* Split notches milled on t^o sliding plates can make a slip-in combination for thla purposo* L the bearing supports can bo ovod. alon: the upr tao stand or removed acoa&laniy. vj of Pig* 2$ shows the con­ struction of the bearing sup orts and they are mounted cross­ ing the dl&gonalD on the stand# © 4— - m h%: W _ i_ c lo .c trC fn G < i )tolcs ■f«)r U "'Jboi£s O -f Vu '/s ihrQo<Js - '•o’x v t i ; a»d .'oai’ln ;>u,) orta. 1j 1 jjL 2Sl» % ï/S * # *p# !&##& te m bol <m tbe bole# are al## t@a&ed arouad tbe #«#tral # l# t fo r a) A V*notdb % &He4at 08# en* 0#B#tr&Gt&#& # f ^b# tiom A b a il fo r #mm#8#l#8« mat fo r b] along #0 r point 91 %ba SKWBWKW&aaof ta%e #&#%#& 1* fla#& gp @& Amm# md tw W # rl% im ppo#* pip&ag trea&a* W rnmW <m # & Tb* #tr&otu%# probably ibma to t&msRda* %&#&&## or ##m&31*Aio& o f the Ataaâ &m orld ep tly ua&**&r#&I## 3b Plgb 86 ( p# 9& )* tbe #tr&o» to r# o f %&# model eye##* #$*&& &# eba*#* Bote to Fig# 86%* 1) gba f*#B#e are made o f 8* x 3* x 3/16* ateel eagle*# %b#y are beet to Wbap# *a& welded a t tb# joiate# Tbe era#* member* are meed fo r atlffeB lB # *&& fo r tbe eoapea* adamof tb# model ayatem oa tbe top pleee# are braeed o& the #*&1 by le g b o lt** Botb:freme* Wbodea bleak# are ##t up fo r etraigbtenla# iwp tbe *$#&&# &j Ibe atmad baa e lx pomt* wbldb are made o f 3 /k * bl&tk a te el pipe*# g&tbrea&ed tea# ar# ##*& fo r tbe driving platform # aad the adjoatabl# @ro#**meWb#r* #o tbeyiaaylb* moved along tbe upright*# %&# platform * o@n be aeogred &a plaee by aet aerew# i& eo llar# Ibramad to e&diiMOB&Ugs 3) fb * #eldlBg»n*ok fl&agea are #*#& aa& braeed a t e&eb end o f the poet#* la jf&oadUky The eomplete etreetar# o f th i* etand afN&ar %x>ltjbq& tkmma l&ie jnuKaapH* to ibot&i -frame» <xa #&%» t%%> aaaS bottoBb cZie cv&tuwdl adkB* cdT t&w» etam&otsure ôd» tba» îBodkül arrête** *t8w%& jü* aÊKMsa ab% Bik&te IL ( 3&# 9C> )# 92 w a lls 2 X ) -j. wooden b lo c k c ro s s member ' m o to r d r iv e p la t f o r m flo o r % flo o r Pig* 26 - Structure of îvîodel System Stand. 93 B la to 1 “ i> t v u 0 v \iT B o f Uodol Systom Stand, Motop W lw A aartilar*—— 2 » t s s m m m m % qS «tes* «Warn %6 is %M@a # w a ®3»fe?ol, ifSS ^ iê m «£ p%«#iaia@ & w % ^ vm>m # m cmles* to a% m # *m # o moto# apwd o f & l«gr a iw ft aosd a wed* p o ll# «TO In %g* 27# #m steateSi Shows # e mshmmtlo a$wm#** aajst o f ti» drivlmg syst«a» ttjs f t # m * # # i #@ #m@msiow itoow ta Ml# œ raiîatol* @p@@d rmtm «W %» estlamWÉ # * PKsstm toly* A) low %BOd fe s ta H a tio a . H o tO P HK! # TfZ$ Hetofcioa %%ttor=thp(w# Vmri#lo-'%e@d«Rpl?# ftiiissr # a./ a*(% R oâ«ctii.a Hafilo #w o u #i S to p -P a tt^ s # 1 / 3,75 MaiiitiB Spooâ at Casa % a f t 1?2S “ ------71— :— — * 2 ,6 5 X 8,75 B> E l# . w- Iw ta lla tlo a , I t e b s e a% o e d a tG a m a w ft # 1 7 2 5 x 2 ,6 5 3: 3,75 âetttalty #@ s lip oa«ild mot mwotawi im . # ,0 0 0 V -W lt # t# s , ■also tba spO'M m tio w ill a # # W c lo sed %#oa # e mWo 9$ c a m -s h a ft, 1/ 2 " d l a U " X 1/ 2 " V - b e l t 2 " ~ 5 " O .D . lt-- 8te p V - b e l t p u l l e y 2 8 " X 1/ 2 " V - b e l t 39 " X 1/ 2 " V - b e l t ^ 7 " O .D . V"#belt p u l l e y V a r ia b le * * s p e e d -d r lv e p u l l e y { speed r a t i o o f tr a n s m is s io n 7 : 1 M o to r ( lA HP, 17 25 RPM ) P'igp 27 " M o to r D r iv e A rran g e m e n t Siiowing Iiow-Spe©d P o s it io n * ) 96 § •P CO > î! A h 0 P 1 OJ <D P csS H Pk # # plW k of W A iW #m ##@4 m % # # f3motlo&3.3y #gr 60 la M ttla load w WW # 3S#000 henee# #m ao lw tlo n o f #%# a im o f #mf%# Wmrlmg# W it md loy eta# W a w t takm # e atrsmcth of m aW rlaia Imto am»» al4er#M^(m# a a y w # # # W i# m 4 fo r eommnlmee o f Im W lia tlw * W p e rw m i aatuel ploturo o f OrWLog #y#W% la aW m la M #t0 2 ( p# 96 )# ÿ*7 0am aad &% mwrmlnlDg the a#» twpoi fro q u ^ g ^ a o f tbe model i^naWm# a drive o f Wrmoalo motlom mgr W a @^W&# llo d w atl^julmte # o oeG lH atloo o f tba %ea tW w p lle d oolnolde# laltb %o n&tmmi fW#e%x>3r o f # # model ayatm% % pWaommoa o f rommmw W ill W oteorved la tbé perfo%mmoe o f # e modal* Bw dnv# fo r $W model ^ te m m y W omrrled oot ty # o erefu lly # a lg m d mm eWLOb prodoma a almg>io W rm nlo motion* Om# m e t W token to avoid # e poaaltle lo te r* fOrmme to # e motion o f #%e mm W ilie trm m m lttlng # e drive toem r^ # e model eyatem# A) Dmlgn Of Cam# % # p re tlm o f mm dealgn in t&Kle oe#e w nela#* In fW tlr^ p8 Vmrlom ü f tw m $ t ooweapoWL to oértWba m ^u lw pom lM ow of # e em# & # q#a la aaqpeeW ^ ^Ivo tbe fe llm m r & W m W W I) oÿ Motiom I t 1$ im #r#tood th a t I f a point la W 9 l% in a o lro u lw path# it# projection on % dlw w tor o f the o iro le w ill hm# # ei$#lo hemonio A hm^mmio motl<m dlagrm im prodneed in th i# 1# Wiow in Fig# 28* fs c bz '&/ 28 II) uii3)ple Barmonlo Hotlon Ib# O eoillating ^ ll e r Follower# 3h order to prwemt the oai^lesdty o f a erWWmd m ilder