THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD PRELIM REVIEWER FUNDAMENTALS/CONCEPTS • • • • • • Parochialism refers to a narrow and limited perspective that focuses solely on one's own local or limited surroundings. Globalization refers to the ongoing process of increased interconnectedness and interdependence among countries, economies, cultures,and societies around the world. Manfred Steger - austrian prof. He said that it is the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and across world-space. Globalism - an ideology or belief in favor of increased international cooperation, collaboration, and collective decision-making on global issues. Arjun Appadurai, globalization occur on multiple and intersecting dimensions of integration that he calls "scapes." There are multiple globalizations called scapes – Ethnoscape, Mediascape, Technoscape, Financescape, Ideoscape ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION • • • • • • • • • • • Silk Road - network of pathways spanned from CN to M.E. and EU. Products traded are usually silk. Galleon Trade - Connected MNL and Acapulco, MXC. Was part of the age of mercantilism 16th-18th Century, Period of Mercantilism – a system of global trade with multiple restrictions. EU sell more goods to boost their country’s income 19th Century, Open Trade System - Gold Standard, A common basis for currency prices and fixed exchange-rate system -all based on the value of gold. Ended after WW1 "Great Depression" Bretton Woods system - "largely influenced by the ideas of British Economist John Maynard Keynes. Established IMF and IBRD or now called WB. Fixed Exchange Rates. Ended 1970’s. Neoliberalism - privatization of governmentcontrolled services Keynesianism - economic theory, stagflation, “oil embargo” by OAPEC 20th Century, Fiat Currencies Liberal internationalism • • • GLOBAL POLITICS • • • • INTERNATIONAL TRADING SYSTEM • Economic globalization is an Irreversible Trend Refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies because of the growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of international capital and wide and rapid spread of technologies International Monetary Fund (IMF) lending institution that helps each country to recover from financial crises. World Bank - responsible for funding reconstruction projects of countries sovereign states particularly the desire for greater cooperation. One window into the broader phenomenon of globalization. • • • • Globalization of politics refers to the multiple interactions or relations between states. Politics the activities of governments concerning the political relations between countries Internationalization refers to the deepening of interactions between states. One window to view the globalization of politics. International relations - political, military and other diplomatic engagements between two or more countries Nation-State - refers to state governing a nation “Christendom” (the entire Christian World). State - refers to a country and its government. It has four attributes: 1) population (citizens). 2) territory 3) government 4) sovereignty Nation is defined as an "imagined community" or group of people who shared a common culture, language, history etc. (Benedict Anderson) • Socialist internationalism • • • • • • • • • Treaty of Westphalia - signed in 1648 to end the Thirty Years' War in EU Westphalian system - a system that gives stability to European nations through direct control of their domestic activities - free from interference of other nations. Napoleonic Code - a principle that spread "liberty", "equality" and "fraternity" as themes for creation of new form of government in France. Metternich system- an alliance of "great powers" - United Kingdoms, Austria, and Prussia that restored monarchical, hereditary, and religious privileges of rulers. Internationalism - imagined system of heightened interaction between various Campaigned for 8-hr workday, Labor Day, int’l women day Karl Marx - premium economic equality among the classes of citizens in the world. Friedrich Engels – along with Karl Marx, they established a socialist revolution Vladimir Lenin - established the communist international (Comintern) Stalin - re-stablished the Comintern as Communist Information Bureau (Cominform) FUNCTIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS • THE INTERSTATE SYSTEM • Immanuel Kant – believes that citizens in the state must give up some freedom and establish a world govt Jeremy Bentham - legislators should aim to propose legislation that would create “the greatest happiness of all nations taken together". Giuseppe Mazzini- free, unified nationstate should be the basis of global cooperation. Woodrow Wilson- principle of selfdetermination and advocate for the creation of League of Nations • • • • • Refers to international intergovernmental organization or groups that are primarily made up of member-states. Creation of the United Nations on October 24,1945. 5 active Organs of UN: General Assembly (GA), Security Council (SC), Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), International Court of Justice (ICJ), Secretariat -UN Admin 5 permanent members: USA, China, Russia, France, The UK. September 2005, the Philippines (Gloria Arroyo) was part of the U.N Security council Global governance refers to the various intersecting processes that creates an international order.