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Simple solutions for QBCFMonitorService Not Running On This Computer

Quickly Fix QBCFMonitorService Not
Running On This Computer Error
The company file monitoring service in QB can cause issues while accessing the QB
functions in a multi-user mode. This scenario can lead to the QBCFMonitorService
not running on this computer error, which can arise when there are firewall
blockages or Windows registry issues, among other possible reasons. If you
encounter the QuickBooks monitor service not running error, you can perform the
detailed solutions below to rectify the issue.
If the reliable steps mentioned in this blog seem challenging or difficult to
comprehend, and the solutions are time-consuming, you can call our team
of QB technicians at 1.855.738.2784 to get direct help with the monitor
service issues.
What are the Main Reasons and Factors
Leading to the QBCFMonitorService Failed
to Start Error?
The following common causes and possible scenarios might lead to the QBCF
monitor service stopped error •
The Windows firewall or an anti-virus app might be configured to block QuickBooks
and cause obstructions while running the monitor service.
There are Windows registry issues in the system, and the registry files might be
damaged, corrupted, faulty, or contain invalid entries.
Essential services, like the database server manager, might not be running
correctly and the service might be inactive, unresponsive, damaged, or missing
from the main PC.
Your QuickBooks Desktop version is not correctly installed on the server PC, and
the version might be incompatible, old, or outdated.
There is some virus or malware attack in the system, which can prevent users from
running the monitor service by causing interference in the process.
Reliable Solutions to Terminate the QBCF
Monitor Service Keeps Stopping Error
The QBCF monitor service not responding error can be effectively rectified by
using the quick solutions given below -
Solution 1 - Configure Windows Firewall from the
Run Tab and Ping the Server
You can tackle the QBCFmonitorservice won't start error can be fixed by editing
the Windows firewall settings.
Open the server PC and run the CMD command from the Run dialogue box to
type IPconfig.
Get the server's IP address and open the command prompt to type PING with
the Server's IP Address, followed by hitting Enter.
Check the connectivity and try sending the data packets to check the status of the
connectivity problems before running the monitor service.
Solution 2 - Terminate the Monitor Service from the
Processes Section of the Task Manager
You can terminate the current monitor service to restart it from the task manager tab.
Exit QuickBooks and launch the Task Manager to go to the Processes tab, then
locate the monitor service.
Right-click the QBCF Monitor Service and choose the End Task option, followed
by hitting Yes on the confirmation window and rerunning QuickBooks to check the
status of the monitor service issues.
You can follow the comprehensive guide given above to tackle
the QBCFMonitorService not running on this computer error. If these solutions
seem ineffective in fixing the service issues, you can call our QB support team
at 1.855.738.2784 to get direct help with the error.