zmohenim owing to the e ffe c t o f the m n rn lari^ o f the eon*^^ neotlng*rod# I t 1$ odvleeble to me# a e^dLng follow er to tran#' m it pure a% ular aaotion# On #ie other ha## tlm déviation 99 P la t o Cam w it h O s o i l l a t l n s R o l l e r F o llo w e r E q u iv a le n t l i n e a r d is p la c e m e n t o f sw ing f o l l o w e r a 1 In # H o l l e r d ia m e te r « 1 /2 in # D ia m e te r o f b a s e c i r c l e « 7 /8 in # O s c i l l a t i n g f o l l o w e r arm le n g t h ■ 2 in * C e n te r d is ta n c e b etw een c a m -s h a ft and p i v o t o f f o l l o w e r 8 2 3 /8 i n . X F ig * 29 - S im p le H arm onic M o tio n Cam P r o f i l e # o f motlom # point o f mlia&og #20 do# to pmper ##ommo# o f JKKt m y a im b# d W M A W # I# ) %4yoot o f f l « ^ %m lo %Ilo#m% oat to# mmi p ro fil# # #w $^m#r#I m thod %%##d $a A ln m m t l# d W e ln g i$ f o iim m d # % g » ##m p ro file m ii tb# Bj %> ( p $ 9 9 ) # m m dW ew iow o f # 1 # m t^ Of f r m m i m i m L cf OmwiWlv#* A pmr#II#%o##m lix^kmgg# #»# <W#i^n#d fo r trmnamitting # # r o W % m t i < m prodaood by # # # w m d it# f>Ho##r m w A m #nl#m to tw mmmmitm o m m tly o f # # model #y#tw% %# pmWLlel rod 1# ommooted tgr pim #d jo i# # to IW W m# folloow # W a m z ^ #%l#h 1# keyed <m % e # W C l # of the #a;^powio%i imit oC the model ayatem* % the natar# tk i# IW m ^ both tb# oraok md tb# f ellmmr hare # # #### em^pOar d i m l o o w # # # #t t w # # w angular reOmity# # e W i ia made in ?i$# # got# to % g* ^ 1) A to a W # # # #rr#n@;m#ent* ( p# 101 ) % # m in j follom m r i# mWbe o f 5/3*^ % «Umdmm bar# # groove la m illed mt on# end to #da#t # e W### #e&l#r* & bole la d r lllM a t a dlateme# o f ro lim and a brom# aleov# o f 2^ Aws the om t#r o f to r# la tw o pre##f 101 cam fo llo w e r s p ln c jle o f th e m odel s u sp e n s io n p a r a l l e l ro d P ig # 30 - P a r a lle lo g r a m L in k a g e * mm M In fox* m # pont* pmmlWL ïo â is 'sdM # _ # a jo in ti a t a atstaja»® od! i î/2 " fw m # » <m#@p a f ma ptsot* g> m# memk ia aad» <xf %" x ï/s * al« to x a tes?* a # # * a ta « tlta a a t ona m t # geaatva a « m il «#«% : W r @mm W#»d m m e apWQL#* a âtatœ ee e f Sba p a m lla l voâ ta a m w a ta t a t Ê 1 /2 ” Axm ma @<wtay o f m@ # tw i@ a fta r .& #:#& % 80 m a t iarnm ta a l* # « ma #ma m tÈ m # tn # a .as # # # llm w Ottainaâ Amm #w m m ma em plata sem$# off ma wm* Ittlo w ap .« à W t togoa ta m e m tn ï l a t * 3# { p». 103 ) ma I Ih I H o ® •P aj H Pk oi&rnm 6# GT MODHL mnsm 6*1 DoterminAtlon <>f BW# Wmm* <>f %# #»## of ixmrtlm my b# divided imW Wo ]gwt#* m* ) cm»* #t*nt mmmb ôf Inerti# #f tW chmnel"*WTt ####d>%y# md b* ) v m 4 # l e « m a t of iwrtim of #w> m W ) l # welg^it#* à) %»# rnmoat Inertlm of Owawl^^m S3b# Oq^oimd P#adbi&lW ^5ma;py^ ^ # l« le method of deWm #W33g tW moMont of of rot&tln^ body mwer&am# ta lly 1# aeed la tblo w##* %1# meiWd ###%#» th» following taoorotloal oonsldaratlona* la % g # 31 t w rotmtlag bodf 1# m m p e a d W by W e lt*t wlroa $0 #a to b# frw W oaolllaW la Lot ü%# hmd#mtal pim#* # # ##!::#% of #%# body la IW* L # l#%th of the mwpomlm#1%%# la Inohe* R # Wdlal dlmtm## of #%#i OBelllatlon la la### a vopy m m ll m gl# o f W la t % a$ à la , ex ^ ex ^ ^ # & Oc $ # fwm #&e ml# of / ^ / L Z %q rm W ri% fw ee P # wm w aln or # ---------# I, She mmtxarlAg toTqw m # y %m W fi2 % a spKtag ®M3®taat in toaraioa is â®fin®a as M Mow f « W R® YIT^ 2 V i / ^ t ' « a y -— ^ W-H®" 3®e* W b2 I 2 ttJ Bene# I #' X L W r2 It.TT''- Ï, f® mae We ik$) ae$W )ly le mie^emzed by We th la wires am show la P I# 32# wiW B # 1/^** * M ffo z w t aeWo;) in oxperimeaW #yo o b ta iiW by varying tW lo n jth o f We aaepezwloa wires# ZZZJ[ / / / / + + + + -^ Ij* 32 ^ %perlmeàWL r^tewinm tlcm o f ...wont o f In e rtia o f AaaWbly# s) 6* W # o,ai3T Wrem : « % m 3 f % o $ # * 3600 # %& % 0,2137 * 0 . 2 S X 3600 • --------------------------s—^ — # s II % là (# 8 * ) , ^ 4*37 / Il f Wm) '5 1/ 8 * 2 7 ,5 0 0 0,001251j. 5 iV # " .2 7 ,0 0 0 0,0 03 25 0 % 6 1 /# » .28,125 0 ,# 1 # 8 k i5 /W 28,000 0,001253 I V # * » 0.001250 ÎÎJS-1»-S«S,2 0,2355 a * , 0 ,2 8 5 5 M 0 ,2 5 X * X t 6 ,5 1 / El X f® taeta mm*- «#»#&# w w # o foiai»a iB àW t * 19*25 sbâob gW»# I » --------------— ---------- « k f i m jt 19*15® 0 ,0 # 1 9 ■ ?f ■* I 0,1} 0*W 9 * 0*25 X 3500 «— — -----------^ 39 ,5 X t X r _ . * 9 ,7 9 5 /1 . %;et rw u lt*# B@w# f # 10^1 #pm # W w I, I , ^ # P*?9g / L#93?y %1%3^ B) # # # r!owm%i: a f I) ^10 êl#m am fa » W # d # 1|: e # % 0I7 e f Wel^gi# mm» a# A o w la b (,lte m te to tW c&wmal«» i t Im pm vM M #m t tw dlmtaw# WWe#a Wo contera o f # # 4isW W l #m «W fk W m lÿw W )!#* % i# wrlmMm vmlm e f m#s mommt c f la tm%m c f Wc distance r i^ lll h# #a#p##' ( ^ 3 ^ p# %0p )# Applyia^ tbe p riW lp ie o f parall@l?'