WESTERN MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY College of Science and Mathematics Department of Biological Sciences Graduate School RESEARCH PAPER Entitled ACADEMIC STRESSORS: STRESS LEVELS AMONG THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS A Proposal Presented to the faculty of the Department of Biological Sciences Graduate School Master of Science in Teaching Biology JEAH A. BATOBALUNOS ACADEMIC STRESSORS: STRESS LEVELS AMONG THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Different consequences of the kids' academic struggles have had an impact on their performance. In particular, the Senior High School students have seen a significant increase in stress as a result of the epidemic. They struggle to study the various subjects and themes this school year because of the integrated learning. Without a qualified instructor, a student would undoubtedly be uncertain about the responses they gave in the tasks for their modules. The thought of having insufficient information to pass this academic year causes students to worry and become anxious. The academic performance of a student differs in the capacity of their understanding and knowledge. Students stresses out when there is too much to do and not enough to finish it for the due date. The brain becomes exhausted from being overworked by too much activity. When someone doesn't get enough rest after a demanding job, they continue to feel exhausted. The same is true if a student procrastinates and completes their work days before the due date. It will only exert the necessary effort and assume the danger of fatigue in order to complete the stated duties. Students' reactions to stress make them anxious and have an impact on their academic performance. One of the normal responses the human body has to difficulties is stress. Numerous things might cause stress in students. Regardless of age or grade, a student's capacity to learn, memorize, and maintain a high level of academic achievement can be affected by chronic stress or high stress levels. Additionally, stress can lead to poor mental, emotional, and physical health in students. If parents and teachers are aware of and have a solid understanding of typical stressors, they may be able to assist pupils in avoiding chronic stress in their life. It is important to deal with student stress because it might have major negative impacts. Fear of failure among students who have struggled in school because they might have a track record of failure. According to experts, stress is an outburst of energy that basically advises you on what to do. In small doses, stress has many advantages. For instance, stress can help you meet daily challenges and motivates you to reach your goals. In fact, stress can help you accomplish tasks more efficiently. It can even boost memory. Stress can also be a vital warning system, producing fight-or flight response. When the brain perceives some kind of stress, it starts flooding the body with different chemicals. This creates a variety of reactions such as an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, the senses suddenly have a laser-like focus. Stress is the key for survival, but too much stress can be detrimental. Emotional stress that stays around for weeks or months can weaken the immune system and cause high blood pressure, fatigue, depression, anxiety and even heart disease. If stress can weaken the immune system, then students are particularly having the inability to concentrate or complete tasks, get sick more often with colds, body aches, other illnesses like autoimmune diseases flare up, headaches, irritability, trouble falling sleeping or staying awake, changes in appetite or gets more angry or anxious than usual. Statement of the Problem Most Senior High School Students encounter stress in our everyday lives, especially in meeting academic demands. The said stressors still remain evident in the society. Therefore, this study is aimed to determine the level of stress and its effects on Senior High School students. Specifically, this study sought to find the answer to the following questions: 1. What are the levels of stress in each indicator? 2. What symptoms did the most impact to Senior High School students? 3. Do the different factors have a significant effect on stress? 4. Does gender have a significant effect on the stress levels? 5. Is there a relationship between gender and the factors? Significance of the Study This study is conducted to determine the level of academic stress and its effects to Senior High School students. The result of this study is beneficial to the following: Students. The result of the study may serve as a basis for students in distinguishing their possible choices for the development and improvement of their learning quality. Teachers. The result of the study may express the virtue and creativity of the teachers and improve their method of handling activities and requirements. Parents. The result of the study may be advisable on the part of the parents for them to be able to be informed and be aware of their child/children’s learning. School Administration. The outcome of this research would help the school administrators how to deal with their teachers, develop courses of action to address the problems needed to be addressed. Guidance Counsel. The results of this study may be advisable on the Guidance Counsel to better address the problem regarding stress. Future Researchers. The result of this study would serve as a point of reference of those researchers who are planning to conduct the same study in other settings. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE According to Khan (2013), stress affects some areas like students’ performance, gender, age and educational level. Student performance shows that the less the students have their course period but are required to accomplish many modules, leads them to stress. The higher the stress, the lower the academic achievement of the students. Talib and Zia-ur-Rehman (2012), implies that the higher the stress perceived by the students, the lower is their performance. High and low academic performance differed significantly on educational, miscellaneous and overall sources of stress. Delayed academic stress decreases students’ academic performance it hinders his ability to study efficiently and better time management. (Khan & Kausar, 2013). In general, the components of academic performance are curriculum and instruction, teamwork and placement and among these aspects curriculum and instruction were found to be largely responsible. Learner’s improvement of academic performance is one of the main objectives of educational institutions, because academic performance is essential for success and progress. Stress, anxiety, depression is commonly found among the students in present days (Wani, Sankar, Rakshantha, Nivatha, Sowparnika, & Marak, 2016) stated further that academic stress, social stress, emotional stress and financial stress are some of the common stresses that are experienced by students. According to Porwal and Kumar (2014), some sources of student‟s stress are their academic performance, family, friends, and other social performances that was not able to be managed and well treated while handling it. Hence, academic stress adversely affects overall adjustment of students. In fact, Shastri (2016) were emphasizing that stress is correlated to academic achievement. Gunuc (2014) stated that cognitive, emotional and behavioral engagements had a strong relationship with academic achievement, and it is important to increase students‟ cognitive and behavioral engagements. Ghatol (2017) stated that stress is also highly correlated with social and financial stress and family status in the society. It is a result of a wide range of issues, including test and exam burden, a