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Microscopy & Microbial Diversity Presentation

Microscopy and
Microbial Diversity
Intended Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the chapter, students will be able:
• enumerate the different types of microscopes and
their uses;
• explain the three-domain classification of
• enumerate distinct characteristics of archaea,
bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae, etc.;
• differentiate the acellular agents from bacteria;
• compare some morphological features of prokaryotes
and eukaryotes
Lecture Topics
Prokaryotic Microbes
Classification Schemes
Eukaryotic Microbes
Acellular Agents
Staining Procedure
Dyes can be used to stain cells.
• organic compounds, which have affinity for
specific cellular materials
• most are positively charged, known as
basic dyes, that bind strongly to negatively
charged cell components
• examples: methylene blue, crystal violet, and
Gram Staining
A procedure that render different kinds of
cells with different colors. It is used to see
the purity of the cultures and to observe the
gram-reaction, shape, and size of cells
Gram Stain Reaction
• Gram-positive: appear purple-violet
• Gram-negative: appear pinkish red
Staining Procedure
Phase-Contrast and Dark-Field Microscopy
Saccharomyces cerevisiae visualized by different types of light microscopy
Fluorescence Microscopy
Cyanobacteria, fluorescence microscopy
Cyanobacteria, bright-field microscopy
E. coli, fluorescence photomicrograph
Differential Interference Contrast and Atomic Force Microscopy
Yeast cells, differential interference contrast
Bacterial cells, atomic force microscopy
Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy
Microbial biofilm community
Filamentous cyanobacterium
Electron Microscopy
Electron microscopes use electrons
instead of visible light (photons) to image
the cells and cell structures
Fitted with cameras called electron
Types of Electron Microscopy
Transmission Electron Microscopy
• Examine cells and structures at very high magnification and resolution
up to molecular level
• Wavelength of electrons are shorter than wavelength of light, and
wavelength affects the resolution
Scanning Electron Microscopy
• used to observe the external features or surface of an organism
without doing thin sections
• Specimen is coated with a thin film of a heavy metal such as gold
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Prokaryotic Cells
• Have a simpler internal structure in which
organelles are absent
• Can couple transcription directly to
• energy conservation reaction happens in
their cytoplasmic membrane
• have nucleoid region where small circular
DNA is placed
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Eukaryotic Cells
• House their DNA inside the nucleus;
typically, larger and complex
• DNA replication and transcription occur in the
nucleus while translation occurs in cytoplasm
• include protists (algae and protozoa),
fungi, slime molds, and lichens
• have membrane-enclosed organelles
Evolutionary Tree of Life
• Is the process of descent with modification that generates new
varieties and eventually new species of organisms
• occurs in any self-replicating system in which variation is the result of
mutation and selection is based on differential fitness.
• Phylogenetic relationship between cells can be deduced by comparing
the genetic information (nucleotide or amino acid sequence); ribosomal
RNA (rRNA) is an excellent tool
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing and phylogeny
Ernst Haeckel’s Tree of Life
Whittaker’s Five-Kingdom System of Classification
Three Domains of Life
The phylogenetic tree of life as defined by comparative rRNA gene sequencing
Evolutionary facts revealed by the phylogenetic tree of life
All prokaryotes are not phylogenetically closely
Archaea are actually more closely related to
Eukarya than to Bacteria.
Microbial Diversity
Can be seen in many ways:
• Phylogeny
• Cell size and morphology (shape)
• Physiology
• Motility
• Mechanism of cell division and pathogenecity
• Developmental biology
• Adaptation to environmental extremes
Metabolic diversity
These organisms utilize organic
compounds as their energy source.
These organisms utilize inorganic
compounds as their energy source
These organisms utilize light as
their energy source
All cells require carbon in large amounts and can be acquired from two
sources: Organic compounds and carbon dioxide
Use organic compounds as carbon source
Use carbon dioxide as carbon source
• Chemoorganotrophs are heterotrophs
• Most chemolithotrophs and phototrophs are autotrophs
Organisms inhabiting extreme environments.