*a%iç Weor#% 1^ 1*3 * P* 1^# r # # ite I # % equatlca ( i l ) ) 4^ g ïja t M s «sas# l. « J #—— (- ■+ g d® — % / IW - ih F ig , 33 «9 Détermina"» t î o n o f Moment o f I n e r t i a o f D ia k W eig h ts D # d (a) B o lt Head * 2" , 0 266 " (b) Nut (o ) Screw Body D: - 1 } MM) T _L' T a a m0 .4 3 " o ■ 0 .1 7 1 " Lg 5 le n g t h o f shank g le n g t h o f th re a d s D g p i t c h d ia m e te r a 0 , 2175 " D-, g mean d ia m e te r a 0,2175"- 0.0026" Dp a m a jo r d ia m e te r a 0. 2Î17" F i g . 3L - E le m e n ts o f B o l t and N u t. a a 0 ,1 ^ 8 " c»a 0,173" D .i 0.2175»+ 0.0026 # 0 , 22" a a 2 »B m m m m m to f o f# od î a î a .o fd J f f w o a tt M t f e * S Ô S 8 o a a b o o b t o t m a% s a b a t t t e t t i s st t o » i W l o w w l# t#in # oc a î o a l a t s î î m » * .) m ekâieÊ rn t' % % b, ) * 0,a05 lb s . { 0,509 * tM s k disiss, % ) -«'0,0002? * * 0,1+3® IW , 0,432 * " ^, ( 0 ,5 # -f 3?^ I 0* î ! • ttilcS -iisîsa, % " # —— 396 3 2 } a »m m % * 0, # 0,993 ( 0*509 *• î s U.OOH77 * s m m ^ t o f È m r tls . o f t t i © I m lim W w lcm latW from m sâ m t e s a g r o f dlfâPmMmt wiüPlgmwtlom# tW W it M M # W lt Wdy aM m t# 3l^ ( P* 109 ) w # M fw w eé W A il d jW w lq w lÆ ^ * % Im sm w #* tee m m eotlons to #@ w«1ae8 obtai»A iv m . p m a t l e ^ *@ams#% has?» b®e» »i® ta #ie ftml mlmlattwa. W Bom a«i * W m 0*8(56 % 0.43“ X 0,1?1 x 0,383 # O.W77g »«♦ *{5 /3 6 } 0.*43® ♦ *3 « 0*02563 Ï 0*.00?75 336 # -------- — ( 0*02568 + * } * 0.0300)0515 * o,w(m Qo6 # @emO ïte a ^ ia l W s » I 0,366 X 0,488® X 0,1.73 x 0,283 * 0,007# IW, ( S /# ) 0.W3® * 0,007# #— • 0.0251:4 ♦ ^ -( 0 ,0 8 % ♦ a® > « 0,006000511 * o .o o rw al a® loliew tad C iw m laa Com t* • • (Tr/4 } 0*88® X 0,173 X 0,283 # 0,0019 lbs. 3, ^ (0,22^ / 3p2 « 0, 0,0019 # — — — ( 0,00605 * # I g ) # 0,0000000298 * 0,moodf98 %® W l# sBp® » t tWeméW IW «W l# le iig tti, #W 1% # 1 1 W fepaatad aspopotely # p ##8W®a aM #@ tmtfe» parta, àwaaaw ,#«#** a&aa # # » t ^ * o.ai# • o,o#6 * o.âis* VoX ^ fe par IW i m ( 7T/% } 0,215® x 0.233 # 0,0.1## Ib » , : . 0.01028 ^ 0..215® g »■---- —-----( --------- ♦ # ) 336 8 ÿ « o .o o m m # 0 : # % jop ûltffwmr # 0, 21+7" # e i# t par inm 1@%@% * C'n’/lj, } 0, 247® x 0.213 # 0,01355 îb a , I s '■ 336 ( 0, 247® / 8 * # « 0,OOWO#675 * 0.0000351 r® ) She t@ ia î mma a m # # o f is te rtia o f # -* W IW anâ m W a t# .mstelmâ. fop vwlawsi aSsoB**' Cl) %* tmg bol# ^ I m 1* O.OCKWUS + 1 lA " l»as WL% o f I m * ©#00006139 l/2 * A m # md 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 1 ^ 2* l88$ bd&tiBf I W «#d# * 0 ,0 (m # 7 9 <aw8#&a&# 3^ o,ow ooiT& Cÿ) !|." 3«af b o lt o f 1 # w ft + 3 |4 î-* stbanfa 0,00000198 * la 3A " W #'8ds, OmOcmAd* 3/%* W e^a#» 0,:i g&wB tadBüI edr#e@tdbn& BBw&m %KB8#a& <%f 1&M&& tb#e*a#* Otoooomîîis +. o,ooo(W99 ^ 3* lomg w i t o f S l^ j." I '# %%" 'W e # # , irw&rtijk &B 1@&* a&B* iWk) $B*& ( 3# # aa*& d8%Mam&# tg&oa %db%&&&G%i *%f t#%& 8&w8%aal#%8%88 swai t&K& imsigBHb** ga*** <)*2 o f IBffagddbP# IdH%g#b <%f 3#HM&&888 <&f a&wwf&* j&) tSie @#%%9etdbn& laæyzGb <%r & awM&ticKi (&f a&u&f&i%y& TB&jU&% 00%*» #80%$ BDotbor eeatlan by abaft &3#pll%a& la &&8um#& to t# greate# tba& the aotoal leagtb owlog to tb# lo c al é&fçrma* tloB o f tbo abaft Mboio I t ontora tbo coupling* I t la luo* d#B8tood tia t* #bere I t enter# the cagpll&g* the abaft tw iata IndapoBdontI* o f the oow#ll&g fo r & certain la&ctb and th a t abaft and coupling have agu&l an lea o f ta la t fo r the re * aalB&or o f the dlat&oçe throujL the coupling* 10 quote from tlla o n *# book* *ln the caae o f member# th&t are ahruok on to the ab aft, &###&# that the abaft #0* tK&e# ia%& *ütt*dÈw&& saem&wür i\%r a ILeag^Si Ibo çw%e~qpwK*t*QP 4bo CK%&*hwCLf t&M» dUU*mei%&r edf t%K> #hadft* 18&e @R&all4Mr vsdba# applying to tig h tly &hrynk*om mewher»* In th la oaae* too bra&e plate# w ith a half-round notch are clamped on to the ehaft# and the tlsatnea# o f the f i t can not be egpected a# what o f & 8hruBk-#& member# I t #111 be aeeumed* therefor*# tL*av t&K) ehod^b ontBMp# t&wk attw&ghed %3&mbc%* fo r fi lIor^ÿBb egpwül Sx) th3%&&-gt#8ftcr (%r @#%M& moa%> -of t&&& dla%a&t03* <%f t&%& abadMb* :B) j&t 1# Ib&ljhMn&d tiw&t t&w& atlhSfeoia^g efl%h&t of alecMRW* d&w* jXxaJa (%B th# lbljbja%»#a cwf the jM t* tÈw» leegÿWh o f tie aCU&ev* In re la tio n to the abaft diameter and the m aterial o f the eleeve* In th l# arrangement* the a tlffe n ln g e ffe c t on the abaft may &i#o be neglected* G) *& daallBg w&tb tb * trgB*8È**lo& myatem o f a iQ*r&a* &B## ta lla tla & ahep* tbe prgpëll## la separated from the englae T%y a long length o f Intoraedia*» ahaftl##* the aodel aya&em m&^bt be too long to be able to handle by th is model ayatem ataad* Ih la lead* to the Idem o f replae&ag the model 0baf# by another shaft o f a&aMao&form dlmmetef# %be e tiffa * * * o f ead\ section require# aepmrata oonBld&ratlon; hoaever, th l* a lte ra tio n fa c ilita te # the adjustment o f the o v e r-a ll length o f the model ayatem# She a ffe