demanding course, a different educational system, and thinking about future plans upon graduation. Stress is something that causes anxiety or depression, it comes from schooling, church, environment or even at home. Porwal & Kumar (2014) stated that there are lot of stress related to studies, home works, test and other academic competitions. The students also face a lot of stress due to imbalance of academic, social performances and time management for extra-curricular activities from education. Stress occurs when aspects of the environment overwhelm an individual, when too much is expected from and individual cannot meet their expectations. (Wani. Sankar, Rakshantha, Nivatha, Sowparnika & Marak, 2016,). Learner’s improvement of academic performance is one of the main objectives of educational institution, because academic performance is essential for success and progress. Different factors such as individuals learning styles and studying skills can influence academic performance. (Mashayekhi, Rafati, Mashayekhi, Rafati, Mohamadisardoo & Yahaghi 2014). Conceptual Framework Independent Variables Senior High School Students Dependent Variables Stress Levels, Symptoms, Gender, Factors Figure 1. The Dependent and Independent Variables The conceptual framework is shown in figure 1. It shows the relationship between the dependent variables and independent variables. The dependent variable presents the Senior High School students that are facing stress in meeting the academic demands while the independent variable presents the levels of the stress, symptoms, gender and factors. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design The researcher will employ an experimental correlational research design in this study with the help of a custom questionnaire. The research tool is largely used to collect the data. To ascertain the effects of stressors on the senior high school students of Sibugay Technical Institute Inc., a correlational analysis is conducted on the data principally derived from the study instrument. Research Sampling The researcher will employ convenient sampling procedure. 100 Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated STEMS students will participate in this study as participants. The Sibugay Technical Institute Inc. senior high school students are the target population for this study in generating information about their view on the effects of stressors, which uses the students who are enrolled for the academic year 2023–2024 as the foundation for population selection. Inclusion: the sampling included 50 senior high school students of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated who are officially enrolled for the academic year 2023-2024. The students undergone the same questions on the questionnaires that gathered and tallied then recorded the analyzed using the data given regarding on the issue of facing the effects of the said common stressors. Research Settings The setting for the research is at Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated, Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay. Students who are included on the research are living within the municipality of Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay but the main location is at the school for the data gathering and it is process by giving questionnaires through face-to-face. Respondents of the Study This study involved Senior High School Students who are studying at Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated who were enrolled in the School Year 2023-2024. Table 1 Respondents of the Study GENDER TOTAL PERCENTAGE MALE 75 50% FEMALE TOTAL 75 150 50% 100% Research Instrument The data collection instrument to be used in the research is a self-made questionnaire. The self-made questionnaire will be used to collect data from the participants who are selected Senior High School Students of Sibugay Technical Institute Inc. Descriptors of each indicator were measured in terms of the five-point Likert scale format, namely: 4 – very high, 3 – high, 2 – average, 1 – low. Establishing Validity and Reliability The instrument is referred to the Guidance Counselor of this undertaking for their approval of the instrument of this study. A reliability testing of the instrument is necessary since the instrument is a self- made and content validity indices and reliability coefficients are already obtained. The researchers formatted only the instrument considering its face validity, readability, reliability and aesthetic value. Rating scale will be added with the corresponding qualitative descriptions. Scoring Procedure To draw out the responses of the respondents in the effects of stressors to senior high school students of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated, the four-point Likert scale format are employed and described as follows: 4 – Strongly Agree/Very High. This is a rating given to statement where provisions in the level of stress are excellently observed. 3 – Agree/High. This is a rating given to statement where provisions in the level of stress are satisfactorily observed. 2 – Disagree/Average. This is a rating given to statement where provisions in the level of stress are fairly observed. 1 – Strongly Disagree/Low. This is a rating given to statement where provisions in the level of stress are poorly observed. Scoring is done by multiplying “very high” by 4; “high” by 3; “average” by 2; “low” by 1. Weighted mean was given description as follows. Scale 4 3 2 1 Range 3.21 – 4.00 2.41 – 3.20 1.61 – 2.40 0.01 – 1.60 Description Very High High Average Low Data Gathering Procedure A letter of the researchers will be sent to the Office of the School Management of Sibugay Technical Institute, Incorporated, for the approval and endorsement to gather data of the study. Upon approval, the researchers personally administered the instrument to the respondents. The researchers observed all the rights for the respondents to understand and to respond to the items in the questionnaire. After the administration, the questionnaires immediately were retrieved. The responses were then tallied, computed and interpreted employing the appropriate statistical tools. Statistical Treatment of the Data Weighted Mean. This will be employed to find out the level of stress of Senior High School Students of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated. Computation was performed by getting the product of the weight of the scale and the frequency of each scale divided by the total respondents using the formula: Weighted Mean = WX N where: = Summation X = Frequency of each scale W = Weight of each scale N = Total Number of Respondents Pearson r Product-Moment Coefficient of Correlation. This will be used to find out the significant effect of stress of Senior High School Students of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated. The computed r was obtained using the formula: rs 6 d i 2 n n2 1 Where d i , is the difference of the ranked variables. n ,is the number of observations The correlation value was interpreted as follows: An r from 0.00 to 0.20 denotes negligible correlation An r from 0.21 to 0.40 denotes low or slight relationship An r from 0.41 to 0.70 denotes marked or moderate correlation An r from 0.71 to 0.90 denotes high relationship An r from 0.91 to 0.99 denotes very high relationship An r equals 1.00 denotes perfect relationship Ethical Considerations: An ethical committee or institutional review board should examine and approve the research design and methods. The researcher will obtain a letter to tell the respondents as they participate in the study. Any pertinent information will be disclosed, and the replies of the responders will be taken into account. REFERENCES Akande, J., Olowonirejuaro, A. and Okwara-kalu C. (2014). 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