Acellular Agents
Intracellular parasite that consist nucleic acid
core surrounded by protein coat (capsid);
Composed of small, single strand of RNA in
a loop form; parasitic only to plant
Misfolded form of normal proteins that are
transmittable; infectious to animals including
SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19 (Knowlton, 2020)
Domain Bacteria
Contains an enormous variety and best-known prokaryotes, such as:
Gram-Positive Bacteria
Other major phyla of Bacteria
• Make up the largest phylum of
• Many are chemoorganotrophic
bacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli)
• Several are phototrophic and
chemolithotrophic species that use
H2, S, N in their metabolism
• Includes nitrogen fixers (e.g. Azotobacter) and toxic organic compounds
metabolizers (e.g. Pseudomonas)
• Includes a number of key pathogens, including Salmonella
(gastrointestinal diseases), Rickettsia (typhus), Neisseria (gonorrhea)
• The key respiratory organelle (mitochondrion) of eukaryotes has evolutionary
roots within Proteobacteria
Gram-Positive Bacteria
• Contains many organisms that are
united by their common phylogeny
and cell wall structure
• Included endospore-forming
Bacillus w/ endospore
• Phylogenetic relatives of G-positive
• first oxygen phototrophs to evolve on earth
• cells of some cyanobacteria join to form
• morphological forms:
◦ unicellular
◦ colonial
◦ heterocystous (contain heterocysts for
nitrogen fixation)
Other Major Phyla of Bacteria
Gram-Negative Bacteria
Cells have distinct stalk that allows the
organism to attach to a solid substratum in
aquatic environment
Helically shaped cells; causative agents of
notable syphilis and Lyme disease
Spirochaeta zuelzerae
Other Major Phyla of Bacteria
Phototrophic and
Autotrophic Bacteria
Green sulfur bacteria
E.g. Chlorobium, undergo anoxygenic
photosynthesis and use sulfur as electron donor
Green non-sulfur bacteria
E.g. Chloroflexus, a filamentous phototroph that
inhabits hot springs and associate with
cyanobacteria to from microbial mats. Anoxygenic
photosynthesis; doesn’t use sulfur as e- donor
Other Major Phyla of Bacteria
• Intracellular parasites that harbor respiratory and
sexually transmitter pathogens of humans
• E.g. Rickettsia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Unusual cells walls and innately resistant to
high levels of radiation
• E.g. Deinococcus radiodurans
Deinococcus radiodurans
Other Major Phyla of Bacteria
Aquifex and Thermotoga
• Both include organisms that grow in hot
springs that are near the boiling point
• Extremophiles
Hyperthermophile Aquifex uses H2 as its energy
source and can grow in temperatures up to 95 °C.
Hyperthermophile Aquifex
Domain Archaea
• Most cultured Archaea are extremophiles, with species capable of growth at
the highest temperatures, salinities, and extremes of pH known for any
• Comprises chemotrophic and chemolithotrophic organisms
Phylum Euryarchaeota
Phylum Crenarchaeota
Phylogenetic tree of some representative Archaea
Four groups of organisms:
Extreme Halophiles
Phylogenetic tree of some representative Archaea
• Strict anaerobes and cannot tolerate even
very low levels of oxygen
• Metabolism is unique in that energy is
conserved during the production of
methane (natural gas)
• Important in anaerobic degradation of
organic matter
• E.g. Methanobacterium
Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
Extreme Halophiles
• Most require oxygen
• Unified by their requirement for very large
amounts of salt (NaCl) for metabolism and
• Inhabit salt lakes, salterns (salt evaporation
ponds), and other very salty
• e.g. Halobacterium
Halobacterium sp.