c tiv e length o f ahaftlng nhleh jolne another aaotlon o f large dlau&t&r 1$ greater than the actual length oolng to the lo c a l deformation a t the junoturo* ^h* email Shaft* In e ffe c t* b u rle* It s e lf la the larg er 4BB# ;*& dbomi 36* t£^ r— '<iS3î» P i g .3 5- # m f to f Varg-lag M aM teys. S h ® allowmo® \ d e p e n d ® -apon r a t i oo f@ i @ shaft didBBBtdWMB# 3xwR&%g& taaül*# f%*am t&%# ( ***# %&k $b* l%&Q&c# pmyps 34%>, IR&l* :% ) 3Sa%C%»<f&lip%» ]j<8Bygidbk {Kir zakkoufls odP TKargriagE 33dL#8%w»t;*ap*, mt#io s I / Istio 1 % / I>2 1.35 0*055 1*50 2,1)0 0,095 0,100 3.00 0.107 Infinity 0,125 <>#3 SS&a*#; ipjp 3Ei; ha* i&]L%48i&d%y S&aw8a& ai%w3M%& :&& b&kd* spstsMfjbcpyw* oasakaytwaape iK&wMit #& StisJM; g#%;agrjLng #k i#**** rdLSk# (@3^ SBBtgr lawKSMG *##p*q»**éLK iae3M&**#k (saT :%%?<*# iFl3b9P#ttdl<%%%ayf *&&jLo&& «BBS» iaa*i%0Lll3r i8%l*f$ül3i;3wjL(&tw8MS i9GLi&*;tdL<> swgàPsmawBkt ISgr ;& aitRawSy ()j» aaK%:%%9*3L 19&%# %a(>d*3L aqpTBlbsMBK, tdBw* *K*d&%%gf jES&asaa edp t8i# i0^ll%%qa;t3l(XA 43<>%qp%&ifrH08oeiaLKy3 ta& zaswabRw* ]B*aw#ib bo observed# 31 dbpdliro aOTZüuadbodt jfypCMSs IBkig» iaf>i%CRP' *%%M8L iGbwa m#@b#Rl8* &# tr8n8m ltt#& to th# model ayatom tbroudh I t * eugpooiion# %b& model system Im tbsa acted Tby tb&* n#l tarqu# thidh serve* to system* the o8oill% tlo& o f the I t la eased upon the prim cipl# o f re&on&na# dh&db oooure shem tbo applied freqoaBay oo&&&lae* e lth aay #B# # f 117 the aa&w al fp#guaae&e# o f the o*e&il*t&ag system* 3b tb# 08# naturel freguaaay* o # e lll& tlo a o f #er* te&B mode 1# #b#epv#d* 3b# de&vimg speed *&11 eorreepoDd to o0#lMùNWUBfü8r ]&&tu&el fteqpBKKgr <xP iBapsaodel system o@m# # e msxlmm jmg^L&tode o f o e o llle tlo a is roadbed* ^KBSpl#* llla e tp s te d &a Chapter 3 3br aat%G#& gwaOy <w&l(KCLatdW%a %gr twâMÆ3gd%&0BL3aet&K%& edlll 1w* redBersNMl in Bbe jPol3x%*ioy; t&adk#* <& e&wwdk #& tb# oa3UB&ai%*& imdkG*## $i eo8*&&%dÜ&9@i3B*y Tbs loadbr *14#% t&w* tèw»t %4w*w8j&*# 3%kK *grlia%aa&q** 3%9ü$*N&yeüke* i&iBgÿ&e**w&tia%& «By&i&a» d&aM&eü»* be a 2inZ 38^ <%$ #&* %9&ne3%&tgo&$ 5B%8 «K$wiin&3aa%t (gr*tRB& 3U% 8&w&#& 3k& 3%L$, :Kg*4& * laag** güL * C&w%pt4KP jk* jC) 3ba* oaCLeuüU&takl fïq&güKB&Glawa maa*:- 3L*t laodk» 2#620 ,&pBi 8%wi BKwa# y#3K%F i*pm <%p #1# (WP 3U&2 2&et*4)p <%f 3&W# Jkwlel 2%ysü8*a* 4%%p33r to #»q%w%ti(8& (1^)) ^^ / % « <4P / % * (Va //p ) (% / i ^ j ma»t. la m Q»2S* % HsfflW # (dp / % A * { 3,35 / 0 ,0 ^ A * 313*51 X 10® , JS /« • Z„ X — ------- ® ' 313.51 * WP x % X % 2 (m) OjrUoâap % w ma C^Uaâar Maaa*» Ip. » \ iw»in'»a®e.? ( m.s* 3K5k p . 13j» ) I 1 - 6* 2 * 1/%" ttîlBfc dlsîoi t • 1 'VI}.* 1@% W l# sœa «Ht* % * 0,00125 0,000% 0,0000085 + * O.OOW 0,00Q;ik56 0,001193 ♦ 0.00120^ \ # 0,001793 ♦ „ rg 0,0013055 X 1,1® * 0,( Sîgla# &flSæâmr % « !% * (1) # ® flM Kt îüod® o f fp «. W m» t ‘ P • 119 1 6" diannel-arm 2 l/iî." thick disks 2 — j»-» --- L— 1 ^,...11 r ■ 1.1" bz;._L.. . 1 36 — E n g in e C y lin d e r Mass Model System - Test 1 1* - 1 5 ohaimol-arm 2 . 1" thick disks i|. - 1/2” thick disks 2 r » 6 *8 6 6 " ^ lg + 37 - 3 ’* bolts and n u ts r m6 .8 6 6 " G e n e ra to r A rm a tu re Mass Model System - Test 1. 120 kZ^ X 27 X 165 7*708 tJ 2Si>.iîi itr- X X u,uuj5H^a x %“ 313.51 X 10® 0,003252 X %' / ^ may be If fjn la xariod, the ooprftspoading raltiea of t oalculateds- ops cpm 2 ® 1 .0 0 60 1 ,0 0 0 0 7 .7 08 1.25 75 1,5625 4.933 _ Inehos ■p « 122 ope# 122^ X 27 X 165 , “ 313,51 X 10^ X 0,003252 X 65.05 ' Beep the a@m# 8*t-up as calculated In ( l ) ^ above* % 2 in c h e s 66*0# 7+708 44933 (b) 1*000 8*%40 13+180 Generator Armature Mass and ëpaolne. Generator Armature Mass*Ip # 23#600 Ibs-in-sec#^ ops cpa 1.000 2*906 174*3 3+630 60.0 218*0 3^ ( 38* 119 ) ! • 1 » 15* lAaaml-mmm t « 1" ' #l@ k # # » 4 • %/t” W # ôl:itea 2 ^ « 3* lm% bol-fc* mad nwfes 0% W 3& 0,00228 , 0.000003&28 ♦ 0,00462 * 0 ,0 0 1 # * 0.0m%'32l{. 0 *# 1 6 3 7 W ♦ 0,00936824 r§ jg Sf^ Ch*8dWH&#%Wf a%M%8i3%g**» 3B& <%éa#Q» $# i&aüM* i8%è *w*a# j8#<as#tBKi*#& adbaHj&rllgr t&w* 48%* :#%p#adLQg ae&tdb&. gWT 3B&&81F %MMb*#Mwa i@&# #&%* (SliMk <gdL!aM&#%* )%pww%&zy& a%w& 4&w* e ^&eaays %*&at 1%* &W&* Cl) #8# tb# a f vib#*&iaB# # <#%% /& * 38*# * 7 # 7 08 3C-- ,» SbjLSS!»* 27 u im epB apa l.W 1.25 60 76 ■ —m 1,0000 1,5625 /a # 9,13^5" X 32 * ^ i# 0»Vi3l62 313.51 m 10® X 9,1355 . ‘m InaW * m i ##62 - # 47.1312 .2 313+41 % 1 0.W3162 X . 