Uploaded by Max Pavlovsky

Dance Lesson Notes: Waltz, Rumba, Cha Cha, Tango

Notes from dance lesson 10/9/24
Checkout with pro will be November 8th (cost is ?)
Medal ball: cost is ?
Choreography for Wedding First Dance cost ?
Song choice: I Choose You by Forest Blakk
solid frame for alternating curls/cuddles? High elbow, not pushing but just leading by my
movement. Guard Rails
Left and right turns, start on the diagonal for left
Back to back, face to face, use paint the ceiling, then paint the walls
CBL into outside partner, do 3 times then bring her back
Crossovers, at the end, do a turn into 5th position, results in a rotation of 90 degrees
Rumba walks: Feet stay on ground, balls of feet, reminder to also do that in outside
Alternating turns, switch hands right during the side together side, left on top, then push
out (open break) into double hand turn, then do another as I go behind, a total of 4 and
Crash into the Starburst
Cha cha
Push pull, do CBL into it
Chase turns, CBL first
Open fan, arm styling to match hers
Open fan with turn, without turn
Basic, corte, promenade basic, promenade into fan
Forward rocks, give her a little room, release, but don’t lean over, lean in from right side
Future TBD
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