• Organisms that grow best at high
temperatures plus acidic pH
• E.g. Thermoplasma - lacks cell wall and
grows best at 60 to 70 °C and pH 2
Thermoplasma acidophilum
• E.g. Picrophilus - most acidophilic of all
known prokaryotes, which grow at 60 °C
and pH 0.7
Picrophilus torridus
• Organisms whose growth temperature
optimum lies above 80 °C
• Autotrophs (carbon source is CO2)
• These organisms show a variety of
Methanopyrus kandleri and Pyrococcus furiosus
physiological activities including:
◦ methanogenesis (Methanopyrus)
◦ sulfate reduction (Archaeoglobus)
◦ iron oxidation (Ferroglobus)
◦ sulfur reduction (Pyrococcus)
Archaeoglobus fulgidus
Ferroglobus placidus
• Either chemolithotrophs or
• Organisms grow in acidic and
hot environments such as hot
springs and hydrothermal vents
• Anaerobes (because of the
high temperature, their
habitats are typically anoxic)
• Many of them use H2 as
energy source
Domain Eukarya
• They phylogeny of Eukarya based on
rRNA sequencing shows plants and
animals to be farthest out on the
branches of the tree; such latebranching groups are said to be the
• Some early-branching are simple
Phylogenetic tree of some representative Eukarya
Domain Eukarya
The major groups are the following:
Protists (Algae and Protozoa)
Slime Molds
Protists: Algae
• Phototrophic, which contains chloroplasts and can
live in environments containing only few minerals
(e.g. K, P, Mg, N, S), water, CO2 and light
• Primary producers and inhabit both soil and
Polysiphonia, a marine red alga
• They have cell walls
• Types: Red, Green, Yellow-green, Goldenbrown, Brown Algae, Diatoms, and Euglenoids
Volvox, a colonial green alga
1. Relatively simple eukaryotic photoautotrophs that
lack the tissues (roots, stem, and leaves) of
2. Algae can be either unicellular or multicellular
3. Most algae are found in the ocean. Their locations
depend on the availability of appropriate nutrients,
wavelengths of light, and surfaces on which they
can grow.
4. Reproduction in algae occurs in both asexual and
sexual forms. Asexual reproduction occurs by
spore formation.
● Algal cells consist of a cytoplasm, cell wall, cell membrane,
nucleus, plastid, ribosomes, mitochondria, and Golgi bodies.
● Pellicle – thickened cell membrane
● Stigma – also known as an eyespot, light sensing organelle.
● Chlorophyl - a green pigment found in almost all plant algae and
cyanobacteria. They have five kinds of photosynthetic pigments
(chlorophyll a, b, c, d, and f) and have many accessory pigments
that are blue, red, brown, and gold.
The body of a multicellular
alga is called a thallus.
Holdfasts anchor the alga to a
Tiny, unicellular algae with complex cell walls
that consist of pectin and a layer of silica.
They live in both freshwater and seawater.
Over 200 genera of living diatoms are known,
the distinctive patterns of the walls are a
useful tool in diatom identification.
Dinoflagellates are unicellular algae
collectively called plankton, or free-floating
organisms. Their rigid structure is due to
cellulose embedded in the plasma
membrane. Some dinoflagellates produce
Brown algae or kelp, are macroscopic; some reach
lengths of 50 m. Most brown algae are found in coastal
waters. Brown algae have a phenomenal growth rate.
Green algae have cellulose cell walls, contain
chlorophyll a and b, and store starch, as plants do.
Prominent examples of green algae include
Spirogyra, Ulothrix, Volvox, etc.
Red Algae also called Rhodophyta, are red in color due to
the presence of a pigment called chlorophyll A,
phycocyanin, and phycoerythrin. However, they lack
chlorophyll b or beta-carotene.