1* 1 È M 3# % 13.1' y 3.630 »'tl * fa® 174.3 213*0 # P* %&% 1*##* 0*062* * apm # th@ 6%'%#* ^ ( P#- 18). )# 1*8 #p&atn% * 7*?08 » 0*06$ % % # 9,136# - 0*068 % 8 # 9#' 123 suspension wire (0*02^ dla# about 10'' long) ^ ^ 1 l/I'p" bolt and nut l/L" thick disk 6” channel-^arm' model shaft of 0.062" dla gen. 3 " bolt and nut l" thick disk ^ l5 channel*arm- l/2" thick dis FI ;> 38 Ilodel System - Direct-coupled Generating Set. . fla to g. - Fodel System 6 - G y lln ü e r E n g in e D lr o c t-C o u n lo d to G e n e r a to r. Ill) %b# model ayatem eee&llm### wl%b * l l t t i * aeekla# mad teea* bl&Rg &R $&# vewtieml plaa# «&#& t&* motor 1# &e&v&og* torelOQal pead&iwa A ]a*f%*gwaBgy 1* 4 * ABBd&er o f 2&et# t&a Wbol# olBdlng the aweponalon # lr# ie potmtlng *b#& the vibr&tlon the model la peogream&B#* however# i t la dlmlalah## Wbll# the drlvlB # epeed 1» iBeroemea* %h# ataod 1# ahakea too# but I t la believed to give no ef#e#t o f r#a&a#ae** fhe applied frequenelea are o&t&laea by meaaorlng the roaalBg epeed o f the earn abaft* 8he& the maxlmm @%pll* tud# of v ib ra tlo a o f the model ayatem la obaerved# the ap* p lie d fregueaey la taken a t th at instant to give the natoràl freqaenay o f the eorreapondlng mod* o f vib ratio n o f the model eyatam* (a j #br onawnode v ib ra tio n , oounted fo r 10 eeoonda* or* fg& # (b) 33*# opm For t*o*nod* vib ratio n * counted fo r 9*7^ revolatiOB# iha# been 27*2 revolgtioa* Ihaa been 10 a&oond*; or f+2 » 16#*0 spm Wî (a i 6oiva*4«w» mS. 3«leu3.«fe»4 BmWwO, o w m a # TlWàtÊom** (W.,milm$ed %e«p9aey# # 60 eyo #w t # gS.g #m ;» Bm # e— — 60 0#W <» 2*5 # Cbî ■Wo» WMWd@ vlbmmWlem*:» O gtm laW l Wmmaam-t, $ 1 # *3 @m # # # 1 # *0 #pm H fflE » © m —----- -— » 0fC^32 i? lt*3 ov &.3 # i%7 rated &,T#0 BB# a# 138 rpm emgla* ea#» neoted t# tba pro p eller throagb a long leagtb o f tr&n*&&#* elon ehaft# lb# egulvmieat eyetam 1# eh@w& l&3%ak 17*## P*aP do# Oba#* te r 1) 3 * 3b# oalawlated frequeaolea are*# Satagdt lAsLb epm or 2*7#8 spa Bad MBd# 1#0%1*O epm or 17*3# ep# $etW8p o f 3b# Bbdel 1& order to elmülate tb# long leostb #eot&o& o f tbeipr»» p e lle r abaft# two wire# o f d iffe re o t diameter are aolder* ed together to m@k# the model ebaft* G*re ha# beaa taken a t joaotloa to #Bewr# the torelom al rig id ity * "(i&) ijR flja*% <]%r3JLiuakKr laawwt #ki%d 2%>aiojLb%o* :Ea IKkLlsk i&gLae, ## 3L6.TH?* d^ # Shew# ( d^ /d ^ 0*06àg* a ( 16*7$ / 0*062# # k»nuz3 X i(# ( l) Mae* aod üpaGlna# fo r #o, 3L * 1 , g* ^6*000 l&**inM&#e^8 6 BOgia* O yl*** X28 ^ im# m# m ) * 1 • 6* 2 * 3/%" # i« a ; mrnW 2 <* I" 1#% botis* aial m ta 0.0012S . O.OOOS& * 0.00106 pg ,_A.0000C^3 * ... O..OOQlg3l9 .if..., ^ # 0 ,0 # 7 # 3 ♦ . 0,00113378 ' ■* 1*03125* m , Ig, # 0,0011923 * * 0.00305125 @ b# f î» # % m e *# © & t w 0,00113373 X 1 . lb m M m , % « 2 ,7 5 3 #pm # # W iw , / 2,753® X W X W^OW 0.39813 dg « — —----------- y------------------------%-# :*23 X IC^ X 0,00305125 X fa® %® # * a 1 # v a r i e d ,@ m @ e m e # e m d l » g v a l a o B o f /« m m y toe o alcalated i" *1. «P* &m 1,0 " ^ 5Î1- im he# 1,00 0,31 oJP 1 6 " channe l- a r î! î 1 - 6 " 2 1 /Il" 2 • 1" b o lt s 2 1" b o lt s and n u ts r : t h i c k d is k s o h a n n e l-à m and n u ts r s l.i|8 6 ” 1 . 03125 " f —*H- - - - - - - - Il lï (a ) iïo . F l g . 39 1 ,3 ,1 ;., 6 c y l. (b ) No. i I 1 1 2 ,5 o y l. d n g in e C y lin d e r lias s ^ îk>del System - T e s t 2 OL Ô I j* 0.0625 F i g , i|.0 - é q u iv a le n t System o f P r o p e l le r w it h r « 1.7 2 F i g . ij.1 IJodel System 1 9" c h a n n e l-a rm 2 l/I|." 2 1 l/I|" P r o p e l le r lias s • Test 2. t h i c k d is k s b o lts and n u ts fo r m e aeomd m # - o f v lW a ti» # . . ■ ip # 3,f«35 # » * 17.35® X W X WW# ^ 3 5,A # ® * i|335,23 z 10& % 0 .(X )3 0 a # x /. %® ; 35,5%&00 1,10363 0.39313 Mam * . ' opa . 1*0000 32*0S%1 39*5500 1*0000 5,66 i 5. 6,2700 aaft % « ln g » 3^ a 3g 4. # , 8# 5» 60*00 335*63 376*50 % l.lm #r$* 22*000 Ibm-lmf#*#*® ( Fi*;, p. 129 ) I a ■**■ i * i«Bg b o lt# aisi ïsîts 1 ♦ 6* <Siafflael»a» 0.00125 ■0.0000021 ^ # 0,0012523 & # , 5 or ♦ 0.00012378 * 0.00012373 r® 0,00305125 / 2 * 0,001525625 0,001525625 * 0,0012523 w -------------------------- :-------------# 0,00012373 # %aeiMg WW##m HO, 3 e y l. an# Bo, Ip S 90» oyl, i- 2*20315 % w W » # # m m 'mMî» «g Wm i*e#* g# ** a* M # * * 0 ,% )% . Cb) fp o p o lls r %«m mâ a p # # % , (ï3 a # â m lW i % # # « fo r Ss km p «ts9 êm 8#mo3 %#@ o»W A a » * b#» 90 g*. # o«oô2S* C % # W# #* m W ïw à ty , tfa® p ro p e lle r spastog % # l#® # # # # # . gp » 5& W # « a /g # 1 » o *i 780® le # 0 . # m f— W ) # Ml##** a#7S-3® X 7800 X 53000 0 ,0 0 3 6 1 *. W@g*&3 m 10^ * i5 l* # jÉ i m %® * & * Ê» % # % 9 6"« « /g » M l.6 6 * /0 # .T 1 # 199#51" 3efe-% o f %*© p ropeller mam m a «>ftotoî fe r % # 0.*f*# %® p - . < % / A , .A # { # 3 *ia ## 0*9®* 199,53 * 0*ooM?5i 3*136 X 32 X 0, ( F ig , 111» p* 1 # ) I 1 *" 9' 2 •* l / I l 3 # 1 1 O.OOli 0 ,0 0 C * ♦ 0*0000023. . » .ar0,00li.7325 ♦ 0.00106 0*0,001I{S58 r®. 0.W120553 0.0)7333 • 0,® t7325 w # # 2,93 a* m 0, o,o6®5 -------- — s 1*33 — Dg «fame# O .C % 7 I — % m / 0, 0S ' * 0 ,c 4 7 * 0 ,0 8 # 0 ,0 0 3 7 6 " ït o r e f o r e , f la a l i y ' 7a • 3S » 0*003# # * .9 9 6 # ' Fbe f * # 1 ap* **& * // * 0*#8 * tb * .g&Bdl j%p&&ü%s3ü* /# H) f& ator # ( 3& a 0,81 ) « 0,90376 # ag#390&k* 9@afl8U##&l#& o f %b# Bba*& 8y#tam* ( Bl&t# #* P#13# ) j&aawae tbo dbaft ontere the Ol&ap by a leogtb ogwal to the diameter o f the ab aft, j%B* 3be model eyatem Im thu# jwetsgp ;&&<#%& * ae eboaa && Fig* Im Wbieb# Bbgiae oyliadar maea apa&inge ou the dbaft of 0*933?