Algae are sometimes grown to make algae biofuels, which make up the third generation of
biofuels. Many types of algae can be used and processed to become biofuel. Biofuel is a
fuel made from living things, or the waste of a living thing, also known as biomass. The
algae oils can be converted to biodiesel and the remaining material can be used to create
Protists: Protozoa
• Typically, motile
• Widespread in nature in aquatic habitats
or as pathogens of humans and other
Plasmodium falciparum
Giardia lamblia
• They lack cell walls
• Groups: Amebas, Flagellates,
Ciliates, Apicomplexa
1.Protozoa are unicellular, eukaryotic
2.Found in soil and water and as normal microbiota
in animals.
3.They live as predators or parasites and feed on
organic materials such as bacteria, detritus, and
other microbes.
4.Protists that have characteristics in common with
animal cells also have mitochondria, which provide
energy for the cell.
5.Protists that are like plant cells have a cell wall and
chloroplasts. Chloroplasts make photosynthesis
possible in these cells.
6.Protista reproduces by asexual means. The sexual
method of reproduction is extremely rare and
occurs only during times of stress.
Ciliated protozoans
Ciliates move about by means of large numbers
of cilia on their surfaces. Cilia exhibit an oarlike
Amoeboid protozoans
Amebae move by extending blunt, lobe-like
projections of the cytoplasm called
Flagellated protozoans
Flagellates move by means of whiplike flagella.
The basal body anchors each flagellum within the
• Lack photosynthetic pigments
• Either unicellular (yeasts) or filamentous (molds)
• Major agents of decomposition in nature and
recycle much of the organic matter
produced in soils and other ecosystems.
• They have cell walls
• groups: Yeasts, molds, mushrooms,
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)
Examples of fungi: Many species of fungus produce the familiar mushroom (a) which is a reproductive structure. This (b) coral fungus
displays brightly-colored fruiting bodies. This electron micrograph shows (c) the spore-bearing structures of Aspergillus, a type of toxic fungi
found mostly in soil and plants. (Image source: https://bit.ly/3qy8fJS)
− Nonfilamentous, unicellular fungi that are
typically spherical or oval.
− Frequently found as a white powdery coating on
fruits and leaves.
− They multiply by budding a daughter cell off from
the original parent cell called blastopores or
blastocondia. One yeast cell can in time produce
up to 24 daughter cells by budding.
− The budding yeasts reproduce asexually by
budding off a smaller daughter cell; the resulting
cells may sometimes stick together as a short
chain or pseudo hyphae.
− The thallus (body) of a mold or fleshy fungus
consists of long filaments of cells joined together;
these filaments are called hyphae (singular: hypha)
− Hyphae that have walls between the cells are called
septate hyphae; hyphae that lack walls and cell
membranes between the cells are called non
septate or coenocytic hyphae.
− Many hyphae join to form a network-like structure
called mycelium.
Mycelia are of three kinds:
1. Vegetative mycelium are those that
penetrate the surface of the medium
and absorb nutrients.
2. Aerial mycelium are those that grow
above the agar surface
3. Fertile mycelium are aerial hyphae that
bear reproductive structures such as
conidia or sporangia.
Reproduction in Fungi
A. Fragmentation - In this process, the mycelium breaks into two or more similar fragments
either accidentally or due to some external force. Each fragment grows into a new
B. Budding - The parent cell produces one or more projections called buds, which later
develop necessary structures and detach to grow into new individuals. Budding is common
in unicellular forms like yeast.
C. Fission – The parent cell splits into two equal halves, each of which develops into a new
D. Sclerotium - The hyphae become interwoven to form a compact mass and get surrounded
by a rind that varies in form and has a dark-colored covering.
E. Rhizomorphs - In some higher fungi, several hyphae may become interwoven to form ropelike structures called rhizomorphs. Under favorable conditions, they resume growth to give
rise to new mycelia.
Sexual spores are produced by the fusion of gametes and are formed in different varieties depending on
how they are formed. Most fungi are classified taxonomically according to the type of spores that they
produce of the type of structure on which the spores are produced.