“ fo r Mo* .to * 2*3695" fo r »o* 0*06&$* &&*# 1# ani 2| So, 2 , asA 3; k a M $t Ho* 6 eyltoa«ps, 3 m6 $ «aâ h eyllwïora» su sp e n s io n w ir e ( 0 .0 2 " d i a . , 10 1 /2 " lo n g ) 1# l" m odel s h a f t e x te n s io n (0 .0 6 2 5 " d i a . , 20" lo n g ) lo n g b o i t and n u t l/k " t h i c k d is k 6 " d ia n n e l - arm 1 . 03125 "No# 1 o y l . Jl 1.L86" T Ko# 2 c y l# No# 3 o y l . f m odel s h a f t (0 .0 6 2 # " d i a . ) No. i r c y l. Il l#k86" No. # c y l . No. 6 c y l . m odel s h a f t (0 # 0 l|7 " d i a . ) V) o o\ 1 l/Ii" l/L " b o i t and n u t th ic k d ls k - - ^ 9 " c h a n n e l-a r m y r ro p ♦ / / 1 .. H ^ 1 . 723 " 1 P ig . 1l 2 - Model System 1 - 1 ■ M a rin e I n s t a l l a t i o n 135 Plate $ - Model System 6- C y lin d e r E ng ine M a rin e P r o p u ls io n I n s t a l l a t i o n . BWü*a ozi Bb# idbaZMk o f <)*Olür* dWü*m#1%Kr *«* 2Kl*j;H;%58dü, «» OtCtpl;. * 3:I:[) Sfewdb aktsPULll»;*, 3&3<> jlat %a«wG&* jbci lb&&a «taaawb iB% 8% % % % @ op #u* !&% & i3«w#d& (J&) * 9Bbw» ;wBqp3r<yr*a*KBWGw» c%f tdbdlj# ]OBON&#*3. adbkOVH» 3j#@# j*<*sw:dLt;i;yjLts3r, gpri*"# jgsBB&aJblLar Tbd&tkmKzg;* tt*** 4a8ar»iawa «sgCljLi&dksür ]8***»d*@w# #%%%» aMBrt" tggt spsk** Bkta#» (BSloiBw* a»* IB&k* #*%%pC&jl4waLjfa^gwsf&awowsgr goo# SadLggbp* 4*%» jToz* <a%>aw»3PiP%3nyg %&%** i#4#ecMQ*% law)#*# <*dF *gyi%1bG8& gwBo&jtlJLàkiBiM* sdlidbi sa##» i%pq%Bdbu*jbBy8&* düLj%(%l4*üLl,1& t%> €8RÜ&8@m $gbwB be**» %0K>dba]L ]&%; i*%k# i& IMltctZl#* 3&%& t&iO l@3KM>I%dl %a(M3k» 4&df irlib]p«kt;lon «odT Sgaa* %âè)d&qüL (j&jt JBcxr jE%%* 310 #*#cHnKl8* 2),7!> ipereqauLurkjLcgcNB «ups» <#;%%%%%*# jkt*** * {%}) 25c%» i39R3w"%w3Ha# jSw&#!> %q#irc}3A3d&&<)%ie; i*3P<* &a jpt»* IlO i8$>4B%%&e* &,*<»* jf a%%Bi m Gmvmlwm W W #m # © FF#gR#B#&e** më w ^1» Grnlmmwd WvmpmkBS'f # a , ■m # ##»#: * ------- (te) . 5 2 ,5 -% 0,0278 # «w» 52*5 #m or 2,78 5 # r #m *#o # SalosüyitMni f jg Emma mm» # ^ m '' ' 339.7 # 339*7 ep® # 323*5 m a m 0* 077% Or 7*71 # 130 7*1 o f Tb# *!odol I t ha# alreaây Tb##a ###&#& la Chapter ^ how engineering problem# may be atadlad by m&GB# o f the method o f model te a t* In deelgnlng a model, condition# maat be o a re fu lly determined In order to retain# in every re#pe@tf the ehar&eterl&tle# o f the o rig in a l ayatam* Fredlotlan 1# then made fo r the behavior o f the o rig in a l ayatem from the perform&nGo o f the model* Ihe model need in th la inveatig ating work la oonmtruet* ed In geomotrioal a lm ila rlty to the proto*type* 1*0+, the id ealieed or egwiv&lent aymtam o f the o rig in a l eyatam* !IS3d#%»j?cree# Ib&we» j&cwORiapswagr iBdltâki tdbwGJlhL the las&cUsl lagratKMBi 3p**prpg*' cbaeera tasw* tKsiTac&cxKüaül agjLcwaJL logrartëKBi 43%k9UP*%<Mbi&;Kia;i%i*&* (sdT ithie cirdL#* lugpon l&ort&i &&ie 4*iLtdLgKf%&a;tK)3"y <;oo33re:pi;i33y& <%f IsbwB c»rdLa»3jQW&3L iKacEq&zsgpBagaKcyt Sandso jits* 4»cpwjLin8Ll<*i%t (%yat%ew& *ücw& t&w& @ kGH8%ü%Qd&g» <34%Bw&t%%Ri<)tkia*%k %B(%3ü»3L #%3rart*KB&# jfiKB* #&** tag** ]%K>d@l *%F%&1538a jla (>cKBw&{%%99d*dL, dit, jits :r<)<&ùjlapaMl tüsu&i; t&*#» 3%K>dbeCl *%gT8l&G83i 1% G* joOLoaw&lgr (3gBwkiTfai3jGG3t; jLii <33f%%B&adLo jaa&dL Bulastjio ipMPCPSM&if,* tdLest i&c> tSaat <)4p3L%jLitgCl ICI; laR&g* 403};;3Krnr4»dl !&% %ae%rs%%q&3L tea&tm isbwadb tübw» iMBgpüroisaatiüO** OjT t&%* tü&3mG*l(%%%aL& Trijb3PgitdL<*%% sactclGl aqF%%1%8W & aw#Bi* be* Ibw» dLij*1&u8E4&"» 48W & tKgr eamftwajkn Shy» jftKKftkw*** t&sd*#*#» 1# :rGiot%33*3; tadLggkitt 1)4» q*)3*%49üBd&8Mgi# 3S& twba* %>fq»4S#*dk&]ag; ggbwgalbo:*», «i iG**BqBM*apaLaw8*%Slat 3a*%d&* 3L%i TbestgbL iboartw* teo 4#%iOMNr 1düwa cle* ]Ewaa*taaap# cwf tahwa tkewai; :p%a4fUL%jb*; j(ïP(XG& IbBwa <)*ü%xo%%3ja;bw»dl ifajjuwax*» J&Z1 @a8g&3;y9%jL8 o f IG&W S# 4&I*WW9*W%<>3r 4aWl**48Pq%S>«8B*%3UaH* 1bel2*P6H8Kl t&k#k 43Wk]k* aoGM# t@ 3w& :(yp4&cpüK)i&<%&d%i* j&a* iBwaw&*» <3:%taaa* jg%>]L3Womidk%&g page##*» jL) 3&Bwa4>c83WP#wQdL<*a* i& lütxdWkï a%f%*t%é*a# SS#* %üK>db»]L i@grarG**Bi31%; 3*<*t t%p spiibti ;aa&jhaw#4&*%>]Le%aBU*a;-dl%%8Kr4%|j&j& igadl 3&%%8Ma*&1%03%o;&jow»cl j*i}&odL%%dp* #wb tdbe {w&]l<Ri]LiK4M»d 'piaJkuw&ak* 5&a** (>f 4&4%ERaaM9W33r ]0*»(Msi*8Maapgr jftxp ^p8H»tüb%gr iBkk& i#%k3juw**f <801 30W &1; 1%t <)%>tw%inadl lagr a#M%#%%p3L%yg *dlt8b ik <)gM5Ul%wBWP3r <KW#3L#t* 35e%t&% t&%8 aaewmst 23*38%aikl& (%g» jkaw»&*tdL*& (&2* iskw* %r%&K%M&i%3jaG&)Bs&aü* agodl IBbwB <%2' 18bw& aweetElcwa <%f aGbwwfMb sawagr Siaoys* :&a%(%&3'rq#otr %#&%%#** (Main, tap t W» ;&%%awxnjüp«it* **<*#>«%%%%* 3*p<%&t ISkwa ;2%%i%3i%s*aG%$%&3L jfamaw* guanéy equ&tioa# the torglon&l v lb r*tlo & ay*t@m ba# tb# j%>l]an%i%y& eaüU&tdUa&e&ü^pa,* f lK V Tübaoa» I x/ <1 **i&&a88*t<wp oj* tb# labadft# !I 1* MaosasQodb<3:^ i3M*i4%i)aL €%f tdba*pdLtopSktKlasa; %a«Law#, / # SLswoystai <%f tab*» i#&wadPt:* Ih i# e&preaelo# ah#»» that both tb# m&ea 3Bom#Bt o f and tbo epaolng b&tmeea ma&a#* a ffa o t the fregwanay o f tb * vibratin g ayatam inveraoly && the aqpmr* root of the lio e w diw aaion* %) BoB^Ualformity e f %&» 0&d@& ^b&ft* I t l8 ahawA ia the above am reaalon th at the freguanoy v*# rie a w ith the #@#are o f the abaft diameter While the leogtb o f the 2&wü^i#^4#*%BW#2Km*#tof ia a rtla remain wnabaDged* 3ba model abaft i& aaawmed to b* o f oaiform eiae tbe8#0&e#t it# Vbol# length* I f the model abaft i& not n a ifo r# in ol&e, tb# frequency may b# changed conaiderahly, II) gffo o tive Length o f #he 8#@tio& of Wbdel Shaft* I t %R%& gaw&UBBwi t&y%t* 2b& 0w&tt3j%g tba* aàck&ai aQnete&&# t&w; abadft awatea#; the cldwgp# <&f t&wB Bü&ae#düB#3d&i& set eawdb 48%& (dp IB# 2H»otdk*& tor an imaotait (KB&al ibo t&w* dWLem*M&ar t&w& abaüft# BkM*G9%%p# i t 1# IbeajLevqwi t&wwt t&w* cdSfecüüive SLexk^Wb cdP t%w* @w»cti4w% cdP a&wwft BB%y ta» gaMwataop t&uw% t&w» «og&eclB&d vTüiwe (iae t<> the i%BKM%pt#üüati4%e cüP tiw» tijgitoKW*# <%P iik t bartaewm t&w* %aa3W&#iiKM*ti#t elaegp aaai t&w* a&w&ft* 3^%%a 1&w@ cQQprgwNRio&k i*besm& 4ab<nn», t&# ibM&gwwKtey <%f t&w» aKM&el sgratKBR 411 t&WKP*j%%P# tw* lower* A# & m atter o f f&ot* vh#n the epaeing 1# not ##t igp very oloae# the e ffe c t on the frequency o f the model "*y»# tarn duo to th i* uncertain condition m&at be neg lig ib ly am&ll* ^hen the anaclng# bet*e#a the m&*8#iB*iti&8 are fa ir ly am allf a# in the te e t o f a marine in a ta lla tlo B * the 4&KP0# III) th# Clagpiaa @ff#e$ imcy b# Corroctiaa fo r #**# o f Shaft o f tb * Mb&el System* Ibe abaft &# ageum*# to b# weljbtlaas# I& @a#e a Il^ b t ayatam la aet ep * ltb am&Il maa#*loert*a amâ long aaetlon# o f ah âft, aa la tb * a*#a o f aooond te a t o f tba maria# &B#* ta lla tlo n # oorraetloa fo r tb# maaa of abaft may b# taken in to aooount by follow ing tbe ru i# d#aorib#& prevlooaly ia Gbaptér 2 * B) DampiBj Bffaot# Ib * model ayatem la aaawmad to vlbrat# &a jaaiæm&mgww&j&MW* torelonal ayatem* I f damping la introdwoed in to tb# :mod#l ayatom from any aooro#, fo ria a ta n c # , tb * frla tlo n a l re#!#* tane# ealatlng in tbe a&zportlag bearing## tb# natorai ;fr#* gw&Boy *111 be radBood# lag 3bla may be verled from tbe fo lio *» l&wt email damping or 1 gbere & < #_ # % ItuL* n&L 0^ f_ # damped natural freq&en@y M I # maae moment o f In e rtia # e tormlOBal rig id ity of tb# dbaft # damping oo&ataAt Wbidb produoe* tb# damp* jby; i&Em#&*1&&lA&]pr^portlon#l to tb * v l* bra&loaal velo o lty *2 # o rltl(# & damplB#, tb@ valu* o f damping ooa#» toad; W iloh 3KnMP*#%waa*#k i&& $&w* *g%w&ltaaH& ojP t8M8**lidbaa 4a% frswk irl%8Nktloa i*it%kirl*4KBw* dmplag IhdüB a&wBPB t&u&t $&H& darngpod %%&twGMdl f%MW%#e%wgr &# iloasBr tbaaa iWb* %HB&a8%M%& %w&tw3NCL fïNwaoaw&gy* g&WM* odP 4& A&#K»* t&w» r#aK%oaB%&* édU** id ltb irl*<xM&$ dbaqpiay; ahoam* tba* tWCfsw^b odP daBgplay2 <%% t&u& fymaqwww&egr raddLo *%t %q&@o%wKBawk 3&l ( I%$ 3i&) )# id; 1# B04H& tÜWKt tai* *N*#0&WKBgW# a&ülftM* to t&wk idWPt #w* (K%9B%wp*d i#it&k t&w» %8%aam%>o& aPorirad ifib*%%tl(%&# ]8#*w&# t&w& «gwpliawâ f%M*gwa8&#y *kt %%M&oiww&8* iK&Il be Bldk^itlar IcwM*# l&wa# IBao %%at%wMkI d%M»q%ww&oy <>f t&w» i%H»$ m%%aa&H»a TdW%r*ddW%B agfatamk» jlIt&M5ua)& t&M» daegplayg bw&* *K%aa s&fÊüw&t <*& t&w» $HWpf%m39à*B*a 4)f lBbo lacKb&I agFeiMM#* la» %&> o<%38l(&&r%d*lo i&r%%%r 3ba twde* i*y& t&w& agypllak# iüreg%w%nagr to t&se xw&tgom&l jRpoqpw&Bdgr o f iBbo zaodaül agnGt#@& Wbwan ta%# {&B9pdba& jka twüllaMnea l&o t%* vsnry m aall* ïBbo dam%pl%y& iai twMBb tOie la&dCIl agn&t%H& *o&& lib * %%&&$%&»%%%%» 1^3 OO OsZ o .ll 0 ,6 0 .Ô o) = h o /.2 hU F r < z c j^ U (2 n c j I G /8 R o i i o h-3 • Resonance D iagram o f F o rc e d V i b r a t i o n w i t l i V is c o u s Damping » Showing The iï,f f e c t o f Damping on F re q u e n c y R a tio a t R esonance, -2.0 jUf aagr# iBbawi auwsBBWül 4w> p*%%po3r&loa&#l* ]Ct #a%o%jU& %w* Beta# th a t p##&iotia& fo r #b# behavior o f tb * proto»typ* fro # tb# p«rfor#*B@* o f tb * BB&*I »yotm& a#n iab%ylx*aww&* QBdor tb l# çoBâltloB# A ll th&#« feotorm j%#% ao&t&omod «blob & ff#ot tb * per# formanoe o f th6 modal ayetem may bo p a rtia lly or fa ily :a3&dlBKlj»@kâ 6dl*89wB%* tpgr iabw>ggp#*t%i<>#Cl (N)ii@üldleü*aLtjLo*% os* Ibgr ]***&:&%%& jK*qBMKM3iP#*gM8K%l%8 31% % b3%@ cwaciBrLüPuicrbjLf):! (>jT tJi* lakatlal agsrartwiBt f%K#» j&BOpiÜ&wawp taaad&ljGf; Bmaiplc# ?#»2! ikgnPOPcypGPdLedb** IBB;** S%k>dbB3L i8grarbOB&, *«"# &jba&*» 1G%w* dPa&GHgfaaKowogr if*%r4E*k*; iedL#& t8%*& #K%WBaaMt <adf t&%#» jdbuauft: 43jL#a%*1&#r* jtik %%111 jdtkGHiF #w9q?