A. Ascomycota (Sac Fungus)
They can be coprophilous, decomposers, parasitic or saprophytic.
The sexual spores are called ascospores. Asexual reproduction
occurs by conidiospores.
Ex. Edible mushrooms, truffles, Penicillium
B. Basidiomycota (Club Fungus)
Sexual reproduction occurs by basidiospores. Asexual
reproduction occurs by conidia, budding or fragmentation. This
phylum includes fungi that produce mushrooms.
Ex. Club fungi, puffballs, mushrooms
C. Zygomycota (Conjugated Fungus)
Saprophytic molds that have coenocytic hyphae. These are formed
by the fusion of two different cells. The sexual spores are known as
zygospores, while the asexual spores are known as
Ex. Rhizopus stolonifera (black bread mold)
Asexual spores are produced by an individual
fungus through mitosis and subsequent cell
division; there is no fusion of the nuclei of cells.
This takes place with the help of spores called
conidia or zoospores, or sporangiospores.
If the reproductive structure if formed within a sac-like structure
called sporangium, then the asexual form is referred to as
sporangiospore (commonly known as spore)
If the reproductive structure arises from a fungal component called
conidiophore, the spore will be identified as conidia. Fungal spores
or conidia are very resistant to temperature, acids, bases, and other
chemicals and are carried by wind. Many people are allergic to
fungal spores.
Slime Molds
• They are motile and lack cell walls
• During life cycle, motile cells agregate to
form a multicellular structure called a
fruiting body from which spores are
produced that yield new motile cells
• Types: Plasmodial and Cellular
slime molds
A. Acellular Slime Molds (Plasmodial)
− A plasmodial slime mold exists as a mass of protoplasm.
with many nuclei. This mass of protoplasm is called a
− They can grow up to 1 ft in diameter.
− They are found creeping as a slimy mass over leaf litter, moist
and decaying logs. It feeds on dead and decaying organic
matter and microorganisms.
− When the food is scarce and moisture is less, they reproduce
− The entire plasmodium moves as a giant ameoba; it engulfs
organic debris and bacteria (phagocytosis)
B. Cellular Slime Molds
− The feeding stage is a single-celled amoeboid, which lives as a
solitary organism.
− They have a close resemblance to amoebas.
− Individual cells feed on microorganisms and other food matter
while creeping on decaying logs or freely swimming in
− When the food is less, they form aggregate but retain their
individuality due to the presence of a thin plasma membrane
and reproduce asexually by spore formation
• Leaf-like structures often found grown on the
surface of rocks and trees
• Are an example of a microbial mutualism, a
partnership in which two organisms live
together for mutual benefit
• Consist of a fungus and a phototrophic
partner, either an alga (a eukaryote) or a
cyanobacterium (a prokaryote)
The lichen medulla is composed of fungal hyphae surrounding the algal
The protective cortex is a layer of fungal hyphae that covers the surface
and sometimes the bottom of the lichen. Photosynthesis occurs in the
algal zone.
Lichens use hyphal bundles called rhizines to attach to the substrate.
The lower cortex also provides protection.
Crustose lichens
Foliose lichens
Fruticose lichens
1. They may lack a digestive system.
2. Their nervous system is reduced.
3. Their means of locomotion is occasionally reduced or
completely lacking.
4. The reproductive system is often complex.
A. Nematodes (Roundworms)
Members of the phylum Nematoda, the roundworms, are cylindrical
and tapered at each end. Roundworms have a complete digestive
system, consisting of a mouth, an intestine, and an anus. They can
lead to infection in the intestines or elsewhere in the body.
B. Platyhelminths (Flatworms)
Members of the phylum Platyhelminthes, the flatworms, are
dorsoventrally flattened. The flukes and tapeworms are medically
important parasites.
Madigan, MT., Martinko, JM.,
Stahl, DA., and Clark, DP. 2012.
Brock Biology of Microorganisms
13th Edition. Benjamin Cummings