*%eH)jLaLb1L<» (S&waaaggMk <3üT 3&#8pgf%y%#s9LBw&4t ocP tiaa» %ac*dbB3L at,f3tM3%& jPoa* *& aijLr&it» ja&waamge* (%f Sasw* aübawlMb djlaB#1ber* SDOOM»;» iodf gpsibolasaE ikdMOB&dLtdLifljbgr aawadt JBtmr i>€oeüRc%e#88ücw8*p <owf i8%(* 3aK>dbB& agr(;1&8*a, jit: la* dksaiiiPtadl t%c> **€)loot% tb l# i#dl3%& jPo:r tdbw) G@aw*l*t iB&aat 8%ewà&3l ja3F%rG%*B%* !%(*%%) f%8üP(Kr#kb:l4> (K):%d&t;loa sasggr dk3u*& Tb<& (OWbtwodlzmk* *%>%* ik&k#* lacwckal i&#*9r& %%y gtei&i%%jai% % % % > iL%&@a&gkdb&3L a&yaikwBt iKlGki %awtGU*4"lj54*%*kjl<&* ftBP 4%&>@rt* aüboü&xl Ibi» luww&dl jgatt; ]L#Bp%s<* #BWwGdl8y&##* «BawadLl aaauBW&*<la3aMp4bjl@w* *1 a&a&BkdbMP 2%K>db&l ][t jla %%#HOk&*%sH*apgr jl%% tao» 41 (BGHawl ]pqp<y%%3G?t%l<%%i iOGwl ei jLxi ITiu) 2%P()&W)8€M& 2»3j;*& 4&af IPomgti* <%cK0d%i'O& JMk&dk*! i98r#ibM#B&#4*""" 3L& *& i%>%3rjLi%3 tdbM* torqp**» Into tab*» ]%K)dbB& ocP ai adbw&j*# gqsnadMWOkt jLt iLe 3*0Hgti*jp<»dl l&o» zagdkB» ljadl#apdLdb**k3L f%*%* ip&%<legw* $%]#%#%**#* *%EW & og?:33jF tab*» c*>a***»«qpM@%w3Wl*%g laogpqpoK* t%> ây&cai aaaw»#; jia t&se <%** 4& ]P4Hp]p8i9(Mnd:iJcy5 aKpgr#üDy»8%a%%Bdb* Bk&a»jLrw;aftjl& (wowl %&*** ag*w& tx>*qp%#w* oof 4*%%cyln* <%yCULcw&e%' a%üw#t 1b<» xasid#iNdltab #i ikeqpâkSNad&e» <%SB& ftnr *&awB&& agrlia"» j&asp* Ï15%*ü*<» iBWKBà* 3%8%3r i%#k BioMatM&di *9%k *k ladkcysl# dbpdltMext la&uBJpl; abb %%r<%gHa** ip&WBw*** %%)]L*jbloa t&o awaudbi *»#%*%%* rtuuBt; Is*» tw&ioGws jlii isetl&ijQa; tag* iWbw» <B*a&at aw* laba&t 18%* 0&&eüp*&gM&e%ÿdL#ibjL<H# (OdP taba* awB&jLcM* aaeKgrTb*» 3*<*tw*jba*»d «&# IGo labw* jC^Li'lng; <)#&#»** $HB& tdbe* ]p*s*4&aLa%i3b&3P i&3*%q%ii@p*B%e334* <%f 1Kbu&4; <%EygjLcw»* Sg&w& awBB* la&iawgl; lowKzipgrijQi; iPLll iakw» 1%09&qpwaf*gpopcN3b&ekl%%gE <s*Baw# ij* 48apdùoM&&Tbgr 8%%*» %aot*>%*-<33*lif4&a*3rart@Bi* 2&**l3ig; :fo3J&epRR%3P# i#3ÜLl Tbo TWj*€Ha 3Ü& idbu&a* lawtcdb&a&aBi Ibo1s%*@aiaRtlttibkia» asDtdLcMa (%f tdbx» eg*** teo tabd* eaoasljQ*» i8gr3L&%3dW@3&]8Bw;@HN* ja*#py&]p#Kt*»3;y# tw) TuusGd aw# #L jpdLvoti jpoarb oüT tabeaw* 3P#Ke*%3Llj&3L TsdLtBi tab** a*%BkadkiadM;* ]L(XE%s %%)& iNdLIl isa&dl %acM8i;tw»(K :&%) 3?1L*BKjlthI** tab** :fo]Llo%f#p8 (wcwi tObo laasgrlas** (sgKljli&db&x* aaai****** ipSPorvildkBKi# !%%&*; ILaaog; ILjlggbls *#%xe3Liyg** aàp*k Ibe lb** indH** ipjLdbaailJXar b&%** jflUeacjlblL** <&<>%Da**<&tiL<%EW» 1b4*t9*N**M& t%ba 3%@:l3cw(KW* aaadl tbw* 4%33vyN&*g;Ma%wajLEy& anasija** cgrljlztdbBa* laa&aw;**# dka tab** %9E>t&e3L 3B& zswagr %%$ tabw* (OKkXBaakcdkjlcwaai leawak» *adF 3109812 iLjlght; iggMPdkoy;*; i*3J&3L 1b4k (d%ül4& 1&% > #&%p3Ly t%o laba* %ag>db*I 1*91*# tmmtha drivlag tarqp* elollar to the Imput obtained fraa the m e # a n lm * %b* #*me and tb#&# folio#**# ah#u&a be adjuetable to handi# varlou# aprangemoBt ef the #&&*& ay&te#* & eketeh *hê%ln& the Id#* of tbl# erB&Rge# amB&l# provided &&$%$* kk ( P* 34? *&& IbS )* BOt# to F ij, iaamde o f at##l rod la reaaoaebi# *1%# o f appro&lm&t# leagth egeel to the lbe&ght o f the etand* 2b# #*1& b e a rln j* fo r th la ehaft a*y be eeoured on top #Bd bottom frame# o f the «tend# Interm ediate ibeae&n* ##* ppo&t# a r* **qpir#& fo r e tlffn eea and adjustment* 2be pivo t poet 1# mounted In a lin e w ith the model aymtem* Follower# mn#t b* lin ed up along the ;plvot ]po#t and In p a ra lle l w ith the m a*8»lB #rtl* ObannelmarB# of the model eyetem before engaging the cam#* 2h&# lanm&re# the proper pha#e re la tio n met up la 3he earn# on the cam dbaft* (3) Figure# a* b, c dbo# the aaeeWbly o f the cam shaft and the p ivo t poet o f the emlng follow ere* Flgwr* d the*# the fle x ib le connection between #&* fciio w er and the &&##* In e rtia channel-arm o f the model ayatem# Oi) 2%B»i%B3%w#cf b#l#B#la& the model When the eammdrlv* 1 kl d r iv i n g s h a ft follower pivot post a . s h a ft / bearing (b ) model system /Stand i’ ig * i|l|, - Scheme o f Cam—S h a f t A rran gem ent* 3J4S follow er sw ing f o l l o w e r m a s s - in e r t ia c h a n n e l arm o f m odel system s h a f t o f th e m odel system F ig * [li!. - d - Scheme o f The F l e x i b l e C o n n e c tio n b etw een The C a m -F o llo w e r and The M a s i n e r t i a C h a n n e l-a rm o f Ih e M odel S ystem . iW (jg IbwadLBys lyjldkBd <%ki iBkw$ Tugpcwakp agF%aBW#d&*»là***l f%%qp*%ryap#B*eo&1& iiwqsr I}#» %)3*o*» atiaS** iOdP t&ie BGCNga»! **3rat#Ba# 4» ibdb#*" ipod Bgggr Tbt* TaaKkd 1%) <%;%%%%*<*%staws&i jpailar ,83* ;ft>]LIo*p*3p* 1*0 iBbaadb iKkuagr laape <%pH&]p*Lt*tdL a*jü%aa3^SüKf**<)üL83i3r a ada&sli* aw # 1, s. * rn h m U im fn M m m te te g im » te s *» B. %m m #w w a. % .» » * % # :, »#%.# 2» », êâXtim, 1937. Wil#€®î “ Solbatlem. o f tewlom&l Pro&lmm “* V ol. I , smrn m m & &MM* m # te rn , ».%, # Sooom eaittem , 2St|^. 3, », A, ^ * tewlm wa. VlW *#cm " , amn m i^ a &%#, i* » iw k , R .i,, 1 9 * . %# J, P* B » Hartogi • itecîMBBieal Vlbrntltm # W e ^ v m m il Do#: Go,, Mm ïo ife, M .ï, te W o a itlw , Wk% S, F* M. Gousteai * te # ly # W . Boaigs o f R l# %«## teWmW. C tatestitm tegtm a " , M te m Piibltehts^ Co*s»„ v m %«%,. I9l4i«